New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question (2024)


" ); } else { wrap = '


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Please reload the page.", true, false) } } }).done(function (response) { console.log('reply draft created'); console.log('draftid:' + response.DraftID); draftid = response.DraftID; $('#draftid' + id).val(response.DraftID); editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); return; }); return; } editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); console.log('DONE'); }, // discardReplyDraft deletes the draft and any attachments and returns the user to the previous page. discardReplyDraft: function (id, draftid, bodytype, csrf, groupurl) { console.log('editor delete reply draft'); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, jsondelete: '1' }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log("success delete reply draft"); $('#draftid' + id).val(''); if (bodytype == 'html') { tinymce.get('editor' + id).remove(); } $('#subject' + id).val($('#origsubject' + id).val()); $('#editor' + id).val(''); modDeletedDraft = true; modDestroyedEditor = true; }); }, PreviewMarkdown: function (id, groupurl) { let markdown = $('#editor' + id).val(); upload = { md: markdown }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log(response.markdown); wrap = '

' + response.markdown + '

'; $('#editwindow' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).replaceWith(wrap); $('#previewWindow' + id).show(); }); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).show(); }, ReturnMarkdown: function (id) { $('#preview' + id).show(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).hide(); $('#editwindow' + id).show(); }, ClearTimeout: function() { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); }, ShowMessageHistory: function( id, groupurl, bodytype, selectedText, sig, firstTime ) { console.log('URL ' + groupurl); console.log('ID ' + id); if (bodytype == 'html' && firstTime == false) { existingmsg = tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).getContent(); } else { existingmsg = $('#editor' + id).val(); } if (selectedText == '') { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id }; } else { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id, text: selectedText }; if (firstTime == true) { existingmsg = sig; } } $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { $('#editor' + id).val(response.reply + existingmsg); if (bodytype == 'html') { console.log('SETTING ' + response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).setContent(response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id)'editor' + id).getBody(), true); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).selection.collapse(false); console.log('DONE'); } }); $('#editor' + id).focus(); } /* $('form').submit(function(e) { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); if (postVar != null) { postVar.abort(); } console.log("SETTING DELETED TO TRUE"); console.log("EVENT:", e); modDeletedDraft = true; if ($(this).hasClass('form-submitted')) { e.preventDefault(); return; } $(this).addClass('form-submitted'); }); */ };}());async function uploadAttachments(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.FilePicker.pickFiles(); const file = result.files[0]; console.log("in uploadAttachments"); console.log("files:", result.files); console.log("mimeType:", file.mimeType); console.log("name:",; console.log("doctype:", doctype);const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result2 = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:file.path})console.log("result2: ", result2);const blob = await b64toBlob(, file.mimeType);console.log("in uploadAttachments 2, " + file.mimeType); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob,;}async function takePicture2(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { console.log("in takePicture2"); try { const image = await Capacitor.Plugins.Camera.getPhoto({ quality: 90, allowEditing: false, resultType: "uri" }); console.log("got image");const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:image.path})const blob = await b64toBlob(;console.log("path: ", image.path); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob, image.path.split("/").pop()); } catch (err) { console.log("catch err 1: ", err); }}async function uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, raw, name) { console.log("here0"); const controller = new AbortController(); const formData = new FormData(); console.log("here1"); formData.append("csrf", csrf); formData.append("draftid", draftid); formData.append("upload", "1"); if (doctype === "pictures") { formData.append("inline", "1"); } console.log("FORMDATA:", formData); formData.append("fileupload", raw, name); console.log("here3"); const myRequest = new Request(groupurl + '/draftop', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', body: formData, signal: controller.signal, mode: 'cors' }); console.log("uploading"); try { const response = await fetch(myRequest); const result = await response.json(); if (doctype === "pictures") { console.log("picture processing"); for (let i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log("Processing: ", i); const fileurl = result[i]; console.log('FILE: ' + result[i]); console.log('URL: ' + fileurl); const imghtml = 'New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question (1)'; console.log('imghtml: ' + imghtml); tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent(imghtml); } } else { console.log("attachment processing"); updateAttachments(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log("attachment processing done"); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); }}

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New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

David Reid

  • All Messages By This Member


Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid



Paul Ste. Marie

  • All Messages By This Member


Did you check Vintage Machinery or Clausing for a manual or other tech specs?

If you want to actually measure the taper you'll need gage balls and a dial indicator.


