Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story (2024)

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Hot Books New Books Loved the first 300 pages。 Then it gets a bit dry。 Last chapter is very valuable。 What a character and drive。 One of the best biographies I read。 So impressive。 Such a great personality。 Really。 Never expected something amazing like this。 Absolutely legendary guy。 Worlds best body builder -> Worlds biggest movie star -> Governor of California!Worth reading for anyone who needs some inspiration。 Here's a guy that realized all his boyhood dreams。 Enjoyed it alot! 3。5 Here's a guy that realized all his boyhood dreams。 Enjoyed it alot! 3。5 。。。more Should have skipped the last quarter of it There is a Goodreads librarian, Ardeshir, who/whom has written a phenomenal review。 She's perfectly summed up what I appreciated about this book and some of my reservations。I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much。 It was recommended by a critic and now I see how。 This is a man who always has a vision, goals and understands that hard work, tenacity in the face of adversity, confidence in yourself and a joy for living and doing is essential to achieve things in life。 He is the living embodim There is a Goodreads librarian, Ardeshir, who/whom has written a phenomenal review。 She's perfectly summed up what I appreciated about this book and some of my reservations。I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much。 It was recommended by a critic and now I see how。 This is a man who always has a vision, goals and understands that hard work, tenacity in the face of adversity, confidence in yourself and a joy for living and doing is essential to achieve things in life。 He is the living embodiment of Nike's slogan - Just Do It。 Don't overthink it, take chances, make mistakes, it's the only way to truly realize your dreams。He perfectly articulates the importance of being active agents in our own lives, not letting excuses get in your way。 Does he brag too much - you betcha, does it get to be too much, absolutely, but he has simple gems about his philosophy of living that are just that - gems。I listened to the audiobook and he closes out the last chapter by reading his own overview of some philosophical concepts of living he thinks are most important。 After hearing him read the words, I wish he had selected to narrate the entire book。 His voice can be perceived as stilted by some but in reading his own book, his sincerity comes through abundantly and contributes to the impactfulness of this book。I think he could be an amazing galvanizer of change in our public school system。 。。。more Fantastic book, this is one of my favourite biographies !Arnold Schwarzenegger's life is incredible and makes for a memorable book。 From his childhood to bodybuilding to acting to his businesses to eventually his polital life, this book has everything。I was particularly impressed with the first part of the book, up until the end of the filming of Conan。 I was less into the governator chapters but still, it was interesting。Arnold seems like a great guy, even though he cheated TWICE on his wife an Fantastic book, this is one of my favourite biographies !Arnold Schwarzenegger's life is incredible and makes for a memorable book。 From his childhood to bodybuilding to acting to his businesses to eventually his polital life, this book has everything。I was particularly impressed with the first part of the book, up until the end of the filming of Conan。 I was less into the governator chapters but still, it was interesting。Arnold seems like a great guy, even though he cheated TWICE on his wife and even had a secret kid with the housemaid。 I did not expect that in the later part of the book。 Obviously it sucks that he did that, but overall I loved this book and still admire him。 。。。more I had the chance in past to see some documentaries online, (that have been of great inspiration for me everyday) that obviously mentioned some of the things that are written here, but they aren't detailed like this book。Probably the best biography that I ever read。 His mindset, his determination, effort that he put in each moment of his life is phenomenal, remarkable。In this book he shows that he wasn't only muscles and action movies mostly, but that with his great will and determination achieve I had the chance in past to see some documentaries online, (that have been of great inspiration for me everyday) that obviously mentioned some of the things that are written here, but they aren't detailed like this book。Probably the best biography that I ever read。 His mindset, his determination, effort that he put in each moment of his life is phenomenal, remarkable。In this book he shows that he wasn't only muscles and action movies mostly, but that with his great will and determination achieved results in many field。 This guy departed from a small village reach great success in front different obstacles, very self driven and with a business mind that has been useful in different situations。Great book, I really suggest this one。 。。。more I really, really LOVED this book。 Note that I listened to the audiobook rather than read the book。 As full disclosure, it should be stated that I am predisposed to liking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s stories。 When I'm in the gym, I listen to motivational speeches including those of David Goggins, Steve Harvey and Arnold。 I especially LOVE when Arnold talks about having a vision, big dreams, setting goals, his rules for success and working your butt off toward something。 And so, I just knew that I HAD I really, really LOVED this book。 Note that I listened to the audiobook rather than read the book。 As full disclosure, it should be stated that I am predisposed to liking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s stories。 When I'm in the gym, I listen to motivational speeches including those of David Goggins, Steve Harvey and Arnold。 I especially LOVE when Arnold talks about having a vision, big dreams, setting goals, his rules for success and working your butt off toward something。 And so, I just knew that I HAD to get his autobiography。 I was listening to the audiobook and the first thing you’ll notice is that it is HUGE! 1400 minutes long!! Seriously!! Especially when a “regular” audiobook is around 600-800 minutes。 I think that should set the tone for how BIG Arnold likes to think。 