The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (2024)

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (2)

Biology of Apples and Pears is a comprehensive reference book on all aspectsof pomology at the organ, tree and orchard level. It provides detailedinformation on propagation, root and shoot growth, rootstock effects,canopy development in relation to orchard design, flowering, pollina-tion, fruit set, fruit growth, fruit quality factors and quality retention instore. It also deals with mineral nutrition, water relations and irrigation,diseases and pests, and biotechnology. The book emphasizes the scien-tific basis of modern tree and orchard management, and fruit storage.It describes key cultivar differences and their physiology and genetics,and environmental effects and cultivar × environment interactions intropical and subtropical as well as temperate zone conditions. It is writ-ten for fruit growers, extension workers, plant breeders, biotechnologistsand storage and crop protection specialists as well as for researchers andstudents of pomology and horticulture.

has awealth of experience in the scienceof fruit growing.He held senior positions at EastMallingResearch Station andwas chair-man of the Orchard and Plantation Systems (High Density Planting)working group of the International Society for Horticultural Science formany years. Recently he was in charge of the Horticultural ResearchCentre, Marondera, Zimbabwe. He has visited fruit growing areas andlectured to fruit growers and scientists in countries, spanning fourcontinents. He has published extensively in the primary literature andhas contributed to, edited or co-edited numerous volumes on variousaspects of fruit trees and plantation systems.

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (3)


Existing texts in horticultural science tend to cover a wide range oftopics at a relatively superficial level, while more specific informationon individual crop species is dispersed widely in the literature. To ad-dress this imbalance, the Biology of Horticultural Crops presents a seriesof concise texts, each devoted to discussing the biology of an impor-tant horticultural crop species in detail. Key topics such as evolution,morphology, anatomy, physiology and genetics are considered for eachcrop species, with the aim of increasing understanding and providing asound scientific basis for improvements in commercial crop production.Volumes to be published in the series will cover the grapevine, citrusfruit, bananas, apples and pears, and stone fruit.The original concept for this series was the idea of Professor Michael

Mullins, who identified the topics to be covered and acted as GeneralEditor from until his untimely death in .

Biology of the Grapevine, Michael G. Mullins, Alain Bouquet andLarry E. Williams

Biology of Citrus, Pinhas Spiegel-Roy and Eliezer E. Goldschmidt

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (4)


John E. Jackson

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (5)

Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo

Cambridge University PressThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge , United Kingdom

First published in print format

ISBN-13 978-0-521-38018-8 hardback

ISBN-13 978-0-511-06533-0 eBook (NetLibrary)

© Cambridge University Press 2003


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ISBN-10 0-511-06533-7 eBook (NetLibrary)

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The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (6)


Preface page xiAcknowledgements xii


The special characteristics of apple and pear production:setting the scene for their scientific study

Recommended reading


The growing of apples and pears

The history of apple and pear growing

Trade in fresh apples

Trade in pears

Apple and pear products

Climatic conditions in major centres of production

Recommended reading


Apples and pears and their relatives


The place of cultivars in apple and pear production

Apple scion cultivars

Apple rootstocks

Rootstock effects on scion performance

Other characteristics of apple rootstocks

Major apple rootstocks

Pear scion cultivars


The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (7)


Pear rootstocks


Apple and pear root systems: induction,development, structure and function


Root initiation

Root growth of the rooted cutting and duringtree establishment

Orchard tree root systems

Functions of roots

Special features of apple and pear seedling roots


The graft union, grafting and budding


Formation of the graft union

Union formation in T-budding and chip budding


Double working

Effects of temperature on grafting and budding

Effects of height of budding or grafting on scion vigourand cropping

Effects of interstocks on root and shoot growthand cropping


Mechanisms of rootstock and interstock effectson scion vigour


Mechanisms of rootstock and interstock effects on vigour

Conclusions and comments

Recommended reading


The shoot system


The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (8)



Bud dormancy

Dormancy through correlative inhibition

Seasonal bud dormancy

Shoot extension growth

Water shoot growth

Secondary thickening


Leaves, canopies and light interception

Leaf anatomy and morphology

Leaf production and growth

Leaf senescence and shed

Individual tree and orchard leaf area

Effects of light interception and ofwithin-tree shade

Shading by stems, fruits and leaves

Canopy light interception and distribution


Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbohydratetransport, partitioning and storage




Net CO exchange by canopies

Source-sink relationships and carbohydrate partitioning

Net carbon exchange and orchard productivity


Flowers and fruits




Female flower fertility

Fruit set

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (9)


Fruit growth

Fruit skin colour, russet and cracking


Eating quality and its retention


Fruit sensory quality

Changes during maturation and ripening

Readiness for harvest

Control of ripening and senescence

Calcium and fruit eating-quality

Calcium nutrition

Other nutrients and fruit eating-quality

Recommended reading


Mineral nutrition


Nutrient requirements

Symptoms of deficiency or excess

Nitrogen nutrition

Phosphorus nutrition

Potassium nutrition

Calcium nutrition

Magnesium nutrition

Manganese nutrition

Copper nutrition

Boron nutrition

Iron nutrition

Zinc nutrition

Effects of aluminium on nutrition

Interactions between nutrients

Orchard management and tree nutrition

Recommended reading


The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (10)


Water relations


Soil water availability

Evaporation and evapotranspiration

Basic concepts in tree water relations

Roots and tree water relations

Stem water relations

Leaf water relations

Fruit water relations

Integrated effects of water stress



Effects of flooding


Diseases, pests, and resistance to these


Virus and MLO diseases

Bacterial disease

Fungal diseases


Replant problems


Biotechnology of apples and pears

Propagation in vitro

Genetic transformation

Molecular markers


Cultivar Index General Index

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (11)

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (12)


Biology of Apples and Pears is written for undergraduates and postgraduatestudents of horticultural science, for scientists from other disciplines who needa core reference book on these crops, and for fruit growers and technicaladvisers.

There is already a vast amount of published work on apple and pear biologyand production. However, much of this literature is difficult to interpret andapply in the context of rapid changes in areas of production – hence environ-mental constraints – and of cultivars with basic differences in physiology.Thisbook addresses these issues directly by emphasising responses to environment,and cultural and storage technology at the cultivar level.

Biology of Apples and Pears deals with the biology of their eating quality andits retention as well as of their tree growth and cropping. It also emphasisesthe factors underlying the dramatic change from orchards of large trees tomodern high-density orchards of dwarfed trees, and also those underlyingmodern techniques of fruit tree irrigation and nutrition.

Throughout the book the results of research on apple and pear biology arelinked to the relevant current concepts in more basic seciences. The numer-ous references, therefore, cover both crop-specific and basic-science researchpapers and reviews.

Given the breadth of coverage, from anatomy and histology through physio-logy to biotechnology and disease, pest and environmental stress resistancethere must inevitably be questions of relative emphasis. The guiding principlefollowed has been to concentrate on those aspects of the biology currentlymost important to the production of apple and pear fruits through to the pointof consumption.


The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (13)


Special thanks are due to Horticultural Research International, East Mallingfor allowing access to their library after my retirement and toMrs Sarah Loat,Librarian, for her help. C.J. Atkinson, E. Billings, P.S. Blake, D.L. Davies,N.A. Hipps, D.J. James, D.S. Johnson, J.D. Quinlan, J.R. Stow, K.R. Tobutt,R. Watkins, A.D. Webster and other previous colleagues gave generously oftheir time for discussion, but are not in any way responsible for any errors ofweeknesses in their text. M. Blanke, R. Harrison-Murray, S.E. Horton, B.H.Howard, K. Hrotko, J.S. Kamboj, A.N. Lakso, H.A. Quamme, S. Sansaviniand J. N. Wunsche were particularly helpful with respect to sourcing textfigures and tables. The co-operation of the Japanese Academic Associationfor Copyright Clearance is gratefully acknowledged.MrsMolly Kurwakumiretyped the initial text and Mrs Barbara Jackson subsequent modifications andcorrespondence.

The continued support of Dr Maria Murphy and colleagues at CambridgeUniversity Press is gratefully acknowledged and the book is dedicated to thescientists upon whose work it is based.


The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (14)


The special characteristics of apple andpear production: setting the scene for

their scientific study

Apples and pears are among the oldest of the world’s fruit crops, fig-uring in both the Bible and the tales of Homer. They are by far themost important of the deciduous tree fruits, are widely grown in temper-ate and, increasingly, in tropical regions, and figure prominently in worldtrade.

The fruits of apples and pears are primarily grown for the fresh fruit mar-ket, which is much more remunerative than that for processing. O’Rourke() noted that in the United States a thousand tons of apples qualifyingfor fresh sale would, on average, generate more than three times the revenueof a thousand tons sold for juice and that even within the fresh fruit cate-gory the most desirable fruits may sell for three or four times the price ofthe least desirable fruits. Moreover, apples and pears for fresh consumption,and also even in some processed forms, are marketed by cultivar name toa much greater extent than has been traditional for other fresh fruits andvegetables, and the different cultivars command different prices. The cultureof apples and pears is, therefore, directed towards the production of fruitsof named cultivars and to the production of fruits of high perceived qual-ity within each cultivar. In general the cultivars do not come true-to-typewhen grown from seed and the necessary uniformity is achieved by clonalpropagation. Fruit flavour, texture, size and colour are all characteristics ofthe cultivar but can be influenced by tree nutrition and pruning and by fruitthinning.

Market demand extends throughout the year although any one cultivarin a particular region has only a limited harvesting season, excepting some

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (15)

relatively minor tropical production. To meet year-round demand the seasonof availability is extended in several ways.

Growing a range of cultivars with different harvesting seasons, from earlyto late, in the same orchard or locality. This approach is declining in im-portance in the major areas of commercial production as demand focusesincreasingly on a fairly limited number of cultivars.

Growing the cultivars which are in greatest demand in areas with differentseasons of production. Thus ‘Golden Delicious’ apple is available through-out the year on English markets by combining northern hemispheresources, apples from southern France being available earlier than fromnorthern France or the Netherlands, and southern hemisphere sourcessuch as South Africa.

The use of long-term storage, which encompasses both the use of low tem-perature and controlled atmosphere stores to modify the ripening processand also the use of pre-harvest treatments to improve the intrinsic potentialstorage life of the fruits. Such treatments include those to modify chemicalcomposition so as to maintain cell wall and membrane integrity, and alsoharvesting the fruits at an appropriate stage of maturity.

The perennial nature of apple and pear trees and their characteristic pat-terns of flowering and fruiting are also very important.

If seedling fruit trees are planted at a spacing appropriate to their natural sizeat maturity the yield per unit area of orchard would be low formany years afterplanting. The trees at maturity would also be so large as to require ladders toprune and pick,making these operations slow and expensive, andwould be tooshaded in their lower parts to produce fruits of acceptable commercial qualitythere. Moreover it is difficult and expensive to ensure thorough application ofpesticides throughout the canopies of large trees and to carry out effective pestand disease monitoring. A major thrust in orchard system development hastherefore been to use dwarfing rootstocks and pruning methods which controltree size at maturity. These enable the trees to be planted at close spacings(high-density planting) so as to achieve high levels of light interception andyield early in the life of the orchardwithout subsequent overcrowding ( Jackson,). Increasing the harvest index, i.e. the proportion of the total dry matterincrement which is devoted to fruit, is one key objective of rootstock selection.

A second distinctive feature of perennial fruit trees is that factors in the yearor season preceding that of cropping can have major effects on yield. Factorssuch as crop load and shade within the tree influence the formation of theflower buds that will give the next season’s crop. Temperatures during thewinter control emergence from dormancy and methods of inducing budbreakin tropical and subtropical climates with mild winters are a key element insuccessful apple and pear production there (Ruck, ; Saure, ). Even intemperate regions there are large effects of winter temperatures, prior to any

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (16)

leaf emergence, on fruit set and yield in the following season ( Jackson et al.,; Lakso, ).

A third feature is the generally ‘spare capacity’ of apple and pear trees. Theirpotential growth once mature usually exceeds requirement and the number offlower buds is greatly in excess of the number of high quality fruits that can becarried to maturity. Even the root system is highly mutable and can adapt toa very limited soil volume. Efficient tree management may therefore involvevarying degrees of pruning or growth regulator use to control tree size atmaturity, of pruning and fruit thinning to reduce fruit numbers, and irrigationmethods in which water is applied to only part of the orchard surface.

The popularity of apples and pears as fruits, combined with their perishabil-ity, has led to twomajor trends in their production. The first is a concentrationin regions of substantial climatic advantage combined with sophisticated tech-nologies of production, storage and transportation. The second, in low-incomecountries, has been an expansion of production especially for local marketseven in climates previously regarded as unsuited to temperate-zone fruits. Ineach case there has been rapid development based on an understanding ofthe scientific basis of fruit crop production and development of the relevanttechnologies. Furthermore, there is now very rapid transfer of fruit-growingtechnologies to the new areas of production.

Recommended reading

Childers, N.F. (). Modern Fruit Science. Gainesville, FL: HorticulturalPublications.

Westwood, M.N. (). Temperate Zone Pomology, Physiology and Culture. Portland,OR: Timber Press.


Jackson, J.E. (). Light interception and utilization by orchard systems.Horticultural Reviews , – .

Jackson, J.E., Hamer, P.J.C. and Wickenden, M.F. (). Effects of early springtemperatures on the set of fruit of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apple and year toyear variation in its yields. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Lakso, A.N. (). Apple. In Handbook of Environmental Physiology of Fruit Crops,Vol. . Temperate Crops, ed. B. Schaffer and P.C. Anderson Chapter , pp. –.Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

O’Rourke, A.D. (). The World Apple Market. Binghamton, NY: Food ProductsPress. pp.

Ruck, H.C. (). Deciduous Fruit Tree Cultivars for Tropical and Subtropical Regions.Horticultural Review No. . East Malling, UK: Commonwealth AgriculturalBureaux.

Saure, M.C. (). Dormancy release in deciduous fruit trees. HorticulturalReviews , – .

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (17)

The growing of apples

and pears

The history of apple and pear growing

Apples and pears in the wild and in prehistory

The genus Malus has, according to most authorities, to species andseveral subspecies of so-called crab apples. These species are found in the wildalmost continuously throughout temperate Eurasia and North America. Theprimary centre of diversity appears to be within a region stretching from AsiaMinor to thewestern provinces ofChina ( Janick et al., ; Juniper et al., ,). Forests of wild apples are still found in this region (Roach, ), withfruits ranging from small and unattractive to ones similar to the traditionalcultivated eating apples.

There is evidence that the fruits of apples were collected as food by pre-historic man. Carbonized fruits dating from BC were found at CatalHuyuk in Anatolia and remains of both sour crab apples and a larger form,which may have been cultivated, were discovered in prehistoric lake dwellingsin Switzerland. It seems likely that apples moved with human migration alongthe Old Silk Roads linking western China with the Near East and Danubevalley even in Neolithic and Bronze Age times. These routes passed throughAlmaten (Alma Ata) in eastern Kazakhstan and the northern slopes of theTien Shan Mountains, now thought to be the possible centre of origin of thedomestic apple ( Juniper et al., ).

Cultivated pears appear to have arisen from three centres of diversity: aChinese centre where forms of Pyrus pyrifolia and P. ussuriensis are grown, acentre in the Caucasus Mountains and Asia Minor where the domesticatedforms of P. communis arose, and a Central Asian centre where P. communis andits hybrids occur (Vavilov, ; Bell et al., ). Asian or Japanese pears arethought to have been domesticated in prehistoric times from wild P. pyrifolia

and to have been cultivated in China for at least years (Lombard andWestwood, ).

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Apples and pears in antiquity

Improved forms of apples and pears (P. communis) were spread through thecivilizations of the Fertile Crescent, extending from the hills of Persia andsouth of the Caspian Sea to Turkey and through Palestine to Egypt. Appletrees apparently reached Palestine in about BC and feature in the Bible(Authorized King James Version) in the Song of Solomon. From Palestine theywere taken to Egypt and apple plantations in the Nile Delta are mentioned inthe Third Papyrus of Anastasi in the reign of Rameses II (– BC). TheHarris Papyrus of the time of Rameses III (– BC) refers to basketsof apples being delivered as offerings to the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis.

Both apples and pears were well known in the world of Ancient Greece.Homer, in the Odyssey written between and BC refers to a largeorchard with both apples and pears; and Theophrastus spoke of the difficultyof propagating apples from cuttings, budding and grafting being the generallyaccepted methods.

Apple culture was well developed in the Roman empire. Columella de-scribed cleft- and rind-grafting and also a technique of propagation practicallyidentical with modern patch-budding. Pliny described the apple as having thehighest value among fruits. He noted that fruit cultivation was a very profitableenterprise, provided that the orchards were near to a town where the fruitscould be sold, and that fruit cultivation in the villages near Rome was moreprofitable than any other form of farming. The Roman Varro (– BC) de-scribed apple storage and the construction of an apple store so as to keep it cooland well ventilated. All the Roman writers included the names of a number ofapple cultivars. Pears seem to have been favoured more for cooking and theRomans had many named cultivars, some already of considerable antiquity.

The earliest written record of cultivated Asian pear groves in Japan is in themanuscript of the Emperor Jito in AD (Kajiura, ).

Apples and pears in medieval andpre-industrial times

Charlemagne, the Frankish king who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor inAD , introduced a law which laid down that crown lands in every city ofthe Empire should have a garden planted with herbs and fruits. The fruitsincluded apples and pears. Over the ensuing centuries, both in England andthroughout western Europe, the monasteries became major centres for appleand pear production. In England these monasteries were, from , underthe direction of Norman-French bishops and abbots and had the manage-ment not only of adjoining properties but also of lands allocated to them bythe King. In Kent, in , almost half of the entire county was owned by

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Christ Church and St Augustine’s priories at Canterbury. They grew applesand pears for eating and cooking and also apples for cider. The sale of ciderwas recorded at Battle Abbey in Sussex in and cider production wasrecorded in Yorkshire at around the same time. In the South Tyrol, also ataround this time, apples were grown in the gardens of monasteries, castlesand rural settlements to supply local markets, e.g. the Obstplatz (fruit square)in Bolzano (Oberhofer, ). In England two cultivars, the ‘Pearmain’ andthe ‘Costard’ were grown extensively in the thirteenth century and there arerecords of apples and pears and their rootstocks being bought and sold. Pearsweremuch planted inmedieval England, with new cultivars brought over fromthe La Rochelle area of France. King Henry VIII ordered the importation ofgraftwood of the best available cultivars in and Richard Harris, Fruitererto the King, imported many apple cultivars, especially pippins, from Franceand pear graftwood from the Low Countries (Netherlands). Subsequent tothis Walloon refugees settled in Sandwich in Kent. Some of these Dutch sett-lers then moved to northwest Kent and Surrey to establish market gardens tosupply London and later established apple and pear orchards for this purpose.

In the sixteenth century the use of dwarfing ‘Paradise’ rootstocks was de-scribed for the first time in Europe, by Ruellius in . This ‘French Paradise’probably had originated in Armenia as a form ofMalus pumila or aM. pumila ×M. sylvestris hybrid. ‘Paradise’ apple trees were grown and used as rootstocksto control the vigour of cultivars grafted on them in England in the latesixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The first ‘Paradise’ rootstocks hadbeen brought over from France but they were subsequently propagated inEnglish nurseries.

The introduction of apple and pear culture in North and South America,South Africa, Australia and New Zealand accompanied European settlement.The first documented apple orchard in what is now the USAwas planted nearBoston in , and this was almost certainly preceded by plantings in LatinAmerica.

Apple and pear production in the modern era

The distinctively modern era, from the perspective of apple and pear produc-tion, dates from the development of cheap and rapid long-distance transporta-tion by steamship, railway train and truck. It is characterized by the develop-ment of science-based technologies to improve the productivity of fruit treesin a wide range of environments and to enable apples and pears to be storedin good condition for many months.

Prior to these developments apple and pear growing for market was pre-dominantly in areas close to large towns and cities, such as in villages near toRome in the time of Pliny, and in Kent near to London in theMiddle Ages andsubsequently. There was some international trade, e.g. over the Brenner Pass

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from areas south of the Alps and over the Channel from France to England,but the distances involved and the bulks transported were limited.

In the railway from Bozen (Bolzano) in what is now Italy was openedacross the Alps, connecting the South Tyrol with many populous cities andtowns in central Europe (Oberhofer, ). Subsequently there was a majorincrease in apple exports from what is now the Alto Adige region of northernItaly and by far the greater proportion of fruit grown there is now exported,especially to Germany and Austria.

Apple growing in the United States followed the extension of settlementwestwards. Climatic conditions differed markedly from those in Great Britainand there was much practical trial and error to select appropriate cultivars.The native crab apples were largely discounted even as a source of breed-ing material and large numbers of seedlings were imported, especially forthe production of cider. As populations moved into areas with colder wintersmany northern European cultivars were introduced and by more thana thousand cultivars were listed. Production in the eastern and mid-westernstates of the USA centred on NewYork,Michigan and the Shenandoah Valleyarea of Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia, all within easy reach ofmajor markets. Apple planting in Washington State, remote from large cen-tres of population, began early in the nineteenth century primarily to supplyapples for the settlers themselves. Commercial orchards were planted exten-sively near Yakima by the s (Marshall and Steigmeyer, ). Most of theplantings were along the banks of the Columbia River and its major tribu-taries, the Okanagan, Snake, Wenatchee and Yakima rivers. Steamboats onthe Columbia were a major means of freight, rail service became availablefrom Wenatchee town in and car-lot shipping started in . Furtherextension of the railway and heavy promotion of apple planting led to a rapidincrease in production and by Washington had become the leading statefor apple production in the USA. Expansion continued and in the s therewere extensive new plantings on virgin land in the central Columbia RiverBasin. In Washington State produced . million tons of apples outof a total production in the USA of . million tons, i.e. more than % ofthe US total. It should be noted that this production is totally dependent onirrigation, average annual rainfall in Wenatchee and Yakima being only and mm respectively (Elfving, ). The industry is dependent on mar-kets outside the state, international exports rising to % of total shipmentsby . Two thirds of the production is of the cv. ‘Red Delicious’, followedby ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’.

The apple industries of Australia, New Zealand and South Africa under-went major expansion in the early twentieth century to take advantage of the

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Table . Annual apple production by country /– ( MT)

YearRank() Country /

China USA Former USSR France Turkey Iran Italy Poland Germany India Argentina Japan Chile Spain Korean DPR Brazil Mexico Korean Rep. Pakistan Canada Belg./Lux. South Africa Netherlands New Zealand Hungary Romania Egypt Austria Morocco UK

Total – Total World

Data from FAO ( , ).

opportunities offeredby theEnglishmarket. Indeed research inEnglandonap-ple rootstock breeding and on fruit storage during this periodwas partly to sup-port production in and shipment from these southern hemisphere countries.

Over the period /, when annual world production averaged tons, France was the leading producer of apples, followed by, inorder, the USA, Germany, the [then] USSR, Italy and the United Kingdom(Table .). These six countries between them produced %of the total worldoutput. In , by comparison, China was the leading producer followed by

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theUSA, the formerUSSR, France, Turkey, Iran and Italy, between them pro-ducing % of a world output of metric tons (MT). In thesewere still the top six producing countries, but production in China had risento .million MT out of a global total of . million MT (Belrose, ).

From / to production in northwestern and central Europe(France, Germany, Belgium/Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria and theUK) was relatively constant, although that in the Netherlands increased andthat in the UK declined. Output from Italy increased up to and thenchanged very little while production in Poland, Spain, Hungary and Romaniaincreased substantially.

Themodern era of apple production in Japanbegan in the s,whenmorethan cultivars of apple were introduced from western countries and dis-tributed by the government, mainly to prefectures in northern Japan (f*ckuda,). These replaced the poor crab-apple type of apples called ‘Waringo’(M. asiatica Nakai) which had been grown in Japan from the fifteenth century.The cvs. ‘Ralls Janet’ and ‘Jonathan’ dominated until the s when theywere replaced by ‘Fuji’, which was bred in Japan, and by ‘Delicious’ strains,the latter then being largely replaced by newer, mainly locally-bred, cultivars.

Total production of apples in Japan remained relatively constant from onwards but elsewhere in Asia there were dramatic increases in production.In western Asia, production in Turkey increased steadily over the period,from MT on average in / to MT in , while thatin Iran increased very rapidly from the s onwards. In India expansionin production was fairly steady, while in Pakistan most of it came after . Ineast Asia the increase in production in the two Koreas came well before thatin China, where it was much greater in the s than in any earlier period.Indeed, the increase in production in China was the dominant feature of worldapple growing in the s. The largest production was in Shandong province,across the Yellow Sea from South Korea and southern Japan, followed byLiaoning to the north, Hubei in central China, Hunan, Shaanxi and Shanxi(Shou-Chun, ). As has typically been the case where there have beenlarge planned increases in production in ‘new’ areas, there was emphasis onproduction of new cultivars with high consumer demand. By the late sapproximately %of the apples grown inChinawere of the Japanese cv. ‘Fuji’,which returned twice the price per kilogram compared with the previouslydominant ‘Red Delicious’. Although the main market was within the country,apples were exported to Far East Russia, and to Hong Kong and Singaporefrom which they were re-exported to the rest of Asia.

In North America expansion of production was relatively moderate andsteady in Canada and theUSA, doubling between / and , whereasit increased -fold over the same period in Mexico with the greatest growthin absolute terms in the s.

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In South America most of the increase in production in Argentina was inthe period up to , whereas in Chile output continued to increase rapidlyin the s and s and in Brazil the rapid increase in production wasvirtually confined to those two decades. Planting in Brazil was mainly in SantaCaterina province in the south, with emphasis on the relatively new cvs. ‘Gala’and ‘Fuji’.

In South Africa production increased -fold over the period / to, the rate of increase being fairly steady, while growth in apple productionin Egypt andMorocco was much more rapid in the s than previously. It isnotable that in production in Egypt and Morocco together considerablyexceeded that in South Africa.

Production in New Zealand expanded steadily, increasing -fold over theperiod considered, with a pattern of change very similar to those in the othersouthern hemisphere countries, Chile and South Africa, where apples are alsogrown mainly for export.

Thefigures given inTable . showdominanceof a relatively fewcountries inapple production, but the concentration of output in relatively small favouredareas is even more striking. More than half of the total output of apples inthe USA is from a small number of river valleys in Washington State, wherethe fruit trees are grown in irrigated semi-desert country in the rain shadowof the Cascade Mountains (Figure .). Similarly, Italy is the world’s seventhlargest producer of apples and more than % of its production (Sansavini,) and half of its exports (Oberhofer, ) are from a very small area of theTrentino and Alto Adige provinces. In Poland, another major producer, thearea around Grojec, about miles south of Warsaw, has one of the greatestapple orchard concentrations in Europe, accounting for %of Poland’s freshapple production in (Florkowski et al., ).

Pear production, although on a much smaller scale than apple production,has followed a similar pattern of expansion in recent years. China wasthe leading country in , having overtaken Italy by . Italy, Spain,Argentina and Japan are all relatively higher-ranked for pear than for appleproduction although they each produce more apples than pears. Produc-tion in western and central mainland Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, France,Belgium/Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal and Austria)gave % of the world’s output over the years / but despite a slight risein output by produced only % of the world output in that year. Thisrelative decline was because of major increases in output in China, Argentina,Turkey, Chile, South Africa, Iran and others (Table .).

There is a similar concentration of production within specific areas, as isfound with apple. More than % of Italian output of pears comes from the

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (24)

Figure 1.1 Concentration of apple production. More than half of allproduction in the USA is in Washington State (W on map(a)) andwithin that state is largely confined to the valleys of the Columbia,Okanagan, Snake, Wenatchee and Yakima rivers in the stippled areason map (b). Map (b) redrawn from Marshall and Steigmeyer (1995).

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Table . Annual pear production of leading countries /– ( MT)

YearRank() Country / /

China Italy USA Spain Argentina Former USSR N.A. Japan Turkey Germany France Chile South Africa Iran Korean Rep. Australia Belg./Lux. Netherlands India Korean DPR Switzerland Egypt Greece Portugal Austria

Total – Total World

Data from FAO ( , , , ).

lowlands of Emilio Romagna and Veneto (Sansavini, ). More than %ofthe output of pears in the USA comes from the irrigated valleys ofWashingtonState, which overtook California in pear production in the mid-s (USDA,–).

In Japan there were more than named cultivars of Nashi ( Japaneseor Asian pears) by and commercial production began around the capi-tal. This was boosted in about with the introduction of two high-qualitychance seedlings (‘Nijisseiki’ and ‘Chojura’), and the development of the rail-way network enabledNashi fruits to be transported to the big cities fromdistantagricultural regions such as the Tottori prefecture (Kajiura, ). ‘Chojura’remained the dominant cultivar until when it was replaced by the newly-bred cvs. ‘Kosui’ and ‘Hosui’. In ‘Kosui’, ‘Nijisseiki’ and ‘Hosui’ werecultivated on .%, .%and .%, respectively, of the area growingNashi

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Table . Apple exports. Exports in MT from the leading apple exporters

Exports ExportsCountry and Country andrank in rank in

France () France () Hungary () USA () Italy () Italy () Chile () Chile () USA () Netherlands () Argentina () Belg./Lux. () Netherlands ( ) New Zealand ( ) South Africa () Argentina () New Zealand () South Africa () Belg./Lux. () Iran () Poland () Poland () China () China ()

Data from FAO (, ).

pears in Japan. ‘Kosui’ is an early-season pear and ‘Nijisseiki’ and ‘Hosui’ aremid-season pears.

Trade in fresh apples

Between and imports, which are a measure of between-countrytrade, averaged between % and % of production in most years (Belrose,), i.e. most apples were consumed in the country of production. How-ever, exports of apples are very important to a number of national economiesand also, to at least some extent, provide an indication of the countries withcomparative advantages in production. Exports are shown in Table ..

Most exports are to nearby countries. In the major destinations of ap-ples exported were as shown in Table .. Exports from France, Italy, Poland,the USA, the Netherlands, Argentina and Belgium/Luxembourg were all toneighbouring countries; only those fromChile, NewZealand and SouthAfricawere to distant countries. In these latter cases the need for long-term storageduring transport is self-evident, though this is of course also true for applessold within the country of production. The high level of exports from theNetherlands and Belgium-Luxembourg to some extent involves re-export ofimported fruits, but in Dutch exports of MTgreatly exceeded im-ports of MT and the corresponding figures for Belgium-Luxembourgwere MTof exports and MTof imports (FAO, ). Importsinto Poland in were only % of exports, no imports were recorded for

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (27)

Table . The major destinations of fresh apples from the

top ten exporters in

Exporter Rank Major destinations

France United KingdomChile NetherlandsItaly West GermanyNew Zealand Belgium/LuxembourgPoland USSRUnited States CanadaSouth Africa United KingdomNetherlands West GermanyArgentina BrazilBelgium/Luxembourg West Germany

FromVidyashankara andWilson (). CreditWashingtonState University IMPACT Program.

Chile, Iran or South Africa, and those into New Zealand were only threehundredths of % of exports.

Trade in pears

Whereas in France and Italy were ranked first and third, in terms of ex-ports they were only ninth and seventh respectively in , while Argentina,South Africa, Chile and the USA had improved their relative positions(Table .).

Apple and pear products

Apples and pears have many uses: fresh fruits, fresh fruit juice, concentratedfruit juice, cider and perry, ‘pop wine’, and various canned and dried fruitproducts.

Fresh fruits are by far themost important in terms of total apple consumption(Table .). They are evenmore so in terms of value: in theUSAover the period– the prices growers received for fresh apples averaged more thantwice those received for apples for processing. Within the processing sectorhigher prices were paid for large apples suitable for peeling for canning andfreezing; dried apples, from sound fruit, achieved about % of the canningand peeling price and apples for pressing for juice and cider averaged % ofthe canning and freezing price (Greig and Blakeslee, ). Prices of apples for

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (28)

Table . Pear exports. Exports in MT from the leading pear exporters

Exports ExportsCountry and Country andrank in rank in

France () Argentina () Argentina () South Africa () Italy () Belg./Lux. () Netherlands () Chile () South Africa () USA () China () Netherlands () Spain ( ) Italy ( ) Chile () China () Belg./Lux. () France () USA () Spain () Australia () Australia () Japan () Hong Kong ()

Data from FAO (, , ).

Table . Major uses of apples in selected regions, – ( MT)

Fresh Freshconsumption exports Processing Withdrawal

EC USA Turkey Argentina South Africa

Data from O’Rourke ().

processing are declining and in the USA in were only about a quarter ofthe fresh apple price (Belrose, ).

Under many, perhaps most, circ*mstances the apples which are used inprocessing do not cover their full share of production costs. In WashingtonState in a typical orchard might produce tons of apples per acre( t ha− ) at a total cost of $, i.e. $ per ton. The orchard wouldtypically yield tons of apples sold for fresh consumption at $. per ton, tons of apples suitable for canning or peeling at $. per ton and tons ofapples suitable for juice only at $. per ton (Hinman et al., ). Althoughthe fruit sold for processing does not appear to meet its cost of production,as long as the price per ton exceeds the costs of harvesting and transportingto the processor this processing fruit makes a net contribution to the grower’sincome because it does not affect his pre-harvest costs.

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Fresh apples and pears are, as mentioned earlier, sold in categories, classesor grades which reflect perceived quality. The quality criteria are specificto types (e.g. red, partially coloured or green apples) and even to individualcultivars. In general larger fruits are preferred to smaller ones, bright redcolour is preferred in red cultivars, and downgrading results from any surfaceblemish whether this is the result of pest or disease attack or a physiological orenvironmental cause. This quality grading has very important consequencesin terms of tree management. Large fruits develop when fruits and leaves arewell exposed to sunlight and fruit-to-fruit competition for assimilates is reducedby fruitlet thinning. The anthocyanin pigment which gives fruit skin its redcolour is only formed, in most cultivars, under the direct influence of exposureto sunlight. Downgrading can thus result from fruit development under shadyconditions. When, however, light intensities are very high, inadequate shadecan lead to sunburn, which can result in the fruit being unsuitable for the freshmarket.

Apple juice is the second most important apple product. The apples areground, pressed and filtered to remove skins and pulp. The juice is then pas-teurized. It may be sold as such, in un-concentrated form, or concentrated togive a to concentrate, i.e. a concentrate which is reconstituted to apple juiceby adding six parts of water to one of concentrate. The ability to concentrateapple juice has greatly reduced its transportation costs and made it possibleto ship it economically from areas of production to distant markets. In Argentina processed more than % of its apple production into juice con-centrate and exported % of this to the USA (O’Rourke, ). Apple juiceis the cheapest of all fruit juices: as well as being sold as such it is therefore alsowidely used in fruit juice blends which are marketed under the name of theother ingredient. In England and in Canada apples are fermented to makean alcoholic drink called cider (most American cider is non-alcoholic juice).In England this is produced from special cultivars giving characteristic aromaand flavour. Conventional apple juice can also be used as the sugar sourcefor producing ‘pop wines’ as an alternative to using the more expensive grapejuice.

The second most important processed apple product is apple sauce. Theapples are peeled, cored and trimmed, chopped and cooked with sugar. Thecooked sauce is then filtered, and water and sugar automatically added toensure consistency of product prior to canning. Other products include driedapple and apple chips.

Pears are primarily grown for the fresh market and for canning. One cul-tivar, ‘Bartlett’, dominates the canning market. In , out of a total USproduction of tons of pears, tons were of ‘Bartlett’ grown inthe states of California, Washington and Oregon of which tons (%)was processed (USDA, –). Over the ten years – an average of

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (30)

% of the utilized pear production was for the fresh market, the proportionbeing greater in the more recent years. ‘Bartlett’ used in processing, mainlygrown under contract for canning, averaged about %of the ‘grower price’ of‘Bartlett’ for fresh consumption in the USA over the years and –.Processed pears of other cultivars tend to be used in juice and other lowvalue products and achieved only about %of their fresh fruit price (Belrose,).

Climatic conditions in major centresof production

It is clearly impossible to give any narrow description of the climatic conditionsrequired for successful apple and pear production. Apples and pears are grownfor export, i.e. to an internationally competitive level, in climates as diverse asthose of the Netherlands and South Africa. They can be grown with varyingdegrees of success throughout the temperate zone and, increasingly, in thesubtropics and even the tropics. Successful production depends both on theclimate, especially the local microclimate, and on effective adaptations to thisin terms of cultivar selection and cultural practice. This is discussed in detaillater.

Table . illustrates the range of temperatures in which apples and pears aresuccessfully produced. The dominant climatic constraints range from winter-freeze damage in Poland to inadequate winter chilling for fruit bud develop-ment of most cultivars in Egypt, and summer heat stress and fruit sunburnin Washington State. It should be noted that whereas the means of the dailyminima and maxima (daily means) are useful in defining growing conditions,the means of the monthly minima and maxima (monthly means) are muchmore informative as the levels of potentially limiting stress factors which occuron a regular basis.

At a more subtle level, temperature effects on fruit set, fruit size, fruit colourand fruit shape determine where the leading apple cultivar, ‘Red Delicious’,is best produced.

Table . shows the incoming solar irradiation in a number of apple andpear growing regions. At higher irradiation levels a greater depth of canopycan receive light at any given level so potential photosynthesis of the canopyis increased.

Irrigation is practised inmost of themajor regions of apple and pear produc-tion. Rainfall is probably adverse in most areas, leading to increased incidenceof fungal diseases, especially apple scab, and bacterial diseases, especially fireblight, on pears. The high cloud cover associated with rainfall is also a majorfactor in reducing the available solar radiation in many fruit-growing areas.

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The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (33)

Table . Incoming global radiation during a -month growing

season at weather stations in major fruit-producing regions

RadiationLocation Year (GJ m− )

Davis, California LT .Avignon, France .Riwaka, New Zealand LT .Ithaca, New York .Wilhelminadorp, Netherlands – .

LT, long-term average data.From Wagenmakers (). Reproduced with permission.

Recommended reading

Janson, H.F. (). Pomona’s Harvest. An illustrated chronicle of antiquarian fruitliterature. Portland, OR: Timber Press.


Bell, R.L., Quamme, H.A., Layne, R.E.C. and Skirvin, R.M. (). Pears. InFruit Breeding, Vol. . Tree and Tropical Fruits, ed. J. Janick and J.N. Moore,pp. –. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Belrose (). World Apple Review . Pullman, WA: Belrose Inc.Belrose (). World Pear Review . Pullman, WA: Belrose Inc.Belrose (). World Apple Review . Pullman, WA: Belrose Inc.Elfving, D.C. ( ). Trends in the Washington State tree-fruit industry. Acta

Horticulturae , –.FAO ( ). FAO Production Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: UN Food and

Agriculture Organization.FAO (). FAO Production Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: FAO.FAO ( ). World Crop and Livestock Statistics –. Rome: FAO.FAO (). FAO Trade Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: FAO.FAO (). FAO Production Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: FAO.FAO (). FAO Trade Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: FAO.FAO ( ). FAO Production Yearbook, Vol. . . Rome: FAO.Florkowski, W.J., Majewski, E. and Bagel, M. (). Opportunities in

production and marketing of integrated fruit production (IFP) certified applesin Poland. Journal of Tree Fruit Production (), –.

f*ckuda, H. (). Apple. In Horticulture in Japan, ed. K. Konishi, S. Iwahori,H. Kitagawa and T. Yakuwa, pp. – . Tokyo: Asakura Publishing Co. Ltd,.

Greig, W.S. and Blakeslee, L.L. (). Potential for apple juice processing in the USwith implications for Washington. Pullman: Washington State University Collegeof Agriculture Research Center Bulletin .

Hinman, H.R., Tvergyak, P., Peterson, B. and Clements, M. (). estimated cost of producing ‘Red Delicious’ apples in Central Washington. Pullman,

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (34)

WA: Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Farm BusinessManagement Report, E.B. .

Janick, J., Cummins, J.N., Brown, S.K. and Hemmat, M. (). Apples. In FruitBreeding, Vol. . Tree and Tropical Fruits, ed. J. Janick and J.N. Moore, pp. – .New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Juniper, B.E., Robinson, J., Harris, S.A. and Watkins, R. (). Origin of theapple (Malus domestica Borkh.). In Encyclopedia of Genetics, ed. E.C.R. Reeve,pp. – . London: Fitzroy Dearborn.

Juniper, B.E., Watkins, R. and Harris, S.A. (). The origin of the apple. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Kajiura, I. (). Nashi ( Japanese pear). In Horticulture in Japan, ed. K. Konishi,S. Iwahori, H. Kitagawa and T. Yakuwa, pp. – . Tokyo: AsakuraPublishing Co. Ltd.

Lombard, P.B. and Westwood, M.N. ( ). Pear rootstocks. In Rootstocks for FruitCrops, ed. R.C. Rom and R.F. Carlson, pp. –. New York: John Wiley andSons.

Marshall, J. and Steigmeyer, R. (). Washington Apple Country. Portland, OR:Graphic Arts Center Publishing.

Meteorological Office (). Tables of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation andsunshine for the world, Parts I, III and IV. London: HMSO.

Oberhofer, H. (). Fruit growing in South Tyrol. Acta Horticulturae , –.O’Rourke, A.D. (). The World Apple Market. New York: Food Products Press.Roach, F.A. (). Cultivated Fruits of Britain. Their Origin and History. Oxford:

Blackwell.Sansavini, S. (). The fruit industry in Italy. In Discovering Italy’s Horticulture,

ed. S. Sansavini, pp. –. XXIII International Horticultural Congress.Florence: Societa Orticola Italiana.

Shou-Chun, Q. (). Cited in: China pushes Fuji into overseas markets. Asiafruit. January/February , p. .

USDA (–). Agricultural Statistics –. Washington, DC: USGovernment Printing Office.

Vavilov, N.I. (). The Origin, Variation, Immunity and Breeding of Cultivated Plants.New York: Ronald Press and Waltham, MA: Chronica Botanica.

Vidyashankara, S. and Wilson, W.W. (). World trade in apples – .Pullman, WA: Washington State University, IMPACT Center, InformationSeries No .

Wagenmakers, P.S. (). Light relations in orchard systems. Thesis,Wageningen.

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (35)

Apples and pears and

their relatives


Apples and pears belong to the Rosaceae, subfamily Pomoideae, the pome fruits.Other members of this subfamily include quince and medlar. The flowers ofthe Rosaceae are actinomorphic with sepals, petals, numerous stamens andeither one compound pistil or many simple pistils. The number of styles equalsthe number of carpels. The Pomoideae have mixed flower buds containing bothleaf and flower initials, an epigynous ovary and – carpels. The Pomoideae

have a basic chromosome number of compared with – for the othersubfamilies of Rosaceae.

TheMalus (apple) inflorescence is determinate but the descriptive terminol-ogy is disputed (Pratt, ). It is variously described as a corymb, a corymboseraceme, a cyme and a false cyme. Pyrus (pear) inflorescences have been de-scribed as umbel-like simple corymbs (Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, )and as racemes (Bell et al. ). Cydonia (quince) flowers are solitary.

The typical apple flower (see also Chapter ) has petals, varying fromwhite to deep pink, sepals, stamens in three whorls ( + + ) withyellow anthers, and a pistil which divides into five styles united at the base.The ovary has locules, each usually containing ovules giving a maximumseed content of although some cultivars may have up to ( Janick et al.,

). P. communis flowers typically have , usually white, petals, sepals and– stamens with red or purple anthers. The – carpels are completelyunited with each other and with the receptacle and there are ovules perlocule giving a maximum seed number of . The – styles are free althoughclosely constricted at the base. Cydonia flowers have styles united at the base, carpels and numerous ovules per locule.

The fruits of Pomoideae are pomes, commonly described as having a corewith fleshy pith within it and a cortex of flesh outside the core line. Thereare two hypotheses as to the nature of these tissues, the receptacular and theappendicular (Pratt, ).

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (36)

The apple or pear tree grown today is almost invariably a compound treeconsisting of a fruiting scion grafted or budded on to a rootstock. In some casesit is made up of three components: the scion, the rootstock and an interstock(interstem). This latter may be used where the scion and the rootstock will notform a strong graft union with each other, i.e. are incompatible, but will eachunite with the interstock. It is also used to achieve control of scion vigour bythe influence of an interstock cultivar which is too difficult to propagate for itto be used as a rootstock.

The apple scion cultivars in commerce are classified as Malus × domestica

Borkh. (Korban and Skirvin ). This species was considered to have orig-inated as the result of interspecific hybridization, its main ancestor being M.

sieversii with contributions from M. orientalis, M. sylvestris, M. baccata, M. mand-

shurica and M. prunifolia. Recent work, however, suggests that M. sieversii wasthe sole genetic ancestor of traditional European eating apples ( Juniper et al.,).

Resistance to applemildew is being introduced fromM. × robusta,M. × zumi

and M. hupahensis and to apple scab from M. × floribunda. Resistance to applescab and tolerance to very low winter temperatures are also being introducedfrom M. baccata.

Roach () considered that the original ‘Paradise’ rootstocks, from whichthe ‘Malling’ (‘M.’) clonal rootstocks were selected, were forms of M. pumila.

Seedlings of crab apple, M. sylvestris, were also commonly used as rootstocksin Europe. Malus × robusta has also been used because of its tolerance of coldwinters. M. sieboldii (Regel) Rehder, M. baccata (L.) Borkh and M. prunifolia

Borkh were generally used in Japan with a pendulous sport of the latter beingpredominant (f*ckuda, ). Additionally M. baccata (L.) Borkh and M. ×micromalus Makino were used in breeding programmes, each being crossedwith ‘M.’ (M. pumila) to produce rootstocks which are now commerciallyavailable (Fischer, ).

MostMalus species intercross and, given the length of time over which appletrees of different sorts have been selected, it is difficult to be certain of theauthenticity of specific names. A modern list of sections, primary species andspecies hybrids ( Janick et al., ) is presented in Table .. Fischer ( ) andR.Watkins (personal communication) considerM. floribunda andM. micromalus

to be hybrids and therefore better designated as M. × floribunda and M. ×micromalus.

The pear cultivars grown in Europe and much of the ‘western’ world aremainly of the species Pyrus communis L., possibly with a degree of hybridizationwithP. korschinskyi (whichmay be simply a synonym) andP. heterophylla. In Japan,China and other temperate FarEastern countries the pear cultivars are derivedfrom P. pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai (P. serotinaRehder). In the English language thesehave been referred to as ‘Sand pears’, ‘Asian pears’ and ‘Japanese pears’, but

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with the increasing globalization of their production the name ‘Nashi’, whichis Japanese for a pear grown in Japan, is now preferred (Kajiura, ). Itis possible that the ‘Nashi’ may have some genetic influence from other wildpears, e.g. P. hondoensis Kik. & Nakai, and from the Chinese white pear, P. ×bretschneideri Rehder (Kajiura, ). In northern China and Japan the muchmore cold-tolerant P. ussuriensis Maxim., hybrids of P. ussuriensis and P. pyrifolia

and P. × bretschneideri Rehder are grown, and in warmer areas of southernChina (Pieniazek, ) and northern India (Mukherjee et al., ) selectionsof P. pashia D. Don are cultivated.

The main clonal rootstocks for P. communis are clonal selections of quince(Cydonia oblonga L.). Quince has been used as a rootstock for pears for cen-turies, different clones inducing differing degrees of dwarfing. Quince is easyto propagate by layering or by cuttings but is not winter-hardy in areas of verycold winters, is intolerant of calcareous soils and is incompatible with someimportant cultivars such as ‘Bartlett’ (‘Williams’’) although it can be used forthese with an interstock of, for example, ‘Beurre Hardy’ or ‘Old Home’. Pyrus

clonal selections have been made but most are difficult to propagate vegeta-tively. Seedlings of the main scion cultivars of P. communis are very widely usedas rootstocks, especially in North America.

The most commonly used rootstocks for Nashi pears in Japan are seedlingsof P. pyrifolia with some use also of P. dimorphophylla and P. betulifolia (Kajiura,). In south China P. calleryana is used and in northern China P. betulifolia

and P. ussuriensis (Lombard and Westwood, ); P. pashia is used in northernIndia and southern China (Bell et al., ). The distribution of Pyrus speciesis given in Table ..

The place of cultivars in apple andpear production

Historically apples and pears have been high-value crops which can repayconsiderable expenditure on orchard and post-harvest management practicesif these improve yield, quality and marketability. There has also been readymovement of germplasm, and development and transference of technologiesof production, over the centuries as well as in recent times. In modern timesthere has been a concentration of production in climatically-favoured areasfollowing the opportunities for nationwide and global marketing based onthe development of transport and storage technologies. This latter trend hasbeen accompanied by an enormous decline in the number of cultivars thatare grown on a commercial scale. Way et al. () reported that whereas morethan apple scion cultivars are documented, only a few dozen are nowof major importance. This trend towards concentration on a relatively few

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (41)

Table . Pyrus species

Species Distribution Synonyms

EUROPEANP. communis L. West to SE Europe, Turkey, P. asiae-mediae Popov

Eurasia P. balansae Decne.P. boissieriana BuhseP. elata RubtzovP. medvedevii RubtzovP. korshinskyi Litv.P. pyraster Burgsd.

P. caucasia Fed. SE Europe, Greece, Turkey P. communis L. (?)P. nivalis Jacq. West, Central, and Southern

EuropeP. cordata Desv. SW England, W France,


P. amygdaliformis Vill. Mediterranean Europe, P. sinaicaAsia Minor Dum.-Cours.

P. elaeagrifolia Pallas SE Europe, Russia, Turkey P. kotschyana Boiss. exDecne.

P. syriaca Boiss. TunisiaP. longipes Coss & Dur. Algeria P. cossonnii RehderP. gharbiana Trab. Morocco, W AlgeriaP. mamorensis Trab. Morocco

MID-ASIANP. glabra Boiss. IranP. salicifoia Pallas NW Iran, NE Turkey, S RussiaP. reqelii Rehder South Central Asia (Afghanistan) P. heterophylla Regel

& Schmalh.P. pashia D. Don. Pakistan, India, Nepal P. kumaoni Decne.

P. variolosa Wall.ex G. Don

P. wilhelmiiC. Schneider

EAST ASIANP. pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan P. serotina RehderP. pseudopashia Yu NW China (Yunnan, Kweichow)P. ussuriensis Maxim. Siberia, Manchuria, N China, P. lindleyi Rehder

KoreaP. ovoidea RehderP. sinesis Lindley

P. calleryana Decne. Central & S China, VietnamP. betulaefolia Bunge Central & N China,

S ManchuriaP. fauriei Scheid KoreaP. hondoensis Kik. & Nakai JapanP. dimorphophylla Makino JapanP. kawakamii Hayata Taiwan, SE China P. koehnei Schneid.


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Table . (cont.) Interspecific hybrids

Species Parentage Distribution

NATURALLY OCCURRINGP. × bretschneideri Rehder P. ussuriensis × P. betulifolia Northern ChinaP. × phaeocarpa Rehder P. betulifolia × P. ussuriensis Northern ChinaP. × serrulata Rehder P. pyrifolia × P. calleryana Central ChinaP. × compelexa Rubtzov Unknown CaucasusP. × salvifolia DC P. communis × P. nivalis Europe, CrimeaP. × canescens Sprach P. nivalis × P. salicifolia –

PROBABLE ARBOTEA OR ARTIFICIAL HYBRIDSP. × lecontei Rehder P. communis × P. pyrifolia –P. × michauxii Bosc ex Poiret P. amygdaliformis (?) × P. nivalis –P. × uyematsuana Makino P. dimorphophylla × P. hondoensis Korea

Source: Adapted from Rehder ( ), Westwood (), Wiersen (personal communi-cation, and Zeven and Zhukovsky ().From Bell et al. (). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc.

cultivars of both scions and rootstocks may or may not continue: there are,indeed, some indications of demand for a greater choice. However, in consid-ering the role of cultivars in apple and pear production the basic backgroundquestion is to definewhy there are still different cultivars/cultivar groups ratherthan a universal cultivar with production methodologies tailored to differentenvironments. Description of the main cultivars, where they are grown andtheir key differences in terms of environmental requirements and their biology,also assists in the interpretation of the results of horticultural and biologicalstudies using different cultivars as the test plants.

Apple scion cultivars

The statistics of production by cultivar are incomplete and the rate of changeis appreciable, but Table . gives an indication of the balance of produc-tion in the mid-s. Seven cultivars, ‘Delicious’ (‘Red Delicious’), ‘GoldenDelicious’, ‘Fuji’, ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Jonagold’, ‘Gala’ and ‘Idared’ accountedfor more than % of the total production in those countries with relevantdata, the first three alone accounting for more than %. The figures prob-ably underestimate the importance of ‘Fuji’, given the scale of its planting inChina, where Shou-Chun () noted that it represented % of all apples.They also do not show the importance of cold-resistant cultivars grown inthe former USSR, where Way et al. () reported that half of the productionconsisted of ‘CommonAntonovka’, ‘Anis’, ‘Papirovka’, ‘Koricznoje Polosatoje’and ‘Ossiennoje Polosatoje’.

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (43)

Table . Estimates of production of different apple cultivars

Share of production (%) of the c . % of world production withavailable data – to –.

Cultivar % / % / % /

(Red) ‘Delicious’ . . .‘Golden Delicious’ . . .‘Fuji’ . . .‘Granny Smith’ . . .‘Jonagold’ . . .‘Gala’/’Royal Gala’ . . .‘Idared’ . . .‘Jonathan’ . . .‘Rome Beauty’ . . .‘McIntosh’ . . .‘Elstar’ . . .‘Braeburn’ . . .‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’a . . .Others . . .

a In / ‘Cortland’ (.), ‘Reinette’ (.) and ‘Newton’ (.)all had higher output than ‘Cox’.Data from Belrose (, ). Reproduced with permission.

Of the cultivars listed in Table ., ‘Delicious’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘GrannySmith’, ‘Jonathan’, ‘RomeBeauty’, ‘McIntosh’, ‘Braeburn’ and ‘Cox’sOrangePippin’ all originated as chance seedlings. ‘Fuji’ was bred by crossing ‘RallsJanet’ with ‘Delicious’, ‘Jonagold’ is a ‘Golden Delicious’ × ‘Jonathan’ cross,‘Gala’ is a ‘Kidd’s Orange Red’ × ‘Golden Delicious’ cross, ‘Idared’ a‘Jonathan’ × ‘Wagener’ cross, and ‘Elstar’ a ‘Golden Delicious’ × ‘IngridMarie’ cross. None of them comes ‘true-to-type’ from seed, so all of themare maintained and multiplied vegetatively before being grafted or buddedon to rootstocks. This has not however, precluded selection for ‘improved’strains within each of these cultivars. These strains have usually been naturally-occurring bud-sports. A bud-sport is a mutation arising in a cell from which abud develops, which results in the production of a shoot that differs from theplant on which it was produced, often mainly in one character. Themost com-monly selected mutations are those which are highly visible. Increases in theamount of anthocyanin in the outer cell layers of the fruit skin give rise to ‘redsports’ which may have differences in both the surface area which is colouredred and the intensity of the pigmentation (Dayton, ). Other sports show areduced tendency to russet. Yet others are of different growth habit: mutationfairly frequently giving rise to branches of very compact, heavily-spurred habit(i.e. with little lateral vegetative shoot production), which are clothed in fruit-ing spurs close together. These have given rise to many compact or ‘spur-type’

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clones. In some cases the incidence of mutation has been increased by ir-radiation and desirable clones produced (Lacey and Campbell, ). Some‘sports’ also differ from the parent cultivar in time of harvesting and in chillingrequirement (Gonzalez-Cepeda, ; Hauagge and Cummins, ). Thedata given in Table . include ‘sports’ within each cultivar even thoughmanyof the ‘sports’ have been patented and given individual names.

There is little comparative data on changes over time in the global produc-tion of different cultivars (O’Rourke, ). However, the total production andmarket share of cultivars introduced after (‘Fuji’, ‘Gala’, ‘Jonagold’ and‘Elstar’), together with that of ‘Braeburn’ (discovered in ) has increasedvery rapidly, whereas that of ‘Jonathan’, ‘Rome Beauty’ and ‘McIntosh’ hasdeclined in relative terms. The continued predominance of ‘Red Delicious’ inlarge part follows the steady introduction of new strains of this cultivar.

The key attributes of apple cultivars concern those characteristics whichgive them customer and marketing appeal and those which determine theiradaptability to different environments.

Apple cultivar fruit quality

In common with some other tree fruits, but in sharp distinction from manyother crops, apples are marketed to the end-purchaser, the consumer, by cul-tivar name. Surveys in the United States in – (O’Rourke, ) showed‘Red Delicious’, followed by ‘Golden Delicious’, to be the favourite cultivarsbut with ‘McIntosh’ in second place in Pennsylvania. Freedom from bruiseor blemish, juiciness and crispness, and firmness were universally regarded asthe most important quality factors; others were colour, shape and size. f*ckuda() noted that ‘Ralls Janet’ and ‘Jonathan’ had been the top two cultivars inJapan until the ‘economic takeoff ’ in the s when consumers shifted theirchoice to sweeter and larger apple cultivars. As a result these were replaced by‘Delicious’ strains and ‘Fuji’. ‘Delicious’ became the top cultivar in the sbut then lost popularity because, as grown in Japan, it quickly became mealyand also developed internal breakdown. By ‘Fuji’ occupied % of theplanted area and ‘Delicious’ only .%. O’Rourke () concluded that therelative sales of ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Granny Smith’ indicated that more con-sumers prefer a red sweet apple than a green and tart one, but regarded theseas separate markets.

Fruit flavour is dependent on the combination of acids, sugars, tannins andaromatic compounds, but consumer acceptability is basically determined bythe balance between acidity and sweetness. The main sugars are fructose, suc-rose and glucose; the acid in the mature fruit is almost all malic acid, althoughHong et al. ( ) reported –% of citric acid in ‘Fuji’. Sweetness andacidity are inherited independently, so all combinations are possible. Table .

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Table . Cultivar differences in days to maturity, sugar and acid content and fruit

firmness in South Africa

Days to maturity from blossoming to harvest, total soluble solids (TSS) as arefractometer measurement of the juice (%), titratable acid per g of juice,and firmness, measured with an . mm diameter penetrometer, of applesharvested at the optimum maturity stage.

Days from full TSS Titratable acid FirmnessCultivar bloom to harvest (%) (g/ g) (kg)

‘Gala’/’Royal Gala’ . . .‘Golden Delicious’ . . .‘Starking’ . . .‘Topred’ . . .‘Starkrimson’ . . .‘Granny Smith’ . . .

Data from van der Merwe (a). Reproduced with permission.

shows the range of soluble solids (sugars) and acid in four important cultivars,harvested at the optimum stage of maturity for the maintenance of acceptablemarket quality under controlled atmosphere or normal refrigerated storage.The very high acidity of ‘Granny Smith’ and low acidity of ‘Delicious’ contrastwith each other and with the higher sugar levels and intermediate acidity of‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Gala’. Some consumers prefer a sweet apple whileothers prefer a more tart taste (Shewfelt, ). Flavour is discussed in detailin Chapter .

There are also differences in preference for apples of different sizes whichare so great as to influence choice of cultivar. Different cultivars have fruits ofdifferent average size andweight, i.e. have differentmean andmodal values fortheir fruit size, with a normal distribution of smaller and larger fruits aroundthe mean values. It is possible, indeed it is standard practice, to modify the sizedistribution by choice of rootstock, pruning and fruit thinning, but it is easierto obtain consistently large fruits of good storage quality from a naturallylarge-fruited cultivar than from an intrinsically smaller fruited cultivar. Ingeneral the production of small apples is not profitable but whereas the Englishprefer medium-sized apples the Dutch prefer large ones (Combrink and VonMollendorff, ). Table . shows cultivar differences in fruit size, and sugarsand acids, in Germany. Japanese preference for very large apples, weighing g or more per apple, can best be met by cultivars like ‘Fuji’ which canbe stored for more than months in cold storage without developing fleshbrowning or mealiness even if over g (f*ckuda, ). In contrast theaverage fruit weight of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ is around g with a range of– g (Gotz and Silbereisen, ).

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Table . Fruit quality parameters of apple cultivars grown in Germany

Average fruit weight Average sugar Average acidCultivar (g) (%) (g l− )

‘Golden Delicious’ . .‘Jonagold’ . .‘Idared’ . .‘Jonathan’ . .‘McIntosh’ . .‘Elstar’ . .‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ . .

Data from Gotz and Silbereisen ().

Apple cultivar fruit storage potential and shelf life

Fruit storage life, in low temperature refrigerated stores or in controlled atmo-sphere (CA) stores, is very important because storage extends the marketingoptions for fruit growers and packers. A fresh apple left at ambient temperatureafter harvest continues to respire and steadily loses weight and shrivels. Therespiration rate at ◦C is only one sixth to one tenth as rapid as at – ◦Candcontrolled atmosphere storage, with low oxygen concentrations, reduces therespiration rate evenmore, so extending the storage life even further. Differentcultivars differ in their basic rates of fruit respiration and these relative differ-ences are maintained over a wide temperature range, from ◦C to ambient.The rate of deterioration both in store and out is governed by equation (.)(Findlay and Combrink, ).

φ = k e −.t (.)

where φ is storage life in days, k is a constant for the specific cultivar and t istemperature in ◦C.

In general early-season (summer) apples have higher respiration rates anddeteriorate more rapidly than late-season (autumn) apples; also, for exam-ple, ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ has higher respiration rates and deteriorates morequickly than ‘GoldenDelicious’ or ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. (Tables . and .,pp. and , give relevant data. The advances in storage technology haveto some extent reduced the competitive advantage of some naturally long-storing cultivars. In the early s most ‘Red Delicious’ had to be sold withinfour months of harvest, usually at a steadily declining price because of lossof firmness (O’Rourke, ). By the early s ‘Red Delicious’ was beingmarketed in substantial quantities each month from October to August, andthe market for ‘Winesap’, a naturally much longer storing apple but with lessconsumer appeal, was greatly reduced.

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Storage technology is now cultivar-specific and is designed not just to extendthe time for which the apples will remain firm and juicy but also to extendthe period over which they retain their flavour and aroma. The characteristicaroma of ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’, for example, was reduced by ultra-low oxygen(.% O ) storage even though this improved firmness. A brief raising ofstorage O concentration to % was found to maintain aroma without lossof firmness (Smith, ). Similar development of ‘dynamic’ storage regimeshas been done to extend the period of storage over which ‘Gala’ can retainits capability to emit its characteristic aroma volatiles (Mattheis and Fellman, ). Such developments are likely to add weight to the concept of flavourbeing a major discriminant between cultivars.

Apple cultivar yield

High yields, beginning in the early years after planting and continuing on aregular basis without excessive biennial bearing, are an important but not asufficient criterion to establish the popularity of a cultivar. Many productioncosts, e.g. those of pruning, pesticide spraying, grass-mowing andherbicide use,are effectively on a per-hectare basis independent of yield as are most farmoverhead costs. The cost of production per kilogram therefore rises markedlyas yields fall. However, many costs, e.g. storage and transport, are post-harvestand per kg of fruit and, most importantly, the volume of apples which canbe sold at any given price depends on customer demand for the particularcultivar, i.e. on customer perceptions of its quality (O’Rourke, ). It isnotable that the very popular apple cv. ‘Red Delicious’ is classed as only fairfor precocity and productivity (on a scale of poor, moderate, fair, good and verygood) and shows a moderate degree of alternate bearing (Westwood, ).Much can be done to improve productivity by choice of rootstock, selectionof improved clones and development of appropriate cultural practices. Large-fruited cultivars may give higher sustainable yields because the adverse effectof heavy cropping on yield in the following year is largely due to seed andhence fruit numbers, not yield per se. Climatic factors may determine whichcultivars yield well in different areas (cf. pp. –).

Apple cultivar tree vigour and growth habit

Orchards of large trees are slow to come into cropping and are expensive tomanage at maturity. In general this problem is solved by the use of dwarf-ing rootstocks (see pp. –) and no cultivar has attained importance incommercial fruit growing because of its compact habit or high ratio of yield totree size. However, there has been very effective selection of compact or spur-typemutants withinmany of the important cultivars, usually giving trees abouttwo thirds of the size of the original cultivar. Also, compact habit has been the

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main selection criterion for a particular group of apple cultivars for use inhome gardens or even on patios. These are the Columnar apples which have aspur-type habit inherited from themutant ‘WijcikMcIntosh’. These trees bearfruits on spurs along the main central stem, have very few branches and needvery little pruning; examples are ‘Waltz’, ‘Polka’, ‘Bolero’ and ‘Flamenco’.

Independently of vigour, apple cultivars can be classified into four mainmorphological types (Lespinasse and Delort, ).

Spur-types, in which the scaffold branches are conical and tend to developsub-branches on their lower surface (basitony). The central leader, thetrunk, is not particularly dominant in all cultivars. Most fruits are on shortspurs on branches two years old or older.

‘Reine des Reinettes’ types, with main branches making wide angles tothe trunk, a relatively dominant centre leader but strong growth of lowerbranches.

‘GoldenDelicious’ types,with a strongly dominant leaderwithwide-angledfruiting branches coming directly off this and numerous short shoots.These trees are well suited to vertical-axis and spindlebush types of treemanagement.

‘Rome Beauty’ types, which rarely develop lateral shoots in their lowerregions but develop overarching and drooping branches in the upper partof the tree, i.e. with an acrotonic tendency. This results in the fruiting zonemoving towards the upper and outer zones of the tree.

These types are shown in Figure . (p. ).

Disease resistance of apple cultivars

Although there are cases where disease susceptibility has prevented a cultivarbeing grown in a particular environment, e.g. ‘McIntosh’ is too susceptible toapple canker to succeed in England, none of the cultivars listed in Table .is important primarily because of its disease resistance. The ‘Delicious’ grouphave a degree of resistance to powdery mildew and fire blight and are veryresistant to cedar apple rust, but even they depend on fungicides for the pro-duction of blemish-free fruits.

There is, however, increasing interest in foodstuffs produced without the useof chemicals and a number of apple cultivars have been bred for resistance tothe major diseases. Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is themost serious disease of applesworld-wide.Bothpolygenic andmonogenic resis-tance are available and some new cultivars have shown virtual field immunity,to the extent that orchards of them have produced scab-free fruits for manyyears without being sprayed. Most resistant cultivars have the Vf resistancegene from Malus × floribunda, perhaps the most important at present being

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‘Judeline’, an apple grown for juice production in France. Other sources ofresistance genes areM. × micromalus (Vm),M. pumilaR–A (Vr),M. baccata

jackii (Vbj), Hansens baccata H (Vb) and ‘Antonovka’ PI (Va). Dessertapples with scab resistance include ‘Freedom’, ‘Liberty’, ‘Saturn’, ‘Enterprise’,‘Goldrush’, ‘Topaz’, ‘Santana’ and ‘Florina’. Some of these may become im-portant in the future if there is greater consumer demand for ‘organicallyproduced’ apples.

It is also possible that with the spread of fire blight, caused by the bacteriumErwinia amylovora, the degree of resistance to this disease shown by ‘Delicious’could increase its importance.

Apple cultivar requirements re length ofgrowing season

The length of time which elapses between flowering and fruit maturation isa very important cultivar characteristic. It cannot be modified to any greatextent by cultural practice, although it is influenced by rootstock and someplant growth regulators. It is one of the most important factors in determiningwhere the world’s major cultivars can be grown.

The actual length of the period from flowering to fruit maturation varieswith temperature. Luton and Hamer () showed that, over the years from to , the length of season for ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ in England variedfrom to days. Much of this variation was associated with variations intemperature, the harvest date being later by days for each ◦C decrease inmean temperature between May and September. The necessary length ofgrowing season therefore varies from place to place (compare requirements inSouth Africa, Table ., with those in northern Italy, Table ., and with thosem*ntioned for other areas in the text) but the rankings of different cultivarsin terms of earliness are fairly consistent. ‘Golden Delicious’ can be grownover a particularly wide range of climates. ‘McIntosh’ fruits require – weeksless to mature than ‘Golden Delicious’ and it is still a leading cultivar in thecolder, more northerly, apple producing regions such as Canada, the northernUSA and Poland. ‘Gala’, ‘Cox’ and ‘Elstar’ mature in about three weeks lessthan ‘Golden Delicious’ and can be grown to high quality in England and theNetherlands. The ‘Delicious’ group can ripen earlier or later than ‘GoldenDelicious’, but their tendency to small fruit size in cool summers limits theirproduction in cool areas. In contrast, ‘Jonagold’, although harvested as late asor later than ‘Delicious’, is a large-fruited cultivar which is widely grown innorthern Europe especially Belgium and Germany. The long-season group ofcultivars, ‘Braeburn’, ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’, cannot generally be grownsuccessfully in northern apple areas and this applies even more strongly toultra-late cultivars. such as ‘Pink Lady’ and ‘Sundowner’. There are, however,

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Table . Cultivar requirements to reach maturity (days from full bloom to

harvest) at Laimburg, Italy

Date of full bloom Date of harvestCultivar (April) (Aug–Oct) Days to harvest

‘Gala’ . . ‘Elstar’ . . ‘Jonathan’ . . ‘Jonagold’ . . ‘Golden Delicious’ . . ‘Red Delicious’ . . ‘Idared’ . . ‘Rome Beauty’ . . ‘Braeburn’ . . ‘Granny Smith’ . . ‘Fuji’ . .

Data supplied by S. Sansavini.

some northern areas with especially favourable microclimates where some ofthese can be produced.

Short-season cultivars often have awide climatic tolerance. ‘Cox’ is grown asan early-season cultivar in New Zealand and ‘Gala’ is an early-season cultivarin parts of France. In addition, very short-season apples are grown as ‘early’apples even in northern climates, e.g. ‘Discovery’ which is harvested in mid-August in England. These ‘early’ apples usually do not store well and most areof poor quality compared with main-season apples.

Apple cultivars for mild winter areas

There are many areas with high incident radiation, and with the dry summerswhich reduce the severity of fungal disease attack, whichwould be very suitablefor apple production but have too little chilling in winter to give good budbreakof most cultivars. This problem can be dealt with to some extent by chemicaltreatments to induce budbreak and these are described later. However, the useof cultivars with little requirement for winter chilling is beginning to have amajor impact. For example, large-scale production of apples in Egypt is basedon the growing of ‘Anna’ and ‘Dorsett Golden’, which can produce heavycrops in climates with few hours below . ◦C.

Apple cultivars for cold-winter areas

Apple production in a number of areas with continental climates is dependenton the use of cultivars which can withstand very low winter temperatures.‘McIntosh’ and ‘Antonovka’ are outstanding for winter hardiness.

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Major commercial cultivars of apple

‘Delicious’ (‘Red Delicious’) is still the most popular apple in the world al-though its share of total production has been declining. It was discoveredas a seedling tree growing in an orchard in Iowa, USA in and intro-duced commercially by Stark Brothers in . The archetypal ‘Delicious’ isproduced in Washington State and its fruits are of the highest quality whengrown in this area, or places with similar climate, with high light intensity andwarmdaytime temperatures coupledwith cool nights. These result in good redcolour development and an elongated shape (Westwood, ). Other majorproducers of ‘Delicious’ are China, Italy, Chile, France, Argentina, Spain andCanada. The climate of northern Europe is not ideal because it tends to pro-duce small fruits in cool summers (Bultitude, ). There are many distinctclones of ‘Delicious’, selected from ‘bud-sports’ which possess advantages interms of compactness of habit and fruitfulness (spur-types), the extent, deep-ness and attractiveness of red coloration of their skin and season of harvest.Many of these clones are registered as separate cultivars under plant breeder’srights or plant patent schemes. ‘Delicious’ has a high chilling requirement butsome lower-chill mutants have been found inMexico (Hauagge andCummins,).

The original ‘Delicious’ was a moderately vigorous, upright-spreadingand round-headed tree which produced spurs fairly freely. The fruits hada greenish-yellow, becoming golden-yellow, ground cover with a dark crim-son flush and short, broken, dark red stripes. They had a very characteristicoblong-waisted shape, flattened at the base, distinctly ribbed and five-crownedat the apex. They were of medium size (mm diameter) with very firm, fine-textured juicy and sweet flesh and a tough skin. ‘StarkingDelicious’, discoveredas a bud-mutation of ‘Delicious’ in , is similar to ‘Delicious’ but with morered skin colour. ‘Starkspur Supreme’, discovered as a bud-mutation of ‘StarkingDelicious’ in , has bright, cherry-red fruit skin, is harvested about a weekafter ‘Delicious’ and its trees are medium-small, upright and winter-hardyspur-types. ‘Red Chief ’, a bud-mutation of ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ (itself aspur-type, solid-blushed variant of ‘Delicious’), was discovered in and isnotable for its very large as well as brightly coloured fruits. These few examplesof the many strains of ‘Delicious’ illustrate the way in which the ‘Delicious’apple group encompasses a range from those strains which give medium-sizedfruits to those which give large fruits, from those with partially red-colouredskin to those that are red all over and from those with a spreading branchhabit to those that are compact and heavily spurred. With modern storagetechnology the fruits can be kept for months or more.

The ‘Delicious’ group is susceptible to apple scab, which is a problem inhumid regions but less so in dry and hot production areas such as Washington

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State, resistant to apple mildew and fire blight so that control is only neededunder high disease pressure, and very resistant to cedar apple rust. It is fairlysusceptible to winter injury.

‘Golden Delicious’ originated from a chance seedling found in WestVirginia, USA in . It is a dominant cultivar in France, Italy, Spain andthe Netherlands and is important in the USA, South Africa and many othercountries. The fruits are of medium size ( mm diameter), have a greenish-yellow ground cover, becoming golden-yellow at maturity although they aresold as pale green fruits on somemarkets. The flesh is crisp, fine-textured, juicyand sweet with a little acid and a good flavour. A major problem (for somemarkets only) is a tendency to russeting of the skin. The bulk of the Europeanproduction is on vigour-controlling rootstocks, especially ‘M.’ (see pp.–) sothere is relatively less production on spur-type compact clones than is the casewith ‘Delicious’. Clonal selection has emphasized a reduced tendency to rus-set, e.g. ‘Smoothee’, a whole-tree mutant discovered in and ‘Goldenir’(‘Lysgolden’) which is a radiation mutant of ‘Golden Delicious’ introduced inFrance in . ‘Goldenir’ shows little or no russet, has a tougher, smootherand waxier skin than ‘Golden Delicious’, very similar flesh and flavour char-acteristics but better resistance to bruising. It is harvested – days after‘Golden Delicious’ and has a longer storage life (ASHS, ). Some clones of‘Golden Delicious’ with a lower chilling requirement than the standard typehave been identified. ‘Golden Delicious’ can be stored for about monthsbut has poorer storage characteristics than ‘Granny Smith’. It is susceptibleto apple scab, fire blight and powdery mildew and very susceptible to cedarapple rust.

‘Fuji’ was bred in Japan, being a selection made in from fruit-bearinghybrids of ‘Ralls Janet’ × ‘Delicious’ and registered in (Yoshida et al.,). ‘Fuji’ fruits are medium to large in size, firm, crisp and very sweet witha sugar content of about % (Brix ) when grown in China (Shou-Chun,) and very juicy. The original strain was not highly red-coloured but manyred colour sports have been identified and introduced. The trees are large,spreading, vigorous and productive. ‘Fuji’ is the leading cultivar in Japan andin China. It is increasingly planted in Washington State and California in theUSA, in Brazil and in South Africa. In Brazil (Bernardi, ) it flowers abouta week earlier than ‘Starkrimson Delicious’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘GrannySmith’, which probably indicates a rather lower chilling requirement ( Jacksonand Bepete, ), but ripens three weeks later than ‘Golden Delicious’ andfive days later than ‘Starkrimson’, but almost a month earlier than ‘GrannySmith’. A bud-mutation of ‘Fuji’, ‘Fuji Frey’, needs only about chillingunits (Hauagge andCummins, ). In Japan, in the northMain Islandwhere‘Delicious’ is harvested between and October, ‘Fuji’ is harvested between and November (f*ckuda, ). It therefore requires a longer growing

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season than ‘Delicious’ and is generally suited to rather warmer climates than‘Delicious’ or, especially, ‘Golden Delicious’. The fruits of ‘Fuji’ can be storedsuccessfully for months ( days) in controlled atmosphere storage or for months at ◦C in low pressure storage (Yoshida et al., ). In Japan ‘Fuji’is picked after watercore develops in the flesh since Japanese consumers enjoythe flavour of watercored apples. ‘Fuji’ foliage is susceptible to Alternaria spot(Alternaria mali), apple scab and fire blight.

‘Granny Smith’ was raised from chance seeds thought to be from an open-pollinated French Crab tree in Australia and fruited in . The fruits are ofmedium size, round-conical in shape and with a bright green ground colourbecoming greenish-yellow at maturity. The fruit flesh is firm, rather coarse-textured, subacid and refreshing. It requires a long growing season. It is theleading apple in South Africa and is important in other southern hemisphereexporting countries, and is also planted in southern Europe and inWashingtonState and California in the USA. It cannot be grown successfully in the UnitedKingdom or other northern European countries. Although it requires a warmand long growing season it has a high winter-chilling requirement so is un-suited to regions with verymild winters. ‘Granny Smith’ apples have outstand-ing storage potential. Under conditions where (Red) ‘Delicious’ and ‘GoldenDelicious’ will keep for months ‘Granny Smith’ will keep for months (vander Merwe, b). ‘Granny Smith’ is moderately resistant to cedar applerust, susceptible to apple scab and very susceptible to fire blight and powderymildew.

‘Jonagold’ is the product of a cross between ‘Golden Delicious’ and‘Jonathan’ in at Geneva, NY, USA. It was introduced in . The fruitsare large ( mm diameter), with red striping over –% of the surface anda yellow ground colour. The fruit flesh is firm, subacid and juicy with excellentquality both for eating and processing. The trees are similar to those of ‘GoldenDelicious’ but rather more spreading. In England it flowers two days before‘Golden Delicious’ and is harvested about a week earlier. It is a triploid andso cannot be used to pollinate other cultivars. Its intrinsically large fruits andearly ripening (compared with ‘Delicious’, ‘Fuji’ and ‘Granny Smith’) enableit to be grown successfully in relatively cool apple producing areas like those ofnorthern Europe. Several sports of ‘Jonagold’ with a greater extent and depthof red skin colour (e.g. ‘Jonagored’, ‘Jonica’ and ‘Jored’) have been selected.The fruits keep well in storage for about months (ASHS, ) or weeksin .% oxygen (Stow, ). It is susceptible to apple scab, powdery mildewand fire blight.

‘Gala’ originated in New Zealand in about from a cross between‘Kidd’s Orange Red’ and ‘Golden Delicious’. It was introduced in . Thefruits are of medium size ( mm diameter) with pale yellow to golden-yellowglossy skin heavily stripedwith red. It does not bruise easily and is generally free

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from skin blemishes and russet. The flesh is creamy yellow, firm, fine-textured,crisp, juicy, fairly sweet and with low acidity and with a good aromatic flavour.The trees are moderately vigorous, upright, fairly wide-spreading and with aspur-bearing habit similar to ‘Delicious’. In England it flowers two days after‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and is harvested about a week later, in early October. InBrazil it flowers at about the same time as ‘Golden Delicious’ but is harvestedabout three weeks earlier (Bernardi, ). It can be grown successfully inmost of the world’s major apple growing areas, including western Europe,Washington State and theOkanaganValley of BritishColumbia aswell asNewZealand, although its tendency to produce small fruits is a problem in someclimates. A number of ‘sports’ have been selected, especially for an increasein the proportion of red-coloured skin. ‘Royal Gala’, introduced by Dr D.W.McKenzie in New Zealand in , was discovered as a bud-mutation in NewZealand in and is much redder than the parent type, with bright scarletstripes over a golden-yellow ground colour. ‘Gala’ cannot be stored for as longas ‘Delicious’ or ‘GoldenDelicious’ (Combrink, ) but has better storage lifeand a longer shelf life after removal from storage than ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’(ASHS, ). Themutant ‘Imperial Gala’ shows better budbreak than ‘RoyalGala’ under marginal chilling conditions.

‘Idared’ was raised in Moscow, Idaho by Leif Verner, being selected in as a cross between ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Wagener’ and released in . The fruitsare large ( mm diameter). The skin is almost solid red over a pale greenish-yellow, becoming yellow, ground colour. The flesh is white, tinged with green,firm, crisp, fine-textured, juicy and sweet. The trees are strong, vigorous andupright. In England they flower four days before ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ (andfive days before ‘Golden Delicious’) and are harvested in early October, i.e.after ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ but before ‘Golden Delicious’ (Bultitude, ).‘Idared’ is the predominant apple cultivar in Poland and accounted for %of the total Polish apple yield in (Florkowski et al., ). It has a very longstorage life. ‘Idared’ is susceptible to apple scab, cedar apple rust and powderymildew and very susceptible to fire blight.

‘Jonathan’ originated in New York State, USA and was first described in. The fruits are of medium size ( mm diameter) with a pale greenish-white ground colour which becomes pale yellow and is flushed bright crimsonover half to three quarters of its surface in scattered broken red stripes. Theflesh is white with a greenish tinge, soft, fine-textured and sweet. The treesare weak and semi-weeping and produce spurs freely. Flowering is one daybefore ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and harvesting about a week later. There area number of sports with a higher proportion of red-coloured skin, notably‘Jonared’, introduced in following its discovery as a bud-mutation in ;‘Blackjon’, a bud-mutation of ‘Jonathan’ selected in and introduced in which has earlier colouring and brighter red skin than ‘Jonathan’ but is

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otherwise identical; and ‘Jonnee’, a bud mutation of ‘Blackjon’ discovered in which has even earlier developing and more intensive fruit colour than‘Blackjon’ and larger fruits. ‘Jonathan’ and its sports were widely grown, e.g. inthe eastern USA and Hungary, but its share of world production has declinedin recent years. ‘Jonathan’ is susceptible to cedar apple rust, fire blight andpowdery mildew.

‘Rome Beauty’ originated in Ohio, USA at some date before when itwas brought to notice. It hasmedium-large fruits (mmdiameter) which havea greenish-yellow becoming pale yellow ground colour flushed with red. Theflesh is creamy white, coarse-textured and often lacking in flavour althoughjuicy. The trees are vigorous, upright-spreading and become round-headed.They do not produce spurs very readily. Flowering in England is seven daysafter ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and picking is in the third week of October. Thereare a number of red sports. The outstanding characteristic of ‘Rome Beauty’is its heavy cropping and regular annual bearing, Childers () attributingits economic success to this factor despite inferior quality. Its relative declinesince that time probably reflects improved technology of production of highquality cultivars which need more ‘management’ to crop consistently, and alsoimprovements in the storage and transport of such cultivars. ‘Rome Beauty’ issusceptible to powdery mildew and very susceptible to apple scab, cedar applerust and fire blight.

‘McIntosh’ was discovered in Ontario, Canada in by John McIntoshand named in about . The fruits are medium-large ( mm diameter)with a greenish-yellow becoming pale yellow ground colour with half or moreof the surface a deep purplish red. The flesh is white with a faint tinge ofpink, fine-textured, sweet and juicy but rather soft. The trees are moderatelyvigorous and spreading and produce spurs freely. In England it flowers fourdays before ‘Cox’ and is picked in mid-September, i.e. a week or so before‘Cox’ and more than a month before ‘Golden Delicious’. This requirementfor only a short growing season and its winter hardiness facilitated its produc-tion in northerly areas such as British Columbia (Swales, ) and Poland(Rejman, ) as well as north-eastern USA (Childers, ). There are anumber of sports of ‘McIntosh’, e.g. ‘Summerland McIntosh’ which was in-troduced in as a solid red bud mutation, and ‘MacSpur’ which wasdiscovered as a whole-tree sport of ‘Summerland McIntosh’ in and hasvery compact growth, high yield, high resistance to powdery mildew and isvery hardy. This is now the official ‘McIntosh’ strain for British Columbia and‘McIntosh’ is still the second most important apple cultivar in that province(Watson, ). The use of ‘McIntosh’ in England has been restricted by itsvery great sensitivity to apple canker under UK conditions. It is very suscepti-ble to apple scab, moderately resistant to fire blight and very resistant to cedarapple rust.

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‘Elstar’was bred atWageningen in theNetherlands byT.Visser. It originatedas a cross between ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Ingrid Marie’ made in and itwas introduced in . The fruits are medium to large (–mm diameter)and yellow with orange-red stripes. The flesh is white, firm and rather coarse,and acid at harvest but develops a very good flavour after two weeks in store.The trees are very vigorous and precocious. They are harvested three and ahalf weeks before ‘GoldenDelicious’, i.e. require only a relatively short growingseason, and perform best in cool areas. ‘Elista’ is a natural mutation withmuchmore and brighter red striping of the skin surface. ‘Elstar’ has rather similarstorage life to ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’. It is susceptible to apple scab and verysusceptible to powdery mildew and to Phytophthora fruit rot.

‘Braeburn’ was discovered in Waiwhero, New Zealand by O. Moran in as a seedling of unknown parentage. The fruits are medium to largewith a glossy skin covered with short stripes of dark crimson three-quartersoverlaid with a dark scarlet blush. The flesh is pale cream, very firm, crispand juicy with a subacid flavour and overall excellent quality. The trees areof moderate vigour, spreading, productive and precocious with a tendency tobiennial bearing easily controlled by pruning. The fruit ripens late, just beforethat of ‘Fuji’ when grown under the same conditions. It is an important cultivarin New Zealand and is being planted in other countries or regions with longgrowing seasons. It has fruited heavily in Zimbabwe without application of adormancy-breaking spray at a site with a long-term average of only chillinghours (below . ◦C) under conditions where ‘Gala’ and ‘Jonagold’ requireda dormancy-breaking chemical spray. ‘Hillwell’ (‘Red Braeburn’) is a morehighly coloured sport. ‘Braeburn’ has a longer storage life than ‘Cox’s OrangePippin’ but shorter than ‘Red Delicious’ or ‘Golden Delicious’. It is subject toBraeburn Browning Disorder in store.

‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ was raised by Richard Cox in Slough, England inabout and is said to be a seedling of ‘Ribston Pippin’. The fruits areof medium size ( mm diameter) with a light golden-yellow ground colour,one-quarter to three-quarters flushed with brownish orange-red stripes. Theflesh is cream in colour and is firm, fine-textured, juicy, slightly acid althoughwith sweetness and with a rich flavour. The trees are moderately vigorous,upright-spreading and produce spurs freely. In England it usually flowers inmid- to late May and is picked in the last week of September. This relativelyshort season makes ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ suitable for production in southernEngland and the Netherlands but a tendency to produce small fruits in coolerareas limits its potential further north. It is also grown in New Zealand, largelyfor export to England, but the fruits are of very poor quality if grown insouthern Europe. In general yields are lower and more variable than those of,for example, ‘Golden Delicious’ and storage life is shorter although it can bekept for at least months in controlled atmosphere stores. ‘Queen Cox’ is a

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more highly coloured sport. ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ is susceptible to bitter pitin storage and to apple scab, fire blight and mildew in the field.

Currently available summaries do not adequately reflect the importance ofappleswith little requirement forwinter chilling, the ‘low-chilling-requirement’cultivars, because these are grown primarily for domestic and local marketsin areas without enough winter chilling for adequate budbreak of the conven-tional cultivars. The apple industry of Egypt is based on these as are others insubtropical and tropical climates.

‘Anna’ is the most widely grown of these ‘low-chilling-requirement’ applecultivars. It was bred in Doar Na Shomron, Israel as a cross between thelocal cv. ‘Red Hadassiya’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ made in by Abba Stein,and introduced in . The fruit is large with red cheeks where exposedto the sun. The flesh is subacid to sweet, juicy and mild flavoured with asmooth texture. It is very precocious and heavy cropping with a compacthabit when grown on a ‘MM.’ or ‘MM.’ rootstock. It requires verylittle winter chilling in order for budbreak to occur, cropping in Florida inareas with less than hours below . ◦C (Childers, ) and giving asecond, winter, crop in Zimbabwe after a summer without chilling ( Jackson,). The period from flowering to harvest is approximately – daysin Brazil (Bernardi, ) and is similar in Zimbabwe. ‘Anna’ is unsuitablefor areas with prolonged winters with frost risk, because budbreak may underthese circ*mstances occur while there is still risk of lethal frost. Other cultivarswith little requirement for winter chilling include ‘Dorsett Golden’, a chanceseedling of ‘Golden Delicious’ found in Nassau, Bahamas by Mrs I. Dorsettand introduced commercially in . It resembles ‘Golden Delicious’ buthas poorer colour. ‘Maayan’ originated in Rehovot, Israel as a selection byChanan Oppenheimer of a cross between ‘Calville St Saveur × Damascus’and ‘Delicious’ and was introduced in . The fruits are of medium size, theskin yellow with more than % of the surface red-coloured. The flesh is juicyand sweet with a taste rather similar to ‘Delicious’. The trees are vigorous,cropping on spurs. It has a slightly greater chilling requirement than ‘Anna’.‘Princesa’ was bred at Cacador, Brazil, by F. Denardi, L.F. Hough and A.P.Camilo from a crossing programme which included ‘Anna’ in the ancestry. Itwas selected in . In Brazil the fruits average g in weight and are nearly% red over a yellow ground colour. The flesh is whitish-cream, firm, juicy,sweet and subacid. The trees are moderately vigorous. Flowering is – weeksafter ‘Anna’, probably indicating a slightly greater chilling requirement, andharvesting is also – weeks after ‘Anna’. ‘Adina’ originated in Stanthorpe,Queensland, Australia, by H. Franklin, and was given a plant patent in .The fruits are large, red to purplish-red, with creamy white, firm juicy andsweet flesh of high eating quality. The trees have a low chilling requirement of hours below . ◦C.

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Disease-resistant cultivars are a major target of current apple breedingprogrammes. With the exception of ‘Judeline’, grown for juice production,they face a problem in competing in dessert quality and handling characteris-tics with established cultivars, and new cultivars selected primarily for eating,handling and storage quality.

‘Florina’, selected in Beaucouze, France, by Y. Lespinasse, J.M. Oliver,J. Lespinasse andM.LeLezec,wasmade available to French growers in . Ithas ‘GoldenDelicious’, ‘Giant Starking’, ‘Jonathan’ and a donor of theVf genein its ancestry, is resistant to apple scab, tolerant to rosy apple aphid and fireblight but moderately susceptible to powdery mildew. It is early-bearing andproductive with medium to large sweet fruits with cream-coloured, medium-firm flesh. The skin is three-quarters purplish-red on a yellow background.The fruit stores well but softens quickly out of storage.

‘Freedom’, bred in Geneva, New York by Robert C. Lamb was released in. Its ancestry includes ‘Machan’ (a ‘McIntosh’ cross), ‘Golden Delicious’,‘Rome Beauty’, ‘Antonovka’ and Malus floribunda. The trees are precociousand productive and the fruits are large with mainly red-coloured skin, creamycoloured firm, juicy and subacid flesh. It is resistant to apple scab, cedar applerust, fire blight and powdery mildew.

‘Liberty’ was bred at Geneva, NewYork, by Robert Lambwith ‘Macoun’ ×PRI –’ parentage and released in . The trees are resistant to scab,cedar apple rust, fire blight and powdery mildew. They are very productive,giving a ‘McIntosh’ type of fruit with a crisp texture.

‘Goldrush’ (‘Co-op ’) was bred atWest La Fayette, Indiana by J.A. Crosby,J. Janick, P.C. Pecknold, J. Goffreda and S.S. Korban and introduced in .It had ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Co-op ’ as parents. The harvest season is days after ‘Delicious’, the fruits have good flavour and outstanding storagelife and the trees are immune to scab (Vf gene), moderately resistant to fireblight and moderately tolerant to mildew but susceptible to cedar apple rust.

‘Primicia’, released in , was bred in Cacador, Santa Catarina, Brazil byF. Denardi, L.F. Hough and A.P. Camilo. It is resistant to apple scab and mod-erately resistant to powdery mildew. The trees are precocious and heavy crop-ping. They flower a few days before ‘Gala’ and have only a moderate winter-chilling requirement, cropping without the need for a dormancy-breakingspray in Santa Catarina where the mainstream cultivars require such a spray.The fruits are of medium size, firm and ripen three weeks before those of‘Gala’.

‘Saturn’ was raised at East Malling by Frank Alston and Ray Watkins froma cross between ‘PRI ’ and ‘Starkspur GoldenDelicious’. It was registeredin , has a very high level of scab resistance, moderate mildew resistanceand is precocious and heavy cropping. The fruits are large, juicy, crisp andsweet, predominantly bright red in colour with excellent skin finish.

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‘Pink Lady’ is outstanding among the ultra-late cultivars bred by JohnCripps in Western Australia. The general expectation is that these cultivars,maturing over a very long season, should be outstanding in firmness and post-harvest storage life. ‘Pink Lady’, selected in , is a cross between ‘GoldenDelicious’ and ‘LadyWilliams’, a very late chance seedling, and is harvested days after ‘Granny Smith’. The fruits are medium to large, pink-blushed withexcellent crisp texture and juiciness and a flavour which combines sweetnesswith acidity. It is now being produced in other areas with long growing seasonssuch as South Africa.

Despite the apparent continued dominance of some very long establishedcultivars there has been a steady process of uptake of new strains of these andof new cultivars. This process is greatly facilitated by the use of high-densityplantings on dwarfing rootstocks. These high-density orchards can reach theirfull yield levels within or years from planting or even less, greatly shorteningthe time from the first launch of a new cultivar to the large-scale productionof its fruits.

Apple rootstocks

Selection of rootstock cultivars has played a dominant role in the developmentof apple orchard systems.

The original reason for using rootstocks was that the scion cultivars whichproduced desirable fruits could not be produced true-to-type from seed, andin any case seedling apple trees have juvenile characteristics and are generallyslow to begin to bear fruits. Moreover most apple scion cultivars are verydifficult to root by vegetative means so were not readily produced as clonalplants on their own roots.

Scion cultivars were therefore propagated from very early times by graftingor budding on to rootstocks.TheRomans generally used rootstocks raised fromcuttings or suckers taken fromexisting trees (Roach, ) but the earliest bookson fruit growing in England advised rootstocks raised from seed.Mascall ()described how to raise rootstocks from cider apple pomace, i.e. the remains ofthe apples, containing the seeds, after the juice had been extracted. Seedlingsfrom crab apples (Malus sylvestris) were often preferred because of their greateruniformity.

The first mention of dwarfing apple rootstocks in the literature was in thesixteenth and seventeenth centuries when the name ‘Paradise’ was recordedby Ruellius (), and Parkinson () described the way in which the rootsof a dwarf ‘Paradise’ apple sent up many shoots and suckers as a method ofincrease and noted that whatever fruit (cultivar) was grafted on it would alsobe dwarfed.

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Adistinctionwas latermadebetween the very dwarfing ‘Paradise’ or ‘FrenchParadise’ and the less dwarfing ‘Doucin’ or ‘English Paradise’ rootstocks(Tukey, ). Rivers () mentioned kinds of ‘Paradise’ stock but asnew forms were introduced into trade there was much confusion over theiridentity and trueness to type.

Modern selection and breeding programmes

Rootstock selection at East Malling in England was initiated by R. Wellingtonin and then carried out byR.Hatton.Hatton gathered collections from sources and foundmany of them to contain more than one phenotype or tobe improperly named. He reclassified them, in his first publication describingnine types numbered I to IX in Roman numerals (Hatton, ). Subsequentlythe numberwas increased to sixteen (XVI), then to twenty-four (XXIV).Thesewere subsequently given the designations ‘EM.’, and later ‘M.’, to . Tothese were added two selections from crosses, ‘EM.XXV’ (later designated‘M.’) from ‘Northern Spy’ × ‘EM.II’ and ‘EM.’ (later designated ‘M.’)froma cross between ‘EM.XVI’ and ‘EM.IX’.These rootstockswere evaluatedfirst at East Malling (e.g. Preston a,b, ) and subsequently world-wide.

Also in England, the John Innes Institute at Merton produced four applerootstocks from crosses between ‘EM.II’ and ‘Northern Spy’, the latter be-ing resistant to the woolly aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum), which is a major pestin Australia and New Zealand, but being difficult to propagate. The fourrootstocks were designated ‘Merton ’, ‘’, ‘’ and ‘’ and wereintroduced into New Zealand in for preliminary trial.

A further series of rootstocks, the ‘Malling–Merton’ or ‘MM.’ series, wereproduced by East Malling and John Innes staff, especially H.M. Tydemanand M.B. Crane, collaborating to produce woolly aphid resistant rootstocks.‘Northern Spy’ was used as one of the parents and various ‘Malling’ andother rootstocks as the other parent. Fifteen rootstocks, designated ‘MM.’to ‘MM.’, survived initial screening and were taken on for trials (Tydeman,; Tukey, ). ‘EM.XXV’ (‘M.’) also arose from this crossing pro-gramme but was found to lack the aphid resistance characteristic of the ‘MM.’series, so was given an ‘EM.’ number.

Most recently a new ‘AR.’ series of rootstocks has been bred at EastMalling using a range of parents including some of the ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ series,‘Merton ’, ‘Robusta J’ and ‘Ottawa ’. Some of these have markedlyoutperformed ‘M.’ in initial trials (Webster et al., ). One, ‘AR...’,which has a similar effect on scion vigour to ‘MM.’ has been released as‘M.’ although it is not part of the original ‘M.’ series.

In the former Soviet Union, at Michurinsk, V.I. Budagovsky introduced‘Red-Leaved Paradise’ or ‘Budagovsky ’ in as a product of ‘M.’ × ‘Red

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Standard’ and crossed this with ‘Bud. –’ to produce the very winter-hardy ‘Budagovsky –’. He also produced the winter-hardy ‘Budagovsky–’. The Siberian apple, Malus baccata Borkh was the original sourceof winter hardiness in the rootstock breeding programmes at the MichurinInstitute (Stepanov, ). The best known products of this programme arethe ‘Budagovsky’ (‘Bud.’ or ‘B.’) series.

Rootstock breeding in Poland was initiated at Skierniewice in with theobjective of producing winter-hardy rootstocks, because the ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’series were not hardy enough for Polish conditions. The ‘P.’ series of rootstockswere derived from ‘M.’ crossed with the cold-tolerant ‘Antonovka’. A secondseries of crosses was started in the early s using ‘P.’ series clones and‘M.’, ‘B.’, ‘M.’, ‘MM.’, ‘Robusta ’ and ‘Ottawa ’ as parents (Zagaja,).

In the United States the ‘Michigan Apple Clone’ (‘MAC.’) series originatedfrom open-pollinated seed collected in from a planting of the ‘Malling’rootstocks, ‘Alnarp ’ (a winter-hardy Swedish rootstock) and ‘Robusta ’(selected in Canada from seedlings from seed collected in Siberia).

The ‘Cornell–Geneva’ (‘CG.’) rootstock series was developed at Geneva,New York with selections starting in from seedlings from open-pollinatedseed of the very dwarfing ‘M.’ with ‘M.’ to ‘M.’ of the ‘Malling’ series and‘McIntosh’ and ‘Northern Spy’ as likely parents (Cummins and Aldwinkle,).Most of these proved unacceptably susceptible to fire blight and a breed-ing programme was developed to produce fire blight and Phytophthora root rotresistant rootstocks by crossing ‘Malling’ and other rootstocks with sourcesof resistance, e.g. ‘M.’ with ‘Robusta ’ and ‘M. ’ with ‘Beauty Crab’.These crosses resulted in further ‘CG.’ and ‘G.’ rootstocks (Robinson et al., ).

In Canada a breeding programme at Ottawa started in and resultedin the introduction of six rootstocks in . This ‘OH.’ series of rootstocksincluded ones with cold-hardiness derived from ‘Antonovka’ and also involved‘Robusta ’ and ‘Osman’ as parents. A series of winter-hardy clonal rootstocks,the ‘O’ series ‘Ottawa ’ to ‘Ottawa ’, was produced from parents including‘M.’ and ‘M. ’ crossedwith ‘Robin’ crab andM. baccata to give cold hardiness.Also in Canada the ‘Kentville Stock Clone’ (‘KSC.’) series of rootstocks wereselected from seedlings of ‘Beautiful Arcade’ which had survived wide mid-winter changes in temperature (Ferree and Carlson, ). The ‘Vineland’(‘V.’) clonal rootstock series were produced at Vineland, Ontario by crossing‘M.’ with thewinter-hardy crab apples ‘Dolgo’ and ‘Kerr’ (Hutchinson, ).Some of the progeny have acceptable levels of resistance to woolly apple aphidand to fire blight (Cummins and Aldwinkle, ).

In Germany the Pillnitz rootstock breeding programme started by crossingthe ‘EM.’ rootstocks and by clonal selectionwithin the progeny. It subsequently

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included crosses with M. baccata (L.) Borkh, M. × floribunda, ‘Antonovka’,M. × micromalus, M. × robusta and others to introduce resistance to low tem-peratures, apple scab, apple mildew and woolly aphid. Rootstocks from thisprogramme are available as the Pillnitzer ‘Supporter’ series (Fischer, ).Jork research station, also in Germany, produced ‘Jork ’ (‘J.’) from seed fromopen-pollinated ‘M.’.

Selection of sub-clones of rootstock cultivars

In common with the scion cultivars the rootstock cultivars of Malus, althoughclonal, show an appreciable degree of variability and mutability (Baumann,; Engel, , ; van Oosten, ). This is demonstrated in two mainways. First, either nurserymen have selected within their stocks, especially of‘M.’, or their standard clones have been found to differ from those in othernurseries. Secondly, the process of setting up virus-free or virus-tested root-stock sources inevitably involves the selection of a limited number of shoottips for heat treatment or meristem culture, and the plants derived fromthese selections have been found to differ even if all are of similar virus-free status. Some of the apparent differences may be ontogenetic and re-flect differing degrees of juvenility, plants from juvenile sources being easierto root but spinier in the nursery and not floriferous. Some such differencesmay relate to the source material; for example, a rootstock bed in the nurs-ery may be maintained in a juvenile phase by regular cutting back whereasa virus-free rootstock mother-tree may be in the adult phase (van Oosten,b). Such juvenility-related differences may be fairly transient althoughvan Oosten suggested that the observed effect of different sources of ‘M.’on the vigour of scion trees worked on to them could be because juvenileplants root more easily, give larger rootstocks and, in turn, more vigorousmaiden trees. There are, however, some differences between sub-clones thatare large and long-term in nature. Parry () demonstrated that the ‘M.a’clone of ‘Malling ’ was much more dwarfing than the parent type or thelater ‘M. EMLA’, and it is also less productive in the nursery. Wertheim( ) found trees of ‘Red Boskoop’, ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, ‘Jonagored’and ‘Red Elstar’ on ‘M. Fl ’ to be less vigorous than on other clonesof ‘M.’.

