The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

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The Kansas City Timesi

Kansas City, Missouri

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WA': i1 i 1 15 TITE KANSAS CITY TIMES FRIDAY JULY 22 1027 iiiiogoinTE-iomoometomaloft wp I Business Services Fat and Forty Plus Announcements TES' IZE13 elitht TES ZE1:) right anit154 MENT LOST 40 a word each day (minima's bito a day): 344o a word each day for three consecutive datia ovalattitt--26ii4La-VRirliCi 1921 stolen from in front of 1324 Lister black Wen SPOked wheela motor No D16369 reaard Nen ton Pont Announcements exclusive hospital for unfortunate One and expectant mothers a Olive of real seciaston may work for part expense wrtt no for oklet and inforination: batnes for adoption Addresa Fairmount Maternity Hospital Oil 21th at Kansas City Mo FOR babies tics: tory of parentage provided Call or write "The Willows" Mit Main at FELLOWS COnvaleseent Home Ideal hOMe for aged paralytic chronic and osows rri velt 014 Educational ('()VTNUEt) MCDEalti BAF'3ER COLLEGE The twee harbor college in the state Low owntnr re on for trn6 month Our etu delto In demand In the boot obono half hoholbg departruerit Member Maater Bathers FarrU poenti managr 63) Mt 6t TRI CITY LLEGB T'lltIon $25 STANDARD Scno()E OF BAIRIIERItikt 1'4 Tlitt la Pibe modern enotae mont DiblomaA RSfl mctions guaranteed Not a fTrais rntk a-1 rm bAspre14 MAN OPPOSITE RACKZT eiTrPE 1 A MA-7Z1111 AR AISTS Larpl want) tl liar DOM Ilmhittomil men and wornm wry) have Nome undeveloped tel ent some chore tIrne who ant to berme come morelal ortiVe prAhtleal trathihrt offered those whr qufillry 0 box Kohsoo CRY Mo Relieves Summer Colds This delightful mint-flavored chewing gum cdntains aspirin menthol and a mte laxative Breaks colds up quickly At All Drug Strom No ricES CORABEL NASII had paused to glance at the hats in a window Incidentally she was taking a good look at herself in the mirror which further enhanced the milliner's display II ever Corabel had felt satisfied with herself it was that moment jr costume was new and becoming It male ber look young as young as she felt A recent inheritance had given her pleasant sense of security in life besides permitting her to indulge in those first aids to fading beauty which are so expensive and also so necessary to a young woman of her years For Corabel 'as 40-plus a fact of which she was increasingly conscious although she hoped ncbrKly else was Besides she began to show signs of taking after her Aunt Belle recently deceased who had weighed 258 pounds at the same age Still clever Announcements 4Sa 001 Pnocial abort eemrgr of barbring MtP1-110 work anti big trIntley Ihgaire Mo ler Bair ye n44 Main sr BAIL mounting set with rhinestones Phone Drexel 1742 reward F31-111011-1---Snr black Feather Warne S30 lost by workingman reward Liwarta 7234 Olive 136k-LWitr-Tarirao took bMT-Tiom bird elate 13th tad Main please return to matron's Office union station No questions asked Or 1705 between aOth and Tracy and 31st and Euclid reward Call Linwood 2375 apartment 315 leather: printing samples and Order book inside vicinity 15th and ro7 ost only valuable to owner Call Westport 552 near Ambassador hotel reward Call Hyde Park 3115 BUCKLE rhinestone Sunday night between 311th and Broadway and 72d and Bellefontaint Margaret Victor 2821: reward DOG- -Wtre-haireir foxTherrer ---puppy wEire with black soots James 1331 West 150th ter-rate Westport con answersto name '7Dliing" iot Wed evu reward Phone Jackson 0702 DOG- -Airedale female: has collar: reward a 12 44th Wentport 1554 slieerir logs: answers to name Feathers finder call Hyde Park 7959 or return to 4335 Hyde Park and receive reward NDO711-(1'erman pollee are 13 11111 and tan female name Pro11 Jackson 3328 rewsrd AUTO AND BUS TBANEPORTATION I inorrnaTn By PERCY FIELD ATTORKEY at BOOK CO BOX 62K (3Mo THE alercy-Wheatley ward and clinic for colored children needs help Call Benton I913 Dr Katherine Richardson OLD KANSAS min mmount PICTURES WANTED Throe dollars each will be paid for the right to reproduce acceptable photographs of early-day svenes In Kansas and Missouri towns Including bnth Kar13415 City! Prints should allow vivid contrast with the same views today Unusual action pictures featuring how differently people did things yearn ago also desired providing names of personn are given Photograph will be carefully handled and returned Adrtrpo 2 4 Star attorney for circulators of the petition said today The attack on the two girls led to a riot Ira Kennedy motor car salesman and Julia Mooney arrested in connection with the alleged attack on Margaret Akers Miss Mooney's school chum were freed of charges Kennedy was charged With the attack on Miss Akers and Miss Mooney was alleged to have been an accessory before the tact The grand jury petitions were circulated when the investigation appeared to lag but were not filed when the two arrests were made pending the Outcome of the trial Friction between the city and county authorities in the prosecution of the assault charges which brought A Smith attorney general here as chief state's attorney played an important part in the trial and probably will be Inquired into by the grand jury should the petition be found sufficient to make calling the jury mandatory Four hundred names are required on a petition to force calling a grand jury The petition to be filed carries 950 It Is said Robbed by Youth 1141 Gives a "Lift" IOLA Km July 21--H Smith motor car dealer from Howard Kas was held up at o'clock this morning on the main highway three miles west of Iola and robbed of $41 by a young man who bad waved him down for a lift After riding for about a mile the young man suddenly produced an automatic commanded the driver to stop and went through his pockets BIRTH REPORTS CONTRACTING AND BUILDINO CARPPENTERT'CONTRAeTORA Remodeling and rebuilding new or ()Id tin work 4 ki1c14 NW toots applied (wee 01 shingles Roofs repaired Quid( service IS giaranteed Never a ioh ton large Can brnall car as titrt nasmem at REPAIR CO Phone CARPENTER garages porches house settlings shelving general remodeling roofing excavating Masonry prices Wabash OW CALL RAOLAND Carpen'er concrete contractor: garage drive days porches 1i repstring montlly payments 3224 Lin 1888 after 5 Lin 1887 REMODELINO Oarages Torches cabineta shelving partitions roofing house eettlit gs cementing reasonable prices: estimates Linwood 8349 CONcRE1Pl cutting and wrecking without the use of explosive: also concrete work of all kind" (-Ironer Contracting Co 486u Floers Baker Via 224? Esrrptrg Garages Fireproc $115 Made of reinforced concrete citron 