It’s well written and does well to describe Arnold’s life, struggles and successes。 Although, I found some sections a bit too descriptive and they might bore you if you’re not into it。 Like for example, I found the politics part of the book a bit boring, since I’m not from America and don’t care much about being a governor, debating with the legislature or running ballots。 For those interested, this book is essentially divided into 5 sections:-tChildhood -tDeveloping a body for Competing-tGetting Americanized-tMovie life-tGovernorshipInterspersed through these subjects, you’ll also find a couple of other themes playing out。 Learning the ropes in America, Real estate, building connections, Falling in love with Maria。Here’s what I absolutely loved about the audiobook:-1。tThe first and last chapters are actually read by Arnold himself – that was really refreshing because his tonality and masculinity come through in his way of talking。 And it’s way more interesting than Stephen Lang’s voice。 All these make for an interesting listen2。tArnold is really, really clumsy and funny! I mean like seriously – when in army school he drove his tank through a wall because he forgot to remove out the handbrake。 Or the time that he went drag racing in his tank and some other members from his unit were hanging on for dear life! Or when he first met Younis Kennedy (his future MIL), he remarked to her that her daughter has a great ass! He even mentioned that pumping up the muscles was better than sex! This guy was absolutely outrageous and I loved it!! It really appealed to me – it’s very similar to the craziness that Steve Jobs had in him。3。tUtmost, Utmost, Utmost, Utmost belief in himself (Yes, there’s a reason that I typed in that word 4 times)。 There is this part in the audiobook which happens around 130 minutes, where Arnold talks about his first Mr。 Universe and how he only signed up for the competition so that he could see where he stood amongst the rest。 He assumed he’d end up in 6th or 7th place, but instead placed 2nd, behind Chet Yorton。 The surprising part was what Arnold thought about it afterwards。 Rather than be happy that he placed higher than he’d thought he would, be felt he undersold himself by only believing he would land up 6th。 As he says, “What if I had gone to that competition with the intention of winning? What if I told myself that I was going to win? If you tuned into my thoughts before any competition, you’d probably hear, ‘Just move out of the f*cking way and give me that trophy already’”。 Another story regarding his belief system was when he wanted to get into movies and he went to different agents and they all told him that his body was too monstrous or that nobody would understand his accent or that his name was unpronounceable。 They said they’d help him to set up a local gym instead。 But Arnold would have none of that。 He believed that he could make it as an actor。 So, he went to night school, acting school, speech school, accent school, started a construction business while training 5hrs a day! The key point is that he believed that he could make it。 He didn’t think of giving up on his dreams because the experts (the agents) told him it was impossible。 HE BELIEVED in himself。 Or like the time he was offered $200,000 to manage a gym, the audiobook mentions that he turned it down because that would take him away from his goal of getting into movies and he would just become a manager, even though the money was unbelievable ($200,000 in the 1970’s would have been phenomenal)。 Another key story was when he was working as a trainer in a gym in Munich and most of the enrollments were police officers, construction workers or travelling wrestlers。 The wrestlers saw his size and offered to help him train as a wrestler。 But Arnold didn’t want that life – even though he had a body for it, and bodybuilding was an obscure sport with no money involved, he BELIEVED that he could make it to America and that being a wrestler would have just made him ‘common’。 A wrestler would have been right up his alley, but not up his dreams。4。tRisk – As I listened to the book, I started comparing myself to Arnold and realized that I don’t even come close to the amount of risk that he took。 Like the story above, where he didn’t want to become a wrestler。 He chose the riskier path of “trying” his hand at bodybuilding。 I was amazed with the story of how once in America, he purchased an apartment complex worth $200,000, when most other immigrants were happy simply renting out an apartment。 He had $27,000 of his own which he managed to save, and borrowed $10,000 from Joe Weider。 His friend Arty was shocked when he heard that Arnold purchased a complex rather than just settle on a single apartment! “But Arnold, you have to go collect the rent from each of the tenants, and what if there is some accident and you get sued, you know how things are here in America。 What about plumbing and heat and if there are some issues with the complex, then you will have to keep running about trying to fix it。 Why do you want to take those chances, I NEVER WANT that- it’s way too much of a hassle。” When I heard this story, I remember thinking I would have done was Arty suggested because that was the sane thing and made more logical sense。 I wouldn’t even bother asking someone else to loan me $10000 – what if the apartment deal didn’t work out and I ended up owing the $10,000 – how long would that have taken me to pay back? But Arnold went in naïve and took the plunge。 As you go through the book, there are a multitude of stories that show the amount of risk Arnold took。5。tLuck – Now as much as I would like to believe that Arnold got everything he wanted in life due to his sheer hard work, perseverance, persistence and determination; the truth is that as you read his autobiography or listen to the audiobook, you'll realize that he had much luck to go along with it。 Now, I’d like to believe that the luck was an outcome of him having worked hard, though others might think otherwise。 But there was MANY INSTANCES where luck played a huge role in Arnold’s future。For instance, if you look at how Arnold came to America in the first place, was because after having won Mr。 Universe for the 2nd time, he came back to his hotel and discovered that Joe Weider (the biggest promoter of bodybuilding magazines and supplements) had randomly sent him a telegram inviting him to come to America for a competition。 