Rootstock effects on scion performance

Control of scion vigour

Theapple tree growingon its own roots as a seedling or rooted cutting, or anap-ple scion growing on a genetically similar seedling rootstock, is, in general, too

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Table . Production inputs into large-tree and

dwarfed-tree orchards


Seedling ‘Malling ’

Trees ha− – –Pruning hours ha− – –Picking hours tonne− .–. .–.Spray volume hl ha− yr− – –

Data from Italian orchards, taken from Werth ().Reproduced with permission.

large for the economic production of high quality fruits.Much of its canopy vol-ume is unproductive andadds tomanagement costs but not to financial returns.

The light intensity required for fruit bud production, fruitlet retention,growth of large fruits and, especially, optimal red skin colour development ismuch greater than that required for net photosynthesis and vegetative growth( Jackson, ). As a consequence only a relatively shallow outer canopy zone,giving a Leaf Area Index (LAI) of less than m leaf per m of orchard floorcan produce good quality fruits even under high ambient light conditions.The typical tree on a seedling rootstock can have a vertically-summed LAIof or more (Heinicke, ), so much of this canopy volume is too heavilyshaded. Moreover, apple trees do not bear fruits on the current season’s shootsand their fruit yield is related to light interception by the spur leaves on olderwood ( Jackson, ; Wunsche et al., ; Lakso and Robinson, ). Excessannual shoot growth and leaf production external to the fruit-bearing zone istherefore counter-productive and has to be prevented or controlled by pruningand branch training. Some effects of tree size on light levels in the tree, fruitsize and fruit colour are shown in Figure ..

Large and vigorous trees are not only inefficient in their horticultural pro-ductivity but are also expensive to manage.Much of their picking and pruninginvolves the use of ladders, which slows down operations, and the size and thedensity of their canopies necessitates the use of high volumes of pesticide andpowerful machinery to spray it. The effects of tree size on costs of produc-tion were reported by Werth (), who compared those for large, ‘round-headed’ apple trees on seedling rootstocks, filling the available orchard spacewhen planted at – trees per hectare, with those on dwarfing rootstocksplanted at – trees ha− . The ‘round-crown’ trees attained a height of m or more, the dwarfed trees only about half of this. The costs of productionper kilogram of fruit were more than twice as high in the large-tree orchardsas in those with dwarfing rootstocks (Table . ).

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A B C100

180 174 61

54 39 −

59 30

31 0 −



17066 31 57

40 15 29


60 34 19 31 49

24 11 9 10 32

24 10 8 11 22





163 157 16 10














3 2




% of full light

% of full light 142 g/fruit 5% well–coloured fruit

166 g/fruit 39% well–coloured fruit




16 29

163 169

173 158 167

165 151 170


Figure 2.1 Distribution of shade, light, fruit size and fruit colour inlarge and small apple trees. (1) Bush trees of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’on a semi-dwarfing (a) and a dwarfing (b) rootstock showing leafareas at different distances from the trunk and ground (measured inhalf metre grid cubes) and leaf area indices (LAIs) summed vertically.The solid line gives the boundary within which apple fruit weight didnot exceed 80 g, the broken line the inner boundary of the zone inwhich, on average, more than 25% of the surface was red. Taken fromJackson (1970). Reproduced with permission from BlackwellScience. (2) Hedgerows of ‘Jonathan’ on ‘M.9’ and ‘M.2’ rootstocks insection showing (A) light intensity (B) fruit size in each position andon average and (C) percentage of well-coloured fruits in eachposition and on average. Each grid side is 0.5 m. Reproduced fromVerheij and Verwer (1973) with permission from Elsevier Science.

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The degree of dwarfing which is needed to achieve the most desirable treevigour depends on a number of factors:

The vigour of the cultivar: a tree of a vigorous cultivar on a dwarfingrootstock may be of similar size to a tree of a compact cultivar on a semi-dwarfing rootstock (Table .). Trees of ‘Fuji’ on the dwarfing ‘M.’ root-stock can be from % to % larger than trees of ‘Redchief Delicious’on the more invigorating ‘M.’ rootstock (Costa et al., ).

The vigour of the site: there are large differences in this, not just becauseof variations in light and temperature at different latitudes (Wagenmakers,) but also because of much more localized differences in soil fertility.The standard clone of the most widely used dwarfing rootstock, ‘M.’, isnot sufficiently dwarfing in some areas of the Netherlands where naturalsoil fertility is high (Wertheim, ).

The tree training and pruning system and its effects on vigour: in generalthe training of the main axes into a horizontal or low-angled position, as inhorizontal or Y- or V-trellis systems of tree management, will induce fruit-fulness and check vegetative growth. Robinson ( ) found that Y-trellistrees were smaller in terms of trunk cross-sectional area than vertical-axistrees.

The light intensity: areas with higher light intensities have a greater depthof canopy which is adequately illuminated for the production of fruit budsand good quality fruits. In such areas there may also be a need for moreleafy canopies to reduce the risk of fruit sunburn.

The light requirements of the cultivar: large-fruited and green-skinnedcultivars, for example, may be able to produce good quality fruits over agreater depth of canopy than small-fruited and partially-coloured cultivars.

Now there are rootstocks available which will give any desired degree of appletree size control. The scion cultivar that at maturity would give a tree morethan mhigh andwith corresponding canopy spread if on a seedling rootstockmay be restricted to about . m in height and spread if grown on the ‘M. ’rootstock. Other rootstock cultivars give all levels of vigour control in between(Table ., Figure .).

Effects on precocity of cropping

Apple trees are perennial and although the costs of establishing an orchardare incurred in the year of planting or even, with respect to land preparation,in earlier years, returns are not received until the orchard bears fruits. Thisdifference in time has important economic consequences because of the effectsof real or imputed interest charges. The returns from the crop of each yearneed to be adjusted for the timing of these returns in years from planting

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Table . Trunk cross-sectional area (TCA, cm) at year for three scion cultivars in

trials for supported spindle trees with rootstocks (dwarf trial) and for freestanding

central leader trees with rootstocks (vigorous trial). Within groups, rootstocks are

listed in estimated order of increasing tree size


Rootstock ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Redchief Delicious’

Dwarf trial–supported spindle trees‘M. EMLA’ ‘MAC.’ ‘B.’ ‘P.’ ‘P.’ ‘V.’ ‘M.’ ‘Mark’ ‘CG.’ ‘V.’ ‘P.’ ‘M. EMLA’ ‘MAC.’ ‘B.’ ‘O.’ ‘C’ ‘M. EMLA’ ‘V.’ ‘V. ’ ‘M.A’ ‘OAR.’ ‘P.’ ‘V.’


Vigorous trial–freestanding central leader trees‘M.A’ ‘A.’ ‘MM. EMLA’ ‘M. EMLA’ ‘P.’ ‘MM. EMLA’ ‘MM.’ ‘B. ’ ‘M. EMLA’ ‘M.’ ‘MAC.’ ‘MAC.’ ‘MM. EMLA’ ‘B.’ ‘P.’


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Table . (cont.)


Rootstock ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Redchief Delicious’

‘MAC.’ ‘A.’ ‘MAC.’


Rootstock codes: ‘M.’, ‘Malling’; ‘MAC.’, ‘MichiganAppleClone’, ‘B.’, ‘Budagov-sky’; ‘P.’, ‘P. Series’ (Polish); ‘V.’, ‘Vineland’; ‘CG.’, ‘Cornell–Geneva’; ‘O.’, ‘Ot-tawa’; ‘C.’, ‘Clark’; ‘OAR.’, ‘Oregon Apple Rootstock’; ‘A.’, ‘Alnarp’; ‘MM.’,‘Malling–Merton’.From Barritt, et al. (a). Reproduced with permission.

Figure 2.2 Relative size of apple trees when grafted on a seedlingrootstock or on different clonal rootstocks. Reproduced by permissionof Horticultural Research International, East Malling.

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Table . The effects of rootstock × planting density combinations on

yields following planting in

Average yields per year (tonnes ha− )

Rootstock Seedling ‘M’ ‘M’

Trees per ha Tree form Standard Spindlebush HedgerowCultivar ‘GD’ ‘S’ ‘GD’ ‘S’ ‘GD’ ‘S’– . . . . . .– . . . . . .– . . . . . .

‘GD’, ‘Golden Delicious’; ‘S’, ‘Starking’ (‘Red Delicious’).Data from Hungary, abstracted from Gyuro ().

by discounted cash flow analysis ( Jackson, ) to evaluate overall orchardsystem profitability. Moreover the prices which will be obtained in the distantfuture are always uncertain. Precocious cropping, i.e. cropping early in the lifeof the tree, therefore has a value much greater than might be inferred fromits effect on accumulated yield over the life of the orchard. There are directeffects of rootstock on the precocity of flowering and fruiting at the individualtree level. Tubbs () concluded that precocity may occur independently ofa dwarfing influence and there are precocity-inducing rootstocks within eachvigour class. ‘M.’ has long been regarded as outstanding in this respect but‘MM.’ and ‘M.’ also induce early crops. However, the most importanteffects of rootstock on precocity are at the orchard level. As a result of themuch greater number of trees per hectare which can be planted with trees ondwarfing rootstocks, the early yield per hectare ismuch higher even if yields pertree are similar or lower (Table .). This effect is accentuated when the treeson the more vigorous rootstocks are pruned relatively severely in their earlyyears and defruited to facilitate development of a strong branch framework.

Effects on yield to tree size ratio

The ratio of fruit yield to tree size reflects the efficiencywithwhich the productsof photosynthesis are partitioned between crop and vegetative growth, i.e. itis similar to the harvest index of annual crop plants. This ratio, for appletrees, is partly dependent on tree size so the effects of rootstocks on it are notindependent of their effects on size itself. This is because once a canopy isof more than a certain depth any further increase in canopy depth does notincrease the volume which can produce good quality fruits: it simply increasesthe amount of excessively shaded and unproductive volume. It is thereforeto be expected that trees on dwarfing rootstocks or with dwarfing interstocks

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Trunk cross-sectional area (cm2)











50 100 150







20 22



19 23



Figure 2.3 The relationship between tree size (measured as trunkcross-sectional area in year 9) and accumulated yield up to year 9.‘Golden Delicious’ trees on 22 rootstocks. Rootstock codes: 1 = ‘M.27EMLA’, 2 = ‘MAC.9’, 4 = ‘P.16’, 5 = ‘P.22’, 6 = ‘V.3’, 7 = ‘M.9’, 8 =‘Mark’, 9 = ‘CG.10’, 10 = ‘V.1’, 11 = ‘P.2’, 12 = ‘M.9 EMLA’, 13 =‘MAC.39’, 14 = ‘B.9’, 15 = ‘O.3’, 16 = ‘C.6’, 17 = ‘M.26 EMLA’, 18 =‘V.2’, 19 = ‘V.7’, 20 = ‘M.7A’, 21 = ‘OAR.1’, 22 = ‘P.1’, 23 = ‘V.4’. Theequation of the fitted curve is y = 167(1−e(−0.034x )) with n = 22 andr 2 = 0.66. From Barritt et al. (1997a). Reproduced with permission.

will have a higher ratio of yield to tree size than more invigorating ones. Thisis generally the case (Figures . and .), although there is some evidenceof effects of rootstocks on efficiency independent of tree size. For example,Robinson ( ) found that the yield per unit trunk cross-sectional area (TCA)of ‘Empire’ and ‘Jonagold’ on ‘O.’ rootstock was significantly lower thanthat on ‘M. EMLA’ (Table .) although the trees were of very similar size(slightly but not significantly smaller TCA). TCA is widely used as a measureof tree size, being highly correlated with the above-ground weight of the tree(Westwood andRoberts, ). Although there are some inconsistencies (Parryand Rogers, ) a large amount of published data shows linear relationshipsbetween TCA and scion weight to apply irrespective of rootstock. Rootstockeffects on TCA therefore, in general, give an unbiased estimate of effects onscion weight. Robinson ( ) also found that the trees on both ‘O.’ and‘Mark’ rootstocks had significantly lower light conversion efficiencies (yieldper unit light interception) than trees on ‘M. EMLA’ even though those on‘Mark’ were significantly smaller (intercepted less light). Robinson’s results also

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Table . The effects of rootstocks on cropping efficiency

The effects of six rootstocks averaged over ‘Empire’ and ‘Jonagold’ and vertical-axisand Y-trellis training systems planted in (‘M. EMLA’ = ).

Trunk Cumulative Light Yield per unitCSA yield to Cumulative interception light

Rootstock yr yr yield/CSA yr interception

‘P.’ a b d ab c‘M.’ / ‘MM. ’a b b c ab abc‘M. EMLA’ b b c a ab‘M. EMLA’ c a a b a‘O.’ c b b b c‘Mark’ d c ab c bc

Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (n =, P = .).CSA, cross-sectional area (cm ).a Trees on ‘MM.’ rootstock with an ‘M.’ interstock.Data from Robinson ( ). Reproduced with permission.





00 10 20 30 40 50 60

Crown weight (kg)


io, t












3430VII II




2" Interstocks




Figure 2.4 The relationship of cropping efficiency to tree size, ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ on ‘Malling 2’ rootstock with size-controllinginterstocks of ‘M.9’ (‘IX’), ‘M.26’, ‘3428’, ‘MVII’ (‘M.7’), ‘M.II’ (‘M.2’),‘Crab C’ (‘CC’), and ‘3430’. Reproduced from Parry and Rogers

(1972) with permission.

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showed unequivocally the higher cropping efficiency of trees on ‘M. EMLA’in that they gave significantly higher yields than trees on ‘P.’, ‘M.’/‘MM.’,and ‘M. EMLA’ which were significantly larger.

By the standards of other crops, apple trees on ‘M.’ have a very high parti-tioning efficiency (harvest index). Hansen () showed that fruits representedmore than % of the total dry matter increment of - and -year-old treesof ‘Golden Delicious’ on ‘M.’ rootstocks. Barlow and Smith (), reportingon a -year study of total dry matter production of the cv. ‘Laxton’s Superb’showed that more than %of the dry weight had been in the fruits of trees on‘M.’ as contrasted with –% of that of trees on ‘M.’. The scope for fur-ther advance in this respect is clearly limited. However, Callesen ( ) showedthat trees of ‘Elstar’ on ‘J. ’ rootstock had a % higher ratio of crop to trunkcross-sectional area than similar-sized trees on ‘M. EMLA’, and Hrotko, et

al. ( ) found that trees of ‘Idared’ on ‘J. ’ had a % higher crop to TCAratio than that of rather smaller trees on ‘M. T ’.

Data on cropping efficiency must be interpreted with care. Very small trees,with their canopy well illuminated throughout, will generally show a high ratioof crop to tree size and growth. If, however, they are so dwarfed that even atvery close spacings they cannot intercept most of the available light, then theorchard yield will be low. Moreover the ratio of crop to tree size may dependon how the latter is measured. Comparative data on widely spaced trees ondifferent rootstocks will give unbiased estimates of their relative cropping effi-ciencies. However, once the trees have filled the space allocated to them, hedgerow planting, they will continue to increase in girth and weight eventhough their canopy volume and light interception does not increase furtherand their apparent cropping efficiency, if expressed, e.g. as yield per unit TCA,will decline. Where, as in many experiments, trees on rootstocks of differingvigour are planted at a common within-row spacing, those on the more vig-orous rootstocks will fill their available space more quickly, and from thenon appear less efficient than they actually are, compared with those on moredwarfing rootstocks. Yield per unit of canopy volume (Figure .) or per unitlight interception may then provide a more useful measure especially if usedin conjunction with the data on total canopy volume or light interception.

Effects on fruit quality factors


Rootstocks can influence fruit size in three different ways. First, it is well es-tablished that shaded areas of apple trees produce smaller fruits, whether theshade is artificially imposed ( Jackson and Palmer, ) or attributable to po-sition in the canopy ( Jackson et al., ; Tustin et al., ). It is therefore to beexpected that trees on dwarfing rootstocks in which most of the canopy is well

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5 m


27 k

g m


.8 k

g m


.4 k

g m


.0 k

g m


3 2 1 0

5 m

4 3 2 1 01








1 m

1 m

1 m




































































The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (73)

exposed to sunlight will produce, on average, larger fruits than those on morevigorous rootstocks which have a larger proportion of shaded canopy. This istrue in some cases; for example, Silbereisen () found that fruits of ‘GoldenDelicious’ and ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ on ‘M.’ were larger than those on ‘M.’when the trees were grown in planting systems appropriate to their vigour eventhough the average annual orchard yields were higher on ‘M.’. Similarly,Gyuro et al. () found the percentage of fruits (averaged over ‘Jonathan’,‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Starking’) of more than mm diameter to be , and on dwarfing (‘M.’), semi-vigorous (‘M.’) and vigorous (seedling)rootstocks, respectively. However, within each category of rootstock vigour, i.e.very dwarfing, dwarfing, semi-dwarfing, semi-vigorous and vigorous, there areclear differences between individual rootstocks in their effects on fruit size andmany cases in which the more dwarfing rootstocks do not give the larger fruits.For example, trees on ‘M.’ (semi-dwarfing) and ‘M.’ (dwarfing) generallygive larger fruits than those on ‘M. ’ which is very dwarfing (van Oosten,a; Palmer et al., ).

Secondly, rootstocks can influence fruit size through their effects on thenumber of fruits in relation to the size and photosynthetic potential of the tree.In general, as this ratio is increased fruit size is reduced, hence the widely usedpractice of fruit thinning to increase the size of the remaining fruits. Trees onsome very dwarfing rootstocks which have a higher yield per unit volume thanthose on ‘M.’, e.g. on ‘’ and ‘M. ’, can give much smaller fruits (vanOosten, a).

There are also effects of rootstock on fruit size which cannot be explained bydifferences in either proportion of shaded canopy or cropping level. Callesen( ) reported larger fruits when on the rootstocks ‘M. EMLA’ and ‘Jork ’than when on ‘Bemali’ rootstock even though the trees on the latter wereof similar size and were lower yielding. ‘Gala’ trees on ‘Mark’ rootstock cangive smaller fruits than when on ‘M. EMLA’ and ‘Bud.’ even after takingcropping levels in relation to tree size into account (Barritt et al., b; Perry, ). Hampson et al. ( ) also found that trees of ‘Summerland McIntosh’on ‘Mark’ rootstock had significantly smaller fruits than the same cultivar on‘M. EMLA’ and ‘Jork ’ even when all the trees were of very similar size, andthose on ‘M.EMLA’ and ‘Jork ’ hadhigher yields, thoughnot significantly so.


Rootstock influences on fruit colour appear to be mainly a secondary effect oftheir effects on the vigour of tree growth and within-tree shade. Gyuro et al.

() recorded fruit colour of apples of ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Starking Delicious’in the outer, middle and inner zones of trees on ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and seedlingrootstocks and on their own roots (Table .). In each case the fruits fromthe outer zone, defined as m from the external surface, had the greatest

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Table . Colouring of ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Delicious’ fruits in the top zones on different

rootstocks, –

Average colour grade on a scale of to .


Variety Top zone ‘M.’ ‘M.’ Own-rooted Seedling Average

‘Jonathan’ outer . . . . .middle . . . . .inner . . . . .average . . . . .LSD. . . . .

‘Starking Delicious’ outer . . . . .middle . . . . .inner . . . . .average . . . . .LSD. . . . .

% of surface red-coloured: Grade , –; Grade , –; Grade , –; Grade ,–; Grade , –.From Gyuro et al. (). Reproduced with permission.

proportion of red-coloured surface. Since % of the canopy volume of the‘Jonathan’ trees on ‘M.’ was in this outer zone, compared with only %,% and % of the canopy volume of the trees on ‘M.’, ‘own roots’ andseedling respectively, the better average colour of fruits from the trees on ‘M.’was inevitable. Similar results, showing a decrease in average fruit colour in thesequence ‘M.’ > ‘M.’ > own root > seedling was shown for ‘Starking’. Forboth cultivars the trees on ‘M.’ gave better-coloured fruits within each treezone. This probably also reflected differences in shade: whereas the outer zoneof dwarfed trees is largely ‘top’, that of larger trees includes lower peripheralareas shaded from direct sunlight for part of the day.


In general shaded fruits are less prone to russet and cracking than exposedfruits, and it might be expected that fruits from trees on the most dwarfingrootstocks would suffer more from these problems, but results are inconsistent(van Oosten, a).

Sugar and acid content

Sansavini et al. () found the percentage of soluble solids in expressed juiceof scion cvs. ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Clear Red’ to decline with increasingrootstock vigour over the range ‘M. ’, ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’. This isin keeping with effects of increasing canopy shade. Ogata et al. () found

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Table . Effects of rootstock on incidence of bitter pit and senescent breakdown, for

‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’,

Treatments in Rootstock

Hand Light Heavy means % ofpollinated Control thinning thinning total

Rootstock b.p. s.b. b.p. s.b. b.p. s.b. b.p. s.b. b.p. s.b.

‘M.’ . . . . . . . . . .‘M.’ . . . . . . . . . .‘M. ’ – – . . . . . . . .‘MM.’ . . . . . . . . . .

b.p., % number of fruits showing bitter pit; s.b., % number of fruits showing senescentbreakdown.From Blasco (). Reproduced with permission.

a higher soluble solids content in fruits of ‘Red King Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ on‘M. ’ than on ‘M.a’ or ‘M.’. Autio et al. (), in trials of ‘StarkspurSupreme Delicious’ on rootstocks at four sites, found significant negativecorrelations between rootstock vigour, expressed as scion trunk cross-sectionalarea, and soluble solids in the fruit at three of the sites. The effects were large:at the Californian site the soluble solids content ranged from .% on themost dwarfing rootstock (‘P.’) to .% on the most invigorating ones (‘M.’and ‘P.’). Sansavini et al. () did not find any effect of rootstock on acidity.

Effects on fruit maturity and storage

It has been known for a long time that fruits of trees on ‘M.’ ripen on thetree earlier and require earlier picking (MAFF, ). Autio et al. () foundthat the time of ripening of ‘Starkspur Supreme Delicious’ on rootstocks, asmeasured by the date of the CH climacteric and the fruit starch index (seeChapter ), was a negative function of rootstock vigour. Thismay indicate thatthe rootstock effect on fruit maturity is a consequence of its effect on tree sizeand shade or on vigour-related hormonal factors. Early findings on the effectsof rootstock on fruit storage potential were probably confounded with effectson fruit maturity. Harvested at the correct (earlier) time, fruits from trees ondwarfing rootstocks store well.

Rootstocks can also influence storage through their effects on fruit calciumcontent. Blasco () showed that fruits of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ on ‘M.’rootstock had less calcium per unit fruit weight than when on ‘M.’, ‘M. ’or ‘MM.’, both on average and when only fruits of the same size wereconsidered. This was accompanied by a significant and large increase in stor-age losses from bitter pit and senescent breakdown in fruits grown on ‘M.’compared with the other rootstocks (Table .).

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Other characteristics ofapple rootstocks

Resistance to temperature stresses

Soil temperatures above ◦C may have adverse effects on the growth oftrees on most rootstocks. Nelson and Tukey () and Gur et al. () foundthat ‘M. ’, ‘M.’, ‘M.’, ‘MM.’ and seedling rootstocks were relativelyresistant to high soil temperatures but ‘M.’, ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ per-formed poorly at temperatures of ◦C and above. This is very important atthe macro-scale level of apple growing (Ferree and Carlson, ). Soil tem-perature is closely related to air temperature, often being higher in the top fewcentimetres. Diaz and Romo () showed that under Mexican conditions,when air temperatures were ◦C soil temperatures were about ◦C at thesurface, about ◦C at cm and then about ◦C from to cm depth.When air temperatures were ◦C soil temperatures were about ◦C atthe surface declining to around ◦C at cm and ◦C at cm. Sincemost tree roots are located within the top cm, or even the top cm(cf. Chapter ), high soil temperatures provide a major constraint on the useof ‘M.’ rootstock in warm-climate fruit-growing areas. It is likely that thisconstraint will apply to many of the newer rootstocks with ‘M.’ parentage.

Freezing soil temperatures, and in particular freezing air temperatures justabove the ground, can result in winter-freeze death of rootstocks and thereforeof trees. In regions prone to severe winter freezes, cold-hardy seedling root-stocks, e.g. ‘Antonovka Seedling’ in Poland and ‘Beautiful Arcade’ in Canada,were in general use. Trees on these were too vigorous to fit in with the evolvingsystems of high-density planting, so the ‘Malling’ series of clonal rootstocks wasevaluated. When it became clear that although these showed a wide range ofcold tolerance ‘M.’ was sensitive, there was considerable emphasis on thebreeding and selection of cold-tolerant dwarfing rootstocks. Some of theseproved very difficult to propagate so were used as dwarfing interstocks be-tween a cold-resistant but vigorous rootstock and the scion cultivar which itwas desired to dwarf.Observations on cold-hardiness have given some variableresults, possibly because there are a number of different aspects to hardiness(Ferree and Carlson, ). However, there is ample data that ‘M.’ has poortolerance of winter-freezing conditions whereas ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ areas tolerant as, or more tolerant than, ‘Beautiful Arcade’ seedling rootstock(Figure ., from Prive and Embree, ). Quamme and Brownlee ( )also found ‘M. ’ and ‘M.’ to be sensitive to freezing injury in terms of bothfield performance and exposure to different freezing temperatures, while ‘J.’was hardier than either and the equally dwarfing ‘B.’ and ‘P.’ were as hardyas the vigorous Swedish ‘Alnarp ’ (Table .). In Poland, in a year withoutsnow cover with a soil temperature of− ◦C at a depth of cm, only –%

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−10 −5

−15 −10 −5

−15 −10 −5 −15 −10 −5

−15 −10 −5


KSC.28 M.9


1-year-old rootstocks

2-year-old rootstocks



y (%


Temperature (°C)

Figure 2.6 Percentage tree mortality of 1- and 2-year-old applerootstocks ‘M.9’, ‘M.26’, ‘MM.106’, ‘Beautiful Arcade’ (‘BA’), and‘Kentville Selected Clone 28’ (‘KSC.28’) of ‘Beautiful Arcade’ followinglow temperature treatments. Reproduced from Prive and Embree

(1997) with permission.

of trees on ‘M.’ and ‘B.’ were killed although nearly % of trees on ‘M.’died (Czynczyk and Holubowicz, ).

Although ‘M.’ is regarded as moderately sensitive to winter freezing, it hasbeen grown in British Columbia, Canada (mainly in the Okanagan Valley) for years with few losses from winter injury (Quamme et al., ).

Resistance to soil moisture stress

The most important stress associated with soil moisture is that due to water-logging and anaerobiosis. This is particularly dangerous if it occurs in thenon-dormant period after the trees leaf out. In general the ‘Merton Immune’and ‘MM.’ rootstock series, descended from ‘Northern Spy’ and inmany cases‘M.’, which are sensitive, range from sensitive to very sensitive towaterlogging(Cummins and Aldwinkle, ), and ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘M.’ show field

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Table . Comparative low temperature hardiness of


Hardiness as measured by minimum survival tempera-ture with no effect on growth (MST) and field hardiness.

Mean MSTRootstock (◦C) Hardiness class

‘M. ’ − . a Very sensitive‘M.’ −. b Moderately sensitive‘A.’ −. c Hardy‘J.’ −. cd Moderately hardy‘B.’ −. cd Hardy‘O.’ −. cde Hardy‘P.’ −. e Hardy

Means followed by the same letter are not significantlydifferent by the DMR test at the . level.Hardiness classes on the scale developed from Quamme(). FromQuammeandBrownlee ( ).Reproducedwith permission.

tolerance. Rom and Brown () found ‘M. ’ and ‘M.’ to be relativelytolerant and ‘MM.’ least tolerant.

Although there are differences in drought sensitivity between rootstocks,with ‘MM.’ being relatively tolerant and ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ beingintolerant, this is not usually an important factor in rootstock choice becauseof the widespread use of irrigation. However, it does influence the choice ofplanting density because trees on ‘MM.’ are much smaller, relative to thoseon other rootstocks, when grown on sandy soils under rainfed conditions.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Different plant diseases are of variable importance in different apple growingregions depending on local environmental conditions. Fire blight, caused bythe bacteriumErwinia amylovora (see Chapter , p. ), is of major importancein warm, humid apple growing areas such as the easternUnited States. Crownrot and collar rot, caused by species of Phytophthora fungi especially cactorum

and syringae, are most severe where there are recurrently wet and waterloggedsoils. Each of these diseases can be of such severity that trees on intolerant(sensitive) rootstocks die. Differences between rootstocks in their sensitivity tolatent viruses are particularly important in cases where the scion graftwoodmay be contaminated and graft unions fail, and where the virus can be spreadby nematodes as is the case with apple union necrosis and decline due totomato ringspot virus (Ferree and Carlson, ).

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Table . Relative susceptibility of various apple rootstocks to selected diseases and


Crown Fire Apple Powdery Latent WoollyRootstock rot blight scab mildew viruses aphid


Based largely on Cummins and Aldwinkle (). Rootstock abbreviations as inTable ..a Rating system: VS, very susceptible; S, susceptible; MS, moderately susceptible;M, intermediate; MR, moderately resistant; R, resistant; VR, very resistant; NT, nottested; T, tolerant.From Ferree and Carlson ( ). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc.

The most important insect pest of rootstocks is the woolly apple aphid(Eriosoma lanigerum; see Chapter , p. ), which can stop tree growth inwarm-climate production areas. The ‘M.I’ and ‘MM.’ series of rootstockswere bred specifically for resistance to this pest.

The relative resistances of the different rootstocks to these pests and diseasesare given in Tables . and .. These ratings must be treated with caution.Quamme et al. () concluded that ‘M.’ is among the most resistant ofrootstocks to Phytophthora cactorum, in agreement with the results of Cumminsand Aldwinkle (), Sewell and Wilson () and general field experience.However, whereas Sewell and Wilson () found ‘M. ’ and ‘MM.’ to beresistant and ‘M.’ to be susceptible, Ferree and Carlson ( ) classed ‘M. ’as moderately resistant and ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ as moderately susceptible;and Quamme et al. () classed ‘M. ’ as moderately susceptible, ‘M.’ as

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Table . Resistance to Phytophthora cactorumas measured by the lesion length on cut shoots placed in

inoculated agar medium

Resistance Mean lesion lengthRootstock classification (mm)a

‘J.’ – . a‘M.’ R . ab‘P.’ – . ab‘O.’ – . abc‘A.’ – . abc‘P.’ – . abc‘P.’ – . abc‘M.’ R . bc‘B.’ – . cd‘M.’ MR . cd‘M. ’ MS . d‘MM.’ MS . d‘MM.’ S . c

a Mean separation by Duncan’s Multiple Range test(P < .).From Utkhede and Quamme (). Reproducedwith permission.

moderately resistant and ‘MM.’ as susceptible. Similarly, ‘B.’ was less resis-tant to P. cactorum in tests carried out byUtkhede andQuamme () than was‘M.’, although classed as very resistant by Cummins and Aldwinkle ().A possible reason for these discrepancies lies in the different pathogenicitiesamong isolates of P. cactorum and different responses of the different rootstocksto these (Sewell and Wilson, ). Although the resistance to woolly appleaphid transferred from ‘Northern Spy’ to the ‘Merton’ and ‘MM.’ rootstockshas been immensely valuable, some biotypes of woolly apple aphid capable ofcolonizing ‘Northern Spy’ and the ‘M.I’ and ‘MM.’ stocks have been identified(Cummins and Aldwinkle, ). A number of ‘CG.’ and ‘G.’ series rootstocksare resistant to fire blight and to Phytophthora root rots (Robinson et al., ).‘M.’ (‘AR...’) is resistant to Phytophthora crown and collar rots, mildew,woolly apple aphid and the specific apple replant disease common in the UK.

Apple rootstocks also influence the incidence of diseases of the scion throughmechanisms distinct from those of rootstock resistance. Sewell and Wilson() found that the rootstock effect on scion resistance to P. cactorum was in-versely related to the effect on tree vigour and not related to inherent rootstockresistance. The degree of scion susceptibility to fire blight is greater the moredwarfing the rootstock and is influenced by rootstock effects on precocity offlowering (Cummins and Aldwinkle, ).

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Table . Stooled layer production of

rootstocks at Summerland, British Columbia

Rootstock Number of rooted shoots m−

‘M.’ ‘B.’ ‘M.’ ‘M. ’ ‘M.’ ‘M. ’ ‘J.’ ‘P.’ ‘P.’ ‘B.’ ‘P.’ ‘P.’ ‘O.’

FromQuamme and Brownlee (). Repro-duced with permission.

Nursery productivity

Although the orchard performance of trees grafted on to the different root-stocks determines the demand for them, differences in the ease with whichthey can be propagated determines the supply. Some very desirable root-stocks are very difficult to multiply by conventional nursery techniques(Table .). Those which produce the fewest rooted shoots suitable for beinggrafted or budded with scions may instead be used as interstocks. Micro-propagation methods may help overcome the difficulties in producing rootedpropagules.

Major apple rootstocks

‘Malling ’ (‘M.’ ) is the most widely used dwarfing rootstock. It is the basis ofthe western European apple industry and is rapidly gaining in use in northAmerica. Trees on ‘M.’ are relatively easy to maintain at a height of between and metres, depending on cultivar, soil and climate, although they canbe taller if required. The spacings between trees on ‘M.’ range from about m × m or closer in single rows to . m × . m in ‘full-field’ systems(Wertheim et al., ). Trees on ‘M.’ give larger fruits than those on mostother rootstocks. Yield per unit of tree size is outstandingly high and the treesstart to crop within a year or so of planting; indeed, in many areas the earlyfruiting has to be reduced to prevent an excessive check to growth. ‘M.’ is

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propagated by stooling: it is less productive in the nursery than many other‘Malling’ rootstocks. Trees on ‘M.’ are poorly anchored and, because of thisand the heavy early crops, need support by individual stakes or wire trellises.‘M.’ is resistant to collar rot but susceptible to fire blight, woolly apple aphid,crown gall and mildew. It does not tolerate high soil temperature. The mainclones (sub-clones) are all virus-free selections, as follows:

‘M. EMLA’ was produced by East Malling and Long Ashton ResearchStations. Trees grafted or budded on it were much more vigorous thanthose on the virus-tested (latent virus-infected) ‘M.a’ clone which precededit and the ‘old’ ‘M.’ infected with latent viruses (Campbell, ). Theygave % more crop up to years of age than those on the virus-infectedstocks as a consequence of their larger size.‘M.T ’ (‘NAKB ’) is a Dutch selection which gives trees of similar orrather smaller size than ‘M.EMLA’ (Webster, ) and of similar croppingefficiency.‘M. Fleuren ’ is a Dutch selection giving trees about –% smallerthan those on ‘M. T ’ (Wertheim, ). It induces a higher yield perunit of tree volume and, possibly as a result, reduces fruit size slightly.‘M. Pajam ’ (‘Lancep’) is a French clone which has been about %more dwarfing than ‘M. EMLA’ in some trials but less dwarfing in others(Callesen, ).‘M. Pajam ’ (‘Cepiland’) is similar to, or slightly more invigorating than,‘M. EMLA’ or ‘M. T ’.‘M. RN’ is a Belgian clone, similar in its effects on vigour and croppingto ‘M. T ’.

‘Malling ’ (‘M. ’) originated at East Malling from a cross made in between ‘M.’ and ‘M.’. It was selected in (as ‘Malling ’) andpatented as ‘M. ’ in . It is muchmore dwarfing than either of its parents,scion cultivars grafted on it giving trees only about half of the size of those on‘M.’. It is suitable only for orchards of very closely spaced trees or with veryvigorous scion cultivars. It induces precocious cropping but trees on it tend tohave small fruits.

‘Malling ’ (‘M.’) originated at East Malling from a cross between ‘M.’and ‘M.’. It is better anchored than ‘M.’ but is less dwarfing and is unsuitedfor intensive planting systems, excepting possibly with spur-type scions. It in-duces precocious cropping and large fruit size but has a less positive effect oncropping efficiency than ‘M.’. It is the most tolerant of low winter temper-atures of all the ‘Malling’ rootstocks in commercial use, but is susceptible tofire blight and to woolly apple aphid and moderately susceptible to crown rot,although resistant to collar rot.

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‘Malling ’ (‘M. ’) was selected at East Malling in . It is semi-dwarfing,producing trees –% of the size of those on apple seedling rootstocks.It is widely used in North America but by the mid-s more trees wereplanted on the more dwarfing rootstocks. ‘M. ’ induces precocious croppingon a per tree basis but is unsuited to high-density plantings. It tolerates a widerange of soil temperatures and is resistant to fire blight. It tends to form rootsuckers.

‘Malling ’ (‘M. ’) was selected at East Malling in , its parents being‘Northern Spy’ and ‘M.’, and was introduced into commerce in . It givestrees almost as vigorous as those on seedling rootstocks but they aremuchmoreprecocious and productive. Although it is not resistant to woolly apple aphidit is used in South Africa on poor soils or where there is a ‘replant’ problemwhich checks growth.

‘Malling–Merton ’ (‘MM.’) was selected from crossing ‘Northern Spy’and ‘M.’ between and and introduced in . It is semi-dwarfing,giving trees rather larger than those on ‘M. ’, and is outstanding for its effectson precocity and fruitfulness. The trees do not need staking. It is widely usedin western Europe, especially in semi-intensive ‘hedgerow’ orchards, and inNew Zealand and South Africa where its resistance to woolly apple aphidis important. Its susceptibility to Phytophthora cactorum limits its use in NorthAmerica and parts of Europe. It is very easy to propagate.

‘Malling–Merton ’ (‘MM.’) originated at Merton, England from‘M.’ × ‘Northern Spy’ parentage. It was selected in and andintroduced into commerce in . Trees on it are as vigorous as those onseedling rootstocks but it is resistant to woolly apple aphid and gives heaviercropping. The trees are poorly anchored but it is still used in South Africa onsoils of low growth potential. It is easily propagated by stooling.

‘Malling–Merton ’ (‘MM.’) was selected at Merton, England in , itsparents being ‘Northern Spy’ and ‘Merton ’. It gives trees –% of thesize of those on seedling rootstocks, but they are much more precocious andproductive than those on seedlings or on the older ‘M.’ rootstock of similarvigour. It is particularly tolerant of drought conditions and sandy soils (MAFF,). It is resistant to woolly apple aphid and is still used in South Africa. Itis easily propagated.

‘M.’ (‘AR... ’) was selected at EastMalling from crossesmade in between ‘MM.’ and ‘M. ’ and introduced in . It gives trees similar insize to, or appreciably smaller than, those on ‘MM.’, has similar effects oncropping efficiency and fruit size and is resistant to collar rot, mildew, woollyapple aphid and the specific apple replant disease common in UK orchards.It roots well from hardwood cuttings.

‘Merton ’ (‘M.’) was selected from seedlings of the cross ‘NorthernSpy’ × ‘M.’. It gives trees of similar size to those on ‘MM.’ and is resistant

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to woolly apple aphid and collar rot. It is still used in South Africa but hasbeen largely replaced by other rootstocks.

‘Jork ’ (‘J.’) was selected from a population of open-pollinated seedlings of‘M.’ at Jork in Germany and introduced as a clonal rootstock in . Treeson it are of similar vigour or slightly smaller than those on ‘M. EMLA’. Itis rather more resistant to low winter temperatures than ‘M.’, has a simi-lar or even more positive effect on productivity and its use results in largerfruits. It is very susceptible to fire blight and woolly apple aphid. It is easy topropagate.

‘Mark’ (‘MAC. ’) originated in East Lansing, Michigan, being selected byR.F. Carlson from seedlings from open-pollinated seeds of ‘M.’ and intro-duced in . It gives trees similar in size to those on ‘M. EMLA’ andwith similar productivity. It is tolerant of Phytophthora and common latentviruses and more winter-hardy than ‘M.’ but is susceptible to fire blight andwoolly apple aphid. Fruits from trees on ‘Mark’ tend to be smaller than fromthose on ‘M.’ and tissue proliferates at the soil line in a way which might bedeleterious.

‘Maruba-kaido N-’ is a clone of a weeping form of ‘Maruba-kaido’ (Malus

prunifolia ringo) selected by Koike and Tsukahara. It is semi-vigorous, winter-hardy, resistant to woolly apple aphid and collar rot but susceptible to chloroticleaf spot virus and stem grooving virus. It is usually used with a dwarfinginterstem, originally ‘M.’, but now that clones of ‘M.’ free from latentchlorotic leaf spot virus (which caused incompatibility) are available these andsome ‘CG.’ series interstems are often used. This is the most used rootstockin Japan (Ogata et al., ) although ‘M.’ is increasingly used to obtain fruitsize and colour.

Malus prunifolia and M. sieversii seedlings are also widely used in China fortheir drought and cold tolerance with ‘M.’ as a dwarfing interstem.

‘Antonovka’ seedlings are still used in eastern Europe and the countries of theformer USSR for their cold tolerance, either giving large trees or being usedwith a dwarfing interstem of the ‘B.’ or ‘P.’ series.

M. × domestica seedlings, from fruits of the main scion cultivar, are still usedin South Africa on soils of very low fertility; but in general such seedlings arepassing out of commercial use.

Cold-tolerant dwarfing and semi-dwarfing rootstocks are still being activelysought in a number of breeding programmes.

‘Budagovsky ’ (‘B.’) has ‘M.’ and ‘Red Standard’ as parents and was intro-duced in by V.I. Budagovsky of the Michurinsk College of Agriculture. Itis slightly more dwarfing than ‘M.’, induces precocious and heavy cropping,is very resistant to Phytophthora and is tolerant of the common latent virusesbut is susceptible to fire blight and woolly apple aphid. It has been successfullyused as a dwarfing interstem especially in Poland.

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‘Budagovsky –’ (‘Bud. ’) originated at Michurinsk as a cross between‘B.’ and ‘Bud. –’. It is a semi-vigorous clonal rootstock, with vigoursimilar to ‘MM.’ but inducing greater precocity. It is very winter-hardy,equivalent to ‘Common Antonovka’, and resistant to crown rot and is veryeasy to propagate, even by hardwood cuttings.

‘Budagovsky –’ (‘Bud. ’) also originated at Michurinsk and gives treevigour control equivalent to ‘M. ’. It induces early and heavy cropping, iseasy to propagate and is even more winter-hardy than ‘Common Antonovka’.It is very susceptible to fire blight and woolly apple aphid and is not resistantto Phytophthora.

‘P.’ originated in Skierniewice, Poland, being bred by S. Zagaja andA. Czynczyk from ‘M.’ × ‘Common Antonovka’. It has proved dwarfingin some trials (Hrotko et al., ) but more commonly has had similar effectson growth to ‘M.’ or ‘MM.’ (Barritt et al., a,b; Callesen, ). ‘P.’is slightly less cold-resistant than ‘Common Antonovka’ but still very winter-hardy. It is also crown-rot resistant and easily propagated but is moderatelysusceptible to fire blight, Phytophthora and woolly apple aphid and has manyburr-knots just below the graft union.

‘P.’ originated in Skierniewice, Poland, also bred by S. Zagaja and A.Czynczyk from ‘M.’ and ‘Common Antonovka’. It is about as dwarfing as‘M. EMLA’ but trees on it have a lower cropping efficiency. It is winter-hardy and crown-rot resistant but is moderately susceptible to fire blight andsusceptible to woolly apple aphid.

‘P.’, also bred by S. Zagaja and A. Czynczyk from ‘M.’ × ‘CommonAntonovka’ is more dwarfing than ‘M.’ and in some trials (Callesen, )has induced very high productivity combined with large fruit size. It is easierto propagate than the other ‘P.’ series rootstocks, is susceptible to fire blightand woolly apple aphid and is said to have winter-hardiness only as good as‘M.’.

‘P.’, also bred by S. Zagaja and A. Czynczyk from ‘M.’ and ‘CommonAntonovka’, is about as dwarfing as ‘M. ’ in some trials but equivalent to ‘M.EMLA’ in others. It is winter-hardy and resistant to Phytophthora butmoderatelysusceptible to fire blight and very susceptible towoolly apple aphid. It is difficultto propagate.

‘Ottawa ’was bred in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada by L. Spangelo, S.O. Fejer,S.J. Leuty and R.L. Granger, with ‘M.’ and ‘Robin Crab’ as parents. It wasintroduced in . It is rather less dwarfing than ‘M.’ but more dwarfingthan ‘M.’ and induces precocious and heavy cropping. It is cold-hardy andresistant to Phytophthora but is susceptible to fire blight, woolly apple aphid andstem grooving virus, and has poor productivity in the nursery although it iseasy to micropropagate.

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Apple rootstock × site interactions

In relative terms rootstock effects on scion growth and cropping are fairlyconsistent over a wide range of environments. Rootstock × site interactions,although often statistically significant, are usually small compared with root-stock effects especially when a wide range of rootstocks is being tested. Theymay, however, be important where they reflect site variations in major diseaseor climatic stresses and in rootstock tolerance of these. Parry ( ) foundthat even within the limited confines of English apple growing areas trees on‘MM.’ varied more in relation to soil type than those on ‘M.a’, and onsites with replant disease the vigour of trees on ‘M.a’ was reduced more thanon other rootstocks. Other site× rootstock interactions could not be attributedto any specific cause.

Apple rootstock × scion interactions

In broad terms the direction of rootstock effects is consistent over the range ofscion cultivars with respect to vigour of growth, cropping, fruit size, etc. Thereare, however, numerous reports of significant rootstock × scion interactions;for example, Parry ( ) found large differences between effects of rootstockson the cropping efficiency of ‘Cox’ and on that of ‘Worcester Pearmain’, andBarritt et al. (a) found that as rootstock vigour increased, the incidence ofbiennial bearing of ‘Golden Delicious’ and of ‘Granny Smith’ increased butthat of ‘Redchief Delicious’ decreased.

Pear scion cultivars

European-type pear scion cultivars

The dominant cultivars of European pears (Pyrus communis) were selected inthe eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A relatively small number of ‘sports’have also been selected from these.

‘Williams’BonChretien’ (‘Bartlett’) was bredbyStair, inBerkshire, England,distributed byWilliams ofMiddlesex and taken to America in . It was laterdistributed under the name of ‘Bartlett’ in the USA and became the leadingcultivar there both for fresh consumption and, especially, for canning. It isprimarily grown in Washington State and California and is also widely grownin the most important Italian pear growing region, the lowlands of Emilia-Romagna and Veneto. The fruits are medium-large, yellow blushed withbrownish-red and of excellent quality. ‘Bartlett’ is a prolific and heavy cropper,requires a shorter growing season than most major pear cultivars ( days

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from full bloom to harvest in South Africa) and can succeed on a range ofsoil types. However, like other important pear cultivars it flowers before mostapples so is subject to more risk of frost damage. It has a fairly high winter-chilling requirement (c . h), is sensitive to fire blight and produces fruits ofthe best quality only under conditions of high temperature for the monthspreceding harvest. ‘Bartlett’ is self-sterile but can be self-fruitful through theproduction of parthenocarpic fruits. A number of different clones, especiallywith red skin colour, have been selected. Some have slightly lower chillingrequirements than the parent type.

‘D’Anjou’ pear was introduced into England in the nineteenth century byThomas Rivers and is themost important winter pear in the Pacific Northwestof the USA, being grown mainly in Washington and Oregon. The fruits arelarge and green. The trees are vigorous and consistent in cropping and re-quire cross-pollination, usually by ‘Bartlett’ or ‘Bosc’. It is more cold-tolerantthan ‘Bartlett’ but has a similar chilling requirement. It ripens – weeksafter ‘Bartlett’ in the USA and, relative to ‘Bartlett’, is even later in Italywhen it is harvested between October and November. It is moder-ately resistant to fire blight and has a very long storage life. One sport,‘Columbia Red Anjou’, has bright red fruits with lower rates of respirationand ethylene production than the standard ‘Anjou’, giving even longer storagelife.

‘Beurre Hardy’ was bred byM. Bonnet at Boulogne in about . It ripenssoon after ‘Bartlett’ in the Pacific Northwest and about days after ‘Bartlett’in South Africa. It has fairly large fruits with a golden-brown skin speckledwith pink. It tends to form fruiting spurs instead of lateral long shoots along thefruiting branches. Its wood unites well with that of quince and it is frequentlybudded on quince rootstocks and then budded or grafted with other cultivarsless compatible with quince.

‘Beurre Bosc’, also grown in Oregon, is slightly later ripening than ‘BeurreHardy’. It has large fruits and a yellow skin almost covered with a bronzerusset. It is more frost-hardy than ‘Bartlett’ but has a slightly greater chillingrequirement, requires a pollenizer and is very susceptible to fire blight, and tostony pit virus.

‘Doyenne du Comice’ first fruited at Angers, France, in . It has large,light greenish-yellow fruits with probably the best flavour of all pears. It ripensthree-and-a-half to four-and-a-half weeks after ‘Bartlett’ and has good storagequality but comes into bearing slowly and is an erratic cropper. It is grownin Oregon and coastal California as well as being an important cultivar inwestern Europe from southern England to Italy. It is reported to have a chillingrequirement of only about hours.

‘Conference’ was introduced by Rivers in England in . The fruits aremedium to large, long-pyriform in shape, with a smooth, unevenly russeted,

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green skin. It is a late-maturing pearwith a very long storage life. It can produceparthenocarpic fruits and is a heavy and regular cropper but is susceptible tofire blight. It is the predominant cultivar in the European Union.

‘Packham’s Triumph’ was selected in New South Wales, Australia from across made in or between ‘Uvedale’s St Germain’ and ‘Williams’Bon Chretien’ (‘Bartlett’). The fruits are large and obtusely pyriform with apale green skin becoming lime-yellow when ripe. It matures about dayslater than ‘Williams’’ in South Africa. The fruits are of excellent eatingand storage quality. The trees are good, consistent croppers. They have arather lower chilling requirement than other major European cultivars so‘Packham’s’ is particularly important in areas with marginally inadequatewinter chilling for temperate tree fruit production such as South Africa.Some ‘low-chilling-requirement’ strains, e.g. ‘Africana’ have been selected(Hauagge andCummins, ). ‘Packham’sTriumph’ is very susceptible to fireblight.

‘Coscia’ originated in Italy prior to . It is grown in North Africa whereit is considered to have a low chilling requirement.

Asian pear cultivars

The impact of modern plant breeding has been particularly great with respectto Japanese pears (Kajiura, ).

‘Kosui’ is the leading pear in Japan. It was released by the National FruitTree Research Station in . The trees are vigorous, moderately productiveand resistant to black spot (Alternaria alternata). The fruits are medium-sized,yellow to golden-brown and russeted with very sweet flesh.

‘Hosui’, the second in importance in Japan, was introduced in . It haslarger fruits (– g) and ripens about two weeks later than ‘Kosui’. Thefruits are russeted and golden to golden-brown with sweet, crisp and juicyflesh.

‘Nijisseiki’, the leading cultivar in the past, was introduced in . Thefruits are green, medium-sized, crisp, juicy and sweet with a longer storagelife than ‘Kosui’ or ‘Hosui’. It is, however, difficult to grow and susceptibleto black spot. An irradiation-induced mutant, ‘Gold Nijisseiki’, is resistant toblack spot.

‘Niitaka’, an early breeding programme product, is a late-season pear withvery large orange-brown russeted fruits that can be stored for – months.

‘Shinko’, another late-season pear, is resistant to black spot with russetbrown, medium to large fruits, and good eating and storage quality.

‘Tse-Li’ and ‘Ya-Li’ are traditionalChinese pearswith large fruits that canbestored for weeks. They are cold-hardy and have lower chilling requirementsthan the main Japanese cultivars.

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Pear rootstocks

Rootstocks for European pears

Clonal quince rootstocks, which can induce different degrees of dwarfing rele-vant to high-density planting, are used in areas with mild winters, especially inwestern Europe, but are generally sensitive to fire blight and to lime-inducedchlorosis.

‘Quince C’ (‘EMC’), is dwarfing as a result of the heavy and precociouscropping that it induces. It was selected and produced in virus-free form atEast Malling.

‘Quince A’ (‘EMA’), also from EastMalling, is semi-dwarfing. It also induceshigh productivity in relation to tree size but does not induce such precociouscropping as ‘Quince C’.

‘EMH’ (‘QR –’) is a much more recent quince rootstock introducedby East Malling in following field trials starting in /. It is moredwarfing than ‘Quince A’ but usually rather more invigorating than ‘QuinceC’, while consistently inducing larger fruits of pear scion cultivars than eitherof these.

‘Adams ’ from Belgium is intermediate between ‘Quince C’ and‘Quince A’ in its effect on scion vigour. It induces precocious cropping.

‘Sydo’, from France, is of similar vigour to ‘Quince A’ and is particularlyrecommended for ‘Comice’.

‘BA’, also from France, is rather more invigorating than ‘Quince A’ andis widely used on poorer soils. It has also been recommended for inherentlyweak-growing and precocious cultivars, e.g. ‘Passe Crassane’ (Carrera andOrtiz, ).

Some clonal Pyrus rootstocks are also used:

‘Old Home × Farmingdale’ (‘OHF’) clones and are more invigor-ating than ‘BA’, but are resistant both to low temperature and to fireblight.‘BP’, from South Africa, gives some dwarfing on poor soils but is tooinvigorating for high-density planting systems on good soils.

Pyrus communis seedlings, especially of the main commercial cultivars suchas ‘D’Anjou’ and ‘Bartlett’, are still widely used although trees on them canbe excessively vigorous and they are susceptible to fire blight.

Rootstocks for Asian pears

Seedling rootstocks of Pyrus pyrifolia are generally used. Japanese pear treesgenerally have their vigour controlled by being trained on a horizontal trellis

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and therefore developing a dwarf rootstock has not been a priority. Strains ofP. calleryana tolerant of flooding have been selected in Japan.

Pear rootstock × scion interactions

Although the different quince rootstocks have consistent effects on the size ofpear cultivars grafted on them, their effect on cropping per unit of tree sizevaries with the scion cultivar (Carrera and Ortiz, ).


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Apple and pear root systems:induction, development,structure and function


In field crops grown from seed the root system develops, in general, in anuncomplicated way so as fully to exploit the soil to a depth characteristic ofthe crop. In crop physiological analysis, and for irrigation scheduling, the rootsystem is considered to be defined fully in terms of rooting depth and density,the roots usually being considered to be evenly distributed.

Root development and distribution is much more complex in apple andpear trees as grown commercially. It involves, and relates to, very distinctivetechnologies of propagation, tree establishment, and nursery and orchard soilmanagement and irrigation. Prior to consideration of the biological basis ofthese technologies it is best to consider the general anatomy and structure ofthe roots of the orchard tree.

The essential root system of the mature tree consists, as a rule, of an under-ground rootstock stem from which arises a system of permanent, thickened,scaffold roots spreading almost horizontally, usually less than cm from thesurface, and numerous more or less vertical ‘sinkers’ descending as a ruleto either an impermeable layer or a water table (Rogers and Head, ;Atkinson, ). These woody ‘skeletal’ roots are long-lived, provide anchor-age and form the framework which bears the fine (fibrous) roots. New rootscan emerge from the underground rootstock stem, from coarse roots (> mmdiameter) or from fine roots. They are initially white and most are ephemeralwith only a proportion thickening and becoming perennial roots. Figure .illustrates the root system of an apple tree. Transverse sections of pear rootsare shown in Figure ..

There are three main stages in the development of such a root system: theinitiation of roots on rootstock shoots, the development of roots on lined-outrootstocks and grafted or budded trees in the nursery, and the development ofa root system after transplanting into the orchard.

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Wt2174 g

Wt1093 g

Wt547 g

Wt876 g

(2.4 m)2

(1.2 m)2

(0.6 m)2

% %54


















116 g298 g

160 g 84 g

(0.3 m)2

Figure 3.1 The form of an apple tree root system (‘Golden Delicious’on ‘M.9’ rootstock) as affected by tree spacing showing the weight ofroots and shoots and the distribution of roots with depth. The verticalbrackets represent 0.5 m. From Atkinson (1978). Reproduced

with permission.

Root initiation

With the exception of the roots of seedling rootstocks, all the roots of appleand pear trees are adventitious in origin, i.e. arise from plant parts otherthan by the normal development of the seedling root and its branches. The

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Figure 3.2 Development of Pyrus (pear) root. Transections. A,vascular cylinder in procambial state. B, primary growth completed.C, strips of vascular cambium between phloem and xylem haveproduced some secondary vascular tissues. D, vascular cambium,now a cylinder, has produced additional secondary tissues; pericyclehas undergone periclinal divisions; endodermis partly crushed;cortex breaking down. E, secondary growth has progressed further;periderm has appeared, cortex has been shed. Cambium oppositeprotoxylem poles has formed wide rays (D.E.). All × 26. From Esau

(1965). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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name ‘adventitious’, meaning ‘coming from without, accidental, casual, in anunusual position’ (Oxford English Dictionary), is misleading. Such roots are in factinternal in origin and, far from being exceptional, are the norm for most ofthe plant kingdom (Groff and Kaplan, ; Harper et al., ). Most of theso-called adventitious roots of apple and pear are more properly described asshoot-borne roots, although ‘adventitious’ roots can also be regenerated fromroot-pruned seedlings. The capacity to produce such roots is dependent ontwo basic characteristics of plant cells: totipotency, i.e. the fact that each livingcell contains the genetic information needed to reconstitute all plant parts andtheir functions; and the ability of previously developed, differentiated, cells tore-differentiate and develop a new growing point.

Shoot-borne roots of apple and pear arise in two ways:

As pre-formed roots which develop naturally on stems. These generallylie dormant until they are placed in environmental conditions suitablefor development from primordia into actual roots. They may, however,develop into swellings called burr-knots and show evidence of root growtheven when still above ground.

As wound roots which develop de novo when a shoot is severed from theparent plant and used as a cutting. In this case there is a clear sequencein which previously differentiated cells de-differentiate, root initials formfrom de-differentiated, newly meristematic cells near vascular bundles,these develop into root primordia and these primordia grow outwardsthrough the stem tissue to emerge while also forming vascular connectionswith the vascular tissues of the stem (Hartmann et al., ). The termde-differentiation is used here to describe a specific stage of differentiationinto a different anatomical structure.

There are many features in common between the development of pre-formedroots and wound roots, but it is simplest to consider them separately.

Pre-formed shoot-borne roots are developed by the nursery practicesof stooling and layering. In these the stems of rootstock cultivars are coveredin soil while still attached to the parent plant and harvested as rooted shootssuitable for budding or grafting with a scion cultivar. Most of the commercialapple rootstocks are rooted in this way. They also develop from that part of therootstock stem which is buried in the soil when the composite tree is planted inthe orchard and also from any part of the scion trunk which becomes buried.The new roots which develop from the below-ground rootstock stem in theorchard are of particular benefit with respect to tree anchorage if the trees aredeep-planted (Rogers and Parry, ; Parry, ): the new roots which mayemerge from scions if these are partially buried are usually undesirable becausesuch an ‘own-rooted’ tree loses the specific benefits conveyed by the rootstock.

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Figure 3.3 The effect of splitting the base of a cutting on rootemergence: roots emerging in ranks from the wound. From Howard

et al. (1984). Reproduced with permission.

Root emergence from layered shoots of Malus rootstocks is largely confinedto nodal positions near lateral buds (Doud and Carlson, ). It is closelyassociated with parenchymatous, starch-rich tissues in bud and leaf gaps inthe stem.

Wound-induced roots are produced by cuttings. In some cases cuttingsalready have pre-formed roots. This is so with quince (Cydonia oblonga), wherea small slice of older wood (a ‘heel’) with pre-formed root initials is retainedat the base of the cutting to obtain maximum rooting (Hartmann et al., ).In other cases the presence of nodal rooting sites on the cutting is important.Rooting potential of apple cuttings is highest if they are from the basal partof the annual shoot as the result of a rosette of buds with their associatednodal sites (Howard, , ). In general, however, rooting of cuttings isstimulated by wounding, which is especially important when the cutting baseis of internodal tissue. Outward-pointing cambial salients develop in the calluswhich arises following stem wounding. The wounding which stimulates this isthe cut across the base of the hardwood (winter) cutting, which has separatedit from the parent plant, or a vertical cut which splits the base of the cutting(Figure .).

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Lateral roots arise in the pericycle of the parent root some distance fromthe apical meristem of this and grow out through the cortex. In apple andpear root systems the first laterals produce secondary laterals and this processcontinues to give up to eight ‘orders’ of laterals within a single season (Rom, ).

Factors influencing root initiation and emergence

These are of particular importance because the rootstock cultivars which havethemost desirable effects on the scions grafted on them are quite often difficultto root.

In all woody plants there is a juvenile phase during which flowering doesnot occur. When flowering occurs the tree is said to have attained maturity.The phase change from juvenility to maturity is accompanied by changes in anumber of characteristics, one of which is a reduction in the ability to produceadventitious roots from the shoots (Gardner, ; Hackett, ).

In apple the juvenile phase, defined as time from seed to flowering, is shortcompared with that of many trees. It ends when the tree reaches a charac-teristic height or number of nodes and so is shortened by good management,improvement in growing conditions and length of growing season. Visser et al.

() reported that through the course of years the juvenile period of com-parable groups of seedlings was reduced from . to . years in apple and. to years in pear.

The period of high rooting ability is even shorter. Gardner () reportedthat softwood cuttings from the tops of apple seedlings during the first yearof growth could be rooted easily whereas cuttings from - to -year-oldseedlings rooted poorly. The technology of propagating apples through theuse of rooted cuttings from vegetatively propagated plants, some centuriesaway from seedling progenitors, therefore requires a detailed understandingofmethods ofmaintaining and restoring the ready rooting normally associatedwith juvenility in the face of apparently unpromising circ*mstances. Althoughit is conventional to define juvenility in relation to flowering there is evidencethat juvenile behaviour as regards rooting may be separable from juvenile be-haviour as regards flowering ability (Hackett, ). In the following discussionan effect on rooting will be considered as a juvenility effect if it is associatedwith effects on other morphological, anatomical and physiological traits typ-ical of a juvenile plant or part of a plant. Such traits include the presence ofmany spines (short axillary laterals) on the stems, thin leaves, prolonged leafretention in autumn, reduced leaf and stem pubescence, and abundant antho-cyanin production in leaves and stems (Stoutemyer, ; Howard, ).Beakbane () also noted that in seedling apple trees the basal juvenile shoots

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Table . The effect of different degrees of severity of pruning of apple rootstock

hedges on the percentage rooting of cuttings taken from them


Pruning ‘M.’ ‘MM.’ ‘MM.’

Ultrasevere ( cm framework) Severe ( cm framework) Normal ( cm framework) Light ( cm framework and one-third

of annual shoot length retained)

From Howard, ( ). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc.

are relatively free from sclerotic cells in the primary phloem compared withlateral shoots from fruiting branches close to the apex.

Seedling apple and pear trees exhibit juvenile characteristics throughoutwhen very young. As the tree matures the plant tissues in the lower part of thetree remain juvenile, Beakbane (, ) finding typical juvenile shoots atthe base of -year-old seedling trees which were fruiting at the top. Juvenilecharacteristics are also found in shoots developing from adventitious budsin roots (root suckers), watersprouts from latent buds in the basal parts oftrees (epicormic shoots) or sphaeroblasts, which are masses of shoots fromadventitious buds in the trunks of trees and can be induced to develop byheavily cutting back stock plants (Stoutemyer, ; Wellensiek, ; Baldiniand Mosse, ; Beakbane, ; Rom and Brown, ).

Cuttings from severely pruned apple rootstock hedges, stools and layer beds,which all show juvenile characteristics, have enhanced rooting ability (Howard, ; Table .), as do cuttings of shoots developing from adventitious budson the roots of mature apple trees (Robinson and Schwabe, ) and shootsdeveloped from sphaeroblasts on apple (Stoutemyer, ).

In vitro culture can be used as a technique for rejuvenation. Although propa-gation of apple trees in vitro is achieved most readily with explants from youngnursery trees ( Jones, ), it can be fully successful with shoot tips in eitherthe juvenile or the adult phase (Welander and Huntrieser, ). Rejuvenationtakes place during in vitro subculture and the capacity of the in vitro shoots toinitiate roots increases with the number of subcultures (Figure .). Shoots of‘M. ’ apple rootstock required months of subculture before more than %of them could be rooted, while the corresponding figure for the apple scion cv.‘Greensleeves’ was months ( Jones et al., ), and the cvs. ‘Jonathan’ and‘Red Delicious’ required and months of subculture, respectively, be-fore rooting was achieved (Sriskandarajah et al., ). Apple trees pro-duced by grafting scions and rootstocks produced by micropropagation show

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Subculture number







2 4 6 8 10 12


n nu


r of


ts p

er r


d sh


Figure 3.4 Rejuvenation with increasing subculture of initiallypoor-rooting somaclones of ‘Greensleeves’ apple. From Donovan

et al. (1994). Reproduced with permission.

juvenile-like characteristics when grown in the field ( Jones and Hadlow, ),and conventional cuttings taken from micropropagated plants (plants pro-duced in vitro) showed improved rooting for both apple and pear (Table .;James et al., ; Jones andWebster, ;Webster and Jones ). In vitro cul-ture may lead to excessive development of burr-knots and suckers (both char-acteristic of juvenile, ready-rooting material) when the rootstocks are planteddirectly from micropropagation into the field. This problem is reduced if therejuvenated plants are used as source material for conventional propagation( Jones and Webster, ).

Stem cuttings form shoots at the distal end, i.e. nearest the shoot tip, androots at the proximal end, i.e. nearest the original root system. This polar-ity is correlated with auxin movement (Robinson and Schwabe, ).Rooting potential is higher in the proximal parts of annual shoots of ap-ple rootstocks, especially in the basal region (Howard, ; Howard et al.,).

Theproduction and emergence of shoot-borne roots is negatively related to thecontinuity of the sclerenchymatous sheath arising from the primary phloem.This relationship holds with respect to the rooting of dormant winter cut-tings (hardwood cuttings) of a range of apple rootstocks and apple and pear

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Table . Rooting of softwood shoot cuttings from

micropropagated (M) and conventionally (C) propagated rootstocks

Shoot cuttings

% rootedRootstock Source Number after weeks

‘M.’ M (a) M (b) C

‘B’ M C

‘B ’ M C

‘B’ M C

‘B’ M (c) M (d) C

‘B’ M C

a, micropropagated plants from a -year-old shoot culture line;b, micropropagated plants from an -year-old shoot cultureline; c, micropropagated plants from a -year-old shoot cultureline; d, micropropagated plants from a -year-old shoot cul-ture line. All othermicropropagated plants from -year-old shootculture lines.From James et al. ( ). Reproduced with permission.

scion cultivars (Table .; Beakbane, , ), of juvenile as compared withmature shoots, of etiolated as compared with un-etiolated layer-bed shoots ofapple rootstocks (Doud and Carlson, ), and of wounded or split-basedapple rootstock cuttings as compared with controls (MacKenzie et al., ;Pontikis et al., ). The effect appears to be on root initiation and differenti-ation, with a continuous sheath of phloem fibres preventing the developmentof outward-pointing meristematic masses such as occur at the lateral marginsof leaf traces or after wounding (MacKenzie et al., ). Wounding also facil-itates the penetration of IBA (indolebutyric acid) when this is applied to aidthe rooting of cuttings.

Wounding is intrinsic to the process of taking cuttings and the productionof roots from a cutting is, at least initially, mainly from tissues close to thewound. The wound surface can be increased by scoring or splitting the base

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Table . Relation between propagation capacity and primary

phloem structure in stems

Continuity offibre ringa

PropagationCultivar capacity % Mean

Apple rootstocks‘M.’ ‘M.’ Excellent ‘M.’ ‘M.’ ‘M.’ Good ‘M.’ ‘M.’ ‘M.’ Fair ‘M.’ ‘Crab C’ ‘Northern Spy’ Poor ‘Ivory’s Double Vigour’

Scion cvs.Apple

‘Bramley’s Seedling’ ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ Poor ‘Lane’s Prince Albert’

Pear‘Conference’ ‘Williams’’ Poor

a Proportion of radii through the primary phloem blocked by scle-renchyma.

From Beakbane (). Reprinted with permission from Nature,Macmillan Magazines Limited.

of a cutting. Characteristically there is callus formation and production ofroot primordia along the margins of the wound (MacKenzie et al., ). Thewounded surface permits penetration of synthetic auxin rooting compoundsand also there is probably a natural accumulation of auxins and carbohydratesin the wounded area. Wounding by disrupting the sclerenchymatous sheath inwinter (hardwood) cuttings permits the formation of cambial salients, as notedearlier.

Hartmann et al. () present photographic evidence (in their publication,courtesy W. Chantarotwong) that the presence of leaves and treatment ofthe cutting base with auxin are both needed to induce vigorous rooting ofleafy (summer) cuttings of ‘Old Home’ pear. Removal of the leaves prevented

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rooting evenwith auxin treatment, and reduction of the leaf area to one quarterhad a major negative effect, but bud removal had no apparent effect.

Howard ( ) concluded that the negative effect of disbudding on therooting of leafless winter cuttings of apple was primarily due to desiccationthrough disbudding wounds.

The need for leaves on summer but not winter cuttings may reflect differ-ences in carbohydrate reserves.

All growth requires energy. A carbohydrate source, usually sucrose, is an essen-tial constituent of tissue-culture media and the regeneration potential and sur-vival rate of root cuttings is highest if they are taken at the time ofmaximumac-cumulated reserves of storage polysaccharides (Robinson and Schwabe, ).Summer cuttings (see above) require the presence of leaves to root even ifauxin is supplied. Leafless winter cuttings are much larger and have the ben-efit of carbohydrate exported from the leaves during and at the end of thegrowing season. Their ability to root is not necessarily related to initial dif-ferences in carbohydrate content. Rooting and subsequent establishment ofthese cuttings may, however, be reduced by factors such as high temperaturesand bud growth which lead to increased respirational losses of carbohydrateor to its redistribution away from the rooting zone (Cheffins and Howard,a,b).

Auxins, co-factors and inhibitors

Following work on other plants which showed that auxin was involved inadventitious root formation, Pearse andGarner ( ) found that immersion ofthe bases of softwood (leafy) cuttings ofPyrus communis rootstock in ppmNAA(naphthaleneacetic acid) for hours was very effective in inducing rooting.The control cuttings did not root and many subsequent studies have shownsynthetic auxins to be effective in inducing rooting of cuttings which wouldnot otherwise do so. IBA (indolebutyric acid) and NAA are more effective thanthe naturally-occurring indoleacetic acid (IAA). IBA is now generally used toroot apple and pear cuttings, being preferred to NAA because of its abilityto induce a fibrous root system and not to translocate in the stem and inhibitbud growth to the same extent as NAA (Howard, ). IBA is applied to thebases of cuttings as the acid dissolved in ethanol or acetone, as the potassiumsalt dissolved in water, or as a powder formulation. In the United Kingdom a‘quick dip’ of the base of the cutting for seconds to a depth of cm in ppm IBA in a % aqueous solution of acetone is routinely used for the applerootstocks ‘M.’, ‘MM.’ and ‘M. ’ (although only a small proportion

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of these rootstocks are propagated by winter cuttings). A concentration of ppm is used for quince rootstocks if they do not bear pre-formed roots(Howard, ).

Treatment with IBA of the roots of dormant pear trees in the nursery priorto planting out can lead to increased root production after this (Looney andMcIntosh, ).

Divisions of the first root initial cells of a range of plants have been shown tobe dependent on either applied or endogenous auxin (Hartmann et al., ).The process of root elongation which follows initiation is either insensitive to,or inhibited by, auxin. James () showed that the auxin-sensitive phase forapple cuttings in vitro lasts for only days, during which time root initiation isvery sensitive to incident light.

The effect of auxin on rooting is generally enhanced by the action of rootingco-factors (Hess, ). These have been studied in both in vitro (micropropa-gation) and large cutting (macropropagation) systems.

Jones andHatfield () showed that phloroglucinol, a phenolic compound,and auxin together induce rooting of apple rootstocks in vitro, and James andThurbon () found that phloroglucinol acted as an auxin synergist in rootinitiation in ‘M.’ apple rootstock shoot cultures over a range of concentrationsfrom . to mg l− .

Challenger et al. () used the mung bean bioassay to find rooting co-factors in ‘Crab C’ and ‘M.’ apple rootstocks, and Ashiru and Carlson() found strong root promoting factors in the easy-to-root ‘MM.’, andlower amounts, and also rooting inhibitors, in the difficult-to-root ‘M.’. Fadland Hartmann (a, b) isolated an endogenous root promoting factor inbasal sections of the easy-to-root ‘Old Home’ pear cultivar cuttings after IBAtreatment but not in similar cuttings of the difficult-to-root ‘Bartlett’ cultivar.This rooting factor was possibly a condensation product of the applied auxinand a phenolic substance produced by the buds. Bassuk et al. () showeda positive correlation between endogenous root-inducing co-factor activity insap and seasonal changes in rooting of ‘M.’ winter cuttings and Bassuk et al.

() found an apparent involvement of polyphenol oxidase and phloridzinin the production of apple rooting co-factors.


Although in general cytokinins are inhibitory to adventitious root formation(McCown, ), theymay have a positive indirect effect through rejuvenationby repeated subculturing in vitro (Sriskandarajah et al., ).


Takeno et al. () found a negative relationship between endogenous gib-berellin level and the in vitro rooting ability of Malus.

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The conventional production of clonal apple rootstocks is by the stoolbed tech-nique in which one-year-old rooted shoots are planted in rows and establishedfor one season before being cut close to ground level (stooled). Shoots are pro-duced from the stumps and encouraged to root during summer by moundingsoil around them. The rooted shoots are then removed by cutting below thenew root system during the following winter. This stooling process is repeatedannually with each new flush of shoots. Howard ( ) found that the use ofgood quality shoots (> cm in length) to establish the stoolbeds led to largerpermanent root systems andmanymore rooted shoots (liners) being producedeach year with the difficult-to-root ‘M.a’ rootstock, although effects on theeasy-rooting ‘MM.’ were slight.

Where propagation is by winter cuttings (hardwood cuttings), as with theeasy-to-root ‘M.’ apple rootstock, the cuttings taken at the base of the ann-ual shoot root most readily. After the removal of the winter cuttings it isimportant to prune the framework shoots of the hedges to three or four buds.This stimulates the production of shoots with a high rooting potential com-pared with shoots from un-pruned or lightly pruned bushes (Howard, ;Table .).

For quince, better rooting of winter cuttings is achieved if they have a‘heel’ of older wood, with pre-formed root initials, retained at the base of thecutting.

Leafy summer cuttings (softwood cuttings) are not generally used to pro-duce apple and pear rootstocks. Their small size at rooting, and the need formist to prevent them from desiccating, results in them being much more ex-pensive than winter hardwood cuttings to grow to a size suitable for buddingor grafting. They can, however, be used when very rapid multiplication is re-quired. Cuttings are generally taken from the tips of shoots, which probablyhave more cells capable of becoming meristematic and less sclerified tissuethan older shoots. Lateral shoots, about inches ( . cm) in length and not inactive growth, are preferred. They are best obtained from bushy stock plantsestablished in pots and brought into a warm house in late winter. These pro-vide excellent cuttings in May and early June which can quickly be induced toroot and are fit to be transferred to open ground by early July (Garner ,).

The rooting potential of apple cuttings is at a peak in late winter and earlyspring (Table .). These changes in rooting potential are associated withchanges in rooting co-factor activity (Bassuk and Howard, ). Rootstocksof quince, which leaf out early in spring, are best propagated in autumn whentheir buds are fully dormant (Table .).

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Table . The effect of time of taking cuttings of ‘M.’

apple rootstock and of the propagation environment on the

percentage rooting

Percentage rooting

Dates (/) RH –% RH –%

November December January February March

From Howard ( ). Reprinted by permission of JohnWiley & Sons Inc.

Table . Establishment of Quince cuttings related to season of direct field

planting or prior stimulation with basal heat

Collection date

Mid-Nov Mid-Jan Mid-Feb

Prior treatment for wks at ◦C Directly planted into field

From Howard ( ). Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Strictly speaking, etiolation is the development of plant parts in the absence oflight, but horticulturalists use the term to include development under heavyshade. Banding is localized light exclusion. Bands of black adhesive tape orVelcro are applied both to etiolated shoots and to light-grown shoots in thesoftwood stage to exclude light from the portion of a stem that will be used asthe cutting base. When applied to non-etiolated shoots it is said to blanch therelevant part of these. Shading refers to reducing the light level under whichstock plants are grown.

These treatments ‘precondition’ apple and pear shoots to root when ap-plied at a number of different stages of development. Covering ‘M.’ applerootstock hedges with black polythene structures for a month from budburstraised the proportion of subsequent summer cuttings rooting from %to %(Harrison-Murray and Howard, ). Although total light exclusion duringthe period of shading stock plants of ‘M.’ in the field maximized the improve-ment in rooting of their cuttings, compared with those from unshaded plants,even reduction of light to % of ambient had a substantial effect on both the

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percentage of cuttings rooted and the number of roots per cutting (Howard,). Blanching ‘MM.’ rootstock shoots by application of a . cm wideblack adhesive tape to a de-leafed node just behind the shoot tip greatly in-creased rooting of cuttings subsequently taken in winter with blanched bases,the rooting percentage of these blanched distal winter cuttings being %compared with % for unblanched distal and % for unblanched basal cut-tings (Heighton and Howard, ). In these studies IBA was applied to thecut surfaces of the cuttings as is conventional for summer and winter cuttings.The ‘pre-etiolation’ effect can, however, be demonstrated in the absence ofIBA treatment. Harrison-Murray et al. () found that etiolation of suckershoots of ‘M.’ resulted in % rooting of summer cuttings even without IBAapplication. Banding also induces root primordia emergence both on youngapple stems still on the stock plant (Gardner, ), and onmuchmore maturerootstock stems below the graft union during their maiden year in the nurs-ery (Harrison-Murray et al., ; Jackson et al., ). In the latter case theportion of rootstock stem which had been banded while above ground in thenursery gave rise to a new root system when deep-planted in the orchard.

The rooting response to etiolation appears to be complex: the associatedeffects range from changes in stem anatomy which are correlated with ease ofrooting to changes in the light control of auxin metabolism, factors affectingthe activity of IAA-O and in the activity of rooting co-factors (Maynard andBassuk, ).

In cool-winter climates such as that of theUnitedKingdomwinter (hardwood)cuttings of apple do not root adequately if planted directly in the field, so arerooted in cutting bins with the benefit of base heat and transplanted after initi-ation of rooting. A temperature of ◦C at the cutting base has been found tobe suitable for rootstocks (Howard, ) and is generally used although highertemperatures, up to ◦C, are more effective especially with difficult-to-rootmaterial such as ‘Cox’ apple scionwood cuttings (Fenlon, ). The periodof exposure to bottom heat is usually limited to about weeks: longer periodsresult in poor establishment, probably as a result of depletion of carbohydrates(Howard, ). Appreciable rooting is stimulated at ◦C (Howard, )and in countries with warm winters and relatively high soil temperatures inthe dormant season apple rootstock cuttings treated with IBA can be rooteddirectly in the field.

Although winter cuttings of apple and quince are leafless their rooting is in-fluenced by the relative humidity of their environment and the water contentof the rooting medium. The effect of relative humidity varies with time of

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season; excessive water content in the rooting medium leads to rotting insteadof rooting.

Root growth of the rooted cutting andduring tree establishment

The growth of roots of rooted cuttings and of orchard trees can be best under-stood in terms of the environmental factors which affect root growth per se

and of those involving the functional equilibrium between roots and shoots.This concept of functional equilibrium (Brouwer, , ) is that shoots

and roots are interdependent with each supplying essential materials for thegrowth of the other. Thus a reduction in the function of the one generallyresults in a reduction in the growth rate of the other (Brouwer and De Wit,), if all other factors remain constant. The general relationship has beenreviewed by Klepper (). Root/shoot ratios tend to be higher when soilsare deficient in water and nutrients than when these are readily available butunder any given set of conditions plants of all species tend to restore the ratiobetween root and shoot when part of either is removed. For example, relativeshoot growth increases and the proportion of dry matter increment going toroot decreases after grazing or defoliation of grasses.

Root growth in the nursery

Following rooting or root initiation in stoolbeds or cutting bins the rootstocksare transplanted to the site at which they will be budded or grafted with thescion cultivar.

In the stooling system the rooted shoots are harvested by hand or mechan-ically from the stoolbed (Howard, ). They usually have numerous rootsbut the proportion of root to shoot dry weight is very low. Vyvyan () foundthe root/shoot ratio of typical rooted shoots taken from a stoolbed of ‘M.’ tobe . at the time of harvesting and planting out in April. By December thestem weight had approximately doubled but root weight had increased morethan -fold to give a root/shoot ratio of ., which is within the rangenormal for young apple trees (Avery, ).

In thewinter-cutting system, cuttings of easy-to-root subjectsmaybeplantedin the nursery field after only two or three weeks’ basal heat treatment in thecutting bins, with most of them showing only good callus development andonly a few showing roots (Howard, ). Slower-to-root subjects are givenlonger exposure to heat and require the presence of a few roots on each cuttingprior to transplanting, but even with these the root to shoot ratio is very low. Inmost rootstocks a proportion of the roots developed in the cutting bin survivetransplanting and further roots emerge from the buried rootstock stem during

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the growing season.Newly rooted hardwood cuttings establish just as well if theroots are removed before planting as if the roots are retained (Howard, ).

Rooting during orchard establishment

A rootstock planted in winter in a nursery is usually budded in the followingsummer, when in rapid growth, and the bud remains dormant until the fol-lowing spring. If the rootstock is grafted with dormant scionwood this is donein the second spring after planting. The rootstock shoot above the bud or graftis removed, temporarily increasing the root to shoot ratio, but the balance isrestored by rapid growth of the scion in the nursery. It is reduced again by theprocess of lifting trees from the nursery, transporting and transplanting them.This is done during the winter prior to budbreak.

Hatton et al. () reported on a number of studies involving excavationof apple root systems within years of planting. They commented that theirresults ‘confirmed, in a modified form, the oft-repeated assertion that, afterremoval from the nursery and replanting, the young tree has practically tostart afresh in its root-making’.

Tamasi () reported that during the first years after planting apple treeson seedling rootstocks, new roots grew almost exclusively from thick ‘skeletal’roots cut back at planting and after years roots began to develop from therootstock neck.

Abod andWebster () assessed themortality of the transplanted root sys-tems of one-year-old transplanted trees of ‘Spartan’ on ‘MM.’ and ‘M.’rootstocks by measuring total ‘old’ root length on trees at the date of plant-ing and at excavation at -day intervals after this. This length of ‘old’ rootsdeclined to %, %, % and % of the initial length at , , and days after planting, respectively. No new roots were regenerated in the first days from planting but by days the trees on ‘M.’ had m of new rootsand those on ‘MM.’ had m. By days they had m and m,respectively. Fifty-eight per cent of the new ‘M.’ roots originated directly fromthe rootstock stem, % from old coarse roots (> mm diameter) and %from old fine roots. For ‘MM.’ the corresponding figures were %, %and %.

This rapid root regeneration can lead to excellent new root systems beingproduced within years even when all existing roots are trimmed off at thetime of planting into the orchard (Hatton et al., ; Figure .). This newroot establishment is, however, accompanied by a severe check to shoot growth(Hatton et al., ; Preston, ; Young and Werner, ). The practice ofroot pruning before planting to enable cheap and rapid planting into holesdrilled into the ground (called Stringfellowing after its originator) is thereforenot widely employed. A secondary problem is that the mechanical drilling of

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Figure 3.5 Comparison of an apple tree root systems two years afterplanting, (a) with roots intact and (b) with all roots cut away. FromHatton et al. (1924). Reproduced with permission of Horticultural

Research International, East Malling.

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the holes may lead to glazing of their inner surfaces with adverse effects onroot penetration (Auxt et al., ).

Mycorrhizal infection and initial root growth

Apple root systems in the orchard are commonly infected with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi (Atkinson, ), and pear roots readilybecome mycorrhizal (Gardiner and Christensen, ). The VAM fungi formbranched haustorial structures within the root cortex cells and have myceliumor hyphal strands which extend well into the surrounding soil. Water andnutrients absorbed by this mycelium pass back into the root so that the effec-tive absorbing surface of the latter is greatly increased. This fungal infectionhas beneficial effects on phosphorus nutrition, trace element and water up-take, hormone production, nitrogen fixation and resistance to root disease,although it results in a drain on carbohydrate resources (Gianinazzi-Pearsonand Gianinazzi, ; Marschner, ).

Infection is likely to occur naturally in the course of traditional nurseryand orchard practice. The increasing use of micropropagation, the rooting ofcuttings in sterilized media and soil fumigation in the nursery and orchard,reduce the likelihood of this. Delays in mycorrhizal infection may have seriousadverse effects. Mosse ( ), using apple seedlings, found mycorrhizal plantsto have % more root dry weight and % more shoot dry weight thannon-mycorrhizal ones and to have higher concentrations of K, Ca and Feand lower concentrations of Mn. Sewell et al. () also found apple leaf Mnconcentrations to be reduced in the presence of a mycorrhizal fungus andfound leaf P levels to be increased in the presence of VAmycorrhiza and grass.

Sewell and Roberts () showed that in sterilized soil containing only mg P g− apple seedlings inoculated withGlomus caledonicum grewmore thaneight times as rapidly as did non-mycorrhizal seedlings. In high-phosphorussoils responses to mycorrhizal infection are less dramatic, but still large (Sewelland Roberts, ; Morin et al., ).

Rapparini et al. () inoculated micropropagated plants of OH × Fclonal pear rootstock with Glomus sp. This resulted in a three-fold increasein shoot growth and a smaller and non-significant increase in root growthby months after inoculation, and also a greater development in the secondgrowing season after overwintering.

Orchard tree root systems

The mature tree root system includes roots which differ in age, thickening andsuberization.

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The young root is initially white and succulent with short root hairs usually.–. mm in length (Rogers, ; Rogers and Head, ). It grows atup to cm per day. After – weeks it begins to turn brown and the roothairs shrivel. The browning takes – weeks in summer and up to weeks inwinter (Head, ) and is followed by decay and disintegration of the cortexdue largely to the feeding of soil fauna. Some of the roots become secondarilythickened and form part of the perennial root system (Head, b), othersremain unthickened or disappear.

Casparian strips and lignified thickenings differentiate in the anticlinal wallsof all endodermal and phi layer cells respectively, – mm from the root tipsin apple. Suberin lamellae are laid down, on the inner surface of endodermiscell walls only, mm from the tip and an additional cellulosic layer about mm from the tip. Browning, phellogen development, and sloughing offof the cortex commences mm from the tip. Plasmodesmata traverse thesuberin and cellulose layers of the endodermis and are especially frequent inthe phi layer (MacKenzie, ).

The growth of the root system in the orchard is controlled by temperature,soil moisture and nutrients, the supply of carbohydrates and plant growthsubstances from the shoot, and bywithin-plant and between-plant competitionfor these resources.

Slow growth of extending roots may continue through the winter but rapidnew growth in the spring usually begins when the soil has warmed to about ◦F (. ◦C) (Rogers and Head, ). The roots can spread to feet (almost m) on either side of the trunk in the first year after planting. Rogers ()concluded from earlier studies that the root system is generally more extensivethan the shoot system and will grow in any soil area which supplies what itrequires, subject to limiting factors. Atkinson () cites studies in which theroots of ‘M.’ apple rootstocks grafted with different cultivars extended to min depth and Malus sieversii rootstock roots to . m, and the radial spread ofroots of a range of rootstocks grafted with ‘Cox’ covered up to m and thoseof ‘Papirovka’ covered m . This extensive root distribution greatly exceedsthe zones in which most of the roots are found in modern orchard systemsand should be regarded as showing the potential. In New Zealand the rootsof ‘average’ mature apple trees on ‘MM.’ rootstock under good growingconditions can completely explore, although not fully occupy, the soil volumebetween trees spaced at m × .m to a depth of at least .m (Hughes andGandar, ).

The actual root distribution can best be understood by considering rootsystems as highly plastic entities, the form of which reflects the availabilityof water and nutrients. Where the soil is highly heterogeneous in these re-spects roots tend to proliferate where conditions are favourable for growth,i.e. the roots may be few and far between when passing through infertile or

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intermittently dry soil and the density of rooting increases dramatically wherethe roots enter a nutrient and moisture-rich layer (Atkinson, a). Wherethe soil is so managed that certain zones provide better conditions for rootgrowth than others, the bulk of the roots will be found in these regions, so thetrees are effectively rooted in a medium much richer than the bulk soil.

Factors limiting orchard tree root growth

In general the depth of rooting increases from sand to loam to clay (Rogersand Vyvyan, ; co*ker, ). It can be limited by the presence of a seasonalwater table or mechanical impedance due to hard rock or an impermeablehard pan and influenced by soil nutrient and water status, temperature andgrass and soil management.


The importance of high aeration to rooting in artificial media has been quan-tified by Harrison-Murray and Fieldsend () and Harrison-Murray ().Rooting percentage of ‘M.’ apple rootstock increased to about % at anair content of % (v/v) while below % air few cuttings rooted and mostrotted. There was no evidence that shortage of water limited rooting at a wa-ter content of %, the lowest in the trial. In view of the importance of newroot formation in the orchard these results are of relevance to orchard trees,although the coarseness of the media used restricts the range of soils to whichthe results are directly relevant. Wiersum () cites Stolzy and Letey ()in arguing that the oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) measured with a platinumelectrode should be above – × − g O cm− min− to ensure goodroot growth. Webster () found that the abundance of small apple roots(< mm diameter) was greatly reduced if soil porosity was less than –%and if less than % of the soil volume was air-filled at − kPa tension. Themost common causes of anaerobiosis in soils used for fruit growing are seasonalwater tables (Rogers and Vyvyan, ), impeded drainage (Weller, ) andexcessive water supply to a part of the soil profile as a result of inappropriateirrigation technology (Levin et al., ; Huguet and Fourcade, ).

Where water tables are permanently high, shallow rooting results. Suchshallow root zonesmay be adequate. Temporary saturation as a result of heavyrain or irrigation combined with locally poor soil structure and drainage can,however, lead to local oxygen deficiency and death of roots in the intermittentlysaturated zones. This is especially likely in summer when respiration rates arehigh and can lead to nutritional problems accompanying root death (Wiersum,).

Anaerobiosis also has a number of important effects on root function.The accompanying check to respiration and availability of metabolic energy

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prevents or reduces energy-requiring nutrient uptake. As this is reduced to agreater extent than shoot growth the mineral ion concentration in leaves isreduced. It also reduces hydraulic conductivity of the roots, which can result inleaves wilting as water uptake falls below transpirational loss, and can triggerABA (abscisic acid) production leading to a check to leaf growth and reducedstomatal conductance. In orchard trees the effect of waterlogging is minimalor not evident in the dormant season. Non-lethal waterlogging in the grow-ing season has greater adverse effects on root than on shoot growth (Olien, ).

Oxygen diffusion to deep soil layers may also be impeded in very dense soilsand soil crusts and so limit root growth even in the absence of flooding.

Mechanical impedance

The rooting zone is often limited in depth by the shallowness of the soil layer.At East Malling in Kent sandy loam soil overlies ragstone rock at depths fromapproximately cm to . m (Rogers and Head, ) and although inEngland it is recommended that the soil should have a depth of at least cmfor apple production (MAFF, ) the apple soils of theWesternCape in SouthAfrica are usually only – cm in depth (Huysamer, ). Pans of differenttypes may also provide a barrier to root penetration, e.g. the caliche layerof lime or lime-silica cemented hardpan found in some central Washingtonsoils (Dow, ) and frangipans in Ohio (Fernandez et al., ). Compactedsoil may also provide a mechanical barrier. Roots cannot penetrate soil if itsstrength is greater than kPa, such compaction arising either from naturalprocesses or use of heavy vehicles (Kotze, ). Root growth is often facilitatedby soil cracks, earthworm channels and old root channels. Auxt et al. ()found that use of a tractor-mounted soil auger to create a planting hole couldso compact the sides of the hole as to prevent its penetration by secondary andtertiary roots.

A special case of mechanical impedance is that provided by the use of wovennylon root restriction membranes to contain the root system within a limitedvolume. The objective is to achieve a consequent reduction in shoot growth.This is achieved partly by concomitant reduction in availability of water. Partof the reduction in growth is, however, found even when irrigation maintainshigh soil water levels within the restrictionmembrane andmaintains leaf waterpotential at a similar level to those of control trees with unrestricted roots. Ithas been suggested that this component of the restriction of root growth isdue to effects on root production of plant growth substances. Roots appear torespond to physical impedance, including that caused by root restriction, byproducing a transportable chemical signal (i.e. abscisic acid, ABA) which canreduce shoot growth and leaf expansion. This signal, which is also producedin response to soil drying, is discussed in Chapter . Roots are also important

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sources of cytokinins and gibberellins. Root restriction reduces apple fruitgrowth and size (Atkinson et al., , ; Webster et al., ) as well asvegetative growth.

Nutrient deficiencies

Rogers and Head () attributed very shallow root systems on light sandysoil atWisley, where more than three-quarters of the root weight was in the top cm of soil, to lack of nutrients at greater depths. Head (b) showed thatin the absence of applied fertilizers, ‘Worcester’/‘MM.’ apple trees did notshow any root growth in spring and Weller () found that adding mineralfertilizer close to the tree trunk increased root density there at the expense ofroot growth elsewhere.

Soil moisture deficits

In general soil moisture appears to be available over the full range from fieldcapacity to permanent wilting point. Root production and extension tend tobe greater when water is limiting than under conditions of ample water supply( Jones et al., ). Indeed with other plants the increasing root growth ratein water-stressed plants is maintained up to the point where the leaf waterpotential decreases to a value at which stomata close and net photosynthesisis zero (Cruz Romero and Ramos, ). This is clearly an adaptive featureleading to tolerance of dry conditions. However, there is also evidence thatapple and pear root growth is reduced under dry conditions. Rogers ()found reduced root growth at soil water potentials of− to− kPa or lowerand Afensev () found soil moisture below % in summer and autumnvery harmful to root growth. Roots proliferate and concentrate where wateris available but do not specifically grow towards it. Tamasi (, ) foundthat apple trees on ‘M.’ rootstocks planted in a sandy soil – cm abovethe soil water level produced a more superficial and much more dense rootsystem compared with those on a similar sandy soil with identical culturalpractices but planted cm above the water table. The roots of the lattertrees did not, in general, reach the soil water table or the layer dampenedby it and relied on precipitation and irrigation. When a limited part of a soilwith apple or pear roots is irrigated the roots proliferate mainly in the wettedsoil. Huguet () found that drench irrigation limited rooting to a superficialzone. Levin et al. (, ) found that the size of apple tree root systems androot distribution pattern responded very quickly to changes in irrigation pat-tern. Trees growing in a dry Mediterranean climate which had been irrigatedby surface irrigation for many years and had widespread root systems adjustedtheir roots to the small volume wetted by drip irrigation within one season.The soil volume wetted by the tricklers was about –% of that wetted bysurface irrigation and the density of roots became related to distance fromthe tricklers rather than the tree trunk, the highest concentration being within

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cm of the drip points with very few roots more than cm away. Goodeet al. () also found, after the introduction of trickle irrigation, that rootsproliferated in the wetted zones and there was a reduction in rooting distantfrom the point of irrigation. The mutability of the root system in response torelative water availability is a very important consideration in the introduc-tion and long-term use of drip irrigation and other high-frequency irrigationmethods.

Soil temperature

In apple the onset of root growth seems to occur at . ◦C (Rogers, ) andthe rate of root growth to be temperature dependent, in England reaching itsmaximum in June and July at soil temperature of about – ◦C (Rogers andBooth, –). The resultant seasonal pattern of root growth may, however,be modified by concomitant changes in soil moisture availability and alsoby competition from shoots and fruits for resources. Gur et al. (a) foundadverse effects of temperatures above ◦C although there are differences inrootstock tolerance of high temperature (Nelson and Tukey, ; Gur et al.,b). Rom ( ), in a review, concluded that new root formation in Malus

ceases at ◦C and above ◦C roots lack succulence and suffer from earlydeath of the cortex. The number of active roots in the top cm of soilmay be limited by high temperatures in hot-desert climates. In cold-winterclimates surface roots may be killed by winter freezing in lighter textured anddrier soils without snow cover: differences in freezing tolerance of differentrootstocks have been discussed earlier (pp. –)

Effects of grass competition and soil management

The lateral spread of apple root systems is checked by competition from grass.Where trees are grown in herbicide-treated strips separated by grassed alley-ways most of the roots are confined to the herbicide-treated strip (Figure .;Atkinson and White, ).

Under the older management system of cultivating the orchard, surfaceroots growing in the top cm of soil were pruned annually. When the or-chards were grassed tree roots grew nearer the surface but were subject todirect competition for water and nutrients (co*ker, ). Eliminating grassand weed competition either in herbicide-treated squares of . m aroundthe base of the trunk (White and Holloway, ) or in herbicide-treated stripsalong the tree rows, or when the entire orchard surface was herbicide-treated(Atkinson and White, , ), resulted in more apple roots in the surfacelayers of the soil. Apple trees grown with straw mulch over the soil surfaceproduced more roots than those with grass, cultivation or herbicide soil man-agement. Reckruhm () found more pear roots under mulch than undergrass.

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x x

x x

x xx x x x

x x




Figure 3.6 The root distribution between the surface and 30 cmdepth in a mature apple orchard (•, roots <2 mm diameter; X, roots>2 mm diameter) in relation to the area treated with herbicide(a) Narrow (0.5 m) herbicide strip (b) wide (1.5 m) herbicide strip(c) entire orchard surface herbicided. H shows the boundaries of thearea herbicided to each side of the tree row. From Atkinson and White

(1980). Reproduced with permission.

Effects of tree to tree competition

Atkinson () showed that the closer the spacing between trees the less thehorizontal spread of their roots and the greater the proportion of their rootsfound below cm in depth (Figure .).

‘Replant’ effects

Planting apples or pears on land previously used for either of these crops maylead to very adverse effects on root growth and, consequently, on total treegrowth and cropping. This will be discussed in detail in Chapter .

The above-ground parts of the tree supply carbohydrates produced in photo-synthesis to the root system, re-export mineral nutrients to it and compete withit for these resources. There is experimental evidence of the immediate de-pendency of root growth on current photosynthesis, although the autumn andspring root growth, which is very important in young trees, obviously dependson reserves. Defoliation even – weeks before natural leaf fall greatly reducesapple root growth within two weeks of treatment (Head, a), and removalof a ring of bark in September also reduces autumn and winter root growth(Priestley, ). Reducing the light received by the leaves of one-year-old peartrees reduces root growth in direct proportion and the effect is reversible within or days (Lucic, ).

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Roots are, however, a relatively weak sink for assimilates and root growthcan be greatly reduced by ‘internal’ competition from shoots and fruits. Head( ) and Rogers and Head () confirmed the general pattern of a peakof root growth in May and June, ending at the time of vigorous shoot growthand a second peak in August through October after shoot growth had ended.Quinlan () found that when CO was supplied to individual leaves ona rooted apple shoot, labelled assimilate from the youngest (upper) leavesmoved to the stem apex and young leaves. That from the lower leavesmoved tothe roots, each leaf supplying a specific part of the root system. Pruning appleand pear trees stimulates shoot growth and delays the onset of root growth(Head, , a).

Even light crops of fruit reduce root growth (Head, a). Avery ()found that fruiting could lead to a net decrease in root volume of a verydwarfing apple rootstock, presumably because lost roots were not replaced,and Hansen () showed that whereas roots accounted for approximately%of the annual growth increment of deblossomed trees of - and -year-oldpot-grown trees of ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’ they accounted for less than %of the growth increment of cropping trees. Palmer () found that in heavilycropping field-grown trees of ‘Crispin’/‘M. ’ root weight actually decreasedfrom the second year in the orchard.

Genotype effects

The more vigorous the stock/scion combination, the larger the root system.Data from Hatton (), from trials involving rootstocks, shows a posi-tive, linear, relationship between the mass of the root system and that of thetree trunk and branches in a ratio of about to , although with wide vari-ations. Any given rootstock had more root mass when combined with thevigorous ‘Bramley’ scion than with the less vigorous ‘Worcester’. Fernandezet al. () found that the vigour of trees of ‘Starkspur Supreme Delicious’on nine modern apple rootstocks was linearly correlated with the number ofrootstock roots. The slope of the relationship varied with soil type and therewere some deviations from expectation, e.g. ‘M. EMLA’ had relatively fewroots in relation to the vigour it induced in the scion. Even dwarfing root-stocks can, however, exploit the available soil volume at maturity: Rogersand Head () reported ‘M.’ roots at feet (. m) in a pocket of deepsoil.

In general the root systems of pear seedling stocks are much more verticallyoriented than those of quince or of the clonal apple rootstocks. Within applerootstocks a number of differences in root distribution have been recorded, buteffects are inconsistent and may in part reflect differences in tree management(Atkinson, ).

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Density of rooting

Apple trees, and to a lesser extent pear trees, have very sparse root systems.Reported values of LA (cm root per cm soil surface) for apple are in the rangeof . to . and for pear from to (Atkinson, ). The correspondingrange of Lv values (cm root per cm soil volume) is from . to . for appleand . to . for pear. The very low values may reflect limited exploitationof soil well away from the trunk but even the highest values, obtained fromvery closely planted trees, are very low compared with those of conifers (LA

for Scots Pine = ) or Gramineae (LA values of –).Density of rooting can be affected by soil type (Fernandez et al., ) as

well as being greatly increased in the vicinity of trickle irrigation emitters andlocalized nutrient-rich pockets.

Root death and root system renewal

Root systems are constantly in a process of death and replacement of individualroots. Following the browning of the cortex of young roots this generally decaysand disintegrates, largely due to the feeding of soil fauna. Some roots thenthicken and become part of the perennial root system but many of the lateralroots, especially, simply disappear (Head, b). Three types of root deathare distinguished (Rom, ).

A systematic dying of short laterals on active roots, following suberizationof the roots from which they arose, after – weeks.