1021 inAsrEitiNo ntivIter patching hrilreninir redathing first riar1 work guarattet prices reasonahle Linwood 8372 C5N I TiAnTt tit All shelving sleeping mrches wages l'use bettlinvg partitions Nelson Lientoil 2B81 PLASTEltlerrl patch plastering stuccoing rRthiflong specialty cement work nil work guar ant0 Etimates free Wand 7403 garages concrete work: complete service estimates alyon: work trumt nrcne Atwater 5725M tARPENTER ronlra'or irg( ciant work by day or contract: building repairs re mod11namttrote ELEcilticAL description WirinC motor repair maintonanne on wiring and ekeVatora Westport 3212 building remodeling re-Pairing 110 lob too small how about your acreens? Renton 7449 atireanaTarold floors refinished: latest Improved machines satisfaction guar anteed Denton 7348 PLO6114-LAI57-Band-id old floors refinisled hke new: linoleum floors waxed Poliohett Jackson 3548 for-t Dotol 9 atrdn rierti ting'itteqr-rarrterf reeded Wien month: "How to Crallty nR11 Irer Write tnnet 421 ABC SOcrihfind 1-tookteert in 3r days' Cs' (iregg: 1 vroweitinc Commercial Scol 331 Altman bids Ye noway Ecsses Eastbound 810 a 100 anal 8 We and northbound 830 a and 8 1n Southbound 830 a In day rtENvEtt $12 50 ST LOUIS $1 LOS ANOKLEs strso emcmto $12 50 SALT LAKE CITy $25 DETRoTT $10 NE BAN FRANCISCO $4250 CLEVELAND TULSA 51 Pirrsbuitult 52125 DALLAS $12 50 OMAHA $5 FORT WORTH $1250 MINNEAPOLIS $1450 CLINTON MO 53 MARSHALL MO 8276 SPRINCIFIFID MO 66 50 sr Jostcril $150 J0881)11 88es 9 a 12 3 530 in Clinton as Soling field 3086(8 12 in At 340 tn gar Special Parties I MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC PERSONALS ea a word each doll I minimum 70e a a word each day for three coneecuttev dove 04c a word each day tor teven consecutfve dove MIDDLE-AGED widower mechanic earning good wages and with substantial bank sccount wants to adopt a girl not under 8 and not over 10 years old orphan preferred hut accept one hose parents are willing to surrender all legal claim and consent to an absolute legal adoption Unless you are willing to comply with ail conditions of this advertitement Rod mean business do not answer hunters and curious persons lay off and save 8tamps references exchanged Address 38 Star SIO REWARD for Information as to purchaser Of 1900 Whirlpool washer sold betwePn 4th and gth of July at Buckiew's Auction Store 2310 1801 Information held confidential Address 39 Star FATHER of soldier Killed In Philippines is In dire need of work: ants position as watchman janitor elevator roan or any kind of work Adam Do Id Helping Hand Institute 5'23 Grand 0 cotnPrn mplic Wanted--Plano sasoptione must be good must Er Por Edkewood Oarderts at gOth and Prospect Cal JsrAsnn $4113 PIAN68-privers-Ttrnedc reconCloned money back gArantee) Hale Coarter 4415 8 arritt nton 7533 mamt comilete methoil in country orchestra and IngtructIon Peters Eirnrifiree 2ace5W DZTATTN-14(11601-Tiatio Instill merits most reliable leStiOna 12th artd prookin Benton MOO IcliFE piano band or string instruments InaonL al each Chlrtnerra 8choo4 rood 1430 PIANO-Experienced teacher studied in Europe will teach In homes reasonable rates Call Victor ono 1 lead score for trumreti also drummer roadhouse QUICIL Thule Park PIANO- exprts lowest prices Jenkins 1115 WAInut 11ctor 9430 THEATER 'ran lesarins and practicer fine flan Phone Linwood 03211 22d Jewell blOk I CHORUS Glria wanted at once Call 1311C mr ant I2 1k police pup: name Billy: neighborhood 534 anti Michigan Plettee call At Eater 1553W DOO yellow and black Collie Shepherd pup male sheared has collar reward Llnwood ni24 FORD 1938 12801c22 Missouri license 278-189 Notify Ogden 2537 Bellefontaltie Linwood 707 Reward gold rims: StailAdg grounds Thursday night: liberal reward Delaware 2788 in case Country Club car Tuesday night reward Miss Lane Orand 5440 in reward call Orand 2454 ask tor McClintic REYS--3 nit string 1 Tone 2 short Linwodd MO Room 20 or Linwood 3417 l'APFRS--Valuable typewritn lectures and verse manuscript: on Euclid between 31st and 34111 L1nwo9d 6318 wtlr i4744 No sfar tO 4(40) Ir41 0 ild I' I 1 1)04) I I irrS I' II 11 STUCCO color: guaranteed: spray work proven method reasonable Murdock 1649R CARPENTER wants worit first class: new or reoairs do anvthing Johnson VItor at103 STUCCO redasbing concrete all kinds Golden Cr 11rtnn I A i) I Li A IJ1 TAKE advantage of dull WaSOrl your sewing done now Itiland 427a rSE THE TELETHONE Telephone your went advertisem*nts to The Star Ileo nOr for a Want Al Taler It PUP -Male German Police lost or stolen from 3237 FiftrrIS011: $25 reward Hyde Park 0915 police: answers to "Ritzy" turn to 3237 Harrison Hyde Park 0915 Employment i II MEMTIER Animal Protective Association will care for your pets and treat kindlw in my pleasant suburban home Murdock 3312M or Elnir Mae 4443W NOT resPonsible for any bills or debts contracted by any person other than myself Dr Wyckoff 208 Mainstreet Theater bldg NOT ResponsiMe for debts contracted by Wire- Ooldie Sebolt after JUTIP 20 1921 Chita Sebolt 401 Crysler Indenendence Mo INA BLACKMORE I will pay reward for tor oresent address Did lirt at 4201 Michirran Call Victor 1813 AFTER July 20 1021 not responsible for debts contracted by my wire Genevieve Ravmond Orinkey 1104 Wyandotte NOT resnonsible for any fiebts unless contracted by myself Harry St0litaro 324 Wabash LONESOME Young lady 30 wishes to meet girl pal Address 481 Star Mr and Mrs Lester Cecil 1638 Pennsylvania avenue July 11 boy Mr anti Mrs Thomas Conroy 3039 Jackson avenue July 5 girl Mr and Mrs A Crawford $408 Charlotte street July 7 boy Mr and Mrs Raymond Ford 3402 Spruce avenue July 13 boy Mr and Mrs Pearl Howard 2930 'Pennyay July 19 boy Mr and A Jackson Stillwell KaM July 10 boy Mr and Mrs I Liebscher 5618 Independence avenue July 16 girl Mr and Mrs Nelson 1325 Cherry street July 17 boy Mr and Mrs Schmidt 6931 Pros-pert avenue July 14 girl Mr and Mrs Vencll Smiley 3938 Myrtle avenue July 15 twin girls Mr and Mrs Ray Sourbeer 2415 Olive street July 15 boy Mr and Mrs George Strobel 2916 Poplar street July 16 boy Mr and Mrs Teeple Kensington avenue July 13 boy Mr and Mrs White 4631 East Sixty-eighth street June 20 boy 4 GOVERNMENT NA LATHER FORECAMIT HELP So a word ear's day tminimarn 5tic a day ata a ttta earh elav fur three consecutive days AP plirants ithould not send orictnat leVers recom mendation in answeetna "Mind" ert-ertisem*nts 'ADVERTTFING aalestnen wanted 522 American Bank bldg A1'1'051011114 M-ecnanics---Trave 2 positions open fr first envie men steady work Apvir Service AUTO mechanic and truck' driver wanted on who can do repair work must be A-1 mechanic experienced on Mack trucks prefer one with shop experienre: in imply Rive referenceS experience and halary expected Address 125 Star II night brown with a hite stripes and cheeks Please call Hyde Park 7743 iVHIST white gold downtown Thursday: reward Elmridge 12591 wrusr ATCH --Whit gold: northbound Troost ear Wednesday afternoon valued as gift: reward 111tor 553a VarWtvl'Atdff----wnIte gold an black patent leather near 21th and Cleveland or 31st and Prospect: reward Address 433 Star LIBERAL reward black Gladstone suitcase lost on Short Line highway between Kansas Cltv and Overland Park June 29 containing lady and babYs clothes: identification tag with name Campbell Phone Victor 9012 Mrs Carnni11 MIS DEPDTS Mercer Hotel 12th and McGee Harrison 15258 Wyandotte Hotel Ilth ar Wyandotte Main 1531 Portland Hotel Annex 8th and Math Vi 8389 Purple Swan Lines Parlor Cars 5 Times Daily St Louts Chicago The Para 4ox Lines 8 A Reclining Chair Coaches Denver Colo Silo Los Angeles Dependable Service Depots Bray Hotel Delaware 2349 Union Bus Depot Victor 6182 Main Street flue Depot 1319 Main fit Velatqltre 0108 MID-WEST TRANSIT Co OLDEST AND mosr RELIABLE 45 a tn 7:45 Louis $5 Chicago 1110: Deirolt $ib: Omaha 65 7:45 a Wichita 68: Deriver 31250 Main depot 1335 Main st Harrison 4320 WICHITA KAS DAILY 8:33 A M---Sa ST LOCI OMAHA 65 CHICAGO $10 DENVER $1250 DETROIT $15 LOS ANGELES 63750 140851ain 8 it J447 AWY-ONE going to California having TOOM for extra passenger call Hyde Park 5889i Will assist in driving and pay- reasonable fare DRIVING to Colorado Springs Sunday JulIgi: Cadillac car can accommodate 3 or 4 Call DaVia Melrose 14380 TRANSPORTATION given to San Diego Cal via Grand Canyon petrified forests fox driving my car Benton 1204 TWO genflemen new- sedarn7O-riet-iTer-Vi110wstone Park Seattle want passengers references Westport 2129 TH POPCORN and candy concession for rent big downtown theater: low rent: chance to make money Apply manager Liberty theater CONCESSIONS wanted at Bucklin 28-29 shows eat racks etc Address Ray Bucklin Mo C4111) TITANITS WE with to thank our friends and especially the employees of the Missouri Pacific for their kindness sympathy beautiful floral offering extended to us at the death or our dear husband and father--LMrs Ben 1r5oyes and sons WE w'ish tO thank our frieneis neighbors and brother employees for the synmathv shown during the death of my wile also for the beautiful floral offerthcrs Chter A ItftleV DEATH NOTICES' MoPHAIL----Mrs Lillie age 25 years passed away at 0 local hospital Thursday afternoon at 530 o'clock Survived by her husband Lee McPhail 3 sons Richard RaYmond Dale Jr and Clyde Sherman McPhail mother Mrs Emma Van Fossen all of the home 802 14th 4 brothers William Van Fossen of Gypsum Kas Eugene Van Fossen of Blackfoot Ida: Charles Van Fossen and Raymond Van POSSen of Council Kas 4 sisters Mrs Mildred tNCTUPNT ALLY sTrz WA ARamo A GOOD LOOK AT FIZIISELF IN THE bERILOIL II II FOR advertisem*nts from individuals and concerns offerina transportation by automobile or bus see classification "Auto and Bus Transportation" at the beginning of the Want Ad Section FOUND WILL lady who lost umbrella Forum Cafeteria please call Riverside la PE 11SWV4 SEtt Price irkeiA Itagba on ti Pro ratet tuit he tn prod imeni colt trot is esston sino ninou he lb take River iketind grain tidy ot 'a an destior fretgbi arrl Ma the et nairpl to ba ng tin Prob could ()the thP aalva gher I be on larg Intg ould bP armer ht raiP Ott wa la a 116 pounci a Mari way of rate 'ated to is rece tllowind poin: Pe stimor a rmer iston itify to far civezap Intim --Arthv tred Sf Ot or CV lig near itien 'm wet 1 Estate CO Walnut ye a ex roWli 1 I In Ma Pro 'rice rketA er In 'P3 g' bP er 'a a a tc 'e at 17' L' a' stion s' 'm wet Estat! CO kVainut I 1 1 1t1L LOST AND FOUND An index to all Lost and Found Ads published in The Star for the Preceding two months is maintained at The Star office to further aid in the recovery of the lost articles Whenever you lose or find dra a pocketbook watch or other see if the item has been advertised in the current issue of The Star Then come to The Star office at leth and Orand ave and go through the "Lost and Found" file ELL( FRICAL NEIMICES BEPAIICS REF-AIRNG WASHINCI MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS AT REASONABLE CoST WORK GUARANTEED ESTIMATES FREE WE RENT CLEANLRS Harrison 3395 14th St APEX EMECTRICAL APPLIANCE CO ELECTRICAL Repairing-Chandeners refurnishing house wiring Egle ElectriC Co 30u8 Pr6spect Linwood '1991 REPAIR ail makes electric wasfiriur niachinee7 wringer rolls for all makes free estimates Penton 1225 II 4 1 REN FA TiNG PAUL DE 100ZE HAT CO Hats Made New Fe)i Cleaned Caps 5 DEL 0518 IR 9Tft MISSOURI IIAT WORKS Pelt and Panama it Cleaned and 13locked a 799R 91S Walr9t spond 110V 1 0 it I G-11 A LING WILLIAMS moving packing storing and shipping: all size trucks we all and give estiniates by loud lob trip or hour: also long distance moving lowest prices satisfaction guaranteed Call us day or night Benton 0022 N100IIE cheapest it-or age rates in city family moving any kind of hauling: we give estimates by load lob or hour long distance hauling we cut the price give us a trial Clifton 0354 -f-FirtrPtITIOr -g-Toyadt-WAtt87--- FREE ESTIMATES LONG DISTANCE MOVING Arrow Transfer and 8toraeCo Lin 473n PALMER move anything anywhere at any Lime: estimates free: aatisfaclion guaranteed: long distance movtng our marelnil Victor 8128 AT-ONCE-transfer and Storage offers svf4Tit Storage local long distance moving rates 1512 Holmes Delaware 8828 39tn and hrookTin moving packing shipping baggage flat late Wabash 51i24 any time WHY HAVE AN OPERATION-when you can be successfuliv treated Er Allen specialist in old stubbnrn chronic diseases who conducted the Allen Sanitarium has moved to 124 Linwood Phone We 6630 Pre lInstrtxticns daily In painting silks plastics and wooden- ware learn the new china finish for plastics Marie Hill 132 31si near Pa-sect Friday cooler in western part: Saturday partly cloudy Friday and Saturday with probably showers by Saturday: cooler Friday and Saturday partly cloudy scattered thunder showers cloudy scattered thunder showers Saturday partly cloudy scattered thunder showers in eastern part cloudy with probably showers Saturday and in western part Fr 1day cooler In eastern part Friday DANCING 6c a ward each dav (minimum 84a a daui: 5tc a teM each day for three consecutive days 5( a word parh day tor seven consecutive daut Paul Banks and His Band Pays Tonight Dance Pavilion Mattresses renovated and covered $4: feathers steam renovated: I day service all work guaranteed Interstate Mattress Co Fairfax 2303 YOUNG course of training in beauty culture at MacGregor college