Or what about the incident when post losing that competition (he came in 2nd to Frank Zayne, although Arnold lambasted himself later on saying that Joe Weider put so much faith in me and my abilities and I let him down), when he was wondering how he’d get airfare to go back home because he only came to America with one small gym bag, Joe Weider told him, “I want you to stay back in America for a year and you'll be much better for the competition next year。 I’ll pay you a stipend and cover your staying expenses。” Aren’t these two examples a sign of pure luck?The incident of how Arnold first got into movies also struck me as being lucky! He randomly managed to meet photographer / writers George Butler and Charles Gaines while in the city。 They collaborated with Arnold on films such as Stay Hungry / Pumping Iron and introduced him to other directors too。 The audiobook also talks about how he didn’t want to do small time roles in movies, even though he wasn’t a big name。 Most others of his level didn’t mind doing small parts in movies - whereas Arnold waited for a bigger role to come along。 And then surprise, surprise, one director came along searching for someone exactly of his build – that’s how Arnold got his breakthrough role of Conan the Barbarian。 Arnold didn’t go apply or search for the script, the script came to him。 I think that’s a classic example of dumb luck working in his favour。6。tPersonality – This one is HUGE。 It never struck me until one day while listening, I started to keep track of the number of times Arnold’s personality is mentioned。 When Arnold decided to give up professional competition so that he would focus on working as an actor, George Butler finally managed to get funding for Pumping Iron and wanted to cast him。 But Arnold flatly refused saying that he was done being a bodybuilder and had shifted his vision toward acting and being less muscular and leaner, to which Butler replied, “if you don’t act, the movie won’t go ahead。 You are the only one who has the personality for the role。”Or the incident where small time bodybuilders would get small parts in TV as bouncers or muscle men, Arnold would refuse since he didn’t want to do these small roles and those hiring would say, “But you have the biggest body and the personality compared to everyone。。。”Once when competing against Sergio Olivia, after defeating him, Arnold played mind games by remarking that He’d lost because he looked too thin。 As a result, Sergio piled on 10lbs for the next competition… and as Arnold said, “No one can pile on 10lbs of pure muscle in 2 weeks。 That’s why I won the next competition as well。”There are numerous other incidents where his personality, fun loving nature came to the forefront。7。tHave some sort of an idea of what he wanted to do – I’ve always wondered why it was that Arnold was so successful in bodybuilding。 There were others who trained as hard as him, and by the 4th competition onwards, they should have already understood his training regime, tactics, posing forms, methods and so on。 So why was it that Arnold still had the edge? I honestly believe it was that he had some sort of a clue who he wanted to become or where he wanted to go。 This is something he normally always talks about in his YouTube videos too。 He saw a magazine in Gratz and knew he wanted to become like Reg Park。 He saw a Hercules movie and knew he wanted to become an actor, he saw that poster of Ronald Regan and knew he wanted to become Republican。Well, there you have it, an extra long review of the entire book。 Hope you liked it! If you’re still on the fence on whether to get this one or not, please do – it’s a real motivator booster to show how one person can achieve so much。I’ll end with this – Arnold, you’re a real inspiration to me。 Thank you for sharing your story。 。。。more Good。 Enjoyable book but it felt it centred more on his rise to actor and his political career and would love to have heard more stories of his time on films he has made I enjoyed it, it is an inspiring story with lots of unexpected turns, and told with a sense of humor。 I am a fan of Arnie, what can I say :) I have given this book a 4 rating, here's the detailed review- https://sushmithamurthy。blogspot。com/。。。 I have given this book a 4 rating, here's the detailed review- https://sushmithamurthy。blogspot。com/。。。 。。。more This is probably the best biography I have read。 I went into this book expecting a good summary of an interesting life from an interesting man - Arnold。 What I ended up with was a story about the power of setting goals and working to achieve them。 A story about how an immigrant came to America in pursuit of these goals which most people agreed were impossible。 How he earned a business degree, became independently wealthy BEFORE achieving any sort of fame, climbed the heights of his sport, then b This is probably the best biography I have read。 I went into this book expecting a good summary of an interesting life from an interesting man - Arnold。 What I ended up with was a story about the power of setting goals and working to achieve them。 A story about how an immigrant came to America in pursuit of these goals which most people agreed were impossible。 How he earned a business degree, became independently wealthy BEFORE achieving any sort of fame, climbed the heights of his sport, then became a global mega star。 After all that, he decided he wanted to get into politics and so he became the leader of the fifth biggest economy on the planet。Total Recall gives tremendous lessons on leadership, determination, and chasing your dreams。 It was thoroughly entertaining and I recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy themselves while also learning a thing or two。 。。。more Excellent autobiography。 Only two chapters were read by Arnold; the rest were read by actor Stephen Lang。 I would have preferred for Arnie himself to do all the reading, but at a whopping 20+ hours I can imagine why he didn't。 Still, this was a great listen and I enjoyed hearing more about how his business mind worked。 What an amazing career he has had。 Excellent autobiography。 Only two chapters were read by Arnold; the rest were read by actor Stephen Lang。 I would have preferred for Arnie himself to do all the reading, but at a whopping 20+ hours I can imagine why he didn't。 Still, this was a great listen and I enjoyed hearing more about how his business mind worked。 What an amazing career he has had。 。。。more A bit too politically correct, yet still very genuine。 