Tips of main roots and those of higher branching orders often die backwhile lateral roots continue to grow.

Fibrous rootsmore than years oldmay die back completely, to be replacedby new fibrous roots.

Even skeletal or semi-skeletal roots may die, particularly after age five. Any en-vironmental stress increases root shedding and this is also particularly obviousat budbreak and early in the growing season.

This pattern of root deathmakes an appreciable contribution to soil organicmatter status.

All parts of the root system except for the tips appear capable of producinglateral roots from primordia in the pericycle while the tip itself exerts apicaldominance on branching. Death of root tips is thus likely to encourage newbranching. Tamasi () found that when roots are cut they develop callusand produce many new roots near the cut surface, presumably associated withincreased auxin activity such as that demonstrated by Carlson and Larson( ) after pruning oak roots. Tamasi found that when roots were cut backa total of new roots developed over years from near the cut surfaces and

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Faust () found the volume of regenerated roots in solution culture to betwice as high following root pruning as in unpruned controls.

Root/shoot ratios

These are highly variable depending on soil type, tree age, rootstock and thesupply of water and nutrients. Rogers andVyvyan () found the ratio of rootto shoot weight of -year-old trees to range from –. to on sandy soils butfrom only .–. to on loam soils. Very young trees may have a ratio of only. to (Avery, ). Cripps () found that moisture stress, fluctuating soilmoisture availability and waterlogging, which all checked total tree growth,led to increased root/shoot ratios. Rogers and Head () concluded that theratio is a rough measure of the fertility of a soil. The poorer the soil in terms ofwater and nutrient supply, the higher the ratio of roots to shoots. Apple treesgrowing in a high-light environment have much higher ratios of root to shootthan when grown under shade or in a naturally lower-light climate (Cripps,).

Atkinson (b) showed that the root/shoot ratio increased progressivelywith increasing phosphorus and nitrogen deficiencies.

Functions of roots


The firmness of tree anchorage in the soil is dependent on the depth anddistribution of the root system, the mechanical strength of the roots and theforces acting on tree stability, primarily wind and the weight of crop.

Apple seedling rootstocks and the clonal rootstocks ‘M.’, ‘MM.’ and‘MM.’ anchor trees firmly so that they do not require staking. The useof ‘MM.’ was largely discontinued due to poor anchorage combined withexcessive vigour (Ferree and Carlson, ). Apple trees on ‘M. ’, ‘M.’ and‘M.’ often show poor anchorage and tree leaning but not to an extent whichjustifies all trees being staked. ‘Malling ’ and most of its dwarfing derivativeshave brittle roots with short fibres and a high proportion of root bark to woodytissues. Under severe windy conditions even their large structural roots willbreak off cleanly at the base of the trunk. This problem is exacerbated by thevery high ratio of crop weight to tree framework, including roots, in trees ondwarfing rootstocks (cf. the general negative relationship between crop yieldper unit of tree size and tree size itself, discussed earlier). All apple trees ondwarfing rootstocks, with the possible exception of those on ‘MAC.’ (‘Mark’),are usually supported either by an individual stake or by a post-and-wiretrellis system. This is, however, not solely for reasons of anchorage. It is also

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because themechanical supports canbeused in tree-training to give the desiredbranch angles and also to support heavy crops without branch breakage. Thealternative to such support would generally involve pruning to stiffen branches,which inevitably delays cropping. An appreciable improvement in anchorageper se can be achieved by budding high on the rootstock stem in the nurseryand then planting to a greater depth in the orchard. This results in a secondroot system arising from the newly buried stem (Rogers and Parry, ; Parry,), i.e. in root systems distributed over a greater depth.

Almost all of the seedling Pyrus rootstocks for pear give good anchoragewhereas trees on clonal quince rootstocks require support (Lombard andWestwood, ).

Water uptake

Only a very small part of the water uptake by plants is needed to meet theirdirect metabolic requirement. Most of it is to replenish evaporative water lossthrough the leaves. This loss is a consequence of the need to have open stomatain the leaves and an internal leaf structure permitting ready gas exchange(including water loss), if carbon dioxide is to be taken up for photosynthesis.

Van denHonert () consideredwater flux through a plant to be governedby an Ohm’s-type law, which can be written

F = �soil − �leaf

r p(.)

where F = transpirational flux, �soil is the water potential at the soil–rootinterface, �leaf is the leaf water potential and r p is the resistance to liquid flowin the plant.

If the soil is saturated with water, �soil is . �leaf is negative when transpira-tion is taking place but seldom falls below −. MPa (− bar) unless thereare very severe soil water deficits ( Jones et al., ).

The water potential of plant cells is in a state of dynamic equilibrium withthe transpirational water flux in the xylem. The water potential of an indi-vidual plant cell (ignoring matric potential which is usually small) dependson the osmotic potential of its sap (�s) and its (hydrostatic) turgor pressurepotential (�p):

�cell = �s + �p (.)

�s is negative because the presence of solutes lowers water potential. If thewater potential of the transpiration stream is lowered, i.e. becomes more neg-ative, as when greater tensions develop in the xylem resulting from an increasein transpiration rate, water tends to move from the living cells into the xylem.This is very obvious at mid-day in apple, with actual shrinkage of tree trunks

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and fruits (Tukey, , ), and has a number of negative effects which arediscussed later. There are also adverse effects of low tissue water potential (highnegative values) on many physiological processes, e.g. cell growth, wall synthe-sis, protein synthesis and production of new leaf. It follows from equation .that plant water potential at any given soil water potential and evaporation(transpiration) rate will be more negative the higher the plant resistance toflow. The main source of resistance to water flow in the apple tree is found inthe roots; indeed, root resistance is the main resistance to flow in the completesoil–plant pathway with soil resistance only becoming significant at low soilwater content (Landsberg and Jones, ). This high root resistance can resultin severe mid-day water stress even when soil water is not limiting: such stresscannot be alleviated by supplying water to the roots but only by shading theleaves or cooling them by use of over-tree irrigation. In both apple and pear,unlike some other plant species, root resistance appears to be independentof flow rate, i.e. transpiration ( Jones et al., ), although there is contradic-tory evidence on this. Dwarfing rootstocks and their graft unions with scionshave higher resistance to flow than more invigorating ones (see Chapter ).Root resistance to hydraulic flow is increased at low temperature and underanaerobic conditions.

The sparsity of apple and pear roots suggests that the soil component of thehydraulic resistance can become significant at higher soil water potentials thanis the case for herbaceous species (Landsberg and Jones, ). It is probablethat both white and woody roots can be effective in water uptake, as they arein cherry (Atkinson and Wilson, ).

Although the majority of apple and pear roots are usually within the upper cm of the soil profile, i.e. do not draw water from a greater soil depth thanthose of many field crops, the frequent presence of at least some deep rootsenables apple and pear trees to survive droughts for longer than species whichdo not have these. Most of the world’s high-yielding orchards are, however,irrigated. In this context the ability of apple and pear roots to become con-centrated in relatively limited soil volumes maintained at high water potentialby drip, trickle or microjet irrigation is particularly important.

Nutrient uptake

Russell (, ) concluded that uptake of nutrients by intact growing plantsis often controlled predominantly by the metabolic demands of the plant as awhole, and Tromp () found a linear relationship between uptake of potas-sium and total plant growth for apple. Faust () found calcium uptake byapple seedlings to be dependent on the presence of healthy young root tips andeither a carbohydrate supply from photosynthesis or a direct supply of sugar.Atkinson () found that the uptake of P from soil showed a periodicity

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which corresponded with that of new root growth. There is, however, evidencethat calcium uptake by white and woody roots per unit of root surface areais similar (. and . nmol Ca+ mm- h− respectively), and that at sometimes of year brown roots make up %of the root length of young fruit treesand so must provide the absorbing surface (Atkinson and Wilson, ). Thezone just behind the root tip, with its root hairs, both provides the greatest sur-face per unit length of root and also is in undepleted soil. The older secondarily-thickened roots are likely to have better root–soil contact than white roots(Wilson and Atkinson, ). These factors are likely to influence the impor-tance of different parts of the root system in nutrient uptake. Uptake by theroots from the soil is frequently ineffective in supplying enough calcium to fruitsto ensure optimal storage life, and other nutrients sometimes have to be appliedas foliar sprays. This is discussed in Chapters and .

Storage of reserves

Growth and fruiting of apple and pear trees in the springmust depend, in theirearly stages, on mobilization of reserves accumulated in the previous season.Many of these are held in the roots.

Hansen ( ), Quinlan () and Hansen and Grausland () found thatlabelled CO supplied to apple leaves in the autumn was mainly trans-ported down to the roots. In the spring C was detected in all new leaf andshoot growth, with the greatest activity in the first-formed leaves. Hansen andGrauslund () found %of the C in the trees on November to be in theroots and a further % in the rootstock. There was then a rapid decline in theamount of C in these tissues, especially between January and May whenit was only about % of the November value. Most of this loss was attributedto respiration, about % of it to building materials for new growth.

The quantities of carbohydrate stored in the roots are large.Murneek ()found that the roots of –year-old apple trees in mid-October containedup to % carbohydrates compared with % for the above-ground parts.Hemicellulose was the major carbohydrate fraction but there is controversy asto whether this functions as reserve as well as structural material. Starch wasthe main storage carbohydrate, making up %of the dry weight, and sorbitolthe main soluble carbohydrate. Sucrose, glucose and fructose are also present(Hansen and Grauslund, ).

Total N concentration in winter is about .% in the roots of well-fertilizedyoung apple trees and about .% is mobilized in spring (Tromp, ). The

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stored nitrogen is mainly in soluble form with the amide asparagine alwaysbeing an important constituent.

Mason and Whitfield () showed that the apple root bark concentrationof K decreased from .% in winter to .% in early May. Terblanche et al.

() found that Ca is redistributed from roots after resumption of growth inspring.

Conversion or synthesis of growth regulators

Root-produced abscisic acid (ABA) is an important signal of soil moisture stressand of impedance to root growth. It helps adapt the plant to these by inducingstomatal closure and checking leaf and shoot growth (see Chapter ).

Root-produced cytokinins may have important regulatory effects on shootbudbreak, in relation to release from seasonal dormancy and apical domi-nance, and on other processes involving cell division.

It is possible that root responses to, or production of, plant growth substancesare involved in rootstock effects. Movement of labelled IAA from scion leavesinto roots of ‘MM.’ and ‘MM.’ was much greater than that into thedwarfing ‘M.’ and ‘M. ’. The content of the cytokinin (zeatin + zeatinriboside) in the xylem sapof rootstocks increaseswith rootstock vigour (Kambojet al., ).

Special features of apple and pearseedling roots

Seedling rootstocks are still widely used for pear and are used to a limitedextent for apple.

Production of seedling rootstocks

The seeds used for seedling production are generally those which are mostreadily available as a result of separating the seeds from the rest of the fruit inthe course of fruit processing, e.g. canning or juice production. ‘Delicious’ is themost commonly used cultivar. Apple and pear seeds are subject to inhibitorydormancy from the fruit and its juices and from seed-coat dormancy.The seedsare thoroughly soaked and washed but with the predominant temperate-zonecultivars there is then still a need for an appreciable period at low temperatureunder moist conditions (Abbott, ). This need for low temperature ‘stratifi-cation’, usually at ◦C for days (Howard, ), is due to physiological deepdormancy (Hartmann et al., ) which is overcome by meeting the ‘chilling

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requirement’. Such dormancy parallels the bud dormancy of temperate-zonefruit trees. It is an adaptive characteristic for which there would be naturalselection pressure in cold-winter environments in which early seed germina-tion would lead to seedling death by winter freezing. Westwood and Bjornstad() and Westwood () found that pear species from warm-winter envi-ronments required less chilling to break seed dormancy than those from cold-winter environments. This suggests the possibility of very different seedlingproduction systems.

Root production in the nursery

Seedlings produce a tap root. If a branched root system is desired this isachieved by under-cutting the seedlings when small.

Seedling root system growth

Tamasi () found that intensive root production by seedling rootstocks afterplanting in the orchard began only at years of age under conditions wherethis happened with ‘M.’ at years of age. He found that over the years thedominance of the tap rootwas lost as the lateral roots became better developed.


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The graft union, grafting

and budding


Grafting is the art of connecting two pieces of living tissue together in such away that they unite and grow as one. In apples and pears it is generally usedto combine a scion (fruiting) cultivar with a rootstock. Budding is a specialform of grafting in which the initial scionwood component is reduced to asingle bud.

This art has been practised for thousands of years, Garner () noting thatgrafting with detached scions was used by the Chinese before BC. It wasdescribed by writers in ancient Greece and Rome and very widely employedin western Europe in the Renaissance period and subsequently.

The main purposes of grafting are to assist in the propagation and perpet-uation of clones that cannot readily be propagated by other asexual means,and to enable the production of composite trees from rootstocks and scionseach of which possesses specific and distinct desirable attributes. It is also usedto change scion cultivars in established orchards, to hasten the fruiting ofseedling selections in breeding programmes and as a research tool in the studyof physiological processes and viruses.

Formation of the graft union

The formation of the graft union can be considered as resulting from thewound-healing processes which take place on the cut surfaces of the rootstockand scion, operating in the context of close contact between surfaces. Theunion is accomplished entirely by cells that develop after the grafting operation.The sequence of events is as follows.

The placement of freshly cut scion tissue in intimate contact with similarfreshly cut stock tissue in such a way that their cambial regions, capable of

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meristematic activity, are in close proximity. The two components musthave the correct polarity, the morphologically proximal end of thescionwood piece, i.e. its basal end, being grafted on to the distal end of therootstock stem, or, if it is grafted on to a root, to the end of this furthestfrom the root tip. The graft has to be secured by wrapping, tying, nailing orwedging. This is to ensure that the scion and stock cannot move relative toone another and dislodge the interlocking parenchyma cells that developfrom the cut surfaces. The positioning of the rootstock and scionwoodin some of the most widely used techniques of grafting and budding areshown in Figures . and ..

It is essential that the cut surfaces of stock and scion which are placedtogether do not dry out. Exposure to air at below the saturation pointinhibits callus formation (Shippy, ) because the parenchyma cells of thecallus tissue are thin-walled and cannot resist desiccation. Speedy graftingor budding reduces the time over which the moist surfaces are exposedto air. Skilled grafters can average whip-and-tongue grafts per hourand budders buddings per hour when working in a team with a tyer(Garner, ). Shippy concluded that liquid moisture present as a filmenclosing the cutting, such as is supplied by surrounding it withmoderatelymoist peat, sphagnum or sand, provides the most favourable conditionsfor bringing about uniform callusing. Garner (), however, warns thatdeliberate wetting of the cut surfaces of either stock or scion in the buddingor grafting process may prove detrimental. Where the plants have beenbench-grafted, i.e. dormant scionwood grafted in winter on to rootstockswhich have been lifted and cold-stored, adequate humidity is maintainedby storing the grafted plants in callusing beds or boxes containing moistpeat, sphagnum moss or sand. In countries with mild winters grafting isdone out of doors, as is budding later in the year. Desiccation of theseunions is prevented by sealing over grafts with wax, by smearing heavy-grade petroleum jelly over buds or by using sticky, watertight plastic tapesto seal as well as tie.

The cutting of the stock and scion results in the death of at least onecell layer at each surface. This necrotic material disappears or remains inpockets between newly formed living parenchyma cells.

Parenchymatous callus cells proliferate, mainly from the primary cortex ofthe scion and from secondary phloem of the stock and scion. The spongycallus cells mingle and growth pressure compresses them until cells fromstock and scion become indistinguishable. The actual cambial layer takeslittle part at this stage (Sass, ).

Parenchyma cells at the edges of the newly formed callus mass which aretouching the cambial cells of the stock and scion differentiate into newcambium cells within – weeks after grafting. This cambial formation

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Figure 4.1 Methods of grafting.(a ) The whip-and-tongue graft is most suitable when the stock andscion are less than 25 mm in diameter. A flat slanting cut is made atthe basal end of the scion and a downward pointing tongue (A) madein the apical part of this slanting surface. An upward slanting cut ofcorresponding length is made through the stock and an upwardpointing tongue (B) made in this. The cut surfaces of stock and scionare placed together so that the tongues interlock (D) and the cambialregions (C) are in contact over as great a length as possible. If the

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in the callus mass proceeds inwards from the original stock and scioncambium and through the callus bridge until there is a continuous cambialconnection between stock and scion.

The newly formed cambial layer in the callus bridge lays down new xylemtowards the inside and new phloem towards the outside. The new xylemtissue originates from the activities of the scion tissues rather than those ofthe stock (Yeager, ). Induction of vascular tissue in the callus appearsto be under the control of material originating in shoot apices and canbe artificially induced by the supply of auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins andsugars (Torrey et al., ; Wetmore and Rier, ).

Union formation in T-budding andchip budding

In T-budding of apple, when the bark of the rootstock is lifted for bud in-sertion, the separation occurs in the young, undifferentiated, xylem and thecambial zone remains attached to the inside of the barkflaps. A necrotic platedevelops from the cut cells shortly after the bud shield is inserted. After abouttwo days callus parenchyma cells start to develop from the rootstock xylem

Figure 4.1 (cont.)scion is much smaller in diameter than the stock the slice taken fromthe stock should be shallow (E) so that the cambia of stock and scionare well matched at the sides and top (F and G).(b ) Bench grafting on roots is usually done using whip-and-tonguegrafts and can be used for stocks and scions of either similar (A) ordissimilar (B) size.(c ) The cleft graft is used in top-working trees with new scioncultivars. Scion bud sticks of 3 or 4 buds are inserted in splits madein the cut ends of tree trunks or large limbs. The scions are preparedwith two slanting cuts at their base giving a long tapering wedge (A),preferably with a bud (B) between the cut surfaces as shown. Thecleft (C) in the limb is opened by insertion of a wedge or grafting tool,the scions are inserted so that their cambial regions are in contactwith those of the trunk or limb. The wedge or tool is removed and thescions are held fast by the pressure of the cleft moving to close.In oblique cleft grafting (d ) the clefts do not extend right across thebranch. All exposed cut surfaces are sealed with grafting wax afterfirst rubbing some clay into the clefts to prevent the wax runningdown inside.(e ) Rind or crown grafting involves inserting a scion, prepared as forwhip-and-tongue grafting but without the tongue, between the rind(A) and the wood (B) of the tree to be top-worked. This can only bedone when the bark will separate readily from the wood and the graftmust be tied firmly in place before waxing. After Garner (1988).

Reproduced with permission of Mrs I.L. Garner.

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Figure 4.2 Shield budding (T budding) and chip budding.(a ) The technique of shield budding: (A) The bud nearest to the upperend of the budstick is removed by a shallow slicing cut. (B) The stockis prepared by making a T-shaped incision (D) through the rind downto the wood. The rind (E) is lifted and the bud inserted (F). The tail orhandle (H) is cut off at the horizontal incision and the bud firmly tied.After Garner (1988). Reproduced with permission of Mrs I.L. Garner.(b ) The technique of chip budding. (A) The first cut is madedownwards in the side of the stock. (B) A second cut, 20–55 mm longis made downwards to meet the first. (C) A bud chip is taken from thescion bud stick by making a horizontal cut 12 mm below the bud anda second cut starting 25 mm above the bud to join the first. This budchip (C) is then fitted to the prepared stock (D) and temporarily heldby the stock flap (E). The cambia of stock and scion should bematched, which usually leaves a layer of the outer rind of the stockvisible (F). The bud is then very firmly tied and sealed in place. AfterGarner (1988). Reproduced with permission of Mrs I.L. Garner.(c ) The distribution of tissues in a 3-week-old apple bud-union(shield-budded). From Mosse and Labern (1960). Reproduced withpermission of Oxford University Press and Dr B. Mosse.(d ) The location of connecting cambium in a shield-budded applebud-union at 8 weeks old. From Mosse and Labern (1960). Reproduced

with permission of Oxford University Press and Dr B. Mosse.

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rays and, to a lesser extent, from the bud shield, and rupture through thenecrotic plate. Callus originating almost entirely from rootstock tissue, mainlyfrom the exposed surface of the xylem cylinder, surrounds the bud shield andholds it in place and, over a period of two or three weeks, fills all internalair pockets. A continuous cambium is then established, isolated trachearyelements appear and the callus lignifies. This lignification is completed byabout weeks after budding (Mosse and Labern, ; Wagner, ). Inchip budding, in which the bud is removed from the scion as part of a wedgeof tissue which is then seated in a corresponding notch on the rootstock stem,the juxtaposition of the xylem and cambial tissues of stock and scion results inthe formation of a much more rapid and complete union (Figure .).


When two different plants can be grafted together to produce a long-lived,functional graft union and to develop successfully into one composite plant,they are said to be compatible. When this is not the case they are said tobe incompatible. In general the more closely related the plants the higher isthe chance of compatibility although permanent unions between one genusand another may occur. Pear (Pyrus communis) will form a lasting union withhawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha), medlar (Mespilus germanica) and quince (Cydonia

oblonga). Although apple and pear are usually incompatible the pear culti-var ‘Fertility’ has exceptionally high compatibility with apple and ‘M.’ ap-ple rootstock clone with pear (Garner, ). However, some economically-important pear cultivars are incompatible with otherwise desirable quincerootstocks and some apple cultivars with otherwise desirable apple rootstocks,while incompatibility can be induced between otherwise compatible rootstocksand scions by viruses and phytoplasmas.

Incompatibility has the following symptoms:

Initial failure to form graft or bud unions. Poor growth of the scion often followed by premature death in the nursery:

premature yellowing of foliage. Breaking off of trees at the graft union, especially when they have been

growing for many years and the break is clean and smooth.

The incompatibilities of the greatest commercial importance in apples andpears are:

. Pear–quince incompatibility. When some pear cultivars are grafted onquince rootstocks a cyanogenic glycoside, prunasin, which is normally foundin quince but not in pear is translocated into the pear phloem. The pear tissues

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Figure 4.3 Transverse sections through ‘Lord Lambourne’ applescion unions with ‘M.26’ apple rootstocks c. 0.5 cm below the bud (a)Chip budded, (b) T-budded, sampled in November. The junctionbetween the scionwood chip and the rootstock is arrowed, callusformed after T-budding is indicated by C. From Howard et al. (1974).

Reproduced with permission.

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break down the prunasin in the region of the graft union to give hydrocyanicacid as one of the decomposition products. Different pear cultivars vary intheir content of a water-soluble inhibitor of the action of the enzyme whichcatalyses the breakdown of prunasin. The presence of hydrocyanic acid at thegraft union checks cambial activity there and also destroys phloem tissues atand above the union. Conduction of water and materials through the union isreduced. The reduction in the amount of sugars reaching the quince rootsleads to further decomposition of prunasin, liberating hydrocyanic acid andkilling quince phloem (Gur, ; Gur and Samish, ; Gur et al., ).Further evidence that graft incompatibility between pear and quince involvesthe influence of cyanogenic glycosides produced by the quince has come fromsuspension culture studies. These showed that pear callus growth was inhib-ited in media in which quince cultures had been grown, and addition of acyanogenic glycoside killed pear cultures (Moore, ). Moore concludedthat, given this mechanism, incompatibility between pear and quince neednot be associated with any particular stage of graft development. Other stud-ies (Buchloh, ) showed failure of lignification in incompatible pear–quinceunions.

Garner () lists cultivars of pear which show some degree of incom-patibility with quince but will form more reliable unions if they are workedon an intermediate which is worked on the quince. The most widely usedintermediates are ‘Beurre Hardy’ and ‘Old Home’. The most important cul-tivars that are not directly compatible with quince are ‘Williams’ ’ (‘Bartlett’),most Asian pears, ‘Forelle’, ‘Bosc’ and ‘Jules Guyot’. Important compati-ble cultivars include ‘Comice’, ‘Passe Crassane’, ‘Beurre Hardy’, ‘ClappsFavourite’ and ‘Conference’. Some selections of ‘Williams’ ’ are compatiblewith quince.

‘M.’ is the only important apple rootstock to have shown incompatibilitywith a number of scions.

. So-called virus-induced incompatibility affects both apples and pears.Union necrosis and decline of apple is caused by tomato ringspot virus whichis transmitted by the soil-borne nematode Xiphinema americanum. Trees infectedwith this break at the union, with a clean break at least on one side. Therootstocks ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ and the scion cv. ‘Delicious’ seem susceptible,while ‘M.’, ‘M. ’, ‘Ottawa ’, ‘Robusta ’, ‘Empire’ and ‘Golden Delicious’appear to be tolerant (Ferree and Carlson, ). Pear decline is caused bya phytoplasma (mycoplasma-like organism, MLO; see Chapter ) which isspread by the insect Cacopsylla pyricola (Hibino and Schneider, ; Hibinoet al., ). This may cause little direct damage to a scion cultivar but asthe phytoplasma moves across the graft union into the tissues of a susceptiblerootstock (especially P. ussuriensis or P. pyrifolia) the rootstock phloem is killed, the

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rootstock stem girdled and the tree dies. A rather different manifestation of itseffects is shown by ‘Conference’ on ‘Quince A’ or on ‘Quince C’. Young treesof these combinations show premature leaf red colour followed by early leaffall. In the following spring the leaves remain small and pale, there being littleor no shoot growth and no fruit production. A necrotic line is frequently visiblein the bark at the stock/scion union. The disease is sometimes fatal but morecommonly just reduces yield in the early orchard years. The quince rootstocksare rarely infected by the causal phytoplasma, such infection as there is beingmainly in suckers. Quince should be regarded as being partially resistant orhypersensitive, rather than tolerant (D.L. Davies, personal communication).‘Conference’ is readily infected by the phytoplasma, but, when grown on itsown roots, is vigorous and, although infected, showsno evidenceof pear decline(Davies et al., ). Interestingly, although the cv. ‘Comice’ is readily infectedit does not show symptoms when worked on quince, but a ‘Comice’ interstockbetween quince and ‘Conference’ does not prevent the latter suffering frompear decline.

Double working

A double-worked plant has three parts, the rootstock, the interstock and thescion; and two unions, one between the rootstock and interstock and onebetween the interstock and the scion. Double working is used.

In cases where the rootstock and the scion are mutually incompatible buteach will form a good union with the interstock. A typical example isthe propagation of ‘Bartlett’ pear on Quince rootstock by using a ‘BeurreHardy’ or ‘Old Home’ interstock.

Where a rootstock with desirable properties, e.g. dwarfing, is in itself diffi-cult to root but can give similarly desirable effects if used as an interstock.This is typified by the use of cold-tolerant, dwarfing, interstocks of the‘B.’ and ‘P-series’ rootstock clones inserted between a vigorous, cold-tolerant seedling rootstock and the scion cultivar in climates with severewinters.

Methods of double working

There are a number of different methods (Hartmann et al., ). In Englandit is done as a combined operation using dormant scionwood of both theinterstock material and the upper scion. The wood of the interstock cultivaris cut into mm lengths in March and immediately grafted with three-budlengths of the upper scion cultivar and the grafts sealed and stored upright incool moist conditions. The interstock, with its scion attached, is then grafted

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on to an established rootstock in the nursery row so as to obtain a – mminterstock. The first graft may bemade someweeks before the second. An evensimpler way is double shield budding. A small budless shield of the interstockcultivar is slipped into the T-cut on the rootstock and a bud of the upper scioncultivar put on the upper and outer cut surface of the budless shield and bothare slid home (Garner, , ).

Effects of temperature on graftingand budding

The temperatures used in controlled conditions, e.g. in bench grafting, andthe choice of season for budding and grafting in the nursery or orchard reflectthe temperature requirements for three separate processes.

Bark-lifting (slipping): this is a requirement for those grafting and bud-ding techniques in which scion material is inserted under bark which isparted from the wood. This is the case in crown grafting (rind graft-ing) in which pieces of scion graftwood with long sloping cut surfacesare pushed down between the rind and the wood around the perimeterof the decapitated trunk of a tree which it is desired to ‘top-work’ to anew cultivar. It is also the case for T-budding in which a scion bud isadded to a complete rootstock stem by sliding it under the bark throughan incision. In England the bark does not readily part from the wooduntil April and the best time for T-budding is from the end of June tomid-August.

Callus growth and union formation: the complete range of temperaturespermitting the formation of callus from apple scion and rootstock cuttingsand grafts was found by Shippy () to lie between ◦C and ◦C. At– ◦C only a small amount of callus developed over several months andbetween ◦C and ◦C the rate of callus formation increased with rise intemperature. At temperatures above ◦C injury usually resulted and at ◦C death of tissues occurred within a few days. In general, temperaturesbelow ◦C aremost satisfactory. Depending on temperature, apple graftsmay therefore be callused over a period of several months or within a fewdays. As a consequence, even when there is no need for bark-lifting, asin chip budding where a piece of rootstock tissue including outer bark,phloem, cambium and some xylem is removed and a similar shaped pieceof scion stem carrying a bud substituted, temperatures have to be highenough for active rootstock growth. In England this is from April to earlySeptember (Howard, ). Under subtropical conditions in Turkey, chip

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budding as late as November is successful (Kuden and Kaska, ).Grafting rootstocks with dormant scionwood in England is usually carriedout in March and cleft-grafting of established trees from mid-February toJune. Bench-grafting, carried out indoors, may be followed by two monthsof callusing at approximately ◦C or days at ◦C (Hartmann et al.,).

Budbreak: the buds of apples and pears enter into dormancy in autumnand emerge from this when their winter-chilling requirement has beensatisfied and when subsequent ambient temperatures are high enough topermit growth (cf. Chapter ). Attempting to use scionwood in which thebuds are starting active growth usually results in failure: the buds leaf-outbefore the graft union is healed and water losses from these leaves cannotbe replaced so the scions dry out and die. Scionwood should therefore becollected when dormant and, if it is not used immediately, stored in a coolchamber at – ◦C or, if external conditions are cold enough, bundled andheeled in on the shady side of a building.

When a high temperature is used for callusing bench grafts the materialshould be collected in autumn and the grafts made before any cold weatherhas overcome the rest (dormancy) requirement of the buds. After the unionis well healed the grafts must be stored at – ◦C to meet the winter-chillingrequirement of the buds and hold them dormant until planting (Howard andHildreth, ).

Effects of height of budding or graftingon scion vigour and cropping

High budding, so as to give a greater length of rootstock stem, reduces thevigour of the scion. This effect persists indefinitely on dwarfing rootstocksbut tends to diminish after a few years on vigorous rootstocks (Parry ;van Oosten, ). With ‘M.’ as a rootstock (Table .) the total extensionshoot growth over years of ‘Cox’ budded at mm was only % ofthat of ‘Cox’ budded at cm and that of ‘Golden Delicious’ was %.There was only a slight and non-significant reduction in cropping, so croppingefficiency was greatly increased. The relative effect of high budding on vigourof growth is much greater on ‘M.’ than on ‘M.’ but this is accompaniedby undesirable fluting and burr-knot formation on the rootstock stem (Parry,). Blanco () showed that high budding of a vigorous pear scion on‘Quince A’ rootstock reduced growth and increased precocity of croppingcompared with low budding.

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Table . Effect of height of budding of ‘Cox’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ on

‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ on total extension growth (m/tree) over years

Height of ‘Cox’ extension ‘Golden Delicious’budding growth extension growth

Rootstock (mm) (m/tree) (m/tree)




rootstocks . . budding height . .

From Parry (). Reproduced with permission.

Effects of interstocks on root and shootgrowth and cropping

It has been known for centuries that a small stem-piece or interstock of adwarfing clone inserted between the scion and the rootstock of an apple treecan dwarf it. In general interstocks of stem material from the ‘Malling’ se-ries dwarf ‘Cox’ and ‘Worcester Pearmain’ apple trees in rough proportionto their dwarfing effects as rootstocks (Parry and Rogers, ). ‘M.’ wasas dwarfing when used as an interstock on ‘MM.’ as when used as arootstock (Parry and Rogers, ; Preston, ), whereas other ‘Malling’clones were less dwarfing as interstocks than as rootstocks. Moreover, instudies with ‘M.’ as an interstock above rootstocks other than ‘MM.’,it had a less dwarfing effect than when used as rootstock (Vyvyan, ;Tukey and Brase, ; Czynczyk, ), and Czynczyk () also showed‘B.’ to be more dwarfing as a rootstock than as an interstock. In general,therefore, the effect of a dwarfing interstock on vigour is less than that ofthe same cultivar as rootstock. An interstock of ‘M.’ inserted between a‘Crab’ rootstock and a ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ scion had a greater effect onroot than on shoot growth, reducing it to half, whereas interstocks of ‘M.’or ‘M.’ had no effect on either root or shoot growth (Swarbrick et al.,).

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The effect of a dwarfing interstock is proportional to the length of theinterstock (Parry and Rogers, ; Lockard, ). Use of long interstocksof vigorous clones can result in increased tree size of both apple (Grubb,) and pear (Wertheim and Toorenaar, ). Dwarfing interstocks induceprecocity in cropping, the effect being greater the longer the interstock, whilevigorous interstocks reduce precocity with this effect tending to be greater thegreater the length of interstock (Parry and Rogers, ). Rauch () foundthat increasing the length of interstock of ‘Clark Dwarf ’ did not significantlyreduce the size of the trees until after the onset of flowering, i.e. the effect onflowering was not a consequence of the effect on vigour. Long interstocks of‘M.’ are evenmore dwarfing than those of ‘M.’ although the reverse is truewith short interstocks (Parry and Rogers, ).

In general the relationship between yield and tree size (cropping efficiency) issimilar whether tree size is controlled by rootstock or by interstock (cf. Chapter, especially Figures . and .).


Blanco, A. (). First results on growth and cropping of pear trees budded atdifferent heights. Acta Horticulturae , – .

Buchloh, G. (). The lignification in stock–scion junctions and its relation tocompatibility. In Phenolics in Plants in Health and Disease, ed. J.B. Pridham, p. .Long Island City, NY: Pergamon Press.

Czynczyk, A. (). Eighteen years results with dwarf interstocks ‘M.’ and‘B.’ on growth and cropping of two apple cultivars. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Davies, D.L., Guise, C.M., Clark, M.F. and Adams, A.N. (). Parry’s diseaseof pears is similar to pear decline and is associated with mycoplasma-likeorganisms transmitted by Cacopsylla pyricola. Plant Pathology , –.

Ferree, D.C. and Carlson, R.F. ( ). Apple rootstocks. In Rootstocks for FruitCrops, ed. R.C. Rom and R.F. Carlson, pp. –. New York: John Wiley andSons.

Garner, R.J. (). Double-working pears at budding time. Report of the EastMalling Research Station for , –.

Garner, R.J. (). The Grafter’s Handbook. London: Cassell.Grubb, N.H. (). The influence of the intermediate in double-worked apple

trees: nursery trials of the ‘stembuilder’ process at East Malling. Journal ofPomology and Horticultural Science , –.

Gur, A. ( ). The compatibility of the pear with quince rootstock. SpecialBulletin , Agricultural Research Station, Rehovot, Israel.

Gur, A. and Samish, R.M. (). The relation between growth curves,carbohydrate distribution, and compatibility of pear trees grafted on quincerootstocks. Horticultural Research , –.

Gur, A., Samish, R.M. and Lifsh*tz, E. (). The role of the cyanogenicglycoside of the quince in the incompatibility between pear cultivars andquince rootstocks. Horticultural Research , –.

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Hartmann, H.T., Kester, D.E. and Davies, F.T. (). Plant Propagation, Principlesand Practice. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

Hibino, H. and Schneider, H. (). Mycoplasma-like bodies in sieve tubes ofpear trees affected with pear decline. Phytopathology , –.

Hibino, H., Kaloostian, G.H. and Schneider, H. (). Mycoplasma like bodiesin the pear psylla vector of pear decline. Virology , –.

Howard, B.H. ( ). Chip budding fruit and ornamental trees. International PlantPropagators Society Combined Proceedings for , , –.

Howard, G.S. and Hildreth, A.C. (). Induction of callus tissue on applegrafts prior to field planting and its growth effects. Proceedings of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

Howard, B.H., Skene, D.S. and Coles, J.S. (). The effects of differentgrafting methods upon the development of one-year-old nursery apple trees.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Kuden, A. and Kaska, N. (). Extension of budding period of apples byusing chip-budding, T-budding and English grafting. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Lockard, R.G. (). Effects of rootstocks and length and type of interstock ongrowth of apple trees in sand culture. Journal of the American Society forHorticultural Science , –.

Moore, R. (). Graft incompatibility between pear and quince: the influenceof metabolites of Cydonia oblonga on suspension cultures of Pyrus communis.American Journal of Botany , –.

Mosse, B. and Labern, M.V. (). The structure and development of vascularnodules in apple bud-unions Annals of Botany , – .

Parry, M.S. (). The effects of budding height on the field performanceof two apple cultivars on three rootstocks. Journal of Horticultural Science ,– .

Parry, M.S. and Rogers, W.S. (). Dwarfing interstocks: their effect on thefield performance and anchorage of apple trees. Journal of Horticultural Science, –.

Parry, M.S. and Rogers, W.S. (). Effects of interstock length and vigour onthe field performance of Cox’s Orange Pippin apples. Journal of HorticulturalScience , –.

Preston, A.P. (). Apple rootstock studies: some rootstock and interstockcomparisons. Horticultural Research , –.

Rauch, F.D. (). Floral induction and growth of apple. Dissertation AbstractsSection B. , , . Iowa State University.

Sass, J.E. (). Formation of callus knots on apple grafts as related to thehistology of the graft union. Botanical Gazette , –.

Shippy, W.B. (). Influence of environment on the callusing of apple cuttingsand grafts. American Journal of Botany , – .

Swarbrick, T., Blair, D. and Singh, S. (). Studies in the physiology ofrootstock and scion relationships. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science ,–.

Torrey, J.G., Fosket, D.E. and Hepler, P.K. (). Xylem formation: a paradigmof cytodifferentiation in higher plants. American Science , –.

Tukey, H.B. and Brase, K.D. (). The dwarfing effects of an intermediatestem-piece of Malling IX apple. Proceedings of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

van Oosten, H.J. (). High working for control of vigour of apple trees. ActaHorticulturae , –.

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Vyvyan, M.C. (). The relative influence of rootstock and of an intermediatepiece of stock stem in some double-grafted apple trees. Journal of Pomology andHorticultural Science , –.

Wagner, D.F. (). Ultrastructure of the bud graft union in Malus. PhDdissertation, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Wertheim, S.J. and Toorenaar, G. (). Onderstammen en tussenstammenproefveld met peer. Jaarverslag Proefstation voor de Fruitteelt,Wilhelminadorp, –.

Wetmore, R.H. and Rier, J.P. (). Experimental induction of vascular tissuesin callus of angiosperms. American Journal of Botany , –.

Yeager, A.F. (). Xylem formation from ring grafts. Proceedings of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

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Mechanisms of rootstock andinterstock effects on scion



The use of dwarfing rootstocks for the control of tree vigour is a dominantfeature of much of modern apple production and, to a lesser extent, pearproduction. The mechanism of vigour control by rootstocks has been studiedfor many years, partly in the hope that understanding the process will lead toits more effective utilization.

The effects of the rootstocks and interstocks are manifold, interactive andcumulative over years.Moreover, differentmechanisms appear to be dominantin different species and even in different stock/scion cultivar combinationswithin a species. In practical terms the dwarfing effect of ‘M.’ and its deriva-tives on apple scions and of quince rootstocks on pear scions are probablyof the greatest importance so emphasis is given to these within the broadercontext.

Mechanisms of rootstock and interstockeffects on vigour

The mechanisms of rootstock influence on tree vigour are best consideredwithin the concept that the vigour of the composite tree reflects in an additiveway the vigour of its components and that these interact. There is, as discussedearlier, a tendency to attainment of a functional equilibrium between rootsand shoots. Roots supply shoots with nutrients and water, shoots supply rootswith assimilates, and the roots and shoots appear to have specific roles in theproductionof theplant growth substances that control and coordinate activitiesin the plant. The graft union and the conducting tissues of the rootstock mayalso influence growth through their effects on translocation from root to shootand from shoot to root.

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Within this framework the following appear to make major contributionsto the dwarfing effect of dwarfing rootstocks.. The limited size of dwarfing rootstock root systems. In general, the more dwarfing

an apple rootstock the less vigorous it is as an ‘unworked’ tree and the smallerits root system. This characteristic is retained when the rootstock is graftedwith a scion. Bane et al. () and Beakbane and de Wet () excavated theroot systems ofmature trees of ‘Bramley’ and ‘Worcester’ on various rootstocksand found that with the more vigorous scion the root systems were larger butthe rank order of root system size of the different rootstocks was the same. Thiswas also shown, much later, in trials in which rootstock clones (‘M.’ crosses)of differing vigour were grafted on each other in all factorial combinations(Table .). The limited size of the root systemof ‘M.’ and someother dwarfingrootstocks may be associated with their low capacity to produce roots. This isshown even in vitro when auxin and carbohydrate are supplied (Webster andJones, ), after layering in the nursery or after auxin treatment of hardwoodcuttings (Doud and Carlson, ). Grafted trees on ‘M.’ show limited initialroot growth following planting compared with those on some more vigorousrootstocks (Young and Werner, ). The small root systems of orchard treeson ‘M.’ and other dwarfing rootstocks (Rogers and Vyvyan, ; co*ker,; Fernandez et al., ) reflect this inherently limited growth potentialand control scion growth. If a vigorous scion grafted on a dwarfing rootstockis allowed to develop scion roots into the soil the tree then grows much morerapidly, showing the predominance of root influence (Rogers and Beakbane, ).. The special anatomical features of dwarfing rootstock roots. The roots of dwarfing

rootstocks have smaller xylem vessels and less than half as many xylem fibresas those of more vigorous rootstocks, and also a much higher percentage ofbark and of wood ray tissue per unit of root cross-sectional area (Beakbane andThompson , ; McKenzie, ). Although grafting ‘M.’ with morevigorous scions increased its mean vessel diameter this remained consistentlysmaller than that of other, more vigorous, rootstocks grafted with the samescions.. Root system size is reduced by the presence of a dwarfing interstock. The root systems

of vigorous rootstocks are greatly reduced in size if they are separated from thescion by a piece of stem, an interstock, of a dwarfing rootstock such as ‘M.’,‘M.’ or ‘Clark Dwarf ’ (Swarbrick et al., ; Dana et al., ; Parry andRogers, ). The interstock, in these studies, reduced the growth of the rootsystem more than that of the scion.. The size of the root system directly affects scion growth. Rootstocks can be in-

vigorating as well as dwarfing, as shown by stock-on-stock trials (Table .)and by comparing trees of cultivars on their own roots (with no graft unions)with grafted trees. Trees of ‘Starking Delicious’ on ‘M.’ rootstock are about

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Table . Growth of ‘Lane’s Prince Albert’ trees grafted

directly on rootstock roots or on rootstocks with both root and stem

Girth of trunk at years old (cm)Rootstock

Method of working ‘M.’ ‘M.’ Seedling ‘M.’

On root . . . .On stem at ′′ . . . .On stem at ′′ . . . .

Significant ratio for rootstocks with the same method ofworking = . (p = .).Effect of method of working non-significant.‘Lane’s Prince Albert’ is rather more vigorous than ‘M.’.Adapted from Beakbane and Rogers (), with permission.

twice as large as those of ‘Starking Delicious’ on its own roots (Gyuro andGondor-Pinter, ) and those of ‘Greensleeves’ on ‘MM.’ about twice aslarge as those of ‘Greensleeves’ on its own roots although the latter trees arelarger than those of ‘Greensleeves’ on ‘M.’ (Webster et al., ). Limitingthe size of apple root systems by root pruning (Geisler and Ferree, ) or bygrowing them within a root restriction membrane (Atkinson et al., ) alsoreduces shoot growth.. Themain effect of a rootstock can be induced by the root system itself without involvement

of the rootstock stem. When scion trees of ‘Lane’s Prince Albert’ were grafted ona range of rootstocks either directly on to root or on to rootstock stem, mostof the rootstock effect on scion vigour was shown when the rootstock rootalone was used (Beakbane and Rogers, ), although the presence of apiece of rootstock stem intensified this (Table .). The relative importance ofrootstock stem may, however, be greater in the case of ‘M.’ in view of theeffects of budding height on ‘M.’ and of length of ‘M.’ interstock notedin Chapter .

. Dwarfing rootstocks may be less effective than vigorous ones in uptake of nutrients and

their supply to the shoot. When uniform rooted stems (layers) of ‘M.’, ‘M. ’ and‘M.’ were given P a month after being established in solution culture theuptake within hours, expressed as counts per minute per g shoot per mgroot was four times as highwith ‘M.’ (vigorous) as with ‘M.’ (dwarfing), with‘M. ’ being intermediate (Bukovac et al., ). A similar pattern was foundfor the uptake of P and Ca into scions of ‘McIntosh’ grafted on ‘M.’,‘M. ’ and ‘M.’.

Under orchard conditions the supply of nutrients is not usually limiting forgrowth and is controlled by scion demand, and although trees on different

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rootstocks may show differences in leaf nutrient content these are not system-atically related to rootstock vigour. It is therefore unlikely that differences innutrient uptake are generally responsible for rootstock effects on scion growth.Theremay be exceptions under conditions of very low fertility: Ruck andBolas() found the difference in growth between ‘Crab C’ (vigorous) and ‘M.’(dwarfing) to be much greater when in sand culture with ppm N than with ppm N. . Apple trees on dwarfing rootstocks may suffer more from water stress. Olien and

Lakso () found that the mid-day stem water potential of ‘Empire’ appletrees on ‘M.’, ‘M.’, ‘M. ’, ‘MM.’ and ‘M.’ was significantly corre-lated with tree size. They attributed the greater water stress in the trees ondwarfing rootstocks to a greater root resistance at the root surface and in thexylem. Atkinson et al. (), working with ‘Queen Cox’ on ‘M. ’, ‘M.’ and‘MM.’, found that the hydraulic resistances of the rootstock shanks, root-stock graft unions and the scions worked on the different rootstocks were posi-tively related to the rootstock’s capacity to dwarf. Trees on dwarfing rootstocksalso crop more heavily in relation to their size and, in general, heavy croppingis accompanied by higher stomatal conductance and greater water use ( Joneset al., ). These effects on water use and water stress could contribute to theeffects of some dwarfing rootstocks on scion growth. Also the apple rootstock‘MM.’, generally classed as semi-dwarfing, gives much less vigorous sciontrees on dry than on humid sites in comparison with other rootstocks (Parry,).. Cytokinin supply from roots to shoots is a function of rootstock vigour. The xylem

sap from decapitated apple root systems contains cytokinins which promotestem elongation and leaf production in isolated apple shoots ( Jones, ) andare thought largely to control the development of the shoot system in intacttrees (Lockard and Schneider, ). Kamboj () and Kamboj et al. (a,b) showed that the levels of cytokinin (zeatin+ zeatin riboside) in the shootxylem sap of both unworked rootstock trees and of ‘Fiesta’ scions grafted onrootstocks increased with the vigour of the rootstock (Table .). It seems likelythat differences in cytokinin production play a major role in causing the effectsof rootstock root systems on scion growth. Cytokinin in the presence of auxinstimulates early stages of vascular differentiation and increases the sensitivityof tissues to auxin stimulation (Aloni, ).. Graft unions between dwarfing rootstocks and scions frequently show unusual fea-

tures of both xylem and phloem. It is usual for apple graft unions on dwarfingrootstocks to be swollen (Mosse, ; Jones, ). Simons ( ) gives manyexamples of poor unions, with restricted vascular connections, which he at-tributes to bud quality, stage of development or particular tissue developmentat the time the rootstock was budded, usually involving dwarfing rootstockswith much slower growth rates than the scions budded or grafted on them.

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Table . Cytokinin (zeatin + zeatin riboside) total content and

concentration in xylem sap from unworked rootstocks or ‘Fiesta’ apple

scions worked on these

(Back-transformed values, ng shoot− and ng ml− sap).


Unworked rootstock ‘Fiesta’ scion

Rootstock Content Concentration Content Concentration

‘M. ’ . . . .‘M.’ . . . .‘MM.’ . . . .

Rootstock effects significant at p = ..Data from Kamboj et al. (b). Reproduced with permission.

Warmund et al. () attributed vascular discontinuities at the union be-tween ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Mark’ rootstock, followed by weak scion growth, toinadequate growth of the rootstock and/or scion tissues in the autumn. Thisproblem was found in trees produced in some nurseries but not in others.Although Soumelidou et al. (a) found the stages in union formation be-tween ‘Bramley’ on ‘M.’ and ‘Bramley’ on ‘MM.’ to be similar, the xylemlinking the scion bud to the ‘M.’ rootstock contained fewer and smallervessels than did the xylem in the union of the scion bud to the ‘MM.’rootstock.

Mosse and Scaramuzzi () found anatomical symptoms of incompat-ibility in all pear/quince unions studied. They were much more severe inthe ‘horticulturally-incompatible’ unions between quince and ‘Williams” butalso showed, to a lesser extent, at the unions of quince with ‘horticulturallycompatible’ cultivars such as ‘Hardy’ and ‘Fertility’. The symptoms consistedof necrotic cells in the phloem at the union, proliferation of phloem raysand, to a lesser extent, breaks in the xylem. The damage appeared to orig-inate in the older part of the one-year-old phloem and spread to the rays.It was not shown in the pear-to-pear unions between pear interstocks and‘Williams’’. These unions were so good that the line of union could not bedetected.

The graft unions between dwarfing apple rootstocks, especially ‘M.’, andthe scions worked on them generally become very swollen with age, attainingseveral times the diameter of the rootstock stembelow and the scion stemabove( Jones, ; Simons, ). This swelling is progressive over time (Kambojet al., b) and the associated abnormalities in conducting tissues may haveincreasing effects.

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Table . Effect of rootstock on solute concentration and nutrient content of the xylem sap

above and below the graft union

Below graft union Above graft union

Solute N P K Solute N P KRootstock (mg ml− ) ppm ppm ppm (mg ml− ) ppm ppm ppm

‘M.’ . . ‘M. ’ . . a . .

a is more dwarfing than ‘M. ’.After Jones (). Reproduced with permission.

. With apple, the graft unions of dwarfing rootstocks or interstocks with the scions

deplete solutes in the xylem sap and this effect is greater the more dwarfing the rootstock or

interstock.The depletion of the xylem sap (Table .) is found with respect to N,P, K, Ca and Mg ( Jones, ). The interstock effect appears to be producedin the upper union region between interstock and scion.. Trees on dwarfing rootstocks show restricted canopy development. Trees on vigor-

ous rootstocks produce more shoots and greater shoot extension late in theseason than those on ‘M.’, even when all are deblossomed (Avery, ).The rootstock effects on shoot growth rate are the result of several factors:() Dwarfing rootstocks induce wider crotch angles to their lateral branchesand a more spreading tree habit (Hatton, , ; Crabbe, ). This isin keeping with the habits of the rootstocks growing on their own roots and isaccentuated by the precocious and heavy cropping of scions worked on dwarf-ing rootstocks. Horizontal branches show both decreased vegetative growthand enhanced flowering and fruiting (Tromp, , , ), these effectsbeing at least partially independent (Robbie et al., ). () Dwarfing root-stocks check the growth rate of both vertical and horizontal shoots, the effectbeing greater on the former (Webster, ). () The heavy cropping inducedby dwarfing rootstocks checks shoot growth in the following year. () Trees ondwarfing rootstocks show earlier termination of leaf production and earlierleaf senescence and spur leaf abscission (Webster, ).

The net effect is that leaf area per tree, especially towards the end of theseason, is less the more dwarfing the rootstock (Webster, ).. Trees on dwarfing rootstocks have lower net assimilation rates per unit leaf area

than those on vigorous ones late in the season. Net assimilation rates for wholetrees, which represent the balance between photosynthetic production andrespiratory losses were found to be higher for ‘M.’ than for ‘M.’ and for‘Cox’/‘M.’ than for ‘Cox’/‘M.’ late in the season but not in the early part(Gregory, ). Thismay reflect earlier leaf senescence on dwarfing rootstocks

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Table . Effects of rootstock and deblossoming on the vegetative growth and fruit yield of

‘Laxton’s Superb’ at years

Accumulated weight (kg/tree)

Deblossomed Cropping

TotalRootstock Leaf Wood Root Total Leaf Wood Root vegetative Fruit

Light pruned‘M.’ . . .‘M.’ . . .

Hard pruned‘M.’ . . . .‘M.’ . . . .

Data from Barlow and Smith (). Reproduced with permission.

and a lower proportion of young leaves with high photosynthetic rates late inthe season. Measured effects of rootstock on photosynthesis per unit leaf areahave been contradictory and usually small (Barden, ;Wunsche et al., ).The results may be partly confounded by effects of crop load on photosynthe-sis and the comparisons of similar leaves may not give a relevant picture oftotal photosynthesis by leaf populations which differ in age structure. It does,however, seem that particularly in trees which have already begun to differin size, the main effect of rootstock on photosynthetic potential is through itseffect on leaf area.. Dwarfing rootstocks induce precocious and heavy fruiting at the expense of vegeta-

tive growth. Rootstocks have a major effect on the partitioning of assimilates.‘M.’ and its derivatives are precocious in flowering and induce early, heavycropping in any scion cultivar grafted on them. This is not a response to theirdwarfing effect but is shown before the latter becomes marked. At maturitytrees on dwarfing rootstocks in general show a much higher ratio of fruit yieldto vegetative growth increment than do trees on the more vigorous rootstocks.Heavy fruiting not only checks growth in the year of cropping, especially rootgrowth, but also growth in the following year ( Jackson, ). This indirecteffect on scion vigour via effects on fruiting is responsible for an appreciablecomponent of apple rootstock effects on vigour. Apple trees of ‘Laxton’s Su-perb’ on ‘M.’ which had been deblossomed from planting produced %as much accumulated dry matter (growth) over years as correspondingtrees on ‘M.’. When each had been allowed to crop, vegetative growth on‘M.’ was only % of that on ‘M.’ (Table .). The trees on ‘M.’ that hadbeen allowed to crop made only % of the growth of those that had beendeblossomed.

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Table . Effect of rootstock on the transport of auxin ([H]-IAA) and

carbohydrate ([ C]-sorbitol) from mature leaves to roots

Total activity in roots Specific activity in rootsafter h (dpm) after h (dpm mg− dry wt)H C H C

‘M. ’ . .‘M.’ . .‘MM.’ . .‘MM.’ . .LSD . . .

From Kamboj (). Reproduced with permission.

Interstocks of dwarfing apple rootstocks, e.g. ‘M.’, similarly induce pre-cocious flowering and heavy cropping, the effects being proportional to thelength of interstock (Roberts and Blaney, ; Parry and Rogers, ).

‘Quince C’, the dwarfing rootstock for pear, appears to exert its dwarfingeffect primarily through its effect on cropping. It roots readily from cuttingsand gives strong maiden growth in the nursery. Trees on it grow vigorouslyfor the first few years in the orchard before their growth is checked by heavy,precocious cropping (Parry, ).

The size of apple trees on some relatively vigorous rootstocks may also bereduced to below their potential because they induce precocious cropping.This is particularly so for ‘MM.’ and ‘M.’.

Although in general the root/shoot ratio is relatively constant for anygiven set of environmental conditions, irrespective of rootstock (Rogers andBeakbane, ), the root system of ‘M.’ appears to be a particularly weaksink for assimilates in competition with shoot growth. Young and Werner() found that shoot pruning of trees of ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’ at plant-ing led to much poorer root growth, in the face of competing shoot growth,than was the case with ‘Golden Delicious’/‘MM.’. The root/shoot ratio oftrees on ‘M.’ is usually lower than that on more vigorous rootstocks (Avery,; Young and Werner, ) and is also reduced by an ‘M.’ interstock(Swarbrick et al., ), which may lead to root-supplied growth factors beinglimiting.. Dwarfing rootstocks show limited ability to transport auxin from shoots to roots and

have high ABA levels. Basipetal transport of auxin from the region of the shoottips towards the root system (Table .) is slower in dwarfing than in morevigorous rootstocks (Soumelidou et al., b; Kamboj et al., b). Gur andSamish () found that the amount of IAA destroyed by root and shootbark of various apple rootstocks was negatively correlated with their effects

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Table . ABA contents (ng g− fresh weight) in unworked apple rootstock

shoot bark

MonthLog transformed

Rootstock May June July August Mean mean

‘M. ’ .‘M.’ .‘MM.’ .‘MM.’ .LSD . .

From Kamboj et al. (a). Reproduced with permission.

on scion vigour. Limitations of transport of IAA to the roots should have anadverse effect on vascular development, since auxin controls cambial activity(Digby and Wareing, ; Lockard and Schneider, ), and therefore ontransport of material to and from the roots. Auxin is the limiting and con-trolling factor for both phloem and xylem differentiation and induces phloemwith no xylem at low auxin concentrations. It controls the size and densityof vascular elements along the plant axis (Aloni, ). Limiting auxin fluxcould also have a directly negative effect on rooting in the context of highroot turnover and the need to produce new roots from buried rootstock stemsin the early orchard years. The very high ratio of phloem to xylem (bark towood) in dwarfing rootstock roots is characteristic of tissues produced in a lowIAA/high GA environment (Digby and Wareing, ). Also, dwarfing inter-stocks often lead to profuse suckering (shoot emergence) from the rootstockstem below them and many dwarfing rootstocks sucker profusely. This wouldbe expected if there is inadequate auxin tomaintain apical dominance and buddormancy.

Yadava andDayton () found theABA content of roots, shoots and leavesof ‘M.’, ‘M. ’ and ‘M.’ was negatively related to the invigorating effects ofthese rootstocks, andKamboj et al. (a) found higherABAconcentrations inthe shoot bark of ‘M. ’ and ‘M.’ than of ‘MM.’ and ‘MM.’ (Table . ).ABA is involved in growth inhibition and dormancy and also is known to havean adverse effect on auxin transport.. Phloem transport from leaves to roots is reduced when the scion is on a dwarfing

rootstock or interstock. Transport of P applied to scion leaves down into theroot system was greater per gram of root dry weight of invigorating than ofdwarfing rootstocks (Bukovac et al., ). There was no evidence of a build-upimmediately above the graft union. Dickson and Samuels () supplied Pto cut leaf petioles of scions on dwarfing interstocks of ‘M.’ and ‘Clark Dwarf’

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above vigorous rootstocks. They found accumulation in the interstock espe-cially just above the rootstock. Both studies could indicate reduced phloemtransport, that of Dickson and Samuels either greater P absorption in theswollen and actively growing interstock tissues or a specific phloem block atthe lower graft union.. Transport of carbohydrates from leaves to roots is reduced when the scion is on

a dwarfing rootstock or interstock. Movement of [C]-sorbitol (the predominanttransport photoassimilate in apple) from mature leaves of cv. ‘Fiesta’ to theroot system was greater when the trees were on ‘MM.’ or ‘MM.’ thanwhen the root systems were on ‘M.’ or ‘M. ’ (Kamboj, ). This was soeven when activity was expressed per unit root weight and so was not justa consequence of the size of the root system (Table .). This supports theconcept that dwarfing rootstock roots are a less strong sink for assimilatesthan those of invigorating rootstocks or that transport to them is restrictedby poorer transport systems or abstraction en route. Kamboj’s data show thetotal C activity to be higher in the graft union area than above or belowit but this was not the case for specific activity. There was a tendency forthe difference between the above- and below-union levels to be greater withthe dwarfing than with the vigorous rootstocks but not enough to prove arole for the unions per se in the rootstock effect on sorbitol transport. On theother hand, when CO was fed to scion leaves above different interstockson ‘MM.’ rootstock, trees with ‘M.’ and ‘M.’ dwarfing interstocks hadsix to nine times higher specific activity above the interstock than within orbelow it, while trees with the more vigorous ‘MM.’ and ‘’ interstockshad similar specific activity above, within and below these (Young et al., ).This indicates a restriction of assimilate movement downwards at the up-per graft union of a dwarfing interstock. Dana et al. () found that scionleaves had higher reducing sugar content when on trees with dwarfing in-terstocks of ‘Clark Dwarf ’ than when with ‘own-stem’ interstocks of ‘GoldenDelicious’. The concept that the root systems of dwarfing rootstocks havea limited capacity to make use of assimilates, or that the graft union limitstransport to them, is supported by White () who described a physiolog-ical disorder, Cox disease, accompanied by high leaf dry matter and sugarcontent and low concentrations of major nutrients, which occurs when treeson dwarfing rootstocks bear too little crop for this to be an effective sink forcarbohydrates. . Experimental treatments which interrupt phloem transport can partially mimic dwarf-

ing rootstock effects.Girdling the bark of apple trees or inverting a ring of bark hasa dwarfing effect until new phloem develops (Sax, ). Even removing a ringof bark then replacing it in the normal position allows the growth of dormantbuds below the disturbed bark, presumably as a result of interference withauxin transport. These effects are compatible with the finding that as much

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as % of the bark of the graft union with very dwarfing rootstocks can benon-conducting phloem (Simons, ).

Conclusion and comments

It is clear that the vigour of a compound tree reflects the vigour of its componentrootstock and scion. The use of a dwarfing rootstock as a management toolto control scion vigour is primarily dependent on the reduced vigour of theroot system. This may be inherent, as when the rootstock provides the rootsystem, ormay be induced by limitation of root growth as a result of interstock,rootstock stem or graft union effects on the supply of auxins, carbohydratesand other metabolites. The greater check to growth as the length of rootstockstem or of dwarfing interstock is increased is compatible with abstraction fromthe downward fluxes to the root. The main effect of root system size on shootgrowth is probably via supply of cytokinins but may also involve nutrient andwater supply. The graft union per se may also restrict upward movement ofwater and nutrients.

Points of practical importance arising fromother aspects of rootstock controlof tree growth include the following.

When a vigorous scion is grafted on a dwarfing rootstock it must not beplanted with the graft union below soil level. If this is done a vigorous scionroot system may develop and the tree as a whole becomes vigorous.

The limited competitiveness of dwarfing rootstock root systems as sinksand their independent effect in stimulating precocious fruiting brings therisk of excessive dwarfing. This makes it important to plant trees which arealready large and well branched and to manage their early fruiting so asto achieve the best balance between early economic returns and the rapidgrowth needed to attain the desired orchard canopy dimensions as soonas possible.

The effect of a dwarfing interstock on the size of the root system rendersinvalid the general concept of the use of a vigorous rootstock to give goodanchorage coupled with a dwarfing interstock to control vigour. It does notrule out the possibility of such a combination being effective, but only if therootstock root systemhas specific characteristics which improve anchorage,including mechanical toughness, not just vigour.

The potential to control tree growth by the use of dwarfing rootstocks,management of cropping level and appropriate tree training and pruninghas greatly reduced the risks of excess vigour and consequently of excessiveshade in orchards planted at high tree densities to achieve early yields andeconomic returns.

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Recommended reading

Lockard, R.G. and Schneider, G.W. (). Stock and scion growth relationshipsand the dwarfing mechanism in apple. Horticultural Reviews , –.

Rogers, W.S. and Beakbane, A.B. ( ). Stock and scion relations. Annual Reviewof Plant Physiology , –.

Tubbs, F.R. (). Research fields in the interaction of rootstocks and scions inwoody perennials. I and II. Horticultural Abstracts , – and –.


Aloni, R. (). The induction of vascular tissues by auxin and cytokinin. InPlant Hormones, ed. P.J. Davies, pp. –. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Atkinson, C.J., Else, M.A., Taylor, L. and Webster, A.D. (). The rootstockgraft union: a contribution to the hydraulics of the worked fruit tree. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Atkinson, C.J., Webster, A.D., Vaughan, S. and Lucas, A.S. ( ). Effects of rootrestriction on the physiology of apple tree growth. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Avery, D.J. (). Comparisons of fruiting and deblossomed maiden apple treesand of non-fruiting trees on a dwarfing and an invigorating rootstock. NewPhytologist , –.

Bane, W.A., Beard, F.H. and de Wet, A.F. (). A comparison of theroot-systems of mature trees of Bramley’s Seedling and WorcesterPearmain on various rootstocks. Report of the East Malling Research Station for, –.

Barden, J.A. (). Apple leaves, their morphology and photosyntheticpotential. HortScience , –.

Barlow, H.W.B. and Smith, J.G. (). Effect of cropping on growth of the appletree. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , –.

Beakbane, A.B. and de Wet, A.F. (). The root-systems of some Bramley’sSeedling apple trees. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , –.

Beakbane, A.B. and Rogers, W.S. (). The relative importance of stem androot in determining rootstock influence in apples. Journal of Horticultural Science, –.

Beakbane, A.B. and Thompson, E. (). Anatomical studies of stems and rootsof hardy fruit trees. II. The internal structure of the roots of some vigorousand some dwarfing apple rootstocks, and the correlation of structure withvigour. Journal of Pomology , –.

Beakbane, A.B. and Thompson, E.C. ( ). Anatomical studies of stems androots of hardy fruit trees. IV. The root structure of some new clonal applerootstocks budded with Cox’s Orange Pippin. Journal of Pomology ,–.

Bukovac, M. J., Wittwer, S.H. and Tukey, H.B. (). Effect of stock–scioninterrelationships on the transport of P and Ca in the apple. Journal ofHorticultural Science , –.

co*ker, E.G. (). Root studies. XII. Root systems of apple on Mallingrootstocks on five soil series. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Crabbe, J. J. (). Morphogenetic ways towards vigour restriction inspontaneous and man-made dwarf trees. Acta Horticulturae , –.

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (167)

Dana, M.N., Lantz, H.L. and Loomis, W.E. (). Effects of interstock grafts ongrowth of ‘Golden Delicious’ apples. Proceedings of the American Society forHorticultural Science , –.

Dana, M.N., Lantz, H.L. and Loomis, W.E. (). Studies on translocationacross dwarf interstocks. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, –.

Dickson, A.G. and Samuels, E.W. (). The mechanism of controlled growthof dwarf apple trees. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum , –.

Digby, J. and Wareing, P.F. (). The relationship between endogenoushormone levels in the plant and seasonal aspects of cambial activity. Annals ofBotany, N.S. , –.

Doud, S.L. and Carlson, R.F. ( ). Effects of etiolation, stem anatomy andstarch reserves on root initiation in layered Malus clones. Journal of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

Fernandez, R.T., Perry, R.L. and Ferree, D.C. (). Root distribution patternsof nine apple rootstocks in two contrasting soil types. Journal of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

Geisler, D. and Ferree, D.C. (). Response of plants to root pruning.Horticultural Reviews , –.

Gregory, F.G. ( ). The place of plant physiology in fruit growing. Report of theEast Malling Research Station for , –.

Gur, A. and Samish, R.M. (). The role of auxins and auxin destruction inthe vigour effect induced by various apple rootstocks. Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen. ,–.

Gyuro, F. and Gondor-Pinter, M. (). The effect of rootstock and variety onthe productive surface of apple trees. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Hatton, R.G. (). Stock:scion relationships. Journal of the Royal HorticulturalSociety LV, II, –.

Hatton, R.G. (). Apple rootstock studies. Effect of layered stocks upon thevigour and cropping of certain scions. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science, –.

Jackson, J.E. (). Effects of cropping on tree vigour. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Jones, H.G., Lakso, A.N. and Syvertsen, J.P. (). Physiological control of waterstatus in temperate and subtropical fruit trees. Horticultural Reviews , –.

Jones, O.P. (). Effects of cytokinins in xylem sap from apple trees on appleshoot growth. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Jones, O.P. (). Xylem sap composition in apple trees. Effects of the graftunion. Annals of Botany , – .

Jones, O.P. (). Effect of dwarfing interstocks on xylem sap composition inapple trees: effect on nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium andmagnesium content. Annals of Botany , –.

Jones, O.P. (). Mode-of-action of rootstock/scion interactions in apple andcherry trees. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Kamboj, J.S. (). Studies of the dwarfing mechanism of apple rootstocks.PhD dissertation, University of London.

Kamboj, J.S., Blake, P.S., Quinlan, J.D. and Baker, D.A. (b). Identificationand quantitation by GC-MS of zeatin and zeatin riboside in xylem sap fromrootstock and scion of grafted apple trees. Plant Growth Regulation , –.

Kamboj, J.S., Blake, P.S., Quinlan, J.D., Webster, A.D. and Baker, D.A. (a).Recent advances in studies on the dwarfing mechanism of apple rootstocks.Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Kamboj, J.S., Browning, G., Blake, P.S., Quinlan, J.D. and Baker, D.A. (a).GC-MS-SIM analysis of abscisic acid and indole--acetic acid in shoot barkof apple rootstocks. Plant Growth Regulation , – .

Kamboj, J.S., Browning, G., Quinlan, J.D., Blake, P.S. and Baker, D.A. (b).Polar transport of [H]-IAA in apical shoot segments of different applerootstocks. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Lockard, R.G. and Schneider, G.W. (). Stock and scion growthrelationships and the dwarfing mechanism in apple. Horticultural Reviews ,–.

McKenzie, D.W. (). Rootstock–scion interaction in apples with specialreference to root anatomy. Journal of Horticultural Science , – .

Mosse, B. (). Graft incompatibility in fruit trees. Technical communication No.. East Malling, Maidstone, Kent, UK. Commonwealth Bureau of Horticultureand Plantation Crops.

Mosse, B. and Scaramuzzi, F. (). Observations on the nature anddevelopment of structural defects in the unions between pear and quince.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Olien, W.C. and Lakso, A.N. (). A comparison of the dwarfingcharacter and water relations of five apple rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Parry, M.S. (). Field trials of Malling–Merton rootstocks. Report of the EastMalling Research Station for , –.

Parry, M.S. (). Dwarfing quince rootstocks for pear. Proceedings of theSymposium on Pear Growing, Angers, France. –.

Parry, M.S. and Rogers, W.S. (). Dwarfing interstocks: their effect on thefield performance and anchorage of apple trees. Journal of Horticultural Science, –.

Parry, M.S. and Rogers, W.S. (). Effects of interstock length and vigour onthe field performance of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apples. Journal of HorticulturalScience , –.

Robbie, F.A., Atkinson, C.J., Knight, J.N. and Moore, K.G. (). Branchorientation as a factor determining fruit set in apple trees. Journal ofHorticultural Science , –.

Roberts, A.N. and Blaney, L.T. ( ). Qualitative, quantitative and positionaleffects of interstock influence on growth and flowering of the apple. Proceedingsof the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Rogers, W.S. and Beakbane, A.B. ( ). Stock and scion relations. Annual Reviewof Plant Physiology , –.

Rogers, W.S. and Vyvyan, M.C. (). Root studies. V. Rootstock and soileffects on apple root systems. Journal of Pomology , –.

Ruck, H.C. and Bolas, B.D. (). Studies in the comparative physiology ofapple rootstocks. I. The effect of nitrogen on the growth and assimilation ofMalling apple rootstocks. Annals of Botany, N.S. , –.

Sax, K. ( ). The control of vegetative growth and the induction of earlyfruiting of apple trees. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,–.

Simons, R.K. ( ). Compatibility and stock–scion interactions as related todwarfing. In Rootstocks for Fruit Crops, ed. R.C. Rom and R.F. Carlson,pp. –. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

Soumelidou, K., Battey, N.H., John, P. and Barnett, J.R. (a). The anatomyof the developing bud union and its relationship to dwarfing in apple. Annals ofBotany , –.

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Soumelidou, K., Morris, D.A., Battey, N.H., Barnett, J.R. and John, P. (b).Auxin transport capacity in relation to the dwarfing effect of apple rootstocks.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Swarbrick, T., Blair, D. and Sham Singh (). Studies in the physiology ofrootstock and scion relationships. Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science ,–.

Tromp, J. (). Flower-bud formation and shoot growth in apple as affected byshoot orientation. Acta Botanica Neerlandica , –.

Tromp, J. (). Shoot orientation effects on growth and flower-bud formationin apple. Acta Botanica Neerlandica , –.

Tromp, J. (). Effects of growth regulating substances and tree orientation ongrowth and flower-bud formation in apple. Journal of Horticultural Science ,–.

Tubbs, F.R. (). Growth relations of rootstock and scion in apples. Journal ofHorticultural Science , –.

Warmund, M.R., Barritt, B.H., Brown, J.M., Schaffer, K.L. and Jeong, B.R.(). Detection of vascular discontinuity in bud unions of ‘Jonagold’ appleon ‘Mark’ rootstock with magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

Webster, A.D. (). Rootstock and interstock effects on deciduous fruit treevigour, precocity and yield productivity. New Zealand Journal of Crop andHorticultural Science , –.

Webster, A.D., Oehl, V.H., Jackson, J.E. and Jones, O.P. (). The orchardestablishment, growth and precocity of four micropropagated apple scioncultivars. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Webster, C.A. and Jones, O.P. (). Micropropagation of the apple rootstockM: effect of sustained subculture on an apparent rejuvenation in vitro. Journalof Horticultural Science , –.

White, G.C. (). ‘Cox disease’: a foliar disorder of apple trees. Report of the EastMalling Research Station for , –.

Wunsche, J.N., Lakso, A.N., Robinson, T.L., Lenz, F. and Denning, S.S. ().The bases of productivity in apple production systems: the role of lightinterception by different shoot types. Journal of the American Society forHorticultural Science , –.

Yadava, U.L. and Dayton, D.F. (). The relation of endogenous abscisic acidto the dwarfing capability of East Malling apple rootstocks. Journal of theAmerican Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Young, E. and Werner, D.J. (). Early season root and shoot growth of‘Golden Delicious’ apple on four rootstocks as affected by pruning at planting.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Young, E., Jones, O.P. and Bhat, K.K.S. (). Impedance of carbon movementdownwards through dwarfing apple interstocks. HortScience , Abstract .

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (170)

The shoot system


The configuration and productivity of the individual apple or pear tree isdetermined by its height, the number and length of its branches and the angleof these to the vertical.

The size, density and arrangement of the branch and shoot frameworkdetermine the leaf area and light capture, and hence potential photosynthesis.They also determine the number of fruit buds and fruits.

Manipulation of shoot growth begins in the nursery, with the objective ofproducing trees with numerous lateral branches capable of bearing fruits intheir early years in the orchard. It continues throughout the life of the tree withemphasis in the early years on branch initiation, development and training,followed by emphasis on the renewal of fruiting wood and ensuring adequatepenetration of light into the canopy.

The stages in the development of an apple tree and the key elements ofits above-ground structure are shown in Figure .. Other tree forms may beused but the essentials are the same for both apples and pears.


All shoots of apple and pear scions arise from buds. The first in the life ofthe tree is the bud which is inserted into the rootstock stem by budding oris present on scionwood grafted on the rootstock. The buds on the orchardtree can be on the long (extension) shoots or the short (spur) shoots and maybe terminal, i.e. at the end of the shoot, or lateral, i.e. in the axil of a leaf. Thebourse bud which develops at the base of a flower cluster is considered as adistinct category. Terminal bud formation can be considered as a continuationof the axis after extension growth has ceased. Lateral buds develop from smallsections of the apical meristem remaining in the axils of leaves. In the early

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Figure 6.2 Bud structure showing, in ascending order, nine budscales, three transition leaves, six true leaves and three bracts. Theaxis is terminated by a flower primordium (the king flower) and lateralprimordia are formed in the axils of the three bracts and three distalleaves. After Abbott (1970). Reproduced with permission.

part of the growing season both extension shoots and spurs are terminated bya naked bud but as the season progresses bud scales instead of leaves developand enclose the terminal bud. At this stage it is commonly referred to as aresting bud. The time when terminal and axillary buds form on extensionshoots varies with the length of the shoot.

Each bud can be considered as a very compressed incipient or unelongatedshoot. It has a very short axis on which are borne, in spiral sequence, leafformations made up of nine bud scales, three transition leaves, six true leavesand three bracts (Figure .). All of the buds are potentially mixed buds, com-monly referred to as fruit buds in which the axis is terminated by a flowerprimordium (the ‘king flower’ primordium), and lateral flower primordia areformed in the axils of the bracts and three upper true leaves. Vegetative primor-dia form in the axils of the lower leaves. Flower induction does not, however,begin until a critical node (leaf formation) number has been reached. In applethe critical node number is about for ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and for‘Golden Delicious’ (Luckwill, ). If this critical node number is not reachedthe bud remains smaller and more pointed, and is capable of only vegetativegrowth. Such ‘leaf buds’ or ‘wood buds’ are the ones used in budding andgrafting, and pruning to just above them is a standard technique for inducingnew shoots.

Whether a bud becomes a fruit bud or remains at the solely vegetative stagedepends on the type of bud (development of buds on pre-existent spurs startsearlier than that of terminal buds on long shoots or lateral buds on these), the

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length of the growing season (the shorter the season the greater the probabilitythat buds, especially buds on long shoots, will fail to produce flower primordia)and the presence of fruits (heavily cropping trees have a lower proportion oftheir buds producing flower primordia). These and other factors determiningthe type of bud that forms are discussed in detail in the section on flowering,but it is important at this stage to recognize that the balance between fruitbuds and vegetative buds is a variable and is controlled by cultivar, climateand tree management.

Bud dormancy

Dormancy is used as a general term to indicate a period of temporary sus-pension of visible growth of a plant structure containing a meristem (Lang, ). This is a practical definition which in the case of buds includes thosethat are growing very slowly, such as fruit buds in winter (Abbott, ), andaxillary ‘trace buds’ which may persist for years under the bark while grow-ing enough each year for the tip to keep pace with cambial growth (Esau,).

Bud dormancy enables plants to survive adverse events and environments.Entry into dormancy and emergence from it are therefore likely to involvemechanisms relevant to the conditions under which the particular plant geno-type evolved (Vegis, ).

The traditional view of apple and pear bud dormancy in temperate regionsis as follows.

In summer and early autumn the primarymechanism controlling bud dor-mancy is correlative inhibition and the buds are classified as paradormant(Lang, ). At this time they can be stimulated to grow out quickly if thesource of correlative inhibition is removed, either in the field when temper-atures are suitable for growth or under so-called forcing conditions whencut shoots are kept at adequate temperatures with their bases in water.

In late autumn and early winter (September, October, November andDecember in western Europe) the buds on intact shoots require a muchlonger period under forcing conditions to break dormancy. They are saidto be in a state of endodormancy, deep dormancy or rest.

Following exposure to a period of low temperatures (winter chilling) thebuds lose their endodormancy and can once more be induced into rapidbudbreak under forcing conditions.Dormancy in the field ismaintained bylow temperature. This period of ecodormancy lasts until the buds havebeen exposed to enough high temperature to attain budbreak, which inwestern Europe is usually in April or May.

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Detailed studies have shown that these three types of dormancy interact, over-lap in time, and may involve mechanisms in common. In particular, lateralbuds can be induced to break under forcing conditions at any time of year andchilling influences the effect of post-chilling temperatures on the rate of buddevelopment.

In relation to the practical management of bud dormancy it is most relevantto consider it under two headings. The first is correlative inhibition, under-standing of which is fundamental to tree management by pruning and branchtraining. The second is seasonal bud dormancy. This is of critical importancewith respect to adaptation to different environments and the overcoming ofsome major environmental constraints. It involves correlative inhibition aswell as endodormancy and ecodormancy effects of temperature and, in somecirc*mstances, water stress.

Dormancy through correlativeinhibition

Apical dominance

Dormant lateral buds represent a very small commitment of resources bothin terms of tree constituents and of maintenance respiration. They are main-tained in a state of dormancy by the shoot distal to them. This apical domi-nance is shown throughout the tree structure. If the apical portions of a shootare eaten by browsing animals, or if a branch is broken or pruned back, thelateral buds are released from dormancy and grow as new replacement shoots.The uppermost bud nearest to the previous source of dominance breaks outfirst, followedby the few just below it, and, as it grows, re-imposes thedormancyinfluence on the buds lower down. This process is relatively conservative inthe use of resources and tends to ensure effective utilization of available lightby provision of replacement shoots where they can best exploit this.

Axillary buds on shoots sprout to give lateral branches when the growingshoot tips or young growing leaves are removed (Barlow and Hanco*ck, ,). Mika () confirmed this and also found that removal of fully ex-panded leaves does not release the axillary buds from dormancy althoughthere is some evidence of inconsistency in this respect. Removal of a segmentof stem tissue including bark and cambium above a lateral bud (notching)will also release the bud from dormancy (Greene and Autio, ). Bendingbranches towards the horizontal has a similar effect, the lateral buds on theupper side of the branch being released from dormancy to give either long orshort shoots (spurs) while those on the lower side stay dormant (Faust, ).

The apical dominance exerted by a shoot tip over lateral buds is charac-teristically much more pronounced in warm-winter areas with low levels of

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winter chilling. The failure of lateral buds to break under these conditionsleads to bare unbranched shoots with just a tuft of leaves and fruits at the tips.This condition may be, in part, a consequence of the terminal buds breakinglong before lateral buds in warm-winter areas and therefore establishinggreater dominance (Saure, ).

There are large differences between cultivars of apple, and pear, in the de-gree of apical dominance. This is shown by differences in the proportion ofthe lateral buds which ‘break’ to give ‘feathers’, i.e. side branches, on nurserytrees. Volz et al. () showed that trees of ‘Fuji’, if not treated, producedfewer lateral branches than trees of ‘Braeburn’ or ‘Gala’, although all cultivarshad similar numbers of side branches following bud-breaking hormonal treat-ments. Similarly, Jaumien et al. () found that untreated trees of ‘Cortland’and ‘Gloster’ developed fewer lateral branches than those of ‘Jonagold’ and‘Melrose’. Mature trees of different cultivars show large differences in growthhabit attributable to differences in the degree of apical dominance and controlexerted by the leading shoot (Crabbe, a; Lespinasse and Delort, ) asshown in Figure .

There is direct experimental evidence (Faust et al., ) that cultivars with alow requirement for winter chilling, e.g. ‘Anna’, have weaker apical dominancethan those with a high chilling requirement.

Spur-type cultivars are sometimes said to show strong apical dominancebecause, especially in the case of the ‘Wijcik’ types, they exhibit strongly verticalgrowth with few if any side branches. They do not, however, show inhibitedlateral budbreak: the buds break but give rise to spurs instead of long shoots.They should therefore be considered as a special case.

Trace buds, buried under the bark in secondarily thickened branches in-cluding the central trunk, are held dormant by correlative inhibition and arereleased from dormancy when the branch above them is pruned off.

Other types of correlative inhibition

Champagnat and Come () concluded that, from spring to autumn, typi-cal apical dominance is succeeded by a more diffuse inhibition from the largeleaves followed by an inhibition located in the stem and then, in November,an inhibition located in the bud itself. Abbott () found that removal ofbud scales after incomplete winter chilling hastened and increased budburst.Swartz et al. () showed that removal of bud scales can stimulate budbreakin winter, especially from December onwards, in typical cultivars including‘Idared’ and ‘Millerspur Delicious’. Removal of apical bud scales also in-creased percentage budbreak of the first lateral bud of ‘Millerspur Delicious’throughout the winter. Notodimedjo et al. () found that bud slicing, whichhad the effect of removing bud scales, had a dramatic effect on lateral budburst

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tr eat































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under tropical conditions in Indonesia. Removal of mature leaves under tropi-cal conditions is followed by budburst of terminal buds on spurs ( Janick, ;Edwards and Notodimedjo, ).

Mechanisms of correlative inhibition

There is no single theory that provides a fully satisfactory explanation of themechanism of correlative inhibition (Hillman, ). There is, however, con-siderable evidence that apically produced auxin indirectly suppresses axillarybud outgrowth that is promoted by cytokinin originating from roots or shoots(Cline, ; Tamas, ). Other hormones may also be involved and theremay be a critical role for nutrients and for water as a possible inducing signalfor bud outgrowth.

Thimann and Skoog (, ) originally demonstrated the presenceof auxin in apical buds of Vicia faba. They showed that the amount ofinhibition of budbreak of laterals was related to the auxin content of theapical bud and that indoleacetic acid (IAA) applied to a decapitated stumpcan to some extent substitute for the apex. Wang et al. () quantified theconcentration of IAA needed to substitute for apple shoot apices. They foundthat exogenous IAA inhibited the increase of free water in lateral buds that isan initial step in their release from dormancy. Abbas () showed that theshoot tips of apple cultivars that are freely branching have lower concentra-tions of auxin-like substances than those of cultivars showing little branching.The application of an auxin transport inhibitor below the apical zones of intactapple shoots induces budbreak of the hitherto dormant lateral buds below thetreated zone (Duckworth et al., ). The emergence of shoots from dormanttrace buds in the tissues of secondarily thickened branches following pruningcan be prevented by painting IAA or the synthetic auxins IBA or NAAon the pruning cuts (Blanco-Brana and Jackson, a), as shown inFigure ..

The most rapid synthesis of auxin occurs in expanding leaves (Sachs, ),but it also occurs even in mature leaves and other parts of shoots. Dominantorgans, which are usually the first to develop, have a high IAA export ratewhile reducing the auxin export by inhibited organs.

Studies on auxin movement tend to emphasize polar transport. In shootsthis is basipetal, with auxin moving preferentially frommorphologically apicalto more basal regions. In roots it then continues to move in the same physicaldirection as in the shoots, but this is now called acropetal movement becauseit is in the direction of the root tip. In young roots, however, there may also bemovement away from root tips. This polar transport is specific for IAA and

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Hormone Concentration (ng per g d.w)




2000 25








Bud Burst (per cent)



(A) A








� 0


� 3


� 3


� 1


� 1


� 0































































































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synthetic auxins. It appears to be through parenchymatous cells, particularlythose associatedwith or differentiating into vascular tissues, but not through thevascular elements themselves (Rubery, ). It requires energy and is inhibitedby anaerobiosis and metabolic poisons such as cyanide and dinitrophenol. Itis also inhibited by specific auxin transport inhibitors such as ,,-tri-iodo-benzoic acid (TIBA).

Both endogenous and applied auxins can also move in the plants’ vascularsystem. Auxin applied to mature leaves is translocated in the phloem like aphotoassimilate and may also move in the xylem transpiration stream. Thistransport in the vascular system is by mass flow down gradients of osmotic po-tential or water potential. Inactive auxin conjugates may move in the vascularsystem and be activated by enzymatic hydrolysis before being distributed bypolar transport.

In apple, Soumelidou et al. () found predominantly basipetal butalso some acropetal movement in shoots. Blanco-Brana and Jackson (b)found that labelled NAA applied to the cut surface of a short shoot (spur)growing vertically from a horizontal apple branch moved into the latterand along it, mainly towards the trunk but with some acropetal movementas well.

In many species, including apple, cytokinin treatment of buds releases themfrom correlative inhibition (Sachs and Thimann, ; Tamas, ), and arelationship between endogenous cytokinin and axillary bud growth has beendemonstrated by comparing two tomato lines with different degrees of apicaldominance. Williams and Stahly (), Williams and Billingsley () andmany other authors have shown that the cytokinin -benzyladenine (BA) canbe used to induce breaking of lateral buds of apple otherwise kept dormant byapical dominance. Thidiazuron (TDZ), which has cytokinin-like properties, iseven more effective (Wang et al., ).

Although cytokinins are thought to be mainly produced in the roots, thereis no need for contemporaneous root production of cytokinins to stimulatebudburst when a shoot apex is removed. This budburst happens even whenisolated shoots without roots are decapitated.

Gibberellins do not appear to be involved directly in apical bud dominance(Tamas, ), but the outgrowth of axillary buds can be enhanced by theapplication of GA . The terminal budbreak of apples in the tropics which isinduced by leaf removal is preceded by a large increase in both concentrationand total amount of gibberellins in the buds (Taylor et al., ; Edwards,), as shown in Figure ..

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The breaking of isolated apple buds in tissue culture is inhibited by abscisicacid (ABA) (Borkowska, ; Borkowska and Powell, /), even if thechilling requirement of the buds is fully satisfied. The effect of ABA is, how-ever, only at a late stage of the bursting process, i.e. it inhibits extension ofthe bud axis. Edwards () found that defoliation of apples in the trop-ics, triggering budburst, was accompanied by a decline in bud ABA contentwhich he attributed to the removal of the source of their ABA, i.e. the matureleaves.

Early investigators of correlative inhibition postulated that the apical budmonopolized nutrients to the detriment of lateral buds. This is no longerconsidered to be the primemechanism of apical dominance although nutrientand water status may influence the process. Phillips () noted that inorganicnu*trient deficiency, particularly of nitrogen, can increase the strength of apicaldominance and depress cytokinin levels.

Tromp (a, b) found that apical dominance in young apple trees is greaterat low soil temperatures and low atmospheric humidity. He attributed thisto more adverse water status and possibly reduced supplies of root-producedcytokinins.

Correlative inhibition of buds is generally enhanced at low light intensity,perhaps as a result of lower photoassimilate and higher auxin levels (Phillips,).

Gravity regulates bud growth and lateral organ orientation. Placement ofa normally negatively geotropic (i.e. upward-growing) shoot at or near to thehorizontal usually reduces correlative inhibition of buds by the main apex.This may relate to the higher auxin content of terminal buds of vigorous up-right shoots than of terminal buds of horizontal or weeping shoots in apple(Kato and Ito, ). In general, the physically highest and upwardly directedbud on a shoot achieves dominance. When all buds are at equal height ason a horizontal branch, the upwardly directed bud nearest to the root systemis the most likely to become dominant. Under tropical and subtropical con-ditions all the buds on the upper side of a horizontal branch often break togive short fruiting spurs. In general, under the influence of gravity, the IAAlevels are higher in the lower than the upper halves of horizontal plant or-gans (Reinhold, ). Blanco-Brana and Jackson (b) found that NAAapplied to the cut end of a horizontal apple branch moved mainly to thelower half of this, as shown by development of characteristic auxin-inducedxylem.

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Releasing buds from correlative inhibition

The economic success of a modern orchard depends on the ability of the fruitgrower to bring his trees into cropping at an early age ( Jackson et al., ).The potential of a young tree to produce adequate crops in its early years isrelated to the number and length of the lateral branches present when the tree,whether apple or pear, is transplanted from the nursery (van Oosten, ;Lawes et al., ).

Removal of the shoot tips of trees in the nursery releases some lateral budsfrom dormancy, but, in the initial absence of auxin flow from above, theselateral shoots tend to form very narrow angles with the main stem. Such‘narrow crotch angles’ are mechanically weak and the branches readily breakoff at the junction with the trunk when bearing heavy crops. Removal ofthe young, not fully expanded, leaves while leaving the growing point intactcan lead to lateral budbreak giving wide-angled side shoots (Wertheim, ),presumably because the interruption of auxin supply is less prolonged.

Treatment with an auxin transport inhibitor (M & B , which isn -propyl--t -butylphenoxyacetate) can increase lateral budbreak to give wide-angled branches of apple and pear (Wertheim, ; Quinlan, ; Cody et al.,).

Application of BA to lateral buds of nursery trees leads to an increase inbudbreak (Figure .) and to branches with wide crotch angles (Williams andBillingsley, ). This is commonly applied in combinationwithGA+ which,although it does not increase budbreak, induces greater extension growth. Thecombination of BA andGA+ (Promalin) therefore increases both the numberand the length of lateral branches.

Lateral budbreak and the development of a large number of ‘feathers’ canbe greatly increased by growing nursery plants at a wide rather than closewithin-row spacing (Wilson and Jarassamrit, ). This was considered to bea response to reducing interplant competition for light. Jaumien et al. ()reported adverse effects of drought onbranching of nursery trees in the absenceof irrigation and that, in general, the better quality (size) of the rootstockthe more lateral branches were produced by scions grafted on them. Chipbudding, which gives a more rapid graft union than shield budding, hence alonger effective growing season and, presumably, less risk of water stress in thescion, induces more laterals per scion tree (Howard et al., ).

Failure of lateral budbreak in orchard trees results in problems of bare wood,i.e. failure to occupy the canopy volume with an adequate number of fruit-bearing long shoots and spurs.

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If the trees when planted do not have enough lateral branches, ideally morethan ten, additional branches can be induced in the orchard by:

Heading-back, i.e. removing the apical part of the tree to stimulate bud-break below the pruning cut.

Notching, i.e. removal of a thin band of bark above each lateral bud. Periodic removal of immature apical leaves. Tying the leading shoot down, first in one direction then in the other. Spraying with Promalin (BA + GA+ ).

Each of these can be effective but their individual utility varies with the initiallevel of branching, with cultivar and with growing conditions (Volz et al., ;Parker and Young, ; Ouellette et al., ).

These techniques can also induce budbreak on older trees, but reducingapical dominance by training branches to a horizontal or a nearly horizontalorientation assumes greater importance. Inmany systems of tree managementthe angle made by the lateral branches to the main stem is increased bytying them down to pegs in the ground, weighting them with transferableconcrete weights, inserting ‘spreaders’ between themain stem and the branch,or training the branches along wires.

Under subtropical conditions with limited winter chilling, branching inthe nursery and orchard can be induced by cold storage of nursery trees orchemical treatments (pp. – ).

Seasonal bud dormancy


Seasonal plant dormancy is, in general, a mechanism for surviving regularlyrecurring periods (seasons) of drought or low temperature.

Seasonal dormancy in apples and pears can be expected to be adaptedto conditions at their centres of origin and also to conditions in the areas inwhich the cultivated varieties have been selected. In some of these climatestemperatures become so low in winter that shoots, stems and roots which havenot ‘hardened’ are killed, and cessation of growth is a precondition for suchhardening (Westwood, ). The capacity to initiate physiological changesin advance of potentially lethal conditions, and for buds (and seeds) to re-main dormant in winter until there is little risk of lethal frost, must have beenessential features of adaptation in the wild. The adverse economic effects ofeven intermittent frost damage to buds and blossom have also resulted in se-lection pressure for appropriate timing of budbreak of cultivated apples andpears.

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In trees, in general, the mechanisms regulating the time of budburst areusually highly heritable and finely tuned, e.g. the temperature requirementsfor budburst of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) can differ inherently betweennatural populations only a few kilometres apart, as discussed in a review byCannell (). In apples and pears the mechanisms of adaptation to winterconditions may result in very negative effects if the cultivar is grown beyond itszone of adaptation.Thusmost cultivars selected under conditions of prolongedwinters show inability of the buds to break dormancy when grown in climateswith shortmildwinters, even if temperatures are adequate for growth and thereis no correlative inhibition (Samish, ; Saure, ). Conversely, cultivarsselected in short-winter areas emerge from dormancy too soon and suffer frostdamage if grown in less mild regions (Bernardi, ). The rapid increase inapple and pear production in warm-temperate, subtropical and even tropicalregions, through the use of adapted cultivars and of technologies for dormancybreaking, has increased the economic importance of understanding the natureand mechanisms of seasonal dormancy.

Cessation of growth and bud formation

Lateral buds which are dormant because of correlative inhibition remain dor-mant throughout the winter. They show no visible change of state as shootgrowth slows and ceases and the trees lose their leaves with the onset of winter.

Terminal buds form as shoot growth ceases. This takes place very early inthe summer on short shoots (spurs), Fulford (cf. Abbott, ), noting that theformation of bud scales under English conditions begins in early May. Thebuds so formed are initially held dormant by correlative inhibition; this isshown by the fact that spur buds can be stimulated into growth by pruningaway the distal part of the branch (Abbott, ). Formation of terminal budson long shoots can occur at widely varying times. Vigorous young shoots cancontinue to grow until at least mid-October in southern England if amplysupplied with nutrients and water (Hanco*ck and Barlow, ). Commonly,however, growth ceases and a terminal bud forms much earlier in the season.Cessation of growth is earlier in trees on dwarfing rootstocks than in thoseon invigorating ones, in heavily cropping trees than in vegetative ones andin water-stressed trees than in those well supplied with water. Webster ()showed that extension growth of horizontal branches of apple trees on somedwarfing rootstocks in England can cease as early as July. It is obvious,from the wide range of dates of cessation of growth and formation of buds,that this event is not triggered by a single clear environmental signal such asthe change in photoperiod which is associated with the formation of restingbuds in other tree species. Instead, the formation of terminal buds in appleappears to be a response to a number of different factors that check growth

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(Powell, ) and to dominance effects of young expanding leaves (Abbott,).

Initially, the development of dormant buds is reversible if growing conditionsimprove and a new flush of growth can occur following heavy summer rain,the application of nitrogenous fertilizer in summer or early summer pruning.Abbott () concluded that effects of stress leading to shoot growth termina-tion and the temporary reversal of these aremediated by effects on root growthand the supply of growth substances from the roots. Alternatively, auxin orinhibitors may be involved.

Development of deep dormancy,endodormancy or rest

As summer, autumn and early winter progress in the temperate zone, appleand pear terminal buds enter a state of endodormancy (Lang, ). In thisstate they cannot be stimulated into rapid budbreak by transfer into condi-tions of temperature and water supply suitable for normal growth, even inthe absence of external sources of correlative inhibition. The ‘depth’ of suchendodormancy, otherwise referred to as true dormancy, deep dormancy orrest, is usually measured in an arbitrary way as the number of days at a tem-perature in the range – ◦C, that are needed to induce a given stage of buddevelopment (Spiegel-Roy and Alston, ; Saure, ).

At Geneva, New York State, some cultivars show appreciable endo-dormancy even on July and most cultivars show significant levels of suchdormancy before any winter chilling or winter frost occurs (Hauagge andCummins, b). Cultivars can be divided into three categories based on thenumber of days of ‘forcing’ required to induce % of shoots to show termi-nal budbreak. Cultivars in the first category, which include ‘Anna’, ‘DorsettGolden’ and ‘Ein Shemer’, show only shallow dormancy throughout. Theygive % budbreak with fewer than days ‘forcing’ at ◦C at any time inthe season. These cultivars show excellent adaptation to subtropical climateswith mild winters (Miller and Baker, ; Bepete and Jackson, ). Jackson() reported that in tropical Zimbabwe ‘Anna’ can produce two crops ayear without any defoliation and without any prior exposure of the flowers ofthe second crop to chilling. This is compatible with the conclusion of Hauaggeand Cummins that these cultivars never exhibit deep dormancy. The majorityof standard, temperate-zone cultivars show a very different pattern, character-ized by abrupt changes in the intensity of dormancy and very deep dormancy(Figure . ). Some cultivars reached deep dormancy by September, beforethe onset of cold weather, others not until after the first frosts and the begin-ning of accumulation of chilling units (see p. ). Maximum dormancy formost cultivars occurs at the time of complete leaf senescence, as based on leaf

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0−1400 −700 0 700

Chilling units






s to






to 5

0% b

ud b





Figure 6.7 Seasonal changes in the intensity of bud dormancy in‘low-chilling-requirement’ and ‘high-chilling-requirement applecultivars. Days to 50% budbreak under ‘forcing’ conditions of(a) ‘Dorsett Golden’, (b) ‘Anna’, (c) ‘McIntosh’ and (d) ‘Delicious’.Negative chilling units have no physiological meaning but are usedas a measure of time. Sampling on 14 July and 1 Sept correspondedto −1276 CU and −238 CU. Data from Hauagge and Cummins

(1991b). Reproduced with permission.

colour and advanced leaf abscission. A third group of cultivars are interme-diate in their behaviour. In general the cultivars which develop only shallowdormancy reach their peak dormancy earlier in the season than those whichdevelop deep dormancy. Under subtropical conditions, however, ‘Gala’ mayattainmuch deeper dormancy than ‘GoldenDelicious’ and ‘Fuji’, even thoughit enters into dormancy much earlier (Herter et al., ). Mauget and Rageau() found terminal buds of orchard trees of ‘Golden Delicious’ in centralFrance to reach deepest dormancy by September, well before winter.

Westwood () concluded that at low latitudes the cues for endodormancyinduction are weak and some cultivars do not attain full endodormancy. Theydo not, therefore, require as much chilling to break dormancy. Sherman and

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ll un


Temperature (°C)

5 10 15 20 25

Figure 6.8 The relative efficiencies of different temperatures inmeeting the chilling requirements of ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ apple.

From Shaltout and Unrath (1983). Reproduced with permission.

Crocker () found that in Florida, at latitude ◦ N, the Asian pears ‘Tsu-li’and ‘Ya-li’ had chilling requirements of – hours whereas in Oregonat ◦ N ‘Tsu-li’ needs at least h and ‘Ya-li’ – h. Hauagge andCummins (a) noted that some apple cultivars which show good adaptationand a short chilling requirement under subtropical conditions had a longerchilling requirement, much more similar to that of conventional, high-chillingrequirement cultivars, under the conditions of Geneva, NY.

As has been known for many years, the depth of dormancy begins to de-cline after exposure to a period of cold weather. Initially the most relevantmeasurement of chilling for deciduous tree fruits was taken as hours below ◦F ( . ◦C). Further studies showed that temperatures below freezing didnot contribute, that some temperatures within the chilling range were moreeffective than others, and that high temperatures within the chilling periodcould have a negative effect. ‘Starkrimson Delicious’ apple trees showed amaximum chilling response at . ◦C, with declining responses as tempera-tures increased to . ◦C and fell to −. ◦C and progressively more negativeeffects of temperatures from ◦C to . ◦C (Figure .). This response curveis used to calculate ‘chilling units’ (CU).However, Thompson et al. () foundthat budbreak of ‘Jonathan’ was stimulated to a greater extent by chilling at ◦C than at ◦C and exposure to . ◦C had a greater negative (de-chilling)effect than exposure to . ◦C when the chilling periods were interrupted bytreatment at these higher temperatures. A chilling temperature of ◦C was

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Collection date

10/25 11/24 12/20 1/17 2/14



ak (



Terminal shoot segments

Decapitated shoot segments

Figure 6.9 Seasonal changes in depth of endodormancy asmeasured by budbreak after 28 days of forcing of spur buds, shootterminal buds and uppermost lateral buds on decapitated shootsegments. After Latimer and Robitaille (1981). Reproduced with


also found to bemore effective than ◦C for ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ (Petri and Stuker,).

Latimer and Robitaille () showed that spur terminal buds enter into restlater, as measured by budbreak under forcing conditions, and emerge earlierthan shoot terminal buds (Figure .).

Temperature effects on emergence from dormancy

Two aspects of temperature determine the time at which buds emerge fromdormancy. These are low temperatures, to meet the chilling requirement asdescribed above, and accumulated temperatures above the threshold for budgrowth calculated as growing-degree-hours (GDH).

These effects were originally considered to be sequential and additive; forexample, Shaltout andUnrath () found that ‘StarkrimsonDelicious’ appletrees in North Carolina attained budbreak after about CU followed by GDH.