will maga you independent established 1901: catalog free 1314A Main at Kansas City Mo LILYAN analysis: correct a'd vice domestic business affairs satisfaction guaranteed Grand 3838 108 Lindenwood apartments 926E 30th MISS COFFEE of the Crystat Beauty Shop 1117 Walnut will welcome friends and patrons at the Mainstreet Theater Beauty Shop 1412 Main at Grand 3489 AUTOMOBILE Mechanics-Experlenced with citl 1 reference 114 lath ACTOMoBILE trimmers lloicker Mfg Co 28na 14th tARI3Ell for Saturday ill gth BARBER -Wanted---First 117---fiTalay an-d stouraav bring rols ready to work 1914 North 131h Kati Fairfax 0306 BARBERS-4 licenseci Smiths Barber Shop 1201 Walnut At3t Saturday 2317 12t1h BARBERS-2 Friday and Saturday Radio Bar- br Shop 103 LibertY Independence Mo 0 Der cent hltup Apply 1012 Van Born Indepenth ewe Phone Independence 1061 after 8 2m BARBER Wanted steady: must be 330 et lath Kansas City Kas EARBER Wanted -MuoVhe first-Erase workman: hotel shot pay 85' good for 430 per week Lowd A Ter amliton Mexico Mo gAittlEit wanted' at once with alT-sas 70' ta good man Keen AbilPTIM icas in cooperative bookkeeping to take complete charge of head office for 4 elevators and 3 stores several Nears xDer lence necessary: position open at once Write lining age experience reierences and salary desired Trego CO Cri-operative ABA0(1110011 Wakeeney BOY with bicycle to deliver in drug 3tore7Bem ton Pharmacy Ind ave and Benton blvd 111r7Cli1a 1701 North Ith Kan: oils Ctv Kas last men wanted must be 1 flinshers and have Ktink118 City references: 1 no hammer ond saw Mell or helpers wanted' 75r to good fast experienced carpenters: steady work APOIV 3d terrace and Vvandotte CLEANIR-First class Al dry cleaner and 'meas: er must he sober good salary Davis Latin-dry and Dry Cleaners Paola Kas CL1ANER cleaner wanted must be ex- pert on silks Palace Cleaners Claremore Ok COOFER Wanted -APPIY 13'27 Independence are Dcmis Trneks--13 Tara wanted to go to Plattsburg immediately Call ignamore 13121 FARR wanterF-reinTeIlerirTeETT-singTh- i air 40: good wages permanent Address Ben-Bigelow Ras Parks Chelopa Kas 'Mrs Blanche Webster and each Sun Wed and Friday Coffeyville Kas Mrs Jennie Brewer Gypsum I TAKE Incividual Lessons Expert special in Ka and Mrs Elln rb Peyn 1317 Troost ave struction to fit your needs Entirely contiFuneral arrangements Incomplete For further dential Only cmirse which produces really informatMn call 0 Mnst funeral director good dancers in short time Our original com- plete course is not found elsewhere Established FUNERAL NOTICES Kansas City longst Special rates ladles and 1 gentlemen Boyd 8 314 Studio bldg 1 Tz----- -t--- ANNA'S Beauty Sh-O-P7nli flat marcel permanent wave rinalet ends ed We specialize in dyed hair Delaware 903 Open evenings RE wave $5 Beauty Academy Walnut at 13th second floor Special short course summer rates Delaware 0944 age 87 years passed away at a local hospital Tuesday evening 8:35 1-le is MI 'lived by his Widow Mrs Rose Davis of the home 414 Landis Court: 2 sons Aaron Davis Bo 'cam Mo Walter Davis 41g Landis court I daughter Mora Davis Borger Tex Funeral services 2 30 Friday atter' oon at the 0 Mast chapel 1915 15th Burial In Maple Hill T1 AUTP---rit vit4 faun Pi 10 ra no cotpet a unlt At A 'BEEBE 'TRANSFER so Clifton moving pat king and shinning bonded are-house 844 Brooklyn CititifftDP6LIA- We mot everything fireproof arehouse 7010 15t Benton 028S LOCAL and tong Distance -Moving --Spr7-Tarl summer rates Franklin Transfer Co 8011 Pao Jarkson 0444 BAULING--Trash and ashes basem*nts cleaned anything considered estimates free Mr Freed Linwood 3370 WALRER pitg baggage and eanresa Clifton elle 25th and Brooklyn ASHES and trash hauling: small' moving anything considered prices teasonahle We bash 2293 LONG Distance rates to Chi-cage and points east Leos Transfer Bar a Weather Observations Weather bUreau observations giving the temperatures and state of the weather at 7 Central time yesterday: the precipitation for the preceding twenty-four hours and the maximum and minimum temperatures yesterday at the principal stations are here shown: At 7 High Low Prec Wther Abilene TeL 94 98 74 Clear Amarillo 94 100 70 Fair Boise 98 98 58 Clear Boston 62 74 60 Clear Calgary 74 78 50 Fair Charleston 80 84 14 Fair Chicago 76 82 66 Cloudy Cincinnatt 78 00 84 Cloudy Concordia 90 92 74 0 Clear Corpus Christi 86 88 78 Fair Denver 64 78 64 20 Rain Des Wines 82 88 70 18 Cloudy Dodge City 88 98 70 0 Cloudy Duluth 60 60 82 Clear Edmonton 74 18 48 0 Clear El Paso 92 98 14 0 Fair Fort Smith 88 92 14 Clear Fort Worth 94 96 78 0 Clear Galveston 84 90 82 Clear Havre 82 84 58 0 Fair Helena 82 86 58 Clear Huron 0 78 68 0 Fair Jacksonville 80 86 74 01 Fair Kamloops 94 94 58 0 Fair KaalSRB City 86 88 74 0 Clear Knoxville 84 92 88 0 Fair Little Rock 16 90 74 Cloudy Los Angeles 80 90 66 Clear Louisville 84 90 72 Clear Memphis 88 92 78 Clear Minneapolis 68 88 88 Clear Modena 84 86 56 I Fair Montgomery 82 00 72 2 Fair New Orieen8 88 92 80 4 Cloudy New York 68 78 88 Fair North Platte 76 80 84 0 Cloudy Oklahoma City 90 98 78 Clear Omaha 88 92 72 Clear Phoenix 108 112 80 Cloudy Pittsburgh 78 88 64 Cloudy Portland 84 84 18 Clear Prince Albert 76 80 58 Clear Raleigh 78 84 68 Fair Rapid City 78 78 54 Cloudy Roseburg 88 88 88 0 Clear Roswell 94 98 86 0 Clear St Joseph 86 88 72 Fair St Louis 70 92 70 68 Rain Salt Lake City 82 86 68 0 Clear San Francisco 60 72 50 0 Clear Sault Ste 58 62 52 01 Rain Sheridan 0 78 60 Cloudy Shreveport 82 96 18 0 Cloudy Spokane 90 92 58 0 Clear Springfield Mo 84 88 88 54 Clear Tampa 78 92 '72 112 Rain Toledo 4 82 66 01 Cloudy Washington 76 86 86 0 Clear Wichita 90 92 74 0 Cloudy Williston 78 82 54 0 Clear Winnemucca 02 96 82 0 Clear Winnipeg 72 78 52 0 Clear i it i ii ti I( 1 I 11 11 ill 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 I 11 1 II I I I 1 ti: kt I 1 1 1 1 i i 1 11 I 111 It: 14 44 1 '''S' i I 1 't i 1 i 1 I 1 1 1i 1 1 i I I A i 3 1 i 0 1 I 1 4 i 1 1 i 0 be experienced well educated bet ween the 'urea of 85 and 45 and abuse the average height Addresa 32 9 Star FORFMAN foreman for auto hod and fender shoo Must be steady and ff lc lent and understand getting out first class work Out of city Oive all 1ntomatto first letter Address 1)158 Star GROCERYMA14-- Experienced to take charee store bond and references requited 1 1119 McOee BARTLETT Scientific Beauty Culture Our SvItem and diploma assure success Catalogue free 3d floor 1121 Grand ave CHARACTER ANAL816 COTISUitlitiOnS dell Open Sunday Mrs Welte 2817 Madison: telephone Valentine 0716 Mail readings anywhere furnished $25: permanent complete 8650 limited time Border City School 743 Minnesota PERM rinTt ends: guaranteed $5 50 Evenings Sundays Hyde Park 3445 La Chance Beauty Shop AEC SNORTH71N15-171 -also Otegg: bookkeeping typewriting Dickinson Commercial School Altman bldg Victor 2036 MATTRESSES renovatea recovered siTe-c-Ti Prices this week guaranteed 15th Street Mattress Company Clifton 2174 -A- mrr-R-Eggrs renovated and rerioTeireif-1bi springs a specialty all work guaranteed Benton 5055 3802 East Igth MON I 8 waver: Nestle Lanoll and eirculine $10 1306 Linwood Westport 0232 MONOGRAMINO on besicifFil work Call Westport 8980 for amiointment Also French hemming- CHILDREN'S clothes made to order: hemstitching and silk hose mending 25 Westover arcade 31st and Troost AUTOMOBILE furniture slip covers gene-r-ii tailoring dressmaking special prices Hiland 4278 306 East 51st MRS analysis personal ad-Vice dolly 2605 38th Prospect car Telephone Wabash 4684 INDEPENDENCE Beauty School 114 Liberty complete beauty course $25 diploma assured Independence 340 A BATH Parlor exclusively tor ladies is now located at 606 Linwood blvd Telephone Hyde Park 6830 MARY -STETWART character anatysis consultation and personal advice daily Room 346 Baltimore hotel I CrATil- ITT116-1-earn dancing corriarVrill 1 depends on good teacher Costs less to MIish Five superior individual lessons 85 Any two persons together $375 Appointments 11-9 ISunday 11-3 Delaware 2674 Boyd's 314 Sthdlo bldg BOYD'S DANCE STUDIO 314 Studio Bldg Practice lessons any time: ladles or gentlemen careful teachers: improve wonderfully absolutely private lessons 83: dance first I leSSOn guaraliteed Cool studio Del 2674 1 KNICKERBOCKER DANCING STUDIO 107 Iltiu Cor Baltimore Hay 8400 8 private lesrons 85 beginners dance 1st 1es1 son practice dancing TuesThurs Sat Sun 9 to 12'3L 30 lady instructor-Rdrtners DANCING CLASS every Montiag Wed and Friday night Private lessons by appointment (TEARY'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Indenendence end Benton Blvd Benton 1788 BnSTERS' CLUB21 22d-Prosnect----Carnival dance tonight Giant balloonscandv unzes DANCING EVERY NIGHT 830-12 I' at WINNWOOD BEACH with EDDIE KUHN'S co*ck-A-DOODLE-D00 SERENADERS MATINEES ON HOLIDAYS SUNDAYS 3-8 PM DAITO-iNG--24th and Jackson: prize waltz to night Monday night a "gold ring" dance: Wednesday night a "top" dance Lola Stair Manager a wall-ro-wer rhmk what yotTri7Trs Quit hiding from your friends Learn to dance perfectly from now On Boyd's 314 Studio bldg PROF WOLFE'S 114 HUNTER NY 2000 CLASS MON FRI SAT NITER 50c 3 PRIVATE AND 4 CLASS15 LASOnS Daily BROADVIEW Hall on Ready road Kansas City Katt: and orchestra popular prices I 'Stone manager LODGE NOTICES Lo ge 54 an will meet in regular communication this Friday 730 on Masonic temple gth and Harrison regular order of bust- ness and work in the degrees: ''Bob" White will sing: brethren cordially invited Delbert Otis Frank Huffman Sec'y MOUNT Washington Lodge No 814 A and A will meet in stated' Communication this Friday evening 8 -441f o'clock temple Independence and Ar- lington avenues Regular order of business Visitors always welcome Gregg' 13 Christy Sec A Kittell eorsetting and the new straight lines in dress accomplished much especially if one's ankles stayed slender Corabel's ankles were very attractive Her glance Moving from her peachy-pink face to her smart pumps convinced her that this was So At that instant a group of young college girls lit upon her as butterflies upon a rose The slim girl with red-brown eyes was her niece and namesake "Where are you going Corry?" The younger Corabel never addressed the elder as aunt "I am going to Mrs Cads dear to play bridge" "Hope you get the prize" They moved on As Corabel turned from the window a sharp young voice came back to her ears "Your old maid auntie is a dear Corabel But isn't she a horse for size?" Within Corabel's bosom something leaped She put her hand to her curving front A curdly chill ran up her back Her breath seemed to be shut off IIt was true She was an old maid and a horse for size That young bobbed-haired thing with twenty years between her and her first bridgework had spoken a cruel truth Suddenly Corabel realized that she couldn't go on to Mrs Cadyr's bridge party She couldn't fa oe those fifteen other women who might all be thinking what she had just heard expressed Especially Mrs Gordon Yes she was sure that Mrs Gordon regarded her as distinctly too aged for that gay young group And she was It had taken courage to hang on to youth as represented by the Thursday afternoon bridge club She hurried home and from the seclugiCM of her own room telephoned an excuse to her hostess Then she had the hardest hour in her hour of stern contemplation which ended in still sterner resolve She would diet until the too solid flesh melted from her bones Never again should she be called a horse for size Jemima called her down to dinner Jemima Aunt Belle's trusty maid had come to Corabel along with the money Jemima was old but expert She had cooked chicken mashed potatoes and dumplings and had in reserve a rich pudding At sight of the table Corabel shut her eyes "Take it all away" she gasped "And bring me tea toast without butter" Jemima's strong black brows went up and her mouth went down "So you've started in to diet eh?" she said "I expected as much Let me tell l'ou you won't keep it up not after the hearty way you've always eaten Your aunt Belle didn't She started forty times on toast and mean toast and ended up with roast pork and dressing" Scarlet with discomfiture Corabel slashed back to her room She knew Jemima would go on and on and she couldn't stand it She preferred to go dinnerless An hour passed Corabel's stomach began to feel queer She saw visions of chocolate pie with whipped cream It 'was then that Jemima came upstairs with a fresh invitation to come down sind partake of dinner Corabel gritted her white teeth "Somebody to see you" said Jemima "I'm not at home tonight" ''Well he's in the parlor waiting" "Hel Who?" "Mr Fenton If you want him dismissed you can do it yourself" Jemima Clip-clopped down the back stairs Will Fenton was in the parlor! Corabel hadn't seen him in five She refused him the last time She had thought him too old tor such a bright young blossom as herself Will was stout and bald She liked slim dark men like )roung Mrs Gordon's brother Ernest Granger She realized now that Ernest was not for her In fact Will seemed like the only friend she had in the world She went downstairs Upon the table was a 5-pound box of candy She looked at the candy she looked at Will If she married Will she would never again have to go hungry because he liked her as she was Neither would she be called an old maid Per lips trembled her eyes