4。5 stars Mi actor favorito Расчетливо хвастливое жизнеописание, которым Арнольд одновременно старается не растерять социально-политические очки и вернуть жену。 Со своей основной задачей книга, как мы знаем, не справилась, как автобиография она тоже провальная: Шварни бахвалится через строчку и треть книги посвящая губернаторству, но почти игнорирует главное, что сделало его звездой – кино。 Беглых рассказов о «Геркулесе в Нью-Йорке», «Оставайся голодным», спешле Люси Болл, «Конане-варваре» и «Терминаторе», конечно, не дост Расчетливо хвастливое жизнеописание, которым Арнольд одновременно старается не растерять социально-политические очки и вернуть жену。 Со своей основной задачей книга, как мы знаем, не справилась, как автобиография она тоже провальная: Шварни бахвалится через строчку и треть книги посвящая губернаторству, но почти игнорирует главное, что сделало его звездой – кино。 Беглых рассказов о «Геркулесе в Нью-Йорке», «Оставайся голодным», спешле Люси Болл, «Конане-варваре» и «Терминаторе», конечно, не достаточно, но с остальными работами еще хуже: он либо детально пересказывает сюжет, либо игнорирует их вовсе。 。。。more Arnold is an inspiration。 Beast of a book, but I thoroughly enjoyed his honest take on his life。 Great book A very uneven autobiography。 The beginning is filled with bodybuilding stories (of course), and then Arnold practically flies through his movie career before ending with a huge chunk on politics that practically put me to sleep。 I mean, with almost 700 pages to work with he couldn't have put more fun behind-the-scenes stories from some of his movies in here? I will say, though, that he does spend quite a bit of time talking about Conan the Barbarian。 That's one of my favorite fantasy movies, so A very uneven autobiography。 The beginning is filled with bodybuilding stories (of course), and then Arnold practically flies through his movie career before ending with a huge chunk on politics that practically put me to sleep。 I mean, with almost 700 pages to work with he couldn't have put more fun behind-the-scenes stories from some of his movies in here? I will say, though, that he does spend quite a bit of time talking about Conan the Barbarian。 That's one of my favorite fantasy movies, so I did enjoy that quite a bit。 。。。more This books stands for me the best biography i have ever read。 The reason is simple, it shows how a biography is written; its all how i have done this, done that。His ambitions was huge, he was arrogant in his style, he was hungry for success and defeat was his learning machine。To be able to perform in bodybuilding, acting and politics shows the hardwork behind。 He may be seen as an athlete mindset, but he was way beyond that, he learned from mentors all along his careers。 He was humble to learn b This books stands for me the best biography i have ever read。 The reason is simple, it shows how a biography is written; its all how i have done this, done that。His ambitions was huge, he was arrogant in his style, he was hungry for success and defeat was his learning machine。To be able to perform in bodybuilding, acting and politics shows the hardwork behind。 He may be seen as an athlete mindset, but he was way beyond that, he learned from mentors all along his careers。 He was humble to learn but arrogant in doing his work。 Doing 1000 calves per day just to get bigger calves。 I stop here。 It is my best biography so far。 。。。more Well written and absolutely outstanding story of hard work and determination。 From bodybuilding to movies, to politics Arnold lived。 Arnold is a beast。。。 that's all。 Fun fact about him is that when he was 18 years old, he was in the Austrian army and kept crashing tanks during his training。 Arnold is a beast。。。 that's all。 Fun fact about him is that when he was 18 years old, he was in the Austrian army and kept crashing tanks during his training。 。。。more Interesting man and interesting biography, at times the book is overly detailed (600+ pages) but I still enjoy reading and learning。 Amazing to get an inside look at a very driven life and all the varied accomplishments。 3。75 "It's easier to stand out when you aim straight for the top。" I'll be back reviewing this book when I need motivation。 "It's easier to stand out when you aim straight for the top。" I'll be back reviewing this book when I need motivation。 。。。more That’s was amazing ! I didn’t know that Arnold was such a winner, and intelligent ! He’s a mentor for many people including me。 Very well written。 This book was incredibly inspirational and makes you feel like you need to up your life efforts。 The accomplishments of Arnold over his lifetime have been amazing and he's just achieved so much。 To chat and have a stogey with this man would be a bucket list item for sure This book was incredibly inspirational and makes you feel like you need to up your life efforts。 The accomplishments of Arnold over his lifetime have been amazing and he's just achieved so much。 To chat and have a stogey with this man would be a bucket list item for sure 。。。more Świetna książka, pokazująca drogę Arnolda od małego chłopca i jego trudnego dzieciństwa, aż po szczyt jego kariery。 Arnold dzieli się wiedzą jak wyznaczać sobie cele oraz jak je osiągać。 Najważniejsza dla niego jest dyscyplina, niepoddawanie się, czyli brak planu B oraz wiara w to, że w końcu postawi na swoim。Świetne rozłożone na części pierwsze:-jak doszedł do Mr。 Universe, -jak stworzył siebie w Hollywood-jak kreował swój obraz, aby nigdy nie szukać pracy,Książka pokazuje trudną i wyboistą dro Świetna książka, pokazująca drogę Arnolda od małego chłopca i jego trudnego dzieciństwa, aż po szczyt jego kariery。 Arnold dzieli się wiedzą jak wyznaczać sobie cele oraz jak je osiągać。 Najważniejsza dla niego jest dyscyplina, niepoddawanie się, czyli brak planu B oraz wiara w to, że w końcu postawi na swoim。Świetne rozłożone na części pierwsze:-jak doszedł do Mr。 Universe, -jak stworzył siebie w Hollywood-jak kreował swój obraz, aby nigdy nie szukać pracy,Książka pokazuje trudną i wyboistą drogę Arnolda, gdzie w tle przewija się często wątek przyjaźni i wsparcia od ludzi wokół niego。 Dodatkowo zaznacza mocno determinację i chęć bycia najlepszym, które kierowały go do pracy nad samym sobą oraz motywowały do poświęcenia na to jeszcze większej ilości czasu。Ta książka plus dwa wywiady u Tima Ferrisa to kopalnia wiedzy i przykładu jak żyć na swoich warunkach。 。。。more References