There is, however, increasing evidence of inter-relationships betweenchilling and the thermal time (GDH) requirement. Increased chilling can beaccompanied by a decrease in the number of days at ‘forcing’ temperaturesneeded to achieve budbreak for high-chilling-requirement cultivars. Thiseffect is also shown for low-chilling-requirement cultivars but is much lesspronounced and ceases to be evident once a fairly modest amount of chilling

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‘Conference’ pear



s de


s >

2 ° C


r 1







Number of days after 1 Oct <3 °C40 60 80

‘Cox’ apple

Figure 6.10 The inverse relationship between thermal time to fullbloom of ‘Cox’ apple and ‘Conference’ pear and the accumulatednumber of ‘chill days’ in winter at East Malling, Kent, England. FromCannell (1989), from Manipulation of Fruiting by C.J. Wright.Reprinted by permission of Elsevier Science Ltd.

has accumulated (Figure . ). Statistical studies on the factors controlling thedate of budburst over many years and sites of ‘Cox’ apples and ‘Conference’pears in England showed that the greater the number of days from Octoberin which temperatures were lower than ◦C, the fewer day-degrees above ◦C after December were needed to attain full bloom, i.e. % budburst(Figure .). There have also been numerous reports that chilling over andabove the accepted chilling requirement advances budbreak. This is explainedby the concept that at any time during dormancy a bud (vegetative or mixed)has the potential to respond to warm temperatures with morphological devel-opment, extension growth or a change in physiological activity. The effect ofchilling is to change the response of the bud to temperature, i.e. increase the po-tential rate of bud development (Vegis, ; Campbell, ; Cannell, ).Young () and Young et al. () showed that chilling dormant apple treesincreases the effect of temperature on subsequent shoot respiration (the Q).

In general those cultivars with little requirement for winter chilling alsohave low heat requirements to induce budbreak. This is true for both apple(Petropoulou, ; Hauagge and Cummins, b) and pear (Spiegel-Royand Alston, ). Both chilling requirement and heat requirement areclosely correlated with the time of budburst. There are exceptions to these

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relationships, however. Some cultivars have a lower heat requirement thanmight have been expected from their chilling classification, and some experi-ence budbreak either earlier or later than might be expected from their ap-parent chilling and heat requirements (Spiegel-Roy and Alston, ). Thesediscrepancies may reflect the weakness of applying standard equations to culti-vars which differ in their underlying sensitivities to temperature. For example,Shaltout and Unrath () used . ◦C as the base temperature for calcu-lating growing degree-hours for ‘Starkrimson Delicious’, but Gianfa*gna andMehlenbacher () found that the buds of some cultivars, even after theirchilling requirement had been met, did not grow at all at ◦C. Hauaggeand Cummins (b) also reported that budbreak of ‘Elstar’ appeared to bedependent on accumulated temperatures above ◦C and that of other Malus

on accumulated temperatures above ◦C.

Chilling of both roots and shoots is essential to achieve maximum budbreak ofdormant apple trees (Young and Werner, , b; Young, ). Chillingonly the roots or the shoots during rest elicits about % budbreak whilechilling both gives %.

With pear, fully chilled ‘Bartlett’ buds grew less when budded on to inade-quately chilled host trees than when budded on fully chilled hosts (Westwoodand Chestnut, ).

Apple rootstock cultivars have a wide range of chilling andGDH requirementsfor budbreak (Young and Werner, a). Petropoulou () found that, ingeneral, themore dwarfing the rootstock the lower its chilling and heat require-ments, but Young and Werner found ‘M.a’ to have lower chilling and GDHrequirements than more dwarfing as well as more invigorating rootstocks.

In Brazil, in a subtropical climate, Couvillon et al. () found that ‘RomeBeauty’ apple trees on ‘MM.’ and ‘MM.’ rootstocks showed classicsymptoms of insufficient chilling whereas those on ‘M. ’ and especially ‘M.’had a greater degree of lateral vegetative budbreak.

Different pear species have very different chilling requirements, reflectingtheir areas of origin. Pyrus communis has a fairly high chilling requirement,P. calleryana a low chilling requirement. Both are used as rootstocks. WestwoodandChestnut () found that ‘Bartlett’ (P. communis) on a P. calleryana rootstockhad amuch lower chilling requirement thanwhen on its own (P. communis) roots.When trees of ‘Bartlett’ on P. communis and P. calleryana rootstocks were eachexposed to hours at . ◦C and buds from them were budded on a fullychilled host plant, the growth of the buds that had been on P. calleryana wasmuch greater than that of buds that had been on P. communis.This indicates that

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Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr



B (





10 24 8 22 5 19 2 17 30 14 27 11 25 10 8 15 (dates)

Terminal buds

Axillary buds

Figure 6.11 Bud dormancy of ‘Golden Delicious’, measured asmean time to budburst (MTB) of single-node cuttings under forcingconditions, throughout the winter in central France. From Mauget and

Rageau (1988). Reproduced with permission.

P. communis buds on P. calleryana could lose their dormancy through exposureto a chilling regime inadequate to satisfy the chilling requirement of ‘Bartlett’on P. communis and that the dormancy level was then intrinsic to the bud(Westwood, ).

Chilling requirements of lateral buds

Under conditions of limited chilling, terminal buds on intact shoots may breaklong before lateral buds (Saure, ). From this it has been deduced that lateralbuds have a much greater chilling requirement than terminal buds. However,in numerous studies (Latimer and Robitaille, ; Williams et al., ; Skene,; Mauget and Rageau, ; Hauagge and Cummins, b) it has beenshown that the uppermost lateral bud on a decapitated shoot, or a lateral budon a single-node cutting, can be induced to break out quickly at any timeduring the winter under forcing conditions (Figure .). Subsequent to theperiod over which terminal buds show endodormancy, terminal and lateralbuds are influenced by growing temperature in an identical way (Mauget andRageau, ).

Paiva and Robitaille () also found that notching above a lateral budcould induce it to grow out readily even during the period of terminalbud endodormancy. This strongly suggests that the major cause of lateralbud dormancy in winter is continued correlative inhibition combined with

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ecodormancy as a result of low winter and spring temperatures. There was,however, also some evidence of endodormancy in the buds themselves be-cause the rate of lateral bud outgrowth on decapitated shoots under forcingconditions still showed a seasonal pattern. It was slowest in late autumn andthroughout the ‘deep rest’ period up to December.

Positional and shoot bending effects on winterdormancy of buds

Crabbe (b) showed that on vertically-growing apple shoots the lateralbuds nearest to the apex showed their deepest dormancy in December andat that time were more deeply dormant than those further from the apex.Subsequently, in February and March, their intensity of dormancy declined.On shoots which had been arched over in September so that the tip was nearthe ground, budbreak from the zone near the tip was achievable fairly quicklythroughout the winter and buds on the basal part of the shoot broke readily inDecember but were deeply dormant in February. Thus the maximum depthof dormancy can be altered and the time at which it occurs can be shifted bybranch training. This again suggests a major influence of correlative inhibitionon the winter dormancy of lateral buds.

Mechanisms involved in seasonal dormancy

This is still very much a ‘black box’ area of knowledge, with highly heritablecontrolling factors that cannot be defined in physiological or biochemicalterms. The following elements appear the most relevant to placing apple andpear bud winter dormancy in the context of overall theories of bud dormancyand to its practical management.

There are very large variations in time of entry into endodormancy and in pat-terns of depth of endodormancy between cultivars, types of buds and buds onupright and bent-over shoots. These make it difficult to believe that endo-dormancy is triggered and developed in response to a single dominant environ-mental signal operating directly on the buds. It is possible that the concurrentdevelopment of the deepest dormancy with full leaf senescence (Hauagge andCummins, b) indicates a causal link: the timing of leaf senescence canvary with all the above factors and leaf removal before senescence can preventthe onset of endodormancy (Notodimedjo et al., ). Some of the variabilitycould also be explained if the level of endodormancy is the consequence of abalance of bud growth promoters and inhibitors, i.e. a balance of hormonalfactors.

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The obvious effects of the terminal bud and of branch bending on lateral budendodormancy indicate that auxin can influence chilling requirements and in-crease the depth of endodormancy. Auxin (indolebutyric acid, IBA) applied toapple roots increased budbreak (Young, ), presumably as a consequenceof its effect in increasing new root growth which is likely to have led to in-creased cytokinin production. Tying down to give horizontal branches as partof the technique for dormancy control in the tropics presumably involvesauxin-mediated effects.

Abscisic acid (ABA) was originally thought to be the most important inhibitorpreventing growth and to be a causal factor of dormancy, whether drought-induced or developed in anticipation of winter (Faust et al., ). ABA iseffective in delaying budbreak in tissue-cultured shoots of apple (Dutcher andPowell, ) and the ABA content of apple buds declines through the winter(Borkowska and Powell, /), reaching a minimum level at the time ofbudbreak (Seeley andPowell, ). There is no clear evidence of a linkbetweenABAand chilling effects (Powell, ). However, Swartz et al. () concludedthat ABA may be responsible for all or part of the effect of bud scales ininhibiting budbreak, and Taylor et al. () and Edwards () found thatdefoliation under tropical conditions was followed by a decrease in bud ABAcontent followed by budburst. Hydrogen cyanamide treatment, which canovercome winter dormancy in the tropics, induces a reduction in ABA levels inboth apical and lateral buds of apple, followed by budburst (Subhadrabandhu,). It is possible that ABA is involved in dormancy through its effects ondehydrins and changes in membrane permeability (Faust et al., ).

Broome and Zimmerman () showed that externally applied cytokininswere at least as effective as chilling in inducing budbreak of otherwise dor-mant lateral buds of Malus hupahensis. Their plants were seedlings grown incontinuous long days in a greenhouse so the dormancy, though responsiveto chilling, may have been atypical. When Thidiazuron (TDZ), a potent andstable compound with cytokinin-like activity, was applied prior to winter chill-ing of shoots from ‘Delicious’ and ‘Northern Spy’ it markedly reduced theirchilling requirement for budbreak (Steffens and Stutte, ). It had a similarbut smaller effect on ‘Anna’.

The concentration of cytokinins in the xylem sap of orchard trees of ‘GrannySmith’ increases steadily during the six weeks prior to budbreak, followed bya rapid increase immediately before and at budbreak, followed by a decline(Cutting et al., ). Treatment with the rest-breaking agents dinitro-o -cresol

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(DNOC) oil and hydrogen cyanamide resulted in earlier and more rapid in-creases in sap cytokinins and concomitant advancement and intensification ofbudbreak. Tromp and Ovaa () similarly showed a sharp increase in theconcentration of cytokinins prior to budbreak of ‘Cox’ and ‘Discovery.’ Young() found that increases in xylem cytokinins followed forcing, i.e. exposureto high growing temperatures, irrespective of winter chilling. Cytokinin levelsthen decreased significantly as budbreak occurred in fully chilled trees but theydid not in unchilled trees, which showed very little budbreak. When -BA wasapplied after artificial root and shoot chilling it increased budbreak by a fairlyconstant amount whether the roots, or the shoots, or both, had been chilledbut did not induce budbreak of unchilled trees (Young and Werner, ).The evidence therefore points to cytokinins having a major controlling role inbudbreak, adding to or amplifying the effects of chilling but not being able tototally replace this. It should be noted, however, that the normal requirementby apple seeds for a long period at chilling temperatures before they will ger-minate can be totally replaced by soaking embryos in -benzylaminopurine(Zhang and Lespinasse, ). This may be significant in view of the manyparallels between seed and bud dormancy.

El-Banna et al. () found that ppm GA applied during winter dor-mancy in an environment with sub-optimal winter chilling in Egypt led toadvancement of vegetative budbreak and of flowering of ‘LeConte’ pears byabout two weeks. It increased vegetative budbreak from % to %, flowerbudbreak from % to % and yield from to fruits per tree. Theeffects were very similar to, although rather more pronounced than, those ofa standard ‘dormancy-breaking’ treatment with DNOC.

Taylor et al. () and Edwards () found that defoliation of apple treesin Indonesiawas followed by a three-fold increase in gibberellin-like substancesand, subsequently, by budburst. Exogenous application of GA increased bud-burst of both defoliated and undefoliated trees.

AlthoughGA sometimes stimulates germination of dormant seed embryosthe effects are less consistent than those of -benzylaminopurine (Zhang andLespinasse, ). Chilling appears to enhance the gibberellin content of seedsand may induce a shift in free and bound forms of GA (Powell, ).

During dormancy water is closely associated with macromolecules and is in abound state (Faust et al., ). It is gradually freed during the winter dormantperiod and rapidly converted to free water when resumption of growth istriggered by TDZ or by forcing conditions. TDZ also induces a change frombound water to free water in buds subjected to correlative inhibition.

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With resumption of bud growth there is a change in membrane compositionallowing increased permeability of solutes and water to the cytoplasm. Wangand Faust () found that the seasonal changes in membrane lipids in applebuds from dormancy in winter to budbreak, and bud growth in spring, weresimilar to the general pattern of lipidmetabolism induced byTDZ.Apple budsexposed to low winter temperatures responded with an increase in the degreeof unsaturation of the fatty acids of their membrane lipids, changes in polarhead group composition, increases in membrane phospholipid content andchanges in sterol level and composition. The ratio of sterols to phospholipidsdecreased during budbreak and bud growth in spring.

Controlling seasonal budbreak

The major problem is that of poor budbreak in climates with mild winters andlittle winter chilling. A second problem is that of early budbreak and risk ofdamage from spring frosts in temperate-zone fruit-growing areas.

In general the date of budbreak reflects both the chilling and the heat require-ments of the cultivar in a specific environment (Spiegel-Roy and Alston, ;Petropoulou ; Hauagge andCummins, a). There is considerable vari-ation between existing cultivars in these respects. At the National Fruit TrialsinKent, England the range of budbreak (flowering) dates of apple cultivars wasfrom April for ‘Nico’ to June for ‘Spatbluhender Taffetapfel’ (Morganand Richards, ). In Zimbabwe the date of first budbreak of ‘Anna’ wasabout months earlier than that of ‘Starking’ (Bepete and Jackson, ) andin Brazil Bernardi () found ‘Anna’ to be more than months earlier than‘Red Delicious’.

Themost widely used apple cultivars in warm-winter areas are of two types.The first are those which show only shallow depth of dormancy as well as

limited requirements for chilling. ‘Anna’ and ‘Dorsett Golden’ are the mostwidely grown and adapted to the mildest winters (Miller and Baker, ).‘Ein Shemer’, ‘Elah’, ‘Maayan’ and ‘Michal’ have also performed well intropical and subtropical areas with inadequate winter chilling for mainstreamcultivars.

The second type are exemplified by ‘Rome Beauty’ which, although clas-sified as having a high chilling requirement, can be prevented from enteringdeep dormancy by leaf stripping following branch bending ( Janick, ). Itstip-bearing habit may be important in this respect.

In intermediate areas, still too warm in winter for traditional cultivars,‘Mutsu’ and ‘Braeburn’ have both shown excellent cropping and leafing out

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in Zimbabwe, with fewer than chilling hours and without any dormancy-breaking sprays. ‘Mollies Delicious’ and ‘Drakenstein’ are also reasonablyadapted to these conditions (Jackson and Bepete, ).

In breeding programmes it has been found that some crosses among ‘MolliesDelicious’, ‘Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ segregate out for lower chill-ing requirements than their parents (Denardi et al., ). There are also‘Golden Delicious’ mutations, e.g. ‘Panorama Golden’ and ‘Davilla SpurGolden Delicious’ with a lower chilling requirement and some lower chill-ing requirement mutants of ‘Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ (Hauagge and Cummins,). A number of Malus species with very low chilling requirements arebeing evaluated as parents but the greatest chance of producing cultivarscombining high commercial quality with a minimal chilling requirement maylie in programmes including ‘Anna’ as a parent. The low-chilling-requirementcharacter present in ‘Anna’ is thought to be controlled by at least one ma-jor dominant gene with minor genes interacting to modulate its effects(Hauagge and Cummins, c). Usually % or more of ‘Anna’ descen-dants have a low chilling requirement and fail to develop a deep dormancystate.

Within Pyrus, P. pashia, P. calleryana and P. amygdaliformis have lower chillingrequirements than P. pyrifolia and P. communis and grow in areas with warmerwinter climates.Westwood and Bjornstad () found that the seeds of speciesfrom warm-winter climates required less chilling for germination than thosefrom colder climates and the former species had higher optimum chillingtemperatures (– ◦C) than the latter (– ◦C). Temperatures below freez-ing were relatively ineffective in breaking rest of all species. Seeds within aspecies showed considerable variation in their chilling requirement, e.g. %of P. calleryana seeds germinated after days of chilling but a few took threetimes as long. Trees grown from these latter seeds also had longer than or-dinary bud chilling requirements. This is in accordance with the conclusionby Vegis () that seeds of many species and varieties in the Rosaceae be-have, in respect of their dormancy, in the same way as their buds. Seeds frominterspecific crosses showed chilling requirements between those of their par-ents. It seems probable that natural selection for seed chilling requirementshas played a major role in the evolution of highly adapted ecotypes with budchilling requirements parallel to those of the seeds. Selection for seed chillingrequirement might also provide a rapid preliminary screen for bud chillingrequirement.

Within a north European environment Spiegel-Roy andAlston () found‘Packham’s Triumph’ and ‘Conference’ to have much lower chilling and post-dormant heat requirements than ‘Comice’ or, especially, ‘Williams’ ’. Theperry pear ‘Fleurissant Tard’ had very high chilling and heat requirements,which makes it a useful parent in breeding for avoidance of spring frost.

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‘Africana’ is a lower chilling-requirement mutant of ‘Packham’s Triumph’(Hauagge and Cummins, ).

The effects of rootstocks on the chilling requirements for scion budbreakare of practical importance. Use of ‘M.’ and ‘M. ’ apple rootstocks, whichinduce a lower chilling requirement in the scions than do more vigorous root-stocks, is advantageous in subtropical conditions. The lower chilling require-ment of ‘Bartlett’ trees on P. calleryana than on P. communis rootstocks is disad-vantageous in areas prone to spring frost (Westwood, ).

Several technologies have been developed to facilitate the production of culti-vars of high perceived quality in areas of unsuitable winter climates.

In southern Brazil young orchard trees of ‘Fuji’ and ‘Gala’ produce onlytwo or three shoots from below the initial ‘heading’ pruning cut, as a resultof inadequate winter chilling in a climate with fewer than hours below . ◦C.Cold storage of young ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apple trees after lifting from thenursery and before planting in the orchard increased subsequent budbreak andproduction of lateral branches (Petri and Stuker, ). Storage at ◦C gavebetter results than storage at ◦C. Increasing the duration of cold storage from days, in steps of days to days, gave increasing budbreak, the - and -day treatments resulting in formation of a good tree framework. Applicationof % mineral oil plus .% DNPB (dinitro-butyl-phenol) immediately afterplanting in the orchard resulted in additional budbreak especially of unchilledtrees or those given only short periods of chilling, but much of the budbreakinduced by chemical treatment gave only short spurs unsuitable for branchformation.

In Thailand, shoots of high quality Asian pears which had been exposed towinter chilling in Taiwan were imported annually for grafting on low-chilling,poor quality cultivars. When this procedure became too expensive, locallyproduced budwood of the high-chilling-requirement cultivars was stored at ◦C for twoweeks prior to grafting. Budbreakwas increased by this procedure(Krisanapook and Subhadrabandhu, ).

Water sprinkling to give evaporative cooling can be used to minimize thede-chilling effects of high daytime temperatures in either the nursery or theorchard (Erez, , ).

Water sprinkling has also been tested as amethod of delaying apple blossom-ing by evaporative cooling of buds, i.e. by effectively delaying the accumulationof growing-degree-hours. Budbreakwas delayed by days in accordancewithexpectation from heat balance calculations, but the buds from sprinkled treeshad a higher water content than those of unwatered trees at any given stageof development and were more damaged by frost at any given time (Hamer,).

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Defoliation is used to modify or manipulate bud dormancy, both in tropicalconditions without strong seasonal patterns of temperature and in the sub-tropics where chilling is inadequate. In Indonesia, leaf stripping one monthafter harvest results in budbreak, mainly of terminal buds on long shoots andspurs, within to days. If the stripping is carried out too soon after harvestthe buds have not yet developed to give flower buds, so the growth is purelyvegetative. Carried out at the right time, the buds are mixed buds, i.e. produceflowers as well as leaves. Two crops a year can be obtained in this way ( Janick,; Edwards and Notodimedjo, ; Notodimedjo et al., ). This tech-nique is effective with cultivars normally considered to have a high chillingrequirement, e.g. ‘Rome Beauty’, and is essentially based on prevention ofentry into endodormancy.

InMexico defoliation is carried out in circ*mstanceswhere normal leaf dropdoes not occur. Chemical defoliation induces more budbreak than manualdefoliation and is particularly effective if carried out in early January aftersome chilling has occurred. Diaz et al. ( ) reported very positive effects ofdefoliation by use of copper sulphate or urea applied to ‘Anna’ apple trees.

Bending branches towards the horizontal is widely practised in the tropics.This may have a direct effect on the depth of bud dormancy, as shown byCrabbe (b). It also has the very important effect of releasing lateral budsfrom apical dominance. These grow out to give numerous short shoots or spursalong the upper surface of the branches. Such spurs bear terminal buds whichbreak dormancy with less chilling than lateral buds on intact shoots, and thesespurs give most of the crop in the Indonesian production system ( Janick, ;Erez and Lavi, ).

Induction of water stress by stopping irrigation in a dry environment iscommonly used in warm-winter conditions together with the above tree man-agement practices to provide an effective substitute for winter chilling.

Mineral oils in conjunction with chemicals such as dinitro-ortho-cresol(DNOC) were widely used from the late s as dormancy-breaking agentsin countries such as South Africa with sub-optimal winter chilling. Their usehas been largely discontinued because of toxicity to humans (Erez, ).

Hydrogen cyanamide is very effective as a bud-breaking agent for a widerange of apple cultivars ( Jackson and Bepete, ) and for pears includingP. pyrifolia (Krisanapook and Subhadrabandhu, ). It can be used in theearly orchard years to stimulate vegetative budbreak and lateral branch pro-duction. When used in cropping orchards it induces budbreak, compressesthe period of budbreak within a cultivar and synchronizes the flowering, i.e.breaking of mixed buds, of different cultivars. As with a number of other

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dormancy-breaking treatments its effect is cumulative over years, stimulationof vegetative budbreak resulting in the production of both lateral branchesand spurs. This results in the tree having many more buds which, in turn, canbe induced to break.

Hydrogen cyanamide can induce the budbreak of single buds when paintedon these at a concentration of .%, and may be used in this way in the earlyyears of the trees to economize on material. Lower concentrations, e.g. .–.%, showed promise if combined with –% winter oil (North, ).

The dinitro compounds only induced budbreak if applied when there werealready signs of bud growth, but hydrogen cyanamide can be effective onendodormant buds and is damaging if applied after the buds have startedto grow (Erez, ). Subhadrabandhu () found that cyanamide hada smaller effect if applied to buds early in December than in the monthsbefore and after this when endodormancy could be expected to be lessdeep.

Hydrogen cyanamide application synchronizes budbreak both within andbetween cultivars. The dates of full bloom of apple cultivars in Zimbabweranged from / to / when treated with hydrogen cyanamide, from/ to / if untreated ( Jackson and Bepete, ). This is in conformitywith the results of Subhadrabandhu () from which it could be inferredthat cyanamide can induce budbreak largely irrespective of unfilled CU andGDH requirements. In Zimbabwe, with fewer than chilling hours below . ◦C, the cropping response to cyanamide was positively correlated withthe chilling requirement of the cultivar as shown by the date of budbreak onuntreated trees, i.e. it overcame the shortfalls in cropping due to inadequatechilling (Table .).

A number of other chemicals, e.g. potassiumnitrate, thiourea and gibberellicacid, have been found to have some effects on budbreak under subtropicalconditions (Erez, ), gibberellic acid being the most effective (El-Bannaet al., ).

Shoot extension growth

The total shoot growth on a tree in one year depends on the number of budsthat break, as has already been discussed, and the growth of these individualshoots. This growth is controlled by a large number of separate, though ofteninteracting, factors.

Use of reserves in shoot growth

The growth of shoots in spring starts with cambial activity in the stem be-fore budbreak. Evert (, ), cited by Oliveira and Priestley ()

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Table . Effect of application of .% hydrogen cyanamide in , , and on cropping efficiency (accumulated yield per cross-section of trunk), the

calculated reduction in cropping efficiency as a result of inadequate winter chilling, and

the averaged date of full bloom –

Accumulated yield (kg) per trunk % cropping Averagecross-sectional area (cm ) efficiency date of

deficit full bloomCyanamide Unsprayed (T − U)/T (days from

Cultivar treated (T) (U) August)

‘Goldjon’ . . ‘Mutsu’ . . ‘Mollies

Delicious’ . . ‘Canvada’ . . ‘Drakenstein’ . . ‘Golden

Delicious’ . . ‘NJ’ . . ‘Marjorie Pye’ . . ‘Spartan’ . . ‘Starking’ . . ‘Granny Smith’ . . ‘Ohinemuri’ . .

Correlation between increases in accumulated yield in response to cyanamide (%)and date of full bloom r = .∗∗∗ R = .Correlation between cropping efficiency deficit and date of full bloom r = .∗∗∗

R = .From Jackson and Bepete (). Reproduced with permission.

reported that cambial activity in apples and pears resumes early in Aprilwhen cells at the outer margin of the cambial zone begin to differentiateinto phloem sieve elements. Later, in mid-May, xylem and sclereid differ-entiation begins. The differentiation of new conducting tissue below thebuds prior to budburst is obviously dependent on the use of carbohydratereserves.

The initial stages of new shoot extension growth after budbreak are alsodependent on the use of reserves of carbohydrates, nitrogen and other min-eral elements. Hansen () estimated that half to two thirds of the buildingmaterials used in spurs until the flowers show colour, and in extension shootsup to the five- or six-leaf stage, come from reserves. The main source of the re-serves of carbohydrates appears to be the root system (Quinlan, ; Hansenand Grauslund, ), but Kandiah (), while confirming the importanceof carbohydrates from the root, considered that the whole perennial structure

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Table . Number of leaves produced (nodes) and length of shoot (cm) made during a

-week period at the temperature shown (means of six trees)

Pruning treatments, shoots per tree

Temp ofCE rooms lower upper lower middle upper Mean

◦C Leaves Shoot

. ◦C Leaves Shoot

◦C Leaves Shoot

After Abbott (). Reproduced with permission.

of an apple tree can behave as a storage organ for carbohydrates. Carbo-hydrate reserves are primarily used up in respiration, supplying energy forgrowth, rather than in provision of structural material. Most of the nitrogenfor early growth comes from the bark of branches and shoots near the expand-ing buds (Mason andWhitfield, ; Tromp andOvaa, ; Titus andKang,).

Effects of temperature

Abbott (), using controlled environment rooms, showed that the rate ofextension growth of shoots arising following decapitation of potted ‘Cox’ treesincreased progressively over the range of – ◦C (Table .). This was soeven when only a single shoot was allowed to grow as a replacement leader.These results provide experimental support for the field observations of Barlow(a) and Johnson and Lakso (), who showed shoot growth to be a func-tion of temperature. Tromp (a) found a relatively small effect of increasingsoil temperature from ◦C to ◦C on the terminal shoot growth of newlybudded trees but a large effect on total lateral shoot growth. He also (Tromp,b) showed greatly reduced lateral shoot numbers and consequently totalshoot growth when root temperatures were at ◦C compared with ◦C orhigher.

Effects of light

Artificial shading of whole trees results in a reduction in total shoot growth(Priestley, ; Jackson and Palmer, a). This effect is primarily througha reduction in the number of shoots that grow and, to a lesser extent, to a

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reduction in weight per unit length of shoot, rather than in the length of theindividual shoots ( Jackson and Palmer, a).

Effects of water stress

Tromp (a) found that reducing water stress by growing apple trees at% Relative Humidity (RH), as contrasted with % RH, increased totalshoot growth by more than %. Part of this effect was a result of increasein individual shoot length but most of it was a result of the emergence ofmore lateral shoots. Maggs (), working with pot-grown trees disbudded soas to give only one shoot per plant, found that growth of this shoot under ahigh water supply regime, expressed as dry weight increment, was more thantwice as great as under a low water supply regime. The shoots grown underconditions of ample water supply were also about % longer (taller) thanthose with limited water supply. These results are compatible with results fromfield trials that showed the main effect of irrigation to a minimal soil waterdeficit ( mm) in England, as compared with no irrigation, was to increasethe number of shoots, but that in a dry seasonmean shoot length was increasedby % also (Goode and Ingram, ).

Effects of nitrogen and other nutrients

The nitrogen reserves available at the beginning of the season determine thelength of time for which the shoots will grow without further supplies. Suchsupplies delay the formation of terminal buds and prolong the season of growth(Hill-Cottingham, ).

Deficiencies of other mineral nutrients, or toxic levels of these, can alsoreduce shoot growth as part of their general effects of inducing stunting, oftenassociated with poor leaf development, as in the little-leaf syndrome inducedby zinc deficiency, or with leaf shed.

Effects of plant hormones

Shoot extension is generally considered to be controlled by both growth in-hibitors and growth promoters and the rate of extension to reflect the balancebetween these.

Auxins stimulate cell enlargement, cell division and stem growth (Davies, ). They also have a major effect on root system development and, throughthis, on the growth of shoots. There is, however, also evidence that the api-cal dominance effect of shoot-tip-derived auxin reduces the growth of lateralshoots as well as influencing lateral bud dormancy.

Abscisic acid (ABA), which is generally regarded as a growth inhibitor,stopped the elongation of apple shoots and induced terminal bud formation

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in single stem apple trees into which it was injected (Robitaille and Carlson,). There is also evidence of growth inhibitors, which have not been charac-terized chemically, in apple rootstocks and in dwarf scions (Grochowska et al.,).

There are a large number of plant gibberellins (GAs) and some of these areactive in promoting apple shoot growth.

GAs applied to a wide range of intact plants induce elongation of stemtissue, this effect being more pronounced in rosette or in dwarf species ( Jones,; Metraux, ). The increase in length of the extending shoot resultsfrom increase in length of existing as well as newly divided cells and may alsobe accompanied by an increase in cell number. There appear to be at leastthree sites of GA biosynthesis in higher plants, in developing fruits and seeds,in elongating shoot apical regions, and in roots (Graebe and Ropers, ;Sponsel, ). They seem to be transported both in the xylem and in thephloem. In apple and pear the application of inhibitors of GA biosynthesissuch as cyclocel and paclobutrazol results in a reduction in shoot elongation,with short internodes. Such application has been, and is, of considerable com-mercial importance and has also provided a tool for studying control of growthby endogenous gibberellins. Paclobutrazol (RS,RS)- -(-chlorophenyl)-,-dimethyl--(H-,,-triazol- -yl) pentan--ol inhibits three steps in the oxi-dation of the GA precursor ent-kaurene to ent-kaureneoic acid (Hedden andGraebe, ) and its effects on apple can be partially reversed by GA ap-plication (Steffens et al., ). It is transported acropetally in the xylem whenapplied to young stem internodes and, to a lesser extent, to the youngest un-rolled leaf (Richardson andQuinlan, ). When applied to the soil it is takenup by the roots and transported upwards in the xylem stream.When applied inthis way it can be relatively slow to act and may be reversibly bound to vascu-lar tissues, to be released and to check extension growth in the following year.Richardson and Quinlan () applied paclobutrazol to different regions ofapple rootstock shoots growing in a heated greenhouse in late spring, withthe effects shown in Table .. These results show that paclobutrazol applieddirectly to, or translocated to, the apical region of the shoot was much moreeffective in retarding shoot extension growth than the chemical localized inother parts of the shoot. Similarly, growth of internodes and leaves producedfrom a treated shoot tip was reduced. This indicates that the shoot tip, andpossibly the young leaves, are important sites for the synthesis of gibberellinsinfluencing shoot development.

Repeated use of paclobutrazol results in the development of a spur-typehabit of growth with lateral buds giving rise to short fruiting spurs ratherthan long shoots (Elfving and Proctor, ; Tukey, ), which suggeststhat whether a shoot becomes a long shoot or a short shoot is at least partlycontrolled by gibberellin biosynthesis.

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Table . Effect of site of application of paclobutrazol on shoot extension and leaf

production of ‘M.’ rootstock shoots during days following treatment

Number of new ShootSite of application unrolled leaves extension (cm)

One-year-old wood . .Laminae . .Petioles . .Shoot tip . .New stem . .Shoot tip + new stem . .Complete shoot . .Untreated . .LSD . between any two values . .

From Richardson and Quinlan (). Reproduced with permission.

Cytokinins are generally considered to regulate cell division, and also play animportant role in budbreak and therefore help determine the number of shoots(see pp. –). Jones ( ) found amarked response of apple shoot growth in

vitro to benzyladenine.Applications of this in the fieldhave sometimes increasedand sometimes reduced mean shoot length.

Effects of other plant parts on shoot extension

Leaves, as the source of carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis, play amajor role in all plant growth. Rapidly growing shoot tips are a strong sink forassimilates, and after the first five or six shoot leaves have been produced cur-rent photosynthesis becomes a more important carbon source than reserves(Hansen, ). Photosynthates from the upper leaves of the shoot are in gen-eral exported upwards, those from the lower part being exported to otherparts of the tree. This pattern can, however, be influenced by factors whichaffect the balance of assimilate supply and demand, e.g. by fruiting and bypartial defoliation of the shoot (Hansen, , ; Quinlan, , ): itis therefore not simply a function of pre-existing vascular connections.

Leaves also have effects on shoot extension growth in ways other thanthrough their supply of assimilates. Kato and Ito () found that appleshoot growth was promoted by the removal of expanded leaves. This effectwas a consequence of increased internode length and was associated with anincrease in shoot auxin content. Abbott () found that removal of youngexpanding leaves was followed by a virtual cessation of stem elongation andthen by an increase in this to result in longer shoots and a later termination ofgrowth. Barlow and Hanco*ck () and Kato and Ito () also found that

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Table . Effects of treatments which induced large differences in fruit yields in

on cropping and growth in and . ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apples

with results averaged over rootstocks

Treatments in

P C t T Significance

Fruits per tree ***Fruit yield, kg/tree, . . . . ***Fruit yield, kg/tree, . . . . ***Mean shoot length cm, . . . . *Mean shoot length cm, . . . . ***Relative girth increment a . . . . ***Relative girth increment a . . . . NS

a Calculated as loge girth/ end of year −loge girth/ beginning of year,which also gives a measure of relative growth rate.P, Hand-pollinated, C, control; t, lightly thinned; T, heavily thinned.Data from Blasco (). Reproduced with permission.

removal of unexpanded tip leaves caused an immediate reduction in length ofinternodes produced and the latter workers related this to the highGA contentof the leaves removed.

Root system size and function has a dominant effect on shoot growth. This isfound, as discussed earlier, when the shoot system is grafted on to an inherentlydwarfed root system, when root system size is reduced by root pruning orconstrained by growing it in a root-restriction nylon container. Although theresponse to root pruning may involve checks to shoot growth as a result ofcompetition from compensatory root growth, the effects of the genetically-limited rootstocks andof root restrictionmembranes under conditions of amplewater and nutrient supply suggest an intrinsic hormonal control mechanism(cf. pp. –).

Fruiting results in diversion of metabolites from vegetative growth, includ-ing shoot growth, to fruits (Maggs, ). Although the effects can be shownwithin a single season (Avery, ), the effect of crop on shoot numbers andon average shoot length is usually greater in the following season. This hasbeen shown by experiments in which different levels of cropping were induced(Table .). Regression studies of the relationship between year-to-year varia-tions in shoot growth and those in fruit yield have shown either no correlationin the same season but a major adverse effect of fruit yield on shoot growthin the following year (Rogers and Booth, ), or approximately equal neg-ative effects of cropping on shoot growth in the same and the following year(Barlow, b). The direct (same season) effect may simply reflect competi-tion for currently available resources, which may be influenced by the lower

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l len









20 30

Vertical shoots

Horizontal shoots

Weeping shoots

Figure 6.12 Growth of vertical, horizontal and weeping apple shoots.From Kato and Ito (1962). Reproduced with permission.

auxin content of shoots of fruiting as compared with defruited trees (Katoand Ito, ). The residual effect may be a consequence of effects on buddevelopment, which are also shown as effects on the number and ‘strength’of flower buds, and the very severe effect of heavy cropping on root growth.The adverse effect of cropping on total shoot growth over a number of years isprimarily by a reduction in the number of long shoots and their proportion ofall shoots, although there is some effect on their average length (Barlow, ).Cumulative effects of fruiting have been shown in Table ..

Effects of shoot angle to the horizontal

Vertically-growing shoots continue to grow later in the season than do horizon-tal shoots, and become longer. Weeping shoots, bending below the horizontal,grow least vigorously and become the shortest (Figure .). Kato and Ito() found that the concentration of endogenous auxin and gibberellins washighest in the vertically-growing shoots and lowest in the weeping ones. Verti-cal shoots also had the lowest carbohydrate and the highest nitrogen content.

Effects of bark ringing or girdling

Removal of a ring of bark (ringing or girdling) greatly reduces the extensiongrowth of the shoot above the ring although it increases the carbohydratecontent of this shoot. Girdling results in a decline in auxin content of theterminal bud of shoots (Kato and Ito, ).

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Effects of pruning

Pruning is carried out either in the dormant, winter, season or in the seasonof active growth, when it is referred to as summer pruning. It is carried outto develop a desirable tree framework and to maintain tree size to that whichcan be easily sprayed, thinned and harvested: also to maintain fruit qualityby reducing the number of fruits, so increasing the size of those remaining,and by facilitating light penetration, important for fruit colour development,into the tree. In dormant-season pruning, shoots or older branches may beshortened or removed entirely. Shoot shortening is called tipping or heading,branch shortening is called stubbing or heading. Removal of complete shootsor branches is referred to as thinning. In summer pruning leafy shoots maybe tipped or pinched, or removed entirely, i.e. thinned. The effects of thesetreatments on shoot growth, reviewed by Mika (), are as follows.

� The individual shoots arising from a pruned branch are larger than thoseon an unpruned branch.

� The new terminal shoot following shortening of a branch is longest if %of the branch is pruned away.

� For any given degree of pruning the size of the shoot growing from a prunedbranch is correlated with the length of the latter before pruning.

� If the same amount of wood is removed, heading cuts induce more newshoot growth than thinning cuts, largely because they release more budsfrom correlative inhibition.

� Despite the faster growth of individual shoots on pruned trees, the totallength of old branch and new terminal shoot is less than if no pruning hastaken place: pruning reduces the total size of the shoot system although itstimulates the growth of new shoots.

� Dormant pruning results in major increases in the levels of cytokinins,auxins and, especially, gibberellins in the above-ground parts of prunedcompared with unpruned trees. Thesemay be involved in the shoot growthresponses noted.

� Summer pruning early in the season tends to result in the production ofa greater number of shoots than dormant-season pruning (Maggs, ).The earlier in the season that summer pruning is carried out, the greater theamount of regrowth: possibly as a result of thehigher levels of cytokinins andother growth promoters early in the season and the build-up of inhibitorslate in the season (Ferree et al., ). Late summer pruning results inshorter shoots than on controls or winter pruned trees. Summer pruninghas a minimal effect on shoot growth in subsequent years (Marini andBarden, ).

� Summer pruning tends to lead to the production of spurs rather than longshoots.

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� Responses to summer pruning are very variable, being influenced by timeof pruning, the type of buds immediately below the pruning cut, rootstockand scion cultivar.

� Pinching out of shoot tips or removal of shoot apices or new leaves greatlyreduces growth in shoot length (Table .).

Cultivar differences in shoot growth

Scion cultivars may show extreme contrasts in their vigour of shoot growth.Barlow () reported cumulative extension growth over years of only m per tree of ‘Miller’s Seedling’/‘M.’ under conditions where ‘Laxton’sSuperb’/‘M.’ produced m per tree. Such differences may reflect intrinsicdifferences in shoot extension growth potential but also result from cultivardifferences in cropping level, in lateral budbreak, and in the angle of lateralbranches to the horizontal.

The physiological basis for intrinsic differences between cultivars with re-spect to extension growth has not been studied to any great extent. This partlyreflects the difficulty and complexity of such studies. It also reflects the factthat scion cultivars are selected primarily for the characteristics of their fruits.Control of tree vigour is achieved primarily by the use of size-controlling root-stocks, by control of the level of fruiting, by branch training and pruning andby the use of plant growth regulators. The exception to this generalization isthe selection and utilization of spur-types.

Spur-type cultivars have been selected and propagated vegetatively follow-ing observation of branches with short internodes and a higher than averagenumber of fruiting spurs per unit length of branch. These have arisen sponta-neously by budmutation withinmany of the leading cultivars, most commonlywithin ‘Delicious’ (‘Red Delicious’). Others have been selected following in-duction of mutation by irradiation (Campbell and Lacey, ). They areconsidered advantageous because they offer a measure of vigour control withless restriction to a specific rootstock than the standard cultivars while retainingthe fruit characteristics of these.

Spur-type trees typically have about the same number of nodes per shoot astheir ‘parent’ cultivar but the internodes are –% shorter. There may be nodifference between the ‘normal’ cultivars and the spur-types in the number oflaterals produced in the first year, but subsequently a greater proportion of theaxillary buds develop into short fruiting spurs, instead of long vegetative shoots,in the spur-types (Arasu, ). These differences have cumulative effects sothat in mature trees spur-types may show only half to one third as much totalannual shoot growth as their standard counterparts (Curry and Looney, ).

Since most spur-types have arisen by mutation from different ‘parents’ itis not surprising that they show variation in the factors which contribute to

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their relative growth and vigour. Walsh and Miller () identified vari-ability between spur-types of different cultivars in their lateral budbreakon both current season’s and second-year wood, in their internode lengthand in the formation of ‘long spurs’ between and cm in length. Faustand Zagaja () reported that although short internodes were more fre-quent in the low-vigour than the high-vigour seedlings arising from crossesbetween short-internode parents of apple, there were some long-internode,low-vigour and some short-internode, high-vigour progeny. The same wastrue for pears. Wide crotch angles tended to be associated with low vigour.Grochowska et al. (), contrasting low- and high-vigour seedlings fromcrosses between spur-types, found much higher auxin-like and gibberellin-likeactivity in the phloem of low-vigour seedlings and concluded that their lackof growth was a consequence of production of a growth inhibitor. Faust andZagaja () concluded that expansion growth is generally under polygeniccontrol.

The situation appears much simpler in the ‘compact columnar’ apples nowbeing bred using the ‘Wijcik McIntosh’ mutant as a parent. This arose as anaturalmutation in theorchardand is an extreme spur-typewhich seldomgiveslateral long shoots. This growth habit is governed by the compact (Co) gene. It ishighly heritable,with –%of theprogenyof crosses involving ‘Wijcik’ beingcompact and columnar (Lapins, ; Lapins and Watkins, ). The shoottips of ‘Wijcik McIntosh’ are low in polar gibberellins, have high endogenouscytokinin levels and exhibit very high tolerance to benzyladenine in tissueculture (Looney and Lane, ).

Effects of rol genes on shoot growth

Holefors et al. () have shown that infection of ‘M.’ apple withAgrobacterium tumefasciens containing the rolA gene, which may operate througha decrease in gibberellin or conjugated polyamine content and increased sen-sitivity to auxin, led to transformed plants with short internodes. Bell et al.

() found that the rolC gene reduced tree height and number of nodes oftransgenic ‘Beurre Bosc’ pear trees (cf. pp. – ).

Effects of rootstocks on shoot growth

Even non-cropping scions on dwarfing rootstocks show reduced total shootgrowth, both because fewer of their buds give rise to shoots and because theirshoots extend more slowly in the later part of the season and cease to growsooner than those on more vigorous rootstocks (Avery, ). Rootstock effectsare also discussed in detail in Chapters and .

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Water shoot growth

Water shoots arise from trace buds buried in older stem tissues after heavypruning. They grow very strongly, with all their assimilates directed to therebuilding of new shoots, limbs and trunks (Mika, ). They never supplyassimilates to fruits even if these are nearby. This appears to illustrate thegeneral principle that fruit trees react to severe pruning in such a way as torestore the functional equilibrium between shoots and roots.

Secondary thickening

In the stems of woody plants the cambium begins to differentiate from theprocambium in a given region just before that region ceases to elongate (Eamesand MacDaniels, ). A continuous cambial cylinder forms and producesannual increments of secondary vascular tissues for the life of that part of thetree. Evert () found this production of new secondary vascular tissues inpear to start in April in Montana, USA, reaching a peak in June and earlyJuly. Knight () found new secondary xylem in apple stems in England by April. Gross measurements of trunk girth as an indicator of cambial activityshow this to occur from June to September, or fromMay to August, in differentstudies (Pratt, ). Girth often continues to increase after extension growthhas ceased.

The increments in trunk girth each year as a result of secondary thickeningreflect factors influencing growth in general. Nutrient deficiencies and wa-ter stress reduce trunk growth, as do dormant-season pruning, fruiting, rootpruning and the use of dwarfing rootstocks.

Water stress, however, reduces trunk growth less than it reduces new stemgrowth (Maggs, ) but more than it reduces fruit enlargement (Iancu, ).The negative effect of heavy fruiting on trunk growth is greater in the year offruiting than in the following year. This has been demonstrated experimentallyby Blasco (), as shown in Table . and in regression studies by Barlow(b).

Secondary thickening in relation to trace budsand to branches

Secondary xylem produced by cambium at the nodes surrounds and buriesleaf and branch traces.

The base of a side branch becomes buried in growth rings of secondarytissues of the trunk. This produces a mechanically strong crotch, in contrast tothe weak crotch between approximately equal leading branches, as shown inFigure .. Secondary xylem in general has high mechanical strength. Apple

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Figure 6.13 Tree crotches in diagrammatic longitudinal sections.(a) Burial of the base of a living branch by 10 growth rings (x1 to x10).On the upper side of the branch secondary xylem, cambium,secondary phloem and cortex are folded as a result of confinedgrowth in a narrow angle. Only the pith is unaffected. (b) Weak crotchbetween approximately equal branches showing 5 growth rings andoccluded bark. Cortex and phloem stippled; pith solid black. FromEames and MacDaniels, An Introduction to Plant Anatomy (1947),McGraw-Hill. Reproduced with permission of the McGraw-HillCompanies.

wood is diffuse-porous and heavy with numerous fibres and with thick wallsto the vessels, fibre tracheids and parenchyma.


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Leaves, canopies and light


Leaf anatomy and morphology

Leaf primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions in layers or of the tunicaon the flanks of apical meristems (Pratt, ). They develop into protuber-ances flattened on the adaxial side. The base of the leaf primordium is anintercalary meristem and forms the petiole. The leaf blade develops concomi-tantly from two layers of cells derived frommarginal and sub-marginal initialswhich produce a marginal meristem on the lateral flanks of the midrib. Thesuperficial cells of the marginal meristems divide anticlinally to form epider-mal cells. The sub-epidermal cells on the adaxial (upper) side become the firstrow of palisade cells and those of the abaxial side form the spongy mesophyll.Cells between these two layers form the central mesophyll and the smaller vas-cular bundles. On the adaxial side sub-epidermal and central meristematiccells differentiate into one to three or more layers of palisade cells dependingon leaf type and environmental conditions. Each mature palisade cell is sur-rounded by air space continuous with that in the spongy mesophyll, except inthe vicinity of a vein.

At maturity (Figure .) the adaxial cuticle consists of a layer of wax andcutin. The abaxial epidermal cells have thinner cuticles than the adaxialones. They are variable in thickness and shape except for the paired, kidney-shaped guard cells which are nearly constant in size within a cultivar andsurround the pores or stomates through which gas exchange with the exter-nal air takes place. Initially the stomata are immature and non-functionalwith no evidence of a pore, but even under English conditions leaves on theflower clusters can have a high proportion of functional stomata in Apriland May, and by June all stomata are functional (Slack, ). Increase inturgor causes the thin guard cell walls adjacent to the epidermal cells tostretch and the elliptical pore opens. Stomata in apple and pear are foundonly on the lower, abaxial, leaf surface and, contrary to earlier studies, Slack() found no systematic distribution pattern over this surface and a mean

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Adaxial epidermis

Palisade cells

Spongy mesophyII

Abaxial epidermis

Figure 7.1 Apple leaf in 3–dimensional diagram showing epidermis,palisade cells, spongy mesophyll, minor veins, stomata and a hair.From MacDaniels and Cowart (1944). Originally drawn by

Rita B. Eames.

stomatal pore length of – µmwith the distance between the pore centres of– µm depending on cultivar.

The apple epidermis has unicellular hairs, originating from single epidermalcells. They are abundant on both surfaces of young leaves but occur primarilyon the abaxial surface of lower leaves. These may have an adaptive function inreducingwater loss bymaintaining humid air near the leaf surface. The epider-mis also has simple hydathodes associated with vascular tissue on the adaxialsurface, at themargins and tips of leaves and at the end ofminor veinlets. Thereare also glandular hairs with stalks and multicellular heads which containsecretory cells. The secretions may favour the growth of parasitic organisms.

This basic leaf structure varies with a number of factors. At least some spur-type cultivars have thicker leaves and a greater number of palisade layers thanthe corresponding standard cultivars (Liu and Eaton, ). The number ofpalisade mesophyll cells per unit area of leaf lamina, which depends on celldiameter, the number of palisade layers and the amount of intercellular space,is greater in vigorous than in dwarf apple rootstock cultivars (Beakbane, ),

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Table . Effects of shading, from June , on the structure of leaves from the

middle regions of extension shoots on Sept

% full daylight


Leaf dry wt (mg cm− ) . .∗∗∗ .∗∗∗ .∗∗∗ . dfLeaf thickness (µm) ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ .Depth of palisade

layer (µm) ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ .Number of cells in palisade

Layer . .∗ . .∗ . dfLayer . .∗ . .∗ .Layer . .∗∗∗ . ∗∗∗ .∗∗∗ .Layer . .∗∗∗ .∗∗∗ .∗∗∗ .

∗, ∗∗, ∗∗∗ denote differences from the unshaded control at the %, % and .% levelsof significance.From Jackson and Palmer ( ). Reproduced with permission.

but the rootstock influence on scion leaf structure is inconsistent. Hard-prunedyoung trees of dwarfing rootstocks have much thicker leaves than unprunedolder trees.

Spur leaves are thinner than extension shoot leaves, with fewer layers ofpalisade parenchyma, shorter palisade parenchyma cells, less chlorophyll andlower specific leaf weight (Ghosh, ). Basal leaves on shoots tend to havethinner layers of palisade cells than apical leaves (Cowart, ). These twoeffects of leaf position may be associated with differences in exposure to light,the effects of which are discussed below.

Cultivars also differ in the number of stomata per unit leaf area, rangingfrom around to around mm− (Cowart, ; Slack, ). The leavesof vigorous apple rootstock cultivars have amuch greater stomatal density thanthose of dwarfing ones (Beakbane and Majumder, ).

Basal leaves have many fewer stomata per unit area than apical leaves,the increasing frequency being associated with increasing structural density(Cowart, ).

Perhaps themost important variations in leaf structure are those attributableto variations in light intensity within the tree canopy. Leaf thickness andspecific leaf weight (mg cm− ) are positively correlated with incident radi-ation (Barden, , ; Barritt et al., ; Jackson and Beakbane, ;Tustin et al., ). The extreme cases are obvious ‘sun’ and ‘shade’ leaves.Jackson and Beakbane () showed that the percentage of air space inthe spongy mesophyll decreased and the thickness of the palisade layer in-creased with light intensity. Artificial shading experiments confirmed these

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effects (Table .) and also reductions in stomatal density (number cm− )and chlorophyll (µg cm− ) with increasing shade (Asada and Ogasawara,).

Barden () showed that the specific leaf weightwas increasedby exposureto full greenhouse sun in comparison to artificial shade both during and afterthe period of leaf expansion. Shading of spurs may result in the spur andbourse shoot leaves (see Figure ., p. ) emerging from them in the followingyear having lower specific leaf weights (Tustin et al., ), although Jacksonand Palmer ( ) found that shading whole trees did not result in lowerspecific leafweight in the following year, possibly because the previously shadedtrees had less vigorous shoot growth and hence better current-season lightexposure.

Shade also influences leaf chloroplast structure. The thickness of granawithin chloroplasts of mature apple leaves increases with depth in the palisadelayer and with external shade. Transferring trees from light to shade and vice

versa indicated that grana thickness increased with increasing shade but did notdecrease with increased light intensity (Skene, ). In general chloroplastswith thick grana have low photosynthetic electron transport capacity, and lightsaturation of photosynthesis occurs at relatively low light intensities. They also,however, have low respiration rates and so enable efficient use of low levels oflight.

Themechanism by which ‘sun’ or ‘shade’ leaf characteristics are induced byrelative light exposure during leaf expansion is not clear. One hypothesis is thatthe leaves which transpire most receive a greater proportion of the nutrientsand hormones that are transported upwards in the transpiration stream inthe xylem (Flore and Lakso, ). Evidence to support this comes from thefacts that leaf nutrient concentration per unit area is generally much higherthe greater the light intensity (Table .), that many of the characteristics of‘sun’ leaves can be induced by cytokinin treatment of low-light leaves, andthat shading mature leaves on apple shoots resulted in the developing leavesattaining more pronounced ‘sun-type’ characteristics (Flore and Lakso, ).Beakbane () found that treatment with gibberellic acid resulted in changesin the structure of the palisade mesophyll and the spongy mesophyll of appleleaf disks to give a ‘shade-type’ leaf structure.

Leaf production and growth

The first leaves to emerge are the primary leaves on spurs (Forshey et al., ; Lakso, ). Hansen () reported usually or leaves per bud inDenmark, Barritt et al. () an average of . primary leaves per fruiting spurof ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ in Washington State, USA, by late April. Most

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Table . Leaf area on short shoots as a percentage of the total

leaf area of mature apple trees of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’/‘M.’

Pruning Cropping trees Non-cropping trees

Light . .Heavy . .

From Barlow (). Reproduced with permission.

spur leaves emerge before full bloom. After flowering some secondary leavesmay develop on the spurs and their development is usually complete about amonth after full bloom.

The other leaves develop on the new shoots, i.e. on terminal, lateral andbourse shoots. Proctor and Palmer () found that at full bloom true spurleaves made up % of the leaf area of the spurs of ‘Cox’ but only % of thatof ‘Golden Delicious’, the balance being bourse shoot leaves. At maturity theratio of spur leaves to new shoot leaves is very variable. Barlow () foundthat the proportion of the leaf area borne on short shoots (spurs) was reducedby heavy pruning and the absence of crop (Table .), i.e. by treatments whichpromote extension shoot growth. The treatments in this trial were extreme,giving something near to the maximum range of spur to shoot leaf ratios formature trees. Palmer and Jackson ( ) found –% of the leaf area of‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’ pruned as slender spindle bushes to be spur leaves.Wunsche et al. () found the percentage of spur leaf area to range from %to % of the total in a trial of different rootstocks and training systems with‘Empire’/‘M.’. The relative pattern of spur and shoot leaf development overthe season was well illustrated by Forshey et al. ( ) working with ‘MacSpurMcIntosh’ (Figure .), who found that at the time of full canopy developmentspur leaves made up more than half of the total leaf area, after having madeup a much larger proportion early in the season.

The number of leaves which develop on new shoots is a function of tem-perature (Abbott, ; Johnson and Lakso, ; Lindhagen, ): effects oftemperature under controlled environment conditions are shown in Table ..Leaf production is also influenced by many of the factors discussed in relationto shoot growth. The number of leaves produced is reduced by water stressand nutrient deficiencies and is under hormonal control. Tustin et al. ()showed that shading of spurs reduced the number of leaves produced on theirbourse shoots in the subsequent year as a result of the earlier cessation ofgrowth of these bourse shoots.

As discussed under shoot growth, the removal of expanding leaves can resultin a check to shoot growth followed by its prolongation and production ofmoreleaves than might otherwise have occurred (Abbott, ).

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Table . Number of leaves produced during a six week period at

different temperatures: ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apple trees

Temperature of C.E. rooms

. ◦C . ◦C . ◦C

Leaves per shoot

From Abbott (). Reproduced with permission.



30 15


31 15





al le

af a





2 )





Figure 7.2 Seasonal development of the leaf canopy of a 7-year-old‘MacSpur McIntosh’ apple tree. FB, Full Bloom. From Forshey et al.

(1987). Reproduced with permission.

Hanco*ck and Barlow () showed that individual apple leaves had a typi-cally sigmoid growth curve and, in England, took about days to grow from cm in length to a maximum of cm (Figure .). Apple leaves are simplein shape and their areas have a consistent relationship to that of the rectangle

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0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28

Days from leaf length 10 mm










th (



Figure 7.3 Curves representing the ‘normal growth’ of ‘Crab C’leaves and internodes during mid-summer 1957 on a common scaleof days from the time when the leaf reaches a length of 10 mm. Barsacross the curves indicate the growth stages of 25%, 50% and 75%of final size. From Hanco*ck and Barlow (1960). Reproduced with


which would contain them. Their leaf areas can therefore be calculated aslength × breadth × a factor which, in different studies, has been found torange from . to . (cf. references reviewed by Jackson, ). There istherefore a considerable increase in total leaf area well after the cessation ofshoot growth and the production of new leaves. This was also illustrated byAbbott (). Hanco*ck and Barlow () found that the rate of increase inleaf length during the most rapid period of leaf expansion was positively linkedto temperature, but final length was not. Barritt et al. ( ) and others foundlittle or no effect of position in the canopy on individual leaf area but Jacksonand Palmer ( ) found increased area per shoot leaf with increasing imposedshade. These apparently conflicting results may reflect the counteracting ef-fects of reduction in the potential for leaf growth and increase in the leaf areaper unit weight. Leaf expansion is checked by water stress and by nutrient

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deficiencies, an extreme case of the latter being the ‘little-leaf ’ disease inducedby zinc deficiency. Spur leaves are smaller than extension shoot leaves. On ex-tension shoots the leaves are larger the more vigorous the shoot (Barlow, ).

Sources of carbon and nitrogen for leaf growth

Early in spring carbohydrates move upwards in the tree. Both Hansen (b)andQuinlan () found the new leaves to contain C that had been suppliedas CO to the trees in the previous autumn. Hansen () found that a thirdto a half of all building materials used in spurs up to the time of flower colourdevelopment, and in shoots during the development of the first or leaves,originated from reserves. These reserves also provide the energy for earlyleaf growth. Young, growing leaves use the majority of the photosynthatesthat they produce. Hansen (a) found that –% of the C suppliedto young leaves was incorporated into the structural material of the leaf(methanol-insoluble substances) whereas fully developed leaves incorporatedonly –%. Quinlan () found that growing leaves consumed most of theCO supplied to them but usually exported some to younger leaves and theshoot tip. They also received some C when CO was supplied to matureleaves in the apical part of the same shoot. Jankiewicz et al. ( ) also foundthat young leaves retained most of their assimilates and received assimilatedC from mature leaves on the same shoot; moreover, the youngest leaves onthe leading shoot receive C when CO is supplied to lateral shoots.

At the beginning of leaf development the supplies of nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium used in the formation of new tissue are derived mainly fromtree reserves, principally the bark of branches and stem (Mason andWhitfield,). Subsequently N is translocated upwards from the roots in the form ofamino acids in the xylem (Titus and Kang, ), together with other nutrientelements.

Leaf senescence and shed

Premature leaf shed can be induced by pest and disease attack and nutrientdeficiencies. Leaf retention is favoured by the presence of fruits.

The general process of leaf senescence and abscission in autumn is primarilycontrolled by temperature. Jonkers () showed that apple and pear treesgrown under controlled temperature conditions as well as outdoors had accel-erated leaf drop when kept at ◦C or ◦C but greatly retarded drop whenmaintained at ◦C, ◦C or ◦C. He also found that at ◦C all appleleaves had yellowed by end-November whereas in trees kept at ◦C, ◦C or ◦C this did not occur until late January. Lakso and Lenz () showed that

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Table . Effects of rootstock on tree size and leaf area per tree (m)

and per unit of orchard land (LAI, m leaf m− land), cv. ‘Red

Delicious’ apple, Penticton, BC, Canada

Tree height Number of Leaf areaRootstock (m) trees ha− (m tree− ) LAI

Seedling . .‘M.’ . .‘M. ’ . .‘M.’ . .

Calculated from data given by Heinicke ().

autumnal senescence could be essentially stopped by transferring apple treesto an ◦C day, ◦C night temperature regime. This effect of temperatureprovides an explanation for the failure of apple leaves to shed synchronouslyin the tropics and the need for chemical or manual defoliation to release fruitbuds from correlative inhibition by leaves. In temperate climates, light frosthastens the low-temperature induced abscission process (Larsen, ).

Neither light intensity nor daylength appears to have any effect on theabscission process ( Jonkers, ).

Cultivars differ in their time of leaf shed within the overall constraints im-posed by temperature. This characteristic is highly heritable, with some evi-dence for major gene effects (Tydeman, ).

The rootstock can have a marked effect on the time of onset of leaf senes-cence and this can be delayed by nitrogen fertilizer application (Heinicke,). Senescing leaves export carbohydrates and also N, P, and K, but notCa, to the rest of the plant prior to shed (Mason and Whitfield, ).

Individual tree and orchard leaf area

The canopy size of the individual tree reflects the accumulated effects of itsgenetic make-up, in terms of both scion and rootstock, of tree managementpractices and of the external environment.

The rootstock has a very large effect on leaf area. Heinicke () foundthe leaf area per tree of ‘Red Delicious’ apple on seedling rootstock to be m and on the dwarfing ‘M.’ rootstock to be only m when the treeswere planted at the then typical spacings (Table .). The trees described inTable . had much denser leaf canopies than those typical of more modernorchards.

Giuliani et al. ( ) cited a leaf area of .m per tree (LAI, .) for heavilycropping ‘Smoothee Golden Delicious’/‘Pajam ’ planted at trees ha−,

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and Palmer and Jackson ( ) a leaf area of . m per tree (LAI, c . .) for‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’ planted at trees ha− .

Cropping and pruning also influence tree leaf area. Barlow and Smith ()found that consistently deblossomed trees had up to times the leaf weightof cropping trees. Trees that had consistently been lightly pruned had up totwice the leaf weight of heavily pruned trees. Lightly pruned or unprunedtrees also show a much more rapid development of their leaf area early in theseason than heavily pruned trees because a higher proportion of their leavesare borne on spurs (Lakso, ).

Temperature has major effects that result in differences in tree leaf area atdifferent latitudes. Annual mean daily air temperature is a linear function oflatitude. Leafing out and blossoming is earlier at low latitudes, leading to anincrease in leaf area duration, i.e. leaf area integrated over the season (Heimet al., ). Apple flower development starts . days earlier per degree lowerlatitude between ◦ N and ◦ N and apple trees on ‘M.’ have % and% more leaf area at ◦ than at ◦ and at ◦ than at ◦, respectively(Wagenmakers, a). Areas with a late onset of winter, especially if late-fruiting cultivars are used, may have an increase in leaf area duration becauseof delayed senescence.

Orchard leaf area, or leaf area index in m leaf m− ground (LAI) depends,as shown above, on individual tree leaf area and plant population. Theseare not independent. Wagenmakers () found that leaf area per tree of‘Comice’/‘Quince C’ pears decreased linearly with planting density over therange of – trees ha− although total orchard LAI still increased withplanting density. Verheij () showed that with apple the leaf area per treedeclined with increasing planting density even with unpruned trees, and wasaccompanied by a relative suppression of lateral growth in the lower parts ofthe trees.

It is obvious from the magnitude of the differences in leaf area per tree andper orchard, and from the trend towards much higher densities of planting butwith lower leaf area indices, that tree and orchard leaf canopy development arebest regarded as variables under management control. The relevant choices ofrootstock, plant population and tree management systems are largely in orderto optimize light interception and distribution.

Although in detailed studies tree leaf area may be assessed by differentsampling and measuring procedures an approximate technique is often used.In general a given leaf area is associated with a certain cross-sectional area ofsubtending stem, both with respect to leaf area per branch and to leaf areaper tree (Holland, ; Barlow, ; Verheij, ; Jackson, ). The basiclinear regression equation is

log A = log K + b logG ( .)

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where A is leaf area, K is a constant and G is branch or trunk girth. Thiscorresponds to the relationship

A = K G b ( .)

The regression coefficient b , which determines the slope of the relationship,was found by Holland () to range from . to .. Other studies gavesimilar results.

Equations . or . can be used to estimate tree or branch leaf area fromgirth once K and b have been determined. Equation . also provides therationale for using girth (which is widely used as a measure of tree weightbecause of its close correlation with this, cf. Pearce (), Moore () andChapter , p. ) as an estimate of tree size in relation to potential assim-ilation. The limitations to the use of equation . to estimate leaf area arethat K , and to a much lesser extent b , vary with factors such as pruning,cropping level, time of season and tree age, and so need to be establishedfrom samples of the population being studied. For example, leaf area pertree will level off at maturity, when the trees are pruned to contain themto the chosen size even though trunk girth and cross-sectional area (TCA)continue increasing. The limitations to the use of girthor TCA as a basisfor estimating light interception and potential assimilation are discussed onp. .

Effects of light interception and ofwithin-tree shade

Total drymatter production, hence the upper limit to potential yield, is usuallydirectly proportional to light interception by fruit tree orchards as well as othercrops (Monteith, ; Jackson, ; Palmer, a; cf. Figure .). Light thatis not intercepted by the crop canopy is not used by it!

The slope of the regression for dry matter production on intercepted photo-synthetically active radiation (PAR) gives . G MJ− for the apple orchardsstudied by Palmer (a). The efficiency with which intercepted radiation isused in dry matter production is affected by a number of factors, discussedin Chapter on photosynthesis and respiration. Factors controlling the pro-portion of assimilated carbon which is harvested as fruit are also discussed inChapters , and . Some of these factors are very important determinants oforchard fruit yield, especially the differences between cultivars in partitioningbetween fruiting and vegetative growth and the differences between rootstocksin their effects on this partitioning (cf. Table .; Figure .). However, withproductive cultivars on efficient rootstocks the yields of well-managed orchardsare largely dependent on their light interception.

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Intercepted PAR (MJ m−2)

400 600 800 1000






n (t


1 )

Figure 7.4 The effect of seasonal intercepted PAR on total (opensymbols) and fruit (filled symbols) dry matter production from a rangeof intensive apple orchards. ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.9’: spindlebushes:�, 1974; �, 1975; ‘Crispin’/‘M.27’ bed systems: O, 1982; �, 1983.From Palmer (1989a), from Manipulation of Fruiting by C. J. Wright.Reprinted by permission of Elsevier Science Ltd.

Robinson and Lakso () found that % of the differences (variance) inyield, in a trial involving two scion cultivars on four rootstocks and with threepruning systems, was accounted for by a positive linear regression of yieldon intercepted PAR. Similar results have been found in numerous studies,especially on planting density in modern orchard systems ( Jackson, ;Robinson, ).

The speed with which orchard canopies obtain high levels of light intercep-tion is a dominant factor in determining the precocity of orchard yield, whichin turn is a key determinant of profitability ( Jackson et al., ; Jackson, ).Where, however, orchards of large trees had formed ‘fully closed stands’ or-chard yields were increased by thinning out the trees (Verheij, ). This pre-sumably resulted from removing the adverse effects of excess shade on fruit budformation and fruit set (cf.Chapter ), and therefore ondrymatter partitioning.

Shade in the immediate environment of apple fruits has pronounced effectson their size, red colour development and eating quality. There are critical

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levels of within-canopy light intensity below which it is not possible to pro-duce high-value fruits ( Jackson, ; see Figure .; also Chapters and ).Since production costs generally rise with increase of tree size ( Jackson, ;Wagenmakers, a), it is not desirable to have large volumes of excessivelyshaded, unproductive tree canopy.

There are, consequently, major questions of optimizing orchard canopydesign so as to attain high light interception, including in the early years,while maintaining adequate radiation levels in the fruiting zone. Unlike manyannual crops there is much scope for canopy manipulation by tree training,pruning, control by growth regulators and vigour-controlling rootstocks as wellas planting density.

Understanding the light relationships of three-dimensional tree canopies isessential to their effective manipulation.

Shading by stems, fruits and leaves

Some shading is caused by stems and fruits. Wagenmakers (b) found thatthe projected branch cast-shadow area for ‘Comice’ pear was about % of theleaf area. The relative effect of branches on shade is likely to be less thanthis because of the way in which the leaves are positioned on the branches.The projected area of the fruits can be up % of the leaf area in some seg-ments of heavily cropping ‘Cox’ trees ( Jackson, ), but much lower inother segments. The .–.% found byWagenmakers for ‘Golden Delicious’apple trees grown in high-density planting systems is probably the bestestimate.

The leaves are therefore the most important organs for shade creation aswell as for interception of light and its use in photosynthesis. The relationshipbetween leaf area and light interception and distribution depends on leaftransmission and reflection of light, leaf poise in relation to the sources oflight, and the degree of leaf folding. It also depends on the extent to whichleaves are uniformly distributed within the trees, and the size and shape of thetrees and their arrangement within the orchard.

Leaf transmittance and reflectance

Palmer (a) found that leaf reflectance and transmittance of PAR in thewavelength range – nm were both highest early in the season whenthe leaves were shiny and relatively thin (Table .). Absorptance ranged from% to %. Both reflectance and transmittance showed a very pronouncedpeak for green light at around nm. There is high transmission in the range– nm.

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Table . Mean percentage leaf reflectance, transmittance and absorptance (over the

– nm waveband) and dry weight per unit area for sun and shade leaves of ‘Golden

Delicious’ at four occasions during the season

May June July Sept.

Sun leavesReflectance . . . .Transmittance . . . .Absorptance . . . .Leaf dry wt/unit

area (mg cm− ) . . . .Shade leaves

Reflectance . . . .Transmittance . . . .Absorptance . . . .Leaf dry wt/unit

area (mg cm− ) . . . .

From Palmer (a). Reproduced with permission.

Leaf angles and leaf folding

Jackson () found that most of the leaves of ‘Laxton’s Superb’ apple treesgrown as hedgerows had the plane of their laminas at less than ◦ to the hori-zontal with –◦ as themost common angle. The leaf petiole was commonlybent so that the upper surface was at right angles to the incident light, notice-ably in the lower parts of the trees with shading from above but exposure tolight from the side. In ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Goldspur’ trees more than %of leaves inclined less than ◦ above the horizontal (Wagenmakers, b),although Proctor et al. () found little preferred inclination or orientationon bush trees of ‘McIntosh’ apple.

Johnson and Lakso () reported that ‘Jonamac’ apple leaves are usu-ally appreciably folded: the leaf folding angle between each leaf half and thehorizontal position averaged ◦.

Foliage clumping

Apple and pear leaves are obviously not uniformly or randomly distributedwithin the orchard space. Extension shoot leaves are systematically arrangedaround the stems that bear them and short-shoot or spur leaves are in compactclusters. In general, the greater the non-uniformity of distribution the less lightwill be intercepted per unit leaf area. The same concept of ‘clumping’ can beapplied at the orchard level: dense individual trees or hedgerows separated bywide gaps being much more ‘clumped’ than, for example, orchards of V- orY-trellised trees especially if these almost meet above the alleyways.

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Canopy light interception anddistribution

The light intensity IL at any given depth in a continuous leafy canopy, likea field of grass, is related to the vertically-summed leaf area index L (LAImeasured as m leaf m− ground) above that plane according to equation .in which I is light intensity above the canopy and K the light extinctioncoefficient.


I= e −K L ( .)

The total percentage interception can be calculated from this with LAIsummed down to ground level.

The light extinction coefficient depends on the average spectral propertiesof the leaves and their orientation in relation to the spatial distribution of solarradiation. In theory, stands with randomly spaced opaque horizontal leaveshave K = ; in practice K ranges from about . for planophile canopies to. for erectophile canopies. Clumping of leaves decreases the interception perunit leaf area and so reduces the value of K . In practice K is usually calculatedusing equation . after measurement of IL , I and the intervening leaf areaindex L . This derivation ignores the fact that some of the reduction in lightintensity from I to IL may be a result of intervening stems, etc. but has thepractical advantage of relating the photosynthesizing leaf surface to irradiancelevels. For apple, K measured in this way ranges from . to . for PAR,with a mean value of . ( Jackson, , ).

In terms of light climate a continuous canopy can be considered as a seriesof strata separated by horizontal contours of irradiance as measured on ahorizontal plane. The leaf area, in LAI terms, above the irradiance contourat which the irradiance is IL can be defined as L I and is determined by K

(equation .).

L I = (ln IL )/(−K ) ( .)

or L I is the total LAI if this is less.Some apple orchards, e.g. mature orchards of ‘open centre’ bush trees,

horizontally trellised systems and very closely planted multirow bed systems(Wagenmakers, ) may give virtually continuous canopies. In these cases,and assuming an extinction coefficient of ., light levels of more than % ofthose above the canopy can only be achieved in the strata above a vertically-summed LAI, L, of ., the % irradiance contour would correspond withan L of and the % irradiance contour with an L of . .

Much more commonly, however, orchards consist of individual hedgerowsor trellised systems separated by alleyways and, in their early years, almost all

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Figure 7.5 Comparison of observed (�) values of relative irradianceacross a row of hedgerow orchards at 2.9 × 0.9 m spacing underdiffuse light conditions with those predicted using a 45◦ leaf angle(solid line) and a spherical leaf angle distribution (broken line). From

Palmer (1977b). Reproduced with permission.

orchards consist of trees that are spatially separated within as well as betweenrows. In this situation light may be received on the lower, but outer, portionsof the tree canopy without passing through foliage vertically above. It may,however, have been attenuated by passage, at an angle, through the upper partof the foliage of an adjacent tree or row of trees. It may also be intercepted bystems or fruits.

The light transmission to the ground, or to any particular point in thecanopy, can be calculated as a process in which beams of light pass through thecanopy in the manner of a point quadrat. Penetration depends on the altitudeand azimuth of the source of light during the day, the areas and arrangementof leaves, stems and fruits per unit canopy volume and separate light extinc-tion coefficients for each of these shading structures. Computer models havebeen developed, both for direct light penetration and interception, and forthat of diffuse light. The models of Palmer (b) and Wagenmakers (b)give quite close correspondence with measured values of light transmissionto the orchard floor (Figure .). Wagenmakers’ simulations showed that cor-rect assessment of crown size and leaf area were very important to accurate

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estimation of light interception and she concluded that fruit contributed little.Charles-Edwards and Thorpe () found that a model using only leafareas and tree dimensions gave simulated transmission values very close toexperimental measurements.

Solar altitude and azimuth vary throughout the day, throughout the year,and with latitude. Light interception and penetration vary not only with treeor hedgerow dimensions but also with canopy density and hedgerow orien-tation. The range of potential orchard designs made possible by the use ofrootstocks giving different degrees of vigour control and of training and prun-ing systems to control tree shape, together with the change of tree dimensionsover the years, limits relevant field investigations. The computer modellingapproach enables light interception and light levels within canopies to be cal-culated for orchards with different configurations and leaf area densities at anylatitude over the chosen period (Figures ., . ). Results are conventionallyexpressed as percentage interception and percentage of above-canopy irradi-ance but can readily be converted to absolute values if irradiance at the site isknown.

An alternative modelling approach is to consider light transmission to theorchard floor (T ) to be made up of that which misses the trees altogether (Tf )and that which penetrates through the tree canopy (Tc) including sunflecks onthe ground within the cast shadow area, i.e.

T = Tf + Tc ( .)

In this Tf depends on tree form (size and shape) and between-tree spacing,and Tc on leaf density within the tree outline expressed as leaf area per unit ofshaded area, i.e. the cast-shadow area including sunflecks ( Jackson ). Thefractional interception of light (F ) can then be calculated from the fractionalinterception which would occur if the trees were opaque (Fmax which equals − Tf ) minus the transmission through the trees. This transmission, fromequation ., will be Fmaxe−K L ′

where Fmax is the ground area shaded and L ′

is the projected leaf area on the cast shadow area, i.e. LAI divided by Fmax.Thus, from Jackson and Palmer (, ),

F = Fmax − Fmaxe−K L ′( .)

Fmax can be determined using relatively simple computer models assumingopaque ‘trees’ and calculating their interception of direct and diffuse lightthroughout the day and season at different latitudes ( Jackson and Palmer,), or by computer graphics ( Johnson and Lakso, ). It can also bemeasured using opaque scale models of orchards placed on surfaces suchas solar panels or arrays of cosine-corrected sensors giving electrical outputproportional to incoming radiation ( Jackson, ; Middleton and Jackson,

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Figure 7.6 Calculated light profiles within individual sections ofhedge of given dimensions (m) and two LAIs for three orchardsystems. Hedgerow orientation N–S. From Palmer (1981).

Reproduced with permission.

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Figure 7.7 Calculated daily light distributions under sunnyconditions within hedgerows at two latitudes, two dates, two rowspacings and two row orientations. Each tree outline shows contoursof percentage irradiance. Hedgerows are 2.5 m tall, 1.5 m thick at thebase and 0.5 m thick at the top, with a leaf area density of 2.6 m2 m−3.

From Palmer (1989b). Reproduced with permission.

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Figure 7.8 Comparison of calculated daily transmission from thePalmer (1977b) computer model with 50% direct and 50% diffuselight to that estimated from Equation (7.4) with K = 0.6. Comparisonsfor the range of hedgerow orchards as shown:

Triangular cross-section � � � �Rectangular cross-section � � � Hedge height (m) 1 3 1 3Row spacing (m) 4 4 2 2

For LAIs of 1, 2, 3, 4.All hedges of 1.5 m spread at ground level.

From Jackson and Palmer (1977). Reproduced with permission.

). This latter method copes with natural patterns of direct and diffuseirradiation which may differ from ‘normal’.

Results obtained by the use of equation . agree closely with those cal-culated from more complex models (Figure .). This approach can also beextended to calculate the leaf area, L I , which will be in receipt of irradianceat above any given light intensity, IL expressed as a decimal fraction of abovecanopy irradiance ( Jackson and Palmer, ).

L I = Fmax[(ln IL )/(−K )] ( . )

or LAI if this is less.Results obtained by the use of equation . agree closely with those calcu-

lated from more complex models (Figure .).Fmax, LAI and K are therefore the determinants both of total orchard

canopy light interception and of the leaf area or canopy volume (CVI) external

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Figure 7.9 Comparison of estimates of canopy volumes (m3 m−2

orchard) receiving more than 40% (CV0.4) or more than 20% (CV0.2)of full daylight (daily integrals) for N–S oriented hedgerows 1.5 mwide at ground level giving all combinations of LAI 1, 2, 3 and4, between row spacings of 2 m and 4 m, heights of 1 m and 3 m andrectangular and triangular profiles in section. ‘Palmer model’ is thecomputer model of Palmer (1977b). The equations are equation 7.8and those preceding it in this text. From Jackson and Palmer (1981)

with permission.

to any chosen contour of mean irradiance where

CVI = L I/(leaf area density m m− ) ( .)

It follows from this analysis:

That potential orchard light interception and yield cannot be predictedfrom such factors as tree height, surface area, LAI, etc. alone; virtuallyidentical levels of light interception can be achieved with very differenttree forms and LAI values (Table . ).

That, especially for tall hedgerow orchards, light interception and distribu-tion are partly controlled by orchard geometry in relation to direct-beamsolar radiation. North–south hedgerows are generally preferable to east–west ones and latitude influences the effect of orchard geometry.

That light interception per unit leaf area is higher the greater the value ofFmax. This is because, at the extremes, increasing orchard leaf area by in-creasing Fmax may have a linearly proportional effect on light interception(e.g. with higher plant populations in the first years after planting). On theother hand, increasing orchard leaf area by increasing leaf density withina constant canopy volume will increase light interception in proportion tothe increase in the logarithm of leaf area only.

The actual light intensities within the canopy are a function of abovecanopy irradiance. This has implications for optimal canopy dimensions

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Table . Examples of similar light interceptions achieved with truncated triangular

cross-section hedgerows of different dimensions, spacings, leaf areas, canopy volumes and

canopy surface areas

Canopy Canopy% light Canopy Clear alley Basal volume surface areainterception height (m) width (m) thickness (m) LAI (m m− ) (m m− )

. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .

From Jackson and Palmer (). Reproduced with permission.

at different latitudes. For example, Davis, California has a high-lightclimate with . GJ m− over a -month growing season whereasWilhelminadorp, Netherlands has an average of only . GJ m− overa similar period. If % of above-canopy radiation at Wilhelminadorp istaken to be the critical level for ‘good’ apple fruit bud formation and fruitsize development there, the same light intensity will be attained within thecanopy at Davis with only % of above-canopy irradiance. With Fmax at. and K at ., the LAI receiving this critical light level in absolute termswill be . atWilhelminadorp and . atDavis, because atWilhelminadorpIL/I needs to be . but at Davis only . ( Jackson, ).

Trunk cross-sectional area and light interception

Trunk cross-sectional area, or girth , is related to leaf area by equations .and ., although both b and K may vary. Individual tree leaf area can thusbe estimated from trunk girth or TCA; orchard LAI from the summation ofthese.

The relationship between summed orchard TCA and light interception willtherefore follow the relationship between orchard leaf area and light intercep-tion. It will be a combination of linear effects (e.g. increase in planting densityin the early years influencing Fmax proportionately) and effects based on theexponential relationship between light interception and leaf area, as discussedearlier. The latter will become increasingly important as the trees grow to theirfinal size with increasing within-canopy shading. This provides the basis forthe good fit of a quadratic curve to the relationship between light intercep-tion and TCA over a number of orchard systems (Robinson and Lakso, )and also, at least in part, to the curvilinear relationship between yield andgirth .

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Jackson, J.E. (). Light interception and utilization by orchard systems.Horticultural Reviews , – .

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Jackson, J.E. (). Future fruit orchard design: economics and biology. InAttributes of Trees as Crop Plants, ed. M.G.R. Cannell and J.E. Jackson,pp. –. Monks Wood, UK: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, NaturalEnvironment Research Council.

Jackson, J.E. ( ). Light interception and canopy characteristics at lowlatitudes in relation to orchard system design. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

Jackson, J.E. and Beakbane, A.B. (). Structure of leaves growing at differentlight intensities within mature apple trees. Report of the East Malling ResearchStation for , –.

Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. (). Interception of light by model hedgeroworchards in relation to latitude, time of year and hedgerow configuration andorientation. Journal of Applied Ecology , – .

Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. ( ). Effects of shade on the growth andcropping of apple trees. I. Experimental details and effects on vegetativegrowth. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. (). A simple model of light transmission andinterception by discontinuous canopies. Annals of Botany , –.

Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. (). A computer model study of lightinterception by orchards in relation to mechanised harvesting andmanagement. Scientia Horticulturae , – .

Jackson, J.E. and Palmer, J.W. (). Light distribution in discontinuouscanopies: calculation of leaf areas and canopy volumes above defined‘irradiance contours’ for use in productivity modelling. Annals of Botany ,–.

Jackson, J.E., Parry, M.S. and Stephens, C.P. (). Intensification of tree fruitproduction: current constraints, relevant research and an alternative systemstrategy for the ’s. Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Jankiewicz, L.S., Antoszewski, R and Klimowicz, E. ( ). Distribution oflabelled assimilates within a young apple tree after supplying CO to a leafor a shoot. Biologia Plantarum (Prague) , –.

Johnson, R.S. and Lakso, A.N. (). Relationships between stem length, leafarea, stem weight and accumulated growing degree-days in apple shoots.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Johnson, R.S. and Lakso, A.N. (). Carbon balance model of a growing appleshoot. I. Development of the model. Journal of the American Society forHorticultural Science , –.

Johnson, R.S. and Lakso, A.N. (). Approaches to modelling lightinterception in orchards. HortScience , –.

Jonkers, H. (). Autumnal leaf abscission in apple and pear. Fruit ScienceReports , –.

Lakso, A.N. (). Leaf area development patterns in young pruned andunpruned apple trees. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,–.

Lakso, A.N. and Lenz, F. (). Regulation of apple tree photosynthesis in theautumn by temperature. In The Regulation of Photosynthesis in Fruit Trees, ed. A.N.Lakso, and F. Lenz, pp. – . Special Publication, New York StateAgricultural Experiment Station, Geneva.

Larsen, F.E. (). Promotion of leaf abscission in fruit nursery stock. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Lindhagen, M. (). Model analysis of leaf unfolding rate in Malus domesticaBorkh. Scientia Horticulturae , –.

Liu, A. and Eaton, G.W. (). Comparative leaf anatomy of two standard andtwo compact apple mutants. Canadian Journal of Plant Science , –.

MacDaniels, L.H. and Cowart, F.F. (). The Development and Structure of the AppleLeaf. Cornell University (Ithaca) Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir.

Mason, A.C. and Whitfield, A.B. (). Seasonal changes in the uptake anddistribution of mineral elements in apple trees. Journal of Horticultural Science, –.

Middleton, S. and Jackson, J.E. (). ‘Solid model’ estimation of lightinterception by apple orchard systems. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Monteith, J.L. ( ). Climate and the efficiency of crop production in Britain.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, , –.

Moore, C.S. (). Biometric relationship in apple trees. Journal of HorticulturalScience , –.

Palmer, J.W. (a). Light transmittance by apple leaves and canopies. Journal ofApplied Ecology , –.

Palmer, J.W. (b). Diurnal light interception and a computer model of lightinterception by hedgerow apple orchards. Journal of Applied Ecology , –.

Palmer, J.W. (). Computed effects of spacing on light interception anddistribution within hedgerow trees in relation to productivity. Acta Horticulturae, –.

Palmer, J.W. (a). Canopy manipulation for optimum utilization of light. InManipulation of Fruiting, ed. C.J. Wright, pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Palmer, J.W. (b). The effects of row orientation, tree height, time of year andlatitude on light interception and distribution in model apple hedgerowcanopies. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

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Pearce, S.C. (). Studies in the measurement of apple trees. . The use oftrunk girths to estimate tree size. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , –.

Pratt, C. (). Apple trees: morphology and anatomy Horticultural Reviews ,–.

Proctor, J.T.A. and Palmer, J.W. (). The role of spur and bourse leaves ofthree apple cultivars on fruit set and growth and calcium content. Journal ofHorticultural Science , –.

Proctor, J.T.A., Kyle, W.J. and Davies, J.A. (). The penetration of globalsolar radiation into apple trees. Journal of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Quinlan, J.D. (). The pattern of distribution of Carbon in a potted applerootstock following assimilation of carbon dioxide by a single leaf. Report of theEast Malling Research Station for , –.

Quinlan, J.D. (). Mobilization of C in the spring following autumnassimilation of CO by an apple rootstock. Journal of Horticultural Science ,–.

Robinson, T.L. ( ). Interaction of tree form and rootstock on lightinterception, yield and efficiency of ‘Empire’, ‘Delicious’ and ‘Jonagold’ appletrees trained to different systems. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Robinson, T.L. and Lakso, A.N. (). Bases of yield and production efficiencyin apple orchard systems. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, –.

Skene, D.S. (). Chloroplast structure in mature apple leaves grown underdifferent levels of illumination and their responses to changed illumination.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B , –.

Slack, E.M. (). Studies of stomatal distribution on the leaves of four applevarieties. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Titus, J.S. and Kang, S.M. (). Nitrogen metabolism, translocation andrecycling in apple trees. Horticultural Reviews , –.

Tustin, S., Corelli-Grappadelli, L. and Ravaglia, G. (). Effect ofprevious-season and current light environments on early-season spurdevelopment and assimilate translocation in ‘Golden Delicious’ apple. Journalof Horticultural Science , –.

Tydeman, H.M. (). The inheritance of time of leaf break and leaf fall inseedling apples. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , –.

Verheij, E.W.M. (). Yield-density Relations in Apple: Results of a Planting SystemExperiment in Hungary. Publication , Wageningen, ITT.

Verheij, E.W.M. (). Competition in apple, as influenced by alar sprays, fruiting,pruning and tree spacing. Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen.Publicatie , pp. –.

Wagenmakers, P.S. (). High-density planting system trial with pear. ActaHorticulturae , – .

Wagenmakers, P.S. (a). Planting systems for fruit trees in temperateclimates. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences , –.

Wagenmakers, P.S. (b). Simulation of light distribution in dense orchardsystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology , –.

Wagenmakers, P.S. (). Light relations in orchard systems. Thesis,Wageningen.

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Photosynthesis, respiration,and carbohydrate transport,partitioning and storage


The greater part of the dry weight of apple and pear trees is derived fromphotosynthetically fixed carbon. Moreover, sugars comprise a critically im-portant component of the economic product, the fruits, being a major factorin controlling their taste.

Early in the season, around budburst, the carbohydrate needed to provideenergy for growth and to supply a basis for structural material comes from re-serves stored in perennial tissues in the previous season or seasons. As the leavesexpand their photosynthesis supplies growing tissues and replenishes reserves.

One very important aspect of apple and pear carbohydrate metabolismis that of the ripening and the post-harvest fruit. This is dealt with in laterchapters.


In photosynthesis energy from solar radiation is converted into chemical en-ergy, which enables the reduction of carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates,according to equation (.).

nCO + nHOlight−→

chlorophyll(CHO)n + nO + nHO (.)

This process involves both ‘light’ and ‘dark’ reactions in very close conjunc-tion. In the ‘light’ reaction light energy is converted into chemical energy in theform of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidephosphate (NADPH). In the ‘dark’ reaction, which is closely coupled to the‘light’ reaction, CO is incorporated by carboxylation of ribulose phosphate byribulose ,-bisphosphate carboxylase–oxygenase (RuBPC/O).The first stableproducts of this reaction are twomolecules of glycerate -phosphate (glycerate--P). Plants such as apple and pear in which the initial carboxylation results in

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the formation of -carbon acids are termed C plants. Glycerate--P is phos-phorylatedwhenATP is present to formglycerate ,-Pwhich is reduced,whenNADPH is present, to give glyceraldehyde--P. This triose phosphate, togetherwith dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) can be combined to form fructose,-bisphosphate (fructose-P ) through the action of fructose bisphosphatase(FBPase). Fructose -phosphate can then be used to form starch.

The flow of carbon within this overall photosynthetic carbon reduction(PCR) cycle is largely controlled by regulation of the enzymes within it. Theenzyme present in the highest concentration in the chloroplast stroma isRuBPC/O, which may constitute up to % of the total protein within thechloroplast. The activities of several of the enzymes are regulated by light and,in addition, changes in the stromal pH and magnesium concentration affectthe activities of both RuBPC/O and FBPase.

Both O and CO compete for RuBP at the catalytic site on the enzyme sophotosynthesis is directly inhibited by O . The oxygenase reaction results inthe formation of phosphoglycolate at the start of the photosynthetic oxidativecarbon cycle which is themetabolic pathway for photorespiration. The releaseof CO from this pathwaymay be equivalent to –%of the rate of net CO

assimilation (Sharkey, ).Sorbitol, a -carbon alcohol which plays several key roles in woody Rosaceae,

is formed by the reduction of -fructose and -glucose. Glucose-P is reducedto sorbitol-P by aldose -P reductase and the P split from sorbitol-P by aphosphatase. A glucitol -P phosphatase has been found in apple leaves (Grantand ap-Rees, ).

When CO is fed to apple leaves –% of the total activity in the sugarfraction is found in sorbitol immediately after supply (Hansen, a, b). Therest is mainly in sucrose, with some in glucose and fructose. Similar resultsare found with pear leaves (Bieleski, ). Sorbitol is the major end prod-uct of apple and pear photosynthesis (Priestley, ; Oliveira and Priestley,).

Transport of photosynthate from leaves to fruits appears to be mainly assorbitol. After supply of CO to apple leaves the concentration of C-sorbitolin these falls quickly, labelled sorbitol is found in the conducting tissues betweenthe leaves and adjacent fruits and sorbitol appears as the main labelled ‘sugar’in the fruitwithin a fewhours (Hansen, ). Sorbitol is themain carbohydratefound in apple phloem (Bieleski, ). It is particularly suited to translocationin the phloem because it is not metabolized there.

Sorbitol is the most abundant compound in the soluble fraction of carbo-hydrate reserves in woody Rosaceae (Oliveira and Priestley, ). However,sorbitol transported from leaves is quickly converted in the fruits into sucrose,glucose and, especially, fructose (Hansen, ). This maintains the concen-tration gradient which facilitates the leaf-to-fruit translocation. It is consistent

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Leaf conductance (mmol m−2 s−1)








ol m

−2 s


200 300 400

Crop loadDrought


Figure 8.1 The relationship between photosynthesis and leafconductance in separate studies of drought stress and of varyingcrop loads with ‘Empire’/‘M.9’ apple trees in the field. From Lakso

(1994). Reproduced with permission.

with the isolation from apple fruits of a sorbitol dehydrogenase that oxidizessorbitol to fructose.

Traditionally, leaf photosynthetic rate (A) was expressed as the mass ofCO fixed per unit of leaf area per unit of time (mg CO dm− h− ). Morerecently it has been expressed in molar units (µmol m− s− ) with an approx-imate conversion of . × mg CO dm− h− = µmoles m− s− (Floreand Lakso, ). Photosynthesis responds to light in the visible wavelengths(– nm), which makes up about % of total solar radiation, with somevariation depending on cloudiness and solar position relative to the earth.This is measured in W m− or µE m− s− . Commonly photosyntheticallyactive radiation (PAR) or photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) within or below thecanopy is expressed as a percentage of above-canopy irradiance, but it mustbe remembered that the latter varies from site to site and through the season.

Stomatal conductance and photosynthesis

Clearly the rate of entry of CO into the leaf is potentially a major limit-ing factor to photosynthesis. Effects of both environmental and within-plantfactors on photosynthesis may therefore be mediated by effects on stomatalconductance, measured as leaf conductance or canopy conductance. Stomataand stomatal aperture control are discussed in Chapter and Chapter .

There is frequently a close relationship between stomatal conductance andnet photosynthesis of apple leaves (Palmer, ; Lakso, (cf. Figure .);Giuliani et al., b). The pattern of causality in this relationship may be

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, ,






PPFD (µmol m−2 s−1)




2 dm

−2 h


1500 2000

Figure 8.2 Light response curves of mid-shoot leaves from young‘Fuji’ apple trees grown under full daylight (©—©), 52.9% daylight(�—�), 34.2% daylight (�—�), 15.8% daylight (�—�) and 5.0%daylight (•—•). From Asada and Ogasawara (1998). Reproducedwith permission. Under natural light conditions 2000 µmol m−2 s−1

PAR corresponds to c. 1000 W m−2 of total radiation measured byradiometer or 100 Klux measured with a light meter.

complex. ‘Sun’ leaves in exposed (exterior) canopy positions have higher netphotosynthesis per unit light and higher stomatal conductance (Campbell et al.,), but also have numerous other adaptations leading to higher photosyn-thetic potential. Humidity may control stomatal conductance directly (seeChapter , pp.–), hencephotosynthesis, and inother cases photosynthesisappears to control stomatal behaviour rather than vice versa (Lakso, ).

Light response curves

Apple leaf photosynthesis is of theC type with a hyperbolic light response thattypically saturates at – µmol quanta m− −s (Figure .). The lightcompensation point, i.e. the light level belowwhich net CO exchange is nega-tive, with respiration exceeding photosynthesis, is –µmol quantam− s− .Good rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf area for healthy exposed leaves arearound µmol CO m− s− (Lakso, ) although much higher rateshave been recorded, e.g. over mg CO dm− h− by Avery ( ), about mg CO dm− h− by Bravdo () and – mg CO dm− h− byLooney ().

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Although stomata are closed in the dark they open fully at light levels wellbelow photosynthetic light saturation and the photosynthesis light responsecurve does not reflect changes in stomatal conductance (Kriedemann andCanterford, ; Lakso, ).

When solar irradiance and air temperatures are very high, shading mayactually increase photosynthesis. Bravdo (), working in Israel, found thatwhen themaximum radiation flux density at noon was Wm− or µEm− s− PAR shading by % reduced leaf temperatures from ◦C to ◦C,reduced stomatal resistance to about a third and increased photosynthesis byup to around . times. This shade effect should be regarded as overcomingtemperature and water stress effects rather than indicating supraoptimal PARlevels.

The net photosynthesis of Pyrus communis cultivars at saturating light levelsis similar to that of apples: Kriedemann and Canterford () found ‘Bartlett’leaves to be light saturated at a light intensity equivalent to Wm− of PARunder the conditions of the experiment, at which net photosynthesis of singleleaves was approximately mg CO dm− h− . The maximum rate in theorchard was around – mg CO dm− h− , achieved early in the day withsolar radiation at approximately Wm− and PAR about half of this. Thelight compensation point was fc ( W m− of PAR).

Several studies have shown P. serotina to have relatively lowmaximum photo-synthetic rates. Honjo et al. () found net photosynthesis to increase slowlyto . µmol m− s− at PPF = µmol m− s− under conditions whereP. communis cv. ‘Bartlett’ reached a near maximum of . µmol m− s− atPPF = µmol m− s− . Higgins et al. () also found the light compen-sation point of the Asian pear P. serotina cv. ‘th Century’ was, at µmolquanta m− s− , about half that of the apple cv. ‘Granspur’.

The typical rates for apple and European pear at saturating light intensity(Amax) are comparable to those of Prunus species and grapes but higher thanthose of citrus (Flore and Lakso, ; Lakso, ). Comparisons of individualpublished rates can be difficult to interpret because of the effects of a largenumber of plant factors, e.g. fruiting and leaf type, on Amax and the differing ef-fects of e.g. temperature on Amax and of leaf-to-air vapour pressure differenceson stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis of different species (Higginset al., ).

Conversion of light energy to dry matter by apple trees, at . g MJ− ofPAR, is slightly higher than that calculated for forest stands (Palmer, ).

Effects of temperature

The response curves of apple net photosynthesis to temperature show broadoptima over the range – ◦C (Lakso et al., ), – ◦C (Watson et al.,

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) or – ◦C with a distinct peak at around ◦C (Higgins et al., ;some data of Watson et al., ). These optima are lower than many cited inearlier literature. Apple photosynthesis at ◦C is –%of the maximum atoptimal temperature and is very much higher at low temperatures than that ofpeach, grape and some other fruit trees. The decline with temperature from ◦C to ◦C, where it is near zero, is fairly consistent and is at least partlydue to concomitant effects on stomatal aperture with change in leaf-to-airvapour pressure differences.

Kriedemann and Canterford () found net photosynthesis of pear leavesto show a broad temperature optimum of – ◦C, at which it was about mg CO dm− h− , with lower rates at ◦C (c . mg CO dm− h− )and at ◦C and ◦C (c . mgCO dm− h− ) under laboratory conditionsof saturating light and high relative humidity.

Effects of water stress and water potential

Water stress is used as the descriptive term for an imbalance between the supplyof and the demand for water. It is accompanied by changes in plant waterpotential which may or may not have deleterious effects on plant processes.Lakso () found that net photosynthesis can occur at very low apple leafwater potentials and that substantial reduction of photosynthesis may notoccur until the water potential (ψ ) falls below − bar. Kriedemann andCanterford () found that pear leaf photosynthesis did not decline untilleaf water potential had fallen to below − bar although a history of watershortage reduced the daily maximum rate of photosynthesis. Photosynthesisin apples and pears can withstand much lower water potentials than is thecase in many annual crops and grapes. There is also some evidence of lowerphotosynthetic rates at very high as well as very low water potentials (Floreand Lakso, ). It may be that photosynthesis declines above an optimumcell volume.

Lakso () showed a high correlation between net photosynthesis andstomatal conductance in leaves from field and potted apple trees with vary-ing water stresses imposed. Lakso () has suggested that the close couplingbetween photosynthesis and stomatal behaviour may indicate that photosyn-thesis controls stomatal behaviour as well as vice versa.

Effects of flooding

Flooding results in dramatic reductions in leaf photosynthesis of apple.Fernandez et al. ( ) found that flooding of ‘Jonnee’ apples on a range ofrootstocks reduced net photosynthesis to less than %of that of control trees,some trees showing deleterious effects within days.

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Effects of atmospheric CO

Minchin et al. ( ) found that lowering CO in a leaf chamber from a typicalambient level of ppm to ppm reduced the leaf photosynthetic rate from. to . µmol min− . Carbon dioxide depletion is not usually considered asa major factor operating in the orchard.

Corelli-Grappadelli and Magnanini () found a doubling of net photo-synthesis at high (> µmol m− s− ) PAR levels when enclosed maturecropping trees of ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M. ’ were fed with ppm instead ofambient CO . The effect of higher CO levels was smaller at lower light inten-sities, the net result being that the light response curve was always higher. Thephotosynthesis rates at high CO levels continued to rise with increasing lightintensities well beyond the level at which the photosynthesis/light responsecurves at ambient CO had reached light saturation. This has implications forpotential photosynthesis if atmospheric CO concentrations rise.

Effects of leaf nitrogen

Kriedemann and Canterford () showed that the photosynthesis rates ofnitrogen-deficient pear leaves were only about a quarter as high as thosewith high nitrogen levels (Figure .). This effect was associated with lowerchlorophyll levels but the latter explained only about half of the reduction inphotosynthesis. Effects on enzyme production may also be implicated.