On Apr 16, 2024 3:02 PM, David Reid <davidbrianreid@...> wrote:

toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid


David Reid

  • All Messages By This Member


I did sadly, not paper manual was with the machine, and I don't exactly trust the previous owner's words... the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.


David B. Reid


toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

From: <> on behalf of Paul Ste. Marie <paul_j@...>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 9:21:19 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

Did you check Vintage Machinery or Clausing for a manual or other tech specs?

If you want to actually measure the taper you'll need gage balls and a dial indicator.


On Apr 16, 2024 3:02 PM, David Reid <davidbrianreid@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid


J. Kopel

  • All Messages By This Member


toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 9:25 PM David Reid via <> wrote:

I did sadly, not paper manual was with the machine, and I don't exactly trust the previous owner's words... the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.


David B. Reid


From: <> on behalf of Paul Ste. Marie <paul_j@...>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 9:21:19 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

Did you check Vintage Machinery or Clausing for a manual or other tech specs?

If you want to actually measure the taper you'll need gage balls and a dial indicator.


On Apr 16, 2024 3:02 PM, David Reid <davidbrianreid@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid


Paul Ste. Marie

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Looks like the head assembly is marked with a different part number for MT vs B&S. Also a different part number in the spindle, but it's unclear whether the spindle is marked with a part number.

Absent that, a MT 2 shank (not a collet, which is flexible) should make a decent gage, or you measure the taper with 2 gage balls & a dial indicator.


On Apr 16, 2024 9:25 PM, David Reid <davidbrianreid@...> wrote:

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I did sadly, not paper manual was with the machine, and I don't exactly trust the previous owner's words... the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.


David B. Reid


From: <> on behalf of Paul Ste. Marie <paul_j@...>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 9:21:19 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

Did you check Vintage Machinery or Clausing for a manual or other tech specs?

If you want to actually measure the taper you'll need gage balls and a dial indicator.


On Apr 16, 2024 3:02 PM, David Reid <davidbrianreid@...> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid


Alistair Spence

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From, "The hardened, chrome-nickel steel spindle could be ordered with either a No. 2 Morse (Model 8520) or a No. 7 Brown and Sharpe taper (Model 8525)"

Alistair Spence,

Seattle, WA

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On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 3:02 PM David Reid via <> wrote:

Hi everyone,

Got a new (to me) causing and had an honest question on the taper of the head.

How do I tell the difference on my machine?

I used a blue sharpie (Prussian Blue has yet to arrive) and compared the MT2 collet vs the B&S #7 collet. It seems like the MT2 is making a larger contact patch but wanted to ask the group.

The MT2 is on the left, and the Brown and Sharp #7 ison the right. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Comparison photos below.


David B. Reid



Alistair Spence,

Seattle, WA.

Jamie Hascall
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Congratulations on getting a Clausing. Alistair is correct. The 8520 should be a #2 MT unless something really odd has been done to it. I have one and love it and would be happy to talk with you about the machine and what I've found in 15 years of working with it.

Ron K

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On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 12:46 AM, Alistair Spence wrote:

The hardened, chrome-nickel steel spindle could be ordered with either a No. 2 Morse (Model 8520) or a No. 7 Brown and Sharpe taper (Model 8525)"

Tony's site is the only place I've ever seen the 8520/8525 difference noted. He mistakenly identifies the 8513 as the BP M-Head model. The 8513 was sold without a head, I have seen them for sale with water jets mounted. Sadly the price for a pristine base was just more than I could do at the time.

I have an 8511 with the factory BP M-head. The 8511 I conjecture was built to a price point, there is no right handle.

Jamie, any hints you have to offer I'd love to hear, off group or otherwise.


Ron K

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On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 12:25 AM, David Reid wrote:

the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.

Sadly broken draw bars are all too common and eliminate the quick way to tell what collect the spindle is ground for. IIRC I did what you did with both a sharpie and then Prussion Blue to figure out what bore I had.

You can try this: The B&S #7 is supposed to be 2.88 IIRC, a newer Chinese will be 3". The MT#2 collect is 2.56"

Another technique is to soften a 2' candle in a double boiler, oil it, and push it into the spindle. Tap it out with the threaded bar you have for a draw bar.

FYI. If you have the B&S #7, the Chinese often bottom out. What works surprisingly well is to trim a regular Post-It-Note to fit around the shank right at the tool end. I use baby oil or Spindle oil to hold them to the collet. They are ~.002" and will tighten up the collet ~ .125" short of bottoming out in the spindle


David Reid

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Thank you for all the help!

