1. "Anti-addiction online time" как переводится? - Ответы Mail.ru
китай и тайвань устанавливают ограничения по времени и возрасту на онлайн игры, и такое предупреждение должно высвечиваться за семь минут до отключния или ...
Это в Стиме в статистике.
2. "Anti-addiction online time": какой вариант перевода будет более ...
Переводы я сама придумала, если что. Это игровая тематика, типа время, после которого игра выключается, чтобы не стать зависимым.
3. Real-Name Verification and Anti-addiction Introduction
To start using TDS' Real-Name Verification and Anti-addiction service, please first enable it for your game under 游戏服务 > 开发与构建 > 合规认证.
Getting Ready
4. CSGO addiction timeouts are now live in China, limit play time - WIN.gg
25 aug 2020 · It could be an early signal of a Chinese Steam release. - August 25, 2020 - WIN.gg.
It could be an early signal of a Chinese Steam release. - August 25, 2020 - WIN.gg
5. China's anti-addiction regulations for video games are making it difficult ...
18 nov 2021 · China is looking to curb video gaming addiction among minors. It has put up a restriction on the number of hours they can play every week.
China is looking to curb video gaming addiction among minors. It has put up a restriction on the number of hours they can play every week.
See AlsoMémoire Vive 2.0 Cover
6. Research on Interaction Design of Anti-addiction for Minor Games Based ...
24 jul 2021 · With the development of Internet technology, minors' addiction to games has become more and more serious. How to improve this problem has ...
7. China's 'Anti-Addiction System' Is Just a Political Tool to Profit From the ...
12 aug 2021 · The Economic Information Daily, a subsidiary of Chinese state-run media Xinhua News, published a report on Aug. 3 that heavily criticizes ...
8. Anti-addiction measures in games need to be stricter, says China's ...
16 mei 2019 · Tencent and NetEase both have games that fail to adequately limit access to minors, the group says.
Tencent and NetEase both have games that fail to adequately limit access to minors, the group says
9. Internet Addiction: How Much is Too Much Time Online? - Webroot
With an average of 10 hours and 45 minutes a day, kids spending too much time with media - online and offline - robs them of real world experiences and may ...
With an average of 10 hours and 45 minutes a day, kids spending too much time with media - online and offline