Effects of leaf type, history and structure

There is ample evidence that leaves exposed to high light levels (sun leaves)have a higher photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area than leaves developedin the shade (Figure .). They have a higher specific leaf weight (mg cm− )as discussed earlier and Barden () found a close linear relationship (r =.) between net photosynthesis (Pn) and the specific leaf weight of detachedleaves taken from interior (shaded) and peripheral (exposed) positions withinmature apple trees. Campbell et al. () found that spur leaves from the outer,high-light zone of apple trees had higher specific leaf weight than interior andintermediate leaves from full bloom onwards. They consistently throughoutthe season had higher net photosynthesis at all light levels and had higherlight saturation levels. These effects may result from the greater number ofpalisade layers, and higher chlorophyll and nitrogen content per unit leafarea commonly found in ‘sun’ leaves. Asada and Ogasawara () found thatleaves of young trees of ‘Fuji’ grown in the open hadmaximum photosynthesisrates of about mg CO dm− h− at light saturation of µmol m− s−

PPFD. Those from trees grown at increasing levels of shade had corresponding

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2 dm

−2 h



ar r










06 7 8 9 10

Time of day

11 12noon

1 2 3 4 5


Leaf temperature (°C)












Solar radiation

Solar radiation

Net photosynthesis

Net photosynthesis










2 dm

−2 h



ar r










06 7 8 9 10 11 12

noon1 2 3 4 5


Leaf temperature (°C)

× × × × × ×××××××××××××××××××××

× ×××××× ×× ××







×× ××× ×× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ××× × ×××

× × ××

×× × × ×

× × ××

×× ×

× ×× ×





× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ××× × × × × ×



Figure 8.3 Diurnal changes in photosynthesis, leaf temperature andsolar radiation: Pyrus communis (L) cv. ‘Williams’ Bon Chretien’(‘Bartlett’) trees growing at a high (a) and a low (b) level of nitrogennutrition. From Kriedemann and Canterford (1971). Reproduced with


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Time (weeks after unfolding)





a) (



2 dm

−2 h






5 8

Figure 8.4 Net photosynthesis rates at light saturation of appleleaves as affected by light regime during the preceding weeks.H, full greenhouse sunlight; L, 20% of full greenhouse sunlight. From

Barden (1974). Reproduced with permission.

changes in leaf structure and lower maximum rates, e.g. mgCO dm− h−

by leaves from trees grown at % full sunlight.By comparing all sequences of sun versus heavy shade over three -week

periods starting in April, Barden () showed that net photosynthesis atsaturating illumination was increased by exposure to high light even after leafexpansion had ceased, although the effect of the light climate in the earliestperiod of leaf development was greatest (Figure .). This is in keeping witheffects on specific leaf weight.

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, ,

May JulyJune Aug Sept Oct0



e of





(g m

−2 h




Figure 8.5 Changes in the rate of leaf photosynthesis of differentleaf types. •, spur leaves 1980; �, spur leaves 1981; ©, vegetativespur leaves 1980; �, basal extension shoot leaves 1981; �,mid-position extension shoot leaves 1981. East Malling, UK. From

Palmer (1986).

Extension shoot leaves show much higher leaf photosynthesis at saturatinglight intensity (> µE m− s− ) than spur leaves (Figure .). This is inkeeping with their greater thickness and chlorophyll content (Schechter et al.,).

Effects of sink activity

Numerous studies, reviewed by Avery (, ) and Flore and Lakso (),have shown that there is greater production of dry matter per unit leaf areaby fruiting than by defruited trees. Expressed as average net assimilation ratesover the season, Avery () calculated that the leaves on fruiting trees were% more efficient. Some of the implicit enhancement of photosynthesis byfruiting may have been due to poorer leaf development, therefore less shadedcanopies, in the cropping trees. In a number of cases, however, the presence offruit caused an increase in total dry matter production (Chandler ; Maggs; Avery ).

Direct measurements have confirmed that the presence of fruits can leadto substantial enhancement of photosynthesis (Avery ; Lenz ; Palmer; Greer et al., ). There have also been many experiments in whichno such effects were demonstrated, possibly as a result of experimental con-ditions in which photosynthesis was source-limited or non-fruit sinks wereof dominant importance (Flore and Lakso, ). Palmer () comparedheavily cropping trees of ‘Crispin’/‘M. ’ with ones thinned to various lev-els, including complete deblossoming, under English conditions. Only in July

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Table . Mean rates of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves of -year-old

orchard-grown trees of ‘Braeburn’/‘M.’ apple in relation to crop load during the

growing season in New Zealand

Net photosynthesis (µmol m− s− )

Number of fruits per tree Nov Dec Jan Mar April

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LSD. . . . . .

Based on data presented by Greer et al. ( ). Reproduced with permission.

and August, the period of maximum fruit dry matter increment, was light-saturated photosynthesis significantly higher (+%) in un-thinned than intotally deblossomed trees, with intermediate photosynthesis rates at inter-mediate cropping levels. Greer et al. ( ) subsequently obtained very similarresults in New Zealand (Table .). Chlorophyll fluorescence studies indi-cated that the non-cropping trees had a higher proportion of the absorbedenergy dissipated as heat rather than by the photochemical process. Theleaves of these non-cropping trees had increased starch concentration pos-sibly leading to feadback inhibition of photosynthesis (Wunsche and Palmer,b).

Giuliani et al. (a, b) found that whole canopy photosynthesis was higherfor fruiting than non-fruiting apple trees of cv. ‘Smoothee’/‘Pajam ’, particu-larly in the afternoon. This was associated with increased canopy conductance(see also Chapter ).

Daily pattern of photosynthesis

The daily pattern of pear leaf photosynthesis under conditions of ample so-lar radiation shown in Figure . has also been noted for apple. Most com-monly maximum photosynthesis occurs before solar noon (Cheng and Luo, ) and rates are lower in the afternoon at similar levels of irradiance andoptimal temperatures. Part of the decline in the afternoon may be due toaccumulation of assimilates and feedback inhibition: Giuliani et al. (a,b) found that at saturating light intensity fruiting trees showed only a slightdecline in photosynthesis from morning to afternoon whereas this was morepronounced in non-fruiting trees. On the other hand, where irradiance lev-els are limiting, the daily course of photosynthesis reflects these. Mika and

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, ,

Antoszewski () found that photosynthesis rates on the east sides of north–south oriented hedgerows peaked in mid-morning, and those on the west sidesin the early afternoon, reflecting the daily course of illumination on the twosides.

Effects of leaf age

Kennedy and Fuji () found that, following apple leaf emergence in spring,net photosynthesis at saturating irradiance increased rapidly as the leavesexpanded, reaching a peak of to mgCO dm− h− at about –%offull leaf expansion. Rates then dropped by about %to a plateau which couldbe maintained for more than months, to mid-October, before beginning arapid decline. Porpiglia and Barden () found that well-exposed apple spurleaves showed little change in photosynthesis for about months. In contrast,Palmer () and others have found ageing effects from quite early in theseason (Figure .).

Seasonal patterns

Seasonal patterns reflect the ageing of individual leaves, which has been slowinmost studies, and a very rapid decline due to, or triggered by, environmentalfactors at the end of the season. Cheng and Luo ( ), measuring photosyn-thesis in the field, found very little decline in the dailymaximumphotosynthesisrate of mid-position shoot leaves in Shandong, China, over the months ofMayto October inclusive but a sharp decline in daily total CO gain in Septemberand, especially, October. This appears to relate to the lower irradiance andleaf temperatures in the later part of the day in those months. Lakso and Lenz() found that autumnal senescence and reduction in photosynthesis couldbe stopped by transferring apple trees to a regime with higher temperatures( ◦C day, ◦C night) than those obtaining outdoors.

Photosynthesis by flowers, fruits and stems

These organs may contain chlorophyll and fix carbon dioxide. Vemmos andGoldwin (, ) found that before flower opening, sepals and receptacleshad chlorophyll concentrations similar to those found in rosette leaves althoughthey decreased subsequently. At the green-cluster stage flowers contributed%to the green surface area, %to total chlorophyll and %to thenumberof stomata of floral clusters. Flower gross photosynthesis was about a third ofthat of leaves at the balloon stage and at days after full bloom, althoughmuchless at full bloom. Photosynthesis by flowers apparently contributed –%of their own carbohydrate need.

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Apple fruits have chloroplasts in the green tissue of the hypodermal andinner perivascular tissues (Blanke and Lenz, ). Hypodermal chloroplastsin the five to six layers below the epidermis are smaller than in the inner tissues,resemble those found in leaves and exhibit grana throughout fruit develop-ment (Phan, ). Inner central tissues in young fruits are more photosyn-thetically active than in mature fruits but still less active than the hypodermis.The fruit surface has stomata but these are only about –% as frequent asthose in leaves. The fruits also, however, possess a system which re-fixes CO

from the mitochondrial respiration of predominantly imported carbon. Thispathway produces malate by the action of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase(PEPC). Fruit photosynthesis appears to be intermediate in status betweenC non-autotropic and C/CAM photosynthesis. Fruit photosynthesis oftencompensates for respiratory CO loss in the light but, due to respiration inthe dark, there is a continual net loss of CO from fruits throughout theirdevelopment. Nevertheless, given the very high proportion of the tree masswhich is made up of fruits, their ability to compensate for respiratory losses inthe light is very important.


Respiration is the process in which carbon substrates are utilized in the pro-duction of energy.

CHO + O −→ CO + HO + energy

Low-energy bonds in the carbon substrates are converted to high-energybonds in reduced nucleotides (NADH, NADPH and FADH ) and ATP. Theoxidation of one glucosemolecule has the potential to yield ATPmolecules.Respiration is divided into that associated with the biosynthesis of new planttissue (growth respiration) and that needed for organ maintenance (main-tenance respiration). These definitions have to be used with care and are,to some extent, oversimplifications. Not all growth has the same energy re-quirement: in particular, the cell division phase may involve much more en-ergy use than that of cell expansion. Furthermore, processes such as thoseinvolved in senescence, and translocation and storage of metabolites whichcannot be construed as growth, are energy-intensive. Measurements of respi-ration are of particular value as an index of when energy-requiring processesare taking place or being inhibited. They are also used to help constructcarbon-balance sheets and help in understanding the effects of environmen-tal factors on these, and, consequently, on potential growth and cropping.Attention has been concentrated on effects of temperature and on seasonal

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patterns which may or may not be temperature-dependent. Another impor-tant aspect, the post-harvest respiration of fruits, is discussed in Chapter also.

Root respiration

The root respiration of apple trees differs from their shoot respiration in thatit responds to increases in temperature in winter even when very few chillingunits have been accumulated and the overall chilling requirement is not satis-fied. Under these circ*mstances, Young () found the Q for respiration,i.e. the ratio between the rates of respiration at temperature (T + ) ◦C tothat at T ◦C, to be .. However, both respiration rates and the effects oftemperature on these are greater when the chilling requirement is satisfied.

Later in the season, Buwalda et al. () found that root respiration, underconditions of high irradiation and nitrogen supply, declined from about .to . nmol CO g− dry wt s− between and days after budburst.Shading and lownitrogen also reduced root respiration. Ebert () found thatpotassium and phosphorus deficiency, and reduction of the oxygen content inthe rootmedium, particularly below %O , reduce root respiration. Andersenet al. (), however, found that the respiration rates of roots of Pyrus speciesand Cydonia oblonga (quince) were much less affected by anaerobiosis in solutionculture than were those of Prunus persica, being reduced by no more than %after days of anaerobiosis.

Ebert () found that the respiration of ‘M.’ roots increased linearly withrising temperature.

Respiration of the above-ground framework

Respiration by the above-ground tree framework (wood respiration) is lowwhen the trees are dormant. Butler and Landsberg () showed that therespiration of bare branches rises rapidly when physiological activity resumes.

In apple and pear this is dependent on the satisfaction of the winter-chillingrequirement, or chemical treatments to substitute for this, as well as the risein temperatures in spring. During endodormancy and the accumulation oftheir chilling requirement, apple and pear trees carry on metabolic functionsthrough maintenance respiration. As trees enter ecodormancy and begin ac-cumulating heat units respiration usually increases significantly. Young et al.

() concluded that the trees need to have received % of their chillingrequirement before shoot respiration will increase with higher temperaturesduring ecodormancy. The Q for respiration increases from . to . as treescomplete their chilling requirement and the respiratory energy of activation(EA) decreases from to kcal mol− . As trees are chilled up to % of

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their chilling requirement, their respiratory quotient (the ratio of CO evolvedto O consumed in respiration) increases from . to . This may indicatea shift from the use of lipids as a significant substrate for respiration earlyin the dormancy period, to carbohydrates. The respiration of both bud andinternode tissue increases under warm temperatures after adequate chilling.This indicates that physiological changes related to carbohydrate utilizationoccur throughout the shoot during budbreak.

Stem respiration peaks at about the time the leaves emerge from the buds,presumably at the time of maximum mobilization of reserves. In England thecalculated peak of about .mgm− surface area s− ( ◦C values) occurredin late April, and by late May had fallen to half of this (Butler and Landsberg,).

Leaf respiration

Leaf dark respiration (Rd) per unit area is greatest at full bloom and immedi-ately afterward, and thendeclines. Rd is greater in leaves from the exterior partsof apple trees, well exposed to light, than in leaves from inner or intermediatezones (Porpiglia and Barden, ; Campbell et al., ). At full bloom andfull bloom + weeks, Campbell et al. () found rates of . µmol m− s−

for exterior leaves and .–. µmol m− s− for interior leaves, declining to. for exterior leaves and .–. for interior leaves during the period fromfull bloom + weeks to full bloom + weeks. Porpiglia and Barden ()found a decline from about . mg CO dm− h− in early May to about mg CO dm− h− in August and September for exposed leaves and cor-respondingly lower values for interior leaves. The differences in Rd betweensun and shade leaves is reduced if respiration is expressed per unit leaf weightinstead of area. Barden () showed that, as with photosynthetic rate andspecific leaf weight, artificial shading could induce changes in Rd even afterleaf expansion ceased. Leaf dark respiration is greater in fruiting than in non-fruiting trees. This may be partly due to stomata opening wider and stayingopen to later in the evening in the fruiting trees (Blanke, ). Temperature isthe dominant environmental factor controlling leaf respiration. Watson et al.

() showed an excellent linear relationship between the logarithm of leafdark respiration and temperature, Rd increasing ten-fold between ◦C and ◦C (Figure .) according to the equation Rd = .ekT where k = ..Higgins et al. () found a similar temperature effect for apple, with a k valueof ., and appreciably lower Rd values for Asian pear.

Proctor et al. () found Rd values for the stems and leaves of leafy shootsof ‘Golden Delicious’ apple to be similar whether on a dry weight or a freshweight basis (Table .), but the dark respiration of leafy shoots little morethan doubled between ◦C and ◦C.

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Table . Estimates of dark respiration (Rd ) of parts of an

apple tree expressed on various bases

Rd (µg CO h− )

Tree part g dry wt− g fresh wt− cm−

Leaf Stem Fruits Roots –

Values for leaf area for one side only. Values obtained withair temperatures from ◦C to ◦C and not corrected fortemperature.From Proctor et al. (). Reproduced with permission.






k re





g C






10 15 20 25 30 35Leaf temperature (°C)

Figure 8.6 The response of dark respiration (Rd) of ‘GoldenDelicious’ apple leaves to temperature. The fitted line is described bythe equation Rd = 0.006ekT where k = 0.09. From Watson et al. (1978).

Reproduced with permission.

Fruit respiration

Fruit respiration rates are high early in the season during the cell divisionphase of fruit growth when, for apple, they can be about ng CO g−

fresh wt s− (= mg CO kg− h− ) at four weeks after full bloom ( Jones,

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). They then decline, much more steeply than is the case for other plantparts, to less than ng g− fresh wt s− by late September. This is followed bythe climacteric rise at maturity discussed in a later chapter. Bepete and Lakso( ) found some apples to have Rd values of more than ng g− freshweight s− when only about mm diameter, falling to less than when over mm diameter. Indeed, maximum respiration per fruit occurred at only– mm diameter. Fruit respiration showed an exponential temperatureresponse under controlled conditions, the equation for the response curvebeing Y = . (.X ) where Y is net carbon dioxide evolution and X isthe temperature of the fruit. Despite this, exposed fruits, with temperatures asmuch as ◦C above shaded fruits, have much lower ‘respiration’ as measuredby CO output. In the morning they showed no output, the CO presumablybeing re-fixed by fruit photosynthesis, and even later in the day gave out lessthan a quarter of the CO given out by shaded fruits.

Net CO exchange by canopies

Net carbon dioxide exchange (NCE) of canopies,measured by enclosingwholetrees in plastic chambers (cuvettes) and recording the changes in CO betweenthe air pumped in and that coming out, integrates the effects of photosynthesisand respiration of leaves, stems, buds, flowers and fruits including the ways inwhich organs affect the CO exchanges of other organs.

Canopy light response curves

Canopy net photosynthesis light response curves show lower maxima at satu-rating light intensity than do individual well-exposed leaves or shoots (Proctoret al., ). This is because whole trees or branches have more respiratorylosses from non-photosynthetic tissues and include shade-adapted leaves withlow photosynthetic potential as well as having low light intensities in parts ofthe canopy.

Daily and seasonal patterns

The whole canopy carbon exchange follows the diurnal pattern of incomingradiation,with someevidenceof higher rates of net carbonassimilationperunitof light in the morning than in the afternoon (Figure . ). It also follows a pat-tern that reflects changes in incident radiation and leaf area through the season(Figure .). Net photosynthesis and carbon assimilation per unit leaf area peakvery early in the season withmaximum rates of . and . µmol CO m− s−

in April at Bonn in northern Europe (Wibbe et al., ), but net photosynthe-sis per tree peaked in August at . g CO tree− h− (. µmol CO m− s− ),and dark respiration, although also high in mid-summer, peaked in October

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00000 0400 0800

Time (h)

1200 1600 2000 2400




F (












y ca




e (p

er tr



2, µ





Figure 8.7 Diurnal patterns of whole canopy carbon exchange of 4cropping ‘Braeburn’ apple trees c. 25 weeks after full bloom. Theshaded area represents photosynthetic photon flux. From Wunsche

and Palmer (1997a). Reproduced with permission.





July Sept

1988 1989 1990


Nov Jan Mar May July Sept Nov Jan Mar








(g C



−1 h


Figure 8.8 Seasonal course of net photosynthesis in the light anddark respiration of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees at Bonn, Germany.Values based on weekly 48-h measurements. From Wibbe et al.

(1993). Reproduced with permission.

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at . g CO tree− h− (. µmol CO m− s− ). The high level of respirationlate in the season was attributed to the energy needs of translocation of car-bohydrates from the leaves to the woody parts of the trees. Dark respirationlevels are very low in the winter months, following leaf shed.

Measured effects of light and temperature

Over any short period it is expected that high light intensities will have apositive effect on net carbon exchange, through effects on photosynthesis, andhigh temperatures a negative effect, through effects on respiration.

Francesconi et al. ( ) found that shading to %of full sun reduced the netcarbon exchange rate (NCER) of potted trees of ‘Gala’/‘M.’ by about %.Trees at . ◦C had approximately % lower NCER than those at . ◦Cand trees at . ◦C about % higher NCER than the latter at around noon.The differences in temperature had substantial effects on vapour pressuredeficit, which may have been involved in the effects on NCER. They were notaccompanied by differences in irradiation such as would frequently, thoughnot invariably, occur in nature in the daytime but may explain the negativerelationship between night temperature and NCE found by Wunsche andPalmer (b). They were obtained over single days.

Over longer periods of time the effects of higher temperatures may be lessnegative. In a number of crops it has been found useful to divide total respi-ration, Rt, into two components, maintenance (Rm) and synthetic respiration(Rs). Rm is associated with the maintenance of established physiologically ac-tive tissue and increases in proportion to the amount of tissue to bemaintained.As themetabolic rate of cells increases rapidly with temperature, Rm is stronglydependent on temperature. Rs is associated with the synthesis of new cellu-lar material and on a daily basis is governed by two main factors, the levelof respiratory substrate which is normally determined by the photosyntheticrate, and the temperature, which governs the maximum rate of synthesis thatcan occur. When photosynthesis is limited, e.g. by dull weather or drought, Rs

is governed mainly by the rate of assimilate supply. Dewar et al. () haveconcluded that in general over the long term, the respiration to photosynthesisratio is relatively insensitive to temperature, but more information is neededfor apples and pears. This is important in relation to understanding effects oflatitude, and climate in general, on orchard productivity and also the use ofshading and orchard misting treatments in areas of high insolation.

Higher temperatures in spring and autumn increase leaf area duration, withshoots becoming net exporters of photosynthates earlier in the season ( Johnsonand Lakso, ) and leaf senescence being delayed (Lakso and Lenz, ).Both of these effects can be expected to have positive impacts on net carbonexchange.

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k re








September October

fruit fruit fruit+ ++ -- -- --


ol C





Figure 8.9 Effect of defruiting [either] in August, September orOctober on net photosynthesis and dark respiration of ‘GoldenDelicious’ apple trees. Each column represents the mean ofcontinuous measurements over 5 days prior to (left columns) or afterfruit removal. From Wibbe and Blanke (1995). Reproduced with


Effects of fruiting

Wibbe et al. () and Wibbe and Blanke () found that fruiting trees hadmuch higher net photosynthesis from June to October inclusive and higherdark respiration from June to September inclusive, than trees without fruits(Figure .). The parallel effects on net photosynthesis and on dark respirationmay have been attributable to defruiting effects on stomatal behaviour, sincedark respiration largely depends on stomatal aperture. Defruiting increasednet respiration inOctober andhad a very negative effect onNCER,whichmaybe associated with earlier leaf senescence and translocation of carbohydratesfor storage in de-fruited trees.

Wunsche and Palmer (b) found that fruiting may not affect NCE earlyin the season, presumably because of compensatory shoot and leaf growthon the trees with few or no fruits. As shoot and leaf growth ceased the sinkstrength effect of fruits was evidenced by higher CO uptake by fruiting thannon-fruiting trees.

Source–sink relationships andcarbohydrate partitioning

In many annual crop plants the greatest gains in economic yield havebeen achieved by breeding and selection of cultivars which direct a greater

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proportion of their assimilates into the harvested product, i.e. have a higher‘harvest index’ rather than a higher total biological yield (Gifford and Evans,). Similarly for apples, the use of dwarfing rootstocks has resulted in amuchincreased ratio of crop yield to total dry matter production. Their perennialgrowth habit, however, introduces further complexities. In the early years afterplanting it is usually desirable that the trees grow rapidly, as well as bear crop,in order to attain high levels of light interception, hence potential yield, on anorchard basis. Moreover, excessive cropping can inhibit fruit bud formation,although not necessarily as a result of effects on carbohydrate partitioning, andreduce cropping in the following year. It can also reduce shoot growth in boththe year of cropping and the subsequent year, so influencing future croppingpotential. Knowledge of the relative ‘sink strength’, i.e. power to attract assim-ilates, of different tissues and organs throughout the year is therefore basic toeffective tree management.

In general the underlying basis of sink strength (assuming a pressure-flowmechanism of phloem translocation) is thought to be the ability to lower theconcentration of photosynthate in the sieve elements servicing the sinks andthus establish a favourable concentration gradient between source and sink(Wardlaw, ). This is achieved either by rapid metabolic use of the carbo-hydrate being transported or its conversion into a storage compound.

The supply of assimilate to any particular sink, either directly or after stor-age, depends on source limitations and on the competitive strength of the sink.There are many examples of source-limitation, e.g. photosynthesis is low inthe shaded parts of trees and the supply of carbohydrates in spring, from stor-age, can be reduced by premature autumn defoliation (Abusrewil and Larsen,).

An approximate measure of net carbon increment and its partitioning overthe season is given by changes in dry matter, more than % of the dry matterproduced by the plant originating from photosynthesis by the leaves (Hansen, ). Figure . shows the cumulative dry matter production of fruiting andnon-fruiting apple trees. Up to approximately the end of August (Northernhemisphere) the total dry matter increment of the fruiting trees exceeded thatof the non-fruiting trees, i.e. the latter were sink-strength limited. Throughoutthe season the dry matter increment of root and stem was much greater indefruited than fruiting trees, showing the effects of the fruits, as the dominantsink, on vegetative growth.

Relative sink strength is not, however, an intrinsic and unvarying property:it is a consequence, not a primary cause, and varies with the time of seasonand the physiological state of the tissues or organs. Shoots form terminal budsand cease growth early in the season. Fruits, especially those of early maturingcultivars, approach their final size well before cessation of leaf activity. Stemthickening and root growth may occur much later and different patterns of

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(a) (b)














n (k


Figure 8.10 Cumulative dry matter production of fruiting (a) anddefruited (b) trees of ‘Starkspur Golden Delicious’ at Montpellier,France. Fruiting trees include weight of shed fruits, de-fruited treesweight of fruitlets removed in May. R, root; S, shoot; F, fruit; L, leaf.

From Heim et al. (1979). Reproduced with permission.

dormancy in different parts of the tree structure may also result in changesin competitive ability. For this reason it is important to look at competitionthrough the year.

Kandiah () found that leaves fed with CO in October still contained% of the total plant extractable activity at leaf fall and the stem above theupper fed leaves had negligible amounts of the tracer. By December the labelwas primarily in thewood of the old stems and, especially, the roots. Forty-eightper cent of the extractable activity and % of the activity in the residues atthat time was in the roots.

In the spring following autumn supply of CO to the leaves, radioactivityis concentrated in the first-formed leaves although present in all new leaf andshoot growth (Quinlan, ). Hansen (c) found that over the period fromleaf fall to spring after leafing-out there is a large reduction in the content ofpreviously supplied C in the root system and bark. This stored carbohydrateis very important as a source of respiratory energy as well as for shoot growth.Circ*mstances that reduce carbohydrate availability in the autumn, and storedcarbohydrate levels in winter, have a number of adverse effects. Hand defoli-ation of single-shoot apple nursery trees (whips) at the beginning of Octoberfollowed by storage over winter and planting in spring led to low carbohydratecontent, and poor tree survival and growth, compared with controls or treesdefoliated later (Abusrewil and Larsen, ). Such small trees would haveboth low reserves, even in the absence of defoliation, and very high demandfor both root and shoot growth. Early harvesting of fruits, which should enable

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more assimilates to be stored over winter, increased flowering and fruit set inthe following year (Williams et al., ). This effect may have resulted from in-creased carbohydrate availability during fruit bud development in autumn orincreased reserves available in spring. Defoliation of fruiting trees after harvestdelays blossoming and reduces fruit set (Faby andNaumann ; Tustin et al., ), spur leaf size and fruit size (Tustin et al., ). There was no evidenceas to whether the defoliation had direct (autumnal) or deferred (winter andspring) effects on the developmental processes. Faby and Naumann showedthat defoliation prevented the translocation of nitrogen out of the leaves to thebark but N fertilization did not overcome the negative effects of defoliation.

Vigorous vegetative shoot growth in spring appears to compete successfullywith fruitlet growth of apple and to lead to increased fruit drop. It can beprevented by shoot tip removal (Quinlan and Preston, ; Quinlan, ).Saunders et al. () obtained similar results by pruning pear shoots beforeand at the time of anthesis. Pruning had a particularly large effect on the set ofseedless fruits, which are normally considered to be weaker competitors thanseeded fruits. Saunders et al. () considered that the effect of pruning beforeany visible shoot growth indicated that the inhibition of fruitlet developmentwas a result of correlative dominance rather than direct competition.

Later in the season vigorous shoot growth, e.g. that resulting from heavypruning, leads to increased fruit shed during the ‘June drop’ period (Quinlan,) but subsequently the fruits become increasingly dominant. The morefruits are carried by a tree the smaller the proportion of the total annual drymatter increment which goes to the stems and shoots and, especially, to theroots (Figure .). Fruit–fruit competition is also very evident as crop loadincreases. Hansen () found that the leaf area required to meet the as-similate needs of a fruit of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple in August was cm

( leaves). The corresponding figures for ‘Gravenstein’, an earlier maturingbut larger fruited cultivar were cm or leaves. Other cultivars, mea-sured in different environments, required up to cm ( leaves) to givemaximum fruit size. At lower ratios of leaf area to fruit there is increasinglystrong competition between fruits and reduced fruit size. The relative sinkstrength of different fruits is determined very early in their lives. The cellsof incipient apple flesh double times before anthesis and only four or fivetimes thereafter (Coombe, ), and the potential number of cells may bealready evident in differentiated flowers in the previous autumn (Bergh, ).Fruit sink-strength potential is greater on ‘strong’ spurs with good vascularconnections and in seeded than in seedless fruits (Abbott, ). However, itmay also be modified by within-tree conditions in the growing season. Thorpe() showed that the temperature differences between fruits in shaded andexposed parts of apple trees could in large measure, through their effects onmetabolism and sink strength, account for the larger size of exposed fruits.

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Minchin et al. ( ) showed experimentally that apple fruitlets import photo-synthate at a rate matching their utilization capacity, which in turn can adaptto supply. Increases in availability of photosynthate cause only a small increasein import at first but over several hours further and much larger increasesoccur, suggesting an increase in enzyme activity induced by increased avail-ability. Short-term reduction in photosynthate supply resulted in an incapacityof the fruitlet to return to its initial import rate, indicative of the reduction inactivity of enzymes. Where two fruits were supplied by a single leaf fed withCO the partitioning between them responded to changing their relativetemperatures.

Net carbon exchange andorchard productivity

Dry matter increment in an orchard over the season is dependent on:

The percentage of available sunlight intercepted (Chapter ). The irradiance per unit surface, The efficiency with which light energy is used in dry matter production. Carbon losses by respiration.

The yield of fruit depends on the total drymatter increment and the proportionof this directed into fruit.

Percentage light interception is the major factor determining differencesin yield between different orchard systems, especially in the years before at-tainment of final canopy dimensions (Chapter ). It also contributes to thehigher yields at lower latitudes where growing seasons are longer and leaf areadurations greater (Heim et al., ).

Irradiance varies with latitude, cloud cover and altitude (Wagenmakers,; Jackson, , ). It generally increases with decreasing latitude downto around ◦, further increases as the equator is approached being confinedto autumn and winter months. Growing-season irradiance is, however, higherovermost of the summermonths in fruit-growing areas of NewZealand ( ◦ S)than those of South Africa (◦ S) as well as being about % higher thanthose in Kent, England ( ◦ N). It decreases with cloud cover, so is higher inarid regions, and increases with altitude. Light energy is the driving force ofphotosynthesis although not the sole controlling factor. The photosynthesisof a single, fully exposed, leaf is light-saturated at a relatively low irradiancelevel, but this saturation level is higher the greater the irradiance under whichthe leaf is grown. The leaf area receiving light energy above any specificlevel is, moreover, a function of above-canopy irradiance as well as the lighttransmitting characteristics of the canopy (Chapter ). Assuming a closed

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canopy with a transmission coefficient (K ) of ., Monteith () calculatedthat a doubling of above-canopy irradiance from to MJm− day− coulddouble canopy dry matter production. In fruit trees with low LAI values theeffect is less but still appreciable. Wagenmakers () estimated apple orchardfruit production potential from canopy photosynthesis assuming a -monthgrowing season with respiration costing % of gross photosynthesis. Witha constant LAI of ., energy differences due to latitude alone would resultin fruit yields being about % higher at ◦ than at ◦. Where cloudinessis also taken into account the potential yield difference becomes %, i.e.about t ha− per degree of latitude. If a higher LAI value (. instead of .)is assumed for ◦ compared with ◦, the relative potential yields becomeabout t ha− compared with about t ha− i.e. a ratio of . to essentially due to irradiance intensity. Higher yields at lower latitudes arefurther a result of higher temperature giving a longer growing season. Theseconclusions are borne out by growth and yield data. Cripps () found thatshading to give % of full sunlight in Western Australia, i.e. to levels still wellabove those of northern Europe in energy terms, reduced total dry matterproduction by %. Folley () estimated that yields in southern Francewere about % higher than in southern England and, whereas absolutemaximum experimental yields recorded in Denmark and England are and t ha− (Wagenmakers ), commercial orchards have attained yields of– t ha− in New Zealand (McKenzie, ), some yields having reached t ha− . Experimental yields have reached t ha− in Tasmania ( Jotic,) and at least t ha− in Israel (Bravdo, ).

High irradiance levels are frequently, but not invariably, accompanied byhigh temperatures. Night-time temperatures are generally lower in relation today-time temperatures and irradiation in arid areas. Day and, especially, nighttemperatures are lower in relation to irradiation at higher altitudes. This mayinfluence the balance of respiratory losses to photosynthetic gain.

Many factors, e.g. leaf nitrogen status and water-stress effects on stomatalbehaviour influence the efficiency with which light energy is used in dry mat-ter production. By and large they are optimized by management practicesdeveloped to overcome obvious adverse effects on growth. Selection of culti-vars, e.g. spur-types with thicker leaves and more palisade layers, giving higherphotosynthesis per unit area, may achieve increased photosynthesis withouta commensurate increase in within-canopy shade. This may also be achievedby the use of plant growth regulators.

The net carbon budget for apple trees, defined as the difference betweenthe amount of CO lost at night and gained during the day, follows the netphotosynthesis curve over the season, with a fairly consistent ratio of dark res-piration to net photosynthesis in June, July, August and September of –%in western Europe. Dark respiration increases sharply in October, partly as a

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consequence of fruit reaching a respiratory climacteric, while net photosyn-thesis declines (Wibbe et al., ).

It is not correct to regard the dry matter going to fruit as a proportionof an independently-controlled dry matter production. Net photosynthesisby a fruiting apple tree canopy can be –. times as high as that of acorresponding de-fruited tree and dark respiration about % higher, re-sulting in a two-fold carbon gain of the fruiting compared with the non-fruiting tree (Wibbe et al., ). The rise in net photosynthesis may beattributable to reduced photorespiration, to increased canopy conductanceand to feedback control of assimilation (Wibbe et al., ; Giuliani et al.,a,b).

The effects of temperature on fruit set and fruit growth, discussed in thenext chapter, are therefore major determinants of net photosynthesis per unitleaf or canopy. High levels of fruit production, however, reduce root and shootgrowth through competition for resources and therefore check leaf canopydevelopment. The overall effect of fruiting on orchard dry matter productionthus depends on timescale and the extent to which canopy development hasreached the level at which it will be controlled.


Abbott, D.L. (). The Apple Tree: Physiology and Management. London: GrowerBooks.

Abusrewil, G.S. and Larsen, F.E. (). Tree fruit nursery stock defoliation:carbohydrate levels pre- and post storage and shoot length of Delicious applehand stripped or treated with ‘Dupont WK Surfactant’ and ethephon. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Andersen, P.C., Montano, J.M. and Lombard, P.B. (). Root anaerobiosis,root respiration, and leaf conductance of peach willow, quince and severalpear species. HortScience , –.

Asada, T. and Ogasawara, M. (). The effect of shading on the growth ofyoung ‘Fuji’ apple trees. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science ,-.

Avery, D.J. (). Comparisons of fruiting and deblossomed maiden apple treesand of non-fruiting trees on a dwarfing and an invigorating rootstock. NewPhytologist , –.

Avery, D.J. (). Effects of fruits on photosynthetic efficiency. In Climate and theOrchard, ed. H.C. Pereira, pp. –. Farnham Royal, UK: CommonwealthAgricultural Bureaux.

Avery, D.J. ( ). Maximum photosynthetic rate: a case study in apple. NewPhytologist , –.

Barden, J.A. (). Net photosynthesis, dark respiration, specific leaf weight,and growth of young apple trees as influenced by light regime. Journal of theAmerican Society for Horticultural Science , –.

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Flowers and fruits

The defining characteristics of apple and pear flowers and fruits were sum-marized in Chapter and the morphology and anatomy of apple flow-ers and fruits comprehensively reviewed by Pratt (). Flowers are initi-ated and develop within the buds borne terminally on fruiting spurs (shortshoots) and terminally or laterally on long shoots. These buds, as discussedin Chapter , consist essentially of a shortened shoot axis with a ‘leaf for-mation’ inserted at each node. These ‘leaf formations’ in apple commonlyconsist of about nine bud scales, three transition leaves, six true leaves andthree bracts (cf. Figure ., p. ). Flower primordia may form at the apexand in the axils of the bracts and the three uppermost leaves (Abbott, ).Alternatively, the buds may fail to develop far enough to produce flowers andremain vegetative.


Seedling apple and pear trees usually remain vegetative for several years afterseed germination. During this ‘juvenile’ phase they readily form adventitiousroots, as discussed in Chapter , are often thorny and have a distinctive leafshape and, especially, cannot be induced to flower (Zimmerman, ). Theyemerge from this juvenile state after reaching aminimum size, characteristic ofthe cultivar, measured as height or number of main stem nodes. The durationof the juvenile phase can be shortened by growing the seedling tree underconditions which speed up its growth or by specific horticultural practicessuch as grafting the seedling on to a dwarfing rootstock. Failure to flower asa result of juvenility is primarily of importance to fruit breeders. Apple andpear trees in the orchard are usually compound trees in which the scionwoodgrafted or budded on to the rootstock was taken from trees already in themature, non-juvenile phase.

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Initiation of flowering

Flower bud development involves the transformation of the vegetative apex toa reproductive structure (Buban and Faust, ). This can occur in differentbuds on the same tree at very different times so is obviously not triggeredby a specific stimulus of temperature or daylength. Following detailed studiesof the morphogenesis of apple buds, Fulford (b) postulated that the budmeristems will always form flowers unless prevented from doing so. The trans-formation from a vegetative to a reproductive bud takes place only when thestructure of the vegetative bud is complete. The effects of the large numberof factors that influence the proportion of buds giving rise to flowers havegenerally been interpreted in terms of an in-built propensity to flowering andinterference with the attainment of this. The controlling factors may involvehormonal balance (Luckwill, ; Hoad, ), availability of nutrients, espe-cially carbohydrate (Sachs, ), and the interaction of these (Ryugo, ).

Most flowers and fruits are borne on spurs and Abbott ( ) described thesequence of events starting with a vegetative apple spur bud in winter. Thisbreaks in spring to form either a leafy shoot or, more commonly, a rosette ofleaves in the centre of which a new bud starts to form. At inception this consistsof one immature scale and five or six leaf primordia. As the season advances itadds primordia at the apex while the older ones become transformed into budscales or transition leaves. Activity may then slow down and the bud go intodormancy, or the bud may become floral. In the latter case the apex ceases toprovide new leaf primordia, but instead produces bract primordia and flowerinitials.

Whether the bud becomes floral or not seems to depend mainly on therate of production of new primordia, i.e. on the plastochron, or interval oftime between production of successive primordia (Fulford, b, c; Abbott, ). A ‘strong’ growing point does not form a bud but grows out as a leafyshoot. A weak growing point with a long plastochron fails to reach the nodenumber, i.e. the number of primordia, at which flowers form. Fulford con-cluded that a plastochron of days is associated with failure of the buds toform flowers, and Abbott (Figure .) concluded that flower initiation takesplace when about nodes have developed in buds of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’.Failure to attain this number of nodes before the onset of dormancy is there-fore considered to lead to failure to initiate flowers. In England the averageplastochron leading to flowering of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ is about days.An apex starting with six nodes at the beginning of the season must thereforegrow for about days to attain the -node stage. Flower initiation wouldnot, therefore, be expected until about mid-August (Luckwill, ). Critical

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Figure 9.1 Flower initiation and fruit bud differentiation in relation tonode production within the bud. From Abbott (1977). Reproduced

with permission.

node numbers of for ‘Golden Delicious’ apple, for ‘Comice’ pear and for Japanese pear have been reported by Luckwill and Silva (), Dheimand Browning () and Banno et al. (a, b) respectively. The critical nodenumber may be lower for buds on long shoots than for spur buds, as discussedlater (p. ).

The first doming of the bud apex (Figure .), indicating the change fromthe vegetative to the floral condition, usually coincides with the cessation ofshoot growth of apple (Fulford, b; Luckwill and Silva, ; Dencker andHansen, ) and of Japanese pear (Banno et al., a, b, ). This maybe a causal relationship (Luckwill, ). Where it appears to be the case, thepositive effect of checking shoot growth on flower development may be verylocalized and is probably due to weakening of correlative inhibition. Sometreatments appear, however, to influence flower initiation and developmentand shoot growth independently (Tromp, , ). Development of flowerbuds does not start uniformly throughout the tree. The terminal buds of shortshoots (spurs) begin their transformation to flower buds –weeks earlier thando lateral buds (Buban, cited by Faust, ). Young spurs show earlier flowerinitiation than old spurs. In general, where flower induction occurs relativelylate in the season the fruit buds are ‘young’ at the onset of winter, are relativelynarrow and pointed, and give rise to blossom clusters with large primary leavesand long-stalked flowers which tend to set few fruits (Abbott, , , ;Luckwill, ).

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Figure 9.2 Scanning electron micrographs of stages of buddevelopment. (a) Vegetative apex showing five leafprimordia – remainder removed (× 62), 1.8.74. (b) Apex becomingdomed and ridges arising in axils of four leaf/bract primordiaremainder removed (× 118), 15.8.74. (c) Longitudinal section at anearly stage of flower development showing the ‘king’ flower at theapex (× 80), 21.8.74. (d ) Floral apex showing bourse bud and threelateral flower primordia. The five sepals forming on the uppermostflower initial can be easily seen. Subtending leaves and ‘king’flower removed (× 47), 19.9.74. (Photos by Jane Reeves). From Abbott

(1977). Reproduced with permission.

Differentiation of the growing point

The first detectable change in the growing point of the bud after induction offlowering is increased synthesis of DNA and RNA (Buban and Faust, ;Faust, ). The first visible sign of differentiation is when the flat apicalmeris-tem becomes domed, then the central meristem is partitioned and the pithmeristem develops. The reproductive meristem becomes a block-like structure

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and its subsequent development is relatively rapid. The order of appearanceof the tissues is: sepals, petals, anthers and ovaries; and by leaf fall all parts arepresent in a large proportion of the flowers (Abbott, ; Faust, ). Thestage of flower bud development at any given time during summer and autumnvaries with type of bud (basal shoot bud, middle shoot bud, upper shoot budand terminal bud) and with cultivar (Crabbe, ; Banno et al., b). Budscontinue to develop through the winter: apple buds increase in size by –% during December and January and by an additional –% betweenmid-February and mid-March.

A considerable degree of differentiation of tissues takes place over this per-iod (Faust, ). At budbreak, which follows satisfaction of the winter-chillingand heat-unit requirements discussed in Chapter , the apical or king flower ofapple opens first, followed by the lateral flowers. In the southern hemisphereBergh (a) found that flattening of the apex, marking the change fromthe vegetative to the reproductive phase, occurred during the first week ofJanuary in ‘Starking’ apple. Sepal primordia of the terminal and lateralflowers were formed simultaneously during the second week of January. Thefull complement of five sepals of the terminal flower had formed by the lastweek of January and development of the petal primordia and the first whorl often stamens of the terminal flower was completed during the second week ofFebruary. The sepals and bracts of lateral flowers were also evident at that timeand carpel primordia of the terminal flower could be detected. The first whorlof ten stamens, first and second whorl of five stamens and developing carpelswere found in all samples collected during the second week of March, wellbefore leaf fall in May. Floral organs developed slowly during the mid-wintermonths of June, July and August. Carpels and pollen sacs developed rapidly inSeptember and ovule primordiawere distinguished towards the end of this per-iod, approximately days before anthesis. From the third week of Septemberuntil anthesis in mid-October rapid swelling of the buds coincided with accel-eration of elongation of the carpels, formation of pollen sacs and elongationof the filaments of stamens. Development of the bud from the green tip stageto the opening of the terminal flower coincided with further elongation of thefloral organs and rapid development of the ovule. Stages of bud developmentare shown in Figure . and the structure of the mature flower in Figure ..

Flower bud differentiation and development in Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina

Rehder) follows a similar pattern to apple and to P. communis but Banno et al.

() reported relatively early initiation and differentiation. The first visiblesigns of flower bud differentiation on spurs of cv. ‘Nijisseiki’ in Japan (northernhemisphere) were on June, petal and stamen primordia were initiated bylate July and carpel primordia by mid-August.

The whole process of flower bud and flower development, taking placeover two consecutive years, is influenced and modified by a large number of

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Figure 9.3 Apple flower split longitudinally and diagrammed toshow its parts (MacDaniels and Heinicke, 1929).

factors. Variations in the number and ‘quality’ of flowers at blossom time arethe main cause of year-to-year variations in yield in many apple and peargrowing regions so much effort is devoted to understanding and controllingthe causal factors.

Effects of fruits on flowering

Heavy cropping in one year can inhibit flower bud initiation and so reduceflowering in the following year. Some cultivars consequently tend to becomebiennial in cropping, with a heavily cropping ‘on’ year followed by an ‘off ’year in which crop is light or even absent.

In the orchardbiennial bearingmaydevelopover timebut formany cultivarsit tends to be triggered by frost damage with a consequent low crop andexcessive flower bud initiation. In its most severe form it therefore is a whole-tree, indeed a whole-orchard, phenomenon. Heavy fruiting on one branchmay reduce flower bud formation on adjacent ones, but the inhibitory effectis usually more localized and Parry () showed that halves of an apple treecan be maintained so that one half is ‘on’ and one ‘off ’ each year. Moreover,within a single branch fruits may inhibit fruit bud formation only on thepart of the branch on which the fruits are borne or parts nearer to the trunkbut not those nearer to the end of the branch (Fulford, ). Huet (,) concluded that flower initiation in spurs is controlled mainly by factors,including presence of fruits, operating within each individual spur system

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of ‘Williams’ Bon Chretien’ pear. There is ample evidence of this in applealso; for example, Jonkers () reported that only –% of terminal budsinitiate flowers in successive years. This results in a strong negative relationshipbetween fruits per blossom cluster, on whole trees, in one season and numberof blossom clusters in the following year (Landsberg, ).

The presence of seeded fruits for only – days after their pollination isenough to prevent about % of apple spurs from flowering in the followingyear, although flowering is further reduced if the fruits are left on for daysfrom pollination (Chan and Cain, ). An effect of fruits late in the seasonwas also shown by Williams et al. (), who harvested ‘Bramley’s Seedling’apple at four different dates, from August to October. Fruit weight almostdoubled between the first and last pickings. The number of primary blossomclusters in the following year was more than %higher on the trees harvestedon August and September than on those harvested on and October,and the number of secondary blossoms several times as high. In ‘Williams’ BonChretien’ pear Huet () found the greatest adverse effects of seeded fruitson flower bud development to be between and days after full bloomwhen the fruitlets were of about mm diameter.

Seedless fruits do not have the same adverse effect as seeded fruits. Chan andCain ( ) hand-pollinated half of a tree of the parthenocarpic apple cultivar‘Spencer Seedless’ and adjusted the fruit load so that it did not differ betweenthe seeded and seedless side of the tree. In the following year there was noblossoming on the previously seeded side of the tree, but profuse blossomingon the side where the fruits had been seedless. Similarly in ‘Williams’’ pear aheavy crop of seedless fruits was followed by heavy flowering, whereas this wastotally inhibited by an equivalent crop of seeded fruits (Table .). In Chanand Cain’s study there was no difference in inhibition of flowering by differentnumbers of seeds and the effect of seed number, as contrasted with the effectsof presence or absence, was small even in the third year.

The inhibitory effect of fruits on flower bud initiation is associated witha slowing of bud growth from a plastochron of days between successivenodes to one of days (Fulford, c). It is accompanied by poorer vas-cular development. Izadyar ( ) found that in spurs with fruits there wasgreater differentiation of vascular bundles towards the fruit pedicels than to-wards the vegetative buds. These buds, which would normally be ‘off ’, i.e.non-flowering, in the following year were not connected to the spur vascu-lar bundles. In contrast the potentially ‘on’, i.e. potentially flowering, budson spurs without fruits were connected with the vascular bundles of thespurs at an early stage. The ‘off ’ buds may therefore suffer relative nutrientdeficiency.

The lack of inhibiting effect of seedless fruits and the effects of the positionof seeded fruits on their inhibitory influence led to the view that seed-produced

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Table . The effects of seeds and spur leaf area on floral initiation

in ‘Williams’’ pear

Tree with Tree withseeded fruits seedless fruits

Yield (kg) . .Number of fruits Seeds per fruit . % floral initiation

on spurs with thefollowing leaf area (cm )Less than ( leaves) – .( leaves) – .( leaves) – .Greater than .

From Huet (). Reproduced with permission.

hormones, especially gibberellins, play a major role (Fulford, ; Luckwill,, ). Hoad () found that more GA and other plant hormones moveout of the fruitlets of biennial flowering cultivars than from those which flowerregularly. Within any one cultivar, but not between cultivars, the amount ofgibberellin in diffusates from excised fruitlets via their cut pedicels is depen-dent on the number of seeds in the fruitlet. Diffusion out of the fruits continuesat a variable rate but without any clear trend with time for at least the first weeks after full bloom (Hoad, ). Fruits of ‘Spencer Seedless’ export muchless GA than those of the seeded cvs. ‘Elstar’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, with itbeing undetectable at some dates in June. They can, however, export consid-erable amounts of GA which does not inhibit flowering (Prang et al., ).Exogenously applied GA can inhibit flowering, as discussed later. Hoad ()also found more auxin activity in fruit diffusates of the strongly biennial cv.‘Laxton’s Superb’ than in the less biennial ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’. Grochowskaet al. () found no difference in auxin content between fruiting and non-fruiting (i.e. potentially flowering and non-flowering) spurs of ‘Jonathan’ and‘McIntosh’ apples, but a high content of gibberellins in the former while cyto-kinins predominated in the latter. Grochowska () also found less starch infruit-bearing than non-bearing apple spurs and attributed this to an effect ofhormones from the seeds.

Effects of leaves on flowering

Defoliation experiments have shown that leaves promoteflowerbud formation.Ryugo () reported that no flowers formed on apple spurs that had been

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Table . Effects of imposed shade on fruit bud

production of apple cv. ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’/‘M.’

Number of fruit Percentage full daylight in bud clusters per treein spring % % % %

Spur clusters Axillary clusters Terminal clusters

The number of each type of bud cluster at each levelof shade was significantly less than the number on un-shaded trees.Data from Jackson and Palmer (b). Reproducedwith permission.

defoliated within – weeks after full bloom but the number of flower budsformed on spurs defoliated after this period gradually increased. Defoliationafter harvest does not reduce flowering of apple in the following year (Tustinet al., ). Huet (, ) showed a very strong correlation between thetotal leaf area of the spur rosette and floral initiation in the terminal bud ofthe spurs (Table .).

Fulford (c) concluded that the pattern of development of buds on non-fruiting trees following defoliation was very similar to that in which flowerinitiation was inhibited by fruiting. The effect of the leaves has been attributedto their effects on carbohydrate supply and on the flow of cytokinins ( Jonkers,; Ryugo, ). Introduction of zeatin and benzyladenine into cut petiolesof de-bladed apple leaves enhances flower formation (Hoad, ; Ramirezand Hoad, ).

Effects of shade and light on flowering

The shaded inner parts of apple and pear trees tend to have very few flowers.This may be due in part to cumulative effects leading to weak growth and poorbud formation, but artificial shading of previously exposed trees reduces fruitbud formation and flowering in the following year (Table .). Tromp (),using controlled environments with artificial lighting found that reduced lightintensity for the weeks following bloom halved flowering in the followingyear, while reducing light levels from weeks to had only a smaller andnon-significant effect. This early-season response again suggests the effect ismediatedby changes in theplastochronandattainment of anadequatenumberof nodes for flower formation.

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Effects of shoot vigour and orientation on flowering

Within an apple or pear tree the branches which are well exposed to light andcapable of average to vigorous growth usually produce the most, and the ‘bestquality’, fruit buds. Shaded parts of trees and trees whose growth is generallybelow average for the particular stock/scion combination are usually poor interms of flower production and crop (Feucht, ). Paradoxically, inductionof flowering is often associated with a cessation or slowing of growth (Forsheyand Elfving, ).

Huet () found that the major factor controlling floral initiation on longshoots of ‘Williams’ Bon Chretien’ pear appeared to be the pattern of growth.Within any overall shoot length class the number of fruit buds which developedper shoot was inversely correlated with the relative growth rate of the shootbefore harvest. He attributed this to the relative strength of apical dominanceby the different shoots.

Training, bending or placing apple shoots so that they become horizontalboth checks their growth and increases the proportion of the buds that becomefloral (Tromp, ; Robbie et al., ). Banno et al. (a) found that within days of shoot bending of Japanese pear in mid-June there was already anincrease in the number of nodes within the axillary buds compared with con-trols. There was no effect on shoot growth at this time although it was evidentafter more days. The first visible signs of flower initiation were a monthearlier than on control shoots. The final proportion of buds becoming floralwas about % following shoot bending but only % on control branches.Shoot bending led to an increase in the sorbitol, amino-acid, IAA and cyto-kinin content of lateral buds and a decrease in these in shoot tips. Bendingwas accompanied by a decrease in the gibberellin content of both shoot tipsand axillary buds. Tromp () found that shoots placed horizontally aftercessation of their growth produced more flowers than when left vertical.

Effects of shoot type and pruning on flowering

Flower initiation in the axillary or terminal buds of long shoots generallydoes not begin until after extension growth ceases (Forshey and Elfving, ).It therefore usually occurs later than on spurs. Dencker and Hansen ()found that flower initiation in axillary buds of ‘Elshof ’ (a colour mutant of‘Elstar’) was delayed by about days compared with spur buds. Treatmentsthat stimulate growth and delay its termination may reduce flowering on longshoots (Forshey and Elfving, ). Dencker and Hansen, however, found that‘fertigated’ trees, with nutrients supplied daily in the drip irrigation system andgreater but earlier shoot growth, developed a greater proportion of, as wellas more in total, floral buds on the shoots. They also found that the criticalnode number for axillary buds to become floral was or compared with

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nodes in spur buds. Zhu et al. ( ) found a critical node number of or for terminal or lateral buds of ‘Summerred’ apple compared with about for spur buds. As was discussed earlier, shoot orientation plays an importantrole in the induction of flowering on long shoots: fruiting is less dominant in itseffects than on spurs where the presence of fruit on the individual spur is highlyinhibitory. Very heavy cropping on the tree as a whole can, however, reducefruit bud initiation on shoots. This is not just because of the reduction in shootlength, which is not necessarily great in the season of a heavy crop. In the yearfollowing a heavy crop all the axillary buds may prove to be vegetative (Blasco,). Flowering on long shoots ismuchmore important on some cultivars, e.g.‘Elstar’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, than others and has become more importantwith the adoption of minimal pruning in the early years, branch tying-downand, probably, the shift of production to areas with longer growing seasons.

In general, old apple spurs are less likely to initiate flowers than young onesand pruning systems are usually designed to give a preponderance of spurson young fruiting wood. In general pruning that stimulates growth depressesflowering. This is especially important in young trees. Increasing severity ofpruning usually decreases flowering and cropping (Forshey and Elfving, ),and ‘heading back’ methods of pruning may convert potential fruiting spursinto shoots. Inadequate pruning may, however, result in excessive within-treeshade and inhibition of flowering (Feucht, ).

Crabbe () considered bud development on extension shoots in relationto apical dominance and concluded that pinching out of the shoot tip coulddetermine the development of sub-terminal buds. If done too early, too closeto growth cessation, the buds below the pinching point break out and sproutas leafy shoots. If carried out too late, some weeks after growth cessation, thebuds remain inactive and vegetative to the next season. If at the right time,they develop as flower buds. In practice, attempts to achieve this havemet withvariable success. Pruning somewhat later in the summer by partial removal ofthe current season’s shoots gives variable effects on flowering depending on thetype of dormant season pruning on which it is superimposed (Wagenmakers,).

In Japanese pear (P. serotina) most flower buds are produced on young wood,especially in cultivars which commonly produce flowers from lateral buds, andpruning systems are designed to maximize the proportion of this (Klinac et al.,).

Cultivar differences in flowering

Apple and pear cultivars differ greatly in the proportion of their buds whichbecome floral. This has been studied in most detail in relation to biennialbearing caused by the inhibition of flower initiation by fruits. This is generally

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measured as a biennial bearing index, I (Hoblyn et al., ), calculated as

I = × difference between two successive crops∑

of two successive crops

which varies between (completely regular) and (biennial).A number of cultivars are so strongly biennial that they have beenmuchused

in studies on biennial bearing, e.g. ‘Laxton’s Superb’ and ‘Miller’s Seedling’ ap-ples. Among commercially important apple cultivars Jonkers () concludedthat ‘Elstar’, ‘Idared’ and ‘Jonagold’ showed no biennial tendency whereas‘Granny Smith’, ‘Starking’ and ‘Golden Delicious Spur’ showed medium sus-ceptibility.Of the numerous cultivars classed as strongly susceptible only ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ is now of any importance and there are differences of opinionabout the strength of its biennial tendency. Jonkers placed ‘Golden Delicious’in the first, regular bearing, category but with a note that opinions differedon this. Lauri et al. (), from an experimental study of the fate of individ-ual buds, categorized ‘Jonagold’, ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Granny Smith’ as havinga low ‘alternation to fruit’ index, ‘Golden Delicious’ as being intermediateand ‘Braeburn’, ‘Fuji’ and, especially, ‘Oregon Spur Delicious’ as having ahigh index. Bernhard () and Looney and Lane () showed that manyspur-type cultivars have a strong alternate-bearing tendency.

Rootstock effects on flowering

Apple rootstocks have a major effect on the proportion of buds that becomefloral. This is very pronounced when the trees are young, influencing precocityof cropping as discussed in Chapter . It is also so for mature trees, Blasco() reporting , , and % of all ‘Cox’ buds to be floral on ‘M.’,‘M.’, ‘M. ’ and ‘MM.’, respectively ( = . at p = . ). ‘QuinceC’ rootstock induces flower bud formation in pear. Although those rootstocksthat check scion growth most tend to enhance fruit bud production, this is notan invariable relationship.

Plant hormone and growth regulator effectson flowering

Guttridge () first showed that applied gibberellins inhibit apple flowering,and many subsequent studies have confirmed this. Tromp () found thatGA and GA were particularly active whereas GA had little effect. Bothreduced flowering of spur buds of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ when applied at fullbloom and GA had negative effects when applied or weeks later. GA

reduced fruit bud formation on shootswhen applied in July.Ramirez andHoad() found GA or GA+ applied via cut petioles to spurs at or weeks

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after full bloom inhibited flower induction, but application at weeks afterfull bloom did not. These results suggest that gibberellins inhibit the earlystages of flower initiation, but Luckwill and Silva () were not able to findany effect on the plastochron.

Injection of the cytokinins zeatin and benzyladenine , or weeks afterfull bloom into cut petioles on spurs increased flowering in the following year,zeatin being particularly effective (Ramirez and Hoad, ).

The growth retardant SADH (succinic acid , -dimethyl hydrazide) is veryeffective in both checking shoot extension growth and increasing the num-ber of flower buds formed. These effects appear to be independent (Tromp,). SADH application does not reduce the amount of extractable GA inapple shoots and fruits (Hoad, ; Ramirez and Hoad, ). Application ofSADH after cessation of shoot growth can increase flowering in the followingyear (Tromp, , ) and it seems likely that the effect is on late phasesof the flower bud formation process. SADH was found by Luckwill and Silva() to increase the number of floral buds without influencing the rate ofnode production in the buds.

Paclobutrazol inhibits three steps in the oxidation of the gibberellin pre-cursor ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid (Hedden andGraebe, ). It retardsextension growth and also stimulates flowering. Dheim and Browning ()found that its application to shoot tips was as effective in initiating flowering aswere whole tree sprays. They concluded that active shoot tip meristems slowednode production in the axillary and spur buds to below the threshold ratefor floral initiation and that paclobutrazol, by slowing shoot apical activity,reduced this inhibitory effect. Their results were thus consistent with paclo-butrazol increasing flower initiation by reducing apical dominance.Application of paclobutrazol can increase flowering in the subsequent yearboth on spurs and on one-year-old extension shoots (Buban, ; Dheim andBrowning, ).

Nitrogen effects on flowering

Flower production can be reduced when nitrogen fertilizer application pro-longs the period of extension shoot growth and delays terminal bud formation.Excessive stimulation of shoot growth and leaf production can also have ad-verse effects on flower production as a result of shading.

Conversely, N deficiency results in poor leaf development on spurs early inthe season and in reduced flower initiation.Good leaf development throughoutthe season as a result of adequate nitrogen supply can be expected to enhanceroot activity and cytokinin production and the upward flow of cytokinins andnutrients in the transpiration stream. Faust () quotes data from Bubanet al. () to show very large effects of N nutrition on the cytokinin (zeatin)

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concentration in the xylem sap of apple. This can be expected to have positiveeffects on flowering.

Williams () found that under conditions of sub-optimal N supply, appli-cation of nitrogenous fertilizer in summer after the formation of terminal budsled to increased flowering in the following year. When fertilizer was appliedat the same time to a cultivar that had not ceased extension growth this wasfurther stimulated and there was no effect on flowering. Nitrogen applicationafter terminal bud formation also led to the development of flowers with muchenhanced embryo sac longevity.

Water stress effects on flowering

Excessive rainfall or irrigation which maintains extension growth late intosummer will often reduce flower bud formation, but this is inhibited undermoderate drought and nearly completely prevented under severe stress (Salterand Goode, ).

Exposure to low (–%) as contrasted with high (–%) relative hu-midity for weeks from full bloom increased the proportion of apple budsbecoming floral from % to % (Tromp, ), as well as greatly reduc-ing shoot growth. With ‘Bartlett’ pear (P. communis), irrigating to replace %,% and % of calculated evaporation was followed by, respectively, .,. and . flower clusters per cm of branch cross-section in the followingspring (Mitchell et al., ). Again, this followed effects in the opposite direc-tion on shoot growth. However, Caspari et al. () found that low irrigationrates (regulated deficit irrigation) early in the season had very adverse effectson flower production by Asian pear (P. serotina). Goode and Ingram (),in a long-term apple irrigation experiment, found that the vigorous growthinduced by irrigation did not affect fruiting adversely andWample () con-cluded that apple trees which have not been stressed enough to stop growthconsistently produce more flowers.

Technologies that promote flowering, e.g. dwarfing rootstocks, appropriatepruning and tying down of branches, may in many cases overcome the po-tentially negative effects of vigour-enhancing treatments. The effects of waterand nutrient supply on flower initiation and development may therefore varywith circ*mstances.

Plant virus effects on flowering

Virus-free apple rootstocks generally induce more vigorous growth in scionsgrafted on them than does the virus-infected ‘parent’ material (Parry, ).Initially trees on these virus-free rootstocks were less floriferous in relation totheir size but adoption of minimal pruning and branch bending in the firstyears after planting overcame this problem (Van Oosten, ).

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Temperature effect on flowering and flowers

The reported effects of temperature on flower initiation are contradictory.From controlled environment studies, Abbott () concluded that warmtemperatures advance flower initiation and cool temperatures retard it butotherwise do not have any direct effect. Indirectly, however, temperature in-fluences the intensity of initiation by its effects on the rates of shoot and fruitgrowth, high temperature stimulating shoot growth and so influencing flower-ing negatively. (Abbott, ; Tromp, ; Zhu et al., ). The overall effectof temperature seems to be a balance between positive (direct) and negative(indirect) influences.

Apple fruit buds developed under warm conditions throughout the growingseason are, however, later to break in spring (Abbott, ). The developmentof buds of the Pyrus cvs. ‘Comice’, ‘Concorde’ and ‘Conference’ and their datesof full bloom in spring are also delayed if the trees are subjected to Octoberand November temperatures typical of a warm autumn (Atkinson and Taylor,; Atkinson and Lucas, ; Atkinson et al., ). It seems that warm(mild) conditions in autumn and early winter may delay entry into dormancyand the processes of accumulation of chilling units and bud development.

Bud development continues through thewinter (Abbott, ) but the rate atwhich it does so is very dependent on cultivar. Cole et al. () found that budsof P. calleryana have a much higher rate of development during autumn, whentemperatures are declining, than buds of P. communis. This is attributed to therelatively higher rate of alternate pathway (cyanide-resistant) respiration underlow temperature conditions in P. calleryana, hence more energy for growth anddevelopment. As a consequence P. calleryana enters winter with much larger,better developed buds than P. communis and flowers much earlier in spring.

In many fruit-growing areas temperature effects on emergence from dor-mancy, i.e. the meeting of winter-chilling and thermal time requirements toachieve budbreak, are of dominant importance. These have been discussed inChapter .

In cool-temperate climates temperatures in the early spring, prior to bud-break and independent of frost damage effects, largely predetermine yield( Jackson and Hamer, ; Jackson et al., (Figure .); Lakso, ).This is at least in part the consequence of effects on ovule development andlongevity and, as a result, on fruit set (pp. , –).

Frost damage to buds and blossoms is a major constraint on apple and pearproduction in many areas. During late autumn dormant flower buds developa relatively high degree of resistance to cold. As they develop in spring theybecome more vulnerable to damage by frost (Table .). In the earliest stagesof bud development, a temperature of about − ◦C is required to kill %of the buds but during the stages around full bloom temperatures of − ◦C

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Figure 9.4 Effects of temperatures on apple fruit set and yield.(a) Percentage fruit set (S) of hand-pollinated ‘Cox’ flowers at EastMalling, UK and that estimated from the equation S = 114.0−9.0TmaxFMA − 2.0PT where TmaxFMA = mean of daily temperaturemaxima in February, March and April; PT = calculated days tocomplete pollen-tube growth. •—•, Actual percentage fruit set;©- - -©, estimated percentage fruit set. (b) UK average annual yields(t ha−1), of cv. ‘Cox’ and those estimated from the equation:Y = 4.91 + 0.254T − 1.127TmaxFMA − 0.622PT + 0.732TmaxJ whereT = years from 1948; TmaxFMA = mean of daily temperature maximain February, March and April; PT = calculated days to completepollen-tube growth; TmaxJ = mean of daily temperature maxima inJune. •—•, actual yield; ©- - -©, estimated yield. Adapted

from Jackson et al. (1983). Reproduced with permission.

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(◦ C





































tip /

′′ green













































































































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to − ◦C can have a similar effect. For apple, buds at first bloom and pinkbud appear to be rather more sensitive than those at full bloom (Proebstingand Mills, ; Hamer, ). In general the decline in frost resistance asbuds develop is related to their increasing water content and the influenceof this in decreasing their ability to supercool (Modlibowska , a).Low temperature in itself is not lethal and supercooling, i.e. when the liquidsin plant tissues fall below the normal freezing point without crystallization,protects from frost killing. The death of cells results from intracellular iceformation causing mechanical damage and excessive dehydration leading toirreversible physico-chemical changes in the protoplasm.

Exposure to low temperatures and dry conditions prior to the incidence offrost induces a degree of hardening and resistance to frost. Hardened flowersare characteristically small,with small cells, lowwater content andhigh contentof sugars, starch, hemicellulose and glucosides (Modlibowska, a).

The styles are usually highly sensitive and after fertilization damage tothe placenta and ovules is of most importance. Damage is characteristicallyshown by browning and blackening made obvious when the flowers are cutlongitudinally. Death of only a proportion of the ovules results in misshapenfruits due to the uneven supply of seed-produced hormones. Pre-blossom frostsmay affect the structure and elasticity of the skin, giving lines or bands of russet,‘frost eyes’ and green blotches. Ice formation under the skin of the receptaclemay protect the latter from freezing but result in blemishes on the fruit later.

Frosts are generally more frequent and more severe the earlier it is withinthe spring season (Hamer and Jackson, ), so one method of reducingthe risk of frost damage is to delay budbreak and blossoming. This is mosteffectively done by selection of late-flowering cultivars, including cultivars thatcan crop heavily from late-blossoming axillary flowers on one-year-old shoots.These characteristics are highly heritable and can be bred for (Spiegel-Roy andAlston, ). Late-flowering ‘sports’ of a number of cultivars have also arisenby mutation and been adopted commercially. Some degree of blossom delaycan be achieved with plant growth regulators. Paclobutrazol delays budbreakand full bloom by – days on apple trees treated in a previous season (Millerand Swietlik, ) and this chemical increases fruit bud formation on the laterflowering one-year-old wood of both apple (Buban, ) and pear (Dheimand Browning, ). Day-time sprinkling with water in late winter and springcan delay blossoming as a result of evaporative cooling (Anderson and Seeley,), but may fail to reduce frost damage because it increases the watercontent of the buds at each developmental stage (Hamer, , ).

Direct physical protection from frost damage depends on maintaining thebud temperatures above that at which the buds will freeze. On cloudy, windynights bud temperatures are near to air temperatures but under clear condi-tions typical of radiation frosts they may be about . ◦C lower because of

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their heat loss by radiation. On a small scale, use of smoke or above-canopymaterial may impede heat loss and provide effective frost protection. Drawingdown warmer air with ‘wind machines’ from above a ‘frost inversion’ wherethe coldest air is nearest to the ground, is widely used in appropriate circum-stances. Other frost control measures depend on heat inputs to the buds eitherby use of orchard heaters or by water sprinkling so that water freezing on thebuds releases latent heat of fusion. Bud heat loss, hence the heat requirement,is a function of orchard net radiation and windspeed (Landsberg et al., ). Italso depends on the heat transfer properties of the buds, which are influencedby bud size per se and the effective changes in this as ice accumulates on thebuds during sprinkling. Hamer (, ) has published data on bud heattransfer coefficients and their use to estimate the water requirements for frostprotection by water sprinkling.

An alternative approach to frost problems is to spray the buds, blossomsor fruitlets with gibberellic acid or mixtures of hormones. These treatmentssubstitute for the hormones normally produced by seeds and lead to the de-velopment of fleshy tissues to form seedless fruits. This is discussed in detail inthe section on fruit set and fruit growth.


At the time of blossoming the anthers open and pollen grains escape, this eventbeing referred to as anthesis. The embryo sacs in the ovules usually matureat the same time or a few days later. In order to accomplish fertilization thepollen grain must be transferred to the surface of a stigma and germinate. Thepollen tube must then grow down the style, the generation nucleus dividingmitotically into two sperm nuclei, and the ovule must be fertilized before itdegenerates. Most apple and pear cultivars are not self-fertile or have only alimited degree of self-fertility. In the typical orchard cross-pollination betweendifferent cultivars is the norm.

Pollen production

If pollination is to occur naturally it is very important that the flowering per-iods of the cross-pollinating cultivars are matched. These are established bylong-term observation in each fruit-growing area. It cannot be assumed thatthe relationships will hold good over areas of widely differing climate: thedifferent cultivars may well have different winter-chilling and thermal timerequirements for budbreak. Even within a single area the relative dates offloweringmay vary from year to year to such an extent that two ormore pollen-izer cultivars may be needed for a main commercial cultivar (Church and

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Table . Pollen production by different cultivars


Flowers Pollen (g) Percentage Flowers, Flowersper mm per germination per mm per m

Cultivar branch flowers in vitro branch canopy

‘Egremont Russet’ . . ‘Golden Delicious’ . . ‘Golden Hornet’a . . ‘Hillieri’a . . . ‘WinterGold’a . .

a Ornamental Malus.Representative data taken from Church and Williams (a).

Williams, b). Cultivars with a long flowering season, e.g. those that flowerprofusely both on one-year-old long shoots and on spurs, may be especiallyuseful as pollenizers. This trait can be accentuated by the type of pruning.

The quantity of pollen produced by a cultivar depends on its flower pro-duction and the yield of pollen per flower. Church and Williams (a)found that some ornamental Malus cultivars produced twice as much, ormore than twice as much, viable pollen per metre of branch as cultivars ingeneral use as pollenizers for ‘Cox’, while the dessert cultivars also differedgreatly among themselves (Table .). Triploid cultivars may produce largeamounts of pollen butmuch of thismay be defective as a result of chromosomalimbalance.

Low winter temperatures may reduce both the number of pollen grainsproduced and their viability. High temperatures in spring often result in sterilepollen but the severity of this problem varies with cultivar (Faust, ). Antherdehiscence can occur as low as ◦C (Percival, ).

Pollen transfer

Apples and pears are insect-pollinated, predominantly by hive bees (Apis mel-

lifera L.), bumble bees (Bombus terrestris L.), other wild bees and hover flies(Syrphidae) (Smith, ; Free, ). The efficiency of pollen transfer by insectsdepends on their abundance, the relative attractiveness of the apple and pearflowers to them, their mode of operation and climatic conditions.

Hive (honey) bees are usually themost important, especially on pear (Eijnde,), although they are more adversely affected by low temperatures thanbumble bees or wild bees. In general there is little insect activity below ◦C( ◦F). Flower visiting by insects, except bumble bees, usually ceases duringheavy rains or showers. Windspeeds above – m.p.h. inhibit bee flight.

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Windbreaks result in greatly increased insect populations in the sheltered zones(Lewis and Smith, ). Other flowers may compete for the attention of bees(Benedek and Nagy, ) and may need to be controlled in the orchard orthe neighbourhood.

The particular flower structure of a cultivar may reduce the effectivenessof pollination. ‘Delicious’ flowers have basal gaps between stamen filamentsthrough which bees can extract nectar without touching any stigma (Dennis,; Schneider et al., ).

The effectiveness of pollination by bees in general can be increased byinserting pollen packs in hives in such a way as to dust the bees with pollenon leaving (Williams, a). Alternatively, pollen may be applied to flowersby dusting them with a mixture of pollen and inert material.

Pollen germination and pollen tube growth

The pollen grain is a dormant, resistant structure that contains lipid reservesfor its germination and early growth but is dehydrated and must absorb waterto germinate when it reaches the stigma. In apples and pears the stigma has awet surface composed of extracelluar secretions of its papilla cells and of thecontents of the cells themselves which collapse after anthesis (Sedgley, ).This surface, whilewet, provides themoist environment for pollen germination(Heslop-Harrison, ). After the hydrated pollen grain has germinated inthe secretion pool on the stigma surface, the emergent pollen tube begins togrow through the interstitial material of the transmitting tract. ‘Recognition’of incompatibility or otherwise takes place here.

Pollen germination rate depends on temperature and varies with the sourceof pollen. Petropoulou andAlston () found ‘Spartan’ pollen to give a highergermination percentage than that of ‘Cox’ or ‘Idared’ at all temperaturestested, but the difference was likely to be most important at – ◦C and – ◦C. At these latter temperatures pollen of ‘Redsleeves’ was outstanding inits germination percentage and initial pollen tube growth (Table .). AmongJapanese pears Rohitha and Klinac () found ‘Shinsui’ pollen germinationto have a temperature optimum at ◦C whereas for the cultivars ‘Hosui’,‘Kosui’, ‘Nijisseiki’ and ‘Shinseiki’ the optimum temperature was between ◦C and ◦C.

The major factors influencing the speed of pollen tube growth are gene-tic compatibility (see below) and temperature, factors which interact.Modlibowska () found that high temperature, i.e. – ◦C, speeds up theincompatibility reaction and thus results in an early inhibition of the growthof incompatible tubes. The growth of compatible tubes, in contrast, increasedover the range from ◦C to ◦C for both diploids and triploids althoughthe latter had a lower growth rate at any given temperature.

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Table . Pollen germination percentage of different cultivars after and hours at

various temperatures

Cultivar – ◦C – ◦C – ◦C – ◦C – ◦C

‘Cox’ ‘Idared’ ‘Spartan’ ‘Redsleeves’

Data from Petropoulou and Alston (). Reproduced with permission.

Table . Pollen tube growth rates for typical pollinators of ‘Cox’ apple at different

temperatures. An accumulated total of indicates completion

Mean temp. (◦C) over h period

Pollen tube growth index per h

From Williams (b). Reproduced with permission.

Williams (b) used data from several cultivars to calculate the time forpollen tubes to penetrate to the ovary for a diploid apple such as ‘Cox’ overthe relatively cool range of temperatures typical of England (Table .).


In apples and pears, as inmost flowering plants, themale and female organs arein close proximity within the same flower (Figure .). Self-incompatibility hasdeveloped as one of the mechanisms that prevents successive self-fertilizationsand deleterious inbreeding. It has long been recognized that most apple andpear cultivars are effectively self-incompatible, or very largely so, and that fruitset usually depends on cross-pollination between genetically different cultivars.

The site of incompatibility is in the style or ovary, because of physiologicalreactions occurring between the pollen tube and the stylar and ovarian tis-sue (Modlibowska, ). In general incompatible pollen tubes grow slowlydown the style. They show heavy deposits of callose tissue along and at theend of the tube. In some cases the reaction occurs at an early stage, pollentube growth being inhibited in the style. In others it takes place later, evenwhen the tubes have reached ovarian tissue. Compatible pollen tubes, on theother hand, grow rapidly down the style, are characterized by small, widely-spaced, intermittent callose plugs and the absence of a terminal plug, and caneffect fertilization (Modlibowska, ; Stott, ). On the basis of pollen

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penetration in the apple style, Kobel () classified pollination responses asindicating compatibility (), incompatibility () and half-compatibility (/).In the last case about half of the pollen tubes penetrate to the base of the style(Spiegel-Roy and Alston, ).

Self-incompatibility in apple is under the control of an S gene system. Kobelet al. () proposed that this is based on S gene alleles. The essential featureof the incompatibility system is that pollen is inhibited in a style or ovary con-taining the same incompatibility alleles. The single, multi-allelic gene encodesribonucleases (S-RNases) which are present in the pistil of the mature flowerwhere they recognize and inhibit developing pollen. Several alleles of the Sgene of apple have been cloned and characterized (Broothaerts et al., ) andstylar ribonuclease isoenzymes corresponding to a large number of S-allelesdetected (Boskovic and Tobutt, ).

Table . shows the incompatibility genotypes of many of the currently im-portant cultivars of apple and others representing types likely to be importantas parental material for the future. It is to be expected that where the cul-tivars have identical stylar ribonuclease patterns, corresponding to identicalS-alleles, they will be mutually incompatible. Where the cultivars have oneS-allele in common only % of the pollen grains will be compatible, i.e. thecultivars will be semi-compatible. Where both alleles differ between diploidpollen donor and acceptor cultivars then they will be fully compatible.

In general the pistils of triploids are more likely to have one or more allelesin common with the donor pollen because they have more alleles. Cultivarsthat are related are likely to have at least one incompatibility allele in common.‘Jonagold’, a triploid arising from a cross between ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Golden De-licious’ has two S-alleles in common with ‘Golden Delicious’ and one with‘Jonathan’. ‘Elstar’ (‘Ingrid Marie’ × ‘Golden Delicious’) has only one incom-patibility allele in common with ‘Golden Delicious’.

Self-compatibility varies from very low (highly self-incompatible) to appre-ciable levels. ‘RedDelicious’ and its sports are generally self-unfruitful (Dennis,; Kemp, ). De Witte et al. () found ‘Fuji’ and ‘Golden Delicious’to give only % and .% set, respectively, following self-pollination underconditions where pollination with the ornamental apple Malus Baskatong gave%and % set. This low level of self-fertility is important in view of the pre-dominance of these cultivars both in production and as parental material. DeWitte et al. () found much higher levels of self-fertility in ‘Idared’ (.%)and ‘Elstar’ (%) although, importantly, very few of the fruits so producedwere seeded. ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ has given very variable set when self-pollinated, ranging from .% (of a sample of over flowers) found byModlibowska () to % (under conditions where M. Baskatong pollinationgave %) found by De Witte et al. (). In the latter case the ‘Cox’ fruitsfrom self-pollination averaged . seeds per fruit.

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−S S













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S −









S −
















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Most ‘sports’ show a level of self-fertility that is consistent across clones andwith the ‘parent’ cultivar. This is not the case with ‘Cox’, where Stott andCampbell () found appreciable variation in self-compatibility in clonesof this cultivar. Clones with a high level of self-fertility and that could alsopollinate the standard ‘Cox EMLA’ were subsequently selected from treesthat had been subjected to gamma-irradiation to increase the incidence ofmutations (Campbell and Lacey, ; Lacey et al., ). Alston () foundevidence that when the ‘self-fertile’ ‘Cox’ is self-pollinated the pollen tubesgrow the full length of the style but fertilization only takes place betweengametes with different S-alleles.

Cross-compatibility between cultivars had been considered to be the norm(Modlibowska, ), but cross-incompatibility has become more prevalentas more inter-related cultivars are grown. Alston () showed that although‘Cox’ and ‘Idared’ are fully compatible, much lower levels of fruit set areachieved following crossings between their progeny with fully incompatiblepairs of alleles in common. These crosses between siblings also gave muchlower levels of fruit set than when they were back-crossed with the ‘Cox’parent with which they had only one incompatibility allele in common. Evencultivars of uncertain ancestry may have incompatibility alleles in common,to the detriment of cross-pollination. ‘Jonathan’ is less effective than ‘GoldenDelicious’ as a pollinator of ‘Topred’ (a ‘Red Delicious’ sport) as a result of acommon incompatibility allele (S) in both ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Topred’ (Goldwayet al., ). Under many circ*mstances, however, semi-compatible cultivarsgive adequate pollination for each other.

Triploid apple cultivars are less frequently self-incompatible and the self-incompatibility is usually less strongly expressed than in diploids. For thisreason selfed triploids usually set more fruits than selfed diploids even thoughthey often show gametic sterility (Modlibowska, ). They produce bothseeded and seedless fruits.

Diploid European pear cultivars are almost invariably self-sterile but setparthenocarpic fruitsmore readily than do apples, either naturally or followinghormone sprays. They are generally cross-fertile.

Japanese pears are largely self-incompatible and require cross-pollination,the self-incompatability being controlled by S-alleles in the pollen and pistil.Different cultivars have different S-alleles (Hiratsuka et al., ). A mutant of‘Nijisseiki’, ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’, is self-fertile as a result of stylar-part-mutation ofthe S-allele (Sassa et al., ).

Female flower fertility

Successful fertilization depends on the pollen grains reaching the ovules beforethey degenerate.Williams () defined the concept of an effective pollination

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period (EPP) determined by the longevity of the egg apparatus minus the timenecessary for pollen tube growth. This is measured by carrying out controlledpollination at daily intervals from anthesis for as long as the stigmas remainreceptive.

Cultivars differ in EPP duration. Although the EPP varies with a number ofother factors differences between EPPs of cultivars under broadly comparableconditions have been found in a number of studies. Williams () reportedEPPs of about ., . and . days for ‘Cox’, ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Laxton’s Superb’apples, respectively, and of , , and – days for ‘Doyenne du Comice’,‘Packham’sTriumph’, ‘Williams’BonChretien’ and ‘Conference’ pear, respec-tively. Tromp and Borsboom () noted a much shorter EPP for ‘Comice’than for ‘Golden Delicious’ which showed high levels of fruit set when polli-nated to days after bloom. ‘Red Delicious’ has a short EPP, Hartman andHowlett () noting a linear decline in its fruit set when pollination wasdelayed from to hours after anthesis. Some cultivars also suffer from con-sistently asynchronous flower part development. Herrero () found that‘Agua de Aranjuez’ pear flowers have delayed maturation of the megagameto-phytes in relation to anthesis. Stigmas were not receptive at anthesis and nomature embryo sacs were present then, most of them being fully mature dayslater.

Although largely controlled by genotype, female fertility also varies greatlyfrom year to year (Williams, ) and has been shown to be influenced by anumber of separate factors operating at different times, from flower initiationand development in the previous year to anthesis and beyond.

The application of nitrogenous fertilizer after the cessation of apple shootgrowth leads to the production of ‘strong’ blossoms that develop earlier thanthose on control trees (Williams, ). The ovules of these flowers remaincapable of fertilization for almost twice as long as those of ‘normal’ flowers.

Heavy cropping in the previous season results in smaller flowers, less wellexpanded papillae on stigmas and thinner styles of ‘Cox’ apple (Buszard andSchwabe, ). Such flowers failed to set fruit if pollinated at anthesis and nofruits set after day , i.e. the EPP was days, whereas flowers on previouslydefruited trees set fruit when pollinated on any day from anthesis to day ,i.e. had a -day EPP.

Flowers on young wood and on young trees of apple have shorter EPPs andhigher proportions of immature and of degenerate ovules than those on olderwood and trees (Robbie andAtkinson, ). These effects seem to be related tothe timing of flower initiation anddevelopment, physiologically ‘young’ flowersbeing of lower quality than older ones. Flowers on horizontal branches havea higher proportion of healthy ovules at anthesis and later and have a longerEPP than those on vertical branches (Robbie et al., ). This quite large effectcould be achieved by bending branches that had been vertical into a horizontal

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position in April during flowering. If branches that had been horizontal weremoved to the vertical in April, this resulted in a short EPP. These responsesto changes in branch position at flowering time suggest that effects on ovulefertility and EPP are controlled by current hormonal relationships rather than,in this case, effects via influences on flower development in the previous year.

Temperatures simulating a warm English February, March and April re-sulted in EPPs for ‘Cox’ apple of and days in consecutive years, whereasunder conditions simulating a cool English spring the EPP exceeded daysin each year (Miller, ). In general, low temperatures in the post-anthesisperiod increase ovule longevity (Sedgley, ).

Pollination increases embryo sac viability in such a way that even thosepollen grains that donot fertilize ovules play an important part in assisting otherpollen grains to do so. It stimulates a wave of cytoplasmic and biochemicalactivity in the pistil and also stimulates development within the ovary, readyingit for fertilization.Herrero andGascon ( ) showed that in unpollinated pearflowers the ovules degenerate between and days after anthesis whereasin cross-pollinated flowers the degeneration is postponed by about days.This increase in EPP can also be induced by GA , which may explain whyGA treatment can increase the set of seeded fruits and suggests that GA maybe involved in the pollination effect on ovule fertility.

Flowers of ‘Comice’ pear treated with paclobutrazol at full bloom containtwice as many degenerating embryo sacs as untreated flowers (Dheim andBrowning, ). This leads to complete inhibition of fruit set, which can bereversed if the flowers are treated with gibberellic acid within days.

Putrescine applied at full bloom delays ovule senescence and can extend theEPP of ‘Comice’ pear by up to days (Chrisosto et al., ). Putrescine is apolyamine, a class of chemicals apparently present in cells of all tissues capableof normal growth and development and with a regulatory role as distinct froma purely nutritional requirement (Galston and Kaur-Sawhney, ).

Fruit set

Fruit set is the process that is necessary for pre-anthesis growth of the flowerparts to be followed by sustained post-anthesis growth of the fruit. At anthesisall the chemical factors for growth – auxin, kinins and gibberellins as wellas ABA – are already present in the flower (Martin et al., ; Miki et al.,). Despite this, further growth and continued development after anthe-sis are usually limited to only a small proportion of the flowers. Typicallyonly –% of the flowers give harvestable fruits, although the proportionmay vary from more than % to less than %. The rest fail to set and areshed.

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The abscission process

Typically flower and fruit shed occur in four waves (Murneek, ). Thefirst is of flowers with no fertilized ovules and the second, often overlappingwith it, is of fruitlets with – endosperm nuclei. Most shed occurs at thesestages. The third wave is of fruits with endosperm and embryos with up to cells, and the fourth is of fruits with completely developed endosperm andembryos of various sizes, but usually fewer or smaller than those of retainedfruits. The fruitlets shed in the third and fourth waves are relatively large andconspicuous and these waves, usually occurring in late May and early June inthe northern hemisphere, are collectively known as the June drop. Subsequentshed is numerically slight up to the time of fruit maturity and abscission. Stagesof fruit and seed development are shown in Figure ..

The flowers and fruitlets, and later the mature fruits, show a constriction atthe base of the pedicel (the individual flower stalk) and apex of the peduncle(inflorescence stalk) to which it is joined. In this constricted zone the cells ofall tissues, except those of the pith, are smaller than adjacent ones (McCown,). The zone is usually – cells in width in the cortical tissue, less widein the xylem and phloem. Flowers and immature fruits abscise following thedifferentiation of an abscission layer in the basal portion of the pedicel as aresult of cell division. This abscission layer is usually differentiated within thelimits of the constriction zone but it may also appear in the pedicel distal tothe constriction zone. Cells in all tissues undergo division and the resultingabscission layer is six to eight cells deep. A slight swelling of the middle lamel-lae and primary walls, followed by disintegration of their pectic compounds,precedes cell separation. The vessels are ruptured, apparently as a result ofmechanical force. If all flowers or immature fruits shed, then abscission layersform so that the entire peduncle is shed. Following the abscising of the pedicelor the peduncle, cork is formed by a cambium which is initiated a few cellsbelow the surface of the scar.

Two contrasting assumptions underlie attempts to explain why flowers,fruitlets and fruits shed. One is that it is the natural tendency for the fruitto remain attached in the absence of nutritional or other stresses leading toabscission. The other is that fruitlets have a tendency to abscise and are onlyprevented from doing so by specific hormonal stimuli originating in the fruitit*elf (Luckwill, ).

It is now generally accepted that flowers are pre-programmed to shed afteranthesis unless they receive a new stimulus to trigger continued growth. Thisstimulus is commonly given by pollination and fertilization, with the result thatresources are subsequently allocated only to those fruitlets likely to give fruitswith viable seeds. Sometimes pollination alone, or the application of plantgrowth substances during or shortly after flowering, can provide the trigger

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1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 9.5 Fruit and seed development in the apple cv. ‘Beauty ofBath’. The numbers are days from petal-fall. Lightly stippled tissue inthe seed is nucellus; heavily stippled tissue, endosperm; solid black,embryo. Scale for seeds is 14 × scale for fruits. From Luckwill (1948).

Reproduced with permission.

(Hedden and Hoad, ). In apples and pears the ‘quality’ of the flower,which may be influenced by factors throughout its development includingthose operating in the previous year, has a major influence on its ability torespond to the trigger.

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The continued growth of the fruitlet or fruit then depends on its abilityto compete with other fruits and shoots for metabolites. The concentration ofsuchmetabolites influences the consequences of this competition and if the fruitgrowth is checked, even for as little as two days (f*ckui et al., a), it will shed.

The process of abscission is usually considered within the scheme proposedby Reid (). In this it is considered that shed is prevented by keeping theabscission zone in a non-sensitive state as a result of a gradient of auxin fromthe potentially shedding organ to the plant axis: this gradient beingmaintainedby factors which inhibit senescence such as auxins, cytokinins, light and goodnutrition. Reduction or reversal of the auxin gradient by application of auxinproximal to the abscission zone, by shading or by poor nutrition hasteningsenescence, allows the abscission zone to become sensitive to ethylene. Oncesensitized the cells of the abscission zone respond to low concentrations ofethylene by secretion of hydrolytic enzymes and the organ is shed. Recentwork suggests that carbohydrate supply is especially important in preventingthe abscission process being triggered in the abscission zone.

Either de-fruiting but leaving the pedicel with its abscission zone intact at-tached to the tree, or steam-girdling the pedicel between the fruit and theabscission zone, results in abscission whenever carried out (Beruter and Droz,). Steam-girdling the pedicel between the tree and the abscission zoneinduces fruit drop if carried out at or days after full bloom, but leads to acessation of growth without abscission if done at days after full bloom. Thisshows that up to the end of the June drop abscission can be induced by treat-ments which reduce or block nutrient supply from the leaves to the abscissionzone. After that period the growing fruit has become a storage organ whichis resistant to abscission. The fact that seed removal after June drop does notstimulate activation of the abscission zone in the pedicel, but fruit removal orphloem ringing between the fruit and the pedicel does, leads to the conclusionthat substances produced or stored in the fruit flesh control post-June-dropseparation at the abscission layer. Beruter and Droz () concluded that theglucose concentration in the pedicel is a key factor controlling abscission. Incitrus, fruitlet abscission induced by carbon shortage appears to be regulatedbyABA (abscisic acid) andACC, an ethylene precursor (Gomez-Cadenas et al.,). ABA may act as a sensor of the intensity of the carbohydrate shortagethat modulates the levels of ACC and ethylene. There is, as yet, no valida-tion of this hypothesis for pome fruits. Effects of shade on fruit abscission arediscussed on pp. – and of chemical thinning agents on p. .

Effects of seeds on fruit shed

Following fertilization the presence of immature, developing seeds preventsfruitlet shed and enables continued growth. Abbott () found that if seeds

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were removed within – weeks of petal fall from apple fruits of ‘Cox’s OrangePippin’ and ‘Crawley Beauty’, the fruits would shed. Similar results were ob-tained with ‘Golden Delicious’ by Beruter and Droz (). Removal of seedsafter the June drop period, e.g. at days after full bloom, did not induce anyfruit shed and the fruits continued to grow.

This effect of developing seeds is attributed to the hormones that theyproduce. Dennis ( ) found that whereas untreated, unpollinated flowersof ‘Wealthy’ apple almost all shed, those treated with an extract of immature‘Wealthy’ seeds gave normal-sized but seedless fruits. The seed extract wasfound to contain gibberellin activity and a similar effect was obtained byapplication of the potassium salt of gibberellic acid at × − KGA . Applefruitlets showing the reduced rate of growth characteristics of those aboutto shed have lower gibberellin activity in their seeds than those showing thegrowth patterns of persistent fruits (f*ckui et al., ). High concentrationsof biologically active GAs (GA , GA , GA and GA ) are present in appleseeds at about days after anthesis, when the growth rate of the fruit is ata maximum (Hedden and Hoad, ). More than gibberellins have beenidentified in immature apple seeds using GCMS (gas chromatography/massspectometry) (Garcia-Martinez and Hedden, ).

Immature pear seeds of cultivars of P. communis, P. ussuriensis and P. serotina alsocontain gibberellins. Removal of the seeds weeks after full bloom causes theshed of all fruitlets, but this is largely or completely preventedwhen gibberellinsare applied to the cut surfaces at the time of seed extraction (Yuda et al.,).The most effective treatment is with GA+ even though the principal GA inthe immature seeds is GA .

Apple seeds contain auxins and cytokinins as well as gibberellins. Con-centrations of IAA in the seeds, measured by physico-chemical methods, are,however, low and relatively constant at the endosperm stage, not increasinguntil mid-July with the cv. ‘Sunset’ in England (Hedden et al., ; Heddenand Hoad, ). Kondo and Mizuno () found the auxin-like activity inseeds of ‘Starking Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ to be more or less constant from to days after full bloom. f*ckui et al. (a), using histochemical techniques,found the content of indole derivatives to be very low until days after fullbloom, increasing between and days after bloom and staying high untilharvest. They also found that fruitlets showing the check in growth charac-teristic of those about to shed did not differ in indole derivative concentrationfrom those with a growth pattern characteristic of persistent fruitlets. Theyconcluded that indole derivatives in seeds have no correlation with early fruitdrop. Auxin can, however, prevent the abscission of apple fruitlets from whichthe seeds have been removed (Abbott, ) but does not stimulate their furthergrowth. In this apples differ from a number of other fruits such as tomatoesand some Rosa species.

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Table . The effect of the previous season’s crop on fruit set per blossom clusters of

‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apple

Treatments in

Hand Light Heavypollination Control thinning thinning

Fruits per tree .Fruit set .

From data of Blasco (). Reproduced with permission.

Apple fruitlets with the growth characteristics of those about to shed haveonly .–% as much cytokinin activity as those likely to persist, as well as lessgibberellin activity (f*ckui et al., ).

Artificial pollination by hand, followed by fertilization and seed develop-ment, usually increases fruit set to well above the natural level (e.g. Table .).Knowledge that this is so has prompted the development of widely used andsuccessful practices to facilitate pollination in the orchard as a means of in-creasing yields (Williams and Wilson, ).


Apples and pears, as noted above, can develop fruits without fertilization andseeds. Parthenocarpic fruit set can be vegetative, without pollination or anyother externally applied stimulus. Gorter and Visser () tested appleand pear cultivars for their ability to set fruits from flowers whose petals,stamens and styles had been removed and which were then enclosed in paperbags. More than % of the flowers set and matured parthenocarpic fruitsin one apple and four pear cultivars. All of the pear cultivars and of theapple cultivars set some parthenocarpic fruits.Muchmore complete vegetativeparthenocarpy is shown by ‘Spencer Seedless’ apple, the flowers of which lackpetals and stamens and do not attract bees. Although they will set seededfruits if hand-pollinated all of their fruits are normally seedless. The apetalouscharacteristic and associated parthenocarpy is controlled by a recessive gene(Tobutt, ). Immature seedless apple fruits contain GA (Hayashi et al.,). Seedless ‘Bartlett’ pear fruits have ahigher content ofGA-like substancesthan seeded ones (Gil et al., ).

Stimulative parthenocarpy can be induced by pollination without fertiliza-tion, e.g. by irradiated pollen (Marcutti et al., ) or by plant hormones,primarily gibberellins. Sprays of the latter are widely used to induce pearcrops, either following frost damage or with cultivars which set poorly underlocal environmental conditions. ‘Conference’ and ‘Spadona’ can be induced to

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give substantial crops of parthenocarpic fruits with GA (Modlibowska, a;Herrero, ). Set of ‘Abbe Fetel’, ‘Doyenne du Comice’ and ‘Williams’’ isachieved by use of a commercial product containing GA, GA and benzyl-adenine (Calzoni and Speranza, ). GA+ is also effective on the triploid‘Bramley’s Seedling’ apple (Modlibowska, b) and, to a lesser extent, on‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ (Goldwin, ). For the latter cultivar a three-hormonemixture of a gibberellin, an auxin and a cytokinin appears most effective(Kotob and Schwabe ; Goldwin, ). Applications at blossom time,within weeks of this, or multiple applications, are most effective. Those culti-vars with a strong tendency to natural parthenocarpy are the most responsiveto hormone sprays.

GA effects on seeded fruit set

Application of GA+ at any time between one and days after full bloomdoes not influence the initial fruit set of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apples butgreatly reduces the June drop of fruitlets from pollinated flowers (Wertheim,). Application in July after June drop has started does not reduce this.

In a number of other trials on apple gibberellins applied alone or in com-bination with other hormones have resulted in more, rather then less, fruitshed.

Auxin and cytokinin effects on fruit set

When applied as an overall spray at blossom time or later, NAA usually in-creases fruit drop, so is widely used as a chemical thinning agent (Wertheim, ). This may result from its side effects on assimilate availability and is alsoin keeping with the concept that it is the auxin gradient across the abscissionzone that is important in controlling shed. Application of ,,-TP either inthe previous autumn or the spring may, however, increase fruit set on somepears (Westwood et al., ; van Zyl and Strydom, ).

Cytokinin spraysmay also increase rather than reduce fruit shed (Wertheim, ). This may be a consequence of stimulating other growing points.

Ethylene and fruit set

There is a general association between ethylene and fruit shedding but less cer-tainty as to whether increases in ethylene production pre-date the first stages ofshedding and are a direct cause of this. Kondo andTakahashi () found that‘Starking Delicious’ apple fruitlets, which had a high rate of ethylene output,shedheavilywith up to%Junedrop.Ethylene output from ‘Fuji’ was lowandthere was little or no fruitlet drop. ‘Tsugaru’ was intermediate in both respects.

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Table . Direct, residual and cumulative effects of shade on fruit set ( fruits harvested

per blossom clusters) ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’/‘M.’ apple

Light (% daylight) in and

Light Light Fruit set .

is the of the difference from the never-shaded control.Data from Jackson and Palmer (b). Reproduced with permission.

They found that exogenous ethephon, an ethylene-generating compound, in-creased the rate of seed abortion and fruit abscission while application of AVG(aminoethoxyvinyl glycine), which inhibits ethylene biosynthesis, reduced therate of seed abortion, cellulase activity in the abscission zone, and fruit abscis-sion as well as preventing ethylene evolution. Other studies showed AVG toreduce endogenous ethylene production and increase fruit set of ‘Delicious’(Greene, ) and fruit set of ‘Cox’ apples (Child and Williams, ) and‘Comice’ pear (Lombard and Richardson, ). However, f*ckui et al. (b)found that for ‘McIntosh Red’ apples subjected to high night temperatures,beginning on the th day after full bloom, the check to growth that precededfruit drop also preceded ethylene evolution and the formation of an abscissionlayer. They concluded that ethylene was not the primary factor in inducing thedrop. Also, Kondo and Takahashi ( ) did not find much effect of AVG onshade-induced apple fruitlet shed. Fruit size and shape are adversely affectedby early AVG application, so it has not become a commercial fruit-settingagent although used as a pre-harvest ‘stop-drop’.

Ethephon application frequently induces fruitlet shed and although effectsare inconsistent it is widely used as a fruit thinning agent, applied at blossomtime or later (Wertheim, ).

Effects of shade and photosynthesis on fruit set

Artificial shading reduces fruit set of apples both in the year of shading and inthe following year (Table .; Jackson and Palmer, b). Fruit set is reducedlinearly as light intensity within a mature apple tree canopy declines over therange from % to % of full sunlight (Rom, ).

Heavy shading for only a few days within the period from about to days after full bloom induces fruit shed (Kondo and Takahashi, ;Beruter and Droz, ; Byers et al., ; Stopar, ). Shading earlier orlater is ineffective. Fruitlets induced to abscise by shading stop growth within– days of shading and shed – days later (Byers et al., ). Application

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of AVG does not reduce the effect of short-term shading on shed. There is apronounced interaction between unshaded and shaded parts of trees. Thereis much less abscission on a single shaded branch on an otherwise unshadedtree than on the branches of a completely shaded tree and more shed onan unshaded branch on an otherwise shaded tree than on a correspondingbranch on a totally unshaded tree (Beruter and Droz, ; Byers et al., ).Lowered natural light intensity as a result of cloudy conditions prior to Junedrop is associated with increased fruit shed both in Akita, Japan and Virginia,USA (Kondo et al., ; Byers et al., ).

Shading reduces photosynthesis, and both photosynthesis and fruit setcan also be reduced by application of terbacil (-tert-butyl-S-chloro--methyluracil) or other inhibitors of photosynthesis.These have dramatic effectson fruit set when applied to leaves between and days from full bloom, butlittle effect if applied later and no effect if applied to fruits alone (Byers et al.,a, b).

Effects of leaf removal on fruit set

Removal of either spur or bourse shoot leaves within weeks of full bloomreduces fruit set of ‘Cox’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ apples (Proctor and Palmer,). The effect of reducing both spur and bourse leaves is particularly severe.

Defoliation or days after harvest reduces both initial and final set ofapples in the following year (Tustin et al., ), presumably by reducing carbo-hydrate reserves. The effects of early defoliation may be partly attributable toits negative effect on subsequent spur leaf size.

Effects of fruit and shoot competition on set

Removal of a large proportion of the flowers results in an increased percent-age set of those left on the tree (Blasco, ; Knight et al., ; Lauri andTerouanne, ). In some experiments (Knight et al., ) removal of a thirdof the flower clusters or a third of the flowers within clusters did not reducethe number of fruits finally harvested, therefore must have led to the retentionof fruits that would otherwise have shed. Reduction of competition leads tothe retention of fruits on inflorescences with a low number of leaves, e.g. onone-year-old wood (Lauri and Terouanne, ).

Removal of shoot tips starting days after full bloom also reduces Junedrop of fruitlets (Quinlan and Preston, ; Makino et al., ). Removal ofshoot tips leads to diversion of photosynthates into the fruitlets.

Signalling through auxin production and movement may be involved inthese competitive effects. Terminal (king) fruitlets are usually less likely toshed in either the first drop or the June drop than lateral fruitlets within the

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cluster. Their removal leads to an increase in set of the lateral fruitlets. Theking fruitlets have more diffusible IAA than the lateral ones but removal ofthe dominant king flowers stimulates diffusible IAA in lateral fruits. Similarly,early excision of bourse shoot tips results in higher IAA export from nearbylateral fruits (Gruber and Bangerth, ).