Going to check the head unit # but based on everything you've said, and the "blue test" I did, it all points to/supports that the machine is a MT#2

Jamie is there a good way to reach out? At work out plan are DRO, pneumatic draw bar, and a DC motor.

I'm not afraid to tear the machine down, remove oil and re lubricate the machine. But I'd rather have manual than not doing this.

I snagged the above PDF that has an exploded view which helps. Just trying not to take it apart not knowing how to put it back together.



David B. Reid


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From: <> on behalf of Ron K via <ron.kellis@...>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 9:14:28 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 12:25 AM, David Reid wrote:

the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.

Sadly broken draw bars are all too common and eliminate the quick way to tell what collect the spindle is ground for. IIRC I did what you did with both a sharpie and then Prussion Blue to figure out what bore I had.

You can try this: The B&S #7 is supposed to be 2.88 IIRC, a newer Chinese will be 3". The MT#2 collect is 2.56"

Another technique is to soften a 2' candle in a double boiler, oil it, and push it into the spindle. Tap it out with the threaded bar you have for a draw bar.

FYI. If you have the B&S #7, the Chinese often bottom out. What works surprisingly well is to trim a regular Post-It-Note to fit around the shank right at the tool end. I use baby oil or Spindle oil to hold them to the collet. They are ~.002" and will tighten up the collet ~ .125" short of bottoming out in the spindle


trent teeters

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Has the website ( been listed here? ) it has a lot of information about this mill

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From: <> on behalf of David Reid <davidbrianreid@...>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 10:03:54 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

Thank you for all the help!

Going to check the head unit # but based on everything you've said, and the "blue test" I did, it all points to/supports that the machine is a MT#2

Jamie is there a good way to reach out? At work out plan are DRO, pneumatic draw bar, and a DC motor.

I'm not afraid to tear the machine down, remove oil and re lubricate the machine. But I'd rather have manual than not doing this.

I snagged the above PDF that has an exploded view which helps. Just trying not to take it apart not knowing how to put it back together.



David B. Reid


From: <> on behalf of Ron K via <ron.kellis@...>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 9:14:28 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [seattlemetalheads] New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question

On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 12:25 AM, David Reid wrote:

the last draw bar on the machine was all thread and a wing nut.

Sadly broken draw bars are all too common and eliminate the quick way to tell what collect the spindle is ground for. IIRC I did what you did with both a sharpie and then Prussion Blue to figure out what bore I had.

You can try this: The B&S #7 is supposed to be 2.88 IIRC, a newer Chinese will be 3". The MT#2 collect is 2.56"

Another technique is to soften a 2' candle in a double boiler, oil it, and push it into the spindle. Tap it out with the threaded bar you have for a draw bar.

FYI. If you have the B&S #7, the Chinese often bottom out. What works surprisingly well is to trim a regular Post-It-Note to fit around the shank right at the tool end. I use baby oil or Spindle oil to hold them to the collet. They are ~.002" and will tighten up the collet ~ .125" short of bottoming out in the spindle


Jamie Hascall
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Hi David,
My unit is totally stock. It was the personal machine of one of the machinists at Kirkland AFB near Albuquerque and was very well cared for. It's totally manual and doesn't even have the add-on motor drive for the X axis movement which is just fine for my uses. I've taken the big pieces apart multiple times to move it into my basem*nt in Santa Fe, and for the move back to Seattle. My shop is located near the transfer station in Wallingford if you'd like to see it.

Thanks Trent for the Wentztech link. I hadn't seen that one and it has some very nice information.


trent teeters

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Jamie your welcome ,that website looks like a fun rabbit hole to fall into. Hey if you're interested I have I think to be a full set of almost unused MT2 offshore collects you can have. Let me know, Trent

Ron K

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On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 01:03 PM, David Reid wrote:

it all points to/supports that the machine is a MT#2

Congratulations! Worst part about the BP M-Head. Most are B&S #7. Sorry I had forgotten about that site. Lots of interesting stuff there.



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On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 01:29 PM, trent teeters wrote:

Has the website ( been listed here? ) it has a lot of information about this mill_

+1 for that website; it helped me tremendously when tearing down and refurbishing mine. hopefully it's still up, haven't looked at it in years.

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New (to me) Causing model 8520, taper question (2024)


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