swam with tears next instant she was in his arms 11 I 1 ot 'se ci e) ti ti c( ci si a a ti a a 11 a a HAT Salesman--Men's retail hat store young sIt experience absolutely necessary I Sarnoff Irving 107 12th st advertiaernents rot boat tiois requiring investments are classified In the -Business Opportunity" columns 1A1 HERS wanted 2-at 1944 Paralle-r-Kansast Side Friday morning $350 thousand LAufmnY man to drive-famny bundle route: 930 cash bond required We erences Address 418 Star MAN with good scythe to moi virds 81st ail Jarboe Mtirdock 0901J 1 MAN -White for tarmor and assIst with orrbie suburban picture show: state age: muss be neat anti sober Address CI 491 Star MAN Wanted- Live energetic to tuko aster) of branch of rice: comminission basis City Cleaners Leeds 1071 MAN -Married for generardarm wort and iffilltinit board owner td Kurzweil Ray Inure Mo MAN and wife for fartm man to be arden-W milker and farther middle aged People prelerred Address 302 Star MEAT Cutter NVanteci- Must be first mass: come well recommended Nelson Brothers 904 lath Kansas Citv Mts MEAT Market Manager--6-Wner nosent: sartriT 1 net orofita: small truld and bumf of abilitY IC) make money required live man wilt find this en ormortunity to go into business vdthout vestment Pile Fayette Mo MEN anted by eh tablished retircoarr-impany to Pa coal on COMMIS81011 basis apply 112 Person 1915 Tracy ROSALIE Beauty Shop 4 East 3Ist Ilvde Park 6171 Frederick pettnanent 3850 complete Vita-tonic $8 JUNE CIRCULATION SERVICE WITH A 2521 Ashes trash hauled all kinds moving express LOI4O -distance moving cneaner return mad plan Johnson Transfer Co Fairfax 1584 MOVING AND ALL KINGS OF RATTLING BY LOADEY JOB OR BY i101ipBENTON 6620 ASHES and traell removed excavating and grading very reasonable Linwood HAITLINGL-Anyrit Ind: mover-iv 2-ton trieti reasonable rates Grand 3742 PATENTS AN AltoDELs WARREN HOUSE the reliable patent attorney obtains patents and makes models dies and special machines 1430 Main st Hal 2732 THORPE THORPE 403-407 Lathrop bldg Main 0775: registered attorneys patent and trademark practice exclusively ROY HAMILTON patent attorney 207 Long patente procured trademarks regiatered Patent engineering PATENTS TRADEMARKS 25 years Fischer 558 Sheidley bldg KallS34 City Mn GERARD-- Registered 'latent attornee: former Patent Office examiner 510-11 La throo bldg WILL finance good invention paid or pent 1vb8t liare Addre PLUMBING AN HEATING DAVIDSON Plumbing modern plumbing In ready-built housett repair and re model old plumbing: estimates free: conenient terms arranged 814 1275 Victor 7958 IVA LL i'A I 1 N'O WESTPORT DEcortATtNo COMPANY Painting Paperhanging work and niaterlais guaranteed expert workmen free estimates time payments arranged a Westport road Telephone Westport 87 Vt BALDWIN WALLPAPERING PAINTING: SINCE 1507 Linwood 5252 Prospect at 35th IP you watt ToTir paperrng paintmg cleaning kalsomining plastering done right (all George Parcel' Hyde Park 4898 Take advantage of monthlKpayinent plan PAPER HANGING painting cleaning plaster patching mid-aummer rlre IRteSt SRT1018 OStIrliatP8 free satisfaction guaranteed Wabash 091 HOUSE PAINTING pariernanging cleaning reasonable new method Paper remover sat 'erection our guarantee Linwood 6151 PAPERHANGING painting master patching: first class mechanic: 6(1111103 FilOWTI gall metre free Schuchtnann 1)enton 0790 PAPERHANGING painting $2 50 room UP: all interior decorating unexcelled service Work manthin guaranteed Benton 3488 PAPERHANGING and painting lob mastering: paper at wholesale price: aumtner ratee A Calvin 1305 Flora Linwood 4265 PAPERHANGING painting -k-alsomlii mg plaster patching paper cleaning hour or eontractstart now Grand 4987 HOUSE painting paperhanging general repair lire AISC flitnitiTit all estimates free pricee reasonable Benton 3138 PAPERHANGING painting done reasonable: work guaranteed: start work today summer litterifirind-reaving trnents chronic nervous diseases and paralysis 815 lith Call afternoon Class's Mineral Batts Ey 3906 BETTY now operating shop of her own 1016 Walnut downstairsDelaware 308a MIJA SHIMELLE 116 West 36th anatyst advice daily Write or phone Hyde Park 9738 HOSE Mending Shope-408 Altman bldg: runners and snags rewoven while you wait HEALTH and reducing treatments also letisOnek 600 Altman hide Harrison THE srsa's MORNINCI PAPER THE TIMES The actual number of copies printed and sold during the month of June 1927 June 1 256845 June 16 250984 June 2 2566811June 17 2501179 June 3 2502591June IS 250822 June 4 2562742une 20 250512 June 8 268054 lJune 21 250218 June 7 251490June 22 250145 June 8 250738June 23 250889 June 9 251554June 24 250 814 June 10 251473June 25 250402 June II 2516631June 27 250003 June 28 249484 June 14 251183rJune 29 251188 June 15 250994H1une 30 254068 Total 8582301 1088 deductions for exchanges coples used by employees unsold returned free and sample copies 100039 MEN- ACIE 19 TO 301 ENJOY 2 WEEKS' CAMP WITH PAY ATHLETICS AND WILLITANY TRAINING SEE CAPT OflERT3 T1119 3620 MAIN TODAY 130 TO 9 Anne Rathel--age 58-'passisd' away Tuesday morning July is 1927 at 1or home 1834 Noland Independence Mo Mrs Franz WKS born in Louisiana Mo and had been a resident of Kansas City for over 35 years and the past 11 years at her home et Indepenaence She is survived by her husband Adolf Franz of the home and daughter Mrs Delsa Mr Palmer of the home Funeral sera-ices will be held Saturday at 3 In from the Eviar Funeral Home Burmi at cemetery services Henderson age 78 years of 1035 Armstrong aver will be held ThursdaY: July 21st 10 a at John Stine's chapel 411 North 8th Burial in Maple Hill age -75-years Jackson passed away at 330 Park at 615 Wednesday evening She wait a resident of Kansas City forty-five years Besides her husband she is survived by 1 son Wham Mandell and 1 daughter Mrs Noland of Parkyille Mor Funeral Friday at 2 tn Parkville Mo services for Robert IL Kerr who died July 20th will be held at the Freeman Mortuary 3140 Main street Friday morning July 22d at 1010 o'clock Interment Forest Hill cemetery NAITLlohn Jr of 2-121 east 73d pasrseraway at the age of 38 years surviving are his wile Mrs Agnes (irate Nau: 2 daughters Patricia Grace and Joanna Margaret: Ins mother Mrs Mary Nam and 1 brother Henry Nau of 3548 Indiana The funeral front the home 2721 Er 73d Saturday 830 a Services at St Augustine' church 711th and Paseo at 9 o'clock interment Calvary cemetery The Taylor Funeral Home 3642 Central street vice-president of the Kew Grain and Elevator Co died in Detroit Mich Monday aged 72 years The body will arrive in Kansas City Thursday morning and lie in state in the Stine as McClure chattel 924 Oak st until 