Seedless fruits of many cultivars all shed when seeded fruits are present eventhough substantial numbers of seedless fruits can be retained if all pollinationis prevented (Goldwin and Schwabe, ). This suggests that the numberof fruits retained to maturity is not simply a function of available resourcesbut is also influenced by hormonal signals. This is consistent with the viewthat hormones amplify differences between sinks to intensify competition andintervene to abort the weakest sinks before resources are wasted on them(Browning, ).

There are also residual effects on fruit set of crop load in the previous year.Blasco () found that flowers on trees that had been induced to crop heavilyin the previous year were smaller and set less well than those on trees that hadborne lighter crops (Table .).

Early harvesting, either by its effect on reserves or effects on fruit bud de-velopment and ‘flower quality’, also increases fruit set in the following year(Williams et al., ).

Flower quality and ‘tree factor’ effects on set

It has long been observed that ‘strong’ buds and ‘bold’ blossoms are the onesmost likely to set fruit. Blasberg () found a direct linear relationship be-tween the size (diameter) of spur buds and fruit set even when all the budswere on vigorous branches.

Factors shown earlier to enhance ‘flower quality’, in terms of demonstratedeffects on ovule longevity or blossom size, generally increase fruit set. Theseinclude treatment with nitrogenous fertilizer in the previous autumn (Williams,) and horizontal training of branches (Robbie et al., ). Flower clusterson one-year-old wood have smaller flowers than those on - and -year-oldwood and set less well (Robbie and Atkinson, ). Very young trees alsoshow much poorer fruit set than mature trees (Robbie and Atkinson, ).Flowers on old, weak spurs set poorly.

Temperature effects on set

National average yields of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apple in England are lowin seasons with high February, March and April maximum temperatures andfruit set of hand-pollinated flowers in such years is also low ( Jackson et al.,; Figure .). Fruit set of ‘Cox’ under controlled conditions is lower when

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Table . Effect of simulated warm and cold spring conditions on fruit set percentage

after hand pollination in ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’

Pre-blossom temperature ‘Warm Spring’ Ambient ‘Cold Spring’ LSD .

Fruit set percentage . . . .

Data from Jackson et al. (). Reproduced with permission.

these are typical of a warm rather than a cool English spring (Table .)and in Canada fruit set of ‘Macspur McIntosh’ and ‘Summerland’ apples waslower the higher the daytime temperatures in controlled environments overthe range ◦, ◦ and ◦C (Crowe, ). These effects are not associatedwith winter-chilling requirements: in the Canadian study all the trees hadbeen in cold storage for at least months and night temperatures ( ◦C)were the same for all treatments. Effects on ovule longevity and asynchronousdevelopment of flower parts seem to be involved. Evaporative cooling of budsby water sprinkling also increases set ( Jackson et al., ).

High temperatures at blossom time reduce ovule longevity and can haveadverse effects on initial set. Tromp and Borsboom () found that EPP wasextended and fruit set increased when ‘Golden Delicious’ apples were grownat a post-pollination temperature of ◦C instead of ◦C. With ‘Doyennedu Comice’ pear EPP and fruit set were higher (from February onwards) at ◦C than at ◦C.

In Akito, Japan heavy early fruit drop, from the th day after full bloom, ofcvs. ‘Starking Delicious’, ‘Mutsu’ and ‘Redgold’ was found to be statisticallycorrelated with high minimum temperatures and low sunshine levels aroundthe th day after full bloom (Kondo et al., ). Controlled environmentstudies on ‘Starking Delicious’ (Kondo and Takahashi, ) showed that highnight temperatures ( ◦C) over the four days starting days from full bloomled to fruit abscission starting days after treatment, with a final shed of %under conditions where there was no shed under outdoor night temperatures(mean ◦C). High night temperatures earlier were ineffective and from to days after full bloom they induced only % shed. In subsequent studieshigh night temperatures for days from or days after full bloom wereconsistently followed by severe shedding of ‘Starking Delicious’ fruits whereasthere was less shedding of ‘Tsugaru’ and in three out of four years none at allof ‘Fuji’ (Kondo and Takahashi, ).

Studies on fruit set of apples in North America and Europe in relation totemperatures over different post-bloom periods have given rather variable re-sults (Dennis, ). They include clear evidence from controlled-temperaturestudies that warm temperatures (> ◦C) during post-bloom to June drop

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period reduce set of a number of cultivars, including ‘Delicious’ and ‘GoldenDelicious’ (Lu and Roberts, ; Grauslund and Hansen, ). Olien et al.

() found that % of the site-to-site variation in ‘Starkspur Supreme Deli-cious’ apple yields in rootstock trials over ten American states was accountedfor by a highly significant negative linear regression on mean maximum tem-peratures. Mean site (state) maxima over the May–June period ranged from ◦C to ◦C. Results from California were excluded from the regressionbut were in conformity with the general association between lower post-bloomtemperatures over this range and high yield.

It should be noted that experimental data can prove the reality of, forexample, an effect of temperature on fruit set. Regression studies based onfield and climatic data establish whether the relationship is a limiting one, andhow important it is, in specific circ*mstances. In a climate in which blossom-time temperatures are frequently sub-optimal, variation in this factor may bevery important: in climates frequently exceeding the optimal temperature overthe later fruit set period these effects may predominate.

Water stress effects on set

Fruit set is very sensitive to water stress. Mature ‘Cox’ apple trees subjected toartificial drought by use of soil covers from late March to mid-June in Englandset only about half as many fruits as rainfed control trees. They showed theeffect on fruit set before there were any obvious effects on shoot extensiongrowth or trunk diameter expansion. Trees irrigated for weeks (May to June) shortly after flowering had more than % higher set than control trees,although during the period of irrigation soil water potentials in irrigated andcontrol plots differed only in the upper soil levels ( cm from the surface), andeven there by only . bar, and the average plant water potentials differed byonly about . bar (Powell, ).

Cultivar and strain differences in fruit set

Even within the same environment there are large differences between cul-tivars in their percentage fruit set. For some, e.g. ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and‘Red Delicious’ apples and ‘Comice’ pear, inadequate fruit set is commonlya problem. For others, e.g. ‘Gala’ apple, excessive fruit set may lead to a re-quirement for regular flower or fruitlet thinning. There may even be largedifferences between clones of the same cultivar: four different ‘sports’ of ‘RedDelicious’ gave fruit set per flower clusters ranging from for ‘Starking’to for ‘Idaho Spur’ (Westwood et al., ).

Several factors appear to be involved. Differences in fruitlet shed between‘Fuji’, ‘Tsugaru’ and ‘Starking Delicious’ were positively related to their

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ethylene production (Kondo and Takahashi, ). However, Rahemi et al.

( ) did not find differences in set between some other cultivars to be relatedto their ethylene production. The ‘Red Delicious’ group as a whole shows anumber of other features associated with their fruit setting problems (Dennis,).

Poor fruit set in ‘Packham’s Triumph’ pear is primarily related to exces-sive competition between shoots and fruits in young, vigorously growing treesand fruit–fruit competition in older ‘spur-bound’ trees (van Zyl and Strydom,). In this cultivar in the absence of appropriate pruning to reduce thenumber of growing points and spurs, very heavy flowering can be associatedwith unsatisfactory fruit set. Similarly, severe pruning of ‘Comice’ improves itsfruit set (Parry, ) but this cultivar, unlike ‘Packham’s Triumph’, also hasa short EPP. For a number of pear cultivars with a natural tendency towardsparthenocarpy, set can usually be improved by the use of gibberellin sprays toincrease the set of seedless fruits.

Fruit growth

A fruit can be defined as ‘the edible product of a plant or tree, consisting of theseed and its envelope, especially the latter when juicy and pulpy’ (Oxford English

Dictionary). Understanding fruit growth, however, requires consideration of thegrowth of the flower prior to seed formation andmust also encompass the caseof parthenocarpic, seedless fruits.

Two separate processes are involved in fruit growth: cell division and cellexpansion.

Cell division

There are twomillion cells in the flesh of an apple at anthesis and million atharvest (Pearson and Robertson, ). To achieve this number, doublingsare required before anthesis and only . doublings after this (Coombe, ).All these figures must be regarded as approximations but they illustrate ageneral point.

Most of the post-anthesis cell divisions occur within the first few weeks afterblossoming. Schechter et al. (a, b) found that the percentage of dividingcells in ‘Idared’ apples peaked at about days from full bloom, when about% of the cells were dividing. It then decreased for about days to –%,which continued up to days from full bloom. Bain and Robertson ()reported that cell division in ‘Granny Smith’ apple is completedwithin weeksof full bloom in Australia, and Denne () found it to last for – weeks in‘Cox’ and unthinned ‘Miller’s Seedling’ but for about weeks in ‘Miller’sSeedling’ thinned at the pink-bud stage in England.

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In pear, Toyoma and Hayashi ( ) reported cell division in early cultivarsto last for – days post-bloom and for days for late cultivars. Sterling() found cell division in ‘Bartlett’ pear to last for – weeks in the bulkflesh and weeks at the periphery.

Cell expansion

Cell enlargement begins soon after pollination, continues through the celldivision period and, at a diminishing rate, until harvest (Denne, ). Theincrease in cell size involves deposition of new cell wall material, influx of sol-utes, influx of water which depends on solute concentration, cell wall plasticity,water availability, transpiration and plant water potential, and the constraintsimposed on the flesh by the extensibility of the skin and other surroundinglayers.

During and shortly after anthesis the ovary is dependent on the overall levelof reserves for its nutrient supply and has limited capacity to attract these(Coombe, ). Once the fruit has commenced growth, hormones producedin the seeds andflesh are important inmobilizing resources.Themain supply oforganic compounds imported into the fruit is then fromcurrent photosynthesis.Apple leaves produce sorbitol and to a lesser extent sucrose, sorbitol beingthe main transport carbohydrate. The photosynthates imported into the fruitare used in the synthesis of structural polysaccharides for growth, respirationand storage of carbohydrate (Beruter and Studer Feusi, ). They are alsometabolized into fructose, sucrose, malic acid and starch (Beruter et al., ).Fructose makes the greatest contribution to the fruit solute potential of both‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ apples but sucrose is the majorsoluble carbohydrate on a dry weight basis in ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ (Paveland De Jong, ). Soluble carbohydrate contributes about % of the totalfruit solute potential in ‘Golden Delicious’ early in the season and about %at harvest.

Overall fruit growth

Early studies, e.g. by Denne (, ) on ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, showeda typical single-sigmoid growth curve. For convenience of comparison thiscould be divided into three phases: a slow increase in weight for the first– days after pollination, a phase of rapid exponential increase lasting for– weeks, and a phase of progressive slowing of the rate of increase leadingup to harvest. Orlandini et al. () found that increases in diameter alwaysfollowed a sigmoid curve in sets of data on ‘Golden Delicious’.

Schechter et al. (a, b) found little evidence for slowing down of‘McIntosh’, ‘Delicious’, ‘Empire’ and ‘Idared’ growth towards harvest and

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defined the pattern of dry matter accumulation as consisting of two linearphases. The first of these is of very low growth, lasting about days, and thesecond of steady linear growth at a rate of .–. g dry weight per day upto harvest. Lakso et al. () found that the growth of ‘Empire’ and ‘GoldenDelicious’ apples showed a positive curvilinear growth curve in the early partof the season (from to days, depending on cultivar and environment)followed by amuchmore rapid linear growth phase up to harvest. This growthpattern can be described by an expolinear equation, two key elements in whichare the time from anthesis to the intercept of the linear growth phase and theslope of this phase. They found the former to be temperature-sensitive andthe latter to be dependent on the number of cells in the cortex, in the limitednumber of cases considered.

Tukey and Young () found that in New York State the growth curve ofthe entire fruit is nearly linear up to ripening and harvest of the early summerapple ‘EarlyHarvest’. For successively later cultivars, including ‘McIntosh’ and‘Rome’, the curve flattens as the season progresses. The shape of the growthcurve is thus a cultivar characteristic although it is modified by climate andthe degree of between-fruit competition.

In general terms the major determinants of variability in fruit growth arecell division before anthesis and cell expansion after this, with cell divisionpost-anthesis making a smaller contribution (Coombe, ).

Effects of pre-bloom factors

The importance of cell division before blossoming as a determinant of the totalnumber of fruit cells suggests that pre-bloom factors should have a considerableeffect on fruit size. This effect appears to provide a rationale for much of thebetween-season and within-tree variability in fruit growth and size.

Bergh (b) compared flower and fruit development on ‘Starking’ appletrees which had been thinned to give a normal crop load with that on treeswhich had been unthinned and consequently bore very heavy crops. Thenumber of cells in the cortical tissue at the base of the developing flowers wasreduced by heavy cropping, the reduction being already evident weeks afterthe onset of differentiation of the sepal primordia (Table .). The effect oncell number at full bloom was followed by a somewhat smaller effect on fruitsize at harvest. Although the decrease in cell numbers of fruits following heavycropping was accompanied by larger cells, these did not compensate for theeffect of reduction in cell numbers. In most cases this is not so and fruits inan ‘off ’ year following a heavy crop are large, but not as large as would beexpected based on the very light crop.

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Table . The effect of cropping levels in / on

cell number × in the floral tube of terminal flowers of

‘Starking’ apple through the southern hemisphere winter

from autumn (April) to full bloom (October)

Crop in /

Collection dates Heavy Light

April July August October

From Bergh (b). Reproduced with permission.


Premature post-harvest defoliation reduces the size of apples of ‘Royal Gala’produced in the following season. This effect is shown even when crop load isstandardized by hand thinning and it cannot be fully explained through effectson spur leaf area (Tustin et al., ). A role of carbohydrate reserves status,influencing flower and subsequently fruitlet development, seems probable.

Blossom size is positively related to the diameter of the bearing spur anddifferences in blossom size are maintained through fruitlet growth to harvest(Denne, ). Within a spur the ‘king’ blossom is the largest, with the sizeof the others increasing towards the base. Fruit diameter at harvest follows asimilar pattern.

The receptacle diameters and lengths of lateral flowers on one-year-old shootsof ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Braeburn’ apple are less than those of flowers on-year-old spurs (Volz et al., ) and the fruits are much smaller at ma-turity. Fruits developed from lateral flowers on one-year-old shoots also givesmaller fruits than those on -year-old spurs of ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Fuji’(Volz et al., ) and ‘Laxton’s Superb’ ( Jackson, a). The small size oflateral flowers on one-year-old wood is related to their late initiation anddifferentiation.


Low pre-blossom temperatures result in reduced fruit size whether achievedby conventional temperature modification (Miller, ) or evaporative cool-ing (Collins, et al., ). This may be an effect of later flowering, resulting

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in a shorter growing season, of the improvement in fruit set and conse-quently greater fruit–fruit competition or of an effect on pre-bloom cell di-vision. Hamer () found that apple buds subjected to evaporative coolinghave lower dry weights than those on control trees at the later stages of buddevelopment.

Post-bloom effects

Fruit growth appears to be dependent on seeds only for the first weeks or soafter petal fall (Abbott, ).

The effect of seeds on growth is particularly obvious in fruits with a veryuneven shape associated with the presence of seeds only in locules on one sideof the fruit. Similar asymmetry can be induced by localized GA application(Bukovac and Nakagawa, ).

Fruit growth and final fruit size may be greater the higher the number ofseeds (Denne, ). The effect of seed number on the percentage increase infruitlet diameter is confined to the first weeks to days after blossomingalthough proportional differences established by that time are carried throughto harvest. The total number of cells per fruit increases with seed number butthere is no consistent relationship between seed number and cell size. Theratio of fruit diameter to length increases with increasing seed number in bothapple and pear (Denne, ).

In those cultivars which can be induced to set parthenocarpic fruits byexogenous hormone application the complete cycle of fruit growth, extendingfor several months, is obtained by a single application at around the timeof anthesis. This suggests that the hormones simply act as inducing agents(Goodwin, ). Subsequent growth is associated with a pattern of hormoneactivity in the developing fruit which is similar in both parthenocarpic andseeded fruits (Gil et al., , ). Auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins haveall been identified in apple and pear fruit flesh (Gil et al., , ; Goodwin,; Letham and Williams, ). The cytokinins found in fruits are notnecessarily synthesized there: they are found in xylem sap and it is possiblethat root-produced cytokinins are transported to fruits.

Application of gibberellins andof benzyladenine (-BA) increases the ratio ofapple length to diameter and the development of enlarged calyx lobes (Letham,; Williams and Stahly, ; Greenhalgh et al., ). Elongated appleswith pronounced calyx lobes are considered to be typical, therefore desirable,for ‘Red Delicious’ and in warm areas fruits that are not hormone-sprayedtend to be too round.

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During the growing season themain factors influencing individual fruit growthare light intensity and leaf area development, controlling potential supply ofphotosynthate, and competition for this between shoots and fruits and betweenfruits.

The changes in light intensity with position in the canopy are the mostimportant source of within-tree variation in fruit growth in most types of appleand pear trees. Jackson ( ) found that –% of within-tree variation inweight of ‘Cox’ apples was accounted for by fruit location effects that wereclearly related to shade.Where canopy structurewas such as tomake vertically-summed leaf area index relevant to shade, apples in the upper third of the sizedistribution were not found beneath an LAI greater than . ( Jackson, b).Part of this effect is a consequence of poor spur development under shadedconditions, such spurs having lower photosynthetic potential in terms of leafarea and specific leaf weight (Tustin et al., ). Major responses to shade are,however, demonstrated by artificial shading of previously well-exposed treesor branches immediately post-anthesis.

Fruit size is reduced by imposed shade even though the number of fruits isalso reduced. The reduction in fruit size is primarily due to reduction in celldivision and cell number but also involves reduction in cell size. With lightintensities of %, %and %of full daylight, respective final fruit weightswere , and g, cell numbers , and × per fruit and meancell volumes ., . and . × − mm ( Jackson et al., ). Part of theeffect of shade may be associated with reduced fruit temperatures (Thorpe,), hence reduced fruit metabolism and sink-strength (Minchin et al., )as well as with effects on leaf and fruit photosynthesis. Shading fruits withoutshading the adjacent leaves can considerably reduce their growth and size atharvest (Schrader and Marth, ).

Sources of photosynthate for fruit growth change over the season. Theearly development of flower clusters depends on stored carbohydrate andbud and flower photosynthesis (Chapter ). Spur leaf emergence starts beforeblossoming and at two weeks after bloom spur leaf assimilate is almost equallydistributed between the spur leaves themselves and the bourse shoots andfruitlets which develop more or less simultaneously. Bourse shoots initiallycompete with the fruitlets for spur leaf assimilates and also retain and utilizetheir own assimilates (Tustin et al., ). Subsequently more and more ofthe spur leaf assimilate feeds the developing fruitlets and the bourse shootleaves become exporters to the fruitlets. The fruits then become dominantimporters of assimilates from extension shoot, bourse shoot and non-fruitingas well as fruiting spur leaves. Proximity between sources and sinks, modifiedby vascular connection patterns, determines which demands are satisfied first

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and the surplus of supply over proximate demand influences export to moredistant sinks. Teng et al. () found that spurs of all ages exported assimilatedC at weeks after full bloom, the amount exported increasing with spur ageand the associated increase in leaf area. By and weeks after full bloom,when fruit demandwas higher, no assimilated C left spurs of any age. Corelli-Grappadelli et al. () found that shading eliminated export of assimilatedC fromextension shoot leaves to fruits at weeks after full bloomand reducedexport to fruit at weeks from full bloom.Using ringed branch sectionsHansen( ) found a linear relationship between fruit growth from early July to mid-September and leaf area per fruit. The distance between leaves and fruitshad no effect on this relationship. Palmer et al. () found that when appleflower clusters were removed at full bloom, either uniformly throughout thetree canopy, on alternate branches or on whole sides of trees, mean fruitweight at harvest was linearly dependent on leaf area per fruit and on treelight interception per fruit (Figure .). This is compatible with earlier work byParry (), who found blossom removal on a half-tree basis to be as effectiveas individual cluster thinning throughout the tree volume in increasing fruitsize. The clear implication is that, at least with dwarf trees, assimilate is mobilewithin the tree and individual fruit growth is greatly influenced by potentialtree photosynthesis and the number of fruits competing for the assimilates.

The fruits on a tree compete for available resources and competition betweenfruits is a major factor controlling their growth and size. Denne () showedthat, at harvest, fruits from trees of ‘Miller’s Seedling’ apple thinned at thepink-bud stage of blossom were four times as heavy as those of control trees.The rate of cell division on thinned trees was higher from or weeks afterfull bloom. The number of cells per fruit in thinned trees continued to increaseup to weeks from full bloom but remained constant from weeks in controltrees. At harvest there were about three times as many cortical cells in thefruits of thinned as of unthinned trees and the individual cells were about %wider, implying that cell volume was about doubled.

In extreme cases, when the thinning is carried out early, e.g. pre-bloom, theyield of thinned trees may be very similar to that of unthinned trees, i.e. theincrease in individual fruit weight fully compensates for the lower numbers(data of Parry, ). Any delay in fruit thinning reduces the effect on thegrowth of the remaining fruits because the opportunity for much increase incell division is lost. Commercial thinning is often delayed until the level of fruitset is known, so the increase in fruit size does not fully compensate for the lossin numbers.

Although the effect of fruit thinning by reducing competition for assimilatesoperates essentially at a whole-tree level, selective thinning so as to retain the

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n fr

uit w


t (g)

800.10 0.20

Light interception per fruit

0.30 0.40 0.50

Figure 9.6 The dependence of mean fruit weight of ‘Cox’s OrangePippin’ apple at harvest on light interception per fruit for six flowerthinning treatments. ©, control; �, alternate clusters removed; �, 3 outof 4 clusters removed; �, all clusters on E half removed; �, all clusterson W half removed; �, all clusters on alternate branches removed.

From Palmer et al. (1991). Reproduced with permission.

largest fruitlets or those likely to have a greater number of cells as a result oftheir previous history can give additional benefits.

Thinning to achieve the desired number of fruits is achieved by dormant-season pruning to reduce the number of spurs and fruit buds, by use of chem-ical thinners and by hand thinning. Details of practice depend on cultivarcharacteristics, e.g. the probability of over-set, environmental factors and theeconomic value of larger fruits even if acquired at the cost of total yield. Thin-ning practice also depends on the need to prevent overcropping so as to avoidbiennial bearing.

Chemical thinning is used because of the excessive labour involved inhand thinning. It can be carried out at blossom time, using scorching chem-icals that will damage open flowers and prevent successful pollination ofthese, or at the early stages of fruitlet development. Most thinning chem-icals have been found by chance, although ethephon is sometimes used.Auxins are used as fruitlet thinners, possibly acting by temporarily re-ducing assimilate availability. Untiedt and Blanke () found that NAA,naphthalene acetamine (Amidthin) and ethephon all reduce canopy pho-tosynthesis. Some other photosynthesis inhibitors have shown promise as

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Table . Mean apple fruit expansion rates – days after full bloom and mean

fruit weight at harvest on trees subjected to controlled temperature regimes over – days

Max/Min temperature (◦C)

Cultivar / / / /

Fruit expansion rate (mm day− )‘Delicious’ . d . c . b . a‘Golden Delicious’ . d . c . b . a‘Fuji’ . d . c . b . aHarvest fruit weight (g)‘Delicious’ b b a a‘Golden Delicious’ b b a a‘Fuji’

Figures with different letters within rows significantly different at P ≤ ..All fruits harvested when those at ◦/ ◦C were commercially mature.From Warrington et al. (). Reproduced with permission.

thinning agents (see p. ), and carbaryl and cytokinins are used (Wertheim, ).

Inmany traditional fruit-growing areas apple and pear fruits tend to be smallerin cooler than in average seasons, or when grown under cool conditions byreason of latitude or altitude. Controlled environment studies have shownthat temperatures early in the season, from to days after full bloom,have a major controlling effect on fruit growth rates and on fruit weight atmaturity (Table .). The temperature regimes in Table . simulated nat-ural diurnal patterns with temperature maxima and minima ranging from◦/ ◦C to ◦/ ◦C, in other trials cooler (◦/ ◦C) andwarmer (◦/ ◦C)regimes were more adverse and more favourable for fruit growth, respectively(Warrington et al., ). Similar temperature regimes over the period from to days after full bloom showedmuch smaller and less consistent effects.Thisis consistent with themajor effect of temperatures in this range being on the celldivision process which is usually largely complete by days after full bloom.

High night temperatures can be deleterious. Tukey (, ) found thatalthough fruit growth was greater at ◦C than at ◦C at night, it was muchpoorer at ◦C than at either of the lower temperatures. Tamura et al. ()found that keeping night temperatures at ◦C and day temperatures ◦Cabove ambient was stimulatory for the first weeks after bloom and then wasdetrimental so that by – days the fruits were of the same size. The fruitgrowth stimulation was due to increased early cell division, which ended –days earlier than in the controls to give the same final cell number.

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it w

t (g)

20100 R




18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17


Figure 9.7 The effect of irrigation on apple fruit growth in a droughtyear (1976) in England. •, trickle irrigated to provide full dailypotential transpiration requirement; ©, unirrigated. Derived from

Goode et al. (1978a) with permission.

Apples grown at high altitude and under cool conditions tend to be moreelongated in shape (Greenhalgh and Godley, ; Eccher, ). This is com-mercially important for ‘Red Delicious’.

Irrigation in a dry season can have dramatic effects on fruit growth and finalfruit size at harvest (Figure . ). Averaged over a number of years, Goode et al.(b) found that early irrigation, in June only, had no effect on mean fruitsize whereas late irrigation ( July tomid-September) increased this significantlyeven though it also (slightly) increased the number of fruits harvested.

This effect of early versus late irrigation, together with the contrasting fruitgrowth curves of irrigated and non-irrigated fruits shown in Figure . , sug-gests that the effect of irrigation is on the cell expansion rather than the celldivision stage of fruit growth. In field trials like the above, a complicatingfactor is that severe water stress seldom develops early in the season. How-ever, early-season water stress imposed by regulated deficit irrigation undercontrolled conditions has only a temporary effect on fruit growth, reversiblewhen irrigation is resumed (Behboudian and Mills, ). Fruits appear to beable to osmoregulate to maintain growth under early-season deficit irrigationconditions severe enough to inhibit vegetative growth (Chalmers et al., ).Whereas induced water deficits for the period from days after full bloomto harvest led to reduction in the weight of ‘Braeburn’ apples from daysafter full bloom and to smaller fruits at harvest, deficits starting at daysafter full bloom had no such effect (Mills et al., ). The imposed deficits

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both reduced photosynthesis per unit leaf area, though the earlier the deficitwas imposed the longer was the negative effect in this respect. Only the deficitimposed at days after full bloom led to reduction in leaf area.

Effects of irrigation on fruit growth and final size are very dependent on cropload. Goode et al. (b) found that irrigation from July to mid-Septemberonly led to increased fruit size when crops were in excess of t ha− . Theresponse peaked at about t ha− then declined at higher cropping levels.Naor et al. ( ) found the effect of increasing the number of fruits on fruit sizewas more severe at lower irrigation rates or, expressed differently, the effect ofincreasing irrigation on fruit size was greater the higher the number of fruitsper tree. It seems probable that irrigation influences fruit size through its effecton leaf area, and hence assimilate production and carbon resources, as well aspossibly in more direct ways.

Scion cultivars differ greatly in intrinsic fruit size. This is also modified by therootstock used and, to a lesser extent, by the pollenizer cultivar.

Apple cultivars give fruits ranging from those the size of a cherry or plum,produced by different Malus species including crab apples, to fruits weighingover gwhen grown in such away as tomeet localmarket demand (f*ckuda,).

Fruit size is under polygenic control (Brown, ). There has been rigorousselection for size over many years and, since there is a tendency for progenyto be smaller than the parents, it has been important to include large-fruitedcultivars in breeding programmes (Brown, ). Triploids, e.g. ‘Jonagold’,usually have larger fruits than their diploid parents.

Pear fruits may be only cm in diameter in some clones of Pyrus betulifolia

and P. calleryana, while in some clones of P. communis and P. pyrifolia they mayexceed cm in diameter (Layne and Quamme, ). As with apples, fruitsize in P. communis cultivars appears to be under polygenic control. There aresome large-fruited triploid cultivars.

Smith (, ) found that cultivar differences in apple size were due toboth differences in the amount of cell division (i.e. cell number) and cell size.The characteristic cultivar size was determined primarily by the amount of cellmultiplication occurring after pollination. ‘Bramley’s Seedling’, a triploid, wasanomalous in that its large fruit size was related to both more numerous andlarger cells, and a greater volume of tissue, at the pre-pollination flower stage.The average size of individual cells was related to the length of the growingseason of the cultivar but there is no general relationship between the lengthof the growing season of a cultivar and its average fruit size.

Genotype also controls the pattern of growth within the fruit. The ratio offruit length to diameter varies between cultivars and also between strains of‘Red Delicious’ (Greenhalgh and Godley, ).

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Rootstocks affect fruit size indirectly by influencing the proportion of fruitsgrowing in high-light environments on branches and spurs well exposed tosunlight in both the current and the previous season. They also have intrinsiceffects on fruit size which are not consequent on effects on tree vigour andsize. Apple trees grown on ‘MM.’ rootstock (semi-dwarfing) give smallerfruits than those on ‘M.’ and ‘M.’ even after taking into account effectsof crop load per unit of tree size or of light interception (Blasco, ). Somerecently selected rootstocks, e.g. ‘AR –’ (Webster et al., ) and ‘Jork ’(Callesen, ) induce fruits as large as or larger than those from trees on‘M.’. Others, e.g. ‘Mark’ and ‘PI’ have adverse effects (Barritt et al., a).

The pollenizer cultivar can influence fruit size independently of effects onseed number. Use of ‘Fuji’ as a pollenizer has particularly beneficial effects(Keulemans et al., ).

Fruit skin colour, russet and cracking

Apple and pear cultivars are, for purposes of marketing, largely defined by theappearance of their fruits, and colour and degree of russeting of the skin surfaceplay a large part in their description. The major distinctions are betweencultivars with red, partially red, brown or green skin and between those whichare smooth-skinned, can have a degree of russeting or are mainly russeted.

Within cultivars the degree of red colour and of russet may also be used todefine quality grade.This is based on visual attractiveness but also, within somecultivars, the fact that only those fruits most exposed to sunlight develop deepred colour has led to an association between colour, sweetness andother aspectsof flavour and texture influenced by light climate. Russeted fruits may also beprone to water loss, both in storage and subsequently, with some consequentloss of crispness.

The apple skin

The term skin is usually used to refer to the outer protective tissues of the fruitconsisting of cuticle, epidermis and hypodermis. At blossom time the cuticleis about one micrometre ( µm) thick: at harvest its thickness varies betweencultivars, being about µm in ‘Golden Delicious’ (Meyer, ) and µmin ‘McIntosh Red’ (Tukey and Young, ).

The epidermal cells have much larger radial than tangential dimensionsat blossom time but the cells subsequently become rounder and after Junebecome tangentially elongated (Figure .). In some cultivars, e.g. ‘GoldenDelicious’, the identity of the epidermis is lost as the fruit grows.

At blossom time the hypodermal cells are very similar to those of the cortexalthough slightly smaller (Tukey andYoung, ). Later their cell walls thicken

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and the cells become elongated tangentially but the inner boundary betweenhypodermis and cortex may be hard to fix (Skene, ).

Fruit colour

The colour of the fruit skin depends on its background, or ground, colourcaused by plastid pigments, chlorophylls and carotenoids, and to red colorationdue to anthocyanins in the vacuoles.

The ground colour of immature fruits is usually dark green. As the fruitmatures one of three things may happen, dependent primarily on cultivar.The greenmay fade until it has completely disappeared and the ground colourbecomes cream to pale yellow; the green may fade less completely giving agreenish-yellow to yellowish-green ground colour; or the green may not fade.These colour changes reflect the disappearance of chlorophyll (green) and theunmasking or increased production of yellow carotenoids (Knee, ).

The potential for anthocyanin production is genetically determined, somecultivars producing very little of this evenunder themost favourable conditions,others developing a deep red colour over the whole surface except under themost unfavourable conditions, with others being intermediate. There are twopeaks of anthocyanin formation. The first, which does not result in persistentred colour, is in fruitlets to the cell division phase. The second coincides withthe ripening of red cultivars and may continue after harvest (Figure .). Theanthocyanin pigment may be located in any or all of the outer four to six, oreven , layers depending on the cultivar (Dayton, ; Pratt et al., ). Thepredominant anthocyanin is idaein (cyanidin--galactoside); others identifiedare cyanidin--arabinoside and cyanidin--arabinoside.

The shade of red that develops depends largely on the ground colour. Themost brilliant red is produced when the ground colour is almost white and thedullest brown when the ground colour is green (Brown, ).

The colour development in fruitlet skin is not persistent and so has not beenthe subject of much research. Pre-harvest and immediately post-harvest redcolour development are controlled by genotype, carbohydrate supply, directeffects of light on anthocyanin formation, temperature and nutritional factors.

Although green (e.g. ‘Granny Smith’) and yellow (e.g. ‘Golden Delicious’)apples have a very important place in the world markets there has been con-tinued pressure of demand for increased extent or intensity of red colorationin those apples classed as red or part-coloured. One of the most powerfultools in meeting this demand has been the selection of colour-sports and theirdeliberate creation. Red sports are characterized by increased anthocyaninin the mature fruits, the increase being in the epidermis, the sub-epidermal

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cells, or both (Pratt et al., ). Some red sports when used as parents passon the red colour to their progeny. This is shown by comparing the progenyof crosses between the colour sport and a yellow-skinned cultivar with thoseof the original cultivar and the same yellow-skinned cultivar. Other colourmutants do not pass on the colour to their progeny. In the former case themutation must have taken place in layer of the meristem which producesthe sub-epidermal cells and the gametes. The non-heritable colour mutationmust have been in the superficial layer of the meristemwhich develops into theepidermis. ‘Richared’, a red sport of ‘Delicious’, is a good example of one inwhich increased anthocyanin production is heritable. It has the same numberof pigmented cells in the epidermis but twice as many in the sub-epidermis as‘Delicious’ (cf. review by Brown, ). The frequency of occurrence of coloursports and the ease with which they can be identified in the orchard, togetherwith the heritability of the characteristic, has been particularly important in the‘Delicious’ group of apples but is now also important in many other cultivars.Red-skinned mutants of several important pear cultivars, with anthocyaninproduction in either epidermal (‘Starkrimson’ mutation of ‘Clapp’s Favorite’)or sub-epidermal (‘Red Bartlett’) layers, are also available.

The ratio of leaves to fruits has a marked effect on red colour development.Magness () found that, for ‘Delicious’ and ‘Winesap’, fruits with only tenleaves per fruit had %of their surface red-coloured even with almost perfectlight exposure, whereas fruits with leaves had % red colour. The sugarcontents of these fruits were % and %, respectively. Other fruit-thinningtrials (reviewedbyWalter, a) showed similar effects on red colour. Faragher() found that ripening, as measured by ethylene production, as well as skinanthocyanin production, was delayed in heavily cropping relative to lightlycropping trees. This may implicate internal carbohydrate conversion withinthe fruits, as well as gross carbohydrate supply, in the effect of leaf-to-fruit ratio.

If a small portion of the skin of a potentially red fruit is protected from lightby an overlapping leaf or opaque adhesive tape, that protected area will notshow anthocyanin development and will remain green. A number of enzymesinvolved in anthocyanin synthesis, including dihydroflavonal reductase (DFR)and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), are light-dependent. However, thereis no clear evidence that light effects on these control anthocyanin levels (Listeret al., ; Ju et al., ) although some correlations have been noted.

Artificial shading of small trees has a very marked effect both on the propor-tion of the skin developing a red colour and on the intensity of this colour

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Table . Effects of shade on fruit colour. ‘Cox’s Orange


Shade level % full daylight

Average % surface coloured red . . . .Mean colour intensity . . . .

( = green, = dark red)

Data from Jackson et al. ( ). Reproduced with permission.

(Table .). The effect is proportional to the degree of shading. From associ-ated measurements on the fruits ( Jackson et al., ) it is likely that the effecton red colour is due not only to direct effects of light intensity on the skin butalso to effects on fruit carbohydrate content.

Within individual trees and in hedgerow orchards fruits from tree zoneswell exposed to light have a higher proportion of their fruit surface colouredred than fruits from shaded zones ( Jackson b, ; Jackson et al., ).The concentration of anthocyanin in the most highly coloured skin areas isalso a function of the light intensity under which the fruit is grown ( Jacksonet al., ). Even under the high light intensities of Washington State, USA,% of within-tree variation in percentage red fruit colour was accountedfor by a curvilinear regression on light intensity, with colour increasing up toapproximately % full sunlight, i.e. µmol m s− (Barritt et al., b).

Reduction in fruit colour as a result of shade is the major factor determiningdepth of productive canopy, hence potential economic yield, in many fruit-growing areas. Jackson (b) found that under English conditions ‘Cox’apples with more than % of their surface coloured red were not generallyfound below a leaf area index of more than ., giving an effective canopyvolume much smaller than that which can produce fruits of adequate size. Insuch cases colour sports requiring less light for adequate colour developmentare very valuable. Some cultivars are particularly sensitive to shade. Arakawaet al. () found that ‘Fuji’ apples producemuch less anthocyanin at any givenlight level than ‘Starking Delicious’ and at low light levels within the canopy‘Fuji’ fails to develop adequate colour. If, however, colour sports produce goodcolour at very low light intensities the accepted link between amount andintensity of colour and fruit composition is broken and red colour no longerguarantees good eating quality (Seeley et al., ).

The main effects of temperature on fruit colour occur late in the seasonwhen, in many fruit-growing areas, temperatures are falling. Curry ( )

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summarized relevant interactions in terms of three factors in addition tolight controlling red skin colour development. First, temperatures must behigh enough, but not too high, and of sufficient duration in daylight hours tocatalyse anthocyanin biosynthesis. Skin temperatures below ◦C or above ◦C are disadvantageous: under sunny conditions they may be much higherthan air temperatures. Secondly, colour development varies with the stage ofmaturity. Once the climacteric phase is entered chlorophyll is degraded andanthocyanin is produced at a much lower rate. Thirdly, a period at cold tem-peratures stimulates anthocyanin production. A series of a few nights withtemperatures in the range ◦– ◦C followed by warm sunny days promotesred colour development.

Creasy () found that high daytime temperatures (. ◦C) inhibited an-thocyanin formation in ‘McIntosh’ apples even when the nights were cool.Faragher () found that the optimum temperature for anthocyanin forma-tion in unripe ‘Jonathan’ apples was ◦C, and in ripe apples was – ◦C.At higher temperatures anthocyanin formation was much lower. Tan ()found that whole apples of ‘Red Spy’ receiving alternating periods at ◦Cand ◦C in constant light or with darkness in the low-temperature periodaccumulated much more anthocyanin than apples receiving a constant ◦C.

Some cultivars, e.g. ‘McIntosh’, ‘Cortland’ and ‘Northern Spy’, appearto be especially dependent on low temperatures for anthocyanin synthesisand ‘Richared Delicious’, ‘Idared’ and ‘Spartan’ tolerant of high temperature(Proctor, ). ‘Delicious’ and ‘Fuji’ have higher temperature optima than‘Gala’ and ‘Braeburn’ (Curry, ). The highly coloured ‘Scarlet Spur’ sportof ‘Delicious’ has a similar rate of anthocyanin production to ‘Oregon Spur’up to ◦C but much higher rates at higher temperatures, even up to ◦C.

Cooling apples by over-tree water sprinkling can substantially improve fruitcolour. Unrath () found that the amount of solid-red surface of ‘RedDelicious’ apples was doubled by this treatment.

In Japan fruits have traditionally been enclosed in paper bags from about onemonth after full bloom until shortly before harvest (f*ckuda, ; Proctor andLougheed, ). This practice, which protects from pest injury and disease,now has the main objective of producing smooth-skinned, vividly pink or redfruits.

For most cultivars bagging greatly reduces skin chlorophyll contents, whichdo not increase subsequently unless the fruits are exposed for – daysprior to harvest. This lack of chlorophyll results in a unique pink or red colourbeing induced by anthocyanin (Proctor and Lougheed, ). Anthocyaninproduction occurs within – days of re-exposure to light. In most cultivarsthe previously bagged fruits produce more anthocyanin than unbagged ones.

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The effect is particularly striking in cultivars such as ‘Mutsu’ which producevery little anthocyanin if not bagged.

High levels of nitrogen usually reduce the percentage of well-coloured fruitsat harvest time, the effect being partly due to the shading effect of the extrafoliage but primarily through a direct effect of N (Saure, ). Marsh et al.

() found evidence of a detrimental effect of high N on well-exposed fruitsof ‘Fuji’, that they attributed to effects on fruit maturity and pigment develop-ment. High potassium levels are often associated with the development of redcolour.

Ethephon, an ethylene-producing compound, has been widely used to pro-mote anthocyanin formation, mainly in early and mid-season cultivars andtheir red sports. It appears to act mainly by accelerating the ripening process.Two drawbacks to its use are that it can induce red colour with insufficientlight for fruit quality development (Saure, ), and that ethephon-treatedfruits ripen and soften too quickly. There is some evidence that endogenousethylene production during the ripening process increases the level of phenyl-alanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), a rate-limiting enzyme for anthocyanin forma-tion (Faragher and Brohier, ). Some other factors influencing anthocyaninproduction do not appear to operate through effects on ethylene (Saure, ).

Fruit russeting and cracking

For a limited number of cultivars, e.g. the apple ‘Egremont Russet’, the skinhas a rough but finely textured, predominantly light brown surface, that isregarded as characteristic of the cultivar. For most others russet is regardedas a blemish acceptable either not at all or to a limited extent, and is a majorcause of downgrading.

Russet can be defined as a periderm that replaces the epidermis and formsa continuous layer of protective tissue. Its development in a russet cultivaris shown in Figure .. As russet develops the cuticle ruptures, anthocyaninin the epidermis is lost and the underlying green tissues are obscured bybrown quinones in the dead, ruptured, cells (Skene, ). The peridermmay precede the rupture of the cuticle or be formed in a wound reaction tophysical or chemical damage to the skin, e.g. by frost or spray damage. Russetis sometimes covered with shallow cracks up to mm deep, when it is referredto as rough russet. Russeting of ‘Cox’ starts aboutmid-June and the percentageof fruit affected remains constant from mid-July to harvest (Skene, ).

Cultivars differ greatly in their propensity to russet: the characteristic isheritable but more than one factor seems to be involved (Brown, ). Some

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50 µ



































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sports of ‘Golden Delicious’, which is often downgraded because of russeting,are less sensitive than others.

Gibberellins, which increase the plasticity of fruitlet skin tissues (Taylorand Knight, ), play a major role in reduction of russeting. Eccher ()found that fruitlets from a russet sport of ‘Golden Delicious’ have less GA thanthose of standardGoldenDelicious. He also found (Eccher, ) that ‘GoldenDelicious’ fruits grown in Italy at high altitude ( or m) have less russet,a more elongated shape and a higher GA content than those grown at lowaltitude (, or m). Application of gibberellins is a practical methodof reducing russet, although with some risk of reducing flower bud formation(Taylor, , ; Wertheim, ).

Shade, which increases cell elasticity, reduces russet (Walter, b; Faustand Shear, ; Jackson et al., ; Noe and Eccher, ). High humidity in-creases it (Walter, b; Faust and Shear, ); benzyladenine also increasesrusset (Taylor, ).

Deep cracks occur simultaneously with the onset of russet, coinciding withhigh levels of stress in the developing fruit. This, for ‘Cox’, is first shownin early June when the fruits are about mm in diameter and reaches amaximum in mid- to late June when the fruits are about mm in diame-ter (Skene, ). It is possible that the periderm formed in localized russetreduces the elasticity of that part of the skin relative to un-russeted parts:this would reduce the capacity of the cuticle and epidermis to expand withfruit growth and cause the initially tiny cracks of rough russet to develop intosplits.

Deep cracks and splits, becoming more severe as the season progresses, area particularly serious problem on ‘Cox’, ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ among major applecultivars. Maintaining an adequate moisture supply and good leaf cover tendsto reduce cracking, as do gibberellin sprays, but the effects of other factors areinconsistent (Opara et al., ).


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Teng, Y., Tanabe, K. Tamura, F. and Itai, A. (). Effect of spur age on thetranslocation of assimilates from spurs of ‘Nijisseiki’ pear (Pyrus pyrifoliaNakai). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Thorpe, M.R. (). Radiant heating of apples. Journal of Applied Ecology ,–.

Tobutt, K.R. (). Combining apetalous parthenocarpy with columnargrowth habit in apple. Euphytica , –.

Toyoma, S. and Hayashi, S. ( ). Studies on the fruit development of JapanesePears. Journal of the Horticultural Association of Japan , –.

Tromp, J. (). Shoot orientation effects on growth and flower-bud formationin apple. Acta Botanica Neerlandica , –.

Tromp, J. (). Effects of growth regulating substances and tree orientation ongrowth and flower-bud formation in apple. Journal of Horticultural Science ,–.

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Tromp, J. (). Flower-bud formation in apple as affected by variousgibberellins. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Tromp, J. (). Flower-bud formation in apple as affected by air and roottemperature, air humidity, light intensity and day length. Acta Horticulturae ,– .

Tromp, J. and Borsboom, O. (). The effect of autumn and springtemperature on fruit set and on the effective pollination period in apple andpear. Scientia Horticulturae , –.

Tromp, J. and Borsboom, O. (). Fruit set and the effective pollination periodin apple and pear as affected by bloom and post-bloom temperature. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Tukey, H.B. and Young, J.O. (). Gross morphology and histology ofdeveloping fruit of apple. Botanical Gazette , –.

Tukey, L.D. (). Some effects of night temperatures on the growth ofMcIntosh apples. I. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,–.

Tukey, L.D. (). Some effects of night temperature on the growth ofMcIntosh apples. II. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,–.

Tustin, S., Corelli-Grappadelli, L. and Ravaglia, G. (). Effect ofprevious-season and current light environments on early-season spurdevelopment and assimilate translocation in ‘Golden Delicious’ apple. Journalof Horticultural Science , –.

Tustin, D.S., Stanley, C.J. and Adams, H.M. ( ). Physiological andphenological responses of apple trees to artificial reduction of the growthperiod from harvest to leaf fall. Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Unrath, C.R. (). The quality of ‘Red Delicious’ apples as affected byovertree sprinkler irrigation. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, –.

Untiedt, R. and Blanke, M. (). Effects of fruit thinning agents on appletree canopy photosynthesis and dark respiration. Plant Growth Regulation ,–.

van Oosten, H.J. (). Current developments in the Dutch fruit industry.Compact Fruit Tree , –.

van Zyl, H.J. and Strydom, D.K. (). Some factors affecting fruit set ofPackham’s Triumph pear. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Volz, R.K., Ferguson, I.B., Hewett, E.W. and Woolley, D.J. (). Wood age andleaf area influence fruit size and mineral composition of apple fruits. Journal ofHorticultural Science , –.

Wagenmakers, P.S. (). Effects of planting system, tree shape and additionalsummer pruning on growth, production and flowering of apple trees at highplant densities. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Walter, T.E. (a). Factors affecting fruit colour in apples: a review of worldliterature. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , –.

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Wample, R.L. (). Water stress in fruit trees. In Tree Fruit Water Management andIrrigation. Proceedings of the short course , ed. R.B. Tukey, pp. –.Pullman: Washington State University.

Warrington, I.J., Fulton, T.A., Halligan, E.A. and de Silva, H.N. (). Applefruit growth and maturity are affected by early season temperatures. Journal ofthe American Society for Horticultural Science , – .

Webster, A.D., Tobutt, K.R., James, D.J., Evans, K.M. and Alston, F.A. ( ).Rootstock breeding and orchard testing at Horticultural ResearchInternational – East Malling. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Wertheim, S.J. (). Fruit set and June drop in Cox’s Orange Pippin apple asaffected by pollination and treatment with a mixture of gibberellins A andA . Scientia Horticulturae , –.

Wertheim, S.J. (). Fruit russeting in apple as affected by various gibberellins.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Wertheim, S.J. ( ). Chemical thinning of deciduous fruit trees. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Westwood, M.N., Kadivar, N. and Bjornstad, H.O. ( ). Differences ingrowth, chemical content and fruit set among four sports of Delicious apple.Fruit Varieties and Horticultural Digest , –.

Westwood, M.N., Lombard, P.B. and Brannock, L.D. (). Effect of seededfruits and foliar applied auxin on seedless fruit set of pear the following year.HortScience , –.

Williams, M.W. and Stahly, E.A. (). Effect of cytokinins and giberellins onshape of “Delicious” apple fruits. Journal of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Williams, R.R. (). The effect of nitrogen on the self-fruitfulness of certainvarieties of cider apple. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Williams, R.R. (). The effect of summer nitrogen applications on the qualityof apple blossom. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

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Williams, R.R., Arnold, G.M., Flook, V.A. and Jefferies, C.J. (). The effectof picking date on blossoming and fruit set in following year for the apple cvBramley’s Seedling. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Yuda, E., Matsui, H., Yukimoto, M. and Nakagawa, S. (). Effect of β OHgibberellins on the fruit set and development of three pear species. Journal ofthe Japanese Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Zhu, L.H., Borsboom, O. and Tromp, J. ( ). The effect of temperature onflower-bud formation in apple including some morphological aspects. ScientiaHorticulturae , –.

Zimmerman, R.H. (). Juvenility and flowering in woody plants: a review.HortScience , –.

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Eating quality and its retention


The market price of fruits depends on their attractiveness and eating quality,which need to be retained for as long as possible after harvest to facilitate thematching of supply to demand.

This market price is of predominant importance in apple and pear produc-tion economics because many of the costs are fixed per kilogram and fruitsof low perceived value do not meet their costs of production. Fruit quality istherefore a key determinant controlling the cultivars that are grown. Attain-ment of a specific size and, where appropriate, degree of red colour does notguarantee that the fruits are ready to eat, either immediately or after a periodof storage. Good appearance after removal from store does not guarantee thateating quality has been maintained. Eating quality is based on developmentalprocesses of maturation, ripening and senescence (Watada et al., ).

Maturation is the process leading to physiological or horticultural maturity.Physiological maturity is the stage of development when the fruit will continueontogeny even if detached. Horticultural maturity is when the fruit meets thecriteria laid down by consumers.

Ripening is the sum of the processes from the later stages of growth throughto the early stages of senescence, that result in the attainment of the charac-teristic eating quality.

Senescence involves those processes following maturity that lead to death.

Fruit sensory quality

The biological basis of fruit sensory quality has been investigated to provideboth understanding and quicker and more reproducible assessment of qualityfactors than can be achieved using taste panels. Key measurements are thoseof texture, juiciness, sugar and acid content, and aroma.

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Consumer surveys in the United Kingdom suggest that the overall accept-ability of apples is principally related to their texture (Smith, ). Immaturefruits are too hard as well as having other undesirable characteristics. Fruitssoften during ripening in a progressive way that leads to unacceptability. Initialfirmness at harvest controls the effect of softening.

Softening can result from loss of turgor (Hatfield and Knee, ), degra-dation of starch and, most importantly, cell wall degradation (Tucker, )and a weakening of the cohesive forces between cells.

Apple fruit cell walls consist mainly of cellulose and pectin, with somehemicellulose and very small amounts of extensin. The cellulose is resis-tant to degradation but the cell walls have a clearly distinguishable sec-tion known as the middle lamella which separates adjacent cells and servesas a bonding agent between cells. This section is rich in pectic poly-saccharides and its cohesion is thought to depend on ionic bonds involvingcalcium ions and uronic acids (Bartley and Knee, ). The breakdownof the middle lamella may follow transport of exo-polygalacturonase andpossibly pectinesterase to it. Cell separation proceeds in the apples untilthey develop a dry or mealy texture when the consumer’s teeth pass be-tween cells without breaking them, so that they fail to release juice (Knee,).

The preferred texture of pears differs between species and markets.European-type (Pyrus communis) cultivars are expected to have a tender skin,soft, buttery, flesh and an absence of gritty stone-cells especially if the pearsare to be used to produce puree for baby food. Chinese and Japanesepears (P. ussuriensis and P. pyrifolia) are gritty and a crisp, breaking, texture ispreferred.

Fruit firmness can be measured using the resistance of peeled fruit fleshto the insertion of a plunger of known diameter, usually mm for pear and mm for apple, with a uniform crosshead speed set between and mm min− . The maximum force applied at each penetration at a depth of mm is recorded in newtons or kilograms, the conversion factor from kg to Nbeing ×. (Smith, ).

More complex analysis of results obtained with a commercial texture testingmachine can discriminate between apple cultivars with respect to their frac-turability (which correlates with crispness), hardness, cohesiveness, springinessand chewiness (Corrigan et al., ). Tensile strength can also be measured asthe force required to pull a cylinder of apple tissue into two halves (Poovaiahet al., ). Acoustic (non-destructive) measurements of firmness as a ‘stiffnessfactor’ correlate well with compression and tensile rupture forces (Tu et al., ).

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Juiciness as perceived by the consumer is greater the more juice is released onchewing, the greater the force with which it is released, the higher its watercontent and the lower its viscosity and content of suspended solids. Juicinessrequires a cohesive network of large, turgid, thin-walled cells. If the middlelamella is stronger than the cell walls, the cells fracture on biting and juiceis released; if it is weaker, then the fracture is between cells, the juice is notreleased and the fruit is perceived as non-juicy (Szczesniak and Ilker, ;Boulton et al., ; Tu et al., ). Although juiciness is often associatedwith fruit firmness (Kingston, ; Tu et al., ) apple cultivars with similartextural properties may differ in juiciness (Corrigan et al., ). Juice contentcan be determined by expressing the juice from a known volume or weight ofapple cortical tissue under known force and expressing the results as mg or mlper gram of tissue (Smith, ). The area of spread of juice from the freshlycut surface of apple slices on CuSO-treated filter paper is highly correlatedwith sensory panel ratings of juiciness (Boulton et al., ).

Sugar and acid content

Apple taste is primarily related to the amount of sugar and acid in the fruittissues and to the balance between these. In pears acidity is considerably lowerthan in apples and may be undetectable as a component of taste.

Fructose, glucose, sucrose and sorbitol are the main fruit sugars. Fructose isthemain sugar inmature apples ofmost cultivars, including ‘GoldenDelicious’(Pavel and DeJong, ) and ‘Fuji’ (Drake et al., ). Sucrose predominatesin ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ (Pavel andDe Jong, ). European andAsian pearsalso accumulate high amounts of sucrose during fruit ripening (Moriguchi et al.,).

Malic acid is the main organic acid in apples and pears but some apple cul-tivars also have appreciable amounts of citric acid (–% in ‘Fuji’ accordingto Hong et al., ). Citric acid may exceed malic in some pear cultivars(Ulrich, ) and both apples and pears have smaller quantities of quinic,galactouronic, chlorogenic and other acids.

Total and reducing sugars are measured by standard chemical and enzym-atic procedures (Smith, ). Alternatively, a few drops of juice are placedon the prism of a refractometer and results read as percentage soluble solids at ◦C.Measurement of specific sugars is byHPLC. Acidity is best measured astitratable acidity but can also be recorded as pH using indicator paper strips.

Measured levels of percentage sugar and pH are closely correlated withtaste assessments as long as the range is wide, e.g. between seedling cultivars,but taste does not discriminate well within extremes of sugar content or acidity.

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Perceived sweetness is higher the lower the acidity (Visser et al., ): a sport of‘Jonagored’ characterized by its sweetness of taste was found to be identical insugar content but much less acid than the parent type (Lott, ). For pears,which are less acid, perceived sweetness is higher the juicier the fruit. Sugarand acid content are inherited independently and change independently overtime and in response to controlling factors. Therefore, although perceived tastedepends on the balance of sugar and acids (Yahia, ) its variability andmanagement are generally approached at the individual component, sugarand acid, level. There is no single desirable level of sugar, acid, or sugar/acidratio that applies to all cultivars. Corrigan et al. ( ) showed soluble solidscontent to range from .% to .%, malic acid from .% to .% andthe soluble solids to acid ratio from to between five cultivars of currentcommercial importance.This presumably shows that different consumers havedifferent tastes, but consistency in matching the expected taste of a cultivar isimportant.


Much of the character of apple and pear fruits depends on their aroma, re-sulting from trace amounts of volatile organic substances. Between and volatiles, out of more than identified, are responsible for apple aroma(Yahia, ). Typical aromavolatiles include esters (e.g. hexyl hexanoate), lipidoxidation products (e.g. (E)-–hexenal) and the terpenoid β-damascenone.

Different cultivars have different characteristic aroma volatiles. Whenamino-acid precursors are fed to different cultivars they are converted intodifferent volatiles, for example ‘Granny Smith’ converts isoleucine to ethyl-methylbutanoate whereas ‘Red Delicious’ apples also show conversion to-methyl--butenyl esters (Rowan et al., ).

Changes during maturationand ripening

Physical properties

Cell separation occurs during the growth of apples so that at maturity about% of the fruit volume is air space between the cells (Khan and Vincent,). This increase in air space may account for the decline in firmnessduring growth (Knee, ) and may be difficult to separate from ripening-related changes in fruit texture. Hesse andHitz () and Smock () founda slow decline in firmness, as measured by pressure tests, from late August toearly October whereas the best eating quality was achieved by harvest in late

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September. The firmness at maturity, i.e. at the optimum harvest date forimmediate consumption or that for long term storage, varies from cultivar tocultivar, e.g. from newtons for ‘McIntosh’ to N for ‘Delicious’ in thesame season (Lau, ), and also varies from season to season so is not areliable sole indicator of the best date for harvesting. The decline in firmnesscontinues after harvest in store, slowing this decline being a key objectiveof storage technology. Other things being equal, the firmness of fruits afterstorage is a linear function of their firmness at harvest ( Johnson and Ridout,).

Respiration rate

The rate of respiration per unit fresh weight is high early in the season, duringthe cell division phase of fruit growth and then declines to a very low level(Bepete and Lakso, ). Then, when the fruits reach physiological maturityand ripening processes are initiated, apples and European pears typically showa marked increase in respiratory activity resulting in increased evolution ofCO (Kidd and West, ; Rhodes, ). This increase, referred to as therespiration climacteric, precedes visible symptoms of ripening but once it hasoccurred the ripeningprocess is irreversible. Subsequent to this climacteric rise,which can occur in apples left on the tree and in harvested fruits, respirationrates decline once more (Figure .a ).

Japanese pears can show a respiration climacteric but some cultivars do notdo so (Downs et al., ).

Ethylene evolution

Soon after pollination ethylene production is high and gradually declines dur-ing cell division and expansion. In apples and pears showing a respirationclimacteric ethylene production increases rapidly just prior to obvious signsof ripening. In ‘climacteric’ apples and pears the change in ethylene produc-tion may coincide with that in respiration but it may be significantly later(Reid, ). The time of the peak rate of ethylene production in pears co-incides with that of respiration but in apples it comes later (Rhodes, ).The change in ethylene production is much greater than that in respiration.Preclimacteric apples produce . µl kg− h− of ethylene, climacteric apples µl kg− h− (Knee, ). The rate of CO evolution increases by onlyabout –% (Rhodes, ). Typical curves for apple ethylene evolutionare shown in Figure .b . The rapid rise in ethylene production involves anautocatalytic effect. Ethylene is always present in the fruit tissues at a verylow concentration but young fruitlets are not capable of responding to thisendogenous, or to exogenous, ethylene by ripening. Once a critical point of

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Figure 10.1 (a) Respiration and (b) ethylene production by applefruits cv. ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ grown under different levels of shadeand harvested at different dates. ©, 100%; �, 37%; �, 11%daylight. ——, harvested 9 September; – – –, harvested16 September; - - - harvested 1 October. Reproduced from Jackson

et al. (1977), with permission.

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development has passed ethylene promotes developmental processes that leadto obvious ripening, including further ethylene production.

In the Japanese pear cv. ‘Nijisseiki’, which does not show a respirationclimacteric, there is little ethylene production and no evidence of an increasein this associated with the ripening which in other respects appears normal,whereas ‘Chojura’ shows a respiration and an ethylene climacteric (Downset al., ). ‘Hosui’ is also non-climacteric (Tian et al., ).

‘Fuji’ apple also fails to show a classic climacteric ethylene emission ( JoblingandMcGlasson, ; Fan et al., ; Fellman et al., ). ‘Gloster ’ apple,and a high proportion of progeny derived from this, have innately low ethyleneproduction and the start of autocatalytic ethylene production can be delayedlong into storage (Knee and Tsantili, ; Stow et al., ).

It has been proposed that ethylene biosynthesis is regulated by two systems.System is initiated or controlled by an unknown factor that is probablyinvolved in the regulation of senescence. System then triggers System which, during the ripening of climacteric fruits, results in the production oflarge amounts of ethylene in an autocatalytic process with the production ofethylene triggering further production. Non-climacteric fruits do not have anactive System .

It is thought that all ethylene production is via a common biosynthetic path-way (Adams and Yang, ; Tucker, ). This proceeds from methionineto S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) and from SAM to -aminocyclopropane- -carboxylic acid (ACC). The conversion of SAM to ACC by the enzyme ACCsynthase is considered to be a rate-limiting step. ACC oxidase is the enzymerequired to convert ACC to ethylene; it is sensitive to oxygen concentration.Apples also contain ACC malonyl transferase activity and malonylation mayregulate the low rate of ethylene synthesis during growth of the fruit (Knee,).

Exposure to low temperature stimulates ethylene synthesis in pears, both onthe tree andwhen detached. A similar response is shown by ‘GoldenDelicious’apples with simultaneous increases in ACC, ethylene concentration in the gasspaces in the fruit and total ethylene production (Knee et al., ). ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ and ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ do not show this effect. Productionof ACC oxidase, in addition to ACC synthase, is induced by chilling pre-climacteric ‘Granny Smith’ apples (Lelievre et al., ). A short period of coldstimulates ethylene biosynthesis in ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Starking Delicious’ aswell as ‘Granny Smith’ (Larrigaudiere et al., ).

Starch and sugar content

Carbohydrate from photosynthesis is transported to developing pome fruits assorbitol (see Chapter , p. ). In the fruit it is converted mainly to fructose

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and starch with some sucrose and glucose. Starch concentration in youngfruitlets declines from an initial level of less than mg g− fresh weight toa minimum of less than mg at days after anthesis then increases to amaximum of above mg g− at – days after anthesis. It declines toa very low level by – days from anthesis in ‘Royal Gala’ and ‘Fuji’,respectively (Brookfield et al., ). In general starch hydrolysis begins in thelater stages of fruit growth, usually or weeks before the increase of ethyleneproduction (ethylene climacteric) in apples (Lau, , ) and about days before the respiration climacteric in European pears (North, ). Fruitabscission in some apple cultivars always occurs at a fixed starch concentration(Poapst et al., ), suggesting a close linkage between starch content andnatural ripening and senescence processes. The amount of starch present andits distribution can be assessed by exposing the cut surface of fruits cut in halfequatorially for about seconds to a % solution of iodine in % potassiumiodide. The starch stains blue-black and the amount and distribution can bequantified by comparison with standard charts for the cultivar (North, ;Smith, ; Lau, ; Knee et al., ; Kingston, ). The starch indexvalues so obtained provide valuable guidance to the level of fruit maturity andthe appropriate time of harvesting for immediate consumption or long-termstorage.

The starch hydrolysis is accompanied by the appearance of sucrose butthe amount of sucrose is much greater than can be accounted for solely bystarch hydrolysis (Whiting, ). Sucrose is then slowly hydrolysed to formmore glucose and fructose. Starch phosphorylase (EC ...), α-amylase(EC ...) and β-amylase (EC ...) are probably important. The con-centration of sugars changes little during storage (Lott, ; Knee, ;Table .).

Table . Changes in some fruit characteristics during storage: ‘Bramley’s

Seedling’ apples stored in –% CO at . ◦C

Days in store after harvest

Variable – – – (n = )

Peel chlorophyll . . . . .(µg cm− )Total sugar (mg g− ) . . . . .Titratable acid . . . . .(mg g− )Firmness (kg) . . . . .

Data from Knee (). Reproduced with permission.

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Organic acid content

Organic acids per g fresh weight in apples increase until about mid-July inthe northern hemisphere and then decline progressively, following a smoothcurve through the final stages of growth and throughmaturation, ripening andstorage (Table .) until the following April. In pear the decline is continuousfrom the early fruitlet stage to harvest (Ulrich, ). In apple both citric andmalic acids show the mid-season rise in concentration but quinic acid fallsfrom the beginning of the season.

The immediate precursors of organic acids are generally other organicacids or sugars. These could accumulate through metabolism of importedcarbohydrate and amino acids and by fruit CO fixation.

Organic acids provide the main substrate for respiration. The utilization ofmalate as a respiratory substrate is mediated by malic enzymes catalysing thereductive decarboxylation of malate to pyruvate, allowing carbon frommalateto be fed into theKrebs tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle. Citrate can feed directly intothis. Themetabolism of malate by tissue slices increases as apples pass throughthe climacteric (Hulme and Rhodes, ; Knee, ). The utilization of or-ganic acids during the post-harvest period is themain reason for the increase insweetness in originally high-sugar, high-acid apples or insipidity and blandnesswhen sugar and acid concentrations are initially low (Lott, ).

Pigments, lipids and flavour compounds

Anthocyanin synthesis occurs during fruit growthwhereas colour changes dur-ing ripening depend mainly on the disappearance of chlorophylls a and b (seeChapter , Figure .). Carotene declines during ripening but xanthophyllsincrease as mono- and diesters, mainly with palmitate and oleate. The appear-ance of these esters may precede the climacteric rise in ethylene synthesis.

Galactolipids andassociated linolenylmoieties,which are typical chloroplastmembrane constituents, are lost on ripening but phospholipids and fatty acylgroups remain constant or increase slightly. Lipid turnover increases. Tracesof farnasene, thought to be implicated in the development of scald, are presenton the surface of pre-climacteric fruits and the amounts increases rapidly onripening.

The organic compounds on which apple and pear aroma and flavour de-pend are synthesized during the climacteric phase.

Readiness for harvest

Many of the factors that change as apples and pears mature are used as criteriato determine the optimal date of harvesting.

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Calendar date is the simplest, and where growing conditions are relativelystable can be used to predict the likely harvest date for each cultivar in eachlocality based on past experience. However, the date of blossoming varies withpre-bloom temperatures from year to year (see Chapter ) and the rate of fruitmaturation is dependent on temperatures during the growing season especiallyin the early part of this (Eggert, ; Warrington et al., ). Regressionstudies have shown that the optimum harvest date can be predicted in themajority of years from the date of % full bloom and summer temperatures(Luton and Hamer, ).

Attainment of appropriate levels of maturity is, however, affected by site fac-tors, e.g. aspect and altitude, which can affect temperatures, and by tree factorsincluding rootstock and pruning, which influence exposure to light and also theage of bearingwood. Site and tree factors influence the date of blossoming and,as Blanpied and Little () have shown, the chronologically oldest fruits thatdevelop from the earliest blooming flowers are the most advanced in maturityif all fruits are harvested at the same date. Assessment of the best time to harvestthe fruits is thereforemade on an orchard-by-orchard basis. SouthAfrican pro-cedures (van der Merwe, a) illustrate methods used to determine harvestdates for apples and pears intended for long-term storage for export. Startingfrom weeks before the historical optimum picking date for the cultivar, fruitsare collected at first weekly, then twice-weekly, and seven maturity indicesrecorded:

Fruit firmness (kg)Skin colour on a scale of to (background green colour)Seed colour on a scale of to Titratable acids (g malic acid/ g juice)Total soluble solids (%)Starch conversion (% white surface)Days from full bloom

These are then evaluated against average maturity indices relating these char-acteristics to the optimum maturity for harvest (Table .).

Control of ripening and senescence

Quality is optimized by harvesting at or near to ripeness for immediate con-sumption, or before this horticultural maturity in order to accommodate thedevelopmental changes that will take place during storage, transport and mar-keting (Fidler, ).

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Table . Average maturity indices for some apple and pear cultivars at the optimum

maturity stage

TitratableDFFB Firmness Skin TSS acid Starch Seed(days) (kg) colour (%) (g/ g) % colour

Apples‘Gala’/‘Royal Gala’ . . . . . .‘Golden Delicious’ . . . . . .‘Starking’ . . . . . .‘Granny Smith’ . . . . . .

Pears‘Williams’ B.C.’ . . . .‘Packham’s . . . .Triumph’‘Forelle’ . . . .

DFFB = days from full bloom. Firmness with an . mm diameter plunger for applesand a . mm one for pears. Skin colour (background) from = dark green to =yellow.TSS = Total Soluble Solids. Starch = % white surface. Seed colour on a scale from to .From van der Merwe (a). Reproduced with permission.

The general objective in storage is to slow down the ripening process. Fruitfirmness throughout the storage period is largely predetermined by its level atharvest ( Johnson and Ridout, ). Many of the most important approachesto improvement of texture after storage are those which improve texture atharvest. Sugar and acid concentrations after any given length of storage arealso functions of those at harvest, while the development of aroma and thoseaspects of ripening consequent on rates of respiration and ethylene synthesisare very much influenced by factors already in place at the time of harvest.The control of pre-harvest as well as post-harvest factors is therefore essentialto quality retention and development.

Three areas of fruit physiology provide the basis for most of the technologiesfor optimizing quality at any particular time. These are respiration, ethyleneproduction and action, and nutrition, especially calcium nutrition but alsoincluding the supply of other mineral elements and carbohydrates to the fruit.Some of these are also involved in the post-harvest and post-storage ripeningwhich has to be induced for some pears.

As well as being subject to progressive changes in eating quality, apple andpear fruits are also subject to disorders arising in a more localized way withinthe fruit pre-harvest or arising in response to specific, otherwise desirable,

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storage conditions. These also have to be addressed as aspects of fruit qualityand its control.

Effects of respiration

Respiration is a key process in ripening. Most, probably all, climacteric ap-ples would be totally inedible if they retained the high malic acid contentcharacteristic of the unripe fruit rather than having it used as a substrate forrespiration. The energy released in respiration is essential for the synthesis ofethylene and aroma volatiles and other physiological changes associated withripening. Even after harvest the fruit is alive and its metabolic processes aremaintained by respiration. The duration of its post-harvest life depends on therate of this respiration and is primarily extended by slowing down metabolismand respiration.

Control of respiration

The first of the modern techniques of fruit storage, refrigerated storage inair, depends for its effectiveness on the fact that the rate of respiration variesdirectly with temperature (Table .). A main-season apple held at ◦Crespires about three times as quickly as one at ◦C which, in turn, respiresabout three times as quickly as one at ◦C (Hardenburg et al., ).

Different cultivars have very different rates of respiration. Smith () con-cluded that the greater the number of cells per unit fruit weight the higherthe respiration rate and, related to this, early maturing cultivars have muchhigher respiration rates than later maturing ones. In air at ◦C the ratesof CO production, shortly beyond the peak of the climacteric rise in res-piration, of ‘Beauty of Bath’ (very early), ‘Worcester’ (early) and ‘Cox’ were., . and . times as high, respectively, as those of the very late matur-ing ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. These differences also show up even in controlledatmosphere storage with a number of major international dessert cultivarshaving much lower respiration rates than ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ (Table .).

Table . The effect of temperature on the respiration rates of apples and pears

(mg CO kg− h− )

Temperature (◦C)

– – –

Summer (early) apples – – – – –Autumn apples – – – – –‘Bartlett’ pear – – – – –

From Hardenburg et al. ().

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Table . Rates of respiration (l CO/

kg/day) of some common cultivars of

apple: autumn apples only

Cultivar Respiration rate

‘Delicious’ ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Jonathan’ ‘McIntosh’ ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ –‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ –

Data on respiration under the recommendedpost-harvest storage conditions (low temper-ature, controlled CO and O ) for each cul-tivar (from Fidler, ).

Cultivars showing physiological disorders at very low temperatures (– ◦C orless) show increased respiration at such temperatures.

The rate of deterioration in storage can be determined if the respirationrate is known (Findlay and Combrink, ). The storage life is related totemperature by the equation

φ = ke−.t

where φ is storage life in days, k is a constant for the specific cultivar ( for‘Starking’, for ‘Granny Smith’) and t is temperature (◦C). ‘Starking’, forexample, will become mealy or senescent in weeks at ◦C but takes –weeks to do so at ◦C.

Formany cultivars storage life can be prolonged to themaximumachievableby temperature control, by cooling all the way down to just above the tissuefreezing point. This is usually between − ◦C and − ◦C depending on thetotal soluble solids or sugar content. Cooling has rather less potential forsome other cultivars because they suffer from physiological disorders inducedat temperatures below, for example, – ◦C so cannot be stored at lowertemperatures. Precise temperature regimes often reflect locality and culturalfactors as well as cultivars.

It is essential that apples and pears are cooled as quickly as possible afterharvest. A delay of one day at ◦C after harvest reduces the potential storagelife at ◦C by – days.

Fruit firmness in store is a function of fruit storage temperature throughoutthe period of storage. Given similar initial firmness, an apple stored at ◦Cwill be as firm after days as one stored at ◦C for days or at ◦C for days (Fidler, ).

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The rates of respiration, ripening and softening can be further slowed bystorage at low temperatures in controlled atmospheres. The gas composi-tion in a regular atmosphere (RA) store is % O , .% CO and about% N. If the oxygen content is lowered to % the respiration rate of appleswill decrease by % and increasing the carbon dioxide concentration de-creases the respiration rate of apples by %. In practice, the O and CO

concentrations in controlled atmosphere (CA) stores vary with cultivar, O

ranging from .% to % and CO from .% to % (Hardenburg et al.,). Prolonged exposure to very low oxygen concentrations may result inanaerobic fermentation and production of alcohol. Excessive CO concen-trations cause internal injuries. The correct gas regime can, however, extendthe storage life of the fruit by –%, or even double it, compared withRA cold storage. Further benefits can be obtained by rapid CA storage inwhich optimum gas environments are obtained within hours after sealingthe store, and by low oxygen storage with –.% O , which inhibits the de-velopment of superficial scald, internal breakdown and fruit softening. Theretention of firmness in store of ‘Golden Delicious’ apples and some pearsis improved if they are exposed to –% CO for – days before adjust-ment to conventional CA conditions (Couey andOlsen, ; van derMerwe,b). For some other apple cultivars this treatment is only effective if com-bined with low-ethylene storage (Stow, ). High CO concentrations (–%) can halve respiration rates (Fidler, ) and lower ethylene production(Chavez-Franco and Kader, ), so their mode of action on firmness may becomplex.

In general early harvesting, well in advance of the respiration climacteric,results in lower rates of respiration over the first few weeks of storage. Suchfruits are firmer and maintain this advantage during storage but may havecountervailing disadvantages in terms of size, colour, sweetness and aromaproduction (Song and Bangerth, ). Picking date also has a marked effecton physiological disorders and its optimization depends on a large number offactors other than effects on respiration.

Respiration rates can be reduced by high fruit calcium content and bycontrol of ethylene production. These factors also have other major rolesregarding fruit quality.

Effects of ethylene

Ethylene has long been known to enhance fruit ripening and to increase theactivity of a number of enzymes associated with this (Abeles, ). It regu-lates cellulase, chlorophyllase, invertase, laccase, malate dehydrogenase andpolygalacturonase. The rise of ethylene production that accompanies the cli-macteric appears to be a key regulatory event in the development of most

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pome fruits, even though other regulatory events precede and follow this riseand there may be other aspects of regulation unrelated to ethylene (Knee,). High ethylene concentrations can promote, but may not be requiredfor, many ripening processes. They can ensure that all ripening processes occursynchronously under normal conditions. The low concentrations of ethylenecharacteristic of pre-climacteric or non-climacteric apples and pears can havemajor effects on ripening processes. A continuous treatment with ethylene atapproximately . µl l− can elicit almost % of the maximum effect onethylene synthesis of ‘Anjou’ pear while % response is attained at aroundµl l− . Softening of this pear is promoted by ethylene concentrations as lowas . µl l− (Knee, ). Theoretically there is no lower limit at whichethylene becomes inactive.

Knee () concluded that ethylene acts at a high affinity site to initiatesoftening and chlorophyll degradation and that ethylene synthesis in matureclimacteric fruits is triggered by a high affinity response. It may act at a lowaffinity site to stimulate respiration.

The higher the level of internal ethylene the lower the sensitivity to externalethylene, but as the fruit advances towards autonomous ripening there is anearlier response to any particular ethylene concentration.

The effects of ethylene on fruit ripening and fruit quality parametershave been inferred from the pattern of natural changes in these but morespecifically demonstrated by the artificial supply of ethylene or ethylene-producing chemicals and by the use of chemicals that inhibit ethylene syn-thesis. The interpretation of any quantitative relationship between appliedethylene and responses in mature climacteric fruit may be complicatedby the fact that endogenous ethylene production is stimulated by ethylenesupply.

Smith et al. () found that ethephon (–chloroethyl phosphonic acid)applied as an ethylene source – weeks before harvest increased internalethylene levels, fruit yellowing and starch loss and reduced fruit firmness andtitratable acidity. These effects were accounted for as consequent on advancingthe onset of ripening: there are no effects on the subsequent rates of changebut initial differences are maintained.

AVG (aminoethoxyvinylglycine) regulates ethylene biosynthesis by inhibit-ingACCsynthase.Application in the orchard fourweeks before the anticipatedharvest date delays fruit maturity on the tree as shown by its effect in delay-ing the increases in internal ethylene concentration and soluble solids and thechanges in starch, background colour and red colour ( Johnson, ). The fruitcan consequently be picked later. Throughout several months of storage undercontrolled atmosphere conditions, fruits from AVG-treated ‘Cox’ apple treesproduced only about a tenth as much ethylene as fruits from control treesand were consistently firmer. Similar results of pre-harvest AVG sprays have

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been reported for ‘Delicious’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘McIntosh’ and ‘Spartan’(Bangerth, ; Williams, ; Bramlage et al., a; Autio and Bramlage,).

Diazocyclopentadiene (DACP) is a light-activated compound thought toinhibit ethylene binding. Applied to mature, pre-climacteric ‘Red Delicious’apples, it results in lower internal ethylene concentration whether the fruitsare kept at ◦C or ◦C. At ◦C untreated apples had a flesh firmness of newtons after days, DACP-treated apples a flesh firmness of about N.DACP-treated fruits also retained their firmness much better than controlswhen stored at ◦C (Blankenship and Sisler, ).

Treatments during post-harvest storage so as to maintain internal ethylenelevels below . ppm inhibit the onset of softening, delaying this by about–weeks (Stow et al., ). Earlier studies (Smock, ; Forsyth et al., ;Knee and Hatfield, ) had also shown ethylene removal during storage toaid in retention of firmness.

Ethylene is also involved in the development of the post-harvest disorderknown as superficial scald. This is characterized by irregular shaped tan to darkbrown blotches on the fruit skin. It is the most serious post-harvest disorder ofmany cultivars although some are highly resistant (Lau, ). Scald is thoughtto result from the oxidation of α-farnesene in fruit surface wax into conjugatedtrienes which cause injury to the epidermal cells. Removing ethylene duringstorage delays the production of α-farnesene and reduces the concentrationsof its oxidation products and the development of scald (Knee and Hatfield,; Knee, ; Dover, ).

There are some indications that inadequate ethylene concentrations mayinhibit aroma production (Song and Bangerth, ).

Control of ethylene

Control of fruit quality can be effected through the control of synthesis, accu-mulation or action of ethylene or by combinations of these.

For climacteric apples and pears control is much more likely to succeed atthe pre-climacteric stage before the large increase in ethylene concentrationdue to autocatalytic production occurs.

Synthesis rates increase as the fruits mature. Synthesis rates can be modifiedby chemical treatments in the orchard and by the use of high CO treatmentafter harvest. They are also dependent on oxygen and temperature levels andvary greatly between cultivars.

AVG inhibits ACC synthase. Its application in the orchard a month beforethe expected date of harvest of ‘Cox’ apples reduces the ethylene concentration

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in the apples at harvest and over several months of storage at .% O ,<% CO and . ◦C. The fruits are appreciably firmer than controls af-ter storage ( Johnson, ).

Daminozide, which is no longer used, was also effective in delaying theonset of high ethylene production although it has no effect on ACC synthesisand the mechanism of its effect is uncertain (Knee, ). Its use pre-harvestresulted in firmer apples after storage under controlled atmosphere conditionswith ethylene removal (Liu, ).

Treatment with % CO for – days after harvest prior to storage at. ◦C in .%O/<%CO delays the autocatalytic production of ethylene(Knee and Stow, ). High CO treatment helps retain firmness in store ifcombined with removal of ethylene (Stow, ).

Oxygen is required for the conversion of ACC to ethylene and ethyleneproduction in store is reduced as the O content is reduced from % to %to % at temperatures from ◦ to ◦C ( Johnson and Ertan, ).

Ethylene production by ‘Cox’ and ‘Bramley’ apples in both pre-climactericand post-climacteric states declines with declining temperature with a Q

value of about (Knee, ).Differences in ethylene production between cultivars may reflect differences

in stage of maturity at harvest, for example ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ is usually har-vested much earlier relative to its climacteric than is ‘Cox’. They may also beintrinsic. Blanpied et al. () contrasted ‘McIntosh’ as a rapid ethylene pro-ducer with ‘Empire’ as a slow ethylene producer, and Jobling and McGlasson() found ‘Fuji’ to have a maximum rate of ethylene production only onehundredth of that of ‘Gala’, which may be associated with its maintenance offlesh firmness. Knee () noted that in % O at . ◦C with continuousethylene removal ‘Crispin’ (‘Mutsu’) and ‘Gloster ’ took more than daysto reach . µl l− ethylene whereas ‘Spartan’ took only days and othercultivars were intermediate. The slow production of ethylene by ‘Gloster ’ isheritable (Stow et al., ). It appears to be caused by enhancement of an in-hibitory mechanism preventing initiation of autocatalytic ethylene productionrather than lowered activity of a single enzyme in the ethylene biosynthesispathway.

Control of accumulation is also a key element in control of synthesis since ac-cumulation leads to enhanced production. Traditionally great care has beentaken to avoid putting ripe apples with high ethylene production into a storewith pre-climacteric fruits and to ensure good natural ventilation. In virtuallygas-tight stores the internal ethylene concentration in the fruits can be mini-mized by removal of ethylene from the store atmosphere so that the gradientfrom the inside to the outside of the fruit, hence the rate of diffusion out of the

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fruit, is maximized. Removal of within-store ethylene also reduces the extentto which ripening in the entire population will be synchronized by the ethyleneproduced by the earliest ripening fruits.

Several methods of ethylene removal are available. They can involve oxida-tion with potassium permanganate (Smock, ; Liu, ; Blanpied et al.,), ozone (Fidler and North, ), active oxygen (Scott et al., ), cata-lysts such as platinum (Dover, ), or adsorption by charcoal or brominatedcharcoal (Fidler, ). Some of these methods, e.g. use of potassium perman-ganate, can be used in small sealed modified atmosphere packs (Smith et al., ). Hypobaric storage has also been used.

The effectiveness of ethylene removal depends on the magnitude of theproblem to be overcome. It is more likely to be effective with early thanwith late-picked fruits, with cultivars that are slow to produce much ethy-lene and with fruits that have been pre-treated either with chemicals thatinhibit ethylene production or with high CO concentrations with the sameeffect.

Under several storage conditions high concentrations of ethylene have lesssevere effects than might be anticipated. Oxygen is required in the metabolicprocesses underlying some ripening changes including softening (Knee, ).Ethylene is unable to reverse this low oxygen effect so low oxygen storageof apples is commercially successful even though concentrations of severalhundred µl l− accumulate in the stores (Knee, ). Refrigerated air storagecan also be very effective in prolonging post-harvest life even if the unripeapples are exposed to ethylene concentrations above µl l− .

Calcium and fruit eating-quality

Low calcium concentrations in apple fruits first attracted attention becausethey were found to be associated with disorders such bitter pit and York spot.These may be obvious at harvest but develop in storage, and surface appear-ance, especially at harvest, may fail to reflect the severity of the disorders afterstorage. Low calcium concentration was subsequently found to predisposeapples to other serious physiological disorders such as splitting, lenticel rup-turing, watercore, breakdown, lenticel blotch pit and confluent pit or crinkle(Sharples, ; Bramlage et al., b; Perring, ; Perring et al., ). Lowcalcium concentrations also increase the susceptibility of apples to storage rotscaused by Gloeosporium spp. (Sharples, ) and to storage scald (Bramlageet al., ). Some of these disorders are discussed in more detail later. Calciumappears to have fundamental effects not only on these disorders but also on

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eating quality and senescence through its influence on basic structural featuresand physiological mechanisms.

Calcium and cell wall andmembrane characteristics

Calcium ions have been shown to bind pectinmolecules andKnee and Bartley() suggested that these ions form bridges between pectin molecules in themiddle lamella and are responsible for cell cohesion.

Vacuum infiltration of ‘Golden Delicious’ apples with calcium chloride,either soon after harvest or after months’ cold storage, greatly reducessubsequent fruit softening. Electron micrographs of treated fruits show well-structured, darkly staining middle lamellae indicative of tightly packedpolyuronides even after prolonged storage, whereas the corresponding un-treated controls show the middle lamella to have degraded to the point of cellwall separation (Poovaiah et al., ; Siddiqui and Bangerth, ).

Calciumacetate infiltration after a period of either cold storage or controlledatmosphere storage can even largely reverse softening (Table .).

Although net degradation of cell walls takes place during ripening, incor-poration of labelled methionine and inositol in apple cell wall polysaccha-rides indicates the synthesis of cell wall polymers during ripening (Knee, ;Poovaiah et al., ).

Calcium also has pronounced effects on cell membranes and retards theirbreakdown during storage. Fuller () studied membrane changes in ‘Cox’

Table . Effect of infiltration at harvest or after cold storage with

glycerol/Tris buffer with and without calcium acetate on the firmness of

fruit tissue from two apple cultivars

Infiltration Firmness (N) Firmness afterCultivar medium at harvest weeks at ◦C

‘Cox’None . .Glycerol . .Glycerol + Ca . .

‘Gloster ’None . .Glycerol . .Glycerol + Ca . .

Glycerol= molm− glycerol in molm− Tris buffer, pH ..Glycerol + Ca = mol m− glycerol + mol m− Ca acetatein the same buffer.From Stow (). Reproduced with permission.

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apples from high Ca (.– . mg/ g fresh weight) and low Ca (.–. mg/ g fresh wt) populations in cold storage ( ◦C and ◦C) fromlate September to January. Electron micrographs showed that in Novemberboth high- and low- Ca fruits had intact plasma and vacuolar membranes,mitochondria, plastids and nuclei in the epidermal, hypodermal and many ofthe outer cortical cells. In mid-December the high-Ca fruits had intact mem-branes, mitochondria, plastids and nuclei in most of the epidermal and hypo-dermal cells and in many outer cortical cells. The low-Ca fruits had muchdisorganization of the cytoplasm and separation of the plasma membranefrom the cell wall. By early January the differences were very pronounced,with relatively little membrane breakdown in the high-Ca fruits but muchmembrane breakdown and even complete cytoplasmic disorganization in thelow-Ca fruits. During ripening, solute leakage from tissue discs increases butthis leakage is retarded by elevated Ca concentrations (Sharples and Johnson, ; Ferguson and Watkins, ). Calcium affects physical properties ofplant membranes by regulating their microviscosity or fluidity. Cellular senes-cence is accompanied by increases in microviscosity and the proportion ofgel-phase lipid of membranes and Ca may diminish these trends (Ferguson,).

Calcium, respiration and ethylene production

Calcium status influences respiration, respiration rates of untreated apples be-ing inversely related to flesh calcium content (Faust and Shear ; Bramlageet al., ), and calcium dips can reduce respiration (Watkins et al., ).Bramlage et al. (b) considered that the accelerated respiration of Ca-deficient apples might be linked to effects of calcium on ADP/ATP ratiosin the cell. Calcium ions are essential for the activity of a number of enzymesincluding themembrane-associated, calcium-dependentATPases and calciummovement across the membrane can directly drive ATP synthesis.

Pyruvate kinase (pyruvate–ATP phosphotransferase, EC . ..) exertsconsiderable control of respiration and the control of its activity is largely afunction of the concentrations of Ca+, Mg+ and K+ in its environment(Meli and Bygrave, ; Witney and Kushad, ). Pyruvate kinase activityin apple fruits declines throughout the period of fruit growth up to harvest,is reduced by CaCl sprays and increased by MgCl sprays, foreshadowingsubsequent incidence of bitter pit (Witney and Kushad, ).

Calcium infiltration of ‘Golden Delicious’ apples significantly reduces ethy-lene production (Poovaiah et al., ) and it has been suggested that micro-somal membranes are the sites of interaction of calcium, and that ethylenebiosynthesis is modulated through its binding with the membrane (Ben-Arieet al., ).

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Table . The effects of calcium nitrate sprays during the growing season on fruit

calcium, bitter pit and breakdown in storage in air at ◦C of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apples

Bitter pit (%)Fruit Ca Breakdown

Trial (mg/ g) External Internal (%)

. Appleby, New Zealand Control . . . .+ sprays . . . .+

. Teynham, Kent, UK Control . . . . sprays . . . .

. Hadlow, Kent, UK Control . . . sprays . . .

Total Ca(NO ) applied in kg ha− : Trial , ; Trial , ; Trial , .+ Included watercore and watercore-breakdown.From Sharples (). Reproduced with permission.

Calcium and physiological disorders

There are a number of physiological disorders of apples, that can developin the orchard or only become evident after a period of storage, which areassociated with low fruit tissue calcium.

Bitter pit is perhaps the most important of these (Table .). The primarysymptom is discrete pitting of the cortical flesh.The pits are brown and becomedesiccated. They are mostly in the outer cortex, frequently just under the skin,and the collapse of the outermost cells causes small depressions. Pitting mayalso occur deep in the flesh and only become visible when the fruit is cut.Frequency of pitting is often greater towards the calyx end (Faust and Shear,; Ferguson andWatkins, ). The first sign of bitter pit is collapse of thecell walls and by the time that pitting is visible to the naked eye plasmolysis ofthe cytoplasm has occurred. The pit cavities result from the collapse of severalcells and are bound by the remains of the original cell walls (Smock and VanDoren, ). Within the fruits bitter pit is most common in those zones withthe lowest Ca concentration although the lesions themselves do not show alow Ca content.

There is sometimes a closer correlation between the incidence of calcium-related storage disorders to the ratio of Ca to K or K + Mg than to Ca alone(Holland, ; Waller, ). Perring () concluded that fruits with lowCa become more susceptible to bitter pit, lenticel blotch pit and cracking aspotassium and magnesium concentrations increase. Low-oxygen stored fruithave a lower threshold level of Ca at which bitter pit is avoided than haveair-stored fruit (Sharples and Johnson, ). Rowe () stated that for ‘Cox’in England avoidance of lenticel blotch pit, bitter pit, loss of firmness and

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breakdown required minima of ., ., . and . mg Ca/ g fruit freshweight respectively. In South Africa the minimum fruit Ca content to ensurefreedom from bitter pit is . and . mg/ g for unsprayed and calcium-sprayed fruit respectively (Terblanche et al., ).

Calcium nutrition

Calcium is one of the major nutrient elements taken up by apple and peartrees, gross uptake being similar to, or greater than, that of N and K andmany(c . –) times as great as that of Mg and P (Greenham, ). The amountin the fruits, however, is very low in comparison with that of N and K and isonly a few per cent of the total uptake by the trees (see Chapter , Table .).Research onCanutrition has therefore emphasized not onlyways of increasinguptake by the trees as such but also, very specifically, ways of increasing Casupply to the fruits. Because of this, and the important interactions betweenCa in fruits and fruit quality, Ca nutrition is discussed in this chapter insteadof in Chapter .

In general the supply of mineral nutrients from the soil to leaf cells, andby analogy fruit cells, is considered to involve two stages involving mass flow,diffusion and ion-exchange mechanisms and two stages primarily dependenton active processes involving metabolic energy (Bowling, ; Shear, ).

Supply by the soil

The first stage in Ca uptake involves movement of Ca to the root surface.For this to proceed with maximum efficiency the ion concentration in the soilwatermust be high enough to enable the nutrients needed by the plant to reachthe root by mass flow. Under good orchard soil management the exchangecomplex of the soil is dominated by Ca, and soil solution concentrations ofCa are usually the highest of all cations (Adams, ; Korcak, ). The Cacontent in the soil solution inmost temperate zone soils varies between . and mM whereas at the root surface .– mM appears adequate. Mass flowof soil solution, dependent on the transpiration rate, should provide ampleCa flux to the root surface under these conditions (Bangerth, ). Adequatesoil moisture is, however, a pre-requisite for this. Liming may, however, beneeded to counter excess soil acidity and increase the supply of Ca. Marks() found apple leaf Ca concentrations are usually at or below optimumlevels, in contrast to those of N, P and especially K which are commonly abovethe optima for satisfactory growth. In the Netherlands, on sandy soils, Van derBoon () found that gypsum (CaSO.HO) soil dressings increased leafCa concentration and slightly reduced bitter pit incidence in ‘James Grieve’apples. A major problem even in temperate-zone soils is that incorporation

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of sufficient Ca to bring soil pH to a desirable level at orchard establishmentmay fail to maintain this, being followed by decreasing pH and a decline inexchangeable Ca to inadequate levels (Bolton, ; Korcak, ). Becauseof its divalent charge, surface applications of Ca salts often result in littledownward movement in the soil.

In some important subtropical apple producing areas, e.g. Cape Province,SouthAfrica (Kotze andduPreez, ) and southernBrazil (Basso andWilms,), the predominant soils are strongly acidic. Exchangeable aluminiumincreases rapidly as pH (measured by the CaCl method which records about unit lower than the water-based method) declines below . (Terblancheet al., ). This strongly suppresses Ca uptake leading to low leaf as wellas fruit Ca. Pre-planting liming is essential to overcome this and liming to alevel greater than that needed to eliminate Al effects is necessary to optimizeCa concentrations in the plant and control bitter pit. Annual liming is thenneeded tomaintain soil pHandCa supply.Without such treatments losses fromcalcium deficiency disorders, especially bitter pit, are very severe (Terblancheet al., ; Kotze and du Preez, ; Wilms and Basso, ; Kotze, ).Calcitic or dolomitic lime, or gypsum, are used for soil rectification dependingon acidity andMg status.Thebalance of nutrients in the soil strongly influencesCa uptake. This is depressed by non-specific cation competition by K,Mg andNH and enhanced by anions such as NO and PO (Bangerth, ). Post-planting applications ofK toK-rich soils can reduce fruit Ca levels (Terblancheet al., ). Supply of N as ammonium can greatly depress the Ca uptake byapple seedlings relative to that when N is supplied as NO (Kotze, ) andcan give lower Ca content and a higher bitter pit incidence in ‘Cox’ apples(Ludders, ). It also depresses the Ca content of ‘Fuji’ apples (Motosugiet al., ).

Uptake by the roots

The first step in Ca uptake from the soil solution is penetration of the apoplastor free space which occupies the cell wall network of the root cortex externalto the cell membranes. This is very rapid in spruce (Kuhn et al., ) with ahalf-time for Ca entry in solution culture experiments of only – minutesand a plateau level in the cortex attained in about minutes. This indicatesvery rapid equilibration in the entire apoplast of the cortex, and is compatiblewith Ca-binding to mobile and fixed binding sites being the major factormodulating the kinetics of Ca+ entry.

In contrast, movement into the cell walls of the stele, in spruce, has a half-time of – minutes and the plateau level is not attained until about minutes from Ca supply. This indicates the importance of the endo-dermis as a barrier. The endodermis typically has a suberized Casparian strip

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in the tangential walls of its cells. Calcium ions cannot move through it tothe stele by mass flow, diffusion or ion exchange as they do through the freespace, but must pass through at least two membranes. In general it seems thatcalcium movement through the symplast, i.e. the cytoplasm and connectingplasmodesmata, is much slower than that through the apoplast. Root tips and,temporarily, the sites of branch root formation where the development of theCasparian strip appears to lag behind endodermal cell division, may thereforebe particularly effective in Ca uptake (Bangerth, ; Ferguson, ). Asa consequence Ca uptake may depend largely on current root growth andbranching.

There are, however, other plants in which the endodermis does not act as abarrier for Ca (Chino, ). For apple and pear the traditional view has beenthat the endodermis provides a major barrier and that most Ca uptake is bywhite, unsuberized, roots. Atkinson andWilson (), however, found Ca tobe taken up to a similar extent by white and woody roots. They considered thatthe failure of the phellogen of woody roots to act as a barrier to Ca (and water)movement could be related to the deposition of the suberin on the inside ofthe cell walls rather than within these, so that the apoplastic pathway remainsviable.

There is also evidence of involvement of processes dependent on metabolicenergy in Ca uptake. Reduction in photosynthesis by use of photosyntheticinhibitors, or prevention of translocation of assimilates to the roots by ringing,decreases Ca uptake by apple root systems and is reversible by supplyingsucrose (Faust, ).

Upward movement

Upward movement of Ca from the roots is at least primarily in the xylem. It isinfluenced by the transpirational flux but is not simply a matter of mass flow.Ferguson and Bollard () found that movement of Ca through excisedpieces of apple stem was much slower than that of phosphate supplied at thesame time. It appeared to be by exchange processes rather than mass flow.Some of the Ca entering the xylem becomes more firmly bound and somemoves into phloem tissues. Bradfield () found that about % of the Cain the xylem sap of apple shoots was in the ionic form. The remainder waspresent as complexes with citric and malic acids. He concluded that the mobi-lity of Ca in the xylem might be influenced by the supply of organic acids inthe sap which could reduce the degree of adsorption at the negatively chargedexchange sites in the xylem vessels. In the intact plant under conditions ofsteady water and Ca supply, Ca is likely to move with the mass flow of thetranspiration stream in the larger conduits, particularly when exchange sitesare saturated or in equilibrium with the Ca in the vessel volume. In smaller

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channels exchange will be much more important (Ferguson and Watkins,).

One consequence of the stele acting partly as an ion exchange column isthat it can act as a store for Ca. This is particularly important with respect tothe supply of Ca during the initial stages of fruit growth. Fuhr and Wienecke() found that Ca supplied during one growing season is found in all newplant parts in the following spring. They estimated that about % of the totalCa in apple fruits in one season originated from Ca reserves deposited in theprevious year, the precise sites of storage being uncertain.

Bell and Biddulph () put forward the concept that calcium ascent isbased not on the loss of water from the individual plant parts but on themetabolic removal of the ions from the exchange columns leading to theindividual parts. This results in the various tissues acquiring nutrient ions inproportion to their metabolic utilization but also subject to the influence ofmass flow in themajor conduits and the supply ofCa, other cations and organicacids.

Some effects on fruit calcium content seem explicable in terms of factorscontrolling the general upward flux. The leaves and stems, as well as the fruits,in the upper and outer parts of the tree canopy tend to have less Ca per unitof dry matter than corresponding organs nearer to the roots, which is com-patible with abstraction of Ca from the transport system en route (Preuschoff,; Jackson et al., ; Haynes and Goh, ; Barritt et al., ). Manynutritional treatments increase both leaf and fruit Ca concentrations (Huguet,; Terblanche et al., ). Moreover, the accumulation of Ca by fruits ispositively dependent on the area of primary and bourse shoot leaves subtend-ing the fruit (Ferree and Palmer, ; Jones and Samuelson, ; Proctorand Palmer, ; Volz et al., , a). Primary leaves are the more ef-fective. Enclosing the leaves in polythene bags has a similar effect to theirremoval, confirming the effect of leaf transpiration on the supply of Ca tothe fruits ( Jones and Samuelson, ). It is obviously important to maximizeearly spur-leaf area.

Flux into the fruits

The final stages of movement into organs and tissues are at least partly undermetabolic control.

Within the shoot system Ca is translocated preferentially towards the shootapex even through the transpiration rate of young apple leaves is much lowerthan that of older leaves (Shear and Faust, ; Faust, ). Transport to thegrowing point is believed to be induced by IAA, synthesized in the shoot apex,stimulating a proton efflux pump in the elongation zones of the shoot apex.This increases the formation of cation exchange sites so that the growing tip

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becomes a centre for Ca accumulation (Faust, ). Movement into leaf cellsis thought to be by active uptake at the plasmalemma depending on metabolicenergy supplies (Bowling, ).

Reducing fruit transpiration of ‘Gala’ apples by bagging them reduces theirCa concentration (Tomala, ), but the effects of bagging ‘GoldenDelicious’apples are relatively small ( Jones and Samuelson, ). Calculation of poten-tial Ca flux into fruits of ‘GoldenDelicious’ and, especially, ‘Bramley’ assumingmass flow of xylem sap to meet net water requirements for fruit growth andevaporation, underestimates Ca uptake into the apples early in the seasonand overestimates it in the month prior to harvest ( Jones et al., ). In factnet Ca uptake by the fruits is often restricted to the early part of the season,and there is little movement into fruits of Ca supplied to the roots in earlyAugust (Ford and Quinlan, ) although it is detectable in the fruit stalk. Incontrast, accumulation of dry matter and fresh weight usually continues upto harvest so the percentage of Ca in the fruits falls with time. Circ*mstancesor treatments that enhance late-season fruit growth therefore tend to reducefruit Ca concentration at harvest (Figure .).

Late harvesting, and its associated larger fruits with lower Ca concentra-tions, results in more senescent breakdown, Gloeosporium rotting and watercore(Perring and Pearson, ), but effects on bitter pit incidence are inconsistent(Perring and Pearson, ; Ferguson and Watkins, ).

With fruits harvested at optimummaturity, in general the larger the fruit thelower the Ca concentration and the greater the incidence of all Ca deficiencydisorders (Perring and Jackson, ; Terblanche et al., ). Under SouthAfrican conditions the maximum fruit diameter to ensure complete freedomfrom bitter pit is mm (Terblanche et al., ). Market demand for largefruits rules out control of fruit size as a technique for controlling Ca content.Instead, it is realized that procedures to increase fruit size, e.g. fruit thinning,will increase the risk of Ca deficiency disorders (Sharples, ; Johnson,) and, with cultivars prone to Ca deficiency, must be accompanied byother practices to maintain fruit Ca at desirable concentrations. Exposure tohigh light intensities, which has beneficial effects on many aspects of quality,has negative effects on bitter pit. These are very largely accounted for by effectsof exposure on fruit size (Figure .) and leaf Ca concentrations, which resultin lower fruit Ca concentrations ( Jackson et al., ).