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Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story (1)

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  • Type:Epub+TxT+PDF+Mobi
  • Create Date:2021-07-22 09:54:38
  • Update Date:2024-06-30
  • Status:finish
  • Author:Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • ISBN:1451662440
  • Environment:PC/Android/iPhone/iPad/Kindle
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In his signature larger-than-life style, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Recall is a revealing self-portrait of his illustrious, controversial, and truly unique life。

The greatest immigrant success story of our time。

His story is unique, and uniquely entertaining, and he tells it brilliantly in these pages。

He was born in a year of famine, in a small Austrian town, the son of an austere police chief。 He dreamed of moving to America to become a bodybuilding champion and a movie star。

By the age of twenty-one, he was living in Los Angeles and had been crowned Mr。 Universe。

Within five years, he had learned English and become the greatest bodybuilder in the world。

Within ten years, he had earned his college degree and was a millionaire from his business enterprises in real estate, landscaping, and bodybuilding。 He was also the winner of a Golden Globe Award for his debut as a dramatic actor in Stay Hungry

Within twenty years, he was the world’s biggest movie star, the husband of Maria Shriver, and an emerging Republican leader who was part of the Kennedy family。

Thirty-six years after coming to America, the man once known by fellow body­builders as the Austrian Oak was elected governor of California, the seventh largest economy in the world。

He led the state through a budget crisis, natural disasters, and political turmoil, working across party lines for a better environment, election reforms, and bipartisan solutions。

With Maria Shriver, he raised four fantastic children。 In the wake of a scandal he brought upon himself, he tried to keep his family together。

Until now, he has never told the full story of his life, in his own voice。

Here is Arnold, with total recall。

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Loved the first 300 pages。 Then it gets a bit dry。 Last chapter is very valuable。 What a character and drive。

Arthur Krause

One of the best biographies I read。 So impressive。 Such a great personality。 Really。 Never expected something amazing like this。

Alex Ventisei

Absolutely legendary guy。 Worlds best body builder -> Worlds biggest movie star -> Governor of California!Worth reading for anyone who needs some inspiration。

Timothy Wright

Here's a guy that realized all his boyhood dreams。 Enjoyed it alot! 3。5 Here's a guy that realized all his boyhood dreams。 Enjoyed it alot! 3。5 。。。more

Hunan Rostomyan

Should have skipped the last quarter of it


There is a Goodreads librarian, Ardeshir, who/whom has written a phenomenal review。 She's perfectly summed up what I appreciated about this book and some of my reservations。I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much。 It was recommended by a critic and now I see how。 This is a man who always has a vision, goals and understands that hard work, tenacity in the face of adversity, confidence in yourself and a joy for living and doing is essential to achieve things in life。 He is the living embodim There is a Goodreads librarian, Ardeshir, who/whom has written a phenomenal review。 She's perfectly summed up what I appreciated about this book and some of my reservations。I wasn't expecting to enjoy this book so much。 It was recommended by a critic and now I see how。 This is a man who always has a vision, goals and understands that hard work, tenacity in the face of adversity, confidence in yourself and a joy for living and doing is essential to achieve things in life。 He is the living embodiment of Nike's slogan - Just Do It。 Don't overthink it, take chances, make mistakes, it's the only way to truly realize your dreams。He perfectly articulates the importance of being active agents in our own lives, not letting excuses get in your way。 Does he brag too much - you betcha, does it get to be too much, absolutely, but he has simple gems about his philosophy of living that are just that - gems。I listened to the audiobook and he closes out the last chapter by reading his own overview of some philosophical concepts of living he thinks are most important。 After hearing him read the words, I wish he had selected to narrate the entire book。 His voice can be perceived as stilted by some but in reading his own book, his sincerity comes through abundantly and contributes to the impactfulness of this book。I think he could be an amazing galvanizer of change in our public school system。 。。。more


Fantastic book, this is one of my favourite biographies !Arnold Schwarzenegger's life is incredible and makes for a memorable book。 From his childhood to bodybuilding to acting to his businesses to eventually his polital life, this book has everything。I was particularly impressed with the first part of the book, up until the end of the filming of Conan。 I was less into the governator chapters but still, it was interesting。Arnold seems like a great guy, even though he cheated TWICE on his wife an Fantastic book, this is one of my favourite biographies !Arnold Schwarzenegger's life is incredible and makes for a memorable book。 From his childhood to bodybuilding to acting to his businesses to eventually his polital life, this book has everything。I was particularly impressed with the first part of the book, up until the end of the filming of Conan。 I was less into the governator chapters but still, it was interesting。Arnold seems like a great guy, even though he cheated TWICE on his wife and even had a secret kid with the housemaid。 I did not expect that in the later part of the book。 Obviously it sucks that he did that, but overall I loved this book and still admire him。 。。。more

Fabio Mongillo

I had the chance in past to see some documentaries online, (that have been of great inspiration for me everyday) that obviously mentioned some of the things that are written here, but they aren't detailed like this book。Probably the best biography that I ever read。 His mindset, his determination, effort that he put in each moment of his life is phenomenal, remarkable。In this book he shows that he wasn't only muscles and action movies mostly, but that with his great will and determination achieve I had the chance in past to see some documentaries online, (that have been of great inspiration for me everyday) that obviously mentioned some of the things that are written here, but they aren't detailed like this book。Probably the best biography that I ever read。 His mindset, his determination, effort that he put in each moment of his life is phenomenal, remarkable。In this book he shows that he wasn't only muscles and action movies mostly, but that with his great will and determination achieved results in many field。 This guy departed from a small village reach great success in front different obstacles, very self driven and with a business mind that has been useful in different situations。Great book, I really suggest this one。 。。。more