3:30 Friday July 26 When services will be held Burial in Forest Hill cemetery age 89 passed away Thurgau' morning at the home of her sister Mrs Woods 2405 Chestnut Survived by one other sister Mrs Nellie Atkinson of Rockford Funeral service will be held from the home Friday at 4 Burial in Forest Hill Mrs Forster in charge POTRYKIJS---Miss 227-of 1'701 Nebraska Survived by her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Poirykus and three sisters Eleanor Rose and Anna all of the home address and three brothers Joseph Potrykus Sacred Heart college Watertown Wis: Richard and Robert Of the home She was a member of St Rose 1toung Ladies' Society and A Funeral services will be Saturday July 23 at 830 at the home and a o'clock at Sc Anthony's church 7115 et and Barnett avenue Kansas Cite Kas Burial in Mount Calvary cemetery A Retsina luneral director funeral of Mrs KathefiTili Schanck age 12 who died Wednesday morning July 20 at the borne of her daughter Mrs 7039 Montgall will be held Friday morning July 22 at 10 o'clock front the Jr O'Donnell Co funeral parlors 3742 Main Interment Mt St Mortis cemetery SMITH--Mrs Mettle Louise Eubank age 63 of 1154 Er 85th str passed assay at the veil sanitarium Thursday 925 ar Survived by hue band Marston Smith: 1 son Thomas Smith of the home address: 2 daughters Mrs Chamberlain of San Francisco Mrs Henry Simmons Thaver Mo: 3 sisters Mrs Rudolph 3827 Baltimore: Mrs Bustol and Mrs Nance Dallas Tex 1 brother Eubank 4140 Adams St Kansas Cita Kars Funeral and burial Boonville Mo Saturday Mrs Porster iii charge Saunders age Sit passed away Wednesday at 4 mr July 20 1927 at St 'Margaret's hospital following several vents' illness Mr Stubbs formerly was in the employ of the Jaceard Jewelry Co He was born in Mt Pleasant la Survived by wife Mrs Annette Stubbs of 221 34th his father Jesse Robert Stubbs 3838 Wyandotte Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 nr mr front the Ester Home Buriel at Forest Hill cemetery TAVIert----Funeral servicea for Mrs Phoebe Taylor 78 veers old will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her home 225 North Early Kansas City Ka Burial in Oak Grove cemetery Geo Long undertaker fnr Mrs-Thia Mari Tyner age 27 Years who passed SWIIS Wednesday morning will be held from the home 554 Freeman ave at 10 o'clock a mr Friday July 22: interment Highland Park cemetery Fairweather-Werner funeral directors WALREff--slaineti-A Welker age 87 year-x-5154 late Wednesday at the lime of a daughter Mrs MRr1011 O'Dell 1305 Osage aver Survived also by ann George Walker Higgins-vine Mn: 1 brother Ruben Walker Clinton Mo PlITIOrgi services from Fairweather-Werner mnrteary 7th anti Armstrong 3 o'clock Friday rtPrileS111 Interment Nit Hone cemetery WILLIAMS-Jessie Bernice age IR years passed away Wednesday afternoon at St Mares hospital She la survived by her mnt her Mrs Jane Williams and two slaters Owentinlyn and Mrs 'Emmett Thompson all of the brittle 3935 Tronst aver three brothers John It both of the home address and Ralph A nt Los Angeles Cal Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10 ocrocit front 11 Berman funeral home 1207 Linwood bled IntermOnt 17ore'q Hill cemetery FLORISTS FLOWFRS funerals artistically arranael: suburban prices with city style Barnes Greenhouses ilath ard Euclid Established 184 Member Flortts Telegraph Delivery Ass'n lf Oft U4 r1f IN HAD grid lmining trisrtrnry Of Josephine Dant alio missed SWOS OriS vest ego rfSIRV Sadly missed by daughter Mary 0 Snelding husband A Dan ti Albert Spalding valid estors loor or" I 'r 10990 mer Kan 1 1 1 esters a loon or" I SI 10990 tr Kan- 1 1 111 '111 Commandry No 70 ft- 1 special conclave thie Friday ci at 'I 30 In Eastgate Mason tern- Masonic te- tr I nle Work in the order of the tern- j1 pie Refreshmente All Fritters welcome Frederick Montfort Act Corn George Lauderdale Recorder ARARAT TEMPLE A A PICNIC--P1CNTC re 1 SWOPE PARK Ararat'sFRailitn3uViveaUsleYt 2p2icnc nth- i IV letic sports children's pageant band concert dancing send In your child's name for the pageant Bring a well filled basket and enloy a wonderful afternoon IL Swearingen Potentate Wm KirkeChairman ELYSIAN OROTTO--Orotto day a P-- lba' i airylandi lark Saturday July 23 al i frill ct'icirc7st reduced holders: roacnecson5- basket spread at FI30 Prophets families Master Mason friends and 1 amilies invited: additional tickets at main entrance to park after 2 wear your lea and smile Earl Sarasan Monarch A Lester Sec'y WESTPORT Chapter No 345 AIIIP1) i-rOffirers and membera are in- cited to attend the meeting Bon- PtV tier Springs Chapter No 302 Bon- nor Springs Kas Monday evening lik July 25 Those who will attend please call worthy matron Benton 0419 or secretary Westport 2423 by Friday evening Elsie May Addison Alice Broodhere Seereterv do work on farm Bethany and Quindato blvd 10 a rn MUSICIANS' or bend Beggs 131)8 cntral at painter-66th crtIL PAPERHANORR --To eiaange work tor reir 8t James hotel 10th and Locust Total copies sold 6 454 482 Average paid for month 248248 Service and 'over copies by carriers distributors and news-'dealers averaged 5849 Average net paid subscribers 242399 The net paid subscribers of THE KANSAS CITY STAR during the month of June 1927 averaged: Evening 248314 Sunday 285376 THE SUNDAY STAR The actual number of copies printed and sold during the month of June 1927 June 5 3006251June 19 298181 June 12 298812IJune 26 295789 FLASTERERS Want first class white plasterers nn plea and ornamental work in Chicago Open ahort SI So per hour to experienced men Reply 1(1 Jog complete experience and tn Armstrong Manager Citizens Committee to Enforce Landis Award WI Otis bldg Chicago itumnEn man repair avort must have car Victor 9255 noltPR man Linn ilwheel ed initnediately Call Penton 4149 Blitilt repairman wanted: Mtl5C Pion straight needle stitcher Write Wood Pros Kea 8110E during stsle AD DIV at once luttle-Scott 5tores Inc 923 Main Total 1100851 Less deductions for exchanges copies lised by employees unsold returned free and sample copies 115415 PAPkFtlIANOTN(3 pnIntinit: do own a or napes wholesale: work guaranteed eutruner pricea nelawase 9151 PATNTINSI--Outide nnd lualne vrv renxonable: paper cleaning 7 per room Phone 452 Business Services 5c a word each dag (minimum 70c a dos) 4At a word raeh dag for three conserutive dons 4-Ac a word each dau for seven consecutive (taus BUILDING REPAIR SERVICE: kind repaired applied Carpentry stone concrete Painting papering Old paper removed by electririty--the clean way TINWORK FURNACES GUTTERING We are solo distributors for 'I'HE MARVEL ALL 81Eil furnace--no smoke dirt or gas Low fuel comsiimption Moderate cost Free