The thinning-induced effect of fruit size on fruit calciumdeficiency disordersis not specifically dependent on cell number or cell size but is an integratedeffect (Sharples, ). Ca concentrations tend to be higher the greater thenumber of seeds in the fruit (Bramlage et al., ; Tomala and Dilley, ).Consequent to this, supplementary pollination can increase seed number andthe concentration of Ca even in fruits of the same size. Netting to give poorpollination reduces seed number and Ca concentration (Volz et al., b).

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Figure 10.2 Effects of growing conditions, resulting from differentlevels of shading, on the chemical composition of fruits harvested atdifferent times. �—�, 100% daylight; ©- - -©, 37% daylight; �– – –�, =25% daylight; J, A, S harvested on 27 July, 24 Aug. and 21 Sept. 0, 1,2, 100%, 37% and 25% daylight respectively. Reproduced from

Jackson et al. (1977), with permission.

Apples induced to set by the use of gibberellins or gibberellins plus auxins havefewer seeds. The few-seeded fruits have particularly lowCa concentrations butthe hormone treatment also depresses fruit Ca within all categories of fruitsize and number of seeds ( Jackson et al., ).

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Figure 10.3 Relationship between fruit weight and calciumconcentration in fruits harvested at different dates from trees subjectto different levels of shading. Harvest dates J = 27 July, A = 24August, S = 21 September. Shade treatments 0 = 100% daylight,1 = 37% daylight, 2 = 25% daylight. Reproduced from Jackson et al.

(1977), with permission.

Bangerth () concluded that auxins produced by the seeds play a sig-nificant role in Ca translocation into fruits. The seeds themselves have ahigher Ca concentration than other parts of the apple fruits and their Cacontent is less affected by reduction in the Ca content of the medium aroundthe roots than is that of the rest of the fruit (Huguet, ). When ,,-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), which inhibits auxin transport, is sprayed onapple trees as early as weeks after full bloom, Ca accumulation by thefruit is reduced (Stahly and Benson, , ; Stahly, ). Lang ()and Lang and Ryan () have shown that there is no increase in thenumber of xylem vessels in apple fruit pedicels from just after floweringonwards. There is a decline in xylem pedicel conductance as the seasonprogresses and this is more severe in the cv. ‘Cox’, which is very subjectto Ca deficiency disorders, than in the cv. ‘Gala’, which is less subject tothese.

Terminal fruits of ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Royal Gala’ have higher Ca concen-trations than similar-sized or smaller fruits growing laterally on one-year-oldshoots or -year-old spurs (Volz et al., ).

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Severe winter pruning, which stimulates vigorous shoot growth, results inlower fruitCa concentrations andmorebitter pit than summerpruning systemsthat result in numerous weak, fruiting twigs that cease growth early in the year(Schumacher et al., ; Deckers and Missotten, ; Link, ). This isat least partly a consequence of the low cropping and large fruits that can beinduced by heavy pruning but may also involve effects of competition.

Calcium can be withdrawn from fruits in the later stages of their growth,apparently in response to water stress. Fruits commonly shrink during theday as a result of water loss due to equilibration with transpiration-inducedtensions in the xylem (Tukey, , ; Tromp, ). Bitter pit, indicativeof Ca deficiency, is frequently associated with vascular tips within the fruitsand hot dry conditions leading to water stress (Smock, ; Perring, ).However, this water is replaced during the night and spur-wood xylem sapmay have ten times as high a concentration of Ca as fruit xylem sap. Langand Volz (, ), working with ‘Royal Gala’ which shows relatively littledecline in xylem function late in the season, found evidence that this cycling ofxylem sap out of and back into the fruit contributes to fruit Ca accumulation.This may also explain why leaf transpiration, leading to accumulation of Cain conducting tissues, increases the Ca content of nearby fruits.

Movement within the fruits

Differences in Ca content in different parts of apple fruits and movementbetween these are well documented. The core, even after removing the seeds,has a much higher Ca concentration than the inner cortex which, in turn,has a higher concentration than the outer cortex (Perring and Pearson, ;Ferguson andWatkins, ). The peel concentration is intermediate betweenthose in the core and the cortex (Perring and Pearson, ). It falls steeply,with increasing cell size, from the fruit surface to a depth of mm. During thepost-harvest period Ca may move from the middle and outer cortical tissuesto the core zone. This is followed by development of bitter pit lesions.

Surface application to the fruits

Movement within the fruit is basic to the common use of orchard sprays andpost-harvest dips with Ca salts to increase fruit Ca content and reduce theincidence of post-harvest disorders (Table .; Ferguson and Watkins, ).Although orchard sprays increase the Ca content of both leaves and fruits(Van der Boon, ), bagging experiments have shown that the fruit must bedirectly exposed to the Ca sprays for its Ca content to rise (Ford, ). Caintercepted by the leaves is not translocated to the fruit. Natural openings inthe fruit surface such as stomata, lenticels (which are derived from stomata)

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and cracks in the cuticle provide themain avenues of entry. SomeCa transportcan also occur across the cuticle itself (Ferguson and Watkins, ; Harkerand Ferguson, ). Surfactants and ‘sticking agents’ may increase the uptakeof applied Ca (Sharples et al., ). Penetration into young fruits can be toa depth of cm but only to a few millimetres under the skin of older fruitsexcept via cracks. However, surface-applied Ca seems to move by diffusion inthe free space and higher concentrations can be found in mid-cortical tissuesafter spraying. Movement within the fruit may, though, be relatively slow.Chittenden et al. () painted one half of ‘Cox’ apples seven times in themonth prior to harvest with % calcium nitrate and found a % incidence ofbitter pit on the untreated side comparedwith only %on the treated side after months’ storage. Calcium chloride injected into the core cavity at harvest isas effective as that applied to the surface in reducing bitter pit in the outer andmid-cortex (Perring and Pearson, ).

The effectiveness of post-harvest application of Ca to the skin or to the core,in reducing Ca deficiency disorders in the fruit flesh and in reversing softening,suggests that the individual cells and their middle lamellae remain active assinks for Ca well into their post-harvest life. This supports the concept that thedecline in Ca importation into the fruit in the later stages of their growth inthe orchard is a function of an impaired transport system through the stalk,not simply to a decline in demand with the cessation of cell division.

Effects of other nutrients on calcium flux into fruits

As well as influencing uptake from the soil, as noted earlier, other nutrientscan influence the movement of Ca into fruits. Orchard sprays with zinc sul-phate, especially early in the season, can result in increases in fruit Ca content,possibly by releasing bound Ca from various chelating and complexing agentssuch as lignin, organic acids and proteins for transport to the shoot (Shear,). Copper can have similar effects. Addition of zinc chloride (.%) topost-harvest dips in % CaCl can double the uptake of Ca from the latter,increasing fruit Ca in different cultivars by . to . mg/ g comparedwith that following dipping in CaCl alone (Testoni and Pizzocaro, ).

Cultivar effects on fruit Ca level

Clonal or seedling rootstocks provide the root systems of almost all commer-cially grown apple and pear trees and might be expected to affect Ca uptakeand transport through the graft union. There is indeed some evidence forrootstock effects on the content of Ca in scion leaves (Kennedy et. al., ).

The largest effects of rootstocks on fruit Ca are, however, mediated by theireffects on crop load and fruit size, as discussed earlier. An exception to this is

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‘M.’. ‘Cox’ apples of any given size on ‘M.’ have lower Ca content thanthose on ‘M. ’, ‘MM.’ and, especially, ‘M.’. The effect can be up to mg/ g. Fruits from trees on ‘M.’ have correspondingly higher levels ofbitter pit and senescent breakdown (Blasco and Jackson, ; Blasco, ).This effect is compatible with the observation that an ‘M.’ interstock canlower Ca concentration in the xylem sap ( Jones, ). The effect on xylemsap content was shown below as well as above the interstock, implying effectsvia root behaviour.

Scion cultivars differ greatly in fruit Ca concentration. Volz et al. ()showed apple Ca concentration in mg/ g fresh wt to range from . to .on different ages of fruiting wood of ‘Royal Gala’ whereas that of ‘Braeburn’,‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Fuji’ ranged from .–., .–. and .–., respec-tively. Johnson (), after adjusting for fruit weight, found ‘Gala’ fruits tohave . mg/ g compared with . for ‘Jonagold’. Similarly, Perring ()showed that at any given fruit mass ‘Mutsu’ apples contained much more Cathan those of ‘Cox’ (c. % more in a g apple). Testoni and Pizzocaro() found ‘Starking’ to have . mg Ca/ g fresh wt in comparison with. for ‘Golden Delicious’. The relationship between the calcium concentra-tion in the fruit of a cultivar and the incidence of Ca-related storage disordersis not absolute but holds in many cases, e.g. ‘Gala’ is generally consideredresistant and ‘Cox’ fairly prone to bitter pit. Fruit Ca concentrations do notnecessarily reflect those in leaves. Van der Boon () found ‘James Grieve’apple trees to have lower concentrations of Ca in the fruits though more in theleaves than ‘Cox’. Johnson () found ‘Gala’ to have much lower leaf Cabut higher fruit Ca than ‘Jonagold’. Lang () and Lang and Ryan ()attributed the lower concentrations of Ca in ‘Cox’ than in ‘Gala’ apples to amore severe malfunction of the xylem in the fruit pedicel of ‘Cox’ as the seasonprogresses, with an increasing proportion of fruit in which the xylem is totallynon-conducting.

There is evidence for two genes, Bp- and Bp-, that control Ca accumu-lation and distribution, respectively, within apple fruits and control resistanceto bitter pit (Korban and Swiader, ).

Other nutrients and fruit eating-quality

High nitrogen levels can result in decreasing fruit firmness at harvest and toan increase in breakdown during storage (Sharples, ). High N fertilizerrates can also reduce the concentration of alcohol-insoluble solids and malatebut increase the concentration of sugar (Richardson, ). Fruits with high Ncontent are more likely to be affected by cork spot and bitter pit and to developmore scald, bitter pit, internal browning and internal breakdown after storage

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(Bramlage et al., b). They also show high respiration rates. However, if fruitnitrogen levels in ‘Cox’ fall below mg/ g susceptibility to breakdown isincreased, especially if calcium levels are also low (Sharples, ). Johnsonet al. () found that a beneficial effect of late sprays of calcium nitrate ontexture was associated with an increase in the ratio of N to C, rather than ofCa to C, in the primary cell wall and middle lamella. Many of the adverseeffects of high N are associated with its effect in increasing fruit size and vigourof shoot growth, which adversely affect Ca concentrations, and also with thedirect effects of the ammonium ion on Ca uptake.

High potassium concentrations have a strong positive effect on fruit acidity(Wilkinson, ; Johnson, ), which is an important aspect of the taste ofsome cultivars. Fruits high in K are, however, more susceptible to breakdown,bitter pit and other disorders associated with low calcium status. These effectsrelate to the interaction between K and Ca in cells and high K can induce Cadeficiency.

Magnesium concentrations in apple fruits tend to be proportional to thoseof K and have similar associations with fruit acidity, bitter pit, etc. Magnesiumsalt sprays or dips can greatly increase bitter pit incidence. Sharples et al. ()attributed this to direct competition with Ca at the cellular level. Hopfingerand Poovaiah () found very high Mg concentrations in pitted tissue andconcluded that bitter pit is due to a localized magnesium toxicity which can beprevented by calcium treatment, but Ferguson and Watkins () consideredthis Mg-induced pitting to differ from true bitter pit.

Low phosphorus levels in fruits lead to increased senescent breakdown andlow temperature breakdown. Phosphorus sprays can reduce the incidence ofthese disorders (Yogaratnam and Sharples, ).

Carbohydrate supply is important with respect to fruit carbohydrate con-centration and associated quality factors. Shade reduces total fruit dry matter,alcohol-insoluble and alcohol-soluble matter and starch per unit fresh weight( Jackson et al., ). Fruit thinning results in higher sugar (brix) concentrationin ‘Fuji’ apples (f*ckuda and Takish*ta, ). It also increases fruit firmnessdespite the fruits on thinned trees being larger and lower in Ca concentration( Johnson, ).

Recommended reading

Atkinson, D., Jackson, J.E., Sharples, R.O. and Waller, W.M. (eds.) ().Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees. London: Butterworths.

Combrink, J.C. (ed.) (). Integrated Management of Post-harvest Quality.Stellenbosch: Infruitec.

Ferguson, I.B. and Watkins, C.B. (). Bitter pit in apple fruit. HorticulturalReviews , –.

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Fidler, J.C., Wilkinson, B.G., Edney, K.L. and Sharples, R.O. (). The Biologyof Apple and Pear Storage. Research Review No. . Farnham Royal, UK:Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.

Hardenburg, R.E., Watada, A.E. and Wang, C.Y. (). The Commercial Storage ofFruits, Vegetables and Florist and Nursery Stocks. US Department of Agriculture,Agriculture Handbook No. (revised). Washington, DC: GovernmentPrinting Office.

Shear, C.B. (). International symposium on calcium nutrition of economiccrops. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. , Nos. and .


Abeles, F.B. (). Ethylene and plant development: an introduction. In Ethyleneand Plant Development, ed. J.A. Roberts and G.A. Tucker, pp. –. London:Butterworths.

Adams, D.O. and Yang, S.F. (). Ethylene biosynthesis: identification of–aminocyclo-propane-–carboxylic acid as an intermediate in theconversion of methionine to ethylene. Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences USA, , –.

Adams, F. (). Soil solution. In The Plant Root and its Environment, ed.E.W. Carson, pp. –. Charlottesville, VA: University Press ofVirginia.

Atkinson, D. and Wilson, S.A. (). The growth and distribution of fruit treeroots: some consequences for nutrient uptake. In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees,ed. D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, pp. –.London: Butterworths.

Autio, W.R. and Bramlage, W.J. (). Effects of AVG on maturation, ripeningand storage of apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,– .

Bangerth, F. (). A role for auxin and auxin transport inhibitors on the Cacontent of artificially induced parthenocarpic fruits. Physiologia Plantarum ,–.

Bangerth, F. (). The effect of a substituted amino acid on ethylenebiosynthesis, respiration, ripening and pre-harvest drop of apple fruits. Journalof the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Bangerth, F. (). Calcium-related physiological disorders of plants. AnnualReview of Phytopathology , –.

Barritt, B.H., Rom, C.R., Guelich, K.R., Drake, S.R. and Dilley, M.A. ( ).Canopy position and light effects on spur, leaf, and fruit characteristics of‘Delicious’ apple. HortScience , –.

Bartley, I.M. and Knee, M. (). The chemistry of textural changes in fruitduring storage. Food Chemistry , –.

Basso, C. and Wilms, F.W.W. (). Nutritional status of apple orchards insouthern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Bell, C.W. and Biddulph, O. (). Translocation of calcium. Exchange versusmass flow. Plant Physiology , –.

Ben-Arie, R., Lurie, S. and Mattoo, A.K. (). Temperature-dependentinhibitory effects of calcium and spermine on ethylene biosynthesis in applediscs correlate with changes in microsomal membrane microviscosity. PlantScience Letters , – .

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Bepete, M. and Lakso, A.N. ( ). Apple fruit respiration in the field:relationships to fruit growth rate, temperature, and light exposure. ActaHorticulturae , –.

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Blanpied, G.D. and Little, C.R. (). Relationships among bloom dates,ethylene climacteric initiation dates, and maturity-related storage disordersof ‘Jonathan’ apples grown in Australia. Postharvest Biology and Technology ,–.

Blanpied, G.D., Bartsch, J.A. and Turk, J.R. (). A commercial developmentprogramme for low ethylene controlled-atmosphere storage of apples. InEthylene and Plant Development, ed. J.A. Roberts and G.A. Tucker, pp. –.London: Butterworths.

Blasco, A.B. (). Rootstock effects on growth and cropping of apples, withspecial reference to fruit quality. PhD thesis, University of London.

Blasco, A.B. and Jackson, J.E. (). Rootstock influence on cropping and fruitquality of apples. In Proceedings of the XIX International Horticultural Congress,Vol. B, ed. R. Antoszewski, L. Harrison and C.C. Zych, p. . Warsaw:ISHS.

Bolton, J. ( ). Changes in soil pH and exchangeable Ca in two limingexperiments on contrasting soils over years. Journal of Agricultural Science,Cambridge , –.

Boulton, G., Corrigan, V. and Lill, R. ( ). Objective method for estimatingsensory response to juiciness in apples. New Zealand Journal of Crop andHorticultural Science , –.

Bowling, D.J.F. (). Uptake and transport of nutrients. In Mineral Nutrition ofFruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller,pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Bradfield, E.G. (). Calcium complexes in the xylem sap of apple shoots.Plant and Soil , –.

Bramlage, W.J., Drake, M. and Baker, J.H. (). Relationships of calciumcontent to respiration and post harvest condition of apples. Journal of theAmerican Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Bramlage, W.J., Drake, M. and Lord, W.J. (b). The influence of mineralnutrition on the quality and storage performance of pome fruits grown inNorth America. In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E.Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Bramlage, W.J., Greene, D.W., Autio, W.R. and McLaughlin, J.M. (a).Effects of aminoethoxyvinylglycine on internal ethylene concentrations andstorage of apple. Journal of the American Society for the Horticultural Science ,–.

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Faust, M. and Shear, C.B. (). Corking disorders of apples: a physiologicaland biochemical review. Botanical Reviews , –.

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Mineral nutrition


Aspects of nutrient uptake by roots and of mineral nutrition in relationto vegetative growth and fruiting have been discussed in earlier chapters.Fruit mineral content in relation to storage and eating quality was con-sidered in Chapter and calcium uptake, transport and effects on cellstructure and metabolism were discussed in particular detail because of itsdominant role with respect to fruit firmness and the incidence of some pre-and post-harvest physiological disorders. In the present chapter more gen-eral aspects of the uptake, transport and redistribution of nutrients are dealtwith.

Nutrient requirements

A first approximation of the necessary supply of major elements for appleand pear tree growth is obtained by measurement of the mineral con-tent of well-grown and productive trees. Relevant figures from WashingtonState, USA are given in Table .. These are for an old-style orchard atmaturity, with a similar cropping level but most probably more vegetativedry matter than many modern orchards on dwarfing rootstocks. Most ofthe nutrients removed from the soil and not returned to it are in the fruitsso the need to replace nutrients is largely a function of crop yield. Whereyields are much higher, e.g. in South Africa and, especially, New Zealandthe replacement needs will be much greater. Losses by leaching can be ap-preciable under conditions of high rainfall or irrigation on appropriate soiltypes. Haynes and Goh () estimated that leaching losses were about %of the amount of nitrogen supplied in the irrigation water or as fertilizerin New Zealand, and exceeded irrigation and fertilizer inputs of Ca andMg. The amount of N lost by drainage depends on irrigation level and the

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Table . Estimated annual utilization (kg ha−) of major nutrients by a mature apple

orchard (cv. ‘Delicious’) with yields of . t ha−

N P K Ca Mg

Removed in fruit including seeds . . . . .In framework of trees including roots . . . . .Total (A) = Net uptake . . . . .Leaf-fall . . . . .Dropping blossoms and fruitlets

including thinning of fruits. . . . .

Prunings . . . . .Total (B) = Return to soil . . . . .Total (A + B) = Gross uptake . . . . .

From Greenham (), summarized from Batjer et al. (). Reproduced withpermission.

presence or absence of grass on the orchard floor (Stevenson and Neilsen,).

The net uptake of K is almost twice that of N andmany times as high as thatof P and Mg. A remarkably similar balance of uptake is shown by Japanesepear (Pyrus serotina Rehder). Buwalda and Meekings () found the nutrientcontent of deciduous parts (fruits and leaves) to be equivalent to kg N, kg P, kg K and kg Mg per hectare, and considered that these figureswould be exceeded in commercial orchards which have –% higher yieldsthan the experimental one. These figures for nutrient removal are very muchlower than those, for example, of cereals and vegetable crops.Greenham ()quotes N, P and K removal, in kg ha− , of , and for wheat and , and for carrots, respectively.

The annual requirement for fertilizer application depends on total require-ments and on the natural supply from the soil, both of which are variables.Estimation of the balance of these is made almost impossible by the com-plexity of the factors involved (Klein and Weinbaum, ). Soil analysispre-planting and at regular intervals is very important in order to identifypotential needs and problems but changes in soil nutrients do not, in gen-eral, provide a guide for fertilizer practice. This is especially so because ofthe difficulty in determining the effective tree rooting zones, the importanceof carry-over of nutrient reserves in the tree from one year to the next andthe importance of the supply of nutrients to specific organs rather than grossuptake. Leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations have, however, been found toreflect nutrient status and requirements. Desirable levels established empiri-cally are summarized in Table .. These figures are based on much original

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Table . Leaf nutrient concentrations in apple and pear

Apple Pear

Nutrient element Deficient Normal Deficient Normal

N% <. .–. <. .–.P% <. .–. <. .–.K% <. .–. <. .–.Ca% <. .–. <. .–.Mg% <. .–. <. .–.Mn ppm < – < –Fe ppm –? –B ppm < – < –Cu ppm < – < –Zn ppm < – < –Mo ppm <. .–.

Apple leaves taken from themid-portion of terminal shoots at about thetime of cessation of terminal growth ( July). Pear leaves are spur leavesin August except for Zn for which samples were taken in September.Mn concentrations of more than ppm in -year-old bark of appleindicate toxicity but this critical level may vary depending on the levelof Ca, B and other elements.Data from Shear and Faust ().

data summarized by Shear and Faust (). Rowe (), citing data for nutri-ent levels in mid-extension shoots taken in late August, concluded that ratherhigher levels of N and K (.–.% and .–.%, respectively) are neededto show sufficiency and that more than ppm of Zn or Mn indicates toxiclevels.

The rootstock can influence the susceptibility of the tree to nutrient defi-ciencies. Apple trees on ‘MM.’ are highly susceptible to magnesium defi-ciency, trees on ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘MM.’ are susceptible and those on ‘M.’,‘MM.’ and ‘M.’ are resistant (MAFF, ). Pear trees on quince root-stocks on alkaline (high pH) soils generally suffer from lime-induced chlorosisresulting from iron deficiency (Lombard andWestwood, ), although somenew quince selections are tolerant (Webster, ). Pear trees on Pyrus root-stocks are generally tolerant.

Scion cultivars may have different nutrient requirements depending on thequality characteristics required. High nitrogen concentrations promote darkgreen skin colour, which is desirable for cultivars like ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ butnot for cultivars like ‘Worcester Pearmain’. Different cultivars also have largedifferences in fruit acidity, which relates to potassium content so indicates likelydifferences in K requirement.

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Symptoms of deficiency or excess

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen deficiency is characterized by reduced top growth with short uprightspindly shoots bearing pale yellowish-green leaves. The symptoms becomemore severe as the season progresses and fruits are usually smaller than ontrees with adequate N concentrations. Excessive N content reduces the areaand intensity of red colour on red cultivars of apple, delays maturity, shortensstorage life and increases susceptibility to some storage disorders, especiallythose associated with low Ca concentrations. Trees with excessive N levelsshow very vigorous growth and dark green leaves.

Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus deficiency is uncommon in most fruit-growing areas. It is evi-denced by very dark green leaveswith some purplish discoloration on the lowersides, especially on the margins and main veins. Active vegetative growth isinhibited. Excess P leads to interference with zinc, copper, iron or manganeseuptake and may be one cause of symptoms of deficiency of these.

Potassium (K)

The most characteristic symptom of potassium deficiency is a reddish-brownscorching of leaf margins, often preceded by a greyish-green discoloration. Ex-cessKmay increase the fruit symptoms ofCa deficiency and the leaf symptomsof Mg deficiency.

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium deficiency is shown by the upward cupping of the margins of theyoungest leaves. The expanding leaves develop uniform veinal and interveinalchlorosis, and the very youngest leavesmay become entirely chlorotic.Marginsof older leavesmay shatter and terminal shoots die back. Bitter pitmay developas slight indentations in the skin in the orchard or in store. These areas turnbrown, and desiccated tissue develops below the spots. Cork spot develops earlyas small blushed areas of skin above hard brown spots. Lenticel breakdownshows as pale areas, later white halos that turn brown or black, around thelenticels. Sunburn on fruits may be more pronounced when they are Ca-deficient. Calcium effects are discussed in much more detail in Chapter .

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium-deficient leaves of apple show a colour-fading around the mar-gins followed by interveinal chlorosis from the margins inwards leading to a‘herring-bone’ pattern. Tissues around the margins, especially towards the

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tips, may die and the older leaves, which show the symptoms first, may shed.In pear the interveinal tissues on both sides of the midrib may develop as darkpurplish islands surrounded by chlorotic bands while the leaf margins remaingreen. Fruits may drop early. Excessive Mg can result in the appearance of Caor K deficiency symptoms.

Manganese (Mn)

Manganese deficiencies tend to occur on soil with a high lime content, alsowhere there is a high water table or very light soil. Chlorosis between themain veins and extending towards the midrib is typical. Manganese toxicityis commonly found on very acid soils. It is characterized by the developmentof ‘measles’ in which pimples erupt on the bark of -year-old shoots. Thesepimples enlarge and erupt over the years, producing sunken areas surroundedby callus. The sunken areas then coalesce, the bark becomes rough, crackedand scaly and the branch may die.

Iron (Fe)

Iron deficiency is most prevalent where the lime content of the soil is high orwhere a drainage problem exists. The youngest leaves on Fe-deficient trees arevery pale between the veins, ranging from pale green to white, but the veinsremain green or become green even if initially paler. Dieback of shoots andbranches may occur. Excessive Fe, though rare, can result in Mn deficiency.

Boron (B)

The fruits of boron-deficient apple and pear trees are misshapen with darkgreen depressed areas underlaid by hard corky tissue which turns brown onexposure to air. Cork may also develop inside the fruit. Apple fruits may crack,especially if Ca content is also low. Sometimes a multiplicity of small cracksmay callus over, giving a russeted appearance. Shoot tips may die and weaknew shoots emerge from below the tips. Leaves on B-deficient trees are darkgreen, thick and brittle and shed early. In pears the wilting and death ofblossoms (blossom blast) may indicate B deficiency. This may also contributeto the development of ‘measles’ on apple shoots. Excessive B can result in earlymaturity and short storage life in apples.

Copper (Cu)

The first symptom of copper deficiency is necrosis of the terminal leaves ofactively growing shoots in mid-summer. In pear the leaf tips turn black; in

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apple the young leaves develop reddish necrotic spots before the scorched tipsand margins turn brown. The shoots begin to die back from the tips, thescorched leaves shed and the drying tips curve downwards. Multiple shootemergence from below the affected part gives a bushy appearance. Later abark necrosis with rectangular cracks may develop. Cu deficiency tends to beassociated with specific soils in limited areas.

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc deficiencies are fairly widespread and may be severe in some environ-ments. The initial symptom is a chloroticmottling of the leaves. This is followedby a rosetting or tufting of the leaves on the terminal growth. There is little orno development of leaves on -year-old wood. Those leaves that develop, ei-ther in the rosettes or laterally on the shoots, are small and strap-like as well aschlorotic, hence the common name ‘little-leaf disease’. Crops on Zn-deficienttrees are reduced and the fruits are smaller than normal. An excess of Znusually appears as Fe chlorosis.

Aluminium (Al)

Aluminium is not thought to be essential for apples or pears. It is, however,very toxic especially below pH . leading to root malformation, malfunctionand death. The leaf and fruit symptoms are those of Ca deficiency.

Nitrogen nutrition

The nitrogen available to fruit trees comes from the mineralization of soilorganic matter and from atmospheric deposition in rain. The balance neededto meet demand is provided by fertilizers, applied to the soil or to the leaves.Fertilizer practice is often governed by the need to compensate for N removalby the orchard surface cover crop, usually grass, and also by the requirementfor additional N in the tree at flowering time. Fertilizer N is most usuallysupplied in inorganic form as nitrates or ammonium compounds or in theorganic form as urea.

Under English, humid temperate, conditions on clean cultivated unfer-tilized orchard soil the amount of mineral nitrogen may increase by – kg N ha− yr− and in a Danish orchard soil annual nitrate productionwas kg N ha− (Greenham, ). The annual supply of N in rainfall inSoutheast England may be in the range of – kg ha− . Under these circum-stances there may be little or no need for, or response to, N fertilizers. Indeedthe practice of ‘grassing down’ orchards was introduced to remove soil N andimprove fruit firmness and red colour.

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In soils low in organic nitrogen trees commonly respond to fertilizer N.Many such soils are found in areas of low rainfall and the N required is oftensupplied in the water delivered through drip or trickle irrigation systems.

Uptake and transformations in the roots

Movement of nitrogen to the root surface is thought to be mainly by mass flowtogether with water, with diffusion playing a smaller part (Neilsen andNeilsen, ). The uptake of both nitrate and ammonium is continuous throughoutthe year in mild climates, with a relatively high peak during the summer (TitusandKang, ). This pattern, associated with leaf development, may indicatea dependence of N uptake on transpiration. Organic N compounds such asurea are also readily absorbed by apple roots.

Some nitrate, especially under conditions of high nitrate supply, may betransported as such to the aerial tissues of apple and nitrate reductase has beenfound in apple and pear leaves. Most nitrate is, however, normally reduced toammonium in the roots, with the greatest concentration of nitrogen reductasein the fine roots. The processes of reduction of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite toammonium require energy from the respiration of carbohydrates.

Ammonium ions, whether produced by nitrate reduction or absorbed di-rectly from ammonium fertilizers, are then metabolized to synthesize aminoacids. It is thought likely that, as in other higher plants, glutamine is the firstproduct of NH+

assimilation, catalysed by glutamine synthase (GS). Gluta-mate is then formed from glutamine in the presence of glutamate synthase(GOGAT) using -oxoglutarate. Aspartate synthesis from glutamate and ox-aloacetate is catalysed by glutamate–oxaloacetate transaminase (EC ...).Asparagine is produced by the transfer of amide N of glutamine to aspartate.Arginine is synthesized fromglutamate. These steps in synthesis are consideredin detail by Titus and Kang ().

Upward movement and accumulation in leaves

Upward movement of nitrogenous compounds is apparently mainly in thexylem. The nitrogen in the xylem sap consists of a range of amino acids,with aspartate and glutamate and their amides making up to % of total N(Bollard, , ; Hill-Cottingham and Bollard, ; Tromp and Ovaa, ). There is some evidence of radial movement of N compounds from thexylem to the phloem but this is slower than the upward movement.

The leaves act as an active sink for nitrogenous compounds. The greater theN supply the higher the proportion found in the leaves. Millard and Neilsen() found only % of the N content of unfertilized apple rootstocks tobe in the leaves, whereas % and % were found in plants given progres-sively more N. The proportion in roots showed the reverse pattern. Amino

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acids transported to the leaves are synthesized into proteins, primarily intothe photosynthetic enzyme ribulose , -bisphosphate (RUBP) carboxylase. Inmid-July this can amount to more than % of total protein in apple leaves(Kang and Titus, ), while more than % of total amino acid and proteinN is in proteins.

Export from senescing leaves

Much leaf nitrogen is exported from the leaves before their abscission. Whenabscission is induced by low temperatures, %of the initial leafN is lost beforeleaf shed (Shim et al., ). Millard and Thomson () found a similar per-centage loss fromunfertilized ‘MM.’ rootstock leaves between Septemberand November, with a smaller relative loss from leaves of plants well suppliedwith N. Earlier studies showed the amount of N lost during senescence to befrom % to % (Kang and Titus, ). Leaf N begins to decline fromthe onset of senescence, the time varying with availability of nutrients, cropload and climatic conditions, especially temperature. The loss of leaf N resultsfrom loss of leaf protein. Up to % of the soluble protein lost was identi-fied as being ribulose , -bisphosphate carboxylase–oxygenase (RuBPC/O),there being preferential loss of this compared with other soluble leaf proteins(Millard and Thomson, ). The measured decline in protein represents thedifference between synthesis and degradation over the period of senescence. Itis generally accepted, though without direct evidence, that amides are the ma-jor forms of nitrogenous compounds transported from senescing leaves. Thisleaf N migrates back into spurs and branches but is eventually translocatedto the older wood and root system (Murneek and Logan, , cited by Titusand Kang, ).

Storage over winter

After the cessation of shoot extension in summer there is a gradual increase ofnitrogen in wood and bark of all parts of the apple tree including roots (Masonand Whitfield, ). The autumn application of N in late October and earlyNovember increases the N content mainly in the roots during the late autumnand winter (Tromp, ). The seasonal course of N reserves in apple roots(Tromp, ) is shown in Figure .. The main storage in the roots is in asoluble form with arginine as the main component of the soluble N fraction.The amides, especially asparagine, also appear to be important sources of Nreserves, especially in the roots (Hill-Cottingham and Cooper, ; Cooperet al., ).

Both bark and wood of stems also store nitrogen over the winter, with barkstorage probably being the most important with respect to remobilization(Mason and Whitfield, ). Much storage is in the form of proteins.

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++ +




+++ + +


+ ++



+ + + + ++







(a) No nitrogen applied (b) Autumn nitrogen


total Nprotein Nsoluble N10



Month Month






Figure 11.1 Total protein and soluble N in roots of 1-year-old ‘M.7’apple rootstocks throughout autumn, winter and spring.(a) Unfertilized, (b) N applied at the end of September. The differencebetween total N and protein N is considered as soluble N. From

Tromp (1983). Reproduced with permission.

Mobilization in spring

In orchard trees protein levels in shoot bark and wood decrease rapidly beforethe beginning of budbreak in spring (Hennerty et al., ). The decrease inproteins is accompanied by increased levels of soluble N in bark and woodtissues, especially amino-nitrogen and arginine. The movement of soluble Nfrom the roots in spring is indicated by Figure ..

This N mobilized from storage is critically important for new shoot de-velopment, occurring as it does when soil conditions for N uptake are usu-ally poor. There is a highly positive correlation between amounts of stor-age N and the extent of new shoot growth in both apples and pears inthe following spring (Harley et al., ; Taylor et al., ). The amountof storage N remobilized depends on the amount of N in store and is un-affected by the concurrent supply of N from the soil (Millard, ). Ring-ing experiments have shown that upward translocation of previously storedN over the weeks from budbreak, is in the phloem (Tromp and Ovaa,). The major soluble amino compounds transported are asparagine andarginine.

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Foliar application of nitrogen

Above-ground plant parts have a basic capability to absorb mineral nutrientsand water although this may be reduced by barriers to water loss. The use-fulness of absorption of nutrients by leaves may, however, be limited by lackof ability to direct them subsequently. For example, Ca absorbed by leavesfrom foliar sprays is not translocated to the fruits where it is needed. The valueof foliar sprays of nitrogenous compounds was greatly enhanced when it wasrealized that N supplied to leaves just prior to leaf fall might move into storagetissues as part of the natural cycling of N within the trees (Oland, , ;Shim et al., ). Nitrogen applied to leaves post-harvest prolongs their periodof photosynthetic activity but does not give unwanted further shoot growth orfruit enlargement and softening. It can also be applied at much higher concen-trations, giving more uptake, than if applied to buds, flowers and developingfruits which might show phytotoxicity. Foliar applications of urea after harvestof apples and pears has been found to add to tree reserves of N (Shim et al.,; Sanchez et al., ) and to have generally appreciable effects on applefruit set and shoot growth in the following spring. Effects on blossom fertilityhave been discussed in Chapter .

Apple leaf cuticles are traversed by polysaccharide microfibrils which mayfacilitate penetration, and the cutin itself is not totally impermeable (Swietlikand Faust, ). Nutrients may enter relatively easily through stomatal pores,in which the cuticle is hydrated and wax-free, and trichomes. Cuticles are – timesmore permeable to urea than to inorganic ions (Yamada et al., b).Urea is absorbed more rapidly by intact leaves than any mineral nutrient, andfacilitates the penetration of other nutrients through isolated cuticles and intointact leaves (Yamada et al., a).

After passing through the cuticle there is some evidence for passage ofurea through the cellulose cell walls by way of thread-like structures calledectodesmata (Swietlik and Faust, ).

Absorption by the lower surface of apple leaves is very rapid within the first hours and then levels off, whereas the upper surface absorbs urea moreslowly and steadily (Boynton et al., ). Shim et al. () found % of a %solution of urea applied to senescing apple leaves was absorbed in hours.

Leaf-absorbedNmust bemetabolized before it can be utilized.This involvesthe hydrolysis of urea, reduction of nitrate and incorporation of ammoniuminto amino acids. Absorbed urea can be broken down in the leaves by urease(Oland, ). TheN is then incorporated into amino acids and proteins (Shimet al., a, b). The proteins in turn are converted to amino acids, transportedto the storage tissue and re-assembled into proteins. The urea may also beexported as such. This export can take place very quickly. Boynton et al. ()reported that about % of the urea N absorbed by apple leaves on shootswas translocated out of the leaves within hours.

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About %of leaf-absorbedN from autumn application of foliar urea to ap-ple trees is recovered in permanent tissues during dormancy and is evenly dis-tributed among root and stem tissues of the stock and scion (Hill-Cottinghamand Lloyd-Jones, ). Sanchez et al. () found that post-harvest foliarapplication of urea to ‘Comice’ pear increased the concentration of N in thefollowing winter and spring in the bark and wood of one-year-old shoots andin flower buds and blossoms.

Foliar sprays of urea are widely used as a supplementary source of nitrogen.Sprays of .–. kg urea per l watermay be applied before or after blossomor two to three times during the growing season beginning after flowering.Post-harvest spray with kg urea per l may be applied prior to leaf fall.

Phosphorus nutrition

The net uptake of phosphorus by apple trees is much lower than that of nitro-gen, potassium and calcium (Table .), and the concentration of P necessaryin apple and pear leaves to avoid deficiency symptoms is much lower than thatof the other major nutrient elements (Table .). Notwithstanding the key roleof P in the DNA and RNAmacromolecules, in energy transfer involving ATPand in many enzymic processes, phosphorus deficiency is seldom observed inthe orchard.

Concentrations of P in the soil solution are usually very much lower thanthose of N, K, Ca and Mg (Robson and Pitman, ). These elements arepresent atmedian values of , , and µMrespectivelywhereasthe corresponding value for P is µM. More than for any other element,the uptake of P has to be a metabolically driven process. Its concentration inxylem sap is around times higher than that in the soil solution (Bieleski andFerguson, ) and its concentration in plant cells is up to times as high.

Bhat () found that in both young and mature apple trees P influx in-creased approximately linearly with concentration in the external solution upto about mmol m− . At external concentrations below .–. mmol m−

uptake is negligible. Uptake rates are much higher in summer than in spring(Asamoah, ). Harley et al. () found that P supplied in early spring wasnot detectable in leaves for at least a month and ringing experiments showed itto be translocated in the phloem. The phosphorus used in early leaf and shootgrowth appears to come from reserves, mainly those in bark. Bark P contentfalls steeply in April, simultaneously with a fall in N, whereas branch woodconcentration shows a slower decline and the concentration in trunk woodis fairly constant (Mason and Whitfield, ). The concentration of P in thebark, roots, and the previous year’s extension wood rises sharply in Octoberwhen P is exported from the leaves.

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During summer the xylem sap contains appreciable amounts of P (Hansen,) and it seems that both xylem and phloem transport are involved in thesupply of P to the fruits. Accumulation of P in leaves reaches a maximum inJuly. That in fruit continues up to harvest (Wilkinson and Perring, ), closelyfollowing the weight increase of the fruit. Low fruit content of P predisposesapple fruits to low temperature breakdown in storage. Spraying the fruits withP compounds between mid-June and mid-July increases their P content atharvest and reduces the incidence of low temperature breakdown, senescentbreakdown and, in some years, superficial scald and coreflush ( Johnson andYogaratnam, ; Yogaratnam and Sharples, ). The beneficial effectsare, however, fairly limited and sprays with KHPO may increase fruit Kcontent and have adverse effects on bitter pit.

As noted in Chapter (root systems), apple tree roots are mycorrhizal.Factors that reduce mycorrhizal infection, e.g. the use of herbicides overall inthe orchard, can reduce P uptake (Atkinson, ) and the concentration of Pin fruits ( Johnson et al., ).

Potassium nutrition

Apple trees have high potassium requirements in terms of both gross andnet uptake (Table .). In England young trees frequently show K deficiencysymptoms which must be remedied if growth is not to be stunted. Subsequentfertilizer requirement depends largely on cropping levels. Excess soil potassiumleads to inhibition of calcium andmagnesium uptake. It also leads to high fruitK and increased problems if Ca concentrations are low. In many fruit-growingregions little or no K fertilization is needed. Possibly as a result of previousfertilizer practice, up to around % of orchards in Santa Catarina, Brazilshowed above-normal leaf K (Basso and Wilms, ). A survey in Germanyfound % of orchard soils to contain levels of K which were excessive withregard to susceptibility to physiological disorders of apple fruit (Quast, ).

Potassium movement through the soil to the root surface is primarily bydiffusion. The soil water content is a dominating factor for this and K uptakecanbe severely limitedbydrought.Althoughpassive aswell as ‘active’ processesparticipate in the movement of potassium within plants, the overall rate of Kuptake by apple trees appears to be under metabolic control. Tromp ()subjected apple trees to a range of environmental conditions and found thatK uptake was linearly related to growth, i.e. to metabolic demand. The maintransport vehicle for potassium appears to be the transpiration stream in thexylem, but it also moves freely in the phloem. Fruits are very strong sinks forpotassium (Hansen, ) and there is a strong positive correlation betweenfruit K and soluble dry matter or acid content (Wilkinson, ; Perring and

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Preston, ). Potassium plays an important role in cell expansion and otherphenomena, e.g. stomatal behaviour, which depend on cell osmotic potential.It is also the most abundant cation in the cytoplasm with important roles inenzyme activation, pH stabilization, protein synthesis, etc.

Calcium nutrition

This is dealt with in Chapter .

Magnesium nutrition

Apple trees have a greater demand for magnesium than many other fruit treesand readily show Mg deficiency symptoms. These can arise because of Mgdeficiency in the soil or because uptake is depressed by competing cations. OftheseK+ is usually themost important butH+ (lowpH),NH+

,Ca+ andMn+

also compete. In aerobic soils of neutral pH theMg content of the soil solutionis usually quite high (Marschner, ) and mass flow to the root surfaceshould give an adequate supply (Robson and Pitman, ). It is said not tobe transported in the symplast (Luttge, ), but unlike Ca it reaches muchhigher concentrations in the phloem than in the xylem (Robson and Pitman,) and may be re-transported within the plant. During April and Maywhen leaf growth is rapid, the amount of Mg in leaves increases sharply withcorresponding withdrawals of the element from the bark and wood of shoots,branches and rootstock (MasonandWhitfield, ). Thebiggestwithdrawal isfromwood.Developing fruits are then able towithdrawMg fromneighbouringleaves (Shear and Faust, ). According to Forshey (), % of the Mgabsorbed after foliar application is exported to permanent woody tissues androots. Oland (), however, found that there is no change in leaf Mg contentduring senescence and Wittwer and Teubner () classed Mg as being animmobile element. The complexity of results reported may reflect differentmodes of transport in relation to different processes. A high proportion ofMg in plants, often over %, is diffusible and is associated with inorganicanions and organic acid anions such as malate and citrate. About –%of Mg is in the chloroplast. Less than half is bound to chlorophyll; the restserves as an activator of ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase. It is also importantfor protein synthesis and in the transfer of high energy phosphate in ATPmetabolism (Faust, ). Magnesium is supplied to fruit trees as kieserite oras magnesian limestone to correct initial soil inadequacy. Where there areleaf symptoms three or more foliar sprays at two-weekly intervals with %magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) beginning at petal fall can alleviate these,

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and can increase fruit set and fruit size and reduce fruit drop (Greenham andWhite, ; Ford, ). The residual effect of such sprays is minimal and soilapplication of MgSO or of dolomitic (magnesian) limestone is essential for alonger term solution, especially on soils high in potassium.

Manganese nutrition

Although manganese deficiencies can occur, Mn toxicity is a much morewidespread problem.

Manganese is usually found only in very low concentrations in the soilsolution (<. µM) where, like Fe, Cu, Zn and Co, it is present mainly in acomplexed form (Robson and Pitman, ). The concentration of availableMn (Mn+) in the soil solution is dependent on the soil pH and its oxidation–reduction potential. Mn availability decreases very sharply as the pH rises toa certain level, below the neutral point, and deficiency can be induced by theapplication of large amounts of agricultural limestone. It may also occur onnaturally alkaline soils. The necessary pH to avoid deficiency varies with soiltype (Beyers and Terblanche, a). Exudates from plant roots may solubilizeamorphous Mn oxides, bacterial activity in the rhizosphere may affect thesolubility of these and use of NH+

instead of NO− fertilizers can also increase

Mn availability.Transport of Mn within the plant is in both the xylem and the phloem, in

the cationic form in the former and largely in the cationic form in the latter(Robson and Pitman, ).

Manganese deficiency often occurs simultaneously with zinc deficiency, thesymptoms shown reflecting the element in greatest deficiency. It is often con-trolled adequately by routine sprays ofDithaneM- fungicide,which containsMn. Additional control can be achieved by MnSO sprays, either in the dor-mant season or as foliar applications. Soil treatmentwithMn compounds is noteffective on alkaline or heavily limed soil unless applied in large quantities, e.g. kg MnSO plus compost in holes around each tree. The soil can, however,be acidified by use of acid fertilizers or sulphur to reach desirable pH levels.

Manganese toxicity is expressed as leaf chlorosis, early leaf abscission, re-duced growth and flower bud formation and internal bark necrosis (IBN). IfIBN develops early in the life of the tree, it will fail to become productive(Ferree and Thompson, ). Toxicity is associated with very high Mn con-centrations, up to ppm, in the affected part of the bark and seems to beassociated with highMn availability under low Ca supply conditions (DomotoandThompson, ). Calcium influences bothMn absorption and transloca-tion (Fucik and Titus, ). These effects may involve ion exchange processesindependent of pH. However, under conditions where Mn toxicity is likely to

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occur pH should be adjusted to . before planting. Under conditions of lowCa and high Mn the degree and incidence of IBN increase with increasing Kconcentrations (Domoto and Thompson, ).

Copper nutrition

Copper, in minute quantities, is essential as a constituent of plastocyanin,which functions as an electron donor in photosystem-. Enzymes containingCu include a number of oxidases. It is therefore involved in lignification and thedevelopment of xylem vessels (Marschner, ). Copper deficiency, althoughrare, can lead to severe shoot dieback and withering of the terminal portionsto the extent that a normal tree framework cannot develop. Affected trees bearfew fruits and, commonly, no crop at all (Beyers and Terblanche, b).

Copper is generally found at typical trace element concentrations (<.–. µM) in the soil solution, where it is largely (–%) complexed withlow molecular weight organic compounds (Robson and Pitman, ; Faust,). It is also found in complexed forms in the xylem. In other plant speciesit can be retranslocated from old to young leaves in parallel with nitrogen, sothis may also be the case in fruit trees.

Copper deficiency tends to occur in acid sandy soils and occasionally alsoin black alluvial soil with a high humus content. Pre-planting application oforganic matter and pH adjustment reduces the incidence of copper deficiency.Young trees can be sprayed in spring with copper oxychloride or copper oxy-sulphate at a rate of g per l of water. A second application may beneeded a month later. Bearing trees are sprayed at the green-tip stage at kgof either of the same compounds per l. Sprays during the growing seasoncan cause fruit russet. Post-harvest leaf sprays or dormant season pre-blossomsprays can also be used. Potential Cu deficiency may be prevented by the useof fungicidal sprays containing copper. Soil dressings by broadcasting are notrecommended but a mixture of compost with up to g CuSO applied inholes around the tree may be effective.

Boron nutrition

The most important effects of boron on apple and pear trees are on fruit setand, secondarily, on fruit quality with the development of external and internalcork formation and cracking in B-deficient fruits. The B content of flowers ofapple and pear is high (Crassweller et al., ; Johnson et al., ). If thenecessary high levels are not attained then, especially in pears, the flowers wiltand die but persist on the tree (Batjer et al., ). The incidence of B deficiencytends to be a problem at a regional level associated with soil characteristics, for

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example on acid, sandy soils with low humus content in South Africa (Beyersand Terblanche, c) or on readily-leached soils in high rainfall areas.

The concentration of B in soil solutions ranges very widely, from µM,a true trace element level, to µM. It is present in the inorganic formas HBO and is probably taken up and found in the xylem in this form(Robson and Pitman, ). It is passively absorbed by roots into the freespace (Tanaka, ) and forms complexes with polysaccharides. There issome active transport into root cells but it is thought that the net uptake ofboric acid is influenced by the transpiration rate and transport in the xylemis probably directly proportional to the rate of transpiration (Raven, ).Water stress due to drought and scarcity of irrigation water can be followedby boron deficiency symptoms even on soils with sufficient B.

The B content of leaves and fruits increases throughout the season in applesand there is a straight-line relationship between fruit weight and B per fruit,indicating continuous B transport (Van Goor and Van Lune, ).

Accumulation in the bark follows a similar pattern to that in leaves andfruits and is reduced in dry summers ( Johnson et al., ). The supply ofB to the flowers comes from reserves in the wood of the branches bearingthem (Callan et al., ) and the B content of flowers (of ‘Italian’ prune) isincreased much more by B sprays in the previous autumn than by sprayingimmediately pre-bloom.

There is very little safety margin for B application. The normal range forapple and pear leaf content of B is – ppm (Shear and Faust, ) buttoxicity can be shown at ppm in apple (Faust, ). A soil application ofborax or of Solubor (disodium actoborate tetrahydrate, containing % B) iseffective on acid, sandy soils but may incur the risk of toxicity (Beyers andTerblanche, c). Solubor sprays at a concentration of g per l forapple and pear can be effective at any time and should be applied at the firstsymptoms of deficiency. Blossom-time sprays should be followed up four weekslater. Autumn sprays, appliedwhen symptoms such as external corking of fruitsappear late in the season, should be followed by post-harvest sprays before leafdrop. This has a good residual effect in the following spring. An adequatesupply of compost or manure, which contains a small quantity of boron, gooddrainage and irrigation to maintain optimum soil moisture, including afterharvest, can prevent deficiency arising.

Iron nutrition

Although iron constitutes about % by weight in the earth’s crust and is onlyfound in trace element quantities in apples andpears, irondeficiency symptomscan be found in both these crops. This is mainly because the activity of soluble

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iron in soils is very low, particularly in calcareous soils or where drainageproblems exist. Iron deficiency leads to chlorosis and loss of photosyntheticefficiency (Sun et al., ). It cannot reliably be diagnosed from the Fe contentof the leaves (Korcak, ) but can be proved by response to foliar-supplied Feand diagnosed and predicted using a test based on peroxidaze enzyme, an ironhaemoprotein. Pears aremuchmore subject to iron chlorosis than apples. Pyrus

communis rootstocks are more tolerant than P. calleryana, P. ussuriensis or quince(Korcak, ), although some quince rootstocks are said to be tolerant of highpH soils (Webster, ). The pear cultivars ‘Bartlett’, ‘Nelis’, and ‘Comice’are more subject to iron chlorosis than ‘Hardy’ and ‘Clairgeau’.

Iron can exist at either the ferric (Fe+) or the ferrous (Fe+) level. The ox-idized ferric form gives highly insoluble ferric hydrate precipitates especiallyabove pH . The activity of Fe+ decreases -fold for each unit increase inpH.Well-aerated acid soils havemuchmore soluble Fe than calcareous soils. Incalcareous soils the bicarbonate ion, rather than CaCO , content is the mostimportant factor associated with lime-induced chlorosis and the bicarbonateion level is increased by high soil water content. Iron deficiency chlorosis prob-lems can arise when roots initially growing in surface soil penetrate underlyingcalcareous zones.

Before plants can utilize Fe+ this must be solubilized and then reduced toFe+. Solubilization is thought to be by malate as an organic acid supplied bythe roots into the rhizosphere (Korcak, ; Sun et al., ). Reduction toFe+ is thought to be exocellular. The uptake requires energy and needs bothO and photosynthate. It also responds to plant Fe status: roots under ironstress take up – times more Fe than unstressed roots. In barley, uptake isby the root zone – cm from the tip. With blueberry, it has been shown thatfertilizer supply of NH-N gives a more acid rhizosphere than NO-N andthis is thought to be relevant to Fe uptake (Korcak, ).

Iron is transported upwards in the xylem in a complexed form as a ferric-citrate chelate. Once in the leaf iron moves rapidly across the plasmalemmainto the symplast via nicotianamine, a divalent cation chelator. It is found ina complexed form in the phloem at higher concentration than in the xylem(Robson and Pitman, ).

Temporary control of iron deficiency can be achieved by trunk injectionwith ferrous sulphate or ferric citrate. FeSO applied to the roots is also usefuland can be provided as a mixture of manure and ferrous sulphate inserted inholes around the tree. Chelated (EDTA) iron is effective on acid soils, withFeEDDHA being more effective on calcareous soils because of its greaterstability at high pH. Chelated Fe can be used in much smaller quantitiesand gives higher foliar leaf levels than unchelated iron. Although there are anumber of problems in its use due to fixation and adsorption (Korcak, ),soil application of FeEDDHAchelate is considered to be the best way to correct

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lime-induced Fe chlorosis (Beyers and Terblanche, d; Swietlik and Faust,). Iron chelate can also be used as a foliar spray at petal fall and three orfour times subsequently at -weekly intervals. If the Fe deficiency is associatedwith poor drainage, attention should be given to this.

Zinc nutrition

Apple and pear demand for zinc is very low and unless deficiency symptomsare shown application of additional zinc usually has no demonstrable effects.In those circ*mstances where Zn is deficient there is a strong positive rela-tionship between Zn content of leaves within the range of . to . ppm dryweight and apple, cv. ‘McIntosh’, yield (Stiles, ). Treatments to ameliorateZn deficiency are essential in a number of important areas of apple production,e.g. southern British Columbia, Canada. Susceptibility varies between culti-vars, the low-chilling-requirement apple ‘Anna’, which is very widely grown inthe tropics and subtropics, can become totally unproductive under conditionswhere it is the only cultivar to show zinc deficiency symptoms.Themost impor-tant functions of Zn concern enzyme activation, carbohydratemetabolism, cellmembrane integrity and auxin synthesis (Swietlik, ). The precise mecha-nism of the dramatic effects of Zn deficiency on shoot extension and foliagedevelopment is not established.

Zinc in soils is present (a ) in the soil solution, (b ) in an adsorbed exchangeableform associated with alumino-silicates, hydrous oxides of Al, Fe and Mn andsolid organic matter, (c ) associated with organic matter, e.g. by incorporationinto organic molecules and by chelation, (d ) in association with hydrous oxidesand carbonates and (e ) in soil minerals, e.g. silicates (Swietlik, ). Thecauses of deficiency, and the responses to soil treatments directed towardsits correction, are correspondingly complex. The following seem to be mostimportant.

The amount of zinc available in soils depends verymuch on the Zn contentof the parent material. It is low in soils derived from granite and basalt(Tagwira, ) and in soils containing little clay or organic matter. Con-sequently Zn can be very low in sandy soils, including those derived fromquartz which is low in this element, even when these are acidic.

In most circ*mstances water-soluble Zn, and thus total available Zn, de-creases dramatically with increasing pH: there can be a hundred-fold re-duction in Zn activity for each unit of pH increase (Swietlik, ). Soilacidification can increase leaf Zn under these circ*mstances. Availabil-ity is generally low in high-pH calcareous soils and deficiency can followrepeated heavy liming.

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Biochemical substances in the rhizosphere increase Zn availability. Org-anic amendments generally increase bioavailability although there areexceptions, e.g. HCO−

from decomposing organic matter immobilizesZn. Although total Zn is usually distributed universally with soil depth,extractable Zn declines with depth.

High levels of P in the soil can induce Zn deficiency symptoms withoutreducing total tissue Zn.

Zinc is predominantly taken up as a divalent cation Zn+ at lower pH andas a monovalent cation ZnOH+ at higher pH. Its uptake may be inhibitedby Ca+ and other divalent cations. It is bound in the apoplast as well asbeing mobile there. Zn is transported in xylem both as a free cation and incomplexes with citric or malic acid. It is also found in the phloem, wherethe concentration is much higher (Robson and Pitman, ). It is classed ashaving intermediate mobility within the plant, but Zn isotope applied to theleaves does not appear to move from them although there is some evidencefor movement of Zn from roots and stems and remobilization of Zn from theflag leaf of wheat (Swietlik, ).

There are three main techniques for applying Zn to fruit trees: soil applica-tion, foliar or dormant-season spray application and trunk injection.

Soil treatments with zinc sulphate (ZnSO) can be effective (Neilsen andHoyt, ; Swietlik, ). They may, however, need to be accompanied bysoil acidification or to be applied in concentrated bands, piles or peat plugs.Toxicity may be induced. ZnEDTA (chelate) may be more effective but insome soil types the compound is converted to FeEDTA.

Some fungicides such as Dithane M and Zineb contain enough Zn for aregular fungicidal spray programme to control incipient deficiency. Cessationof such a programme may lead to Zn deficiency. Post-harvest and dormant-season Zn sprays are recommended in many areas, e.g. a ZnSO spray at thesilver-tip stage of bud development or one or more foliar sprays of zinc chelate.Zinc chelate is not as effective as ZnSO in correcting zinc deficiency but canbe used tomaintain an adequate amount of Zn in the tree once this is within theoptimum range. Post-harvest and dormant-season sprays alone seem to havelittle long-term effect owing to the limited translocation of the absorbed Zn.

Trunk injection, tried for other fruit trees, is not generally used for applesor pears.

Effects of aluminium on nutrition

Although aluminium is a major component of the earth’s crust there is noevidence that it essential to the growth of any plant species. Very minute traces

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Table . Effects of ppm aluminium in the nutrient solution on nutrient uptake by

apple seedlings

Nutrient solution Ca Mg K P Zn Cu Mn Fe

NO− Al Uptake per planta . . . . Concn in shootsb . . . .

NO+ Al Uptake per planta . . . . Concn in shootsb . . . .

N concentration in nutrient solution . ppm.a uptake in mg for Ca, Mg, K and P, in µg for Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe.b concentration in % for Ca, Mg, K and P, in ppm for Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe.Data from Kotze et al. ( ). Reproduced with permission.

of Al may increase the growth of some plants in experimental situations butit* importance both in general and for apple and pear trees in particular isthrough its toxicity and its adverse effects on the uptake of nutrient elements.

Aluminium is present in high concentrations in igneous rocks and theirweathering products. Sesquioxide clays containing large quantities of the ox-ides or hydrated oxides of Al are widespread, especially in tropical and sub-tropical climates. The solubility of Al increases sharply below pH . andbelow pH . all soluble Al is present as Al+. Toxic Al concentrations areonly likely to occur at soil pH values of or below (Robson and Pitman, ).

Typically the growth of roots is adversely affected by toxic levels of Al. Atlow concentrations the primary root may elongate normally but lateral growthis inhibited. At higher Al concentrations even primary roots are stunted andthickened. In general plants grown in external media with high concentrationsof Al may show symptoms of P or Ca deficiency arising through effects of Alon both absorption and utilization.

Aluminium toxicity has been studied on apples both under orchard con-ditions where it is a problem, e.g. in the southeastern United States and inSouth Africa, and in culture solution. At pH . in solution culture, ppm Alreduced the growth of apple seedlings by % when NO−

was the N sourceand by %when NH+

was the N source (Kotze et al., ). The presence of ppm Al in the culture medium also reduced the total amounts of differentnutrients taken up by the seedlings. The adverse effects on nutrient uptakewere greater than those on growth, as shown by their reduced concentrationsper unit of dry matter (Table .). Al toxicity is prevented by correcting soilpH before planting. This is achieved automatically if the pH is adjusted so asto optimize Ca uptake, since liming to a soil pH greater than that needed toeliminate Al effects is advantageous from the point of view of Ca-related fruitquality factors (Kotze and du Preez, ).

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Interactions between nutrients

There are many situations in which one nutrient affects the absorption, dis-tribution or function of another.

Soil acidity is involved in a number of interactions important in apple andpear nutrition. Compounds which increase soil pH, e.g. CaCO , can eliminateAl and Mn toxicity but if used to excess can reduce the availability of Fe, MnandZn to the extent of inducing deficiencies. Increasing the pH in the presenceof Ca reduces P solubility.

Ions also interact in the processes of absorption by roots. Ca depresses Mnabsorption but increases that of HPO (Robson and Pitman, ). NH

depresses K absorption (Tromp, ) and K reduces the absorption of Caand Mg (Ludders, ). Zn+ uptake is inhibited by Cu+ and Zn+ andMn+ inhibits Fe absorption.

High concentrations of P can interfere with Fe transport, causing its pre-cipitation in veins.

Nitrate application in summer can increase the content of K, Ca and Mgin apple shoots and fruits, but ammonium-N supply reduces these (Ludders,).

Although lowCa concentration within fruits is very strongly associated withpoor fruit texture andwith the incidence of a number of post-harvest disorders,these problems are frequently greater if the low Ca levels are accompanied bylow B, high K or high N. Potassium can displace Ca on membrane surfacebinding sites but cannot cross-link components. Boron can enhance Ca ac-cumulation in fruits. High-N apples respire at an accelerated rate: this effect,which shortens storage life, can be overcome by increased concentrations ofCa or P (Bramlage et al., ).

The concentration of any particular nutrient in a tissue is affected not onlyby its uptake and transport, each ofwhichmaybe influencedby the competitiveeffects of other ions, but also by the effects of other nutrients on growth of thetissue. This is particularly relevant to Ca concentration in fruits, which maybe depressed if fruit growth is stimulated while Ca import is unaffected.

Orchard management and tree nutrition

Two aspects of orchard management have very large effects on the mineralnutrition of apple and pear trees. The first is herbicide use to eliminate partor all of the grass in orchards; the second is irrigation according to systemsgiving different patterns of water distribution. These affect mineral nutritionand fertilizer usage both through their effects on soil nutrients and throughtheir effects on root distribution.

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Effects of herbicide use

Apple and pear orchard surfaces have, in different historical periods, beencultivated, had a surface cover of mown grass with small areas kept cleararound the tree trunks, or had different proportions of the surface kept freefrom grass by the use of herbicides. With the development of high-densitydwarf fruit tree systems in which the fruit trees were very closely spaced withinthe row (e.g. with – m between trees in the row and rows – m apart) theherbicide-strip system, in which a central alleyway was grassed to provide aworking surface for tractors and the soil under the trees was kept clear of grassusing herbicides, came into use. With multirow or bed systems the trees werein double or triple rows, or multirow beds, with just –. m or less betweenthe trees within the beds, this soil being kept clear of grass between the trees,and narrow grass alleyways kept between beds. Alternatively, irrespective oftree spacing and arrangement the entire surface of the soil was treated withherbicides in an overall-herbicide system.

The effects on nutrient consumption of changes between these systems arevery large. In the Netherlands, overall grassed orchards were given about kg N, kg P and kg K per hectare. After the change to herbicidestrip culture annual dressings were reduced to around kg N, kg P and kg K per hectare without adverse effects on tree nutrient status (Delver,a). Clearly, under the ‘grassed-down’ system themajor nutrient use was bythe grass. A grass sward is very efficient at withdrawing nutrients from the soiland grass competition for both water and nutrients needs to be compensatedfor. A further complication is that in the herbicide strip system grass cuttingsmay be deposited on the herbicide strip, so effecting a transfer of nutrientsfrom the alleyway to the under-tree area. The soil in the herbicided strips haspH levels about unit lower, much higher available P and somewhat higheravailable K than that in the grassed alleys in the upper cm (Atkinson andWhite, ).

Trees growing under overall-herbicide conditions have larger root systemsthan those in the herbicide-strip systemwhich, in turn, have larger root systemsthan those grown in grass (Atkinson and White, ). Under both systems ofherbicide management the tree roots are much more frequent in the surfacelayer of soil than in grassed-down orchards (Figure .). In overall-herbicidetreated orchards apple tree roots aremuchmore evenly distributed throughoutthe row and alley than in grassed or herbicide-strip orchards (Atkinson andWhite, ). Uptake of N into apple leaves is much less in grassed orchardsthan where herbicides are used. In the herbicide-strip orchards N uptake ismuch greater from the strip than from the alley. In overall-herbicide orchardsthere is less effect of proximity of placement to the trunk. Uptake of Pis much lower in overall-herbicide treated orchards. This effect, which was

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H Hx

x x

HHx x x x

x xx x x x
















Figure 11.2 Root distribution between the orchard surface and30 cm depth (*, roots <2 mm diameter; x, roots >2 mm diameter) anduptake into the leaves of 15N from the row and inter-row positions:(a) grass, (b) herbicide strip, (c) overall herbicide. Shaded = at10 cm depth, open = at 25 cm depth. From Atkinson and White

(1980). Reproduced with permission.

unexpected in viewof the increased soil P,maybe linked to reducedpopulationsof mycorrhizal fungi in overall-herbicide treated soil, which may be a resultof elimination of grass roots there (Atkinson, ). The increase in soil N,P and K as a result of overall-herbicide management may lead to problemsof excess, including Mg and Zn deficiency as a result of excess soil P and K(Hennerty, ). The problem of excess K uptake from herbicide strips canbe reduced by cultivation to a depth of centimetres (Delver, b). This

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Table . Effects of water supply on the growth and

nutrient content of fruiting trees of ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’

Water rate (%)

Root dry weight (kg/tree) . . .Total dry weight (kg/tree) . . .N content (g/tree) . . .P content (g/tree) . . .K content (g/tree) . . .

Calculated from data of Buwalda and Lenz ().

suggests that enhanced rooting in the surface zone is a contributory cause ofexcess K uptake from herbicide strips.

Effects of water stress and irrigation: fertigation

Shortage of watermay influence nutrient uptake in several different ways. Lowsoil water potentials in the rooting volume may adversely affect the supply ofnutrients moving largely by diffusion, e.g. K and P (Marschner, ). Theeffective length of root can be considered as that in soil at a water potentialgreater than −. MPa. The drying of unirrigated soil in England in springand early summer under grass management can reduce ‘effective’ apple rootdensity from . to . cm cm− by early June (Atkinson, ). Leaf expansionis, however, usually checked by less severe levels of water stress than are otherplant processes including root growth. Plant growth is therefore checked bylow water potentials through effects on leaf area and total photosynthesis.This is likely to reduce sink demand for nutrients by the shoots and thereforenutrient uptake. In lysimeter experiments reduction of water supply to %or% of that consumed by control trees of ‘Golden Delicious’/‘M.’ reducedN, P and K uptake in approximate proportion to the reduction in total growth(Buwalda and Lenz, ). This was despite the fact that root growth was notreduced at lower irrigation levels (Table .).

On some soils excessive water supply by precipitation plus irrigation cancause very large amounts of N to be leached from the soil (Neilsen andNeilsen, ).

Apple root systems adjust very quickly to localization of water supply.Trees which had been irrigated for many years by surface irrigation, and hadwidespread root systems, adjusted their roots to a very small wetted volume ofsoil within one season of localized drip irrigation (Levin et al., ). Vegetativegrowth and cropping were not reduced. The root distribution pattern of treesirrigated by tricklers depends mainly on the wetted soil volume, which may be

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–%of that irrigated by surface irrigation. Goode et al. () found fibrousroot concentrations in the wet core under the trickle nozzle to be increased byfour or five times compared with those in corresponding unirrigated (rainfed)zones. This concentration of roots makes it likely that local nutrient reserveswill be depleted quickly and also offers the opportunity for very effective supplyto the tree through the trickle irrigation system (fertigation).

In fertigation the fertilizer may be added to the irrigation water in smalldoses at frequent intervals (discontinuous fertigation) or bymeans of a fertilizerpump that injects a steady fertilizer concentration (continuous or proportionalfertigation).

Because their chemical characteristics differ, mineral nutrients are notequally distributed in the soil when supplied by trickle irrigation.

Nitrates and urea do not react with soil exchange sites and are not held insoils, so, whether previously incorporated into the soil or added in the trickleirrigation stream,move with soluble salts to the wetted front unless interceptedby the roots (Elfving, ; Klein and Weinbaum, ). They are thereforebest provided in small doses on a frequent or ‘proportional’ basis. Nitrate statusin the soil at any time reflects addition in the irrigation water, removal by theplant and losses from leaching and denitrification. The ammonium form of Nis not so subject to immediate leaching losses because it will fix temporarily onexchange sites in the soil. It is, however, practically immobile in high pH soilswith a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and calcium carbonate content. Itis fixed very close to the soil surface under the drippers in such soils although itcan penetrate to a depth of cm in sandy soils. NH may also lead to cloggingof drippers as a result of forming precipitates with Ca or Mg salts. Nitrogenuse efficiency is generally greater in fertigated trees than in those with furrowirrigation.

Potassium is less mobile than nitrate (Goode et al., ), but moves bothlaterally and downwards and is subject to both binding and leaching. It isbest supplied by continuous fertigation. Supplied in this way it can correct Kdeficiency more readily than by trenching large quantities of fertilizer into thesoil every few years.

There can be asymmetric distribution of P, Ca andK and, to a lesser extent,Mg andN in the foliage of apple trees given fertigation in a humid zone climatewhere trickle irrigation is essentially supplementary (Goode et al., ).

Iron chlorosis can be corrected within – days using small doses ofFeEDDHA chelate in the fertigation water. Much less is needed than whenapplied with conventional soil application and sprinkler irrigation (Klein andWeinbaum, ).

Nutrients not intercepted by the roots may leach and reach aquifers, e.g.following winter rains, or may accumulate at the wetted front in very dryclimates, leading to salinity problems. Other potential problems include soil

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acidification around the emitters whenNH-N is applied to orchards on sandysoils (Edwards et al., ; Parchomchuk et al., ) and reduction in plantand soil K values as a result of N P fertigation (Neilsen et al., , ).

Recommended reading

Marscher, H. (). Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, nd edn. London:Academic Press. pp.Although this gives little information on apple and pear nutrition as such itprovides a valuable reference work on nutrients in the soil and their uptake,transport and function in higher plants.


Asamoah, T.E.O. (). Fruit tree root systems: effects of nursery and orchardmanagement and some consequences for growth, nutrient and water uptake.PhD thesis, University of London.

Atkinson, D. (). The growth, activity and distribution of the fruit tree rootsystem. Plant and Soil , –.

Atkinson, D. (). The nutrient requirements of fruit trees: some currentconsiderations. Advances in Plant Nutrition , –.

Atkinson, D. and White, G.C. (). Some effects of orchard soil managementon the mineral nutrition of apple trees. In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed.D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, pp. –.London: Butterworths.

Basso, C. and Wilms, F.W.W. (). Nutritional status of apple orchards insouthern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Batjer, L.P., Rogers, B.L. and Thompson, A.H. (). Fertilizer application asrelated to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesiumutilization by apple trees. Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, –.

Batjer, L.P., Rogers, B.L. and Thompson, A.H. (). ‘Blossom Blast’ of pears:an incipient boron deficiency. Proceedings of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Beyers, E. and Terblanche, J.H. (a). Identification and control of traceelement deficiencies. II. Manganese deficiency and toxicity. The Deciduous FruitGrower , –.

Beyers, E. and Terblanche, J.H. (b). Identification and control of traceelement deficiencies. III. Copper deficiency. The Deciduous Fruit Grower ,–.

Beyers, E. and Terblanche, J.H. (c). Identification and control of traceelement deficiencies. IV. Boron deficiency and toxicity. The Deciduous FruitGrower , –.

Beyers, E. and Terblanche, J.H. (d). Identification and control of traceelement deficiencies. V. Iron deficiency. The Deciduous Fruit Grower , –,+.

Bhat, K.K.S. (). Nutrient inflows into apple roots. Plant and Soil , –.

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Bieleski, R.L. and Ferguson, I.B. (). Physiology and metabolism ofphosphate and its compounds. In Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology, New Series,Vol. A, ed. A. Lauchli and R.L. Bieleski, pp. –. Berlin and New York:Springer-Verlag.

Bollard, E.G. ( ). Composition of the nitrogen fraction of apple tracheal sap.Australian Journal of Biological Sciences , – .

Bollard, E.G. (). Transport in the xylem. Annual Review of Plant Physiology ,–.

Boynton, D., Margolis, D. and Gross, C.R. (). Exploratory studies onnitrogen metabolism by McIntosh apple leaves sprayed with urea. Proceedingsof the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Bramlage, W., Drake, M. and Lord, W.J. (). The influence of mineralnutrition on the quality and storage performance of pome fruits grown inNorth America. In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E.Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Buwalda, J.G. and Lenz, F. (). Effects of cropping, nutrition and watersupply on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nutrients for appletrees on ‘M’ root systems. Physiologia Plantarum , –.

Buwalda, J.G. and Meekings, J.S. (). Seasonal accumulation of mineralnutrients in leaves and fruit of Japanese Pear (Pyrus serotina Rehd). ScientiaHorticulturae , –.

Callan, N.W., Thompson, M.M., Chaplin, M.H., Stebbins, R.L. andWestwood, M.N. (). Fruit set of ‘Italian’ prune following fall foliar andspring boron sprays. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,– .

Cooper, D.R., Hill-Cottingham, D.G. and Lloyd-Jones, C.P. (). Distributionand identity of labelled products following autumn application of N labelledurea or potassium nitrate to apple trees. Journal of the Science of Food andAgriculture , –.

Crassweller, R.M., Ferree, D.C. and Stang, E.J. (). Effects of overtree mistingfor bloom delay on pollination, fruit set and nutrient element concentration of‘Golden Delicious’ apple tree. Journal of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Delver, P. (a). Uptake of nutrients by trees grown in herbicide strips. InMineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson, R.O. Sharplesand W.M. Waller, pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Delver, P. (b). In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E Jackson,R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, p. . London: Butterworths.

Domoto, P.A. and Thompson, A.H. (). Effect of interactions of calcium,potassium and manganese supply on ‘Delicious’ apple trees as related tointernal bark necrosis. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science ,– .

Edwards, J.H., Bruce, R.R., Horton, B.D., Chesness, J.L. and Wehunt, E.J.(). Soil cation and water distribution as affected by NHNO appliedthrough a drip irrigation system. Journal of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Elfving, D.C. (). Crop response to trickle irrigation. Horticultural Reviews ,–.

Faust, M. (). Physiology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees. New York: John Wileyand Sons.

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Ford, E.M. (). The response to Epsom salt sprays of mature apple trees ofthree varieties on two contrasting rootstocks. Journal of Horticultural Science ,– .

Forshey, C.G. (). The effect of nitrogen status of ‘McIntosh’ apple trees insand culture on the absorption of magnesium from Epsom salt sprays.Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science , –.

Fucik, J.E. and Titus, J.S. (). Split root studies on calcium and manganeseabsorption and translocation in seedling apple trees. Proceedings of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science , –.

Goode, J.E., Higgs, K.H. and Hyrycz, K.J. (). Trickle irrigation of appletrees and the effects of liquid feeding with NO−

and K+ compared withnormal manuring. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Greenham, D.W.P. (). Nutrient cycling: the estimation of orchard nutrientuptake. In Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson,R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller, pp. –. London: Butterworths.

Greenham, D.W.P. and White, G.C. (). The control of magnesiumdeficiency in dwarf pyramid apples. Journal of Horticultural Science ,– .

Hansen, P. (). Crop load and nutrient translocation. In Mineral Nutrition ofFruit Trees, ed. D. Atkinson, J.E. Jackson, R.O. Sharples and W.M. Waller,pp. –. London: Butterworths.

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Johnson, D.S. and Yogaratnam, N. (). The effects of phosphorus sprays onthe mineral composition and storage quality of ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ apples.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Johnson, D.S., Stinchcombe, G.R. and Stott, K.G. (). Effects of soilmanagement on mineral composition and storage quality of Cox’s OrangePippin apples. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

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Kang, S.M. and Titus, J.S. (). Qualitative and quantitative changes innitrogenous compounds in senescing leaf and bark tissues of the apple.Physiologia Plantarum , –.

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Water relations


Most of the water taken up by fruit trees is in response to evaporative loss(transpiration) through the leaf pores or stomata. This is a consequence of theneed for stomata to be open to admit CO entry for photosynthesis.

Over any given period the fruit tree usually takes up more than timesas much water as it produces dry matter (Lenz, ). A cropping orchard inWashington State, USA requires up to mof irrigation per year (Evans, ).This is t ha− as compared with about . t of water in the fruits ofa t ha− crop. The close correlation between water use and crop yield thatis generally observed is not a result of water use in the actual production ofthe crop. It is primarily a consequence of the close correlation between CO

assimilation and water loss, as a result of the dependence of both of these onleaf area and stomatal behaviour.

However, the ability to keep stomata open for CO assimilation and toavoid consequent desiccation depends on the adequacy of the supply of wateras well as mechanisms for controlling water stress. To this extent water supplyis a truly limiting factor to crop production.

The water flux through the soil–tree–air system is under tension, i.e. nega-tive pressure. Tree tissues and cells equilibrate with this tension and differentaspects of growth, development and function respond to this in different ways.

Smaller water flows in the tree are the results of gradients in osmoticpotential due to solutes moving into conducting elements. This is espe-cially important in the transport of water and solutes in the xylem to de-veloping tissues in spring, before there is any major transpirational flow.Osmotic forces also determine the mass flow of water and solutes in thephloem.

Many aspects of water relations, e.g. uptake by roots and effects of wateravailability on growth, fruiting and nutrition have been discussed earlier. Thischapter emphasizes the factors controlling water availability and requirements

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on an orchard basis, the water status of trees and their constituent parts, andthe overall effects of irrigation and water status on tree performance.

Soil water availability

Knowledge of the factors controlling soil water availability is essential to theunderstanding of fruit tree water use and irrigation requirements.

The amount of water available in the soil depends on the amount supplied(by rainfall or irrigation), the amount lost by run-off from the surface or bydrainage to below the rooting zone, and the amount retained in the rootingzone until taken up by the trees.

Run-off from the surface depends on slope and on soil texture and struc-ture. The latter factors influence the speed with which surface-applied waterinfiltrates into the soil. Data on infiltration rates into different soil typesare published in irrigation reference books and reviews (Anon., ; Miller,). Infiltration into sands can be at rates of more than mm h− , intoclays at less than mm h− . The compactive effect of rain or sprinkler dropson a bare soil surface can result in a low porosity crust on the soil surfacewhich reduces infiltration (Miller, ). Jackson et al. () found that theinfiltration of water into herbicided alleyways in apple orchards was only. mm h− while that into the corresponding positions in grassed alleywayswas . mm h− . Hamer () found that % of summer rainfall couldbe accountable for in the centre of grassed alleyways but only % in thecorresponding, rooting zone, depth in herbicide-treated land. Mulching canbe used to ameliorate poor water penetration and retention under bare soilconditions (Rom, , quoted by Stiles, ). Where the herbicide treatmentis initiated by killing a grass sward the soil is re-wetted by rainfall to a muchgreater extent than where it is initiated on cultivated soil (Atkinson andWhite,).

Drainage to below the rooting zone also varies with soil type, the soil watercontent at which the downward flux of water becomes slow being called thefield capacity. This can be influenced by layering in the soil profile. In compar-ison with a uniform soil, any profile layer with a different pore size distributionwill increase thewater content above the layer whether this is of finer or coarsersoil. This is an important feature in some major apple production areas e.g.Washington State, USA (Miller, ).

The wilting point is the soil water content below which plants growingin that soil remain wilted even when transpiration is nearly eliminated. Thisvaries with soil type: soils with more than % clay can be at the permanentwilting point when they have –% of water on a volume/volume basis,coarse-textured sands reach the same point at less than % water content.

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As an approximation the water retained against a pressure of bar usuallycorresponds to the permanent wilting point.

Available water capacity is the difference between field capacity and thepermanent wilting point. The soil moisture deficit is the difference betweenthe amount of water held at field capacity and the amount held at the timeconsidered.

The above concepts are simplest in their application to uniform soils inwhich the roots are evenly distributed to a standard depth and may givemisleading results if this is assumed to be the case when it is not. It is essentialto characterize both the soil and the root distribution.

Cover crops and weeds can use a large part of total water resources. In theearly orchard years, when the soil area around the base of the trees receivesvery high levels of solar irradiation, grass or weeds growing there can competevery effectively for water. Holloway andWhite ( ) found that even a sparsecover of clipped annual weeds allowed to extend up to the trunk of newlyplanted apple trees reduced their shoot extension growth to only a third ofthat of clean-cultivated controls, irrespective of fertilizer treatment. Atkinsonand Thomas () showed that for -year-old trees the soil water deficit in thesurface cm, cm from the trunk, was about cm under overall herbicidemanagement but almost cm under grass by mid-September in England.

Evaporation and evapotranspiration

Evaporation (E)

Evaporation is the conversion of water to water vapour. This requires energy,known as the latent heat of vaporization. The rate of evaporation varies withincoming energy and some other factors, so a key step in determining potentialcrop water needs is to characterize evaporative water consumption at therelevant sites.

Direct observations of evaporation can be made using evaporation pans.The small capacities and shallow depths of these allow proportionately moreadvected heat to be absorbed than in the natural situation, so pan evaporationgives an overestimate, and a pan coefficient specific to the pan design has tobe applied. Generally the standard British pan has a coefficient of . andthat of the US Weather Bureau Class A pan is about ., but there can bewide variation.

Alternatively potential evaporation from an open water surface (E) can becalculated fromwidely available meteorological data (Penman, ). The keyfactors determining evaporation rate are as follows. Evaporation increases assolar radiation increases. As water vaporizes, the boundary layer between theevaporating surface and the air becomes saturated and must be replaced by

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drier air if evaporation is to proceed. This replacement is a function of wind-speed. The higher the relative humidity of the air at any given temperature,the lower the evaporation. Evaporation is also increased the higher the ambi-ent temperatures of the surface and the air. This is through the supply of heatenergy and also because as air temperature rises its capacity to absorb watervapour increases. Evaporation is driven by gradients in atmospheric vapourpressure deficit (VPD).

Evapotranspiration by a standard reference crop (ET)

Potential transpiration by vegetation completely shading the ground and ade-quately suppliedwithwater is generally less thanpotential evaporation becausestomata close at low light intensities, so the effect of nightfall is greater than thatdue to the reduced energy receipts alone and because of the greater reflectivityof vegetation than water. For a standard reference crop of grass – cm tallthe evapotranspiration (ET, the combined transpiration and evaporation) isusually about % of E. ET can be calculated from weather data and as-sumed values of bulk surface resistance ( S m− ) and albedo (.) using theFAO Penman–Monteith equation (Allen et al., ).

ET = . (Rn − G ) + γ

T + u (e a − e d)

+ γ ( + .u )(.)

where ET measured is in mm d− ; Rn is net radiation and G is soil heat fluxdensity (MJ m− d− ) for use with -h calculation time steps. T is mean dailytemperature (◦C), is the slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve atthe mean daily air temperature (kPa ◦C− ), γ is the psychometric constant(kPa ◦C− ), u is mean -h windspeed at m (m s− ), e a is mean dailysaturation vapour pressure at air temperature (kPa) and e d is saturation vapourpressure at dewpoint temperature (kPa) at .– m height.

The modified Blaney–Criddle method can be used to estimate evapotran-spiration from a standard reference crop when neither pan evaporation norradiation data are available (Doorenbos and Pruitt, ; James et al., ;Wilson, ). A monthly water use factor ( f ), expressed as mm per day, is cal-culated from the mean of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures ofthemonth considered (t ) and themean daily percentage of the annual daytimehours (p ).

f = p (.t + .) (.)

ET values are then estimated from these f values at different levels of relativehumidity, windspeed and cloudiness using standard tables or graphs.

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Table . Crop coefficient (K c ) values for apple orchards in sub-humid conditions

Early season Mid-season End seasona

Without ground cover . . .With ground cover . . .

a Prior to leaf fall. After leaf fall K c is . for bare dry soil or dead groundcover and . to . for actively growing ground cover (which will increase itsevapotranspiration when the trees lose their leaves).Data from Allen et al. ( ).

Evapotranspiration by orchards

To calculate the evapotranspiration for other crops (ETc), including orchardcrops, the reference ET value is multiplied by a crop coefficient K c.

ETc = K c ET (.)

K c depends on (a) crop height which affects roughness and aerodynamic re-sistance; (b) crop–soil surface resistance, which is affected by leaf area, thefraction of the ground covered by vegetation, leaf age and condition, stomatalcontrol and soil surface wetness; and (c) the albedo (reflectance) of the crop–soil surface, which is affected by the fraction of ground covered by vegetationand by the soil surface.

In general the ratio of ETc to ET increases as windspeed increases and rela-tive humidity decreases. K c for a tall crop, e.g. –mhigh, increases by asmuchas % when changing from a calm humid climate to a windy arid climate.

Table . gives estimates of the K c value for apple orchards in early, mid-,and end of season conditions, assuming mature orchards with trees m talland taking into account soil evaporation and ground-cover crop evapotran-spiration (Allen et al., ). Similar results for Washington State conditionsare shown in Figure .. The increase in K c in the early part of the seasonreflects the early leafing out of spur buds and rapid completion of shoot growth(Chapter ). These values apply to mature orchards. At planting the fractionof the ground covered by tree canopy is very low and the number of yearsneeded to attain final canopy dimensions depends on planting density andvigour of growth. Orchard ground cover has been variously estimated as thepercentage of ground vertically beneath the tree canopy and by LAI. These areboth likely to introduce inaccuracy, the most relevant measurement being thatof the fraction of radiant energy intercepted, which is not a simple function ofLAI in orchard crops.

The estimates of potential water use calculated in this way provide a basisfor planning the relative irrigation requirements in different areas. Optimizingirrigation water application, especially where this is by localized (trickle)

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Without cover

April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.

KC c





With full cover crop

Figure 12.1 Approximate crop coefficients for apple orchards inCentral Washington relative to alfalfa-based evapotranspiration.Reproduced from Evans (1982), credit Washington State UniversityCo-operative Extension. Based on data given

by James et al. (1982).

irrigation to only part of the root zone, or where water is an expensive orvery limited resource, depends on a much more detailed knowledge of treewater relations.

Basic concepts in tree water relations

Water movement is governed by driving forces, originating from differencesin solute concentration and pressure, and by the conductance of the flowpathway (Boyer, ). The driving forces can all be expressed in units ofpressure. They are described in units of water potential (ψw) which is thechemical potential (free energy mol− ) divided by the partial molal volumeof liquid water (. cm mol− ). This water potential is expressed in units ofbars ( bar= dynes cm− = ergs cm− = . atmospheres). It is alsoquoted in megapascals (MPa), MPa equalling bar. Measurements of ψw

are always expressed relative to pure freewater at atmospheric pressure and thesame temperature as the system being measured. This reference potential ofpure water is taken as . Other water potentials are governed by equation ..

ψw = ψs + ψp (.)

ψw can be measured as the water potential in particular organs or tissues,e.g. in leaf (ψl), xylem (ψx) or fruit (ψfr). ψs is the solute or osmotic potential

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and its value is always negative. ψp represents forces resulting from externalpressures, i.e. turgor (ψt) and other local pressures, and can be positive ornegative depending on whether the pressure is above or below atmospheric.

Water moves by bulk flow or by diffusion. Within xylem cell walls andwithin protoplasts, where there is a continuous liquid phase, bulk flow pre-dominates. It also seems to be the major mechanism of water movementthrough membranes, bulk flow having been shown to be the major mecha-nism of water movement through artificial membranes having conductivitiessimilar to higher plant membranes (Boyer, ).

During daylight hours the main driving force for water uptake is the tension(negative pressure) developed in the xylem following evaporation of water inthe leaves as a result of the vapour pressure gradient between the internal leafsurfaces, which are assumed to be fully wet, and the atmosphere. The waterpotentials, expressed in bars, are typically − to − in the externalatmosphere (at ◦C % RH and ◦C % RH respectively), − to −in leaves, − to − in root cells and −. in soil water (Kennedy and Fujii,). Water, together with dissolved solutes moves up through the tree in acohesive stream. The flux of water through any part of a transpiring plant isa function of the drop in water potential across that part and the resistance toflow, i.e.

F = (ψ − ψ )/r (.)

where F is transpirational flux, ψ − ψ the drop in potential and r the resis-tance to flow in the pathway. For the soil to leaf water flux of the whole plantthis can be written as

El = (ψsoil − ψl)/Rsp (.)

where El is the transpiration rate, ψsoil is the soil water potential, ψl is theleaf water potential and Rsp is the total hydraulic resistance in the soil plantpathway. Resistance is the reciprocal of conductance.

Anadditional driving force forwater uptake andflux comes from the energy-requiring accumulation of solutes, especially ions, in root tissues and theirtransfer to the xylem. The xylem sap has a higher concentration of solutes thanthe soil solution, with a consequently lower osmotic potential. This results ina gradient of osmotic potential between the soil solution and the xylem and aflow of water from the former to the latter. This water movement gives rise tothe phenomenon of root pressure and the ‘bleeding’ of decapitated stumps.

The water flux into and out of cells is also determined by water potentialgradients (equations ., .). The osmotic potential (ψs ) is related to cell sapconcentrationmeasured in number ofmoles of solute. As water potential in thetranspiration stream is lowered water should flow from adjacent tissues into it.This actually happens, with measurable trunk diameter shrinkage during the

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day followed by expansion at night. Such tissue water losses, with potentiallyunfavourable reductions in cell turgor, are minimized in, for example, matureapple leaves by active osmotic adjustment inwhich there is active accumulationof solutes in cells (Lakso, ). This can result from the production of sorbitol,glucose and fructose from starch (Wang and Stutte, ).

If there is no osmotic adjustment then turgor potential (ψt ) (the cellularversion of ψp in equation .) changes directly with ψw; if there is osmoticadjustment it changes to a lesser extent. Although changes inψw in themselvesare unlikely to affect cell enzymes or metabolism, changes in ψt in the guardcells have a large effect on stomatal aperture, which controls photosynthesisas well as transpiration, and on cell expansion and growth. The relative watercontent (RWC, earlier known as Relative Turgidity), can be measured directlyas the water content of the tissue as a proportion of its water content at fullhydration.

The growth of tissues, e.g. leaves, depends on cell division followed by ir-reversible cell expansion. The expansion phase of this growth is governed byequation . .

Expansion Growth = M(P − Y ) (. )

where M is cell wall extensibility and is the slope of the curve relating expansionto turgor, P is the turgor pressure and Y is the minimum turgor for growth,or yield threshold (Taylor and Davies, ). The tissue extensibility is oftendescribed as a process of cell wall loosening and is sometimes referred to asplasticity.

The leaf water potential (ψl) which is the usual starting point for plant waterrelations studies depends on three factors, the soil water potential (ψsoil), theresistance of the plant–soil system to the flow of water (Rsp) and the rate ofevaporation from the leaves (El), i.e. equation . can be re-written:

ψl = ψsoil − ElRsp (.)

The key plant factors controlling this are the resistances to flow in the pathwayfor liquid water movement and control of the stomatal aperture.

Roots and tree water relations

Water uptake and flow through roots

Apple root systems can explore all the space between the trees to a depthof at least . m (Hughes and Gandar, ) but commonly, especially inthe case of young trees, they explore only a small part of the availablesoil volume (Atkinson, ). The rooting density within the exploited soil

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volume is generally low. Hughes and Gandar () found root length den-sities (Lv values) in the top metre of soil to average only .–. cm cm−

even in the excellent growing conditions of New Zealand. Expressed as mm− ground surface (LA values), the rooting density of apples is generally lessthan × whereas that of Gramineae can be up to × (Landsberg andJones, ). This low root density is likely to lead to local depletion of soilmoisture and relatively high adverse effects of resistance to water flow in thesoil. The mycorrhizal nature of the roots and the fact that they can proliferatein moisture-rich soil zones several metres below the surface may compensate.

Apple roots also become concentrated in other areas of highmoisture status,e.g. near trickle irrigation drippers. Levin et al. () found about three timesas many roots per m at or cm from a trickle line than at a distance of cm.

There is evidence that some roots preferentially supply water and nutrientsto particular parts of the shoot system. However, experiments with split rootsystems of apple showed that when only a quarter of the root system wassupplied with water the transpiration rate was % of that when all four rootquarters has access to water (West et al., ). Use of tritium-enriched watershowed lateral transport in the tree to be initiated only after appreciable soilmoisture deficits around the unwatered roots had built up.

In the older literature it was often assumed that the absorption of wateroccurs entirely through the younger regions of roots, e.g. root tips and theroot hair zone. However, evidence has accumulated that all of the tree roots,woody as well as white, take up water (Atkinson and Wilson, ). There do,however, appear to be differences between different types of root. Baxter andWest ( ) found that the water flow through intact root systems along a fixedpressure gradient was two or three times as high per unit root surface areawhen the root system included new white roots as when it did not (cf. p. ).

The intact root system has a high resistance to water flow. This resistance isclearly dependent on membrane or symplast resistance because killing a rootsystem under water results in a large increase in water uptake at low transpi-ration rates (Stoker and Weatherley, ). Under and kPa imposedpressure gradients, Baxter and West ( ) found that longitudinal resistanceto water flow was very high in apple fibre roots with poorly developed sec-ondary xylem, very low in main roots and low in stems. The capacity of trunksto transport water was more than times that of the intact root systemsunder a low ( kPa) applied pressure gradient.

As transpiration rates increase, so do the conductances (reciprocal of re-sistances) of many living root systems (Stoker and Weatherley, ; Steudle,). There is some evidence that this is so for apple (Powell, ) but thema-jority of reports (Baxter and West, ; Jones et al. ) show an apparentlyconstant resistance, with leaf water potential declining linearly as transpiration

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Table . The calculated rootstock shank, rootstock shank + graft union + scion

(‘Queen Cox’) and scion hydraulic resistances derived from measurements of Lp and the

hydraulic resistances of the graft union estimated by difference

Rootstock Rootstock shank +shank graft union + scion Scion Graft union

Rootstock Rr Rrus Rs Ru

‘M. ’ . . . .‘M.’ . . . .‘MM.’ . . . −.

All differences between rootstocks highly significant.Reproduced from Atkinson et al. () with permission.

rate increases (Landsberg et al., ; Lakso, ). Apparent changes in con-ductance with increases in flux at low flux rates may be a consequence of theimportance of osmotic forces at these rates (Boyer, ).

Rootstocks differ in their resistance to flow. This was deduced by Olien andLakso (), who found that ‘Empire’ apples on ‘M.’ and ‘M.’ were undergreaterwater stress atmid-day, asmeasured by stemwater potential, than thoseon ‘M. ’, ‘MM.’ and ‘MM.’ despite lack of effect on transpiration,stomatal conductance or the ability of the scion stem to conduct water. Partof this effect could be attributable to the smaller root systems of dwarfingrootstocks and lower root/shoot ratios of trees budded on them (McKenzie; see also pp. –). Part is due to differences in specific conductivitybetween rootstocks. Atkinson et al. () showed the resistance of rootstockshanks to be greater the more dwarfing the rootstock (Table .), and thegraft unions between ‘M. ’ and ‘M.’ and ‘Queen Cox’ to provide a largeresistance to flow whereas that for the union between ‘MM.’ and ‘QueenCox’ did not do so.

The more dwarfing rootstocks also increase the resistance to flow of scionsworked on them, though the effect is less pronounced than the changes inrootstock resistance per se.

Variations in the size of trees on the same rootstock are accompanied byvariations in root resistance, larger trees having higher root conductivity. Theslope of this relationship is, however, less on ‘M.’ and ‘M.’ than on morevigorous rootstocks (Olien and Lakso, ). The rootstock effect on conduc-tivity cannot, therefore, be fully accounted for by a simple linear relationshipbetween tree size (and consequently root size) and root system conductivity.

Xylem vessel number and radius markedly affect resistance; flow throughcapillaries of the dimensions of xylem vessels is proportional to the fourthpower of the capillary radius (Hagen–Poiseuille flow equation). In general, the

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more dwarfing the rootstock the lower the proportion of xylem tissues in theroots (Beakbane and Thompson ; Rogers and Beakbane ; McKenzie). Moreover, although there are some anomalies, dwarfing rootstocks havefewer vessels and these are smaller. Vigorous rootstocks may have % of thexylem tissue composed of vessels whereas the roots of the same age (– years)from dwarf trees have only % (Rogers and Beakbane, ). The mean cross-sectional area of vessels of unworked ‘M.’ rootstock roots was only –%of that of more vigorous rootstocks in one study (McKenzie, ). Scionsgrafted on ‘M.’ rootstocks have somewhat smaller vessels than when onmoreinvigorating rootstocks (McKenzie, ).

Fruiting trees have smaller xylem vessels than deblossomed ones (McKenzie,). The effects of some rootstocks on precocity and on relative fruitfulnessare therefore likely to affect the resistance to flow of their root systems.

Anatomical differences between graft unions of different stock–scion com-binations and the high proportion of non-functional xylem in graft unionsinvolving some dwarfing rootstocks were discussed earlier (pp. –).

Root signals controlling leaf growth andstomatal behaviour

Roots appear to control plant water use and plant water status by sensingsoil water status and sending a chemical signal to the shoots when the soil isdry. In a split-root experiment on apple, Gowing et al. () subjected halfof the roots to soil drying until leaf initiation and expansion in the shootswas inhibited. Excision of the roots in the dry soil resulted in a recovery ofleaf growth rate, the effect being almost as large as that of rewatering them(Figure .). When roots are in contact with drying soil they produce ABAin increased quantities. The ABA enters the xylem and is transported to theleaves. This can inhibit stomatal opening even before the shortage of soil mois-ture causes any measurable change in the water status of the leaves (Daviesand Zhang, ; Mansfield and McAinsh, ) and so reduce transpira-tion and water stress. ABA may also increase the permeability of roots towater, hence their hydraulic conductivity, and may limit the growth of shootsand enhance that of roots at low water potentials (Mansfield and McAinsh,).

Drought stress generally reduces the production and transport of cytokininsfrom roots. This can be expected to reduce stomatal apertures and transpira-tion (Davies and Zhang, ).

The fruit tree root system is fairly sparse and is distributed through large soilvolumes with varying water status. The roots are therefore subject to differentsoil water potentials, especially under drying conditions. Shoots are thereforelikely to receive steadily increasing signals of moisture deficit and to adapt in

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t as



ge o

f hal





800 2 4 6

Days since treatment

8 10 12

Figure 12.2 Daily growth increment of apple plants followingtreatment on the 24th day after water was withheld. Plants with half oftheir roots in dry soil [—]; rewatered plants [•]; plants with roots in drysoil excised [�] and plants well watered throughout [�]. Reproducedfrom Gowing et al. (1990) with permission.

a number of ways while there is still appreciable available water in some soilzones.

Stem water relations

The longitudinal resistance to water flow in stems is small, being least in themain trunk and increasing towards the branch ends (Landsberg and Jones,).

At high levels of tension, shown by very negative leaf water potentials, thewater columns in xylemvessels can snap, leading to embolisms. Jones andPena() found that the cross-sectional area of wood that was conducting wasmarkedly reduced by a single drought to a leaf water potential of −. MPa.This effect may be partially offset by continued differentiation of new vesselsthroughout the season.

Water stored in the trunk is withdrawn during the day and replenishedat night. This has a buffering effect, reducing the impact of transpirational

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losses. It can be used as an indicator of transpirational flux and thus waterrequirement.

Leaf water relations

Water flux through leaves

Total transpirationbya fruit tree is the sumof the transpirationof the individualleaves plus a much smaller amount of transpiration from fruits, stems, sepals,etc. It is therefore primarily controlled by leaf area and leaf conductance.

Apple leaves have thick, waxy, cuticles with very low vapour conductances,so most transpiration is via the stomata. It seems likely that most of the liquidwater moving through the leaf goes to evaporation sites close to the undersideof the stomata. The movement of the water vapour out of the leaf then followswell-known laws of diffusion (Boyer, ). The rate of transpiration per unitleaf area therefore depends on the physical factors controlling evaporation andthe degree of opening of the stomatal pores.

The main physical factors controlling evaporation were discussed earlier,among them being wind, which increases evaporation by removing humidair from the leaf surface and keeping the vapour pressure gradient steep. Insome circ*mstances, however, increasing windspeed reduces transpiration be-cause cooling reduces the vapour pressure of water in the intercellular spaces(Mansfield andMcAinsh, ). This effect can be important in apple. Beukes() found that the mean transpiration rates of ‘Granny Smith’ apple treesin South Africa were negatively correlated with windspeed. This significantnegative effect was a major determinant of the transpiration rate. The otherdeterminants were leaf temperature and available soil water, which were pos-itively associated with transpiration, and the stomatal resistance of the leaves:the higher the resistance the lower the transpiration. Stomatal resistance inapple, as discussed later, increases as the leaf-to-air vapour pressure gradientincreases.

Control of stomatal aperture

Stomatal opening and closing results from alterations in the turgor of the twoguard cells surrounding the pore. Empirical evidence shows it to be influencedby plant hormones, CO , crop load, light, humidity (atmospheric vapourpressure deficit) and windspeed, as well as obvious water stress. These factorsmay interact with, or be dependent on, one another for their effects.

Changes in guard cell turgor are generally driven by fluxes of cations andanions, notably K+ balanced either by Cl− or malate, across the plasma

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membrane and tonoplast. Stomatal opening reflects a net accumulation ofK+ into guard cells, stomatal closing a net loss of K+. ABA both inhibits theinward movement of K+ and activates its efflux (Mansfield and McAinsh,). It appears that ABA need not enter the cytosol of the guard cells toinduce these fluxes. The guard cells seem to have two sites of ABA percep-tion involved in the regulation of stomatal aperture, one located at the plasmamembrane and one intracellularly (Leung and Giraudat, ).

Goode et al. (a) found that spray application of ABA to apple treesresulted in a very large but short-lived reduction in stomatal conductanceand a corresponding reduction in transpiration. The leaf water potential wasincreased by – bar in both unirrigated and trickle-irrigated trees but theeffects were of too short duration to be of practical value.

The ABA concentration in seedling apple leaves can be increased several-fold by imposed water stress (Landsberg and Jones, ). Fernandez et al.