Alvito Cabral

I really, really LOVED this book。 Note that I listened to the audiobook rather than read the book。 As full disclosure, it should be stated that I am predisposed to liking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s stories。 When I'm in the gym, I listen to motivational speeches including those of David Goggins, Steve Harvey and Arnold。 I especially LOVE when Arnold talks about having a vision, big dreams, setting goals, his rules for success and working your butt off toward something。 And so, I just knew that I HAD I really, really LOVED this book。 Note that I listened to the audiobook rather than read the book。 As full disclosure, it should be stated that I am predisposed to liking Arnold Schwarzenegger’s stories。 When I'm in the gym, I listen to motivational speeches including those of David Goggins, Steve Harvey and Arnold。 I especially LOVE when Arnold talks about having a vision, big dreams, setting goals, his rules for success and working your butt off toward something。 And so, I just knew that I HAD to get his autobiography。 I was listening to the audiobook and the first thing you’ll notice is that it is HUGE! 1400 minutes long!! Seriously!! Especially when a “regular” audiobook is around 600-800 minutes。 I think that should set the tone for how BIG Arnold likes to think。 It’s well written and does well to describe Arnold’s life, struggles and successes。 Although, I found some sections a bit too descriptive and they might bore you if you’re not into it。 Like for example, I found the politics part of the book a bit boring, since I’m not from America and don’t care much about being a governor, debating with the legislature or running ballots。 For those interested, this book is essentially divided into 5 sections:-tChildhood -tDeveloping a body for Competing-tGetting Americanized-tMovie life-tGovernorshipInterspersed through these subjects, you’ll also find a couple of other themes playing out。 Learning the ropes in America, Real estate, building connections, Falling in love with Maria。Here’s what I absolutely loved about the audiobook:-1。tThe first and last chapters are actually read by Arnold himself – that was really refreshing because his tonality and masculinity come through in his way of talking。 And it’s way more interesting than Stephen Lang’s voice。 All these make for an interesting listen2。tArnold is really, really clumsy and funny! I mean like seriously – when in army school he drove his tank through a wall because he forgot to remove out the handbrake。 Or the time that he went drag racing in his tank and some other members from his unit were hanging on for dear life! Or when he first met Younis Kennedy (his future MIL), he remarked to her that her daughter has a great ass! He even mentioned that pumping up the muscles was better than sex! This guy was absolutely outrageous and I loved it!! It really appealed to me – it’s very similar to the craziness that Steve Jobs had in him。3。tUtmost, Utmost, Utmost, Utmost belief in himself (Yes, there’s a reason that I typed in that word 4 times)。 There is this part in the audiobook which happens around 130 minutes, where Arnold talks about his first Mr。 Universe and how he only signed up for the competition so that he could see where he stood amongst the rest。 He assumed he’d end up in 6th or 7th place, but instead placed 2nd, behind Chet Yorton。 The surprising part was what Arnold thought about it afterwards。 Rather than be happy that he placed higher than he’d thought he would, be felt he undersold himself by only believing he would land up 6th。 As he says, “What if I had gone to that competition with the intention of winning? What if I told myself that I was going to win? If you tuned into my thoughts before any competition, you’d probably hear, ‘Just move out of the f*cking way and give me that trophy already’”。 Another story regarding his belief system was when he wanted to get into movies and he went to different agents and they all told him that his body was too monstrous or that nobody would understand his accent or that his name was unpronounceable。 They said they’d help him to set up a local gym instead。 But Arnold would have none of that。 He believed that he could make it as an actor。 So, he went to night school, acting school, speech school, accent school, started a construction business while training 5hrs a day! The key point is that he believed that he could make it。 He didn’t think of giving up on his dreams because the experts (the agents) told him it was impossible。 HE BELIEVED in himself。 Or like the time he was offered $200,000 to manage a gym, the audiobook mentions that he turned it down because that would take him away from his goal of getting into movies and he would just become a manager, even though the money was unbelievable ($200,000 in the 1970’s would have been phenomenal)。 Another key story was when he was working as a trainer in a gym in Munich and most of the enrollments were police officers, construction workers or travelling wrestlers。 The wrestlers saw his size and offered to help him train as a wrestler。 But Arnold didn’t want that life – even though he had a body for it, and bodybuilding was an obscure sport with no money involved, he BELIEVED that he could make it to America and that being a wrestler would have just made him ‘common’。 A wrestler would have been right up his alley, but not up his dreams。4。tRisk – As I listened to the book, I started comparing myself to Arnold and realized that I don’t even come close to the amount of risk that he took。 Like the story above, where he didn’t want to become a wrestler。 He chose the riskier path of “trying” his hand at bodybuilding。 I was amazed with the story of how once in America, he purchased an apartment complex worth $200,000, when most other immigrants were happy simply renting out an apartment。 He had $27,000 of his own which he managed to save, and borrowed $10,000 from Joe Weider。 His friend Arty was shocked when he heard that Arnold purchased a complex rather than just settle on a single apartment! “But Arnold, you have to go collect the rent from each of the tenants, and what if there is some accident and you get sued, you know how things are here in America。 What about plumbing and heat and if there are some issues with the complex, then you will have to keep running about trying to fix it。 Why do you want to take those chances, I NEVER WANT that- it’s way too much of a hassle。” When I heard this story, I remember thinking I would have done was Arty suggested because that was the sane thing and made more logical sense。 I wouldn’t even bother asking someone else to loan me $10000 – what if the apartment deal didn’t work out and I ended up owing the $10,000 – how long would that have taken me to pay back? But Arnold went in naïve and took the plunge。 As you go through the book, there are a multitude of stories that show the amount of risk Arnold took。5。tLuck – Now as much as I would like to believe that Arnold got everything he wanted in life due to his sheer hard work, perseverance, persistence and determination; the truth is that as you read his autobiography or listen to the audiobook, you'll realize that he had much luck to go along with it。 Now, I’d like to believe that the luck was an outcome of him having worked hard, though others might think otherwise。 But there was MANY INSTANCES where luck played a huge role in Arnold’s future。For instance, if you look at how Arnold came to America in the first place, was because after having won Mr。 Universe for the 2nd time, he came back to his hotel and discovered that Joe Weider (the biggest promoter of bodybuilding magazines and supplements) had randomly sent him a telegram inviting him to come to America for a competition。 Or what about the incident when post losing that competition (he came in 2nd to Frank Zayne, although Arnold lambasted himself later on saying that Joe Weider put so much faith in me and my abilities and I let him down), when he was wondering how he’d get airfare to go back home because he only came to America with one small gym bag, Joe Weider told him, “I want you to stay back in America for a year and you'll be much better for the competition next year。 I’ll pay you a stipend and cover your staying expenses。” Aren’t these two examples a sign of pure luck?The incident of how Arnold first got into movies also struck me as being lucky! He randomly managed to meet photographer / writers George Butler and Charles Gaines while in the city。 They collaborated with Arnold on films such as Stay Hungry / Pumping Iron and introduced him to other directors too。 The audiobook also talks about how he didn’t want to do small time roles in movies, even though he wasn’t a big name。 Most others of his level didn’t mind doing small parts in movies - whereas Arnold waited for a bigger role to come along。 And then surprise, surprise, one director came along searching for someone exactly of his build – that’s how Arnold got his breakthrough role of Conan the Barbarian。 Arnold didn’t go apply or search for the script, the script came to him。 I think that’s a classic example of dumb luck working in his favour。6。tPersonality – This one is HUGE。 It never struck me until one day while listening, I started to keep track of the number of times Arnold’s personality is mentioned。 When Arnold decided to give up professional competition so that he would focus on working as an actor, George Butler finally managed to get funding for Pumping Iron and wanted to cast him。 But Arnold flatly refused saying that he was done being a bodybuilder and had shifted his vision toward acting and being less muscular and leaner, to which Butler replied, “if you don’t act, the movie won’t go ahead。 You are the only one who has the personality for the role。”Or the incident where small time bodybuilders would get small parts in TV as bouncers or muscle men, Arnold would refuse since he didn’t want to do these small roles and those hiring would say, “But you have the biggest body and the personality compared to everyone。。。”Once when competing against Sergio Olivia, after defeating him, Arnold played mind games by remarking that He’d lost because he looked too thin。 As a result, Sergio piled on 10lbs for the next competition… and as Arnold said, “No one can pile on 10lbs of pure muscle in 2 weeks。 That’s why I won the next competition as well。”There are numerous other incidents where his personality, fun loving nature came to the forefront。7。tHave some sort of an idea of what he wanted to do – I’ve always wondered why it was that Arnold was so successful in bodybuilding。 There were others who trained as hard as him, and by the 4th competition onwards, they should have already understood his training regime, tactics, posing forms, methods and so on。 So why was it that Arnold still had the edge? I honestly believe it was that he had some sort of a clue who he wanted to become or where he wanted to go。 This is something he normally always talks about in his YouTube videos too。 He saw a magazine in Gratz and knew he wanted to become like Reg Park。 He saw a Hercules movie and knew he wanted to become an actor, he saw that poster of Ronald Regan and knew he wanted to become Republican。Well, there you have it, an extra long review of the entire book。 Hope you liked it! If you’re still on the fence on whether to get this one or not, please do – it’s a real motivator booster to show how one person can achieve so much。I’ll end with this – Arnold, you’re a real inspiration to me。 Thank you for sharing your story。 。。。more