eatimates: easv terms and a dependable guarantee GENERAL HOUSE HEPAIR CO HARRISON 5629 617 EAST 111TH LEAKY roofs chimneys gutters repaired guarantee to stop leaks: experienced all roofs composition roofing shingles guttering downspouts: remodeling garages porches rooms Partitions general house renairing: settlings painting drivewaes Workmanship guaranteed Estimates free Monthly payments BMA Roof-Mg and House Repair CO Grand 3752 ROACHES water bugs ants exterminated with Rockwell's Roach Rid: money back guarantee: all Crown and other leading stores contracts solicited: reasonable Rockwell 3549 Trooet Jlvde park (1621 NALL BROWN trrrErt CO---Now at 201 Graphic Arts hide Phone Harrison 5895 for romplete Multigranh letters and addressing serv1( a BEDBUGS moths' roaches Heise fumigations guaranteed yearly contracts Harrison 4bli8 Wetport R514 MATTRESSES-011 made new! work guaranteed feathers drY cleaned Wvandeitie Mattress CoDrexel SOD-Delivered anywhere: alms sorlding and grading: all work guaranteed free estimates LtllWOd FURNACES repaired cleaned -pines grates fire-bowls air ductri estimates free McDaniel Benton 621s spraying: tree tOptlClI general care of 11W118: reasonable Wit 2473 STAR rLooR sunrAmo CO ni floR6 ApAt bluegrass for salr delivered ashes trasti and general hauling Lin Wf)01 0204 lacquer enamel f' arc cleaned noliehed at your home $2 50 and um Vietor 8193 il01)- einod short blue grass lir- varC delivered laid guaranteed FM(9451411 ROOFING of all kinds also roof rePairing colin Roofing CO Phone Clifton 2927 SoD -Heaviest in env: not a weed In field deliered or laid flarrhoo 87350 VIE Rid Hosea of flottolies 4 -a monis $5 1-year guarantee Hyde Park 8821 PST yoiT tElnk -61 lith WaMhelro hltig lek91 1 e74: A rrm pe nev wanteil Stroet Limb 801 r1ttn WAsIIMAN rti bkr for slnall plant Horton Lanndry for ton Kaq Total papers sold 1175442 Average paid for month 203860 Service and "ovPrs" copies by carriers distributors and new dealers averaged i 8484 Average net paid subscribers 285378 The net paid Submeribers of Ttilt KANSAS Timits (the morning edition of The Star) during the mouth of June 1927 averaged 242399 WILLIAM Lt Nelson Camp and A smothery will meet tonight at 7 4 Star clubrooms Comrades and sisters welcome Dr A Austin Commander A Hackett MO PASEO Council No 3843 will hold its regular meeting at Carpenters' boil Fntiar evening 8 o'clock sham ancing after lodge 14-44 or- chestra Visitors welcome Wealthy Reddington Pre Pearl Johns See'w REOIMAR monthly busineos meet- )87i ng of Advance Homestead No 8 Friday ight July 22 at Odd 0 Follows temple 13th and Troost MI Yeomen welcome Candidates report at 8 Harry McLaughlin il II VI or Cm factory tad() gallonampeoial white gallon no delivery 600 Indepenth eneo aVe rleaned Kn expert: Si room year' experienee work guaranteed Clifton 21107 Ir4 AN1'Tt10- papernmiging PaPrr Iornined per room up: do ivy own work Linwood 06:13 l'APPPIIANOIN(1 ilainttni ark large vr to)s fAvored Ittetor PAINTINCI enameling vrtmishunr1 Kperinl sum mer I'reon Independence 'o H11 Al EFH111- AT(Iii The actual number of copies printed and sold during the month of June 1927: June 1 507950 June 8 506930 June 15 510200 June 1 am ire June 8 506930 June 15 510200 WOODWORKER and blacksmith a helper: ex hell perteaced on truck bottles APAY 23I1 Camp n- to''AS- Profitably Connow I hith engineers of militan training ail-1101es entertain silents at- rt pars von R3 tn S'Ii6 a 'rear does not Interfere Olt your regolar tiii ltr I nut nest Country elh for romihrs and thelr ram Ines is it heantiful ste to be given ov to swimming and fishing: Mem behin tit this MIA) is worill someititne and wi r1 If 14prighr Vnung men in assortair tilemeives thla nrcantraiton elf high ivne votAlla turn Arinotv n820 Maln any day or Motict-te Wedneflar '11)Unsdav 'tan enod cooks needed wn 3 IleaL ttotv bt4L-1) 17 and 1 $ers: i tra-el 1nilAver Ingo CIRiA advertising antic experience TiItp he able to leave th city as ones gro Kt nay and nih Aneti in tho uttatify Mr Light 218 New BoArd of Trde PASPItitANOINr) FAnert wora at reasonable Iry own crnr)t t12 I' ritotsrEnING PVSNTTUTIlro Itnholaterins -Beautiful roverintm woramt nshly Ii itarantred: ovenn i fed a apeetalte Ntilnittra free WalkeV Benton 134 VAIN?) ilre trpoirlint done at your haine or my shop aU worit guaranteed Llnanod 417a ClO-tenroadwai Purnifure Siqm -ttgot way tlearance sale Ott entire Stock big reAurt Irma TtlF TELF111iONS vont want athertimemerta to The Star lirtrrlnn 1NM nrd rtk WAnt Ad 3 BRANCH 404 A Officers 0 and members sre rousted to at- tend the funeral ninas of our late Sister Mary Louise Potrykus Satur- day July 23 at 9 a mo at St Anthonys ehuren 7th and Barnett lin wnlorg FtMrs- Menninger Pres June 22 508750 June 29 507450 Total 2 541280 Leto deductions 67652 Total papers sold 2 473628 Average tor the month 412042 Average mail subscribers purchased from a weekly farm pub lication 82083 ts(tI74 10 a wrrd each dali (Irtnimurt Mr a (taw: 15'4c a Word park lop threes enneecultre dual fic a it )Pd Pack day for seren consecutive thus (Camp lph 1927) ASK COFFEYVILLE GRAND JURY PetWon Signed by DSO Will Ile Filed Today In diotault Case COFFEYVILLE KAS July 21--With a 4-month investigation by a private detective of the alleged attack on two high School girls here the night of March 17 ended in failure petitions for a grand Jury circulated two months ago would be flied tomorrow Judge A A Baker A 4 Ii0k4 Hit 1itormt Review Co nt 4'5 1)5104 btdi Educational Rre nriettnK 01 to 1 IPy5 'siterect in et urnng toltebte tho tfle 1o 2 lilah s11)01 hos" 0r1111111R VOillir Mr Twenig nnted rnr the month of ho liornert it nut ETECVA1041 h4I'n rnde work NelenNios 1451tIttrv trio cigJtteolot unwult3 to At Pauct levarct ob $:4 wepk rtel'r5 Ct NO IL 5r ward dav (mfnintunt laa a (MO 4t 5 word each day tot ihrea coneautte dat4g 4 '4 A tonra each dav for SAVAA t'110001MAP davs 15c trAf1 env (vontetunt VW thy 4 ne 5 word each flay hit three renreente ilai 43 A wnrd ench dnv (Or seven vtwootirSP urET MAIKNG rttinn carnets exnertIV cloarked newit if 11 rigs WOVOn from old mkt ca roma beNt prtres Mlsaourt Rug Cleaning-Weaving IGla Holmes ortd enallions firer 'ries expertiy rival-1Pd Hope Rug CigguArg Vila East atti Deutou 352S Dp Whisky Drinkingi And drugs Ires horOclet Write Kerley Tn slltute Box 453 tdo Phone Riven kir Agri lkIrSrn111P1 lloPPITAL MI lith glrls glven heal core and seclusion prices seasonable BiLbles Arsrage total paid circulation for month 494725 All exchanges copies used for employees unsold or returned papers and Bample copies are deducted from this tatemetil ti I Or 0 0.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.