( ) found increased ABA in the leaves of droughted trees of ‘Imperial Gala’apple, especially when on ‘M. EMLA’ rootstock.

It is noteworthy that ABA is produced in leaves as well as roots and the ABAcontent of excised leaves of a number of plant species increases at critical levelsof water deficit (Davies et al., ).

With other plants it has been found that the inhibitory action of ABA canbe overcome by IAA and by the cytokinins kinetin and zeatin. Paradoxicallysynthetic auxins, e.g. NAA, applied as foliar sprays reduce stomatal CO con-ductance and transpiration of apple (Stopar et al., ) as well as other plants.


In general stomata are insensitive to reduction inwater potential until a thresh-old is passed, then they close rapidly and almost completely. In apple thethreshold is usually between−. and−. MPa (West and Gaff, ; Warritet al., , Atkinson et al., ). Landsberg et al. (), however, concludedthat stomatal conductance, k s, decreased at least %when ψl fell below −.to−.MPa, andWest andGaff () found no effect of changes in leaf waterpotential above −. MPa in CO-free air. The relationship between g l andψl varies between different genotypes (rootstock cultivars) of apple, and alsowith leaf age and leaf preconditioning to water deficits (Atkinson et al., ).Lakso et al. () found that the water potential at which stomata closed (to aconductance of . cm s− ) was above − MPa in June but around − MPain September in a dry year (Figure .). This change was associated withincreasing osmotic potential.

The intracellular concentration of CO in the leaf is a major factor controllingstomatal aperture. In controlled environment studies, Warrit et al. () found

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Ψs at 100% RWC

Ψw at gl = 0.1 cm s−1

Ψ (M






−5.0June July


Aug. Sept.

Figure 12.3 Seasonal changes in mature apple leaf osmoticpotential (ψs) at 100% relative water content (RWC) and in the waterpotential (ψw) required to close stomata to a conductance of

0.1 cm s−1. Reproduced from Lakso et al. (1984) with permission.

a fairly steady increase in stomatal conductance of ‘Golden Delicious’ appleleaves as ambient CO concentration was reduced from about µl l− toabout µl l− but for some other cultivars there was a step-change with verylow conductances at more than µl l− and high conductances at less thanabout µl l− . West and Gaff () found that whereas leaf resistance innormal air (around µl l− CO ) increased rapidly as water potential fellbelow −. MPa in CO-free air it was independent of water potential to−. MPa.

The long-established effect of light on stomatal opening may operate, at leastin large part, through its effects on internal CO concentration. West andGaff () found maximum conductance in ‘Granny Smith’ apple leaves tobe attained at Wm− (about %of full sunlight) with no response to furtherincreases in intensity. Others have found light-saturation at about % of fullsunlight (Lakso, ).

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Hansen () observed that the uptake of water by fruiting trees of ‘GoldenDelicious’ apple was about %more than that of non-fruiting trees in Augustand . times as great inOctober. In lateAugust the average size of the stomatalapertures, measured microscopically, was . times as great in the fruiting asin the non-fruiting trees. Buwalda and Lenz () found the water uptakeper unit root weight was more than twice as high in fruiting as in non-fruitingtrees of apple cvs. ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Cox’s Orange’ and ‘Gloster’. Thesecrop load effects may involve effects on internal CO concentrations and thelower ABA concentrations found in leaves of fruiting than non-fruiting trees.Giuliani et al. ( ) found canopy conductances of fruiting trees of ‘SmootheeGolden Delicious’/‘Pajam ’ to be much higher at all VPD levels than thoseof de-fruited trees and fruiting trees to transpire at up to twice the rate ofde-fruited trees.

Warrit et al. () found that the stomatal conductance of ‘Golden Delicious’apple was not usually affected by leaf temperature over the range – ◦C,provided the humidity gradient was kept constant. West and Gaff () founda maximum conductance at ◦C and then a progressive pronounced declineup to ◦C. Giuliani et al. ( ), however, found canopy conductance toincrease with temperature over the range – ◦Cwith a positive linear rela-tionship at atmosphericVPDof both. and . kPa.Thenegative relationshipbetween atmospheric VPD and canopy conductance was pronounced at ,, and ◦C for fruiting trees but was only shown at ◦C by non-fruitingtrees.

Stomatal conductance declines as the leaf-to-air vapour pressure differenceincreases (Warrit et al., ; Fanjul and Jones, ). The effects are large,conductances at a . kPa vapour pressure difference being only about afifth of those at a . kPa difference (Fanjul and Jones, ). This resultsin transpiration initially rising with increases in the vapour pressure gradientand then declining with increasingly severe vapour pressure deficits as theeffects on stomatal closure outweigh those on evaporation per se (West andGaff, ). The stomatal response to changes in atmospheric humidity isvery rapid, most of it occurring within minute and some within seconds(Fanjul and Jones, ). The leaf therefore seems to have some mechanismfor sensing the ambient humidity and triggering a rapid stomatal response. Itis possible that stomata respond to direct cuticular loss of water from guardand subsidiary cells, not passing through the stomata, which will be directlyrelated to ambient humidity (Farquhar, ).

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This mechanism appears to be much more effective in apple than in Asianpear.Higgins et al. () found that transpiration ofAsianpear leaves increasedlinearly with increases in leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference but transpira-tion of apple (which showed much greater changes in leaf conductance) wasalmost constant over a wide range of vapour pressure differences.

In general stomata partially close as windspeed increases (Mansfield andMcAinsh, ). This is attributed to the fact that although wind takes watervapour away from the leaf surface, it brings CO towards it which could resultin partial stomatal closure. It also seems that plant hormones (ABA, IAA andcytokinins) can induce changes in the sensitivity to CO which act to preventexcessive transpiration under windy conditions.

Irrigation of apple trees under conditions where water supply is otherwise sub-optimal results in an increase in transpiration per unit leaf area and in stomatalconductance (Gowing et al., ; Alleyne et al., ; Fernandez et al., ).Leaf conductance can be up to about twice as high in well-watered trees as inthose subject to severe, but not irreversibly damaging, water stress.

Control of leaf water potential (ψl)

During the day, apple and pear leaf water potentials are lower when tran-spiration rates are higher. Landsberg et al. () showed a linear negativerelationship (r = .) applying to both control and droughted trees. This islargely a result of the high resistances in the soil–leaf continuum. The dailypatterns are very similar over widely different environments, with minimumψl values of − to −. MPa in Griffith, Australia; East Malling, England(Figure .), and Michigan, USA (Fernandez et al., ). This indicates ef-fective physiological control, primarily by stomatal control of transpiration.

Irrigation under moderate levels of evaporation does not influence ψl aslong as the soil moisture potential is above −. MPa. When soil moisturestress in unirrigated plots becomes more negative than this, ψl becomes .–. MPa more negative than that of irrigated trees under English conditions(Goode andHiggs, ). Fernandez et al. ( ) found theψl of water-stressedtrees to be up to about . MPa more negative than that of irrigated trees inMichigan.

Stomatal closure in dry conditions can reduce the effect of drought onleaf water potential, especially in younger trees. This stomatal closure may,unusually, be so effective in reducing water loss that droughted trees havehigher leaf water potentials than irrigated trees at the end of a season ( Joneset al., ).

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Ψ (








Time of day (h)noon


Figure 12.4 Diurnal changes in ψw (o–o) and ψs (�–�) of anirrigated apple tree on a sunny day in July in southeast England anddiurnal change in ψw of an irrigated pear tree (•––•) growing atGriffith, NSW (from Klepper, 1968). Reproduced from Goode and

Higgs (1973) with permission.

Control of leaf relative water content (RWC)

RWC is approximately linearly related to ψl. In orchard trees of ‘GoldenDelicious’/‘M.’ in England it varied from nearly % at leaf (xylem) po-tentials of around −. MPa or less, to –% at −. MPa ( Jones andHiggs, ; Fanjul and Rosher, ). Previously water-stressed trees hadhigher RWC values at any given water potential. At Geneva, New York, RWCdeclined through the morning from around % to % as ψl declined from− MPa to −. MPa. The changes were reversed in the afternoon (Daviesand Lakso, ).

Control of leaf osmotic (ψs) and turgor (ψp) potential

As transpiration-stream water tensions increase, i.e. as its water potential ψw

becomes more negative, cells lose water to it along gradients of potential.This may, in many plants, simply continue until the resultant increase in

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concentration of the cell sap raises its osmotic water potential enough forcell sap water potential to be in equilibrium with that of the transpirationstream. In this new equilibrium, attained by ‘passive osmotic adjustment’, thecells inevitably have lower turgor than before (equation .).

In apple a second type of osmotic adjustment may take place in response towater stress: the cell osmotic potential may rise over and above that due to theconcentration of sap by water loss. This ‘active osmotic adjustment’ can becalculated following measurement of the osmotic potential of expressed sap(Wang and Stutte, ). Carbohydrates appear to be the primary osmoticsolutes that change with increasing water stress.

Sorbitol concentration increases linearly with increasing drought stress asmeasured by increasingly negative leaf water potentials. Sucrose and, espe-cially, starch content declines. Sorbitol is a very effective osmoticum. It hasa small molecule (it is a -carbon alcohol) so that it has a greater effect onosmotic potential per unit mass than compounds with larger molecules, and ithas little effect on cell metabolism. The amount of active osmotic adjustmentin mature leaves can be as much as . MPa (Lakso, ), although in manycirc*mstances it is much lower.

This increase in osmotic potential results in an increase in leaf turgor po-tential at any given level of ψw. Fanjul and Rosher (), for example, foundthat the water potential at which there was zero turgor was . MPa morenegative in field-grown trees grown under stress-inducing conditions than inthose irrigated. At a typical ‘stress’ ψw of −. MPa turgor potential of leaveson trees grown under drought conditions was about . MPa while that ontrees which had not osmotically adjusted was about . MPa.

Control of leaf growth

Leaf expansion is a linear function ofψp (Figure .), being negligible atψp =. MPa and increasing steadily up to ψp = . MPa (Davies and Lakso,). Young leaves and shoot tips do not show active osmotic adjustment, asthe season progresses, in the same way that mature leaves do (Figure .). Asa consequence shoot and leaf growth is checked under water stress conditionswhich have little or no effect on stomatal apertures of adapted mature leaves.

Fruit water relations

Fruits have a very high content of osmotica and show increasingly negativeosmotic potentials as the seasonprogresses.This enablesmaintenanceof turgorpotential in the face of declining water potential (Mills et al., ). Fruit waterpotential itself is generally much higher than leaf water potential, maximum

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y = −0.58 + 3.92x

r 2 = 0.79






in le

af a



0 0.5

ΨP (MPa)

1.0 1.5


Figure 12.5 The relationship between the increase in area of appleleaves and turgor potential (ψp) over 24 h in the dark at 30 ◦C and100% RH. Reproduced from Davies and Lakso (1979), with











l (M



−50 20

Days after 1 June

40 60 80 100 120

Figure 12.6 Seasonal patterns of osmotic potentials of expandingshoot tips (©) and mature leaves of apple trees in New York. Thedifferent patterns for mature leaves (•, �) are from seasons withdifferent rainfall patterns. Reproduced from Lakso (1994) with


values found by Goode et al. () being about − bar for leaves and −bar for fruits.

Apple fruits shrink during the day as leaf water potentials become morenegative and then expand again as leaf water potential begins to increase.

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Continuous rain prevents both the diurnal depression in ψw and contractionof fruits. Most studies have shown that the greater part of the shrinkage is aresult of watermoving out of the fruit back through the pedicel in equilibrationwith the water tensions in the conducting system (Lang and Volz, ). Insome cases the major part of the water loss is by direct evaporation from thefruits themselves ( Jones and Higgs, ) but the re-expansion at night mustdepend on the balance of water potentials.

Fruit pedicels have low hydraulic conductance. Especially for some cultivarsand late in the season, the xylem becomes largely non-functional and watermovement into the apple is largely through the phloem. This is important inrelation to calcium flux and was discussed in Chapter .

Fruit surface (skin) conductance varies between cultivars, being higher inrusseted cultivars than those with waxy skins.

Integrated effects of water stress

Fruit set can be very adversely affected by levels of water stress too mild tohave any adverse influence on shoot extension growth (Powell, ). Undermany environmental conditions this may, however, not cause a problem as soilmoisture levels in the early part of the season are high because of winter rainsor frost-protection irrigation. The severe effects of water deficits on fruit budformation under some circ*mstances (Landsberg and Jones, ) may not beevident in many areas for the same reason.

The greatest effect of reduced water supply on the vegetative growth anddry matter production by fruit trees is that which arises through the reductionof leaf area per tree (Table .). Root growth is much less affected so theroot/shoot ratio is increased.

Table . Effects of water supply on leaf area (m/tree) and dry

weight of leaves, stems, fruits and roots (g) of fruiting trees of ‘Golden


Water rate (%)

Leaf area . . .Leaf dry weight Stem dry weight Fruit dry weight Root dry weight

Calculated from data of Buwalda and Lenz ().

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of c



0 5

Days since watering

10 15



Figure 12.7 Responses of apple leaf stomatal conductance (gl) andleaf area expansion to soil water stress on outside-grown potted

trees. Reproduced from Lakso (1985), with permission.

The different responses of root and leaf growth to drought arise from theirdiffering levels of osmotic adjustment and in the different consequences of theirpoor hydraulic linkages, due to immature xylem, in their different environ-ments. For root tips, when water potential is suddenly reduced there is rapidosmotic adjustment. This allows for partial recovery of turgor. The cell wallsalso loosen and growth resumes. Just-unfolding leaves have very low petioleconductance and do not show rapid osmotic adjustment or cell wall loosening.Consequently, when subject to drought their growth is inhibited (Hsiao andXu, ) and they also wilt readily.

The impact of these effects on shoot and leaf growth on orchard productivitydepends on tree age, planting density and vigour of growth in the absence ofserious water stress. The effects of checking the growth of young trees, beforethe orchard canopy has attained its final dimensions, will normally be veryadverse. However, once the canopy has attained its optimal dimensions andleaf area on an orchard basis, some reduction in annual shoot growth is notnecessarily disadvantageous.

Water stress effects on stomatal conductance aremuch less severe than thoseon leaf expansion (Figure . ). Stomatal conductance is a major factor con-trolling both transpiration and photosynthesis per unit leaf area but whereaswater vapour conductances of approximately .–. cm s− permit maxi-mum rates of photosynthesis (Lakso, ), transpiration continues to increasewith stomatal conductance above these levels. Stomatal conductances in apple

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are usually in the range .–. cm s− but have fairly frequently been reportedin the range .–. cm s− and occasionally up to . cm s− (Palmer, ).One-year-old apple trees subjected to water stress had a higher water use ef-ficiency (CO uptake/water loss) than controls at any given vapour pressuredeficit (Flore et al., ).

Under orchard conditions water stress effects on photosynthesis per unit leafmay only occur under severe stress conditions or be very limited. Fanjul (),for example, found little relationship between photosynthesis of ‘Bramley’apple leaves and water potential over the range −. to −. MPa. Whole-tree photosynthesis, which incorporates effects of leaf area, shows much moreconsistent negative effects of imposed droughting than does individual leafphotosynthesis (Fernandez et al., ).

The osmotic adjustment of mature leaves contributes to keeping their stom-ata open, so enabling photosynthesis to be maintained, while the concomitantcheck to shoot growth and new leaf production helps conserve water use.The maintenance of root growth enables the tree to tap ever greater soilvolumes.

Fruiting simultaneously increases water use through its effects on stomatalconductance and through reducing root growth. This obviously accentuatesthe effect of drought, i.e. potential water stress, on vegetative growth. This maypartly explain the adverse interaction between limitations to water supply andcrop load with respect to fruit size (Goode et al., b). Effects of differencesin fruiting may also contribute to differences between cultivars in some aspectsof tree water relations (Higgs and Jones, ).


Irrigation is carried out to achieve economic benefit through the reduction ofplant water stress. The amount and frequency of water application is basedon assessment of crop needs, adjusted to take account of inefficiencies in theirrigation system (e.g. evaporation from open water channels and surface run-off ) and effective natural precipitation, i.e. rainfall adjusted for losses fromsurface run-off and drainage.

Maintenance (depletion) irrigation

This is the traditional system based on full replenishment of soil moisture inthe active rooting zone, to field capacity, at timings such that the soil moisturein the rooting zone is never depleted by more than a given percentage ofavailable soil water. The objective is to supply sufficient water, while avoidingrun-off or deep percolation or the creation of anaerobic conditions.

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Frequency of irrigation under this system depends on () the rate of waterdepletion () the maximum allowable depletion () the volume of the activerooting zone, () the soil water holding capacity and () the soil infiltrationrate.

Estimation of water depletion for scheduling purposes falls into three cate-gories: () Calculation of ETc from climatic data which is usually providedby local advisory services. () Measurement in changes in soil water content.Gravimetric and matric potential (e.g. tensiometer) measurements have beensupplemented or replaced by, for example, neutron probe or electric capaci-tance measurements often carried out by specialist contractors. With experi-ence the moisture content of the soil can be judged by the feel of a sample. Forall soil measurements sampling representative of the rooting zone is essential.() Pan evaporation based scheduling. Evaporation data is provided by localadvisory services. It is then adjusted by an empirically determined factor forthe area, crop and soil type, e.g. . for apples with full ground cover in Wash-ington State (Evans, ), and by the percentage of the land actually coveredby the foliage of the trees being irrigated.

The maximum allowable depletion for apples has been assumed to be –%(Evans, ). The volume of the effective rooting zone varies enormouslywith tree age, soil type and soil characteristics, and must be determined em-pirically. Soil water holding capacity and infiltration rates are functions of soiltype and must be measured or estimated from the soil classification.

These concepts are also relevant to other forms of irrigation. Plant param-eter based irrigation scheduling is currently being investigated.

It has not, so far, been possible to develop universally applicable systems todetermine irrigation requirement from themeasurement of plant water status.Osmotic adjustments by the leaves and fruits can influence the effects of anygiven leaf water potential not only on stomatal aperture and photosynthesis butalso on fruit growth.A further complication is that stomatal closure, probably inresponse to root-sensed water stress, can actually increase leaf water potentialespecially towards the end of the season ( Jones et al., ).

Infra-red thermometry can be used to determine when plants are show-ing stomatal closure in response to water stress. Leaf temperature rises asstomata close and evaporative cooling decreases. Crop water stress indices(CWSIs) have therefore been calculated based on the difference betweenmeasured leaf temperatures and the typical canopy temperature of a well-watered crop. This technique is used as a basis for irrigation scheduling ona number of crops. Jones et al. ( ) have pointed out some problems in itsapplication in variable climates. The fact that several key aspects of apple treegrowth and fruiting are adversely affected by less severe water stress than thatwhich causes stomatal closure also suggest limits to the applicability of thistechnique.

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Trunk shrinkage, stem water potential, leaf water potential, stomatal resis-tance and the rate of apple fruit growth have been used with varying successas physiological parameters relevant to irrigation scheduling (Bravdo, ).Leaf shrinkage has been found to be the most sensitive indicator of water stressin other tree fruits. It can be measured as a change in leaf thickness which islinearly related to leaf turgor.

Traditional depletion or maintenance irrigation may be by surface systemsor sprinklers. Surface irrigation is largely into basins around each individualtree. This is a very efficient way of supplying water to young, widely spacedtrees. Furrow irrigation is also used but has been largely replaced by overheadsprinkler irrigation because of its ease of management and flexibility of use.Sprinklers apply water over most or all of the orchard surface and so can bewasteful. They are most valuable when multi-purpose, e.g. when also used forfrost protection or tree cooling.

Trickle irrigation

Trickle irrigation (Elfving, ) differs from conventional bulk water applica-tion in that smaller volumes are applied to the plant at more frequent intervalsand the application is to only a limited part of the soil surface area. Water ispiped through plastic tubing and is released only at selected points throughemitters (drippers). Typically the tubing will run on the soil surface down thecentre line of a hedgerow, or to either side of it, with emitters at regular inter-vals. The more frequent the emitters, the less water is applied through eachand the less the risk of water loss through drainage.

The shape of the irrigated soil volume under the emitter varies with thehydraulic characteristics of the soil. The wetted ‘bulb’ is always deeper thanit is wide but heavy soils have a higher horizontal to vertical ratio of bulbdimensions than lighter (e.g. sandy) ones.

As discussed in Chapter , roots proliferate in the wetted volume to givea much higher rooting density, especially of fine roots, in that volume than ischaracteristic of rainfed or sprinkler-irrigated orchards. There is some lateralwater movement from roots in the wetted bulb to roots outside this (Bravdo,). This may contribute to the overall annual efficiency of root systems inareas with alternation of wet and dry seasons, or even just periods, and to treeanchorage, root hormone production, etc.

The irrigation water requirement is calculated much as for standard main-tenance irrigation but application is based on high frequency, whichmaintainsthe wetted bulb at a high water potential, and relies much less on the soil as awater reservoir. The normal frequency in hot climates is once every – days,but in extreme hot weather and on sandy soil may be a few times each day(Bravdo, ). In humid areas where trickle irrigation is used to supplement

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rainfall, normal scheduling may aim to provide %of daily water needs leav-ing roots outside the irrigated zone to supply the rest (Anon., ). More maybe applied on sandy soils and in drought years.

Trickle irrigation has a very high water use efficiency, typically –%,because of the enclosed nature of the water delivery system and the restrictionof the water supply to the soil zone with the highest density of fruit tree roots.

Deficit irrigation

Deficit irrigation (Behboudian and Mills, ) is a system of managing soilwater supply to impose periods of plant water deficit in such a way as to beeconomically beneficial. It involves applying less than the calculated waterneed. Initially it was used in Australia to control tree vigour in high-densityplantings by imposing a water deficit at a period of rapid shoot and slowfruit growth (Chalmers et al., , ). It has subsequently evolved into atechnology for reducing water use while obtaining some benefits from controlof canopy growth, e.g. less shade on fruits within the canopy, possibly lesswater demand because of the check to leaf growth, and reduced pruningcosts.

Two types of deficit irrigation are under test. The term regulated deficitirrigation (RDI) is commonly used to describe deficit irrigation early in theseason when shoot growth is rapid but before rapid fruit growth. Late-seasonRDI has also been used sometimes in an attempt to improve fruit quality.

The key to its successful use is a difference in the times during the growingseason when fruit development and shoot growth are sensitive to water stress.

Fruit set and flower bud differentiation are very sensitive to water stress(Powell, , ) and apple fruit growth is most sensitive to water stress latein the season. Regulated deficit irrigation is therefore typically applied toapple over the period from to days after full bloom. Even this may havean adverse effect on fruit growth during the deficit period and, conversely,late deficit irrigation may not have the expected adverse effects (Mills et al., ).

On Asian pears (Pyrus serotina) deficit irrigation can reduce consumption ofwater without affecting either yield or fruit size, although when the RDI treat-ment was imposed from days after full bloom, fruit bud formation (returnbloom) was reduced (Caspari et al., ). With ‘Bartlett’ pear (P. communis),RDI not only checked shoot growth but after normal irrigation was resumedfruit growth and size and consequently yield, were increased (Chalmers et al.,). This was attributed to () osmotic adjustment of the fruits while underdeficit irrigation and accelerated growth when this was replaced by normalirrigation, and () less negative leaf water potentials in the RDI trees once thiswas replaced by normal irrigation than in trees irrigated normally throughout.

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This may have been a consequence of the relative reduction in leaf area andincrease in roots as a result of water stress. It may also reflect a carried-forwardseffect on stomatal conductance.

RDI is clearly more relevant to arid than humid climates where controlof the period on deficit is difficult. The variability in responses suggests thatspecific regimes may have to be devised for cultivars differing in the periodof flower bud differentiation and in the extent to which reduction in fruit sizereduces market value.

Partial rootzone drying

Another approach to minimizing water use with little or no adverse effecton fruit growth and a useful checking of shoot growth is that of partial rootdrying (PRD). This seeks to exploit the signals sent by roots in dry soil toreduce leaf and shoot growth and induce partial stomatal closure (Davies et al.,). ABA seems to be the major signalling chemical but is not necessarilythe only one. From work on other fruit crops it seems that PRD may exert aparticularly favourable differential effect on fruit and leaf growth where thefruits are relatively isolated from the hydraulics of the rest of the plant, ABA inthe xylem sap being thought to be particularly effective. In apple, xylem fluxinto the fruits declines through the season and its relative magnitude varieswith cultivar (Lang and Ryan, ) so some cultivars may respond better toPRD than others.

PRD has been furthest developed in grapes, where it improves water useefficiency (yield of crop per unit of water) by up to % without significantcrop reduction (Stoll et al., ). This is achieved by maintaining half ofthe root system in a dry or drying state while irrigating the other half. Thewetted and dried sides of the root system are alternated on a –-daycycle: this is easily done with trickle irrigation lines. PRD results in increasedxylem sap ABA and a reduction in zeatin and zeatin ribocide concentrationsin roots, shoot tips and buds. There is a nocturnal net flux of water fromwetter roots to the roots in dry soil. The technique is being evaluated forapples.

Over-tree irrigation for temperature andhumidity control

This has four main objectives: to reduce heat-stress in summer; to reducewater-stress; to achieve evaporative cooling in winter or spring to prevent‘de-chilling’ in warm winter areas and to delay blossoming in frost-proneareas; and to give frost protection in winter by utilizing the latent heat offusion.

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Unrath (a, b) found that apple fruits could be cooled by – ◦C, withconsequent improvements in red coloration and sometimes improvements insize, shape and incidence of bitter pit and cork spot.

In a cooler climate Goode et al. () found that over-tree misting increasedleaf ψw and ψp and also fruit ψw. It led to an increase in fruit bud production,number of fruits and yield per tree but did not affect fruit size.

Uses of over-tree irrigation to prevent de-chilling, delay blossoming andprevent frost damage have been discussed earlier (pp. , –).


In the tropics droughtingmaybeused to induce leaf fall and stimulate budbreakunder conditions of inadequate winter chilling.

Effects of flooding

Flooding affects apple and pear trees by reducing availability of oxygen aroundtheir roots. It has little adverse effect when the trees are leafless and dormantbut can have lethal effects after leafing out. These appear to be largely dueto increases in root resistance, leading to water-stress and wilting of leaves(Lakso, ).

Rootstocks differ in their sensitivity to flooding. This was discussed inChapter .


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Diseases, pests, and resistance

to these


Apples and pears are subject to a large number of diseases and pests. Some arevery obvious andmay cause distinctive damage.Others are virtually symptom-less other than leading to reduced growth and cropping.

The impact of the different diseases and pests may be reduced by confiningsusceptible cultivars to regions of climate unsuitable for the pathogen. It mayalso be reducedby theuse of quarantine and ‘plant health’ procedures designedto ensure healthy planting material. Control of damage where conditions aresuchas tomake this a serious threatmaybeachievedby chemical andbiologicalcontrol agents and by the deliberate breeding of resistant cultivars.

With the world-wide expansion of apple and pear growing, new pest anddisease problems have arisen. Consumer fears of pesticide residues and con-cerns about ecological impacts have placed significant constraints on chemicalcontrol. Biological and ‘integrated’ control methods to reduce chemical inputsmay require sophisticated localized monitoring of both pathogens and envi-ronmental factors. Genetic resistancemay break down as new strains of diseaseorganisms and pests evolve. Control of disease and pest incidence is thus verycomplex. Emphasis in this chapter is given to the pests and diseases of greatestimportance in Europe, North America and Australasia and genetic resistanceto these. Discussion of chemical and biological control and of specific pestsand diseases prevalent in Asia, Africa and South America is more limited.

Virus and MLO diseases

Most commercial cultivars of Malus and Pyrus are highly tolerant of viruseswhich cause severe effects on non-commercial forms of these genera (Posnette, ). This presumably reflects a historic process of selection for tolerance; forexample, a number of quince clones discarded by Hatton for incompatibility

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with pear were subsequently found to be sensitive to a virus almost universallypresent in pear cultivars (Cropley, ). In Europe, the main apple culti-vars are tolerant of ‘chat fruit’ which has very severe effects on the cv. ‘LordLambourne’. The ‘Malling’ and ‘MM.’ apple rootstocks are tolerant of thewidely present stem-pitting virus whereas the cold-hardy rootstock ‘VirginiaCrab’ is not. Virus-induced incompatibility has been discussed in Chapter (pp. –).

In common with most woody plants, apples and pears contain chemical in-hibitors that inactivate viruses. The relative resistance of the trees may explainwhy virus spread is usually much slower in them than in herbaceous crops.

The degree of virus infection is, however, increased by the practice of veg-etative propagation which perpetuates infection from one generation to thenext. Heat treatment of shoot tips at ◦C, producing shoots by tissue cul-ture from meristems (which are generally free from virus), or a combinationof these methods is now generally used to provide virus-free source material(Campbell, ).

Virus-free apple and pear trees grow more vigorously than those infectedwith some of the common European viruses (apple chlorotic leaf spot virus,Spy decline, rubbery wood, stem pitting virus, stem grooving virus andscaly bark virus for apple, and vein yellows for pear). They give heavier cropsbut yields per unit tree size are similar to, or lower than, those of infectedtrees (Posnette, ; van Oosten et al., ). The lower cropping efficiencyof virus-free trees may be a consequence of their greater size (cf. the relation-ship between tree size and cropping efficiency shown in rootstock studies).Virus-free trees of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple have smoother fruit skin with lessrusseting (van Oosten et al., ).

Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV)

This closterovirus was first described from apple but is now known to occurworld-wide and to be common in all fruit tree and woody ornamental speciesof Rosaceae.

Most commercial apple cultivars are symptomlessly infected. Leaf mottleand ring mosaic of pears are associated with ACLSV. Many pear cultivarsremain symptomless but ‘Beurre Hardy’, ‘Beurre Bosc’ and ‘Williams’’ aresusceptible and there are significant reductions in growth and yield on mixedinfection with pear vein yellows and quince sooty ringspot (Delbos andDunez,).

Apple chat fruit disease

The causal organism of this is not identified. It is restricted to apple. Symptomsare seen only on the cvs. ‘Lord Lambourne’ and ‘Tydeman’s Early Worcester’(Adams, a). Fruits are small and discoloured.

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, ,

Apple proliferation disease

The first symptoms of this disease are the growth of upright secondary shootsto give ‘witches brooms’ at the ends of branches through suppression of apicaldominance. Average fruit weight can be reduced by –%. Infected youngtrees growpoorly and although theremay be some recovery in later years yieldsand fruit size usually remain depressed. In ‘recovered’ trees with normal fruitsize crop losses can still be –%. The disease is widespread in central andsouthern Europe under climatic conditions suitable for wine growing. ‘GoldenDelicious’, ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’ aremore sensitive than othercultivars but damage is possible on all cultivars.

Trees with the symptoms of apple proliferation contain mycoplasma-likeorganisms (MLOs) in the sieve tubes. These are thought to be the causalorganisms and leaf sucking insects are probably vectors (Kunze, ).

Apple rubbery wood disease

Affected apple trees are stunted. Shoots and branches up to years old show in-complete lignification and are often bent to the ground. Strong shoots may de-velop from the base of the trunk. Sensitive cultivars include ‘Lord Lambourne’(the standard indicator), ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Gala’. Even cultivars like‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ that do not show the characteristic symptoms have re-duced vigour and cropping. The causal organism is not known with certainty.No vector has been identified and spread in the orchard is very slow or ab-sent. The use of healthy planting material provides practical control (Adams,b).

Pear decline

Trees infected with pear decline MLO may show quick decline, slow declineor leaf curl. Trees with quick decline wilt suddenly and die within a few daysor weeks. This is most evident in hot dry weather and on P. ussuriensis and P.

pyrifolia rootstocks. It may also occur on P. communis rootstocks but the inci-dence is less and the trees often show red-leaf symptoms before wilting. Slowdecline is characterized by progressive and fluctuating weakening of the trees.Terminal growth and leaf production is restricted and the leaves, which aresmall, leathery and light green with uprolled margins, may redden and dropprematurely. Trees may die within a few years of infection or live for manyyears. Leaf-curl symptoms may be shown where the decline is less severe andon relatively tolerant rootstocks, e.g. P. communis, P. calleryana and P. betulifolia

(Seemuller, ).Although quince rootstocks are much less susceptible than P. communis root-

stocks, to the extent that their use was recommended as a control measure,

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recent research has shown that the widespread disorder of ‘Conference’ pearon quince rootstocks known as Parry’s Disease is associated with pear declineMLO (Davies et al., , ; Davies and Eyre, ). The symptoms aresimilar to the mild or slow forms of pear decline. The leaves of affected treesdevelop a premature red colour followed by early leaf fall. In the followingspring leaves remain pale and small, there is little or no shoot growth and nofruit production. A necrotic line is often evident in the bark at the stock/scionunion. The majority of trees are affected for only one growing season butthe loss of early yield can be economically damaging. In some cases death orsevere stunting may occur. The cvs. ‘Comice’ and ‘Concorde’ are relativelyunaffected. Pear decline is spread by the pear psyllid Cacopsylla pyricola Foerster,the most common insect pest in pear orchards.

Bacterial disease

Fire blight

Fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora (Burrill) Winslow et al., is the mostimportant bacterial disease of apples and pears. It has been reported from countries around the world (Bonn and van der Zwet, ) and is solethal and fast-spreading under suitable conditions that it has become a ma-jor factor in determining where different cultivars of apple and pear can begrown.

During the growing season blighted blossoms and shoots wilt and turndark brown or black. The scorched appearance of affected leaves, twigs andbranches gives thedisease its name.Young shoot tips bend to forma ‘shepherd’scrook’ due to loss of turgor and cell death. In humidweather in spring and sum-mer bacterial slime may ooze from affected shoots, blossom trusses, branchesand fruits. The bacteriummoves in the intercellular spaces of parenchymatoustissues, spreading into spurs and along branches at up to –mm per day insusceptible hosts, forming cankers and sometimes affecting and rotting fruits.The cortex of the outer bark of the affected branches is typically dark greenand water-soaked at first but later shrinks and turns brown. The inner barkis typically moist and red where the disease is active and red-brown streaksare often found in the sapwood (van der Zwet and Beer, ). Leaves andfruits on affected branches characteristically remain attached after normalleaf fall in the autumn. In autumn or after prolonged drought the cankerscease extending and cracks may appear at the margins. In mild wet autumnscankers may remain unsealed and these are the ones most likely to be active inthe following spring. In less vigorous pear trees and in apple trees the spreadof bacteria within the tissues is slower and the damage proportionately less(Lelliot, ).

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In the following spring active overwintered cankers extend and ooze isproduced externally. This inoculum can be spread by rain or a variety ofinsects, not including bees, to open flowers. Pollinating insects, bees andflies, then spread inoculum rapidly between flowers on warm sunny days.The pathogen multiplies rapidly on stigma surfaces at temperatures above ◦C and is transported in water from rain, fog or dew to the region ofthe nectaries where infection occurs. Blossom infection is particularly likelyon warm (– ◦C) sunny days when insect activity is high. In north-western Europe the coincidence of these conditions with open blossom isgreatest with secondary blossoms, to which some pear cultivars are partic-ularly prone, and with late-opening flowers on one-year-old wood on appletrees.

Storms greatly increase the chances of infection, especially when flowersor young shoots are damaged or leaves detached by hail or strong winds.Exposure of young vascular tissue aids infection but the pathogen must invadecortical tissues to produce typical symptoms.

The pathogen has only a very short life on the leaf surface. Persistencewithin host tissues, overwintering in inconspicuous cankers, and the existenceof symptomless carriers are, however, important factors in its epidemiology.Spread can result from the movement of infected plants from nurseries and,at a more localized level, by transfer of bacteria on pruning tools.

Tissue susceptibility is generally much greater in young tissues and treesthan in older ones. It is generally greater in pears than in apples but thereare also large differences between cultivars. Tables . and . show relativetissue susceptibility, as measured by response to artificial inoculation of shootsin the field (Lespinasse and Aldwinkle, ).

The ‘Delicious’ group of apples are relatively resistant, ‘Golden Deli-cious’ and its progeny and ‘Fuji’ moderately susceptible, ‘Granny Smith’ and‘Braeburn’ susceptible, and ‘Rome Beauty’, ‘Cox’ and ‘Idared’ very suscep-tible. Spur-types tend to be less susceptible than the corresponding non-spurcultivars. The dwarfing apple rootstocks in Table . are all susceptible orhighly susceptible. ‘MM.’ which appeared highly susceptible in inoculationstudies (Table .) has shown little natural infection in the USA (Lespinasseand Aldwinkle, ). A rootstock breeding programme at Geneva, New Yorkhas produced a number of dwarfing and semi-dwarfing apple rootstocks thatare resistant to fire blight. This resistance is derived from ‘Beauty Crab’,M. × floribunda or ‘Robusta ’ (Robinson et al., ). Some are resistant tosome other diseases and pests and have given promising initial results in termsof effects on cropping (Robinson et al., ).

Someof themost importantP. communis cultivars, ‘Bartlett’, ‘PasseCrassane’,‘Packham’s Triumph’ and ‘Doyenne du Comice’ are very susceptible. MostP. pyrifolia (Nashi) cultivars are susceptible, P. ussuriensis and P . × bretschneideri

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Table . Relative susceptibility of apple scion and rootstock cultivars to fire

blight following artificial inoculation

Incidence reflects frequency of infection (scale –). Severity is also on a scale (least severe) to (most severe). Index reflects both these factors on a scaleof to and Class reflects a broad band grouping from (most resistant) to (most susceptible).

Cultivar Incidence Severity Index Class

Apple cvs.‘Delicious’ ‘Jonagold’ ‘Gala’a ‘Golden Delicious’ ‘Elstar’ ‘Fuji’ ‘Granny Smith’ ‘Braeburn’ ‘Cox’ ‘Idared’

Apple rootstocks‘MM.’ ‘MM.’ ‘M. ’ ‘M.’ ‘Pajam ’ (‘M.’) ‘Pajam ’ (‘M.’) ‘Supporter ’ (‘P.’) ‘M.’ ‘MM.’

a Although ‘Gala’ is only slightly susceptible on shoots it is highly susceptibleon flowers.Adapted from Lespinasse and Aldwinkle (), with permission.

(Li) cultivars less so. Quince rootstocks are moderately susceptible. New pearrootstocks with ‘Old Home’ as a parent are relatively resistant. Pear cultivarbreeding for resistance is concentrating on selecting for resistance within highquality susceptible cultivars and by selecting parents on the basis of phenotypicvalues in the absence of strong evidence for major gene control (Lespinasseand Aldwinkle, ). Transfer of resistance genes from non-pear sources isdiscussed in Chapter , on biotechnology.

Susceptibility to fire blight in the field also depends very largely on time offlowering in relation toweather conditions suited to infection. ‘PasseCrassane’,‘Packham’s Triumph’ and ‘Bartlett’ pear all produce secondary (late) blossomand ‘GoldenDelicious’ and its progeny flower late on one- year-old wood. Thecorrelation between flower and shoot susceptibility is sometimes weak. ‘Gala’

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Table . Relative susceptibility of pear scion cultivars and of rootstocks for

pear to fire blight following artificial inoculation.

Incidence reflects frequency of infection (scale –). Severity is also on a scaleof (least severe) to (most severe). Index reflects both these factors on ascale of to . Class gives a broad band grouping from (most resistant)to (most susceptible).

Cultivar Incidence Severity Index Class

Pear cvs.‘Conference’ ‘Beurre Bosc’ ‘Blanquilla’ ‘Coscia’ ‘Jules Guyot’ ‘Beurre Hardy’ ‘Abbe Fetel’ ‘Bartlett’ ‘Passe Crassane’a ‘Packham’s Triumph’ ‘Doyenne du Comice’

Pear rootstocksINRA Pyriam (OH) Farold Daytor Quince BA Quince C (EM) Quince ‘Adams’ Quince ‘Sydo’

a Very susceptible on secondary blossom.Adapted from Lespinasse and Aldwinkle (), with permission.

flowers, for example, are very highly susceptible although shoot susceptibilityis only moderate.

Approaches to control involve minimizing tree susceptibility, reducing inocu-lum levels and interfering with the infection process (Aldwinkle and Beer,). There are, as yet, no curative treatments.

Breeding programmes for fire blight resistance, detailed earlier, showpromise. However, the economic superiority of high-density planting systemsusing the susceptible ‘M.’ rootstock, and the increasing market demand fornewer apple cultivars such as ‘Fuji’ and ‘Gala’, which are more susceptiblethan the hitherto dominant ‘Red Delicious’, coupled with the shifting of thebulk of apple production to warmer areas than hitherto, have all increasedrather than reduced fire blight problems. Reducing the succulence of growth

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by limitation ofN fertilizer application and irrigation can reduce fire blight risk.These treatments may be difficult to reconcile with the need for rapid growthof young trees to attain high cropping levels soon after planting. Control ofshoot vigour by the use of spur-type cultivars and the application of some plantgrowth regulators can reduce susceptibility, but the use of dwarfing rootstocksdoes not achieve this. Pruning and training techniques that minimize vigorousregrowth may be useful.

The first step to reduce inoculum level is by plant quarantine to preventthe importation and movement of infected material. The explosive spreadof the disease indicates that quarantine is less effective than previously butat present some major apple and pear producing countries are still free offire blight and prevention of spread by close supervision of nurseries is stillvery important. Removal of potential hold-over cankers in winter has a majoreffect in reducing subsequent disease development. Eradication of early-seasoninfections by pruning out and burning reduces further spread of inoculum aswell as checking damage to the trees. Disinfection of pruning tools to preventspread by these is important also. Over-tree sprinkling may lead to increasedinoculum production and spread so should be discontinued if fire blight ispresent. Early-season copper sprays may reduce inoculum production.

Interference with the infection process is achieved by treatments to inhibitbacterial multiplication on blossoms and to reduce populations of insects likelyto spread shoot blight. Fire blight is a sporadic disease and control of infectionneeds to be based on risk assessment. This is because routine, rather thantargeted, monitoring of other potential host plants as well as apples and pearsis laborious and expensive and, especially, because the most effective controltreatment at present is with streptomycin, where this is permitted. As well asbeing expensive, use of this when not needed can contribute to development ofantibiotic resistance. Mills () identified ◦C, together with precipitationor high relative humidity, as the threshold temperature during or shortly afterbloom for fire blight development in New York State. In California excellentcontrol of fire blight was achieved when streptomycin was applied only afterthe mean of maximum and minimum temperatures exceeded a ‘predictionline’ drawn from . ◦C on March to . ◦C on May (Thomson et al., , ). This gave appreciable cost savings compared with routine sprays(Aldwinkle and Beer, ). Zoller and Sisevich () found that the inci-dence of epiphytic bacteria on pear flowers was related to the accumulatednumber of degree-hours above . ◦C, and a total of about accumulateddegree-hours indicates the need for bactericide application just prior to thenext rainfall (van der Zwet et al., ). This dependence on temperature islargely explained by Billing’s () finding that E. amylovora increases rapidlyfrom . ◦C to ◦C, which is the approximate threshold for rapid growth.The minimum conditions for blossom infection defined by the MaryblytTM

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computermodel,whichhas proved reliable for apples in easternUSA (Lightneret al., ), are: open intact flowers, a wetting event comprising . mm ofrain or heavy fog or dew, an accumulation of degree-hours above . ◦Cprior to this and a mean daily temperature of . ◦C or above. Blossom blightis estimated to appear when day-degrees above . ◦C have accumulatedafter infection (Billing, ). In southeast England, Billing (, ) foundsimilar but not identical temperature dependence of the infection process,and a likely time between direct blossom infection and visible disease of day-degrees above a mean temperature of ◦C for apple and such day-degreesfor pear andhawthorn. She also emphasized the importance of orchard factors.Fire blight risk assessments based solely on regionalweather and its expected ef-fects on the population growth of the pathogen can result in underestimation ofrisk or,more commonly, overestimation and unnecessary spraying.This has ledto the development of approaches using orchard weather data and categorizedorchard-specific factors such as the local history of fire blight, cultivar suscep-tibility, orchard sanitation, etc. (Shtienberg et al., ; Smith, ). Summerinfections can occur on secondary blossom of pear, on storm-damaged youngshoots and hail-damaged young fruits. Infection-control measures can be tar-geted accordingly. Infection can be reduced by controlling insects which con-tact and feed on the ooze and carry the pathogen so acquired to naturalinfection sites and which also, through creating wounds by feeding, initiateinfection sites and infect vegetative shoots (van der Zwet and Beer, ).

Streptomycin and othermedical antibiotics have beenwidely used to controlbacterial multiplication at the time of, and just after, inoculation, but arenot permitted to be used in many countries because of the potential riskto human health of developing antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They are onlylocally systemic and are not effective when applied to unopened blossoms. Astreptomycin spray onedaybefore or oneday after inoculationwithE. amylovora

prevents infection (Gouk et al., ). This short time-span of effectiveness mayresult in theneed formultiple applications.However,E. amylovorahasdevelopedresistance to streptomycin in many fruit-growing areas in the USA (Breth et al.,) and in Israel (Manulis et al., ). Copper compounds can be effectivebut can cause excessive russeting (Momol et al., ). Resistance-inducers,natural plant extracts, bacterial powders and mineral powders are also beingevaluated for fire blight control (Momol and Saygili, ).

Fungal diseases

Fungal attack in the orchard requires frequent and expensive chemical spray-ing for its control, and many apple and pear breeding programmes give highpriority to resistance to fungal pathogens.

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Apple mildew

Apple mildew, caused by Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell. & Ev.) Salmon, is currentlyone of the most important diseases of apple in England and many other fruit-growing countries. Its conidia and hyphae overwinter in buds. Floral andfoliar organs emerging in spring from infected buds emerge totally or partiallycoated with powdermildew. This is primarymildew (Butt, ). Infected fruitbuds give dwarf leaves and the flower buds remain closed: these organs witherin late spring. Infected vegetative terminal buds produce totally mildewedshoots. Those not totally colonized in the previous year grow as ‘white shoots’for several weeks then shed leaves. During spring and summer new conidialinfections give colonies of secondary mildew, mainly on the undersurface ofleaves. The shoot tip, newly formed buds and, in some cultivars, e.g. ‘Jonathan’,fruitlets, may also be infected.

The quantity of primarymildew depends on the intensity of bud infection inthe previous year and onwinter temperatures. A few hours at−◦ to− ◦C,or even at−◦ to− ◦C in latewinter, can almost eradicate the overwinteringfungus. Infection in spring and summer is favoured by high humidity, especiallyat night.

Mildew reduces leaf area, photosynthesis and the number of fruiting spurs.It also induces russet and reduces fruit size. Butt et al. () showed that anincrease from % to % of mildewed leaves in mid-summer resulted in areduction of % in number of shoots per tree, % in number of leaves pershoot, % in fruit size, % in crop weight and % in crop value for ‘Cox’sOrange Pippin’.

There is considerable variation in resistance among commercial cultivars,‘Discovery’ being highly resistant and ‘Crispin’ (‘Mutsu’) and ‘Jonathan’ highlysusceptible. Breeding programmes have involved the use of partially resistantparents, e.g. ‘Prima’. More closely targeted breeding involves the gene P lderived from M. × zumi open-pollinated (Knight and Alston, ) and P lfrom M. × robusta and P lw from a North American ornamental crab apple‘White Angel’ (Laurens, ).

Control is by sprays of sulphur on cultivars which are not damaged by this, ofdinitrophenyl esters, bupirimate, fenarimol, nitrothal-isopropyl, triadimefon,myclobutanil and penconazole. Sprays are generally applied, where needed,every , or days from before flowering until late summer when mostextension growth has ceased. It is important that the sprays do not damagefruit skin, do not interfere with biological control programmes (some, e.g.binapacryl, are incompatible with the use of predaceous mites to control redspider mite) and do not check shoot growth excessively (e.g. triadimefon is anergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor). Control is also achieved by hand pruning toremove infected shoots, fruits, etc. Use of a bud-penetrating surfactant, either

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alone or mixed with a fungicide, in winter can markedly reduce overwinteringmildew.

Pear leaf blight and fruit spot

This disease is caused by Fabraea maculata Atk. It leads to defoliation of bothnursery and orchard trees and to disfigured, cracked and misshapen fruits.‘Clapps Favourite’ and ‘Bartlett’ have been found to be resistant in somestudies but not in others. Highly resistant material of potential use in breedingprogrammes has been identified (Bell et al., ).

Apple rust

The cedar-apple rust caused by Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae Schw. is themost important rust disease of apple and has the North American red cedaras its alternate host. A number of good quality cultivars, e.g. ‘McIntosh’, areresistant: others, e.g. ‘Jonathan’, fully susceptible (Brown, ).

Apple scab

Apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Winter, is evident as scabbedareas on leaves and fruits and, under favourable conditions, on shoots, buds andflowers. The spots on leaves are initially light in colour and then become darkolive-green, showing a visible mat of fungus. The spots expand and run intoeach other, extending along the veins. Infected leaves tend to fall prematurely.The scab spots on fruit are almost black in colour. Scabby fruits cannot be soldin the high quality grades and the scab lesions are readily colonized by rottingorganisms.

The fungus can infect unripened wood and may persist for up to yearsin the bark, from which it produces asexual spores in spring and early sum-mer. It also overwinters on fallen infected leaves on which it produces sexualspores (ascospores) in spring. The ascospores are released within minutesof wetting, a maximum rate being reached after – hours. The spores arethen carried by the wind to leaves on which they will germinate if the surfaceremains wet for long enough for a ‘Mills period’ of, for example, h at ◦Cor h at – ◦C. Infection pressure is very limited in areas with dry springand summer conditions.

Initial infection pressure can be reduced by pruning, by soil cultivationwhich increases earthworm populations and consequently leaf burial, andby post-harvest, pre-leaf-fall, applications of urea to accelerate decay offallen leaves. Control during the cropping season is based on routine spraysfrom budburst and repeated at –-week intervals. Knowledge of infection

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periods can allow more efficient fungicide use. Captan and dithianon willstop germ tube growth before infection is established and systemic fungi-cides can be effective up to hours after infection (Byrde, ; Richter,a).

The main commercial cultivars are susceptible to scab. Genes for resis-tance to this have been identified, notably the dominant allele V f fromMalus × floribunda which was used to produce cultivars including ‘Prima’,‘Priscilla’, ‘Liberty’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Priam’, ‘Primicia’ and ‘Goldrush’. TheM. × floribunda donor has totally unacceptable fruiting characteristics and,despite back-crossing programmes to produce these cultivars, none has yetgained widespread acceptability. ‘Antonowka’ is used as a polygenic source offield resistance to all races of apple scab and ‘Laxton’s Fortune’, ‘DulmenerRosen’ and ‘Discovery’ appear to have some breeding value ( Janick et al., ;White and Bus, ).

Pear scab

Venturia inaequalis may be found on pears but pear scab is generally causedby V. pirina Aderhold. This fungus attacks only pear where it causes scab ofshoots, leaves, fruits and buds. Shoot infections can give swellings which laterburst. Infected fruits are deformed and deeply cleft. Pear scab development isfacilitated by surfacewetness and high temperature (Richter, b).V. nashicolais an important pathogen of Nashi pear, P. pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai, in Japan(Kajiura, ).

Apple canker

This is caused by Nectria galligena Bres. The fungus invades injuries to the barksuch as pruning wounds, scab lesions and, especially, leaf scars. It causes asunken area of bark, often surrounded by a ridge of tissue only partly invaded.The cankers increase in size and may girdle the stem, killing the part abovethe girdle. A rot around the eye of the fruit can also occur. Control is by cuttingout infected wood and restricting nitrogen supply. Fungicidal paints may beapplied to the cankers and benomyl and related fungicides are effective whensprayed in spring and summer (Byrde, ). Canker is readily carried overon young trees at planting time and nursery trees should be treated, e.g. withcopper compounds, to ensure clean orchard planting material.

Collar rot and fruit rot

These are caused by Phytophthora cactorum (Leb and Cohn) Schroet. and P.

syringae Kleb. which attack the rootstock or scion cultivar around soil level.

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Irregular-shaped lesions develop in the bark, which looksmoist, soft and ratherspongy. When the affected bark is cut the tissue is orange-brown with lighterand darker brown striped areas. The pathogen is soil-borne and its spores aredispersed by splashing.

The lesions can girdle and kill the tree if not checked by being cut out at anearly stage and the wounds so made treated with a copper fungicide.

Rootstocks differ greatly in their resistance. ‘B.’ is very resistant, ‘M.’,‘MM.’ and ‘Robusta ’ are resistant, but ‘MM.’ is susceptible (Cumminsand Aldwinkle, ; Janick et al., ). Several new rootstock clones fromCornell and East Malling are also resistant (Robinson et al., ; Websteret al., ). Scion cultivars are generally much less tolerant than the resistantrootstocks, so high-working on such rootstocks, so that the scionwood is out ofthe soil and splash zone, is an important control measure. P. syringae also cancause fruit rotting.

Storage rots

A number of other fungi cause rots in store. These include Pezicula (Gloeo-

sporium) spp., Alternaria alternata, Penicillium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Monilia fructigena

and Mucor piriformis. Control focuses on several areas. Appropriate orchardmanagement, including effective spray programmes, lowers the load of inocu-lum. Reduction in injuries to fruit through rough handling can greatly reducepost-harvest decay: Benic and Combrink () reported % of the decay inapples was due to infections resulting from mechanical injuries. Maintenanceof high sanitary standards in packing-houses is essential to avoid fungal inocu-lum from decaying fruit, etc. being carried over from one season to anotherand within a season. Rapid fruit cooling to below ◦C greatly slows downfungal growth. Chemical treatment, e.g. benomyl just before picking or in post-harvest dips greatly reduces, for example, Gloeosporium damage (Burchill andEdney, ). High fruit Ca status increases resistance to Gloeosporium. ‘Cox’and ‘Ingrid Marie’ apples are very susceptible, ‘Jonathan’ and ‘Jonared’ veryresistant and ‘Golden Delicious’ resistant (Alston, ).

In Japan, Alternaria alternata is also an important pathogen as a result ofcausing black spot disease of Nashi pears. The cvs. ‘Kosui’ and ‘Hosui’ areresistant to this (Kajiura, ).

Apple bitter rot caused by Glomerella cingulata is a very important fungaldisease in Brazil, being potentially very serious wherever high temperatureand high humidity (– ◦C and % RH) occur simultaneously. ‘Fuji’,‘Delicious’, ‘GoldenDelicious’, ‘Granny Smith’ and ‘Gala’ are susceptible and‘Jonathan’ and ‘Red Rome’ fairly resistant. Some potential parental materialincluding M. × zumi, M. prunifolia and M. × purpurea clones is highly resistant(Camilo et al., ).

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Insects and mites can have a major impact on profitability through effects ontree productivity, on disease transfer and on the marketability of the fruits.

Insecticidal sprays generally gave good insect control but led to the increas-ing incidence of some pests as a result of killing their natural predators. Use hasalso been influenced by concern about residues. ‘Integrated’ control includinguse of natural predators is increasingly favoured. There are considerable vari-ations between different apple and pear species and cultivars in their resistanceto different pests, and apple rootstock breeding for resistance to woolly aphidhas been outstandingly successful.


The codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) is a very widespread pest of apple. Thedamage is caused by the caterpillar, which burrows into the fruit. The winteris spent as a fully fed caterpillar in a cocoon under loose bark on the tree, etc.The pupal stage occurs in late spring. The first moths emerge in late May orearly June. After mating they lay eggs on leaves or fruits which hatch after– days. The young caterpillars find suitable entry points into fruit, often atthe eye (calyx) and burrow into the fruit. Sometimes there are two generationsin a season (Anon., a). Control is by insecticide spraying.

The caterpillars of the fruit tree tortrix moth (Archips podana) eat awaysmall shallow areas of skin from maturing fruits. Winter moth (Operophtera

brumata) caterpillars attack fruit buds, blossoms, leaves and developingfruitlets.

The major insect pests of Nashi pears in Japan are Oriental fruit moth(Grapholitha molesta), Oriental pear moth (Monema flavescens) and Peach fruitmoth (Carposina niponensis).


The woolly aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) produces the mass of whitewaxy strands that give the pest its common name. It causes galls on shootsand dense aphid infestations soil pickers’ hands and clothes. The entire lifecycle is spent on the host tree and in some countries breeding colonies arefound on roots below ground level and provide a source for re-infestation.The aphids can be a particularly serious problem in nurseries. Above-groundinfestations can be controlled by insecticidal sprays but rootstock resistance isvery important. ‘Northern Spy’ is highly resistant andwas used in the breedingof the ‘MM’. series of resistant rootstocks (Knight et al., ). The resistanceis controlled by a single dominant Er gene and although there have been

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reports of infection of resistant rootstocks on occasion there has been no seriousbreakdown of resistance.

The rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea Pass) causes leaf curling on youngshoots. Resistance is available in material derived from Malus robusta.

The rosy leaf curling aphid (Dysaphis devectaWlk) also causes leaf curling andgalls. ‘Fiesta’, a resistant cultivar derived from ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’, carriesthe Sd gene for resistance to biotypes and of the aphid (Roche et al.,).


The apple sucker (PsyllamaliSchmidberger) is usuallywell controlled by routinesprays, but pear sucker (Cacopsylla pyricola Foerster) is a major pest. Infestedleaves turn brown and often drop, and the fruits drop prematurely or aresmall and of poor quality. The feeding on foliage suppresses root growth andreduces tree vigour. The psylla also transmits the MLO which is the causeof pear decline. Pear psylla is controlled by chemical sprays, but appreciableresistance to many insecticides has developed (Anon., b). Host resistanceto psylla has been identified in several species of Asian pear as well as in P.

communis but no genotype combines this resistance with resistance to Fabraealeaf spot (Fabraea maculata Atk) and high fruit quality (Bell and van der Zwet,).


The fruit tree red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi Koch) became a serious orchardpest largely because of insecticidal spray programmeswhich killed its predatorsand because of its own ability to develop resistance (Anon., c). The firstsymptom is a minute speckling of the leaves; then the foliage loses colour andbecomes first dull green, then brownish green or bronze, and brittle. Whiteskins cast by mites while moulting are conspicuous on the underside of theleaves.

Injury is caused by themites sucking sap and damaging leaf cells. Infestationchecks shoot growth before it affects net CO uptake per unit leaf area (Avery,; Avery and Briggs, ). Reduction in CO assimilation is slight until%of the leaf is speckled and bronzing begins. The photosynthetic surface ofthe plant is decreased by up to % by infestations which cause reductions inleaf size and number, and premature defoliation also decreases the leaf surfacearea. The growth of the root systems is decreased before that of the shoots andto a greater extent.

The multiplication of fruit tree red spider mites is greater on some cultivars,e.g. ‘Discovery’ and ‘Worcester Pearmain’, than on others such as ‘Cox’.

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Biological control is practised by the encouragement or introduction of thepredatory mite Typhlodromus pyri (Scheuten), strains of which are resistant tosome common pesticides.

Two-spotted spider mites also reduce net photosynthesis of apple leaves(Ferree et al., ). ‘GoldenDelicious’ and ‘Jonathan’ show appreciable effectsunder conditions where the photosynthesis of ‘Paula Red’ and ‘McIntosh’ isnot affected and only slightly affected, respectively.

Replant problems

One of the most serious problems in apple production is the poor growth oftrees planted in land previously occupied by apple trees. The reduction ingrowth in old apple soil compared with fresh soil may be up to % (Hoestra,). In pot experiments in which ‘apple soil’ and fresh soil were mixed invarying proportions, apple seedling growth was related to the proportion ofapple soil in a non-linear way: % of ‘apple soil’ gave % growth reduction,%a % reduction and %a % reduction. Trees tend to show recoverystarting or years after planting, but Oehl () found that fumigation ofland previously cropped with apples using a broad spectrum biocide (chloro-picrin) led to a % increase in accumulated crop over the first years fromplanting. The delayed cropping on ‘replant’ soils has a particularly adverseeffect on the economics of high-density planting systems. Geldart () andPeterson andHinman () demonstrated that in British Columbia, Canada,andWashington State, USA it was not economically viable to plant apple treeson land previously cropped with apples unless remedial measures were taken.

Treatments with a broad spectrum of action against all categories of soilorganisms (nematodes, fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes) restore the growthpotential of replant soils to that of ‘fresh’ soils, the response beingmuch greateron the former than the latter (Hoestra, ). Such broad-spectrum treatmentsinclude chloropicrin, steaming and heating to ◦C.The effect of chloropicrinfumigation of soil samples in pot tests of seedling growth is taken as an indexof the potential problems in replanting and the need for pre-planting orchardtreatments.

Studies on poor growth of newly planted apple trees in the absence ofsoil sterilization have indicated two distinct, though sometimes interacting,problems. The first is caused by nematodes. The second is found even whennematode numbers are low and cannot be overcome by the use of nemati-cides (Hoestra, ). This was initially referred to as specific apple replantdisease (SARD) but is now generally referred to as apple replant disease, ARD(Utkhede, ) following evidence, discussed below, that it can be induced bycrops other than apple.

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Nematode effects

On light soils damage by the endoparasitic nematode Pratylenchus penetrans

(Cobb) may cause patchy distribution of poor growth over a field, with nema-todes being visible in the young roots. Root lesions develop on the unsuberizedroots. When these coalesce rootlets, or even complete root systems, may be de-stroyed. Infected roots are often discoloured and stunted. Many plant speciesincluding grasses canbe attackedbynematodes, so the problem is not restrictedto old apple land. Use of nematicides, e.g. D-D and methyl-isothiocyanate, asa preplanting treatment can lead to major increases in yield, and marigold(Tagetes patula) can be used as a preplant cover crop to reduce nematode popu-lations (Mai et al., ). Nematodes can, however, be transferred from infectednurseries to orchards when the trees are planted there (Hoestra, ). Nema-todes are not a major cause of replant problems of apple trees in the UK (Wayand Pitcher, ), in most Dutch apple growing areas (Hoestra, ) or inWashington State (Willet et al., ), although they are a significant problemin New York State (Pruyne et al., ).

Replant disease

In general the most severe check to growth of young apple trees planted on thesites of old apple orchards is that caused by apple replant disease. This is notdue to nematodes, residual toxins, or induced nutrient deficiencies (Hoestra,; Savory, , ). Pot tests of responses to soil sterilization showed% of soils in Dutch fruit-growing regions to have replant disease, half beingseriously infected (Hoestra, ). In England % of orchard soils showedeconomically significant responses to fumigation following adjustment of theirP content (Sewell et al., ).

The main field symptoms are poor growth of both shoots and roots. Leavestend to be small and internodes short. Seedlings planted into replant soildevelop root lesions within a few days. Root hairs are reduced in size andnumber, especially when in close contact with the soil. The primary cortexand epidermis may rot away, leaving a thin, light-coloured stele covered byremnants of the cortical layer. No abnormalities are found in the stele untilan advanced stage of decay is reached. If roots in ‘replant’ soil are allowed togrow into sterilized soil they develop into healthy root systems with side rootsbearing many root hairs, i.e. the replant condition is relatively immobile in thesoil. The response of orchard trees to pre-planting fumigation is a function ofthe soil volume fumigated ( Jackson, ).

Although the poor growth of apples after apples had long been recognized,interest in the effect of the previous crop was enhanced following some

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observations of nursery tree growth by Thompson (). He found that whennursery trees of apples, quince, cherries and some plums were planted in rowscutting at right-angles across the sites of previous rows of these species thegrowth of apples, and to a lesser extent of quince, was severely depressedwhen they were growing on land previously occupied by apples. The growthof cherry rootstocks was not depressed when growing on old apple land butwas less good where they followed stone fruits. Apple tree growth shows largeresponses to soil fumigation of old apple land whereas cherry tree growth onthe same land does not (Pitcher et al., ; Jackson, ). From such obser-vations and experiments Savory (, ) concluded that cherry and applewere subject to separate specific replant diseases and the fungus Thielaviopsis

basicola (Berk. & Br.) Ferraris, which does not affect apple tree growth, wassubsequently identified as the cause of cherry specific replant disease (SewellandWilson, ). Further work on apple replant disease, however, led Sewell() to conclude that this is not strictly specific. The growth of apple is con-siderably diminished when planted after a number of other crops and thegrowth of some other crops may be diminished when these are planted afterapple. Soil sterilization by heating increased Malus seedling growth more onex- Robinia than on ex-Malus soil and Robinia and Tilia growth in ex-Malus soilwas greatly increased when this was fumigated (Sewell and Roberts, ).

A replant disease condition can be induced by growing apple trees in thesoil for only one year (Oostenbrink and Hoestra, ) and can persist for atleast five years after grubbing (Thompson, ). Responses to fumigation area function of soil pH, being much greater on alkaline and neutral soils than onacid soils.Cropping responses canbe very large, e.g. –%(Hoestra, ).Under some conditions where soil phosphorus levels are low, both pre-plantingpot tests and field responses to fumigation may be low or even negative. Thisis because of the effect of fumigation in killing mycorrhizal fungi. In suchcirc*mstances both fumigation and P fertilizer treatment may be needed: theneed for fumigation being shown only by pot tests carried out with P-fertilizedsoil (Sewell et al., ).

Theetiologyof apple replant disease involves thebuild-upof pathogenic organ-isms in the soil of apple orchards and the persistence of these for an extendedtime after grubbing, either because they form resting stages or they possess astrong saprophytic ability.


Circ*mstantial evidence, including the effect of soil pH and responses to dif-ferent fumigants, suggests that actinomycetes are involved (Hoestra, ). Ottoand Winkler (cited by Utkhede and Smith, b) found that the severity of

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, ,

apple replant disease in Germany was correlated with actinomycete presence.Apple seedlings, and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and pear (Pyrus communis) root-stocks were strongly infected with actinomycetes when planted in soil from anapple orchard but rootstocks of cherry, plum and rose were not (Otto et al.,). The actinomycetes penetrate the epidermal cells and damage the cortexin such a way that the cortex and rootlets die off. They enshroud root hairsand cause their collapse (Otto and Winkler, ; Szabo et al., ).


Several studies have shown an association between Pythium sylvaticum and re-plant disease (Utkhede and Smith, a). Sewell () found that all testedisolates of P. sylvaticum and some isolates of other Pythium species significantlyreduced the growth of apple seedlings and that the isolates of most virulenceto apple were of low virulence to cherry. He noted that the disease profile ofapple replant disease is compatible with a causal role for Pythium.

Other fungi

Penicillium janthinellum, Constantinella terrestris, Peniophore sacrata, Penicillium clavi-

forme and Cylindrocarpon spp. have all been reported to be associated with applereplant disease.


Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas putida have been found to stunt the growth ofyoung apple trees.

Given the range of potential causal agents, resistance might seem unlikely.However, when sensitivity is assessed by response to soil fumigation, ‘M.’ and‘MM.’ appeared to be particularly sensitive and more vigorous rootstocksespecially ‘M.’, ‘M.’ and ‘Crab C’ less so. The effect is not solely associatedwith vigour; ‘M.’ and ‘M. ’ appeared to be relatively tolerant ( Jackson,) and ‘M. ’ to have a high degree of field tolerance (Oehl and Jackson,). Some rootstock clones produced by crossing ‘M. ’ with ‘MM.’ (theAR series) also show appreciable field tolerance. Thismay imply a single domi-nant cause of ARD in the East Malling soils and it is notable that ‘NorthernSpy’, which also showed some apparent tolerance there, gave much smallerresponses to soil fumigation on an old apple orchard site in New Zealand thandid ‘MM.’, ‘MM.’ and ‘M.’ (Ryan, ).

Even though other plants appear able to induce apple replant disease in thesoil, the main problem is that of replanting on old apple orchard sites. Thisis because in most countries the best land for apple production has alreadygrown that crop and because the disease is extremely persistent.

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Use of broad spectrum fumigants such as chloropicrin ( Jackson, ),methyl bromide and metam sodium (Smith, ) has proved to be veryeffective in increasing early growth and yield on old apple land. Formalintreatment may be equally effective, less expensive, easier to apply and effec-tive at low temperatures (Sewell and White, ; Daemen, ). Thesemethods are, however, being questioned on environmental grounds. Fieldsteaming as a method of heat treatment has been shown to be promis-ing (Moyls et al., ). Fumigation or steaming are often best accom-panied by P fertilization because of their negative effects on mycorrhizalfungi.

Use of more vigorous rootstocks at a spacing more relevant to a dwarfingrootstock is practised, but a vigorous rootstock checked by replant disease doesnot have the beneficial effects of ‘M.’ on precocity and fruit size. Some of theAR rootstocks may both prove relatively tolerant and convey beneficial effectson growth and cropping.

There is some evidence that biological control of the replant problem canbe achieved by application of strain EBW of Bacillus subtilis (Utkhede andSmith, b) and that mixing some organic substrates in the planting holemay give very beneficial results (Szczygiel and Zepp, ). The latter effectmay in part result from modifications of the soil microflora.


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Mai, W.F., Merwin, I.A. and Abawi, G.S. (). Diagnosis, etiology andmanagement of replant disorders in New York cherry and apple orchards.Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Moyls, A.L., Hocking, R.P., Neilsen, G.H. and Hogue, E.J. (). Apple treegrowth response in greenhouse pot tests using heat-treated replant soil versusorchard replant trees with in situ heated soil.Acta Horticulturae , –.

Oehl, V.H. (). The long term effects of pre-planting soil fumigation on thegrowth and cropping of cvs ‘Laxton’s Fortune’ and ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ on‘M.’ rootstock, planted on land affected with a replant disease of apple.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Oehl, V.H. and Jackson, J.E. (). Evaluating rootstocks for resistance to applereplant disease. Report of the East Malling Research Station for , .

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Otto, G. and Winkler, H. (). Influence of root pathogenic Actinomycetes on thetrimming of the rootlets of some species of Rosaceae with root hairs. ActaHorticulturae , –.

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Peterson, A.B. and Hinman, H. (). The economics of replanting appleorchards in Washington State. Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Ryan, C.L.J. (). Specific replant disease in Hawke’s Bay. Part III. Applerootstock evaluation for replant sites. Orchardist of New Zealand , –.

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Seemuller, E. (). Pear decline MLO. In European Handbook of Plant Diseases,ed. J.M. Smith, J. Dunez, D.H. Phillips, R.A. Lelliot and S.A. Archer,pp. –. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.

Sewell, G.W.F. (). Reappraisal of the nature of the “specific replant disease”of apple. Commonwealth Mycological Institute Review of Plant Pathology (),–.

Sewell, G.F.W. (). Effects of Pythium species on the growth of apple and theirpossible causal role in apple replant disease. Annals of Applied Biology , –.

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Sewell, G.W.F. and White, G.C. (). The effects of formalin and other soiltreatments on the replant disease of apple. Journal of Horticultural Science ,–.

Sewell, G.W.F. and Wilson, J.F. (). The role of Thielaviopsis basicola in thespecific replant disorders of cherry and plum. Annals of Applied Biology ,–.

Sewell, G.W.F., Preece, D.A. and Elsey, R.F. (). Apple replant disease: theinfluence of soil phosphorus and other factors on the growth responses ofapple seedlings to soil fumigation with chloropicrin. Annals of Applied Biology, –.

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Smith, T.J. (). Report on the development and use of CougarblightC – a situation-specific fire blight risk assessment model for apple and pear.Acta Horticulturae , –.

Szabo, K., Winkler, H., Petzold, H. and Marwitz, R. (). Evidence for thepathogenicity of Actinomycetes in rootlets of apple seedlings from soils conduciveto specific apple replant disease. Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Willet, M., Smith, T.J., Peterson, A.B., Hinman, H., Stevens, R.G., Ley, T. andTvergyak, P. (). A successful apple replant educational program inWashington State. Acta Horticulturae , –.

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Biotechnology of apples

and pears

Propagation in vitro

Propagation in vitro provides a method of rapid propagation of clonal plantmaterial. It has a number of specific uses in the production of apple andpear plants which extend and complement the traditional means by whichthese, both scions and rootstocks, are vegetatively propagated. It also providesthe reliable and efficient regeneration systems from somatic tissues that areessential to the development of systems of transfer of individual genes in theprocess of genetic engineering.

Shoot culture involves the use of explants whichmay be nodal buds or shoottips ranging from . mm to . cm. Explants are surface-sterilized, usuallyby washing in solutions of sodium or calcium hypochlorite. They are thencultured in a medium based on that of Murashige and Skoog (), contain-ing mineral salts, sucrose, cytokinin and possibly some auxin and gibberellin,and solidified with agar. Sorbitol may be more effective than sucrose withsome apple cultivars and phloridzin or its breakdown product phlorogluci-nol may increase shoot growth ( Jones, ). Shoot cultures are maintainedon the culture medium in illuminated growth rooms. Their axillary budsextend to give new shoots which are excised at approximately monthly in-tervals and transferred to a fresh medium where they in turn produce axil-lary shoots. Shoot culture lines may be multiplied indefinitely by sequentialsubculture.

Shoot cultures may become slow-growing with tightly-rolled translucentleaves. This condition is known as vitrification. It involves excess water uptakeand inhibition of lignin and cellulose synthesis and is associated with low agarconcentrations and a high ratio of ammonium to nitrate.

The production of plantlets is achieved by excising shoots and transferringthem to a medium with IBA but no cytokinin in which adventitious roots areinitiated. The plantlets are then transferred to pots of compost and grown on

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in a glasshouse. Alternatively, shoots from in vitro culture can be rooted directlyin potting compost after being dipped in IBA powder.

Mass propagation of apple and pear rootstocks in vitro is, at present,relatively expensive compared with conventional vegetative propagation.It may play an important role in the rapid multiplication of new root-stock cultivars and their distribution in disease-free form, but under somecirc*mstances in-vitro-produced rootstocks if used directly produce exces-sive numbers of burr-knots and suckers, possibly associated with enhancedjuvenility.

Sequential shoot subculture may greatly increase the readiness withwhich the shoots root. This is apparently due to tissue rejuvenation (i.e.development of juvenile characteristics including ready-rooting, but alsospinyness and slowness to bear fruit) and provides a means of increasingthe rooting potential of normally difficult-to-root but otherwise desirablerootstocks.

The apparent rejuvenation that takes place in vitro persists following estab-lishment of nursery hedges, and both winter and summer cuttings from suchhedges of ‘M.’ show improved rooting. Stoolbeds established frommicroprop-agated (in-vitro-cultured) plants of ‘M. ’ produce between . and . timesas many shoots as their conventional counterparts and these shoots are betterrooted ( Jones, ). Conventional cuttings from micropropagated plants ofa very difficult-to-propagate Pyrus communis rootstock show greatly improvedrooting ( Jones and Webster, ). Scion cultivars which are difficult to rootas cuttings can readily be produced on their own roots by in vitro culture. Somecultivars which are naturally compact and precocious in flowering appear to besatisfactory when self-rooted via in vitro culture, but in general self-rooted cul-tivars are too vigorous and are slower to come into crop than when grafted onprecocity-inducing rootstocks (Webster et al., ; Zimmerman and Steffens,).

Leaf discs and leaf strips produce shoots in vitro when grown on an MS(Murashige & Skoog) basal medium supplemented with . mg BA l− and.mgNAA l− ( James et al., ). This is particularly important because leafmesophyll cells are competent for transformation, i.e. the insertion of ‘foreign’genes. An N-based medium may also be used for leaf disc culture (Welander,).

Regeneration systems for Malus have been developed from a wide rangeof other explants including embryo, nucellus, cotyledon, hypocotyl, immatureseed, flower part, and anther tissues (Korban and Chen, ).

Somaclonal variation may express itself as a result of in vitro culture. Muchof this variation reveals deleterious traits but some, e.g. in fireblight resistance(Chevreau et al., ), is potentially useful.

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Genetic transformation

Genetic transformation is a means of transferring a specific gene by biotech-nology from an organism, which may or may not be of the same species, intoa cultivar to achieve a specific improvement.

The basic processes involved are:

Identification of the desired gene. Its isolation. Creation of a modified genetic sequence by fusing the desired gene, a

promoter sequencewhich controls the functioningof the gene andamarkergene which allows the gene’s presence to be detected.

Multiplication of the recombinant sequence. Insertion of copies of the desired gene into the cultivar. Selection of the organisms which have taken up the gene as indicated by

presence of the marker gene. Multiplication of the modified plants.

Apples and pears show enormous genetic variation, with genes relating totree vigour control, precocity of flowering, aspects of fruit quality and storagelife, and resistance to many diseases and some pests already identified. Under-standing of the mechanisms of these processes has also facilitated the selectionof potentially useful genes from bacteria and insects. Some potentially usefulgene transfers have also been developed semi-empirically.

James et al. () and Mourgues et al. () achieved transformation ofapple and pear, respectively, using disarmed binary vectors with genes forkanomycin resistance transferred byAgrobacterium tumefaciens. Leaves from shootcultures were inoculated either by cutting out discs or strips and placing thesein the suspension of A. tumefaciens carrying the binary vector, or by woundingwith a scalpel dipped in the bacterial suspension. Selection of transformedma-terial was by growing on media containing kanomycin. Subsequent cloningwas by the standard tissue culture techniques. Optimization of the differ-ent stages has been described by De Bondt et al. (, ). Most majorapple cultivars, e.g. ‘Braeburn’, ‘Delicious’, ‘Elstar’, ‘Fuji’, ‘Gala’, ‘GoldenDelicious’ and ‘Jonagold’ have been transformed with different bacterial con-structs as have the pears ‘Beurre Bosc’, ‘Comice’, ‘Conference’ and ‘PasseCrassane’ (Norelli and Aldwinkle, ). Transformation using Agrobacterium

spp. is themost widely usedmethod of gene transfer to apples and pears. In thefield situation A. tumefaciens causes crown gall disease and A. rhizogenes causeshairy root disease. They naturally infect the host plants and insert some oftheir own DNA, the transfer or T-DNA, into the chromosomal DNA of the

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infected plant cells. Thismakes themparticularly useful for insertion of genes ofinterest.

As yet no commercial cultivars have been produced by transformation ofapples or pears but transformed plants of interest have been produced alonga number of different lines.

Rol gene transfer

Agrobacterium rhizogenes carries genes that alter the growth of infected plant cells.Some of the genes on the T-DNA within the A . rhizogenes Ri-plasmid controlauxin and cytokinin levels, others alter sensitivity to these hormones (Schellet al., ; Tamas, ). A group of these genes are known as the rol (rootinducing locus) genes. A number of plant species regenerated from ‘hairyroot’ cells following A. rhizogenes infection show shortened stem internodes,increased branching and reduced apical dominance. Plants transformed withsingle rol genes or combinations of these also exhibit altered growth character-istics. Transformed plants overexpressing the rolA gene show reduced growthand increased root development. Plants transformed with the rolB gene showreduced apical dominance, increased rooting and reduced leaf senescence,possibly because the rolB gene product alters auxin sensitivity. Plants over-expressing the rolC gene are more dwarfed, with reduced apical dominance,increased branching and increased root growth. The effects are most pro-nounced when plants are transformed with several rol genes in combination(Holefors, ). Some of the induced characteristics are potentially importantwith regard to tree size control for high-density orchards.

The problem of vigour control is particulary acute for pears when grown inconditions unsuitable for dwarfing quince rootstocks. Bell et al. () estab-lished shoot proliferation cultures of ‘Beurre Bosc’ pear and transformed leafexplants from these using the disarmedA. tumefaciens strainEHAIOI containingpGA-GUSGF rolC, the rolC gene (ORF- in A. rhizogenes) being controlled byits native promoter. The inoculation of freshly harvested leaveswas achieved bycutting them with sterile scalpel blades dipped in the bacterial suspension andthe leaves co-cultivated prior to transfer to antibiotic selection plates (contain-ing SIM, kanomycin and timentin), followed by growth on a shoot expressionmedium and subsequent shoot proliferation culture.

Transformation with the rolC gene was confirmed by DNA, RNA and pro-tein blot analysis. The transformed pears, grown on in a greenhouse after bud-ding on ‘Bartlett’ seedling rootstock, had fewer nodes,much shorter internodesand at weeks were only about % of the height of the controls. Holeforset al. () produced transformed clones of the apple rootstock ‘M.’ by in-fection of in-vitro-produced leaves with A. tumefaciens strain GV containinga binary vector carrying the nptII gene and the rolA gene on the T-DNA. All

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transformed plants exhibited reduced stem growth compared with untrans-formed controls and two transformed clones showed reduced (c . %) dryweight, internode length and shoot and root dry weight.

Dwarfing gene transfer

The GA oxidase gene controls shoot elongation in apple stems. It has beencloned and inserted back into the apple cv. ‘Greensleeves’, producing treesidentical with the parent in every way except that they are dwarfed ( James,).

Gene transfer to prolong storage life

Ethylene plays a key role in fruit ripening (see Chapter ). Its precursor,methionine, is converted via S-adenosyl-L-methionine (Ado-met) to ACC byACC synthase, and ACC is converted to ethylene by ACC oxidase. Ripening-associated ethylene production in fruits is regulated by both ACC synthaseand ACC oxidase activities (Oetiker and Yang, ) and can be inhibited,in tomato, to varying degrees by creation of transgenic plants with down-regulation of either the oxidase or the synthase genes (Picton et al., ).

In apple Castiglione et al. () found that slow-ripening (e.g. ‘Fuji’) andrapid-ripening (e.g. ‘Golden Delicious’) cultivars had corresponding differ-ences in ethylene production, and these have different allelic forms of theACC oxidase gene. James () found that adding an extra copy of the appleACC synthase or oxidase genes to the cultivar ‘Greensleeves’ (a rapid-ripeningprogeny of ‘Golden Delicious’) resulted in the fruits, in many cases, producingmuch less ethylene than the controls.

Gene transfer for resistance to fungi

Plants which are infected by pathogens synthesize defence-related proteinssuch as PR proteins, and anti-microbial peptides including defensins and lipidtransfer proteins. An anti-fungal defensin, Rs-AFP, has been isolated fromseeds of Raphanus sativus and an anti-microbial peptide, Ace-AMPI, from seedsof Allium cepa. The cDNAs encoding each of these have been cloned in abinary plant transformation vector and transferred to ‘Jonagold’ apple us-ing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Protein extracts from transformedshoots showed an –-fold increase in anti-fungal activity (Rs-AFP express-ing shoots), or a four-fold increase in anti-fungal activity (Ace-AMPI expressingplants) relative to control plants (De Bondt et al., ).

Trichoderma harzianum produces chitinolytic enzymes, endochitinase and chi-tobiosidase, which are active against a number of fungi: chitin being a majorcomponent of the cell walls of ascomycete and basidiomycete phytopathogens,

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though not of vertebrates or higher plants. Endochitinase and chitobiosidaseinhibit spore germination and germ tube elongation of Venturia inaequalis, theapple scab pathogen. The cDNA of endochitinase has been cloned into vec-tors and the construct used to transform ‘Royal Gala’ apple using Agrobacterium

tumefaciens. Some but not all of the transgenic ‘Royal Gala’ lines produced showincreased scab resistance in greenhouse tests (Wong et al., ).

Gene transfer for resistance to fire blight

Genes encoding proteins that lyse bacterial cells are found in the giant silkmoth, Hyalophora cecropia. These are cecropin B and attacin E. Two -aminoacid peptides, SB- and Shiva-, are synthetic analogues of cecropin B. Henegg white lysozyme is also potentially effective. The relevant genes have beentransferred to ‘M. ’ rootstock and ‘Royal Gala’ apple scion using an Agrobac-

terium tumefaciens mediated leaf piece transformation system. Transformedshoots with the gene encoding attacin E have significantly increased resis-tance to fire blight caused by Erwinia amylovora (Norelli et al., ). Transgenicclones of the pear cv. ‘Passe Crassane’ containing the attacin E gene showenhanced fire blight resistance (Reynoird et al., a,b). One transgenic linewith the SB- cecropin transgenewas significantlymore resistant to fire blightthan untransformed ‘Royal Gala’ (Norelli and Aldwinkle, ). The bacte-riophage T lysozyme has been found to give increased fire blight resistanceto transgenic ‘Galaxy’ apples.

Fire blight resistance in applemay be positively associated with sorbitol con-centration, and transgenic apple trees with elevated levels of sorbitol synthesishave been produced. A key enzyme in the synthesis of sorbitol (SPDH) hasbeen cloned from apple (Norelli and Aldwinkle, ).

Gene transfer for resistance to insects

A gene encoding a cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpT) that is anti-metabolic to awide range of Lepidopteran and Coleopteran insects has been transferred toapple ( James et al., ). The CrylA(c) gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, whichcodes for endotoxinswith insecticidal effects, has also been transferred to apple.

Use of transformed plants

No commercial cultivars have yet been developed using transformation. Thereis currently popular concern about the use of genetically modified food plants.Utilization of clones of major, well-accepted, commercial cultivars that havebeen genetically modified to overcome specific problems or incorporate novelbenefits will therefore depend on consumer acceptance of the technology aswell as on the comparative advantages of its products.

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Molecular markers

The long juvenile period of apples and pears and their strong self-incompatibility have limited the speed with which understanding of applegenetics has been gained and genetic improvement achieved.Molecularmark-ers are showing promise as tools for the detection of important genes withoutthe need to maintain progenies for years in the field. Markers have beenidentified which are linked to genes relevant to important apple breedingtargets.

Isoenzyme studies linked LAP- to a mildew resistance gene (Manganarisand Alston, ) and PGM- to V f scab resistance (Manganaris et al., ).PCR-based markers have been linked to the powdery mildew resistance geneP l (Markussen et al., ), and SCAR and CAPS markers developed fromRAPDs linked to V f scab resistance (Gianfranceschi et al., ). Roche et al.

() identifiedmolecularmarkers linked tightly to the gene Sd for resistanceto rosy leaf curling aphid.

Ethylene production, which is involved in fruit ripening and can determinestorage life in most Japanese pears, has been clarified at gene level. DNAmarkers in –-month-old seedlings can be used to predict the maturationtime and storage potential of their fruits (Itai et al., ).


Bell, R.L., Scorza, R., Srinivasan, C. and Webb, K. (). Transformation of‘Beurre Bosc’ pear with the rolC gene. Journal of the American Society forHorticultural Science , –.

Castiglione, B.P., Pirola, B., Sala, F., Ventura, M., Pancaldi, M. and Sansavini, S.(). Molecular studies on ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes in apple.Acta Horticulturae , –.

Chevreau, E., Brisset, M.N., Paulin, J.P. and James, D.J. (). Fire blightresistance and genetic trueness-to-type of four somaclonal variants from theapple cultivar Greensleeves. Euphytica , –.

De Bondt, A., Eggermont, K., Druart, P., De Vil, M., Goderis, I., Vanderleyden,J. and Broekaert, W.F. (). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of apple(Malus × domestica Borkh): an assessment of factors affecting gene transferefficiency during early transformation steps. Plant Cell Reports , –.

De Bondt, A., Eggermont, K., Penninckx, I., Goderis, I. and Broekaert, W.F.(). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of apple (Malus × domesticaBorkh): an assessment of factors affecting regeneration of transgenic plants.Plant Cell Reports , –.

De Bondt, A., Zaman, S., Broekaert, W., Cammue, B. and Keulemans, J.(). Genetic transformation of apple (Malus pumila Mill) for increasedfungal resistance: in-vitro antifungal activity in protein extracts oftransgenic apple expressing RS-AFP or ACE-AMPI. Acta Horticulturae ,–.

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Gianfranceschi, L., Koller, B., Seglias, N., Kellerhals, M. and Gessler, C. ().Molecular selection in apple for resistance to scab caused by Venturia inaequalis.Theoretical and Applied Genetics , –.

Holefors, A. (). Genetic Transformation of the Apple Rootstock ‘M.’ with GenesInfluencing Growth Properties. Doctoral Thesis, Alnarp, Swedish University ofa*gricultural Sciences.

Holefors, A., Xue, Z.T. and Welander, M. (). Transformation of applerootstock ‘M.’ with the rolA gene and its influence on growth. Plant Science, –.

Itai, A., Kawata, T., Tanabe, K., Tamura, F., Uchiyama, M., Tomomitsu, M.and Shiraiwa, N. (). Identification of -aminocyclopropane- -carboxylicacid synthase genes controlling the ethylene level of ripening fruit in Japanesepear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai). Molecular & General Genetics , –.

James, D.J. (). Genetic modification of temperate fruit crops–why we do itand why it’s necessary. British Association Festival of Science, Imperial College,London, September, .

James, D.J., Passey, A.J., Barbara, D.J. and Bevan, M. (). Genetictransformation of apple (Malus pumila Mill) using a disarmed Ti-binary vector.Plant Cell Reports , –.

James, D.J., Passey, A.J. and Rugini, E. (). Factors affecting high frequencyplant regeneration from apple leaf tissues cultured in-vitro. Journal of PlantPhysiology , –.

James, D.J., Passey, A.J., Webster, A.D., Barbara, D.J., Viss, P., Dandekar, A.M.and Uratsu, S. (). Transgenic apples and strawberries: advances intransformation, introduction of genes for insect resistance and field studies oftissue cultured plants. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Jones, O.P. (). Propagation of apple in-vitro. In Micropropagation of WoodyPlants, ed. M.R. Ahuja, pp. –. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Jones, O.P. and Webster, C.A. (). Improved rooting from conventionalcuttings taken from micropropagated plants of Pyrus communis rootstocks.Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Korban, S.S. and Chen, H. (). Apple. In Biotechnology of Perennial Fruit Crops,ed. F.A. Hammerschlag and R.E. Litz, pp. – . Wallingford, UK: CABInternational.

Manganaris, A.G. and Alston, F.H., (). Genetics of leucine aminopeptidasein apple. Theoretical and Applied Genetics , –.

Manganaris, A.G., Alston, F.H., Weeden, N.F., Aldwinkle, H.S., Gustafson, H.L.and Brown, S.K. (). Isoenzyme locus PGM- is tightly linked to a gene(V f ) for scab resistance in apple. Journal of the American Society for HorticulturalScience , –.

Markussen, T., Kruger, J., Schmidt, H. and Dunemann, F. (). Identificationof PCR-based markers linked to the powdery-mildew-resistance gene Plfrom Malus robusta in cultivated apple. Plant Breeding , –.

Mourgues, F., Chevreau, E., Lambert, C. and De Bondt, A. (). EfficientAgrobacterium-mediated transformation and recovery of transgenic plants frompear (Pyrus communis L.). Plant Cell Reports , –.

Murashige, T. and Skoog, F. (). A revised medium for rapid growth andbioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum , – .

Norelli, J.L. and Aldwinkle, H.S. (). Transgenic varieties and rootstocksresistant to fire blight. In Fire Blight: the Disease and its Causative Agent, Erwiniaamylovora, ed. J.L. Vanneste, pp. –. Wallingford, UK: CABInternational.

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Norelli, J.L., Mills, J.Z., Jensen, L.A., Momol, M.T. and Aldwinkle, H.S. ().Genetic engineering of apple for increased resistance to fire blight. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Oetiker, J.H. and Yang, S.F. (). The role of ethylene in fruit ripening. ActaHorticulturae , –.

Picton, S., Gray, J.E. and Grierson, D. (). Ethylene genes and fruit ripening.In Plant Hormones, ed. P.J. Davies, pp. –. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Reynoird, J.P., Mourgues, F., Aldwinkle, H.S., Brisset, M.N. and Chevreau, E.(a). First evidence for differences in fire blight resistance among transgenicpear clones expressing Attacin E. gene. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Reynoird, J.P., Mourgues, F., Brisset, M.N. and Chevreau, E. (b).Expression of SB- gene in transgenic pears enhanced resistance to fireblight. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Roche, P., Brown, L.M., King, G.J., Alston, F.H., Evans, K.M., Maliepaard, C.,van Heusden, S., Vrielink, R., Laurens, F., Dunemann, F., Markussen, T. andTartarini, S. (). Identification and development of markers linked toaphid resistance in apple. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Schell, J., Palme, K. and Walden, R. (). Molecular approaches to the studyof the mechanism of action of auxins. In Plant Hormones, ed. P.J. Davies,pp. –. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Tamas, I.A. (). Hormonal regulation of apical dominance. In PlantHormones, ed. P.J. Davies, pp. – . Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Webster, A.D., Oehl, V.H., Jackson, J.E. and Jones, O.P. (). The orchardestablishment, growth and precocity of four micropropagated apple scioncultivars. Journal of Horticultural Science , –.

Welander, M. (). Plant regeneration from leaf and stem segments of shootsraised in-vitro from mature apple trees. Journal of Plant Physiology , –.

Wong, K.W., Harman, G.E., Norelli, J.L., Gustafson, H.L. and Aldwinkle, H.S.(). Chitinase-transgenic lines of ‘Royal Gala’ apple showing enhancedresistance to apple scab. Acta Horticulturae , –.

Zimmerman, R.H. and Steffens, G.L. (). Long-term evaluation ofmicropropagated apple trees: vegetative growth, cropping and photosynthesis.Scientia Horticulturae , –.

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Cultivar Index

Cultivar differences in morphology and physiology are discussed throughout the bookin the appropriate chapters. Only the descriptions and some of the most importantfeatures are listed here.

Apple scion cultivarsAdina Anna , , , , , Antonovka , Blackjon Braeburn , , Bramley’s Seedling , Cox’s Orange Pippin , , , Delicious (Red Delicious) , , , ,

, Discovery Dorsett Golden , , Drakenstein , Elista Elstar , Florina Freedom Fuji , , , , , , , Fuji Frey Gala , , , Golden Delicious , , , , Goldrush Granny Smith , , , Idared , , Imperial Gala Jonagold , , , Jonagored Jonathan , Jonnee Judeline Liberty Maayan , McIntosh , , , , Mollies Delicious , Mutsu (Crispin) , , , , Pink Lady Primicia

Princesa Queen Cox Red Chief , Rome Beauty , , , , Royal Gala , , , , Santana Saturn Spartan , Starking Delicious , , , Starkrimson Delicious Starkspur Supreme , , Topaz Wijcik ,

Apple rootstocks: where these are definedby a number this is italicised.

Alnarp (A.) , , A. A. Antonovka seedling , A.R. series Beautiful Arcade , , Budagovsky (Bud. or B.) series B. , , , –, B. B. B. , , , B. , , Clark (C. ) , Cornell–Geneva (CG.) series , CG. , Geneva (G.) series East Malling (EM.) series Jork ( J.) , –, KSC series , MAC series MAC.

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Apple rootstocks (cont.)MAC. MAC. , MAC. MAC. MAC. Malling (M.) series M. , M. , , , –, , M. , , –, , M. – , –, , , M. –, –, –, M. EMLA , , – , M. T (NAKB ) M. Fleuren , M. Pajam (Lancep) , M. Pajam (Cepiland) , M. RN M. , M. , , M. , , , , M. , –, , , M. –, , –,

M. (AR .. ) , Malling–Merton (M.M.) series , , M.M. , , M.M. –, , – , , , –,

–, M.M. , , M.M. –, – , , , Malus baccata Malus prunifolia , Malus × robusta , , Malus sieboldii Malus sieversii Malus sylvestris , Mark (MAC.) , – , , Maruba-kaido N Merton Immune series , Merton (M.) , Novole OAR , Ottawa (O.) series O. – , –, Paradise , –Pilnitzer Supporter series , Poland (P.) series , P. , – , –, P. , , –, P. P. , , , P. , P. , , –, Robusta

‘Seedling’ –, , , , –Vineland (V.) series V. , V. , V. , V. , V. ,

European pear cultivarsAgua de Aranjuez Bartlett (Williams’ Bon Chretien) , ,

, –, –Beurre Bosc , Beurre Hardy Columbia Red Anjou Conference , , , Coscia D’Anjou Doyenne du Comice , , , Forelle Packham’s Triumph , ,

Rootstocks for European pearAdams , BA , BP EMH (QR – ) Old Home × Farmingdale (OHF) Quince , , – , , –, ,

Quince A (EMA) Quince C (EMC) , Seedling (Pyrus communis) , , , ,

Sydo ,

Asian pear cultivarsChojura , Hosui , , , Kosui , , Niitaka Nijisseiki , , , , Osa-Nijisseiki (Gold Nijisseiki) , P. pyrifolia Shinko Tse-Li , Ya-Li ,

Asian pear rootstocksP. betulaefolia P. calleryana , , P. dimorphophylla P. pashia P. pyrifolia , P. ussuriensis

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General Index

abscisic acid (ABA) , , , abscission

fruit –leaf –

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) , , aluminium (Al) , –amino acids –aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) –,

–anaerobiosis –, anchorage –anthers , , –anthocyanins –aphids

rosy apple rosy leaf curling woolly , , –

apical dominance –apical meristem apoplast –, arginine –auxin –, , , –, –

bacterial diseases –bagging –benzyladenine (BA) –, biennial bearing , –, –, biotechnology –bitter pit , , –, boron , –bud –budbreak –bud dormancy –budding –burr knots

calcium (Ca) , –, –cambium , –, –canker canning –canopy leaf area –

carbohydrates –, , , –,–,

partitioning –reserves , –translocation , –

carotenoids –Casparian strip chat fruit virus chilling requirements –chlorophyll , , , –chloroplast chlorotic leaf spot virus citric acid , , climatic constraints –clonal selection –, –, –clones –, –, –cofactors –codling moth collar rot –conductance , –copper (Cu) , –correlative inhibition –cuttings

hardwood (winter) –softwood (summer)

cytokinins –, –, –, – ,, –, , –

degree days degree hours (GDH) –deep planting defoliation , –, –, , –diazocyclopentadiene (DACP) diseases –disease resistance – , –, –DNA –dormancy –

ecodormancy endodormancy paradormancy

dormancy breaking sprays –

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droughting dwarfing –, , –, –, –

economics –, – , –, –effective pollination period (EPP) –endodermis , –endosperm epidermis –ethylene , –, –, –, evaporation (E) evaporative cooling , , evapotranspiration (ET )

reference crop (ETo) –orchard ET (ETc) –

fertigation –fertilizer requirements –fire blight , –, flooding –, –, flowers ,

development –fertility –production –

frostdamage , –protection –

fructose , , –fruit

acid , –, –aroma colour , –cracking –ethylene – , –, growth –maturity , –respiration , , –, set –skin finish –starch –, –storage –, –sugars , , , –, taste –texture , –, , –thinning –water relations , , –

fungal diseases –apple mildew –apple rust apple scab –canker collar and crown rot –pear leaf blight pear scab storage rots

genetic engineering –gibberellins , , – , ,

effect on flowering , , –

effect on fruit set –, effect on fruit shape effect on shoot growth –effect on skin russeting

glucose , , , grafting –graft unions –

compatibility , –methods –transport across –resistance to flow –

growth habit –

heat summation –, herbicide use –, – , history of production –hydraulic conductance –, , –hydrogen cyanamide –

indoleacetic acid (IAA) , –, – ,, ,

indolylbutyric acid (IBA) –,–

insect pests –aphids apple sucker moths pear psylla transgenic resistance

integrated control , , interstocks (interstems) –, –,

–, iron , , –, irrigation , –

methods –for bloom delay for cooling –for frost control –

juice –juvenility , –,

layering leaf

anatomy –area index (LAI) –, –area measurement –area per tree –bourse shoot leaves –, extension shoot leaves –growth –nutrient content –, –production –senescence and shed –spur leaves , –structure re shade –transmittance –water relations –

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lightand fruit quality –, –, , –and latitude , –, distribution in trees –, –extinction coefficient interception and yield –

‘low chill’ cvs. , , –, –

magnesium (Mg) , , , –malic acid –, –Malus species –Malus taxonomy –manganese , , –marketing –, – , mass flow , –maturity indices –meristem tip culture , –mineral nutrients

in fruits –, –, –, , in leaves , –, –, in shoots –, –in roots –, –, , in soils –, –, –, –

mineral nutrition –, –requirements –

mildew resistance genes , mites –molecular markers mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) –mycorrhizae ,

nematodes net carbon exchange (NCE) –nitrogen (N)

concentration in tissues , , deficiency symptoms effects re flowers –, effects on fruit quality –effects on fruit set effects on growth effects on photosynthesis –fertigation –foliar application mobilization requirements –, reserves , –types of fertilizer , transport , –uptake

osmotic adjustment , –osmotic potential –, –, –ovary

paclobutrazol –, , palisade tissue –paradormancy parthenocarpy –

phenylalanine ammonia lyase , phloem , –, , , , ,

– , phosphorus (P)

concentration in tissues –deficiency symptoms effects on fruit quality , requirement –reserves transport uptake , –,

photosynthatepartitioning –, translocation , –

photosynthesiscanopy –leaf –flower fruit

photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)–, –

pollengermination production –transfer –

pollen tube growth –pollination potassium (K)

concentration in tissues –deficiency symptoms effects on fruit quality , requirement –reserves transport uptake

production statisticsapple –pear –

propagation –, –, –prunasin , pruning –putrescine Pyrus species , –Pyrus taxonomy –, –

quarantine ,

rejuvenation –, relative water content (RWC) , replant problems –replant disease of apple (ARD) –respiration –

fruit –, –, , –, , leaf –Q –, root shoot –

rol genes , –

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (501)

roots –anatomy , –, –, –anchorage –density , –distribution –, –, –growth –initiation , –mycorrizhae nutrient uptake –, –, ,

–, –renewal –reserves –restriction membranes –, , signalling –, , –water uptake –, –

root/shoot ratios rootstocks –, –

breeding –cultivars – see Cultivar Indexeffects –, –propagation –, –

row direction russet –

S-alleles –sauce (apple) scion –, – (see also Cultivar Index)sclerenchyma –secondary thickening –seed effects –, –, –seed stratification –shade effects –, , –, –, –,

, –, –, –, , ,–

shootbourse –extension –, –short (spur) –, –

slow-ripening genes , soil nutrients –, , –, –soil water – , –, –somaclonal variation sorbitol –, , , starch , –, stele stem

carbohydrate storage nutrient storage , , , respiration –water relations –

stigma , , stomata –, –stomatal conductance –stooling , style , –storage rots , storage technology –sucrose ,

taxonomy –tissue culture –transpiration , –, –transformation –tree training –, , trunk

cross-sectional area (CSA or TCA) ,–,

dry mass growth , –mineral nutrients , , , , carbohydrates , ,

turgor potential –, –

urea , –

vapour pressure deficit , , –vessels , –virus diseases –

water consumption water movement – , water potential –

fruit –leaf –, , –, –soil ,

water stress effects –water use efficiency –wilting point –wind speed effects , –, –, ,

xylem , , –, , –, –

zeatin –, , zinc (Zn)

application deficiency , functions soil supply –uptake

The biology of apples and pears (the biology of horticultural crops) - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.