Bill Boswell

Enjoyable book but it felt it centred more on his rise to actor and his political career and would love to have heard more stories of his time on films he has made


I enjoyed it, it is an inspiring story with lots of unexpected turns, and told with a sense of humor。 I am a fan of Arnie, what can I say :)

Susmitha SV

I have given this book a 4 rating, here's the detailed review- https://sushmithamurthy。blogspot。com/。。。 I have given this book a 4 rating, here's the detailed review- https://sushmithamurthy。blogspot。com/。。。 。。。more

Terry Hussey

This is probably the best biography I have read。 I went into this book expecting a good summary of an interesting life from an interesting man - Arnold。 What I ended up with was a story about the power of setting goals and working to achieve them。 A story about how an immigrant came to America in pursuit of these goals which most people agreed were impossible。 How he earned a business degree, became independently wealthy BEFORE achieving any sort of fame, climbed the heights of his sport, then b This is probably the best biography I have read。 I went into this book expecting a good summary of an interesting life from an interesting man - Arnold。 What I ended up with was a story about the power of setting goals and working to achieve them。 A story about how an immigrant came to America in pursuit of these goals which most people agreed were impossible。 How he earned a business degree, became independently wealthy BEFORE achieving any sort of fame, climbed the heights of his sport, then became a global mega star。 After all that, he decided he wanted to get into politics and so he became the leader of the fifth biggest economy on the planet。Total Recall gives tremendous lessons on leadership, determination, and chasing your dreams。 It was thoroughly entertaining and I recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy themselves while also learning a thing or two。 。。。more


Excellent autobiography。 Only two chapters were read by Arnold; the rest were read by actor Stephen Lang。 I would have preferred for Arnie himself to do all the reading, but at a whopping 20+ hours I can imagine why he didn't。 Still, this was a great listen and I enjoyed hearing more about how his business mind worked。 What an amazing career he has had。 Excellent autobiography。 Only two chapters were read by Arnold; the rest were read by actor Stephen Lang。 I would have preferred for Arnie himself to do all the reading, but at a whopping 20+ hours I can imagine why he didn't。 Still, this was a great listen and I enjoyed hearing more about how his business mind worked。 What an amazing career he has had。 。。。more

Constantin Ursu

A bit too politically correct, yet still very genuine。 4。5 stars


Mi actor favorito


Расчетливо хвастливое жизнеописание, которым Арнольд одновременно старается не растерять социально-политические очки и вернуть жену。 Со своей основной задачей книга, как мы знаем, не справилась, как автобиография она тоже провальная: Шварни бахвалится через строчку и треть книги посвящая губернаторству, но почти игнорирует главное, что сделало его звездой – кино。 Беглых рассказов о «Геркулесе в Нью-Йорке», «Оставайся голодным», спешле Люси Болл, «Конане-варваре» и «Терминаторе», конечно, не дост Расчетливо хвастливое жизнеописание, которым Арнольд одновременно старается не растерять социально-политические очки и вернуть жену。 Со своей основной задачей книга, как мы знаем, не справилась, как автобиография она тоже провальная: Шварни бахвалится через строчку и треть книги посвящая губернаторству, но почти игнорирует главное, что сделало его звездой – кино。 Беглых рассказов о «Геркулесе в Нью-Йорке», «Оставайся голодным», спешле Люси Болл, «Конане-варваре» и «Терминаторе», конечно, не достаточно, но с остальными работами еще хуже: он либо детально пересказывает сюжет, либо игнорирует их вовсе。 。。。more

Todd Killick

Arnold is an inspiration。

John Jennings

Beast of a book, but I thoroughly enjoyed his honest take on his life。

Temi Díaz

Great book


A very uneven autobiography。 The beginning is filled with bodybuilding stories (of course), and then Arnold practically flies through his movie career before ending with a huge chunk on politics that practically put me to sleep。 I mean, with almost 700 pages to work with he couldn't have put more fun behind-the-scenes stories from some of his movies in here? I will say, though, that he does spend quite a bit of time talking about Conan the Barbarian。 That's one of my favorite fantasy movies, so A very uneven autobiography。 The beginning is filled with bodybuilding stories (of course), and then Arnold practically flies through his movie career before ending with a huge chunk on politics that practically put me to sleep。 I mean, with almost 700 pages to work with he couldn't have put more fun behind-the-scenes stories from some of his movies in here? I will say, though, that he does spend quite a bit of time talking about Conan the Barbarian。 That's one of my favorite fantasy movies, so I did enjoy that quite a bit。 。。。more


This books stands for me the best biography i have ever read。 The reason is simple, it shows how a biography is written; its all how i have done this, done that。His ambitions was huge, he was arrogant in his style, he was hungry for success and defeat was his learning machine。To be able to perform in bodybuilding, acting and politics shows the hardwork behind。 He may be seen as an athlete mindset, but he was way beyond that, he learned from mentors all along his careers。 He was humble to learn b This books stands for me the best biography i have ever read。 The reason is simple, it shows how a biography is written; its all how i have done this, done that。His ambitions was huge, he was arrogant in his style, he was hungry for success and defeat was his learning machine。To be able to perform in bodybuilding, acting and politics shows the hardwork behind。 He may be seen as an athlete mindset, but he was way beyond that, he learned from mentors all along his careers。 He was humble to learn but arrogant in doing his work。 Doing 1000 calves per day just to get bigger calves。 I stop here。 It is my best biography so far。 。。。more


Well written and absolutely outstanding story of hard work and determination。 From bodybuilding to movies, to politics Arnold lived。


Arnold is a beast。。。 that's all。 Fun fact about him is that when he was 18 years old, he was in the Austrian army and kept crashing tanks during his training。 Arnold is a beast。。。 that's all。 Fun fact about him is that when he was 18 years old, he was in the Austrian army and kept crashing tanks during his training。 。。。more

Todd McQueen

Interesting man and interesting biography, at times the book is overly detailed (600+ pages) but I still enjoy reading and learning。 Amazing to get an inside look at a very driven life and all the varied accomplishments。 3。75

Tommi H

"It's easier to stand out when you aim straight for the top。" I'll be back reviewing this book when I need motivation。 "It's easier to stand out when you aim straight for the top。" I'll be back reviewing this book when I need motivation。 。。。more

Richard Johanna

That’s was amazing ! I didn’t know that Arnold was such a winner, and intelligent ! He’s a mentor for many people including me。 Very well written。

Brent Cuming

This book was incredibly inspirational and makes you feel like you need to up your life efforts。 The accomplishments of Arnold over his lifetime have been amazing and he's just achieved so much。 To chat and have a stogey with this man would be a bucket list item for sure This book was incredibly inspirational and makes you feel like you need to up your life efforts。 The accomplishments of Arnold over his lifetime have been amazing and he's just achieved so much。 To chat and have a stogey with this man would be a bucket list item for sure 。。。more

Jakub Dembiński

Świetna książka, pokazująca drogę Arnolda od małego chłopca i jego trudnego dzieciństwa, aż po szczyt jego kariery。 Arnold dzieli się wiedzą jak wyznaczać sobie cele oraz jak je osiągać。 Najważniejsza dla niego jest dyscyplina, niepoddawanie się, czyli brak planu B oraz wiara w to, że w końcu postawi na swoim。Świetne rozłożone na części pierwsze:-jak doszedł do Mr。 Universe, -jak stworzył siebie w Hollywood-jak kreował swój obraz, aby nigdy nie szukać pracy,Książka pokazuje trudną i wyboistą dro Świetna książka, pokazująca drogę Arnolda od małego chłopca i jego trudnego dzieciństwa, aż po szczyt jego kariery。 Arnold dzieli się wiedzą jak wyznaczać sobie cele oraz jak je osiągać。 Najważniejsza dla niego jest dyscyplina, niepoddawanie się, czyli brak planu B oraz wiara w to, że w końcu postawi na swoim。Świetne rozłożone na części pierwsze:-jak doszedł do Mr。 Universe, -jak stworzył siebie w Hollywood-jak kreował swój obraz, aby nigdy nie szukać pracy,Książka pokazuje trudną i wyboistą drogę Arnolda, gdzie w tle przewija się często wątek przyjaźni i wsparcia od ludzi wokół niego。 Dodatkowo zaznacza mocno determinację i chęć bycia najlepszym, które kierowały go do pracy nad samym sobą oraz motywowały do poświęcenia na to jeszcze większej ilości czasu。Ta książka plus dwa wywiady u Tima Ferrisa to kopalnia wiedzy i przykładu jak żyć na swoich warunkach。 。。。more

Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.